James Fitzgerald Oct 21 2015 1
James Fitzgerald Oct 21 2015 1
James Fitzgerald Oct 21 2015 1
By James Fitzgerald
I remember the days of reading every one of the original CrossFit journal articles and actually printing them all off and knowing quotes from
coaches and Greg Glassman per issue. I also knew things like old school CrossFitters only know - things like theblock-counting Zone articles
(and the EXACT blocksthere are in every food known to man), thereasoning behind the Girls workouts, and the infamous discussions on fitness,
itsdefinition and its practice.
So its times like this, in 2015, when I cannot help but participate and comment when what I thought was the message, is viewed differently;
maybe not in others eyes, but definitely in mine.
I especially get interested when there is chatter around CrossFit and science. MORE particularity when it hits home for me and OPEXs research
into correct artistic design of CrossFit, based on sound, scientific based principles.
Most recently, there was anarticle publishedaboutVO2max, and the question of its validity and usage in CrossFit.
There are many angles one can take on this. For one, CrossFit can never be studied. As what it is and how its done is VERY loosely defined in
its description. And I know, that I too play the game as I enjoy discussion around what might be right or wrong in fitness prescription.
Go anywhere in the world and CrossFit is different, bottom line. So to say how its done, study it, dissect it for injuries, success, etcis a waste of
time for anyone.
We can only hang out hat what we have been doing at OPEX; using clients and coaches through our OPEX Global and OPEX CCP program who
DO CrossFit to give us feedback, test them and learn from N=1 over and over again.
I spendcountlesshourson the road teaching CrossFit owners andnewLevel 1 CrossFit trainers who come to myassessment and program
design courses.
You want to know where we spend the most time, where they are STUCK the most. They are NOT taught how to properly design
progressiveanaerobic AND aerobic conditioning sequencesthrough intervals.
In 90% of ALL gyms I go to, as well when I travel on the road, most workoutslook like this:
So I am just clarifying, how is this the case where theidea is brilliant, BUT it is not implemented?
You know why?
Coachesdont know how to fit it into a group setting, they have a hard time fitting that mold as theydont understand theREASONING behind
why to do it, not HOW to do it.
When I watch 90% of ALLgroupclass participants (NOTelite CrossFitters) in met cons, they aredoing what is calledfatigue based training.
Where the poweroutput is ACTUALLY DROPPING as they perform themet con.
Their limits aremuscle endurance, blood volume changes, etc.. - you know why?
When you train the AEROBIC system - you trainendurance FIRST before POWER.
This goes AGAINSTvisions of HIIT and interval work. You know why? Peopledont have time! Is that a good reason to bypass volume and reps?
AND in fact, MANY, I mean "A LOT" of the best CrossFitters out there, even those that are used asexamples in the story, have ALWAYS used
long steady statecardio in their training program.
This I find extremely funny as there have been documentaries on Rich Froning and Mikko Salo andMatt Fraser showing long cardio to be true.
Hiking, long runs, long rows, etcare DOMINANT in the training.
If the workout of the day on CrossFit.com is an indicator of this, Ihave seen it MAYBE 1-2 times inthe last SIXTEEN workouts posted.
You can go back yourself to see the variation in that. If the argument for this is that the blog is not an indication of what CrossFit is in afacility,
then what is it for?
You know what does DECREASE aerobic potential and hamper stroke volume changes formost people - these workouts below.
For time:
185-lb. deadlifts, 30 reps
Row 30 calories
95-lb. overhead squats, 30 reps
Like this:
7 rounds fortimesof:
95-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 10 reps
10 ring dips
(rest 2 min b/t rounds - GOAL is unbroken sets or same times/round and highest power per round)
When this workout is for time, Or one can do the workout with 2 min
without the designated 2 min rest period, rest between rounds and see results
this is the common outcome: like this:
1 45 sec 1 56 sec
2 1:04 2 56 sec
3 1:40 3 57 sec
4 1:42 4 56 sec
5 1:32 5 55 sec
Why have someone do a for time workout and lose power per round. (There are times to do them, but arguably NOT often based on the user
and their level of training).
If the answer for that is that fighting off fatigue will make one more able, you obviously are not on the front lines watching these people
suffer forever, nor do you coach coaches AND athletes and listen to both of them.
You know the only ones that progress in this manner. James FitzGerald, Jason Khalipa, Mikko Salo, Graham Holmberg, Rich Froning, Ben Smith.
I am only in this list for 2 reasons; one is that we have all won a competition with the same name (our talents are obviously different) AND we
can pace better than others.
This is what makes the difference in SPORT and FITNESS in my eyes of the CrossFit world.
CrossFit Journal Says:
In the CrossFit Level 2 Trainer Course, it is suggested that we keep the majority of our workouts shorter than 15 minutes
because this time domain allows for the manipulation of intensity and movements to provide broad adaptation in
strength, power and aerobic endurance. All three are important for the development of GPP. - Christian Larson, V02
Max Effort Lift, page 3
Why is this the case? Excuse me for not being present on the training, I was a CrossFit Level 2trainer at some point. Iremember Nicole Carroll
and Chris Spealler having a personal meeting with me on some of my strengths and how I could improve my coaching.
simple things are varied in nature - just likeGlassman said about sportinvolvement in the programming.
Why not bike for a while, swim on another day, hike on the weekends, AirDyne in the AM whilelistening tothe news, row 20 min easy 1-2 times
per week upon waking, etcit is NUMEROUS in itspossibilitiesand CREATES massive increase in recovery between more intense efforts.
It is ironically one the MISSING LINKS in CrossFit training that we do not want to go away from.
CrossFit Journal Says:
We know that the two determinants of VO2 max are genetics and training, with genetics being the major contributor (about 60-70 percent
genetics versus about 30-40 percent training), - Christian Larson, V02 Max Effort Lift, page 2
I would not be too quick to say we know, especially when these reviews were done on NON-CrossFitters (or at least a very few in that work).
The reason why we want to be careful here is that there are a number of possible reasons for a higher or lowerVO2max, and hence a possibility
that we DON'T know what makes great/elite CrossFitters good at what they do.
For example, we have been investigating this with a number of CrossFit athletes using DNAfit. Bottom line, they are the best at this for the
investigation and we have seen really interesting things about people that are good at CrossFit. Surprising even.
As an interesting side note to the story, I was the only one with a HIGHVO2max response.
Needless to say, humans are very different. AND when you see variations in humans and you add CrossFit into the mix, it is gets more complex in
the measurement and association withVO2max and how it relates to CrossFit training.
As we DONT know!
Heavy,Powerful CrossFit Male
CrossFit Male
Strong CrossFit Female
CrossFit Female
Mine (James Fitzgerald)
CrossFit Journal Says:
In application, this gives us an understanding of the rationale behind the CrossFit
exercise prescription. For workouts lasting longer than two minutes that require an
elevated heart rate for the duration, we will likely see some aerobic adaptation even if
the workouts include lifting or gymnastics and are far from the steady-state
conditioning common in running, cycling or other endurance sports. - Christian
Larson, V02 Max Effort Lift, page 3
This is so wrong. SO wrong. Again this is where the preacher and what is ACTUALLY
prescribed and happening is so off.
First of all, time domains have NOTHING to do with energy substrate utilization
WITHOUT the intensity and client training age considered. If we know this then we
CANNOT generalize on what is happening before, during or after 2 minutes.
I CAN tell you this: due to the work we have done physiologically on the investigation
of CrossFit and work from various areas (O2 saturation at muscle level, lactate scoring,
post exercise stress 4 point cortisol, respiratory rates, HR), what you THINK is
happening, is most likely NOT in the met con or WOD past 2 minutes.
In some cases people reach muscle endurance fatigue and work off adrenaline for the
In other cases people reach super high hydrogen ion levels in the blood because they
are explosive in nature and work off lactate for minutes on end.
In other cases folks reach ventilation threshold and cannot breathe efficiently enough
and mechanically well enough to support the work ongoing.
In some cases people heat up too quickly and overheat, so to speak, and basically survive off cooking their sugars inside their body.
You know what GUESSWORK like this does to 90% of all participants?
It actually LOWERS aerobic potential. What seems to be progress is actually just underneath and the method that the person deals with suffering
Does this make it better due to fitting it into a shorter window? NO!
How do we also know this? Dont look far. 80% of all regional athletes have participated in another sport setting for a longer time and a lot of
CrossFit Journal Says:
Its rather useless in CrossFit if an athlete hasnt the strength to lift a barbell or the flexibility that will allow him or her to achieve optimal
positioning in movements. - Christian Larson, V02 Max Effort Lift, page 4
This note was kind of interesting. Was this a shot at aerobic work lowering strength and flexibility?
Again if it was, it means that the author does not understand coaching and training of CrossFit athletes. As all that I have seen is that when
aerobic training is done LONG and steady state correctly, it actually enhances strength production and the amount of WORK one can do in the
strength game.
If we see a prevalence of lowered flexibility AND lowered strength with more aerobic work, there are 2 things happening:
1 The coach and athlete are NOT doing aerobic work properly
2 The increased perceived harder aerobic intervals are actually threshold work which leads to heightened inflammation AND lowered
flexibility and mobility doe to the large loads of stress - mechanically and cellular level.
Its ALSO rather useless for an athlete to pick up that barbell and only do it once with proper flexibility.
You know what can make them pick it up faster than the other person for more than one reps and shortened rest time BETWEEN efforts?
As a suggestion, Id recommend NOT doing Murph toincrease stroke volume. What one will get with a Murph workout as explainedpreviously
is all based on the person.
Some will have sorenessthat will create a time off period ofbasically NOmovement for 7-10 days. (My PR for Murph with a 5/10/15protocol on
the pull-ups/push-ups/squats with a 20# vest is 29:54 and I
could not walkproperly for 7 days; the 1st time Iperformed it
was 54:25 and I could notstraighten my arms for 12 days).
Some may see this as thegame you play. I see this due to
Murph in the heat inCalifornia. So pick your battles as you wish,
Id HIGHLY suggest you NOT do Murph to create an increase in stroke volume. Instead, go long, sustain and build volume.