Synopsis of Railway Reservation

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Submitted To:-


In partial fulfillment of the degree of


Session 2011-2012



Department of Computer science Mr. Vishal Pareek (HOD Computer Department) Mr. Rohitash Sharma (Faculty)


Title of Project:

Introduction of Project
Railway Reservation System has been designed to automate the process of railway for ticket reservation and back office activities. Proposed Railway Reservation System is developed for to automate the railway reservation system. It includes modules required to successfully operate railway reversion process smoothly. It has train master to add modify train information, Train schedule to enter train journey details include all the station name arrival time and departure time. It includes automatic fare calculation as per the distance between two stations. Reservation module consists of automatic seat no and coaches no allocation system. Daily schedule for updating of not confirm seat and coach no. All master like train master, train schedule, reservation fees, cancellation fees charges can be modified individually from front end and changes reflect in all modules immediately. Therefore proposed Railway Reservation System has been designed to automate the process of railway for ticket reservation and back office activities. System can make the daily activities efficient and providing the fast response.

Objective of the Project:

As everyone know today is an area of new technology and stiff computation & one cannot suffered to waste time & labor, hence to keep with this competitive environment & to get optimum result. It is imperative to have & online system, online system help us to retrieve data quickly & efficiently. Information from last relating to many other subjects can be gathering and user for predicating and analyzing future plans so that more benefits so enhance effective and correct data processing and accessing.


1. Hardware Requirements
Output Devices Input Devices Backup Devices Display Unit (Monitor), Printer (For Report) Keyboard, Mouse Floppy Driver/CD ROM

2. Software Requirements
Operating System Database Windows XP Microsoft Access

3. Development Environment
Language Data Oracle Operating System Visual Basic 6.0 Access Microsoft Windows XP

Tools Used
We have used VB 6.0 as front end application and Ms-Access as back end application. We will use Ms-word as a utility.


A database is certainly control, integrated collection of logically organized data. Before we use a DBMS to actually build the tables, forms and other object that will make up our database, it is important to take time to design our database. A good database design is keystone to cresting a database that does what you want it to do effectively accurately and efficient.

Steps in Designing Database

Determine the purpose of database. Determine the table you need in the database. Determine the fields you need in the database. Identify field with unique values. Determine the relations between tables. Data and create other database object.


Software engineering is the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance and retirement of software. The basic steps for developing the software are as follows: Project Analysis: It determines us what is the project about what are the problems in starting a project. Requirement Analysis: The goal of requirement analysis phase is to edict the requirement from the users. This is achieved by the development of diagrams and the requirement specification after discussion with the users.

Feasibility Analysis: It determines whether the proposed development is worthwhile whether there is a potential market for this product. Risk Analysis: This is the process of identification possible risks. Risks can be classified as: Project Risk Technical Risk Business Risk Planning: Software project planning involves deciding what tasks need to be performed, in what order to do the tasks and what resources are needed to accomplish the task. Designing: The following are phases in design: Data Design Architecture Design Design Procedural Design

Coding: Coding includes the actual sources code of the project. Testing: In a software development project, errors can be injected at any stage during development. Testing is the phase where the errors remaining from all the previous phases must be detected. Hence, testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance the reliability of software. Implementation: It includes the building and implementation of the software project. Maintenance: It includes updating and improving the software to ensure continued usefulness.


A database is certainly control, integrated collection of logically organized data. Before we use a DBMS to actually build the tables, forms and other object that will make up our database, it is important to take time to design our database. A good database design is keystone to cresting a database that does what you want it to do effectively accurately and efficient.

Steps in Designing Database Determine the purpose of database. Determine the table you need in the database. Determine the fields you need in the database. Identify field with unique values. Determine the relations between tables. Data and create other database object.


Visual Basic is a powerful application development tool developed by Microsoft with the advent of the Windows environment. It is used for creating customized windows based programs. It is not just a language but it is an Integrated Development Environment. IDE is basically a term commonly used in the programming world to describe the interface and environment where you develop, run, test and debug your applications. Visual Basic is favorite programming environment of many programmers. When Visual Basic first appeared, it created a revolution in windows programming and that revolution continues to this day. Never before had windows programming been so easyjust build the programs you want, right before your eyes and run it. Visual Basic introduced unheard-of ease to windows programming and changed programming from a chore to something very fun. In time, Visual Basic has gotten more complex, as well as more powerful. Visual basic is best utilized when it is used as a task oriented programming language as this brings out the capabilities of the programming language.

Common Terminology
The following table lists some of the key terms in Visual Basics:

Design Time: Any time an application is running. Run time: Any time an application is running. Controls: Graphical representation of objects, such as button, list boxes and Objects: A general term used to describe all the forms and controls that make Properties: Are the characteristics of an object such as size, caption or color. Methods: The actions that an object can perform or that can be performed on

edit boxes.

up a program.


Forms: Customizable windows that serve as the interface for an application or Project; A Visual Basic application is comprised of one or more components

as dialog used to gather information from the user.


that are arranged under a project. The project is stored as .vbp extension.

In Visual Basics as application is a combination of objects like Forms and Controls, Procedures that respond to events and other general-purpose procedures. Objects in Visual Basics are basically considered as a combination of code and data, which is treated and controlled as a unit. Command buttons and other controls on a form are objects. An object may contain other objects e.g. form can contain any number of objects Command buttons, Label and Text boxes and when an object is created a default name base is assigned on its object type such as Form1 etc.

Methods are procedures that operate on the object or that the object performs on data. Methods cause an object to perform an action or task. Move and setfocus are common examples of methods. Methods are a part of object like that procedures and perform that actions you want. Methods can be called in several ways. The syntax used for calling a method depends on whether method returns a value and if that value will be used by your application.

An event is an action recognized by a form or control. Any action performed by pressing a key on the keyboard or clicking a mouse for which code can be written is an event procedure that runs whenever the events occurs.


A variable is an area that stores value during programs execution. This area has a name i.e. a variable name and a value that varies from time to time.

Properties window

Tool Box


Microsoft Office Access, previously known as Microsoft Access, is a relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. In May 12 2010, the current version of Microsoft Access 2010 was released by Microsoft in Office 2010; Microsoft Office Access 2007 was the prior version. MS Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases.[1] Software developers and data architects can use Microsoft Access to develop application software, and "power users" can use it to build simple applications. Like other Office applications, Access is supported by Visual Basic for Applications, an object-oriented programming language that can reference a variety of objects including DAO (Data Access Objects), ActiveX Data Objects, and many other ActiveX components. Visual objects used in forms and reports expose their methods and properties in the VBA programming environment, and VBA code modules may declare and call Windows operating-system functions
















System Testing
The sub systems are connected together to make the whole system. The testing process is concerned with finding such errors which do result from interactions/interfacing among sub-systems. System testing would be concerned with checking that the system meets the organizations objective. System testing can be one of the following five types: a) White-Box Testing or Glass Box Testing or Structural Testing. b) Black-Box Testing or Functional Testing. c) Interface Testing. d) Alpha Testing or Acceptance Testing. e) Beta Testing.

Black-Box Testing
Black-Box Testing is concerned with the proper execution of the program specifications. In this testing, each function or sub program used in the main program is first identified. For example, in a payroll system Calc_grosspay(), Print_payslip() may be the functions used to calculate gross pay and payslips. Hereafter test cases are devised to test each function of sub-program separately. Test cases are decided solely on the basis of the requirements of specification of the program and not on the basis of the coding of the modules. Black-Box Testing is complementary to white box techniques. It uncovers a different class of errors which are not discovered by white box methods. This type of testing attempts to find the following errors: a) Interface errors b) Incorrect or missing functions c) Errors in external database access

d) Performance error e) Initialized and termination errors

Interface errors
Interface errors are concerned with both the program specification and program implementation. This type of testing is particularly important for object oriented system.

Alpha Testing
Test performed at the developers site before the system is finally installed in the real working environment is known as alpha testing. It involves testing the system with live data supplied by the organization rather than by the test data used by system designer. Alpha testing is also known as acceptance test since it is performed before the system is accepted as being fit for the intended users.

Beta Testing
In beta testing, the system is delivered to a number of potential users who agree to uses that system and provide feedback to the designer. Testing should be repeated if any modification is done based on the feedbacks given by the users. Hence, it is sometimes called as regression testing.

Why I Choose This Project?

Its just because I had interest in doing something different and which had full-flash practical implementation. The project reasonably shows the interaction of computers with real world scenario and helps us to gather all the information data in a better way.

This is a live project that has the potential to fulfill the basic requirements of the user and some of the secondary requirements. It is software, which will fully help for a trading concern with high efficiency.


1. System Analysis and Design

2. 3.

By:- Elias M. Awad By:- Pressman By :- Mastering

Software Engineering Visual Basic 6.0

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