General Chemistry Questionnaire

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The text discusses general chemistry concepts including stoichiometry, types of chemical reactions, properties of matter, electron configuration and orbital diagrams.

Melting of sugar and decomposition into a black solid mass are discussed as a physical and chemical change respectively.

Properties like composition, homogeneity, electron configuration are some that can differentiate elements, compounds and mixtures as discussed in the text.


1. What is the SO4 2- concentration of a solution prepared by dissolving 3.00 g of Na2SO4 in 1.00 L of
a. 0.0211 M b. 0.211 M c. 0.0315 M d. 0.315 M
2. What is the oxidation state of phosphorus in Na3PO4?
a. +2 b. +4 c. -1 d. +5
3. Arrange the following diatomic molecules in order of increasing polarity: CN, CF, O2
a. CN, CF, O2 b. O2, CN, CF c. O2, CF, CN d. CF, CN, O2
4. Like all carbonates, barium carbonate can be decomposed to the metal oxide and CO2.
BaCO3 (s) BaO (s) + CO2 (g)
If the Hrxn of barium carbonate decomposition is 269.3 kJ/mol, how many kJ are required to
decompose 10.0 g of BaCO3?
a. 13.6 kJ b. 0.0507 kJ c. 16.3 kJ d. 26.9 kJ
5. What is the molar concentration HBr in a 48.0% by mass aqueous HBr solution.
(solution density = 1.50 g/cm3 )
a. 8.89 M b. 0.205 M c. 7.76 M d. 0.593 M
6. A 0.598 g sample of a green metal carbonate, containing unknown metal M, was heated to give
the metal oxide and 0.222 g of CO2 (g) according to the reaction below.
MCO3 MO(s) + CO2(g)
What is the metal M?
a. Mg b. Ni c. Mn d. Cu
7. An excess of NaOH is treated with 1.12 liters of HCl gas measured at STP. What weight of sodium
chloride is formed? (The reaction runs to completion)
a. 3.00 g b. 2.92 g c. 2.73 g d. 3.12 g
8-9. Based on the following redox (balanced) reaction:
MnO2 (s) + 2 I (aq) + 4 H+ (aq) I2 (aq) + Mn2+ (aq) + 2 H2O (l)
8. The reducing agent is?
a. MnO2 b. I - c. I2 d. Mn2+
9. The number of electrons transferred per mole of reaction is?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 4
10. Ethylenediamine has an empirical formula of NH2CH2. Assume that 95 mg of ethylenediamine in
the gas phase has a pressure of 235 mmHg in a 125 mL flask at 25oC. What is the molecular formula
of ethylenediamine?
a. NCH4 b. N2C2H8 c. N3C3H12 d. N4C4H16
11. You generate hydrogen gas by reacting zinc with HCl to produce hydrogen gas and zinc
dichloride. You collect the hydrogen gas in an evacuated container with a volume of 3.0 L. If you
start with 6.0 grams of zinc and sufficient HCl to complete the reaction, what is the final pressure of
the gas collected in the container if the temperature is 25 C?
a. 0.92 atm b. 0.82 atm c. 0.72 atm d. 0.62 atm
12. The total pressure is 5.11 atmospheres for a gas mixture that consists of 0.307 moles of carbon
dioxide and an unknown quantity of methane (CH4) in a 2.59 liter container at 27.0C. How many
grams of methane are in this mixture?
a. 2.55 g b. 1. 73 g c. 3.68 g d. 4.04 g
13. Place the following elements in order of increasing first ionization energy: Mg, Na, Rb, Cl.
a. Mg, Na, Rb, Cl b. Mg, Rb, Cl, Na c. Rb, Na, Mg, Cl d. Cl, Mg, Na, Rb
14. When one mole of benzene is vaporized at a constant pressure of 1.00 atm and at its boiling
point of 353.0 K, 30.79 kJ of energy (heat) is absorbed and the volume change is +28.90 L. What is E
for this process? (1 L-atm = 101.3 J)
a. 27.86 kJ b. 24.63 kJ c. 28.90 kJ d. 2.93 kJ
15. Which type of intermolecular attractive force operates between all molecules?
a. dipole-dipole b. ion-dipole c. London dispersion d. Hydrogen bonding
16-19. Name the phase transition in each of the following situations, and indicate whether it is
exothermic or endothermic.
16. Bromine vapor turns to bromine liquid as it is cooled.
a. Exothermic b. Endothermic
17. Crystals of iodine disappear from an evaporating dish as they stand in a fume hood.
a. Exothermic b. Endothermic
18. Rubbing alcohol in an open container slowly disappears.
a. Exothermic b. Endothermic
19. Molten lava from a volcano turns into solid rock.
a. Exothermic b. Endothermic
20. What is the molality of a solution formed by dissolving 1.14 mol of KCl in 16.0 mol of water?
a. 2.86 m b. 1.14 m c. 3.96 m d. 0.42 m
Which of the following is not a homogeneous mixture?
a. air b. copper c. brass d. 1.0M NaCL soln
21. What mass of CaCl2 is required to prepare 500.0 mL of a 0.200 M solution of CaCl2?
a. 0.200 g b. 0.100 g c. 22.2 g d. 11.1 g
22. The combustion of triethylene glycol is shown below. When the reaction is balanced with integer
coefficients, what is the coefficient in front of O2?
C6H14O4 +O2 H2O + CO2
a. 6 b. 12 c. 15 d. 14
23. Of the choices below, which one is an ionic compound?
a. N2 b. NO2 c. NH3 d. NH4Cl
24. The formula of a salt is XCl2. The X ion in this salt has 28 electrons. The metal X is?
a. Zn b. Cu c. Fe d. Co
25. Maleic acid, which is used to manufacture artificial resins, has the empirical formula CHO. Its
molar mass is 116.1 g/mol. What is its molecular formula?
a. C2H2O2 b. CHO c. C4H4O4 d. C3H3O3
26. All of the following are true except:
a. An ion has a positive b. Metals tend to form c. Ions are formed by d. Ions are formed
or negative charge. positive ions adding electrons to a by changing the
neutral atom number of neutrons
in an atom's
27. Which one of the following statements about atomic structure is false?
a. The electrons occupy b. Almost all of the mass c. The number of d. Electrons are in
a very large volume of the atom is protons and neutrons quantized energy
compared to the concentrated in the is always equal for all levels.
nucleus. nucleus. atoms of an element
28. What is the electron configuration for the most stable ion of the element magnesium, 12Mg?
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 d. 1s2 2s2 2p6
4s2 3d2
29. Passing an electric current through a certain substance produces oxygen and sulfur. This
substance cannot be a(n)
a. pure substance b. Compound c. Mixture d. Element
30. Which one of the following is an extensive property?
a. Freezing point b. Density c. Mass d. Boiling point
31. What is the volume of a 12.2 g piece of metal with a density of 9.43 g/cm ?
a. 12.2 cm3 b. 1.29 cm3 c. 0.773 cm3 d. 115 cm3
32. Which one of the following is a nonmetal?
a. 76Os b. 77Ir c. 38Sr d. 35Br
33. Which of the following is most likely to be an ionic compound?
a. NF3 b. Na2O c. CO2 d. CH4
34. Use the following information to identify the atom or ion: 8 protons, 8 neutrons, and 10
a. S2+ b. O2- c. O2+ d. S2-
35. An electron in which one of the following subshells experiences the greatest effective nuclear
charge in a many-electron atom?
a. 4f b. 4p c. 4d d. 4s
36. The ground state electron configuration of Nickel (28Ni) is given by
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 c. [Kr] 5s2 4d6 d. 1s2 2s2 3s2 3p6 3d8
4s2 3d8
37. In an atom, how many electrons can have the quantum number designations n=3, ml=0,
a. 5 b. 3 c. 1 d. 2
38. A sugar cube was heated until it melted completely. The heat was then increased, and the sugar
decomposed into a black solid mass. The changes associated with this process are:
a. A physical change for b. A chemical change for c. A chemical change d. A physical change
melting and a physical the melting and a for the melting and a for the melting and
change for the chemical change for the physical change for the a chemical change
decomposition decomposition. decomposition for the
39. Which one of the following molecular formulas is also an empirical formula?
a. C6H6O2 b. C2H6SO c. H2O2 d. H2P4O6
40. What is the formula of the ionic compound formed between strontium (Sr) and nitrogen (N)?
a. SrN b. Sr3N2 c. Sr2N3 d. SrN2
41. Which one of the following is the correct orbital diagram for ground state nitrogen (7N)?
a. 1s 2s 2p b. 1s 2s 2p c. 1s 2s 2p d. None of the
42. Which of the following statements about quantum theory is incorrect?
a. Electrons reside only b. When filling orbitals c. Lower energy d. Valence electrons
in quantized energy with the same n and l orbitals are filled with are in higher energy
levels quantum numbers, two electrons before higher quantum levels than
electrons will fill the energy orbitals inner shell (core)
same ml before filling a electrons
new ml.
43. Which of the following has 2 unpaired electrons?
a. As b. P c. S-2 d. Si
44. Which one of the following is the highest temperature?
a. 38oC b. 96oF c. 302 K d. a = c. Both are
higher than
temperature b
45. Many classical experiments have given us indirect evidence of the nature of the atom. Which of
the experiments listed below did not give the result described?
a. The line spectrum of b. Millikans oil drop c. The electric d. The Rutherford
the hydrogen atom experiment provided a discharge (cathode ray) experiment proved
implied that the value for the charge on tube proved that the Thomson plum-
electronic energies are the electron electrons have a pudding model of
quantized negative charge. the atom to be
essentially correct.
46. Which of the following are incorrectly paired?
a. Na, alkali metal b. Mg, alkaline earth c. Sn, lanthanide d. Br, halogen
47. Which of the following elements has the largest atomic radius?
a. Si b. O C Be d. Mg
48. Which of the following is/are the best Lewis structure(s) for SO2 based on satisfying the octet
rule for all three atoms (ignore formal charge criteria)?
a. b. c. d.

49. Which one of the following metals is the most reactive?

a. Li b. Na c. K d. Cs
50. Which one of the following statements about the chemical properties of the alkali metals (Group
IA) is correct?
a. lowest ionization b. highest electron c. nonmetallic d. tendency to form
energy in a period affinity in a period character negative ions

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