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Habib ME, et al.

, J Emerg Med Trauma Surg Care 2014, 1: 001

HSOA Journal of
Emergency Medicine Trauma and Surgical Care
Review Article

Emergency Management of
Chemical Burns
Medhat Emil Habib*, Mazen Al-Samarrae, Fathy El Said
Shoeib and Gihan Adly Latif
Figure 1: (a) Chemical burn right side of the trunk, (b) Stomach acid leakage
Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Mafraq Hospital, Abu around a PEG tube.
Dhabi, United Arab of Emirates
The history should also include the duration of contact with the
chemical agent, change of voice or difficulty in breathing in cases of
inhalation of a chemical agent, the medical condition of the patient
and past history of previous experience with chemical burns as in
industrial workers.
Clinical Picture
Chemical burns can be caused by acids, bases, organic and
inorganic solutions. More than 25 000 products which can cause The patients may complain of itching, burning sensation, difficulty
chemical burns are available for use in agriculture, household, in breathing and coughing of blood as in inhalation of a chemical
industry and military forces [1]. Chemical burn accounts for 2.4%- gas and difficulty in swallowing in cases of ingestion of chemical
10.7% of the overall percentage of burns with a mortality rate of 30% agent by children and in suicidal attempts [8]. The patient may have
of all burn deaths [2,3]. The recognition of the causes, types and bleaching or darkening of the skin. The chemical burn can take the
mechanisms of tissue destruction of the chemical agents can help in shape of patches of skin burns in cases of immersion of part of the
the management of this type of burns. body in contact with a chemical agent. Streak lines going along the
gravity direction and patches of burn as a result of splash of a chemical
Patients History liquid are characteristic presentations of chemical burns (Figure 2).
Knowing the cause of the burn is of paramount importance in the
management. Sometimes this can be easily known if the patient or
rescuers bring the name of the causative agent as in industrial burns
in which a factory may be working on special types of chemicals or
in domestic burns in which the material used may be known. On
the other hand, the nature of the causative agent used may not be
known as in criminal attacks and wars [4]. In some cases of domestic
chemical burns a chemical material used for cleaning may be kept
in a different container which can be attractive to children. There is
another group of patients who know the chemical agent used but they
Figure 2: (a) Streak lines of flow of the chemical liquid, (b) Splash of the
do not declare it in the history as in suicidal actions and in some self chemical on the leg.
inflicted cases which makes the task difficult for the clinician [5].
The increased use of chemical peeling in the last few years created The burnt area may be superficial or deep depending on the type
a new category of chemical burn cases who can have serious of the chemical, its concentration, its duration of contact and its
complications [6]. Other causes of chemical burns can be due to penetration into the skin. Most acids produce a coagulation necrosis
extravasation of some drugs from the intravascular compartment to by denaturing proteins, forming a coagulum (eschar) that limits the
the surrounding tissues with the result of sustaining burns to these penetration of the acid. Bases typically produce a more severe injury
tissues [7]. known as liquefaction necrosis. This involves denaturing proteins as
well as saponification of fats which does not limit tissue penetration
Leakage of the hydrochloric acid around a PEG tube inserted in [8]. Depression of the burn area compared to the surrounding skin on
the stomach can cause burn in the surrounding skin (Figure 1). presentation to the emergency department is another characteristic
*Corresponding author: Medhat Emil Habib, Department of Plastic & sign of deep chemical burn (Figure 3).
Reconstructive Surgery, Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab of Emirates,
Tel: 00971505368188; E-mail: [email protected] Management
Citation: Habib ME, Al-Samarrae M, Shoeib FE, Latif GA (2014) Emergency Hazardous chemical materials can be harmful to the patients and
Management of Chemical Burns. J Emerg Med Trauma Surg Care 1: 001. to the emergency medical staff who attend them. Training of the
Received: June 11, 2014; Accepted: August 12, 2014; Published: August 26, emergency staff and the use of personal protective equipment in
2014 dealing with such situations can reduce that risk [9]. The ABC of
Citation: Habib ME, Al-Samarrae M, Shoeib FE, Latif GA (2014) Emergency Management of Chemical Burns. J Emerg Med Trauma Surg Care 1: 001.

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assured. Hypothermia which may result from the copious irrigation

has to be avoided by maintaining the room temperature between
28-31C and the lavage water temperature as near to the body
temperature as possible.
Clinical assessment of the depth and extent of a chemical burn
is required. The blisters have to be debrided and covered with
chemotherapeutic agents and dressings [10]. Local debriding agents
as debridase and Laser may be helpful [14]. Early excision and grafting
of non-viable tissue is advocated as soon as possible (Figure 4).
Figure 3: (a) Depression of burnt areas at the knee region, (b) Depressed
chemical burn on forehead and eyelids.

trauma, primary and secondary assessment and all general principles

of Trauma and Burn care apply to chemical burns [10]. The
emergency doctor should be aware that chemical burn, in contrast to
thermal burn, can continue in the emergency room especially if the
clothes of the patient are soaked with the chemical material and kept
on him. Another characteristic point of chemical burn is that it may
act in a systemic fashion. Accordingly, the first aid management of the
chemical burns should include several aspects as:
Removal of the chemical agent.
Treatment of the systemic toxicity if present and other side effects
of the agent. Figure 4: Acid burn, a) Dorsum of the left hand, b) Volar aspect of the left
forearm, c) 10 dyas after application of unmeshed skin graft of the dorsum
General support of the patient. of the left hand, d) Meshed graft of the volar aspect of the left forearm, e) 4
months later and f) 4 months later.
Consideration to specific areas of the body affected [10].
The chemical agent should be removed as early as possible. The Inhalation Injury
involved clothes and foot wear should be removed. Irrigation of the Concomitant respiratory injuries may occur when aerosolized
chemical by water lavage should be started to dilute and even remove chemical or smoke is inhaled. The practitioner must be aware of the
the chemical. Periods of 30 minutes of copious irrigation for acid possibility of inhalation injury in all cases of chemical burns. The
burns and even longer periods for alkali burns may be required. diagnosis is usually made with the fiber optic bronchoscope. Chemical
Irrigation can be repeated if required. In case of burns from chemical inhalation injuries, like smoke inhalation injuries, are managed
powder irrigation should not be immediately started as the water with airway protection and supplemental oxygen, by mechanical
can activate the chemical. The powder should be dusted off first and ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure and aggressive chest
then the irrigation can take place. There is debate about the use of physiotherapy [12].
antidotes. Antidotes can produce an exothermic reaction that will
superimpose a thermal injury on top of the chemical injury and they Chemical Burns of the Eye
themselves can cause toxicity [11]. However, antidotes may be used in
Chemical eye burns account for small but significant percentage of
some special situations as in phenol burns which should be swabbed
ocular trauma. The incidence of chemical and thermal injuries to the
with polyethylene glycol sponges prior to a high-density shower.
eye ranges from 7.7%-18% of all ocular trauma [15,16]. Alkali injuries
Muriatic and sulfuric acid burns should be neutralized with soap.
occur more frequently than acid injuries. Irreversible damage occurs
Hydrofluoric acid dissociates into hydrogen and fluoride. The fluoride
at a pH above 11.5 [16]. Acid causes less severe and more focal tissue
chelates the calcium in the body and the patient can develop
injury [17]. The Hydrogen ion alters surface pH while the associated
hypocalcaemia. The patient is treated with a combination of water
anion reacts with epithelial and superficial stromal cells to precipitate
lavage, topical calcium gluconate gel and subcutaneous injection of
and denature surface proteins. Eye burns are classified into 4 grades; I
10% calcium gluconate to neutralize free fluoride ions. In some cases
and II are associated with hyperemia, small conjunctival ecchymosis
intra-arterial infusion of calcium gluconate may be required [11-13].
and chemosis as well as erosion of the corneal epithelium. In mild acid
White phosphorous, used in the military, in fireworks and in burns, the coagulated corneal epithelium often has a ground-glass
some insecticides may ignite spontaneously on exposure to air. appearance. After removal of epithelium the clear corneal stroma
Recommended treatment includes lavage with 0.5% to 2% copper is visible. Grade III and IV are accompanied by extensive and deep
sulfate and copious water lavage. Copper sulfate also turns damage to the tissue. The visible blood vessels are thrombosed and
phosphorus particles black. This facilitates their identification and appear dark. The corneal keratocytes are lost and hydration of the
removal [10]. Toxicology consultation is preferred especially in cases denatured proteins results in corneal opacification. Chemical injury to
of systemic toxicity which can be caused by some chemicals as the iris and crystalline lens may produce mydriasis. The lysis of cells of
hydrofluoric and foramic acids. the anterior chamber destroys the blood aqueous barrier and leads to
iridocyclitis and fibrinous exudation [16].
General support of the patient involves the use of conventional
burn formulas for resuscitation when necessary, monitoring the vital The goal of the therapy is to restore a normal ocular surface and
signs and assessing the urine output. Blood gas and electrolyte corneal clarity. Patients with a chemical injury will often present
analysis should be performed until metabolic stability has been with sudden onset of severe pain, epiphora and blepharospasm after
Volume 1 Issue 1 100001
J Emerg Med Trauma Surg Care
ISSN: 2378-8798, Open Access Journal
Citation: Habib ME, Al-Samarrae M, Shoeib FE, Latif GA (2014) Emergency Management of Chemical Burns. J Emerg Med Trauma Surg Care 1: 001.

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Volume 1 Issue 1 100001

J Emerg Med Trauma Surg Care
ISSN: 2378-8798, Open Access Journal

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