Project Synopsis For Automatic Timetable Generator

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PROBLEM STATEMENT: In this system we intend to display the Timetable as per

the faculty is been allotted for the respective subject in accordance to that rooms
will be available.

ABSTRACT: This project is aimed at developing a Time Table Generator for

Colleges. Colleges are supposed to make time tables for each semester which
used to be a very tedious and pain staking job. Each teacher and Student is
eligible for viewing his own timetable once they are finalized for a given semester.


The main objectives of our project are:

1. The final system should able to generate time tables in completely automated
way which will save a lot of time and effort of an institute administration
2. To make a timetable system generic so that I can work equally well for different
School, Colleges and Universities.
3. User defined constraints handling.
4. Ease of use for user of system so that he/she can make automatic time table.
5. Focus on optimization of resources ie teachers, labs and rooms etc.
6. Provide a facility for everyone to view timetable.
7. Generate multiple useful views from time table.
System should resolve these type of contraints
Class can only be assigned if room is spare.
No teacher or student have more than one class at a time.
A classroom must have enough seats to accommodate all students.
Soft Constraints
Time of class preferred by teacher.
Specific Room preferred by any teacher.
Break time between different lectures preferred by teacher.
Less walk to attend lectures by student.


University is currently having an automated time table generation system

but there are some problems with it due to which it is unable to
generate the time table automatically for all the years of B.E.
To overcome this problem and provide the university a good automated
timetable generation system this project has been taken.
The system which will be made will be an easy to use and error free system.
It is expected that the project will be completed in this semester, but if due
to some problems it is not completed in this semester it will be continued
in the next semester till it is completed.
Regarding the cost there will be no expenditure in buying the new software
to install the system as the university is already having MSSQL and
Windows operating system which will be required to use the project. The
required hardware is also already available with the university.

Interface for input: The system will be having an easy to use and interactive
interface to enter all the inputs like the workload for the teachers, how
many no. of students of which branches are studying the subject in a
semester, the data for the rooms and data for the labs.
Database Capabilities: The system will have well designed database to
store all the information which will be entered in as the input.
Processing Capabilities: The system will have algorithms to process all the
data present in the database and keeping in view the various constraints
like that a teacher should not have two consecutive lectures/labs, students
have minimum one hour gaps, proper rooms are allocated for the lectures
and tutorials, labs are used optimally so that they are used for the
maximum possible time, it will generate the time table.
Search Panel: The system will have an easy to use to search panel to search
according his need on the time tables stored in the database. The system
would give the response to the user quires in the proper format and errors
messages will be shown properly to tell user about his mistakes and to
guide him/her for proper use of the system.
Requirements: Refer to SRS (which will be made later)
Project Deliverables:

To college: To the college the working software and the

reference manual will be delivered.


Planning Business case, scope statement, works breakdown


Analysis SRS

Design UML, Database design, DFD.

Coding Source code

Testing Test Plan, Test Cases, Test Report

Assumptions: The requirements will not change once they have been finalized.
Sufficient information and documents from the university will be available when
ever required.The response time of the system will be accepted whatever it may
be.The system would be used only for windows operating system.


Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Dual Core, 2GHz and Above

Monitor : 15 Color Monitor
Software Requirements:

Operating System. : Windows 7

Developing Tool : Visual Basic 10.0
Database : MS SQL

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