Rock Slope Design Manual
Rock Slope Design Manual
Rock Slope Design Manual
November 2010
This Manual is intended to provide guidance for the design of rock cut slopes, rockfall catchment, and
rockfall controls. Recommendations presented in this manual are based on research presented in Shakoor
and Admassu (2010) entitled Rock Slope Design Criteria (State Job Number 134325), previous FHWA
co-sponsored research, and the experience of the Office of Geotechnical Engineering (OGE). These
guidelines should be viewed as the presentation of the philosophy of the OGE regarding rock cut slope
and catchment design. It is not possible to provide design guidance for all potential scenarios. If a
scenario is encountered that falls outside those described in this manual, the design is recommended to be
done in consultation with the OGE or District Geotechnical Engineer (DGE).
The designer is responsible for preparing a design that is based on site-specific geotechnical exploration
and achieves the optimal balance of safety, construction costs, and future maintenance costs. The use of
template designs shall be avoided. Instead, the designer shall use appropriate information regarding the
site geology, slope of the natural hillside, and the condition of cut slopes in similar geology within
proximity to the project to determine the appropriate slope configuration. The designed configuration will
be influenced by lithology, rock properties, and bedrock structure. Research and experience has shown
that a consistent design methodology can be formulated by using properties such as intact rock strength,
rock durability, regional joint characteristics, and other common rock properties.
In this design approach the overall stability of the rock cut must first be satisfied. It is recognized that in
nearly all cases typical geologic and geometric conditions exist throughout Ohio. This geology can be
characterized as nearly horizontally bedded sedimentary rock strata with a range of lithologies that
include limestone, dolomite, sandstone, siltstone, shale, claystone and coal. It should be noted that in this
manual, those strata defined as shale in the ODOT Construction and Material Specifications (C&MS)
Item 203.02.P are considered a rock type and are included in this manual. Based on practice, OGE
experience, and results of research (Woodard, 2004; Shakoor and Admassu, 2010), it is recognized that
the primary cause of degradation and failure of rock cuts in Ohio are the differences in durability of rock
units found throughout Ohio. The design approach presented in this manual accounts for these
differences in durability of geologic units as well as anticipated geologic structure encountered in most
rock cuts in Ohio.
Due to the geologic structure present in Ohio, the necessity for rigorous rock mechanics structural
analyses (kinematic analysis) is typically rare for cut slope designs in Ohio. This manual addresses the
basic methodologies used in most rock mechanics approaches for the investigation and design of cut
slopes, but since these approaches are rarely needed, specifics on these methodologies are beyond the
scope of this manual.
The designer should note that the guidelines presented in this document may result in a designed slope
with varying slope angles and benches where the excavation quantities and/or costs are equivalent to
simply creating a continuous 2H: 1V cut slope, for example. It is the opinion of the OGE that the use of a
continuous slope through varied geologic formations, while possibly simplifying construction, may not
effectively address long-term conditions with respect to weathering. Therefore, replacing the designed
rock slope with a constant slope is not recommended.
This manual and other information may be obtained from the OGEs web site
( This web site contains
other ODOT geotechnical documents, bulletins, and an online copy of the Geotechnical Engineering
Design Checklists and Specifications for Geotechnical Explorations (SGE) some of which are referenced
in this document.
Exploration for a rock cut slope, which includes geologic explorations, data collection, and presentation
of information, are vital to the design and construction of rock cut slopes. This section describes the
required steps for the design of a new rock cut slope or the rehabilitation of an existing slope. Each
specific project involves unique situations and the explorations should be planned accordingly.
202.1.1 Claystone
A fine-grained rock formed of at least 75% clay sized particles. Claystone is comprised of lithified clay
having the texture and composition of shale, but lacking the laminations and fissility of a shale. It
generally has a blocky, thick to massive appearance. Claystone may range in color from red, gray, olive,
yellow, or brown with multiple colors typical. Slickensides are commonly found within claystone.
202.1.2 Shale
A fine-grained sedimentary rock formed by the lithification of clay, silt or mud (predominant particle size
is less than 0.002 mm). Shale has a laminated structure, which gives it fissility along which the rock splits
readily. Shale is commonly interbedded with sandstone or limestone. Carbonaceous shale often grades
into coal. Typical colors may be red, brown, black, green, or gray.
202.1.3 Siltstone
A fine-grained sedimentary rock formed from particles finer than sand, but coarser than clay. Siltstone is
comprised of lithified silt and lacks lamination or fissility. Typical colors may be gray, olive, or brown.
Generally, siltstone has a fine grit feeling when rubbed against teeth.
202.1.5 Sandstone
A sedimentary rock comprised of grains of angular or rounded sand potentially in a matrix of silt and/or
clay cemented together by silica, iron oxides, or calcium carbonate. Sandstones may be composed of up
to 25% of particles of gravel, cobble, and/or boulder sizes. Color depends on the cementing agent with
white, gray, yellow, orange, brown, and red colors common.
Friable sandstone is sandstone in which the cementing agent is extremely weak. Friable sandstones can
be reduced to sand with little effort and may degrade rapidly when pressure is applied or the sandstone is
exposed to water.
202.1.6 Limestone
A sedimentary rock consisting of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate). Impurities may include chert,
clay and minor mineral crystals. It may be crystalline (hard, pure, fine to coarse texture) with very fine
grains not visible to the naked eye and/or fossiliferous (contains remains of organisms). Limestone is
typically white to dark gray in color and reacts vigorously with cold dilute Hydrochloric Acid (HCL).
202.1.7 Dolomite
A sedimentary rock of which more than 50% consists of the mineral dolomite (calcium magnesium
carbonate) and less than 10% is comprised of the mineral calcite. It is commonly interbedded with
limestone, and the magnesium can be replaced with ferrous iron. Colors range from white to light gray
and dolomite will weakly react with cold dilute HCL on fresh surfaces.
202.1.8 Coal
A combustible substance containing more than 50%, by weight, and more than 70% by volume,
carbonaceous material; formed from the compaction and lithification of plant remains. It is generally
light weight with a shiny appearance on fresh surfaces.
202.1.9 Underclay
A layer primarily composed of clay lying immediately beneath a coal bed or carbonaceous shale. This
layer may be bioturbated and indurated or lithified. It is chiefly comprised of siliceous or aluminous clay
capable of withstanding high temperatures without deformation, and may have a high shrink/swell
Slake Durability
Rock Type Unit Weight (pcf) Compressive Strength
Index (%)
Claystone 160-165 50-1400 0-60
Shale 160-165 1900-2500 20-90
Siltstone 160-170 3600-8100 65-90
Sandstone 155-160 2000-7800 85-100
Friable Sandstone 125-140 2400-3800 60-85
Limestone 155-165 3500-16400 95-100
Dolomite 165-175 4100-10300 95-100
Coal 80-85 1300-7000 N/A
Underclay 125-135 200-400 0-20
Much of the rock in Ohio is orthogonally jointed with bedding planes. The orthogonal joints generally
consist of two sets of joints that are inclined at about 90 degrees to bedding. This is common in
sedimentary units, and Wyllie and Mah (2004) provide a detailed account of the consolidation and
jointing of sedimentary rock, which is useful for understanding the geologic conditions of much of Ohio.
In summary, because clastic sedimentary units are deposited in horizontal layers, the initial major
principal stress (1) felt by the rock is in the vertical direction while the minor principal stress (3)
develops horizontally. During consolidation and induration of the rock mass, slip occurs along the
depositional contacts (i.e. bedding) and because the principal stresses are perpendicular, two sets of
orthogonal joints form perpendicular to bedding. Tensile stresses are not transmitted across bedding
during the jointing process and, therefore, many sedimentary rocks have two orthogonal joint sets:
bedding accompanied by two sets of joints truncated at bedding.
202.3.2 Joints
This discontinuity is a fracture that divides the rock into two sections that have not visibly moved relative
to each other.
Figure 202-1. Examples of stress induced fractures occurring in a rock mass above mine workings.
202.3.6 Shears
A shear is a fracture which expresses displacement parallel to the surface that results in polished surfaces
or slickensides.
Planning of the subsurface exploration should follow the guidelines presented in the SGE Section 303.
The subsurface exploration program (e.g. borings) should be tailored to the site specific conditions
determined after the site reconnaissance has been performed. It should be noted that variations can occur
even in similar geology both laterally and horizontally. Occasionally these variations may occur rapidly
over a few feet.
As an example, a rehabilitation project that is being completed as part of widening of an existing cut that
is performing well may not have the need for a detailed explorations. Geotechnical and geological
characterization of the existing cut may be sufficient.
Field and office reconnaissance, generally performed near the start of a project, consists of studying the
visible site conditions, site history, and the soil and geologic conditions for the design of the proposed
work and establishing tentative types, locations and depths of exploratory methods for the subsurface
exploration, with respect to project needs. Reconnaissance, both office and field, provides information to
tailor field explorations and design considerations. Additional reconnaissance may be needed as
unknown geologic and geotechnical conditions are encountered during the project development. In the
absence of a Red Flag Summary, consider all of the resources from the Geotechnical Red Flag Summary
in SGE Section 202 as part of the office reconnaissance. In particular for rock cut slope design purposes,
perform the following:
Identify the potential presence of any Special Care Formations as identified in Section 204.2 of
this manual
Identify any potentially significant geologic, hydrogeologic, or geomorphic features that should
be considered relative to project interests.
Ohio can be divided into six geological regions (Figure 204.1), described as follows:
Figure 204-1. Six subdivisions of Ohio with respect to regional geology (modified from
Feldman, 1996).
Therefore, where these formations are encountered within a new cut or during the remediation of an
existing cut slope, the design should accommodate the expected weak residual strength, drainage, erosion
controls, etc. The Special Care Formations identified in Ohio include:
1. Conemaugh formation: red bedsRound Knob Shale (below the Ames Limestone), Clarksburg Red
Shale (below the Connellville Sandstone)
2. Monongahela formation: few red bedsUpper Uniontown Shale, Tyler Shale
3. Washington formation: red bedsCreston Red Shales
4. Fairview/Kope formation: highly weatherable shale in Cincinnati Area
5. Miamitown formation: weatherable shale in Cincinnati Area
6. Friable Sandstones: e.g. Sharon and Blackhand formations
204.4 Hydrogeology
The hydrogeology of the rock cut area can be partially established during the field and office
reconnaissance phase of the project by checking water levels from water well records, looking for surface
water expressions such as seeps, identifying nearby bodies of water on topographic maps, and referencing
the USDA soil reports and other pertinent information. Identify and document the general drainage
capability of soils, the location of springs and seeps, and the extent of poorly drained areas, wetlands,
204.5 Landslides
Identify and document evidence of dormant or active landslides, their locations and limits, and landslide
topography in general. Note all surface cracks, scarps, toe bulges, and other indications of landslide
activity. Useful tools for establishing the presence of landslides include the ODOT Landslide Inventory,
USGS Open File Map Series #78-1057 Landslides and Related Features, USGS geologic hazard maps,
review of aerial photographs, and ODNR Ohio Geologic Survey reports. The presence of Special Care
geologic units (described in Section 204.2) may also suggest the presence of landslides in the rock cut
205.1 Introduction
Subsurface exploration includes characterizing exposed rock as well as boring explorations used to
determine the lithology and characteristics of the rock mass to design a rock cut slope. Exposed rocks
(e.g. existing rock cuts) provide access to tremendous information including performance of geologic
units. Borings are completed where outcrops are sparse or not available to define subsurface conditions
or where additional information besides outcrop mapping is needed to provide an adequate description of
the rock stratigraphy and engineering properties for design.
Geologic data collection should be carried out by the person or persons responsible for performing the cut
slope design. The mapping objectives should be clearly identified and the data collected relevant to the
design. For example, a large number of short impersistent joints that have little influence on the stability
of the rock slope should be given much less attention than a highly persistent clay-filled valley stress
relief joint that may cause the whole slope to fail. Two distinctive mapping methods include outcrop
mapping and detailed line mapping and are discussed in more detail below.
The performance of geologic units provides important information for the design of new and
rehabilitation of existing rock cuts. Performance should include assessments on the durability of units,
propensity for undercutting more durable rock units, and rockfall generating units. OGE recognizes that
past performance of rock cuts is more critical for the design of cuts in Ohio than examination of geologic
structure for kinematic analysis. However, if a kinematic analysis is necessary it is essential that adequate
data is collected both in terms of population (number of discontinuities) as well as the completeness of
data collected for each discontinuity. Using either the Detailed Line Survey (Section 205.2.3) or Window
Mapping, care should be taken to collect information on enough discontinuities within each discontinuity
set to be able to statistically and visually identify each set on a stereographic (stereonet) projection.
Generally within most rock masses there are at least 3 to 5 discontinuity sets present. For example, in
horizontally bedded sedimentary strata of the Allegheny Plateau region of the US, which encompasses
Ohio, there is near horizontal bedding, two nearly vertical orthogonal tectonic joints, and commonly a
near vertical valley stress relief joint for a total of at least 4 joint sets. Occasionally, there are individual
discontinuities such as faults or shear zones that may be present. Care needs to be taken to ensure all
discontinuity sets are identified in the field, on the data collection forms, and on the stereonets.
An example detailed line survey mapping sheet can be found in FHWA (1998).
Rock climbing techniques are sometimes required during the vertical line mapping. Personnel trained in
proper climbing techniques should perform this mapping.
LiDAR surveys are based on the travel time of a laser beam between the scanner and the outcrop.
Multiple beams sweeping the outcrop enable the creation of a three-dimensional point cloud of the rock
face at resolutions of 1 inch or better. These point clouds may then be manipulated so that digital
photographs are overlain on the point cloud and/or so that structural information may be interpolated.
No matter which remote sensing method is chosen for the geologic mapping, a limited number of
structural data points needs to be collected by hand survey to ground-truth the remotely-sensed data.
Surveying for existing rock cuts should include survey techniques where xyz coordinates are measured at
an interval of 1 inch or less (Section 205.2.8). Surveying techniques that provide this level of information
may be used to obtain geologic lithology and structural information as well as survey information.
205.2.8 Surveying
Topographic surveys for new rock cuts require a maximum two foot contour interval. Surveying for
existing rock cuts should include a Light Detection and Ranging survey (LiDAR survey), or other similar
survey techniques, where xyz coordinates are measured at an interval of 1 inch or less. For most
rehabilitation projects, scaling and/or reconfiguration of the slope will be required, and the LiDAR type
survey is useful for estimating debris removal and haul quantities during construction.
205.4.2 Pressuremeter
A pressuremeter (PMT) consists of a long cylindrical probe that is expanded radially into the surrounding
ground with a fluid such as water or gas (in soil) and hydraulic oil (in rock). The volume of fluid and
fluid pressure is monitored to develop a stress strain curve for the ground. Standard probes range from
1.3 to 2.9 inches (35 to 73 mm) in diameter with a length to diameter ratio varying from 4 to 6. Some
advantages of the PMT test are that it theoretically gives an accurate determination of the soil/rock
parameters, the test influences a zone larger than other in-situ tests, and the PMT will develop a full
stress-strain curve. Disadvantages include that the procedure required to run and interpret the data is
complicated and requires a high level of expertise in the field, tests are time consuming, and the
instrument is typically delicate and easily damaged.
The PLT is completed according to ASTM D 5731 by placing a piece of rock core or lump rock sample
between two platens; a force is applied to the sample and the maximum load on the sample is recorded.
The results are not acceptable if the failure plane lies partially along a pre-existing fracture in the rock, or
is not coincident with the line between the platens. For weak rock, where the platens indent the rock, a
correction factor is applied to the results.
In general, a minimum of three UCS tests should be conducted in tandem with three suites (10 PLT tests
each) of PLT tests to determine a correlation between the PLT values and UCS for a specific site or
lithology. As part of the PLT, it is recommended to record the unit weight of the rock sample (Section
To obtain the unconfined compressive strength from PLT a conversion factor is commonly used.
Generally in Ohio, competent rocks (sandstones and limestones) use a conversion factor of 24 and
incompetent rocks (shales and claystones) use a conversion factor of 12 (UCS = conversion factor * Is). It
should be noted that the weaker non-durable rocks obtain less accurate compressive strength values based
on point load testing.
The test is completed according to ASTM D 4644 where dried fragments of a known weight are placed in
a drum fabricated with 0.08 inch square mesh wire cloth. The drum is rotated and partially submerged in
distilled water. The specimens remaining in the drum are dried at the end of the rotation cycle (10
minutes at 20 rpm). After two cycles, the dry weights of the specimens are recorded and the Slake
Durability index (SDI) is calculated, (weight retained/initial weight) x 100.
Jv is the volumetric joint count which is estimated by summing the number of discontinuities within a
cubic yard (cubic meter according to reference) of the rock mass. Given the directional dependence of
RQD in rock core, Jv is the preferred method to establish RQD when outcrops are available.
208.1 Orientation
Discontinuity orientation provides an indication in which direction sliding of rock blocks may occur and
expressed as dip and dip direction (or strike) of the surface. Dip is the maximum angle of the plane
measured from the horizontal. The dip direction is the direction of dip measured from north and reported
azimuthally. A dip and dip direction reported as (56/180) would suggest that the plane in question dips at
56 degrees from horizontal in a direction of 180 degrees (due south).
Discontinuities in the State of Ohio are dominated by generally horizontal bedding planes and sub-vertical
joints (valley stress relief joints and other joints formed by tectonic forces in the geologic past). Due to
the dominance of these discontinuity orientations kinematic analysis of discontinuities is generally not
208.2 Spacing
The spacing of discontinuities provides an indication of the block size within the rock slope. The spacing
is measured normal to the strike of a discontinuity plane. The spacing is also related to the rock mass
strength, for example in very closely spaced rock, individual discontinuities may join together to form
continuous zones of weakness. These types of weakness zones are sometimes encountered in special care
units such as red beds.
208.3 Persistence
Persistence is a measure of the continuous length of a discontinuity (e.g. vertically in the case of valley
stress relief joints) and gives an indication of the size of blocks that may slide out of or topple from the
rock slope. Rock slope mapping should concentrate on measuring the persistence of the set of
discontinuities that has the greatest potential to facilitate failure. Although one of the most important
parameters of discontinuities for rock slope stability, this is the most difficult attribute to measure in
outcrops because often only a small part of the discontinuity is visible. Within rock core, persistence
cannot be measured because of the limited sample size.
Wall strength measurements can be conducted using field tests (ISRM, 1981), or if lump or core samples
are available, by carrying out point load testing. Additionally the Schmidt hammer test (rebound
hammer) is a method that estimates the strength of the discontinuity surfaces and is a common test for
measuring the uniaxial compressive strength of concrete. These apparatuses are common in materials
testing laboratories. An understanding of the discontinuity roughness and wall strength can be used with
empirical methods published by Barton (1973) to establish the shear strength of clean discontinuities.
Weathering, an alteration of the discontinuity surfaces, decreases the wall strength, and therefore
decreases the shear strength of a previously clean discontinuity. Weathering is an important parameter
that should be measured in the field.
208.5 Infilling
Discontinuities can be infilled with material that changes the shear resistance along the discontinuity.
Infilling materials may include clay and detritus material that are weaker than the host rock. Infilling of
this type can reduce the shear resistance along a discontinuity. In some cases infilling can take the form
of recrystallization along the discontinuity with minerals such as calcite, siderite, and limonite, which
may increase shear resistance along the discontinuity. In cases where the shear resistance along a
discontinuity is important the infilling material should be tested. For guidance in the testing refer to
FHWA (1998).
Determination of groundwater levels and pressures includes measurements of the elevation of the
groundwater surface and variations of this elevation based on seasonal fluctuation. Also important is the
location of perched water tables, the location of aquifers, and the presence of artesian pressures. Water
pressure in rock slopes reduces the stability of the slope by reducing the available shear strength of
potential failure surfaces. Changes in moisture content of the rock, particularly those with low slake
durability, causes materials to lose strength over time. Freezing of groundwater causes ice wedging and
may effectively block drainage of discontinuities in the rock mass increasing pore pressures resulting in
an increased rockfall potential and the potential for more large scale failures of the rock slopes.
Determination of the permeability of the rock strata is important because discharge of water from slopes
along a highway can necessitate the requirement for increased maintenance as the result of pavement
deterioration and the need for higher capacity drainage systems. During construction, there may be
difficulties operating heavy equipment on wet ground, and water in blast holes may require special
blasting gels which are more expensive than blasting materials used for dry holes. Erosion of both
The design of rock cut slopes is a step-wise process. After the exploration, segments, or the entire slope,
are grouped into design units which are provided recommended cut slope angles according to their
material properties. Guidelines for the interaction between the design units are provided and further
discussed in Section 400 of this manual. Catchment areas and drainage are discussed in later sections
(Sections 500 and 600) of this manual.
A. Lithologic Unit: A body of rock comprised of a similar mineral composition, grain size, and
engineering characteristics.
B. Competent Unit: A rock unit described as a limestone, sandstone, or siltstone with a second
cycle (Id2) SDI greater than 85 percent. If a limestone or sandstone is described as moderately strong,
strong, very strong, or extremely strong in hardness, based on SGE 605.5, it is considered competent,
and no SDI is necessary. If a limestone or sandstone is described as slightly strong, weak, or very weak
(less than 3,600 psi for unconfined compressive strength) based on SGE 605.5 and a unit weight less
than 140 pcf then SDI testing is required. For a siltstone, SDI testing is required.
C. Incompetent Unit: A rock unit described as shale or claystone, or a competent unit described as
slightly strong, weak, or very weak based on SGE 605.5, with SDI less than 85 percent.
D. Design Unit: A portion of a slope, or the entire slope, that can be cut at a consistent stable angle.
A design unit may be comprised of single or multiple lithologic unit(s). A design unit can be selected
on the basis of characteristic lithology and the anticipated slope failure(s). The thickness of a design
unit can range from small thicknesses (minimum 10 feet) to the height of the entire cut slope. Three (3)
design units are considered in this manual, defined as follows:
1. Competent Design Unit: Consists of greater than 90 percent competent rock units. The failures
anticipated to occur in this design unit are those controlled by unfavorable orientation of
discontinuities (plane, wedge, or toppling failures).
2. Incompetent Design Unit: Consists of greater than 90 percent incompetent units. The failures
anticipated in this design unit include raveling, mudflows and rotational slides.
3. Interlayered Design Unit: Consists of inter-layered competent and incompetent units, each
ranging in proportion from more than 10 percent to 90 percent. Undercutting-induced failures
(rockfalls) and mudflows are the anticipated primary failures in this design unit. However,
raveling and rotational slides are possible.
51-75 Review global stability and design based on engineering judgment or consult
with the DGE
For slopes comprised only of thickly bedded sandstone or other lithologic units with high RQD and rock
mass strength, cut slope angles of 0.25H:1V may be used if adequate catchment area is provided. To
utilize slope angles steeper than 0.5H:1V, contact the DGE. To steepen cut slope angles in competent
design units, isolated areas may require additional support or stabilization. For guidance on these
stabilization methods refer to Section 704.2. Problems associated with soil-rock contact should be
addressed to avoid soil failure. This can be addressed using an overburden bench as described in section
Table 303-2. Slope angles for Incompetent Design Units based on second-cycle
SDI (Id2).
20-60 2H: 1V
60-85 1.5H: 1V
85-95 1H: 1V
For incompetent design units that have SDI less than 20 percent the design should be based on
engineering judgment and consultation with the DGE. For slopes steeper than 1H:1V use engineering
judgment and consult with the DGE.
Type Description
Type A Very thick bedded (>3 ft) competent units underlain by incompetent units
Medium to thick bedded (10 inches to 3 ft) sandstone and siltstone units interbedded or
Type B
interlayered with incompetent units in variable proportions
Medium to thick bedded (10 inches to 3 ft) limestone units interbedded or interlayered
Type C
with incompetent units in variable proportions
1. Cut the competent rock at 0.5H:1V to avoid toppling failures. If the incompetent unit is of
significant thickness (minimum 10 feet thick), cut the incompetent unit at an angle as specified in
Section 303.2. If the incompetent unit is a minimum of 3 feet and less than 10 feet thick, cut at
1H:1V. If the incompetent unit is 3 feet or greater, provide a geotechnical bench following
guidelines in Section 403 at the contact between units. If the incompetent unit is less than 3 feet
thick, cut at the same angle as the competent rock.
2. When the competent unit consists only of very thickly bedded sandstone, slopes may be cut at
0.25H:1V. Use of this steeper cut slope angle may result in the need for localized or patterned
stabilization using rock bolts. The decision to use the steeper cut angle should be based on
engineering judgment in consultation with the DGE.
Figure 303-3A. Slope comprised of Interlayered Type A stratigraphy rock located at WAS-77-17.1.
Cut the slope at a uniform angle of 1.5H:1V. Provide adequate catchment area (Section 500) and
Cut the slope at 0.25H:1V and stabilize the sandstone/siltstone units in the top half of the cut
slope as needed. This option should only be considered for design units with maximum heights
of 25 feet.
An example of Type B
Stratigraphy-Case 1 is shown
in Figure 303-3-B1.
If a slope is comprised of
multiple design units or a
different design unit is
present below the Type B
stratigraphic sequence, a
bench should be placed
between the two design
units. The bench should be
designed in accordance with
Section 403.
An example of Type B Stratigraphy-Case 2 is shown in Figure 303-3-B2. Cut the slope at 1.5H:1V in
order to contain the flat rockfalls on the slope face. Provide adequate catchment area (Section 500) and
drainage design (Section 605).
An example of Type C Stratigraphy-Case 1 is shown in Figure 303-3-C1. Cut the design unit at
0.25H:1V for heights of design units not exceeding 25 ft. For design units in excess of 25 feet in height
cut at 0.5H:1V.
In this case, the incompetent units are too thin to be independently designed. The appropriate design
approach should be cutting slopes at steep angles and providing adequate catchment areas. Stabilizing
An example of Type C Stratigraphy-Case 2 is shown in Figure 303-3-C2. In this case, the incompetent
units are usually in red bed claystone units. The design approach should focus on reducing the
degradation of the thick incompetent units and retaining the weathered material on the slope face by
constructing small benches in zones containing limestone units. The design should be based on the
incompetent rock unit and follow procedures in Section 303.2. If the slope contains significant
thicknesses of red beds, refer to Section 304 of this document. Provide adequate catchment area (Section
500) and drainage.
Cut slope at 1H:1V or flatter based on engineering judgment. Provide adequate catchment (Section 500)
and drainage.
Special care should be taken when these units are encountered. Design for these units should be based on
engineering judgment and consultation with the DGE.
A bench is a nearly horizontal surface constructed mid-slope. The purposes of a bench include 1)
providing erosion provisions of a less durable rock underlying a more durable rock that may result in
undercutting, 2) allow for overall steeper angles of a slope where weaker lithologies are present, 3)
provide stages of construction, and 4) provide transition areas. Even though rock slope benches provide
some degree of protection against rockfall this is considered a secondary attribute of benches. Benches
should be located to account for construction access and global or localized slope failures and not as a
means of rockfall protection.
Benches constructed with the specific intent of catchment should be avoided. FHWA discourages mid-
slope benches because they are rarely cleaned and could become launching features for rocks. In general,
mid-slope benches are not effective for rockfall control unless they are directly beneath a near vertical
slope (0.25:1 or steeper). Design of slopes that include a maintained bench will require the inclusion of
access points to all maintained benches.
Types of benches include overburden benches, geotechnical (lithologic) benches, and construction
Stability analysis for an overburden zone thicker than 10 feet may be necessary in certain situations to
confirm the appropriateness of a 2H:1V slope. If a 2H:1V slope does not daylight over a reasonable
distance, steeper slopes may be required to minimize right-of-way and excavation. For the use of
overburden zone slopes steeper than 2H:1V contact DGE. Design of these benches should include an
evaluation of drainage, especially in the vicinity of large recharge areas.
1. For incompetent design units 10 feet thick or less, the benches should be 10 feet wide.
2. For incompetent design units thicker than 10 feet, the benches should be made wider as necessary
based on specific conditions. The designer should use engineering judgment to determine the site-
specific minimum thickness of a weatherable bed that will require benching. Conditions to
consider are the rate of weathering and the ultimate angle of repose of the weathered incompetent
material. For instance, if a material weathers back to 2H: 1V, this should be considered in design
to prevent undercutting.
3. For interlayered design units, provide a minimum 10-foot bench at the contact between different
design units. The designer should use engineering judgment to determine the site-specific bench
size required.
5. For coal, clay, or mineral seams of mineable thickness, or in the case of known or suspected
underground mines that will be located within the cut slopes, a 20-foot wide bench should be
inserted. Bench locations should be below suspected mine voids and above un-mined seams.
6. The slope of benches longitudinally should follow the base of the competent rock with the
outslope having positive drainage typically at a grade of 10%, with a minimum grade of 3%.
Special consideration should be given to drainage in vicinity of coal seams. Bench grades are
extremely hard to control when rock is blasted.
7. Where there are competent/incompetent unit interfaces near the termination of the slope at the
catchment ditch, a 10-foot wide bench should be inserted below road grade to prevent
undercutting of the cut slope during maintenance procedures.
8. Where the above guidelines would result in different types of benches in the vicinity of each other
(e.g. a construction bench and a geotechnical bench within a few feet vertically), the designer
must use engineering judgment to produce a practical design, and combine benches.
9. Access roads to benches will most likely require additional right of way. Sufficient width for
equipment access on maintained benches will also be necessary.
10. Bench widths may need to be modified in order to maintain a temporary working bench during
construction. These geometric benches should accommodate relief in the existing slope face. The
cut line needs to consider all relief as well as the burden thickness.
11. Geotechnical benching must be field adjusted during construction to follow any changes in the
bedding surface.
12. Install a bench drain along the contact between competent-incompetent rock units to where
groundwater is encountered or anticipated collect seeping water, and a backslope drain behind the
slope crest to reduce runoff on slope face.
For slopes steeper than 1:1, or where pre-splitting is specified for a 1:1 slope, 5-foot wide horizontal
construction benches should be placed at a maximum of 30-foot vertical intervals of a rock cut slope
where no geotechnical benches are required. Variations of plan and actual construction bench width are
expected and in fact these benches may, and should if possible, be eliminated during construction.
Figure 404-1. Example of a construction bench after construction. Note the weathered rounded
appearance after a period of exposure.
A rockfall is defined as a rock mass that has detached from a steep slope or cliff, along a surface on which
little or no shear displacement occurs, and descends most of its distance through air (Hoek and Bray,
1981). Rockfalls constitute a hazard along Ohio roadways. Rockfalls are predominate in Ohio where
rock discontinuities form blocks in competent units, which are underlain by easily erodible incompetent
units. Erosion of underlying incompetent units allows blocks from the upper competent units to fall under
the influence of gravity. The frequency and size of a rockfall depends on joint spacing within the
competent unit and the extent by which it has been undercut. However, undercutting is not always
required for rockfall to occur. Closely jointed rocks can lead to rockfalls even if there is no undercutting
involved (Shakoor, 1995).
OGE has established a rockfall catchment design criteria of 95% rockfall catchment at the edge of
pavement (typically edge of paved shoulder). An effective method of minimizing the hazard of rockfalls
is to control the distance and direction in which they travel. The recommended and most frequently used
method to control rockfall in Ohio is the appropriate sizing of a catchment area. Other rockfall control
and protection methods beyond catchment ditches include barriers, wire mesh fences, and mesh slope
drapes (Section 504). A common feature of all these protection methods is their energy-absorbing
characteristics in which the rockfall is either stopped over some distance, or is deflected away from the
The use of design charts and rockfall computer simulation programs are necessary to select and design
effective protection measures against rockfall. If design charts are used as the basis for design of
catchment areas, representative critical sections along the rock cut slope should also be analyzed using a
rockfall simulation program (Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program [CRSP] or equivalent software) to
confirm the catchment ditch configuration is acceptable. The catchment area design should be the larger
of the two designs; one based on Table 502-1 and the other being the computer simulation models.
Figures 501-1 and 501-2 should be referenced for rock slope terminology.
It should be noted that the mid-slope geotechnical (lithologic) bench is not to be designed as a rockfall
mitigation measure. However, its ability to attenuate rockfall hazards should not be ignored. The
effectiveness or contribution of benches at limiting rockfall hazards should be evaluated using rockfall
simulation computer programs. This is accomplished by evaluating both end-of-construction as well as
long term conditions. Guidance on this is presented in Section 503.1 of this manual.
Figure 501-2. Typical ditch configuration for a catchment area with flat catchment area and angled
Table 502-1. Recommended catchment widths for varying slope and catchment foreslope angles.
** Slopes with a height (H) greater than 90 feet and at an angle of 1H:1Vshould be designed with Table
502-1 width as minimum and adjusted according to specific site conditions
Table 502-1 provides a basis to evaluate potential catchment area designs. Discussion on the use of a
computer rockfall simulation program is provided in Section 503 of this manual. The designer should use
engineering judgment and CRSP or equivalent software analysis to determine the appropriate catchment
ditch width for a rock cut slope where the portion of the slope intersecting the ditch is flatter than
Computer rockfall simulation programs such as CRSP provide a 2-dimensional or cross-sectional analysis
of the trajectories and energies of potential rockfall in its model. CRSP divides a rock cut into cells or
segments. Each segment is provided characteristics as to its geometry, ability to attenuate energy, and its
undulations or roughness. The size and shape of potential rockfalls are also required. Results of the
simulation models provide rockfall trajectories, energies, and bounce heights along the length of the slope
and catchment area.
Rockfall simulations should be performed for critical sections of a rock slope. The number of critical
sections for a rock cut is project specific. At minimum a simulation must be done at the location of the
highest vertical relief. The height of cut slope (H) should be defined as the vertical distance from
overburden bench (or lowest 2H:1 V or flatter slope of more than 10 feet in height) to the base of the
slope. Additional sections may be required due to changing slope conditions (e.g. change in elevation of
roadway) or where geometries change that warrant additional simulations. Engineering judgment and/or
consultation with the DGE should be used to determine the number of simulations.
1. Analysis should be run for both end of construction conditions and for long-term conditions.
The long-term conditions should account for the weathering of the slope.
2. Analysis Points are locations on the horizontal axis of a model where resultant output
variables such as energies, bounce heights, velocities, and percent passing are summarized.
A simulation model may have multiple analysis points. OGE recommends the following
analysis points:
b. Analysis Point 2, or AP2, is defined as the outside edge of the pavement (typically paved
shoulder). OGE requires 95 percent of rockfalls not passing AP 2.
3. Surface Roughness accounts for the surface irregularities along segments of a slope. This
value should also vary with the size of rock being analyzed. Surface roughness is considered
to be the most sensitive variable.
a. For the analysis of end-of-construction conditions, the surface roughness should be a low
value (0.15-0.50 for freshly cut portions of slopes).
b. For long-term analysis, the surface roughness should be higher than end-of-construction
analysis. Surface roughness should be increased based on engineering judgment using,
for example, the performance of slopes in similar geology.
5. A unit weight of the design unit should be input based upon laboratory testing of the collected
rock core samples.
6. For the Normal and Tangential Coefficients, the CRSP Users Manual provides broad ranges
of values to be used for different slope conditions. These ranges are shown in Table 503-1.
This manual also provides Table 503-2 as a guide for a more refined selection of initial
coefficient values. It should be noted that these coefficients, which are energy dissipation
coefficients, are less sensitive to the rockfall simulation than surface roughness, but are still
important for an appropriate computer simulation.
7. For mudstone/claystone slopes when modeled, use winter conditions (worst case), during
which the ground is frozen resembling a stronger surface versus the softer conditions of
Table 503-1. CRSP Coefficient Guide for Normal and Tangential Coefficient (from Jones, et al.,
Smooth hard surfaces and paving 0.60-1.0 -For short slopes try lower values in
applicable range
Most bedrock and boulder fields 0.15-0.30
-If max. velocity/KE* are design
Talus and firm soil slopes 0.12-0.20 criteria, use lower values in range; if
avg. velocity/KE* are design criteria,
Soft soil slopes** 0.10-0.20 use higher values in range
**Soft soil slope coefficients were extrapolated from other slope types due to lack of data
Smooth hard surfaces and paving 0.90-1.0 -Rt is not very sensitive
compared to Rn, but may be
Most bedrock and boulder fields 0.75-0.95 important for hard or
significantly vegetated slopes
Talus and firm soil slopes 0.65-0.95
-Use lower Rt as the density of
Soft soil slopes* 0.50-0.80 vegetation on the slope increases
Normal Tangential
Coefficient Coefficient
Input Consistency Field Identification
Values Values
(Rn) (Rt)
OGE has concluded that in a number of cases, CRSP tends to underestimate required ditch width. Care
should be taken to ensure the rockfall simulation is an accurate representation of the potential rockfalls for
new construction or historical rockfalls for an existing slope.
Table 504-1. Examples of Rockfall Mitigation Measures (updated from McCauley et al., 1985)
Barriers can be divided into two groups; rigid barriers and flexible barriers. Rigid barriers include the
Jersey barrier and Modified D-50 wall. Rigid barriers may be used for anticipated rockfall blocks of 5
feet in diameter or smaller. Anticipated rock blocks greater than 5 feet should use a flexible barrier
system or other containment means. These barriers absorb the impact of rockfalls based on the strength
of its materials. Flexible barriers are manufactured to bend and absorb the energy of rockfalls, dissipating
the energy over a distance. Flexible barrier systems have energy absorbing potential generally from 100
to 5,000 kJ and can be sized in height according to the site specific needs.
The use of CRSP or other similar rockfall simulation programs is required in the selection and design of
barriers. The appropriate selection of a barrier is based, in part, on the predicted rockfall bounce heights
and energies of potential rockfalls at the placement location of a barrier. The barrier selection should of
sufficient height to prevent rockfalls from bouncing over and should be able to absorb energy to limit the
hazard to the traveling public. In general, rigid barriers are considered to have a lower energy absorbing
capacity, shorter heights, and lower costs than flexible barriers. Flexible containment systems are
designed based on the potential bounce heights and energies of rockfalls. These should be appropriately
designed based on specific manufacturers requirements.
Mesh drape systems are effective rockfall mitigation where there is a high volume of historic or predicted
rockfalls. Drapes help attenuate energy and bounce height as well as directing where the rockfall lands. If
rockfalls are greater than 5 feet in diameter, the use of wire mesh drape systems are not recommended.
Drape systems are generally not recommended for new cut designs. For guidance on the design of wire
mesh drape systems refer to the FHWA manual Design Guidelines for Wire Mesh/Cable Net Slope
Protection (WA-RD-612.2, 2005) and the ODOT Supplemental Specification 862 Rockfall Protection.
In the design of rock cuts, situations may arise where modification to a design template are necessary.
This section discusses several of the more common geotechnical situations that are encountered in Ohio.
Design of these or other unique cases should be done with engineering judgment and coordination with
the DGE.
603.1 Groundwater
Groundwater is often a cause of rock slope instabilities. The usual method for providing groundwater
drainage is the use of horizontal drains to create an outlet for the water. There is no formula to predict the
optimal inclination, spacing, and length of horizontal drains in a slope. Drains are typically installed on 10
to 30-foot spacing and penetrate to at least one-third the slope height. Because groundwater is
concentrated within the discontinuities in the rock, it is advantageous to intersect as many of the
discontinuities as possible or to locate the horizontal drains within the geologic formation that is carrying
the water. Within horizontally bedded sedimentary rock slopes, the most prominent discontinuities within
the slope are typically bedding and therefore, horizontal drains should target the water bearing unit,
intersecting the bedding and steeply-inclined joints.
Drains consist of a perforated pipe with the perforations sized to minimize the infiltration of fines washed
from the fracture infillings. Depending on the amount of water and durability of the rock where the water
is discharged, it may be necessary to collect all seepage in a manifold and dispose of it some distance
from the slope.
Surface water may enter fractures in the rock increasing the water pressure within the rock slope or run
over the slope causing more rapid degradation of less durable materials. Therefore, where surface water
is expected, it is often worthwhile to install a diversion ditch behind the crest of the slope and on
individual benches. Ditches (except toe drain) should be lined with riprap.
Refer to the most recent version of Ohio Karst Areas published by the Ohio State Department of
Natural Resources for known locations of karst features. During the rock slope exploration, identify and
document ground surface features that may be related to karst formations.
Karst features exposed within rock slopes are similar to underground mine voids in that they are voids in
the rock slope that can contribute to rock fall, subsidence, and global instability problems. Water within
karst features may flow freely out of the feature and cause less durable rock materials to rapidly weather.
Therefore karst within rock slopes is typically treated in the same manner as underground mine voids.
Development of designs for a new cut slope or rehabilitation of an existing cut slope must consider the
safety of the traveling public and contractors during construction, as well as the long term performance of
the rock slopes. This section addresses items about construction and constructability which the designer
should take into consideration.
702.1 Pre-Splitting
Pre-splitting helps minimize blast damage to the final face of the excavation due to production blasting.
CMS 208.01 requires pre-splitting of cuts steeper than 1H:1V and deeper than 5 feet, regardless of the
method of excavation (i.e. ripping, hoe-ram, excavation with or without production blasting). However,
the specification states that pre-splitting of 1H:1V slopes may be specified. It is preferred that competent
design units with RQD of 0 to 50 percent, cut at a slope angle of 1H:1V per Table 303.1, be presplit.
Likewise, it is preferred that incompetent design units with SDI greater than 85 percent, cut at a slope
angle of 1H;1V or steeper per Table 303.2, be presplit. The Designer should specify by Plan Note pre-
splitting of these design units whenever possible.
Design of rock cuts 1H:1V or steeper in design units of lower rock quality than those listed above should
be rare, but may need to be specified on occasion due to right-of-way or other constraints. In this case,
the Designer need not specify pre-splitting of 1H:1V slopes for the lower quality rock, and CMS 208.01
would require only slopes steeper than 1H:1V be presplit. As a general rule-of-thumb, the Designer need
not specify pre-splitting of 1H:1V cuts when the rock is anticipated to be rippable.
Typically, to determine the effectiveness of blasting (including pre-splitting) versus ripping and
mechanical excavation Contractors utilize values of
Pre-splitting effectiveness is relative to the weakest layer in the shot. Design units comprised of mixed
lithologic units in which a single pre-split is placed is less effective than a pre-split in a single lithologic
unit. In weak incompetent design units which can be easily excavated, mechanically scaling of the final
face may be more beneficial than pre-splitting. In areas where multiple lithologic units of varying intact
properties are present, or where the final face is highly fractured and jointed, the final face may have
loose materials remaining after the excavation.
Generally, the smaller the area, the more expensive (the unit rate will be to excavate the slope. A two-
lane side hill cut and fill will be more difficult and costly to construct than a large four-lane through cut.
When the area of excavation becomes narrower, the spacing and diameter of the blast holes will both
typically decrease. These measures help prevent breakage beyond the pre-split plane and limit the
amount of fly rock, if there is an exposed outside face, and will increase excavation unit rates.
702.3 Scaling
For areas where loose material remains on the final face after excavation, the face should be mechanically
scaled prior to blasting the next lift. Mechanical scaling can be accomplished with either a large track hoe
bucket scraping the final face, a hoe ram on isolated areas, or a heavy gauge chain or dragger. A dragger
is a large heavy counter weight, such as a steel beam or steel plate (e.g. an old plow blade), which can be
attached to a chain or cable. The chain or dragger is then attached to a dozer or crane and pulled along
the face, both horizontally and vertically, multiple times to dislodge loose materials.
a. The cut slope edges and top portions should be tapered (flattened) into the existing topography
within the weathered mantle.
b. The design catchment area (full width) should be extended along the full length including the
tapered portions of the cut slope, since these areas may produce debris.
The working platform should be comprised entirely of rock and is measured from the existing rock face to
the cut line.
In general, the narrower the working platform, the higher the unit cost for excavation. Larger the
equipment that can be utilized as the working platform becomes larger, and therefore, the lower the unit
costs of excavation. As such, the wider working platform may be less expensive to construct over the
narrower working platform even though a larger volume is being excavated. Additionally, a wider
working platform may be beneficial to allow for adjustments during construction of the slope.
During the production blasts the rock will swell due to the breakage. If there is a narrow working
area, this swelled material could cast down the existing slope face.
The unshot material located in the outer wedge of the slope may require the use of a hoe ram to
be broken down into disposable pieces.
Eliminate pinch points, where the working platform narrows, limiting the access of the
equipment. These typically occur in natural drainage swales.
Anticipate where the waste area is going to be located. Based on the anticipated haulage out of
the cut, benches may need to be altered to efficiently tie the benches into the haul roads.
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