APX HF3 Technical Manual

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Surgical C-arm


APELEM-DMS GROUP Parc Scientifique Georges Besse

175 All e Von Neumann, 30035 Nmes cedex 1- FRANCE
T l + 33 (0)4 66 29 09 07 - Fax +33 (0)4 66 29 71 23
e-mail: [email protected]

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Safety........................................................................................ 5
Protection against Radiation .................................................. 5
Transport .................................................................................. 5
Installation ................................................................................ 6
Operating ................................................................................. 6
Cleaning and Disinfection ....................................................... 6
Storage ..................................................................................... 6
Life time .................................................................................... 7

General description ................................................................. 8

Characteristics....................................................................... 11
1 General characteristics ...................................................................... 11
2 Radioscopy ....................................................................................... 11
3 Radiography ......................................................................................12
4 Protection devices .............................................................................12
5 Functioning indicators ........................................................................12
6 Other characteristics ..........................................................................12

Description of the console .................................................... 13

Use in fluoroscopy ................................................................ 22

1 Manual fluoroscopy ............................................................................22
2 Automatic fluoroscopy........................................................................22
3 Flash radioscopy ...............................................................................22
4 Inversions of the fluoroscopy camera scan .........................................23
5 Digital video memory use ...................................................................23
6 Remote control of video printer ...........................................................24
7 Fluoroscopy timer ..............................................................................24
8 Synopsis of the video in Fluoroscopy .................................................25

Use in radiography ................................................................ 26

1 Use of the anatomical memories .........................................................26
2 Memory search ..................................................................................26
3 Exposure setting ................................................................................27
3 Memorization .....................................................................................27
4 Standby time after a radiography........................................................27

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Configuration ......................................................................... 28
1 Use of the configuration mode ............................................................28
2 Exit from configuration mode ..............................................................28

Description of the configuration parameters ....................... 29

1 Table of the parameters ......................................................................29
2 Configuration of the system ................................................................32

Maintenance ........................................................................... 40
1 How to replace the 63A fuse ...............................................................40
2 Description of test points ....................................................................40
3 Process for centring the laser module ................................................41

Fuses List ............................................................................... 43

Preventive maintenance ........................................................ 44

Configuration of this C -arm .............................................. 45

External indicator of X-ray emission .................................... 46

Apparatus grounding point ................................................... 46

Description of the identification label .................................. 47

Diagrams ................................................................................ 48

Heating and cooling curves .................................................. 67

X-ray tube assembly dimensions ........................................ 68

Characteristics of the X-ray tube ......................................... 69

Trolley electrics diagrams ..................................................... 81

Personal notes ....................................................................... 83

This manual was originally written in French

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3


Thank-you for having chosen the Radiographic Mobile Generator APX HF 3.

We hope that it will meet all of your requirements.
Our company has invested this unit with its latest technical expertise and savoir
faire .

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

The user is requested to observe national laws concerning the use and installation
of x-ray equipment.
This equipment is not intended to function in an atmosphere containing explosive gas.
A check of the reliability and efficiency of the apparatus every 12 months is recommended
for the safety of both patient and operator.
Worn parts may become dangerous; they must be checked and replaced by new ones.
Before using the unit, the operator is to ensure that all safety devices are in working order.

Only properly qualified Technical Department personnel is authorised to remove the

protective housing of the apparatus.

No modification is to be made to the apparatus without the authorisation of the manufac-


The condition of the cables and connections is to be regularly checked; they are to be
replaced if they show signs of wear.
In case of any doubt, call the Technical Department.

Protection against Radiation

For protection against radiation during exposures, the operator must always remain
at a sufficient distance away from the generator by using the full length of the handswitch
The personnel must use the protection accessories for protection against radiation and
respect the security rules. Wear an anti-X apron. Make sure that the patient is fully protected
in case of exposures near the reproductive organs.
Protective clothes should also be worn by the persons that stay near the patient during the
For the patient security, we recommend to use a distance from focus as large as possi-
ble, and advise the patient on the secondary effects that the X-Rays emission added can

Before each utilisation, the operator must check the leaded collimator. To do it, make a
fluoroscopy, press on keys 24 and 23 (see page 10), and watch on the screen, the openning
and closing of collimator

The equipment does not be moved without taking precautionary measures.
For more information, please contact the representative of APELEM Company.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

The installation of the equipment must be realised only by technicians formed or
agreed by APELEM, in a room without any humidity and dust. Please, refer to the chapter
"Safety" of this manual.

The conditions of use are the following :
- Ambient temperature : 10 to 40C
- Relative humidity : 30 to 75%
- Atmospheric pressure range : 500 to 1060 hPA

Cleaning and Disinfection

Before cleaning the unit make sure that the power supply is disconnected, and the
trolley be is switched off.
Clean the unit using a humid rag and tepid water.
Do not use detergents or sprays abrasive or corrosive like Acetone or pure alcohol, only
alkaloid solutions with a soft rag.
Be careful not to allow water or liquid of any kind to enter the unit or in the trolley as this
could cause a short-circuit or corosion to occur. However the keyboard is water proof and
can be clean without particulary protection.

The conditions of storage are the following :
- Temperature : 0 to 40C
- Relative humidity : 10 to 80%
- Pressure : 700 to 1060 hPA

After a period of storage at a temperature inferior to 10C, it is recommended to place the

turned-off device in place with a temperature of between 10 to 40C for a minimum
period of 4 hours.
After a long period of non-use (3 weeks), please follow this procedure for the setting
up of the machine again :
-Switch on the machine and let it warm up for half an hour
-Close the blades of the leaded diaphragm using key N20 and the iris with key
N17 (see page 10) so as to reduce the radiation of the X-Ray.

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Technical Manual

-Then carry out the following phases in fluoroscopy (manual scopie mode) :
50 kV and 0.5 mA for 5 minutes followed by a pause of 5 minutes.
70 kV and 2 mA for 5 minutes followed by a pause of 5 minutes.
90 kV and 2 mA for 5 minutes followed by a pause of 15 minutes.
- Slowly, (over the next 5 minutes) increase from 90 to 110 kV then respect a 2 hour
pause before using the machine.

Nota : To replace the X-rays monobloc, follow the same procedure.

Life time
The life time of the APX HF3 is 10 years. Beyond this time APELEM does not guarantee
technical characteristics of the product.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

General description

Arm translation Rotation Orbital Camera TV

+/- 10 cm +/- 200 rotation 130

Wheel steering
ang blocking

foot switch


Swivelled wheels Swivelled front Rotating anode

2 position notches 0-90 wheels tube

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Monitors Trolley

X-Ray Lamp Indicator


Video printer

CCD Processor

Connexion Wire

Locker Wheels

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

1 General characteristics
Aparatus class Class 1, Type B

Type of power supply high frequency switching

Electricity 230 V 10%

Nominal power 5 kW on 100 kV and 50 mA

Maximum power 9 kW on 100 kV and 50 mA

Current produced reference time 15 mAs for 70 and 100 kV

20 mAs for 120 kV

Leak radiation 0.36 Gy/h for 120 kV and 2 mA

Console dose 80 Gy / h maximum

Digital memory 944x544x12 bits for LC 10...

Processor dimage 512x512x10 bits for LC 8000 and DSA 500

Traitements / LC10...LIH-1, 2, 5, 10, 200 images

images storages LC 8000 : 10 000 Images on hard disk
DSA 500 : 10 000 Images on hard disk
Analog output to video printer (digital 3m952

Nose reduction LC 10..., LC 8000 et DSA 500

CCD Camra 625 lignes (50Hz), 525 lignes (60Hz)

Console / trolley
LC10... / 44 cm
2 monitors 17
LC 8000 et DSA 500 / 44 cm (or 21
2 monitors 17
/51 cm optionial)

2 Radioscopy
kV from 40 to 120 kV by 1 kV-steps

Automatic selection of the mA from 0.1 to 6.0 mA by continuous fluoroscopy

Manual setting of the mA from 0.1 to 6.0 mA by 0.1 mA-steps

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

3 Radiography
mA maximum mAs Focal spot

From 40 to 45 kV 80 250 BFS

From 46 to 50 kV 80 250 BFS
From 51 to 55 kV 80 250 BFS
From 56 to 62 kV 80 250 BFS
From 63 to 71 kV 70 250 BFS
From 72 to 83 kV 60 250 SFS
From 84 to 90 kV 55 250 SFS
From 91 to 100 kV 50 250 SFS
From 101 to 111 kV 45 225 SFS
From 112 to 120 kV 40 200 SFS

BFS = big focal spot

SFS = small focal spot

The minimum value is 3 mAs.

The radiographic mA value is automatically adjusted according to the kV displayed.
The mAs value is altered by steps of 1 mAs.

4 Protection devices
Temperature of the X-rays tube assembly temperatures indicators
Operating error
Protection of the frequency inverter

5 Functioning indicators
X-ray emission
Temperature of the X-rays tube assembly temperatures indicators

6 Other characteristics
Flash radioscopy
Pulsed radioscopy
Anatomical memories in radiography

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Description of the console

1 47
41 39 37 43 36
13 44
2 42 40 38 35 34 33
4 31

29 28
10 46

11 14 17 19 21 23 25 27
12 15
7 8 9
16 18 20 22 24 26
1 Thin patient 25 Lower c-arm
2 Normal patient 26 Radioscopy
3 Big patient 27 Raise c-arm
4 Profile 28 Timer reset
5 Child 29 mA or mAs setting
6 Anatomical memory search 30 Automatic scopy
7 Anatomical memory search 31 Contour enhancement
8 Anatomical memorisation 32 kV setting
9 Anatomical memorisation 33 Radiography mode
10 Storage B monitor 34 Flash radioscopy
11 Image intensifier field 35 Pulsed radioscopy
12 Rotation to the left 36 On-off switch
13 Operating mode 2 (future version) 37 Safety-stop
14 Scan inversions 38 High-energy radioscopy
15 Rotation to the right 39 Housing temperature
16 Less light 40 Low-energy radioscopy
17 Close iris 41 X-ray emission
18 More light 42 Radioscopy mode
19 Open iris 43 On-off indicator light
20 Close shutters 44 Operating mode 1 (future version)
21 Shutter rotation to the right 45 Reprography (optional)
22 Open shutters 46 Memorised image search
23 Shutter rotation to the left 47 Anatomical panel
24 Laser centering (optional)

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

1 Thin patient

This key is used to select, for a thin patient, the values recorded in the anatomical
memory of high-tension radiography and of the quantity of exposure mAs, for
15 different examination sections, head-on or profile.

2 Normal patient

This key is used to select, for a patient of normal corpulence, the values
recorded in the anatomical memory of high-tension radiography and of the
quantity of exposure mAs, for 15 different examination sections, head-on or

3 Big patient

This key is used to select, for a big patient, the values recorded in the
anatomical memory of high-tension radiography and of the quantity of exposure
mAs, for 15 different examination sections, head-on or profile.

4 Head-on/Profile

This key is used to select from the anatomical memory the type of examination
required, head-on or profile.

5 Child

This key is used to select, for a child, the values recorded in the anatomical
memory of high-tension radiography and of the quantity of exposure mAs, for
15 different examination sections, head-on or profile.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

6&7 Anatomical memory search

Both these keys are used to search for an anatomical memory amongst the
15 observation sections possible

8&9 Anatomical memorisation

By pressing both keys simultaneously the radiography cons

tants are transferred into the anatomical memory in course
of selection. The previous values are deleted.

10 Storage B monitor

This key is used to recopy the direct montitor image onto the recopy (B)

11 Image intensifier field selection

This key with indicator lights controls the field selection of the
image intensifier when the c-arm is equipped with a bi-field or tri-
field image intensifier.

12, & 15 Image rotation keys

These keys are used to rotate the image in order to obtain the
best radioscopic observation.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

13 Integration x 4

This key allows the camera integration rate selection (x4). (only available on
the compact version)

14 Selection of camera scan inversions

This key is used to select the camera scan inversion mode required,
horizontal or vertical. Indicators light up to show the mode which has
been selected.

16 & 18 Monitor light remote control

These keys are used to vary monitor brightness (except on monitors

(51 cm)).

17, 19, 20, 21, 22 & 23 Collimator controls

These keys are used to open, close and rotate the
iris and the shutters. This accessory is fixed on the
end of the x-ray tube and limits the emission zone
to the required area alone.

24 Laser centering (optional)

This key is used to activate the laser, the intersection of the cross indicating
the center of the observation zone.
To use this system, first put the centering accessory above the image
intensifier and adjust it until the light beam covers the center mark.
Caution: Laser rays have high energy power which can lead to
serious ocular lesions. Do not look directly into the center of the beam!

25 & 27 Lowering and raising C

These keys are used to set the height of the C .

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

26 Fluoroscopy

This key activates the emission of x-rays in fluoroscopy.

28 Timer reset
This key is used to reset the timer at 5 minutes. The number of
minutes remaining is shown on the display left of this key.
When the timer reaches zero, fluoroscopy is stopped. The
operator is warned of this in advance by a beeper sounding off
during the last thirty seconds.

29 mA or mAs setting
Both these keys are used to select anodic current.
If the machine is in automatic radioscopy mode, press either
of these keys to invalidate.
The values of high-tension current that can be obtained manually
range from 0.1 mA to 3 mA in low energy mode and from 0.1
mA to 6 mA in high energy mode, by steps of 0.1 mA (keys 40
and 38).
These two keys are equipped with an automatic repetition, i.e. press briefly to obtain the
increase or decrease of the value by one unit, but if either key is pressed down and held
for a longer time, the value will increase or decrease rapidly.

30 Validation/invalidation of the automatic fluoroscopy mode

This key is used to validate or invalidate the automatic fluoroscopy mode
which fixes, without manual setting, the values of the high tension and the
current needed in order to obtain a good image at all times, whatever the
There is an indicator lamp above the key.
The automatic radioscopy mode is invalidated by pressing either this key or
one of the four keys used to set the high tension or current manually.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

31 Edge enhancement
This key is used to validate the system emphasising the contours of the

32 Manual kV setting
Both these keys are used to set the kV in fluoroscopy or
The values of kV that can be obtained manually range from 40
kV to 120 kV, by steps of 1 kV.
These two keys are equipped with an automatic repetition, i.e.
press briefly to obtain the increase or decrease of the value by
one unit, but if either key is pressed down and held for a longer time, the value will increase
or decrease rapidly.

33 Radiography mode

Press this key to switch the machine into radiography mode. There is an
indicator lamp above the key to show if the mode is active or not.

34 Flash fluoroscopy
This key is used to validate or invalidate flash fluoroscopy. There is an
indicator lamp above the key to show if the mode is active or not.
Flash fluoroscopy is used to obtain one x-ray pulse , of short duration but
high intensity.
The image memorised automatically at the end of the pulse is strongly

35 Pulsed fluoroscopy
This key is used to validate or invalidate pulsed fluoroscopy, a technique
used to reduce the amount of X-rays received by the patient. There is an
indicator lamp above the key to show if the mode is active or not.
Pulsed fluoroscopy consists in sending a number of x-ray pulsations at
fixed intervals.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

36 On-off

This key is used to switch the machine on and off, on condition that the lamp
on the left of this key indicating it is plugged in is alight.
Caution : Switch on the machine only after plug on the trolley.

37 Safety-stop
If this indicator is alight, no new operation can be effected. The following is a
list of error codes. In case of a safety-stop, the corresponding error card will
be shown on the kV and mA/mAs displays:

Code -1- : Keyboard error; a key is activated when the machine is switched on.

Code -2- : Radiation error; the x-ray key is activated when the machine is switched on.

Code -3- : EEPROM error. Call the technical service.

Code -4- : Housing temperature error; the temperature of the X-rays tube has reached
the limit of 65C. Stop the machine until the X-rays tube has cooled down.

Code -5- : Heating error; either the x-ray tube filament is cut or there is a faulty

Code -6- : Frequency error; there is something wrong with the frequency inverter or with
the X-rays tube (high voltage discharge).

Other possible safety-stops:

- The radioscopy timer has reached zero. This can be rectified by resetting the timer
with key 28.
- The machine has been started up while the inverter capacitors are charging. Once
this charge phase is finished, a beeper sounds and the safety-stop is unblocked.

Call the Technical Department for the errors code 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

38 High-energy fluoroscopy
Press this key to enter the high-energy fluoroscopy mode. There is an
indicator light above showing if this function is activated.
This operating mode is used if in low-energy fluoroscopy the image is
flecked or if the x-rays have difficulty in penetrating the subject.
This technique varies the anodic current from 0.1 mA to 6 mA.
Do not use high-energy fluoroscopy all the time, to avoid the high value of
the current overheating the X-rays tube and the patient receiving a too
high radiation dose.

39 X-rays tube assembly temperature indicator

This indicator light is constituted of three progressive zones

indicating the rise in X-rays tube temperature.
The first zone is green and indicates low temperature.
The second is orange and indicates that the housing is hot.
The third is red and indicates that the housing is very hot, and a
safety-stop is activated.

40 Low-energy fluoroscopy

Press this key to enter the low-energy fluoroscopy mode. There is an

indicator light above showing if this function is activated.
This mode is automatically activated when the machine is switched on
and varies the anodic current from 0.1 mA to 3 mA.

41 X-ray emission indicator

This indicator lamp lights up when x-rays are emitted.

42 fluoroscopy mode

This key is used to change from the radiography to the fluoroscopy mode.
There is an indicator light above showing if this function is activated.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

44 Integration x 8

This key allows the camera integration rate selection (x 8). (only available
on the compact version).

45 Video reprography

A video printer can deliver a paper copy of the image seen on the television
screen in a few seconds.
If your machine is equipped with this option, press this key to obtain a print.

46 Memorised image search

If your machine is equipped with a memory able to store several images,

this key is used to search for and select the memorised image you require.

47 Anatomical panel

This zone contains a reproduction of the human skeleton with indicator

lights on certain parts to locate the anatomical memories. An anatomical
memory contains the values of the radiography high-tension and of
the quantity of exposure-mAs for 15 examination sections, head-on or
profile, for 4 patient sizes

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Use in fluoroscopy
The image intensifier and the X-rays tube are to be covered with protection bags to
avoid any liquid getting inside.

When switched on, the machine will always start up in fluoroscopy mode.

If in the course of use you find yourself in a different mode, press the fluoroscopy mode

1 Manual fluoroscopy
The manual fluoroscopy mode is obtained when the automatic fluoroscopy indicator
light is off.

If this indicator is alight, just press either the corresponding key or one of the four kV- or
mA-setting keys.

The operator adjusts the high tension and anodic current values using the appropriate keys
so as to obtain a good operating image on the video screen, and thus disactivates the
automatic mode if that was the mode the machine was in. If the mode is changed, the
operator is informed by a short beep sounding off.

If the automatic fluoroscopy mode is exited with the automatic radioscopy key there is no

2 Automatic fluoroscopy
In the automatic mode, the operator does not need to adjust the high-tension and
anodic current values; this is done by an electronic system which examines the video in a
circular zone in the screen centre and adjusts the fluoroscopy settings to obtain the best
image. There is two Automatic fluoroscopy mode :
low-energy : from 40 to 120 kV and from 0.1 to 3 mA
high-energy : from 40 to 120 kV and from 0.1 to 6 mA

3 Flash radioscopy
The flash fluoroscopy mode is used to obtain a highly contrasted image of the subject
thanks to x-ray emission of short duration but high intensity.

This operating mode can only be used if the subject under observation moves slowly.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

The operator presses the fluoroscopy pedal and an x-ray emission takes place.
Once an image is obtained, it is stocked in the memory and the x-ray emission ceases,
even if the operator continues to press the fluoroscopy command.

After flash fluoroscopy, the machine returns automatically to continuous fluoroscopy mode.

4 Inversions of the fluoroscopy camera scan

In order to make the fluoroscopic observation easier, the direction of the camera
scans can be inverted both horizontally and vertically. Right and left sides are inverted, or
top and bottom.

A configuration parameter is used to define the inversion modes active on start-up.

The scan inversion mode required is selected by pressing the corresponding key.

Each time it is pressed one of four different inversion combinations is obtained. Two indicator
lights indicate the activated inversions.

5 Digital video memory use

This machine usually has two digital video memories.

The first memory is connected to the live TV monitor and enables the last image obtained
to be frozen. If this memory is of the continuous integration type, the quality of the image
can be improved by reducing the noise swarming. Memorisation is automatic and takes
place each time the radioscopy control is released ( L.I.H. ).

The second memory is connected to the second monitor and enables to compare
examinations with the first monitor by stocking, in the course of the observation, the different
images obtained.

Two keys on the console control the functioning of this memory: one key is used to transfer
the image from the direct monitor to the copy memory, the other key is used to search for

Both these keys may be activated at any time, during radioscopy or not.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

6 Remote control of video printer

The possibility of obtaining in a few seconds a paper copy of an image on the screen
is given with the video printer.

If your machine is equipped with a video printer, a print can be obtained at any moment by
pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard.

7 Fluoroscopy timer
This machine is equipped with a five-minute fluoroscopy timer.

After five minutes of x-ray emission in fluoroscopy mode, the timer must be reseted by
pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard.

If the fluoroscopic timer is not reseted, the fluoroscopy will be stopped and blocked, a
beeper will bring this to your attention if you attempt to start another fluoroscopy by pushing
the pedal.

During fluoroscopy, you are informed that one minute has been spent by a short beep.

When you have only 30 seconds left, a beep will sound every second, and then when the
time is up, a long beep will sound off and the stop light will come on.

The fluoroscopy timer can be reseted at any time.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

8 Synopsis of the video in Fluoroscopy

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Use in radiography
Enter the radiography mode by pressing the radiography mode key.

The mA/mAs displays show in this mode the quantity of mAs selected for the following

In this operating mode the high-tension value and the mAs quantity are selected for the
following exposure.

1 Use of the anatomical memories

The anatomical memories constitute an aid in obtaining radiographic prints by enabling
you to create a library of graphies for 15 examination zones, including head-on and profile,
for four different sizes of patient.

To recall a memory, simply press the anatomical memory search keys which validate a
zone on the anatomical panel, the head-on or profile indicator and one of the patient sizes.

The high-tension and mAs quantity values previously memorised are then displayed.

The constants of an anatomical memory can be modified by setting the high tension value
or the mAs quantity. If the contents of the anatomical memory differs from the radiographic
constants displayed, the patient size indicator lamp will blink.

The values really in the memory can then be obtained by pressing the key corresponding
to the blinking lamp.

2 Memory search
There is a total of 120 anatomical memories. These memories are divided into 4
groups of patients: normal, thin, child and fat.

Each group of 30 memories is sub-divided into 2 groups: head-on or profile.

The anatomical panel is used to pinpoint the zone to be examined. There is a choice of 15
different zones.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

3 Exposure setting
Take the hand switch and move back of the machine. Press on the first button, keep on
pressing and wait the start of the exposure.

The time between pressing the hand switch and the effective begining of the exposure is
3 secondes (parameter 15)

The second button of the hand switch is not use (no 2sd time fonction)

3 Memorization
To transfer the graphic constants to the anatomical memory, first select an
examination zone, head-on or profile, size of patient. Then display your own constants,
and press the memorisation keys.

4 Standby time after a radiography

In order to prevent an abnormal fluoroscopy immediately following a radiography,
the machine stops all x-ray emission for a few seconds.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3




1 Use of the configuration mode

The configuration mode is used to initialise the functioning of the machine.

The use of a micro-controller has led to the suppression of all the settings which had to be
made with adjustable resistors before.

The configuration mode is used to personalise each machine to adapt it to the uses of its
operator. It is used to define the present options and the functioning modes at each start-

2 Exit from configuration mode

Exit from the configuration mode by pressing the key to the radioscopy or radiography

When a parameter is modified, the scan inversion indicator lights will blink to remind
the operator that the scan inversion key must be pressed to enter the new value into the


Access into the configuration mode without precaution may affect the proper functioning
of the machine.

Access into the configuration mode, only be done by a qualified Technical Department

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Description of the configuration parameters

The list that follows gives in the form condensed a description of parameters. See
the detailed explanations that follow.

In the configuration mode, the displays and keys usually used for the adjustment of the
high-voltage, serve to the selection of the parameter, while keys and the displays usually
used for the adjustment of the mAs or the mA, serve to the modification of the parameter

To memorise the parameter modify press on the scan inversion .

1 Table of the parameters

Description of the configuration parameters :

The following list is a condensed description of the parameters.

Please note the following :

The displays and the keys normally used to set the high tension are used in the configura-
tion mode to select the parameter, whereas the displays and the keys normally used to
set the mA or mAs are used in the configuration mode to modify the value of a parameter.

Parameter n 1: Starting time restriction

When the machine is first switched on, the capacitors of the inverter are not charged.
A few seconds are necessary for them to charge.
Moreover, the numerical video memory requires a certain lapse of time to initialise.
It is not advisable to request an x-ray emission during this phase.
Parameter n 1 is used to fix the duration of the stop just after start-up.
The entered value expresses the duration of the stop in seconds.
The minimum value is 10.

parameter 8 : NU

Parameter n 9: Radioscopy extension time

This parameter is used to fix a certain extension time of the x-ray emission in
radioscopy when the pedal is released, to ensure the proper functioning of the video
memorisation process.
The entered value expresses this time in hundredths of a second.
The video memory of the machine retains only the final image when the radioscopy pedal
is released. The radioscopy drive must be prolonged after release by the operator so that
the memorisation cycle can be completed.
The necessary extension time will vary according to the type of memory used.
You must programe this parameter with as short an extension time as possible, without a
blinking phenomenon occurring.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Parameter n12 : Radioscopy establishment time

This parameter is used to define the time between the start of the fluoroscopy and
the moment when a video image appears.
This parameter avoids useless display on the screen when there is not yet an observable
image. Only at the end of this time is a live image obtained on the TV monitor.
The entered value expresses this time in hundredths of a second.

Parameter n13 : Live memory time

This parameter is used to define the time in pulsed fluoroscopy durring which the TV
monitor will be on live.
The entered value expresses this time in tenths of a second.
The memory must receive a live command or else the memorisation cycle cannot take
place, since the command s electric signal always defines the memory state.

N.B. The ways in which the different fluoroscopy modes develop are as follows:

Normal radioscopy:
time actions

t=0 fluoroscopy requested

t = 0.1 sec x-ray emission commanded
parameter await for fluoroscopy establishment
then display of live video

When the operator requests the stopping of x-ray emission:

- eventual waiting time fixed by parameter 13 (minimum time of live video)
- live video memory stops
- memorisation cycle begins
- await for the end of extension time for memorisation
- then stop.

Parameter n 20 : Automatic fluoroscopy on start-up

This parameter is used to fix the state of the automatic fluoroscopy key on start-up.

Parameter n 2 : Scan inversions on start-up

This parameter is used to fix the scan inversions validated at each start-up.

Parameter n 48 : Reference video in high-energy mode

This parameter is used to fix the reference video to be reached during automatic
high-energy fluoroscopy use.

Parameter n 78 : Reference video in low-energy

This parameter is used to fix the reference video to be reached during automatic low-
energy Fluoroscopy use.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Parameter n 15 : Radiography preparation time

This parameter is used to fix the preparation time of radiography.
The entered value expresses the time in seconds.
When a radiography is requested a certain lapse of time must be waited before the emission
of x-rays, so as to give the tube
s filament the time to attain its nominal temperature.

Parameter n 16 : Stop after a radiography

This parameter is used to fix the duration of the stop after a radiography.
The entered value expresses the time in seconds.
After a radiography the tubes large filament must be left to cool down in order to prevent
a considerable x-ray emission from a radioscopy request while the tube is still too hot.

Parameter n 17 : Auto-repeat slow speed

This parameter is used to fix the repetition speed of the slow auto-repeat keys on the
The entered value expresses this time in hundredths of a second.

Parameter n 18 : Auto-repeat fast speed

This parameter is used to fix the repetition speed of the fast auto-repeat keys on the
console. The entered value expresses this time in hundredths of a second.

N.B. The keys used in the configuration mode have a repetition speed independent
of the programming.

Parameter n19: Starting time for the Auto-repeat

This parameter is used to fix the starting time for the repetition keys after a continued
The entered value expresses the time of continued press in tenths of a second before
repetition is started.

Parameters n 23, 24: Heating radiography 45 ... 45 kV, 80 mA

This parameter is used to define the heating of the big focal spot for the corresponding kV

Param tre n 84 DSA :

This parameter allows to define the APX type used ( compact or DSA version).

DSA = 0 (DSA function not active).

DSA = 1 (DSA function active).

Parameter n 85 dsa_int :

This parameter allows to define the integration type at switching on

DSA_INT = 0 (integration x 2)
DSA_INT = 1 (integration x 4)
DSA_INT = 2 (integration x 8)

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Parameter n 86 ACQ_A :

This parameter allows to define the active level of the ACQ A signal

ACQ_A = 0 (active at low level)

ACQ_A = 1 (active at the top level)

2 Configuration of the system



Adress Min Data Max Parameter

0 0 255 restriction time on start-up (seconds)

1 0 255 position of the iris in radiography mode

2 0 0 3 inversions on start-up:
0 = no inversion
1 = horizontal inversion
2 = vertical inversion
3 = horizontal and vertical inversion

3 0 255 position of the iris closed

4 0 255 position of the iris 4,5 inches field

5 0 255 position of the iris 6 inches field

6 0 255 position of the iris 9 inches field

7 0 2 2 intensifier field on start-up:

0 = 4,5 inches
1 = 6 inches
2 = 9 inches

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

8 0 0 255 heating during pulsed radioscopy

9 0 11 255 radioscopy extension time for memorisation

(in hundredths of seconds)

10 0 10 255 lapse of time between 2 pulsed radioscopy

pulses (in tenths of seconds)

11 0 6 255 start-up time for pulsed radioscopy

= stabilisation time for kV AUTO (10ths secs)

12 0 2 255 establishment time for radioscopy (10ths secs)

13 0 3 255 live memory time (10ths secs)

14 0 40 255 radiography heating when idle

15 0 3 255 radiography preparation time (secs)

16 0 4 255 stop time after radiography (secs)

17 0 50 255 slow auto-repeat speed (100ths secs)

18 0 2 255 fast auto-repeat speed (100ths secs)

19 0 50 255 start-up time before auto-repeat (100ths secs)

20 0 2 5 radioscopy mode on start-up

2 X
3 X
5 X X

(NU = not used)

21 0 255 heating compensation according to kV

22 0 255 heating stand by

23 0 255 before exposure

40..45 kV 80 mA
24 0 255 during exposure

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

25 0 255 before exposure

46..50 kV 80 mA
26 0 255 during exposure

27 0 255 before exposure

51..55 kV 80 mA
28 0 255 during exposure

29 0 255 before exposure

56..62 kV 80 mA
30 0 255 during exposure

31 0 255 before exposure

63..71 kV 70 mA
32 0 255 during exposure

33 0 255 before exposure

72..83 kV 60 mA
34 0 255 during exposure

35 0 255 before exposure

84..90 kV 55 mA
36 0 255 during exposure

37 0 255 before exposure

91..100 kV 50 mA
38 0 255 during exposure

39 0 255 before exposure

101 ...111 kV 45 mA
40 0 255 during exposure

41 0 255 before exposure

112..120 kV 40 mA
42 0 255 during exposure

43 0 0 255 reference to reach in pulsed fluoroscopy (NU)

44 0 0 255 P auto kV in pulsed fluoroscopy (NU)

45 0 0 255 diaphragm opening in normal fluoroscopy (NU)

46 0 0 255 diaphragm opening in pulsed fluoroscopy (NU)

47 0 0 255 diaphragm opening in flash fluoroscopy (NU)

48 0 255 video reference in high-energy fluoroscopy mode

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

49 0 255 P (servo-system coefficient in fluoroscopy)

50 0 13 255 Debounce time of fluoroscopy and

radiography inputs

51 0 0 99 display of current value in pulsed fluoroscopy


52 0 0 50 quantity of kV less going from normal fluoroscopy

to radiography on film

53 0 255 tension of stator hold

54 0 80 255 start-up time of the stator (100ths secs)

55 0 0 255 limit to reach on phase (NU)

56 0 0 255 limit to reach on shift (NU)

57 0 2 3 focal spot and graphy mode in fluoroscopy

0: big focal spot
1: big focal spot and graphy mode
2: small focal spot
3: small focal spot and graphy mode
58 0 40 255 filament safety: min feed back value heating

59 0 0 255 less kV in fluoroscopy (neg. offset % display)

60 0 51 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #1

61 0 64 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #2

62 0 76 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #3

63 0 89 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #4

64 0 102 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #5

65 0 115 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #6

66 0 128 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #7

67 0 140 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #8

68 0 152 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #9

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

69 0 162 255 limit to reach for the temperature led #10

70 0 0 20 less offset on the kV in radiography

71 0 0 1 0 = normal; 1 = NU

72 0 50 quantity of kV less to go from normal to

flash fluoroscopy (%).

73 0 5 14 anatomical zone on start-up

74 0 255 max brightness

75 0 255 min TV brightness

76 0 255 brightness at switching on

77 0 0 3 chart mA=f(kV) in high energy fluoroscopy


78 0 255 video reference in normal fluo. mode 2

(high E.)

79 0 0 1 video ref sampling P.C board

0 = without sampling board
1 = with sampling board

80 0 255 heating current during FLASH fluoroscopy

81 0 4 255 time duration of the FLASH fluoroscopy

82 0 255 stand bt heating of the FLASH fluoroscopy

83 0 1 0 = CCD, 1 = CRM86

84 0 1 DSA = 0 - DSA = 1 (present)

85 0 2 Integration rate (x2, x4, x8)

86 0 1 ACQ_A = 0 (active at low level) - ACQ_A = 1

101 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.1 mA

102 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.2 mA

103 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.3 mA

104 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.4 mA

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

105 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.5 mA

106 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.6 mA

107 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.7 mA

108 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.8 mA

109 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 0.9 mA

110 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.0 mA

111 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.1 mA

112 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.2 mA

113 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.3 mA

114 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.4 mA

115 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.5 mA

116 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.6 mA

117 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.7 mA

118 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.8 mA

119 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 1.9 mA

120 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.0 mA

121 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.1 mA

122 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.2 mA

123 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.3 mA

124 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.4 mA

125 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.5 mA

126 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.6 mA

127 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.7 mA

128 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.8 mA

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

129 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 2.9 mA

130 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.0 mA

131 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.1 mA

132 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.2 mA

133 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.3 mA

134 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.4 mA

135 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.5 mA

136 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.6 mA

137 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.7 mA

138 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.8 mA

139 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 3.9 mA

140 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.0 mA

141 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.1 mA

142 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.2 mA

143 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.3 mA

144 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.4 mA

145 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.5 mA

146 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.6 mA

147 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.7 mA

148 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.8 mA

149 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 4.9 mA

150 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.0 mA

151 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.1 mA

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

152 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.2 mA

153 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.3 mA

154 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.4 mA

155 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.5 mA

156 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.6 mA

157 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.7 mA

158 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.8 mA

159 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 5.9 mA

160 0 255 fluoroscopy heating for 6.0 mA

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

1 How to replace the 63A fuse
Locate the frequency inverter block situated at the bottom left of the generator.
Press the red push-button on its side for at least 30 seconds to discharge the
reservoirs capacitors, in conformity with the instructions on the safety label close to the
Unscrew the 2 screws on the fuse cover and change the fuse.

2 Description of test points

Fluoroscopy current measurement is made on TP 6.

Radiography current measurement is made on TP 7.
The anodic tube value is measured on TP5.
The ground is to be found on TP1.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Process for the centring of the laser module


All necessary measures must be applied for avoiding damage to the pieces, particularly
painted and visible pieces of the finished unit .
These measures include protection and attention to the pieces during their handling, and
during the cleaning of the work station.
During all the mounting the unit must be stored in a place perfectly cleaned.

Reference documents :
Special tooling

Pieces to be prepared :
Preparing of the shift

The setting of the unit must be realised only by qualified technicians.
The laser beam may be dangerous to patient and operator if it is saw in a front view (in its
axis), and may create a burn of the retina.

1-Position the C in face/profile position, cable output 1 in upward position.(Fig1).

2 - Place the at 25 cm from the collimator output, in the X-rays axis, the hole of a ruler
situated vertically.

3 - Center the laser centring cross at the middle of the input face of the intensifier.

4 - Set the fluoroscopy with a minimum of kV and Ma.

5 - Switch on the laser centring.

6 - Engage a fluoroscopy and move the C so as to visualise the leaded cross exactly in
the centre of the ruler hole. This action allows to materialise the X-rays axis(fig.1and 2).

7 - Tighten the arms and check that the ruler is fixed in position. Check the X-rays axis.

8 - Adjust each arm support of the module so that the line generated by each of thus
crosses the ruler in its centre, and also be superimposed with the corresponding line of
the cross designed on the centring disk.

9 - If the centring has been yet realised in the factory, it is enough to set the two supports.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

10 - If the centring is made for the first time, you have to displace the two arm supports
and to direct each module in order making the cross orthogonal, and also adjust the
position of each module with the one of its output window. This window has a hole which
allows to limit the dispersion of the laser beam out of the useful image intensifier field.

11- Check again the X-rays axis for compensating an inopportune decentring.

12 - Block the screws. as soon as the setting is realised.

13 - Check again the setting, and applied a varnish for blocking each screw.

When you install the superior cover of the housing, take care of not knocking against the
module support.

NOTE : periodicity of the laser XR/centring : 6 months.

X-rays axis

Tube Intensifier


Leaded cross
on the disk


Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Fuses List

Designation Value Dimensions Fonctions Location

F1 et F2 32 A 10.3 X 38 Mains 230 V Line input
F1 1AT 5 X 20 Filament heating Interface board 255
F2 et F3 1.6 A T 5 X 20 Camera CRM 86 N.U. Interface board 255
F4 10 A T 5 X 20 Anode Rotation Interface board 255
F5 4AT 5 X 20 Trolley Interface board 255
F6 1AT 5 X 20 Up / Down Motor Interface board 255
F1 2AT 5 X 20 Dosemeter and Fan Control Board 270
F1 63A/660V Frequency Conversion Frequency Inverter
F1 4 ou 6.3 5 X 20 Autonome Trolley Autonome Trolley Line 4
AT A for 230 VAC or 6.3 A
for 110 VAC

Camera X EYE

Designation Value Dimensions Fonctions

F1 et F2 200 mA 5 X 20 Mains 230 VAC
F1 200 m A 5 X 20 Rotation board NCD ROT


Designation Value Dimensions Fonctions

F1 250 mA T 5 X 20 Mains 230 VAC

Moniteur BG2644

Designation Value Dimensions Fonctions

F1 et F2 3.15 A T 5 X 20 Mains 230 VAC

M moire LC10XX

Designation Value Dimensions Fonctions

F1 1A 5 X 20 Mains 230 VAC

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Preventive maintenance
The user is requested to observe national laws concerning the use and installation of x-
ray equipment.

A check of the reliability and efficiency of the apparatus every 12 months is

recommended for the safety of both patient and operator.

Worn parts may become dangerous; they must be checked and replaced by new

Before using the unit, the operator is to ensure that all safety devices are in working
order. Particular attention is to be paid to indicator and display lamps by using the lamp
test .

The indicator lamp (x-ray emission) on the console is to remain alight only when the
x-ray emission controls are pressed. If it does not go out, disconnect the plug and call the
Technical Department.

No modification is to be made to the apparatus without the authorisation of the ma-


Good earthing of the sockets is to be ensured.

The condition of the cables and connections is to be regularly checked; they are to
be replaced if they show signs of wear.

In case of any doubt, call the Technical Department.

The vertical displacement mechanics of the structure, the wheel movements, the
mechanical brakes and the safety switches are to be checked once a year.

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Configuration of this C -arm

Image Intensifier Camera

Type of camera
cm Serial Nof camera
I.I 16 cm 1 field
Serial Nof Pick up tube
I.I 16 cm I.I 23 cm
2 fields 3 fields

Serial N Type of monitor
1 monitor
Type of power supply 2 monitor s Side by side
Serial Npower supply 2 superposed monitors

100 Hz option
Serial Nmonitor 1
DSA 500 2 images Serial Nmonitor 2
1 image 10 images
5 images Option text

Serial N
Centrage Laser Serial N

Laser centering
Video rec SVO 9500 MP
Generator Video printer paper
Video printer film 1 view
Serial Nof inverter 2 views
Serial Nof monobloc
Cassette holder
Grid for cassette holder
Serial Ntube head Steril sheets

Warning ! all equipment added to this configuration must be according to medical

device 93/42/CEE

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

External indicator of X-ray emission

You may install this device on the unit , for example with red lamp connected as indicated
on the following diagram ( pins 1 and 3 of CN3 connector).

Call the local technical department to make this installation

Apparatus grounding point


This terminal, link at electric ground of the apparatus allows, with the yellow /green
wire gift, to realise a grounding connection with an other equipment (examples: tables,
monitoring, etc).

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Description of the identification label

CE marking Name of the device

(European Directive
93/42/CEE) Serial Number

N of the body
notifier for APELEM
Protection Type
B Address

Power supply

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3


1 Generator unit

2 Keyboard 271

3 Control board 270

4 Interface board 255

5 Frequency inverter boards S1C, S2C, S4C

6 X-ray tube assembly dimensions

7 Diagram of the collimator

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

1 Generator unit


81 57 003 component localization

81 58 002 Electrical schematic

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

2 Keyboard 271


81 52 271
81 51 271

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

3 Control board 270


81 52 270
81 51 270

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

4 Interface board 255


81 52 255
81 51 255

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

5 Frequency converter board 51C, 52C, 54C


81 52 S1C
81 51 S1C
81 52 S2C
81 51 S2C
81 52 S4C
81 51 S4C

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

6 Housing assemblies


81 58 004
81 51 S3C
81 52 S3C

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

7 Diagram of the Collimator


81 58 001 Schematic

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

8 Power supply


01 57 013

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

9 Console interface

01 51 307
01 52 307

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Heating and cooling curves

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

X-ray tube assembly dimensions

X-ray tube assembly weigth :23.5 Kg

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Characteristics of the X-ray tube


The VARIAN x-ray rotating-anode tubes of the A 145 series are equipped with 0.3
and 0.6 mm focal spots.
The anode disc diameter is 71 mm.


Maximum peak voltage 150 kV

Nominal focal spot voltage JF : 0.3 mm
LF : 0.6 mm

Maximum anode charge JF : 9.6 kW

(3 phases, 180 Hz, 0.1 seconds) LF : 36 kW

Admissible continued charge 296 Watts

(400 HU/sec)

Anode components: rhenium, tungsten, molybdenum cladding

Diameter of anode disc 71 mm

Anode inclination 10

Thermal capacity of the anode 222 kJ

(300 kHU)

Maximum cooling of the anode 51850 J/min

(70 000HU/min)

Inherent filtration 0.8 mm aluminium equivalent

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Trolley electric diagrams


81 57 07 TROLLEY
81 57 08 CABLE N2

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Technical Manual

Personal notes

Ref : 81-40-001-F
Surgical C-arm APX HF 3

Ref : 81-40-001-F

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