Ece Syllabus
Ece Syllabus
Ece Syllabus
Max Max. Max. Hr Max. Hrs.
Marks Marks s. Marks
** Student Centered - - 5
TOTAL 15 4 21 200 150 500 200 1050
Syllabus for Semester I (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi-81
Course code: EC-170 Course: Communication Technique-I
L: 3 hrs., T: 2 Per Week Total Marks: 150
Designation::Required coordinator: Mrs Suman
Course Outcomes
1. The Prose Textbook entitled A Book of English for Polytechnic Students, prepared by National
Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh and published by Macmillan India
Limited. (30%)
Questions to test the comprehension and critical appraisal of the lesson are to be given. Three questions out
of five are to be attempted. Word limit for answer is to be approximately 150 words each.
2. Vocabulary (10%)
Antonyms, synonyms, homonyms and one word substitution.
A brief review of easy forms of tenses (present indefinite, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect
3. past indefinite, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous and (20%)future indefinite).
Conversions of direct into indirect narration and vice versa (only simple sentence) Punctuation articles,
prepositions, voice, auxiliary (be, have, do and models).
4. Comprehension: (20%)
A passage of 100 150 words may be given to test the comprehension skill of the students. Simple
question to test the understanding of the contents and vocabulary may be given.
5. Essay (20%)
Choice of attempting one out of three topics may be given. The essay will be of 300
350 words. Descriptive, narrative and reflective topics from areas such as science, technology,
environment, current problems, and socio-economic issues may be given.
Tutorials workout:
Course Outcomes
1. Student will get the wealth of information that will clarify various concepts of physics like measurement
System, sound system, concept of light, laser, atomic structure etc.
2. Study of physics provides an idea about modern atomic theory.
3. By studying the radioactivity in physics student can understand the concept of half life and mean life in
Radioactivity and also able to understand the advantages and disadvantages of radiations.
4. By studying physics students can get information of three dimension photography i.e. holography.
5. By studying the topic ultrasonic sound student can understand how to guide the ships in foggy weather
and measure different kind of distances which cannot be measured by ordinary methods .
6. By studying the physics student can design the buildings according to good reception of sound.
Unit I.
a) Units and Dimensions
Fundamental and derived units, SI units, dimensions of physical quantities, dimensional formula and dimensional
equation, principles of homogeneity of dimensions and applications of homogeneity principle in:
- Checking the Correctness of physical equation.
- Deriving relation among various physica1quantities.
- Conversion of numerica1 va1ues of physICa1 quantities from
one system of units into other system
b) Errors in measurement accuracy, estimation of percentage error
in the result of measurement.
Unit II.
Generation of waves by vibrating partic1es, progressive wave, equation of waves, energy transfer by particles and
waves, superposition of waves and its applications to interference, beats and stationary waves (graphical); sound
and light as waves - range of frequencies, wavelengths, velocities and their nature, electromagnetic spectrum
Doppler effect.
Unit III.
a) Acoustic
Reflection., refraction and absorption of sound waves by materials; definition of pitch, loudness ,quality and
intensity of sound waves, unIts of intensity (bel and decibel); Echo and reverberation time control of reverberation
time Acoustic insulation ; (qualitative treatment only of reverberation).
b) Ultrasonic
Production of ultrasonic waves by magnetostriction and piezoelectric effects,detection and properties of
ultrasonic;application to drilling,cold welding,cleaning, flaw detection and exploration(sonar).
Unit IV
Geometrical optics
Defect in image formation,eyepieces construction and principles of preparation of telephoto and zoom lens;
principles of optical projectors, optical principles of OHP and slide film projectors.Interference and diffraction of
light waves;Interference of light waves; basic ideas about diffraction and polarization of light waves.
Unit V
Wave Optics
Interference of light waves; Youngs experiment; Newtons ring application of interference (Plainness testing
measurement of small thickness), basic idea about diffraction and polarization of light waves.
Unit VI
Laser and its Applications
Laser principle, types of Lasers; detailed study of the He-Ne and Ruby laser and
their applications, Fluorescent tube; mercury arc light, xenon source, sodium lamp .
Unit VII
Atomic Structure and Energy Level
Bohr model of atomic structure,Energy levels,ionization and resonance potentials;
Energy levels of conductors, insulators and semiconductors.Atomic and crystal structure of silicon and
germanium,covalent bonds,Effect of temperature on conductivity of germanium and silicon.
Radioactivity and Detection of Radiations
Natural radioactivity; half life; decay constant; mean life; radioactive transformation; principles of nuclear fission
and fusion; energy generation; source of background radiations; health hazards of radiations; unit of radiations.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Syllabus for Semester I (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi-81
Course outcomes:
(i) Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) its nth term, sum to n terms. Geometric
Progression (G.P.) - its nth term, sum to n terms. And infinite Geometric series.
(ii) Partial Fractions.
(iii) Binomial theorem for positive integral index (without proof),
Binomial theorem for any index, Expansions.
(i) Sum and difference formulas for trigonometric ratios of angles and their
application (without proof). Formula from product to sum, difference and
vice-versa. Ratio of multiple angles, sub multiple angles (like 2A, 3A, A/2).
(iv) Plotting of curves y = f(x), f(x) being algebraic function (maximum upto third
degree) or trigonometric functions ( Sine, Cosine, Tangent).
(ii) General equation of a circle and its characteristics. Equation of a circle given
center and radius, three point form and diametrical form.
(iv) Ellipse and hyperbola (standard equation, without derivation) determining the
equation of ellipse and hyperbola given the Directrix, focus and eccentricity.
Given the equation of the ellipse and hyperbola finding the focii, Directrixes,.
axes,latusrectum,vertex and eccentricity.
(i) Definitions Evaluation of a determinant of order two and three. Minor and
cofactors. Properties of determinants. Solving simultaneous equations by
Cramers rule.
Text Books:
1. The course provides the students Understanding the basic concepts and principles of
DC and AC power; DC and AC circuits.
2. Students will be familiar with basic electrical circuits and devices to apply the
knowledge further.
3. Students will understand the professional and ethical responsibility.
4. Students will be able to design a system, component, conduct experiments and
processes to meet desired needs with in realistic constraints.
5. Gaining ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Concepts of capacitance and capacitors, Units of capacitance, capacitor ratings, Parallel
plate, spherical and cylindrical capacitors and their capacities, Energy stored in a capacitor,
Concept of dielectric and its effect on capacitance, Series and parallel combination of
capacitors, simple problems of capacitors.
Unit 3
DC Circuits
Concept and units of electric current, Ohms law, concepts of resistance, conductance,
resistivity and conductivity, their units and dependence on temperature in conductor, Power
and energy, heating effect of electric current and conversion of mechanical to electrical units
and vice- versa, Kirchhoffs voltage and current laws and their applications in simple DC
circuits, Series and parallel combination of resistors, wattage consideration, Simple problems.
Unit 4
Basic Magnetism
Magnetism, Nature of magnetism, Magnetic field, lines og magnetic flux, coulombs law,
Magnetic intensity, permeability, reluctance, Magnetic flux, magnetic density, Intensity of
magnetization, hysteresis, relation between B and H, Analogy between electric and magnetic
circuits .
Unit 5
Electro Magnetism
Magnetic effect of electric current, work law & its application, Bio Savarts law, Field outside a
long current carrying conductor, Field strength due to a solenoid, Field strength of the axis of a
circular loop, force between two current carrying parallel conductors, Faradays laws, Lenz-s
law and rules of electromagnetic induction, principles of self and mutual induction, self and
mutually induced e.m.f, simple numerical problems, Energy stored in a magnetic field, concept
of current growth, decay and rise time constant in an inductive(RL) circuit , Energy stored in an
Unit 6
A.C. Theory
Concept of alternating voltage and current, difference between AC and DC, Concept of cycle,
frequency, period, amplitude, instantaneous value, average value, rms value and peak value,
Form factor, Equation of sinusoidal waveform, representation alternating quantities, concept of
phase difference.
Unit 7
Measuring Instrument
Electrical instruments, Essentials of Indicating type instruments, Permanent magnet moving
coil instrument, Difference between ammeter and voltmeter, extension of their range and
simple numerical problems, Dynamometer type moving coil instrument, Principle and working
of wattmeter (dynamometer type), Moving iron instruments(attraction type and repulsion type).
Unit 8
Unit 9
DC Circuit Theorems
Thevenins theorem, Nortons theorem, superposition theorem, Maximum power transfer
theorem, application of network theorems in solving DC circuit problems.
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering: S.K Sahdev, Dhanpat Rai
2. Electrical Circuit Analysis: A.K Chakrabarti, Dhanpat Rai Publications.
Reference Books:
1. Electrical Circuits: M.L Soni, Dhanpat Rai Publications.
2. Basic Electricity: J.B Gupta, Rajeev Manglik, Rohit Manglik: Katson Books.
3. Electrical Circuits: Mukesh Kumar Saini, Dhanpat Rai Publications.
Syllabus for Semester I (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi-81
1. Use of vernier calipers and micrometer for determination of diameter of
a wire.
12. Study of: diffraction of. He-Me laser beam by markings on a vernirescale
and determination of its wavelength.
Course Outcomes
6. Students will gain the knowledge of all basic areas of computer technology that will clearly
influence all aspects of our life..
7. Students will be able to get knowledge of basic parts of computer and working of all those
parts(introduction to computer) which is essential for being exposed to this area of work or
8. Students will understand the working and magnitude of Operating system that is necessary in
professional areas and business world.
9. Students will be able to achieve a great knowledge of windows and all M.S Package to design a
system, component and processes to meet desired needs with in realistic constraints.
10. Gaining ability to use the computer that provides that the exposure will enable the student to
enter the world with confidence.
Unit 4. Preparation Of Documents using Power point Preparation of slides and its presentation ,
Unit 5. Concept of Spreadsheet handling using spreadsheet formula , graphs and charts.
Unit 6. Introduction to Internet.
Reference Books:
1. Carpentry
2. Fitting
3. Sheet Metal & Jointing
Keeping in view the essential elements of knowledge and skill, the following exercises are planned:
(i) Introduction to raw materials, various hand tools and safety measures to be observed.
(ii) Exercise on Marking and Sawing
(iii) Planning Practice.
(iv) Chiseling practice
(v) Introduction of joints, their relative advantages and uses.
(vi) Preparing of half lap joint
(vii) Preparing of mortise and tennon joint.
(viii) Preparation of dovetail joint.
(ix) Preparation of miter joint
(x) Demonstration job showing use of rip saw, bow saw and trammel
(xi) Demonstration of job on band saw circular saw.
(i) Common materials used in fitting shop and description of work bench, holding devices and files.
(ii) Filing practice (production of flat surfaces). Checking by straight edge.
(iii) Filing a dimensioned rectangular or square piece to an accuracy of 0.25 mm.
(ii) Demonstration of the use of hand shears, sheet metal machines, creasing and grooving tools.
(iii) Preparation of a sheet metal job involving rolling, shearing, creasing, binding, corner making and
round cutting.
(iv) Preparation of a sheet metal jobs involving shearing, grooving, greasing, circle cutting folding
beading, etc.
(v) Different types of rivets and their applications. Use in puncher and pullers.
(vi) Practice of riveting in different fashion e.g. lap, butt, chain, zigzag etc.
(vii) Preparation of utility jobs.
Introduction to soldering and brazing and; Demonstration on brazing by the instructor
Theor Practica Written Practical
y l
Max. Paper Hr
Max. Max.
Max Hrs
Mark Marks Marks s. Marks
s .
*1 CommunicationTechni 3 - - 50 - 100 3 - - 150
ques - II
*2 Applied Maths - II 3 2 - 50 - 100 3 - - 150
3 Electrical Machines 4 - 2 50 25 100 3 50 3 225
Components and
4 4 - - 50 - 100 3 - - 150
Electronic Devices and
Circuits - I
5 3 1 3 50 25 100 3 50 3 225
6. Electronics and
Electrical Workshop
- 8 - 50 - - 100 3 150
6 Engineering Drawing - - 3 - 50 - - 100 3 150
**. Student Centered - - 1
17 3 20 250 150 500 - 300 - 1150
Syllabus for Semester II (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Kanjhawala dehi-81
Course code:EC270 Course: Applied Mathematics-II
L:3 P:0 T:2 Total Marks: 150
Prerequisite: nil Coordinator: Dr Aman Sinha
Course Outcomes:
1 The main aim at developing abilities on the basis of limits, differentiation, integration and
differential equations. The differential equations play very important role in engineering
branches. The equations are from many practices problems such as circuit & systems,
filter response.
(iii) Phaser, addition of sinusoidal form, Phaser diagram of R-L, R-C, and L-R-C
Maxima of functions.
(iii) Simple definite integrals. Reduction formulae. Evaluation of Sinnxd x, Cosnx dx,
Sinmx . Cosnx dx.(m,n positive integers)
(iv) Applications of integration to finding area under a curve and axes, volume of
solid of revolution of area about axes (simple problems). Mean value and
R.M.S. value of a function.
(i) First order and second order partial derivatives of functions of two variables.
(ii) Eulers theorem on partial differentiation of homogeneous functions. Total
(i) Order and degree of a differential equation. Solving first order first degree
differential equation variable separable form, Homogeneous form and
linear differential equation.
(ii) Solving second order differential equation complementary function,
particular integral with functions of the form ex , Sin ax , Cos ax , xn, on the
right hand side of the equation.
Text Books:
1 Applied maths I & II by H.K.Dass
2 Applied mathematics by Dr. R.D.Sharma published by Dhanpat Rai Publications.
3 Applied maths I & II by Dr. Neeraj Pant
Syllabus for Semester II (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Kanjhawala dehi-81
Course code:EC270 Course: CT-II
L:3 P:0 T:0 Total Marks: 150
Prerequisite: nil Coordinator: Mrs Suman Dahiya
Course Outcomes:
3. Correspondence: (40%)
(i) Business, official, social letters and letters to pres. Two questions of 10 marks
each are to be attempted out of four.
Course Outcomes:
(iii) Soft and hard magnetic materials, their examples and typical
2. Components (50%)
(i) Capacitor Polyester, Metallised Polyester ceramic paper, mica and electrolytic
types, constructional details and testing, specifications, temperature and
frequency stability and other limitations. Mutual comparison.
(ii) Resistors-carbon film, carbon composition wire wound and variable types
(presets and potentiometers) Constructional details and testing,
specifications, temperature and frequency dependence and noise
considerations. Mutual comparison
(vi) Various types of switches, e.g. slide, rotary, push, toggle. Micro-switches etc.
Their symbols, specifications and applications
(vii) Concept of make and break contacts in relays. Operating current, Holding
current, various types of relays. Their symbols, specifications and
Text Books:
Course Outcomes
11. Any electronic system is a combination of electronic circuits and electrical components.
In order to carry out his job function effectively, apart from the knowledge and skills of
electronics, he must possess sound knowledge about basic principles of working of
electrical machines and equipment.
12. Students will be able to apply knowledge of basic engineering which can be applied in
multidisciplinary problems.
13. The knowledge of machines will be applied in different power sectors.
14. Students will be able to design a system, component, conduct experiments and
processes to meet desired needs with in realistic constraints.
15. Gaining ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Unit 1
Principles of operation and constructional details of single phase and three phase transformer,
core type and shell type transformers, difference between single phase and three phase
transformers and advantages and disadvantages, Voltage Regulation of a transformer, Losses
in a transformer, Efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency and all day efficiency, Auto
transformers and instrument transformer (CT and PT).
Unit 2
Introduction, Definition of motor and generator, Basic principles of generator and motor, Torque
due to alignment of two magnets and the concept of torque angle. Basic Electromagnet laws,
E.M.F. induced in a coil rotating in a magnetic field, Elementary concept of an Electrical
Machine, Common features of rotating electrical machines.
Unit 3
DC Machines
Main constructional features, principles of working, Function of the commutator for motoring
and generating action, Armature winding, Factors determining induced e.m.f., Factors
determining Electromagnetic torque, principles of generating and motoring, Action and
relationship between terminal voltage and induced e.m.f, Factors determining the speed of a
DC motor, Different types of a excitation, Performance and characteristics of different types of
DC machines, Starting of DC machines, motors and starters, Application of DC machines.
Unit 4
Unit 5
A.C. Motors
Brief introduction about three phase induction motors, its principle of operation, Types of
induction motors and constructional features of squirrel cage and slip ring motors, Starting and
speed control: Star Delta and DOL (Direct on-line) starters, Reversal of direction of rotation of 3
phase motors, Applications of induction motors.
Unit 6
Introduction, Principle of operation of single phase motors, Types of single phase motors and
their constructional details (split phase, capacitor start, capacitor start and run, shaded pole),
Single phase synchronous motor-reluctance motor (hysteresis motor), AC series motors and
universal motors, Introduction to servo-motors and stepper motors.
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics: S.K Sahdev, Dhanpat Rai Publications.
2. Electrical Engineering: Rajeev Manglik, Katson punlications.
Reference Books:
1. Electrical Machines: Ashfaq Hussain, Dhanpat Rai Publications.
2. Electrical Machines I and II: Tarlok Singh, Kataria and Sons.
3. Electrical Machines I and II: B.R Sharma, Satya Prakashan.
4. Electrical Machines: P.K Mukharjee, S Chakravarthi, Dhanpat Rai Publications.
Syllabus for Semester II , Diploma (Electronic and Communication Engineering )CRRIT
Kanjhawala Delhi
Course Outcomes
1.To understand concepts such as active and passive components their various types,
specifications and colour codes
2.To understand the classification of conductors, insulator and semiconductor and their
energy level diagrams. Types of semiconductors
4. To understand the bipolar transistor their configuration and characteristics and load line of
5 To understand the FET and MOSFET their construction , operation , characteristics and
Introduction to active and passive components, passive components, fixed and variable resistors
their various types and specializations including thermistor, LDR and VDR fixed and variable
capacitors, their various types and important specification and colour codes.
Plate No.2 Conventional representation of lines, materials, breaks, electric and electronic
symbols. (5%)
Plate No.3 Free hand lettering and numerals in 3,5,8 and 12 mm series. Vertical and
Plate No.9 Identification of surfaces from different objects including inclined and curved
Plate No.12 Isometric views of simple objects including slant and curved surfaces. (8%)
Text Books:
.Reference Material :- CD
Syllabus for Semester II, EM (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
CRRIT Kanjhawala
Course code: EC-273 Course: Electrical Machines
L: 4 hrs., T: 0 hrs, Per Week Total marks: 75
Designation: Required Course coordinator:Ms P.Swami
Course Outcomes
1. Any electronic system is a combination of electronic circuits and electrical components. In order
to carry out his job function effectively, apart from the knowledge and skills of electronics, he
must possess sound knowledge about basic principles of working of electrical machines and
2. The practical work done in this subject will help in developing skills of operating, repairing and
testing of electrical machines and components (e.g. small electrical motor, transformer etc).
3. The knowledge of machines will be applied in different power sectors.
4. Students will be able to design a system, component, conduct experiments and processes to
meet desired needs with in realistic constraints.
5. Gaining ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
List of Practicals:
3. To find the value of capacitance and power factor of a capacitor by approximate method.
4. To draw the equivalent circuit of a transformer and to determine efficiency and regulation by
a) Open circuit test
b) Short circuit test
5. To measure the induced e.m.f. of a separately excited DC generator as a function of field current.
6. To measure the terminal voltage of a separately excited DC generator as a function of load current
8. To measure the speed of a separately excited DC motor a function of load torque at rated armature
9. To measure the speed of a dc series motor .as a function of load torque at rated armature voltage
10. To determine the efficiency of a DC shunt motor by the measurement of losses (Sunburns method)
12. To observe the difference in the effect of switching on a single phase capacitor start induction motor
(i) the capacitor disconnected
(ii) the capacitor connected
Also to determine how to reverse the direction of rotation.
Syllabus for Semester II , Diploma (Electronic and Communication Engineering)
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi
Course Code :- EC281 Course:- Electronic Devices & Circuits I (Lab)
Designation :- Required Total Marks: 75marks
P:3Hrs Per weak Course Codinator :- Mr Vinay Panwar
List of Practicals
1. Experiments to be Perforned
i) Measurement of voltage at var1ous setting (low and high voltages) of reulgated
power supply by using <w> and digital multimeter.
ii) Measurement of voltage and current by loading the regulated power supply.
iii) To obtain various voltages like +15V + 5V and measure them with the help of
analog and digital multimeter.
iv) Practice in the use of signal generator and CRO : measurement of d.c.
and a.c. voltages, time period/frequency of sine/square wave using sweep CRO
6. Plot the waveshapes of a full wave rectifier with <W> Capacitor, series inductor, and
pie filter circuit.
9. Transistor biasing circuit. Measurement of operating point (IC and VCE) for a:
i) fixed bias circuit (ii) potential divider biasing circuit.
(Measurement can be made by changing the transistor in the circuits by another of
same type number).
11. a) Plot the FET characteristics and determine the FET parameters from its
b) Measure voltage gain and plot the frequency response of JFET or MOSPET
amplifier circuit.
1. Student will get knowledge of various electronics and electrical assembly and designing
2. Student will practices on various electronics and electrical tools
3. Student will work as a team
4. Student will aware about assembly of various electronics and electrical system.
Principles of
1 Communication 4 - 3 50 25 100 3 50 3 225
Computer Programming
*5 3 - 3 50 25 100 3 50 3 225
and Applications
* - - 2 - - - - - -
Course outcomes
1. The students should be able to understand the basic concept of communication system.
2.The student should study the advantages and limitations of various analog and digital
modulation system.
3.The students should study the different techniques of modulation and demodulation
5.The student should know the difference between analog and digital communication system.
UNIT I : Introduction (2
(a) Derivation of expression for frequency modulated wave and its frequency spectrum
(without proof and analysis of Bessel function), modulation index, maximum frequency
deviation and deviation ratio, BW of FM signals, Carlsons rule Effect of noise on FM carrier,
noise triangle, need for pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, capture effect. Comparison of FM and
AM communication system.
Derivation of expression for phase modulated wave, modulation index, comparison with
frequency modulation.
(a) Basic principles of FM detection using slope detector. Principles & working of the
following FM demodulators.(!) Foster-Seeley Discriminator(2) Ratio Detector(3)Quadrature
Detector(4) Phase Locked Loop (PLL) FM Detector
Statement of sampling theorem and elementary idea of sampling frequency for pulse
Basic concepts of time division multiplexing (TDM) and frequency division multiplexing
(FDM).Basic ideas about PAM,PPM,PWM and their typical applications.Pulse code modulation
(PCM): basic scheme of PCM system, Quantization, quantization error, block diagram of TDM-
PCM communication system and function of each block, Advantages of PCM systems, concept
of differential PCM (DPCM). (4 Hr)
(e)Delta Modulation: Basic principle of delta modulation system, advantages of delta
modulation over PCM system, limitation of delta modulation, concept of adaptive delta
modulation system (ADM). (3 Hr)
(f)Basic Block diagram and working principle of ASK, PSK, FSK & QPSK. (4 Hrs)
Text book:
Reference books
Couse outcomes
(iii) They will also learn the basic concept of Logic gates.
(v) They will also learn the basic concept & types of combinational & sequential circuits.
1. Introduction
2. Number systems
(a) Binary,Octal and Hexadecimal number system, conversion from one from to another.
(b) Concept of code,weighted and non weigthed codes,BCD(8421 code only),excess -3 and
grey code.
3. Logic Gates
working of AND and OR gates using simple diode circuits, NAND and NOR as universal
4. Logic Simplification
(b) Karnaugh map (up to 4 variables) and simple application in developing combinational
logic circuits.
5. Logic Families
(II) Comparision of TTL and MOS family characteristics with respect to delay, speed,
(b) Logic Circuits: Open collector,wired -OR ,totem pole output circuit operation for
6. Arithmetic Circuits
(a) Half adder and Full adder circuits, design and implementation.
(b) Half and Full subtractor circuits,design and implementation.
7. Display Devices
(a) Concept and tyres of latch with their working and their application.
T flip flops.
10. Counters
(ii) Modulus of a counter, modified count of a counter, Mod-8 and Mod-10 counter
12. Applications
Text Books/Reference Material:-R.P Jain(Tata Mc. graw Hills),R.K Gaur( Dhanpat Rai
Publication), B.R Gupta( Kataria Publication).
Syllabus for semester III, Diploma. (Electronics and communication engineering)
CRRIT Kanjhawala
Course code: EC372 Course: N.F.T.L
L: 3Hrs, T: 1 Hr, per week Total marks-150
Prerequisite: nil coordinator: Mr.
Course outcomes
1. The students should be able to write the equilibrium equation on mesh and nodal
2. The students should be able to understand the different types of networks.
3. The students should be able to study the properties of symmetric and asymmetric
two port networks.
4. The students should be able to implement the source transformation and find the
exact solution for all types of circuits.
5. The students should be able to understand the various types filters and its uses.
6. The students should be to design a simple filter circuits.
7. The students should be able to study the different types of transmission medium
on the basis of frequency.
8. The should be able to study the different types of loses occurring in the
transmission medium.
9. The students should be able to study the different types of matching techniques
Introduction to networks (20%)
Two port networks, network elements, classification i.e, symmetrical and
asymmetrical networks, balanced and unbalanced, T-network, pi network,
ladder network , lattice network, L-network, bridge-network. Symmetrical
network parameters concepts and significance i.e, characteristic impedance,
propagation constant, attenuation constant, phase shift constant and
insertion loss,Asymmetrical network parameters concepts and significance
i.e., iterative impedance, image impedance image transfer constant and
insertion loss.Network analysis: analysis of symmetrical T and pi networks
derivation of Zo, a, b, c, d parameters, open circuits and short circuits
analysis, simple design problems.The half section of symmetrical T and pi
section, derivation of iterative impedance, image impedance, open circuit and
short circuit impedance of half section. Use of half section.
UNIT II Attenuators(15%)
Unit of attenuation (decibel and nepers), general characteristics of attenuators.
Types of attenuators.Analysis and design of simple attenuators of the following
types (i) symmetrical T (ii) symmetrical pi (iii) L Type.
Transmission lines and their application, different types of transmission lines including optical
cable and submarine cable wave guide and stripline. Operating frequency range bandwidth of
different types of transmission lines .Primary constant of transmission lines , equivalent
circuit of an infinite line T and pi type representation of a section of transmission
lines.Definition , significance of characteristic impedance of a line, concept of short line
terminated in Zo, current and voltage along an infinite line, propagation constant, attenuation
and phase shift constant of the line.Relationship of Zo, Y in terms of primary constant of the
line.Condition for minimum distortion and minimum attenuation of signal on the line,
necessity and different method of loading the communication lines.Concept of reflection
andstanding waves on a transmission lines, definition of SWR, relation between VSWR and
voltage reflection coefficient , maximum impedance on a line in terms of Zo and
VSWR.Transmission line equation, expression for voltage , current & impedance at a point on
the line with and without losses. Expression for input impedance of the line (no
derivation)Input impedance of an open and short circuited line and its graphical
representation.Transmission line at high frequency, effect of high frequency on the losses of a
transmission line, application of transmission lines as a reactive component and impedance
transformer(quarter wave transformer)Principle of impedance matching using single stub ,
comparison of open and short circuited stubs. Concept of broad band matching.
Text Book
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes:
1.Student will be able to understand about multistage amplifier .
4. Student will be capable to know about feedback amplifier and its importance in various fields.
6. Student will get about OPAMP (741 IC)and their various application.
7.Students will acquire the basics of optoelectronics devices and opt couplers.
Need of multistage amplifier, different coupling schemes and their working; brief
mention of application of each of the types of coupling, working of R-C coupled and
transformer coupled multistage amplifier, approximate calculation of voltage gain of
two stage R-C coupled amplifier. Frequency response for R-C coupled and
transformer coupled amplifiers and physical significance of the terms bandwidth,
upper and lower cross over frequencies. Direct coupled amplifier and its limitation;
difference amplifier typical diagram and working.
Unit-2:Audio Power Amplifiers (15%)
Difference between voltage and power amplifiers; importance of impedance match in
power amplifier, collector efficiency of power amplifier. Typical single ended power
amplifier and its working, graphical method of calculation of output power; heat
dissipation curve and importance of heat sinks; class A, class B and Class C Amplifier;
collector efficiency and distortion in class A,B and C amplifier (without derivations)
working principles of push pull amplifier circuits, its advantages over single ended
power amplifier, cross over distortion in Class B operation and its reduction. Different
driver stages for push pull amplifier circuit. Working principles of complementary
symmetry push pull circuit and its advantages. Transformer less audio power
amplifiers and their typical applications.
Unit-3: Feedback in Amplifier (15%)
Basic principles and types of feedback Derivation of expression for the gain of an
amplifier employing feedback Effect of negative feedback on gain, stability, distortion
and bandwidth (only physical explanation), Typical feedback circuits RC coupled
amplifiers with emitter by pass, capacitor removed Emitter follower and its
application, simple mathematical analysis for voltage gain and input & output
impedance of above circuits.
Unit-4 :Operational Amplifier (15%)
Text Books:
1. Electronic devices and circuits by S.K. SahdevDhanpatRai and corporation pvt
2. Electronic devices and circuits BY J.B. Gupta Satyaprakashanpvt Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. Integrated Electronics by MilimumHelikyas Tata Macrahill
Course Outcomes
1 It has become essential that students are exposed to computers and their
applications along with associated peripheral related to there are of work.
2 Understand, analyze and implement software development tools like algorithm,
pseudo codes and programming structure
3 Study, analyze and understand logical structure of a computer program, and
different construct to develop a program in C language
4 Write small programs related to simple/ moderate mathematical, and logical
problems in C.
5 Study, analyze and understand simple data structures, use of pointers, memory
allocation and data handling through files in C.
6 Create, Study and analyze the data base using DBMS &extract the different keys
7 Achieve general knowledge of CAD & familiar with CAD windows.
8 Study about internet basics, search engine (how to store & access the data)
Reference books :
Course outcomes
On completion of this lab/ students will be able to
To get the experience of designing different types of modulation systems also on CRO one can
observe the various patterns of modulated
List of Practical:
(b) To measure the modulation index of the wave obtained in above practical.
2. (a) To obtain an AM wave from a collector modulator circuit and observe the AM pattern
on CRO.
(b) To measure index of modulation of the AM signal for different levels of modulating
Course outcomes:-
1. On completion of this course, students are expected to be capable of understanding
the various ICs & their pin description with pin diagram & different logic gates.
2 .Use of universal gates such as NAND/NOR .Also designing of half adder & full
adder ckts.
3. They will also learn the basic concept of shift of data either through serial and
parallel data registers.
4. Students become able to understand various flip flops and their uses in counters.
Students will also learn about display devices LEDs display.
List of Practical:-
1. Study of pin configuration of different Ics(e.g.DIP ICs etc.)
2. Verification and interpretation of truth tables for AND, OR, NOT,NAND, NOR,EX-OR and EX-
NOR gates.
(a) Realization of logic functions with the help of NAND or NOR gates.
(b) Construction of a NOR gate latch and verification of its operation.
(a) Construction of half adder using EX-OR and NAND gates and verificaton of its
(b) Construction of a full adder using EX-OR and NAND gates &verification of its operations.
(a) Construction of a 4 bit adder 2's compliment subtractor circuit using a 4 bit adder IC and
6. IC Flip flop
(a) Verification of truth table for some positive edge triggered , negative edge triggered,
level triggered IC flip flops(at least one IC each of D latch, D flip flop, edge triggered JK
(a) Familiarization and use of different types of single LEDs, common anode and common
cathode seven segment LED displays. use of 7447,7448 or equivalent decoder/driver ICS
(a) Verification of truth tables and study the operation of tri state buffer IC 744126 or
(a) Verification of truth tables for any one each of encoder and decoder ICs.
(d) Construction of a 4 bit serial in serial out /serial in parallel out right shift register
Course Outcomes:-
Students will practice and verify symmetrical and asymmetrical networks
Course Outcomes:
1. Two stage R.C. Coupled Amplifier to measure the overall gain of two stages at 1 KHZ
and compare it with the gain of 1st stage. Also to observe the loading effect of second
stage on the first stage.
2. To plot the frequency response curve of two stage amplifier and compare it with that
of the single stage amplifier
3. For a single ended power amplifier measurement of optimum load, maximum
undistorted power (by giving maximum allowable signal), collector efficiency and
percentage distortion factor.
4. For a push-pull amplifier measurement of optimum load, maximum undistorted
power (by giving maximum allowable signal), collector efficiency and percentage
distortion factor.
5. For a complementary symmetry amplifier measurement of optimum load, maximum
undistorted power (by giving maximum allowable signal), collector efficiency and
percentage distortion factor.
6. Feedback in Amplifier: Single stage amplifier with and without by-pass capacitor
measurement of voltage gain and plotting of frequency response in both cases (i.e.
with and without by-pass capacitor).
7. Feedback in Amplifier: Emitter follower circuit measurement of voltage gain and
plotting of frequency response curve.
8. Sinusoidal oscillator (LC): Hartley/Colpittis oscillator circuit measurement of frequency
and amplitude oscillations by plotting the wave shape from CRO
9. Sinusoidal oscillator (RC): Wein bridge oscillator circuit measurement of resonant
frequency and amplitude of oscillations by plotting the wave-shape from CRO
10. Tuned Voltage Amplifier Series and parallel resonant circuit measurement of
resonant frequency. Plotting of the resonance curve (i.e. graph between input
frequency and impedance) and calculation of Q of the resonant circuit from this plot.
11. Plotting of the frequency response of single tuned voltage amplifier and calculate the
Q of the tuned circuit load.
12. Use of op-amp (IC741) as inverting and non-inverting amplifier, adder, integrator,
buffer, scale changer
13. To measure the output off ser voltage of an op-amp (741) and zero adjustment using
nulling techniques.
Course Outcomes
1. After completion of this course, the students would be able toApply and practice
logical ability to solve the problems.
2. Understand C programming development environment, compiling, debugging, linking
and executing a program using the development environment
3. Analyzing the complexity of problems, Modularize the problems into small modules
and then convert them into programs
4. Understand and apply the in-built functions and customized functions for solving the
5. Understand and apply the pointers, memory allocation techniques and use of files for
dealing with variety of problems.
6. Document and present the algorithms, flowcharts and programs in form of user-
Course Outcomes:
1. Introduction to PCB
(a) Need of PCBs
(b) Types of PCBs
(c) Types of materials used for PCB, their characteristics and limitations
(d) Brief summary of all the processes involved in fabrication of PCB from schematic
diagram to final stage.
(e) Use of active and passive components. Manuals for using mechanical parameters
of components
2. 2. Manual Design of PCB
(a) Layout generation
(b) Minimization of layout
(c) Layout transfer
(d) Etching of PCB
(e) Drilling
3. Introduction to PCB design software
(a) Familiarization and use of PCB software like ORCAD (minimum 9.1), Eagle, Pro E,
PCB Express, Lab View ( Any two) Electronics Workbench.
(b) Practice in PCB designing of circuits of the following categories;
(i) Communication circuits
(ii) Digital circuits (counters, shift registers, multiplexers, de-multiplexer etc.)
(iii) Audio & Video
(iv) Microprocessor based circuits
4. Fabrication and testing
(a) Fabrication of small analog and digital ( minimum one each) circuits, CMOS
(b) Final assembly, troubleshooting of the developed product and product
(c) demonstration.
(d) Criterion for selection and mounting of heat sinks.
5. Fabrication Techniques
(a) Soldering methods, manual and demo on machine soldering
(b) Comparison of soldering methods
(c) Practice on PCB soldering/desoldering.
(d) Component forming and placement on the PCB
(e) Tools and precautions to be observed during manual soldering.
Text Books:
Introduction to
2 Microprocessors 4 - 3 50 25 100 3 50 3 225
Electronic Instruments
3 and Measurements 4 - 3 50 25 100 3 50 3 225
Personal Computer
4 Organisation 4 - 3 50 25 100 3 50 3 225
- - 2 - - - - - -
Student -
Centered *
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will get the general idea about linear and nonlinear circuits.
General idea about different wave shapes. Review of transient phenomena in R-C and
R-L Circuits. R-C and R-L differentiating and integrating Circuits.The applications
(physical explanation for square/ rectangular input wave shapes only). Diode clippers,
series and shunt biased type. Double clipper circuits.Zener diode clipper circuits.Use
of transistors for clipping. Diode clamping circuit for clamping to negative peak,
positive or any other level for different input waveforms (e.g. sine, square, triangular),
ideal transistor switch, explanation using C.E. output characteristics.
Block diagram of I.C. timer (such as 555) and its working. Use of 555 timer as mono-
stable and astablemultivibrators.
Unit-3:Multivibrator Circuits (15%)
Need of time base (sweep) wave forms, special features of time base signals. Simple
method of generation of saw tooth wave using charging and discharging of a
capacitor. Constant current generation of linear sweep voltage circuit using op-amp.
Fabrication of transistor by planner process, a typical fabrication process for ICS (brief
Text Books:1. Electronic devices and circuits by S.K. ShahdevDhanpat Roy and
corporation pvt Ltd.
Reference Books:
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Outcomes:-
1.On completion of this course, students are expected to be capable of understanding the
history need of microprocessor,
2.the internal architecture details, instruction sets, their timing diagram and various
addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor and
3.8051 microcontroller. They will also learn the basic concept of serial and parallel data
communication of 8085.
4.Students become able to understand various Interrupts and their uses using 8085
Microprocessor and 8051 Microcontroller
5.Students will also learn to interface 8255/8253/8251 peripheral chips and I/O devices with
the same processors and controller.
6. A basic introductory concept on DMA controller also developed through this course. It is
expected that students will be able to design systems based on above mentioned processors
and controller by means of efficient assembly language programmings.
1. Introduction
(a) Typical organization of a microcomputer system and functions of its various blocks.
(a) Brief idea of machine and assembly languages, machine and mnemonics codes
(d) Programming exercises in assembly language (examples can be taken from the
6. Interrupts
(a) Concept of interrupts ,maskable and non -maskable ,edge triggered interrupts ,software
(a) Concept of programmed I/O Operations, sync data transfer ,async data
transfer(handshaking),interrupt driven data transfer,DMA,serial output data,serial input data.
9. Microcontrollers
Course outcomes
On completion of this course student s will be able:
3.To measure the electrical parameters with the help of measuring instruments.
5. developed the capability to select the best instruments according to their requirements.
Multi-meter: (10%)
Principles of measurement of dc voltage and dc current, ac voltage, ac current and
resistance in a multi-meter,Specifications of a multi-meter and their significance,Limitations
with regards to frequency and input impedance
AC Milli-voltmeter (10%)
Block diagram, explanation and specifications of laboratory type low frequency and RF si
pulse generator and function generator, Brief idea for testing, specification for the
above instruments, Distortion factor meter, wave analysis and spectrum analysis
(iv) Working principle of time interval, frequency and period measurement using universal
counter/frequency counter, time-base stability, accuracy and resolution.
(v) Principles of working and specifications of logic probes, signature analyzer and logic
Text book
Reference books
Course Outcomes
1. Study will be able to know about the Hardware details of Personal Computer with
Microprocessor .
2. Study, analyze and understand simple working of PC, data buses, addressing
techniques and different controllers with different types of ports.
3. Understand the working of video monitor and differentiation between monochrome,
TFT, Color video monitor.
4. Understand the working of different peripheral devices, like keyboard, mouse, printers.
5. Learn about the hard disk Structure, storage techniques, and constructional features.
6. Understand the different types of service of BIOS and DOS.
7. Study of advance micro processor with pipelining , comparisons between different
Pentium Processors that provide great knowledge at part of hardware & Software.
Constructional features of Hard disk, Floppy disk and their drives and HDD, DVD drive and CD
ROM drive, Pen drive working principle of HDD drive, CD ROM drive, DVD drive, introduction
to special type of disk drives like Zip drive, MO drive, Logical structure of a disk and its
organization, Boot record. File Allocation Table (FAT), NTFS Disk Directory.
Basic features of various other peripheral devices e.g. mouse, scanner, plotter, digitizer,
modem, light pen and joystick, working principle of DMP, Inkjet and Laser printers, Basic
operation digital camera, FAX.
SMPS used in PC and its various voltages, basic idea of constant voltage transformer (CVT)
and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) offline and line interactive types.
The basic ideas of BIOS and DOS services for Diskette, Serial Port, Key board, Printer and Misc.
Introduction to RISC and CISC system and comparison between the two introduction to
superscalar architecture, detailed study of Pentium IV processor, mother board of PC, memory
organization, Catch memory, keyboard interfacing, serial and parallel ports, introduction to
Reference Books :
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will practice on linear and nonlinear circuits.
Note : Use of simulation software such as OrCADPSpice MULTISIM, ELECTRONIC WORK BENCH
etc. for performing some of the above on the computer also, which will enhance the
understanding of the students beyond traditional laboratory experiments.
Syllabus for Semester IVth , Diploma (Electronics and Communication
Course outcomes
1. Student will perform their logical program on training kit and verify results.
2. Student can understand real performance of Microprocessor Chip
3. Student can develop small assembly language program and verify results through
training kits.
List of Practical
(b) To subtract a 8 bit number from another 8 bit number using 2's compliment .
Course outcomes
On completion of this laboratory students will be able:
Course Outcome:-
1. Understand & observe symbols of various electronic & electrical components & devices.
2.Also he can familiar of different types of electronics & electrical components i.e. Resistors,
capacitor, inductors various types, LDR, VDCR, Semi conductor, Diode, Transistors.
5.Designing of regulated power supplies amplifiers square wave generator using 555.
6.To understand the designing of various types of circuits using voltmeter & ammeter
3. Design and Draw for the given Specifications the following : (40%)
(a) A small power transformer. A simple power supply using a full wave rectifier and
different types of filters. A simple zener regulated power supply. A small-signal
(single-stage low-frequency amplifier) given specifications being the input
impedance, load impedance, voltage gain and input signal level and the frequency
(b) Square-wave generator using 555 timer. sinusoidal oscillator-Weins Bridge type
using an op-amp. Voltage-controlled oscillator using IC565. Circuitory for using a
DC micro-ammeter as
(i) a voltmeter
(ii) a current meter
(iii) for specified ranges
Text Books:
1.Engineering drawing and design by Vineet Singh and Gurmeet Singh Published by
Syllabus for Semester IVth, Diploma (Electronics and Communication
Course Outcomes:
Students should be asked to assemble the minor projects on the following topics:
1. Communication
2. Industrial Electronics
3. Digital Electronics.
4. Microprocessor based projects
5. Medical Electronics
6. Instrumentation & Control
And the students will assemble & test the projects in the Lab of respective
Students are expected to visit at least two industries during 4th semester & prepare the
project report of the industries visited by them.
Object Oriented
1 Programming using C++ 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250
Industrial Electronics
2 and Instrumentation 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250
3 Systems 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250
Troubleshooting and
Maintenance of
5 Electronic Equipments 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250
Industrial Training
6 Report Presentation - - 1 - 50 - - 100 3 150
- - 4 - - - - - -
* Centered
Student -
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will understand the audio system.
2.Students will be learn about AM/FM Transmitters and receiver with its applications
4. Antennas: (8 Hr)
Electromagnetic spectrum and its various ranges: VLF, LF, HF, UHF, Microwave. Physical
concept of radiation of electromagnetic energy from a dipole. Concept of Polarization of EM
waves.Definition and physical concepts of the terms used with antennas like point source,
gain, directivity, aperture, effective area, radiation pattern, beam angle, beam width and
radiation resistance.Types of antennas brief description, characteristics and typical
applications of dipole, medium wave (mast) antennas, folded dipole, turns tile, loop antenna,
yagi and ferrite rod antenna(used in transistor receivers).Brief description of board-side and
end fire arrays, their radiation pattern and applications (without analysis); brief idea about
Rhombic antenna and disc antenna.
5. Propagations: (8 Hr)
(i) Basic idea about different modes of radio wave propagation and typical areas
of applications. Ground wave propagation & its characteristics, summer field
equation for field strength.
(ii) Space wave communication _ line of sight propagation, standard atmosphere,
concept of effective earth radius, range of space wave propagation in
standard atmosphere.
(iii) Duct propagation: sky wave propagation-ionosphere & its layers, explanation
of terms-virtual height, critical frequency, skip distance maximum usable
frequency, multiple hop propagation.
Text Books:1.
4. Principle of communication Engineering byAnokh Singh and A.K.Chhabra
published by S.Chand.
5. Communication system By A.K.Gautam Published by S.K. Katariya.
Reference Books:
4. Analog Communication system by SimenHeykins Published by Tata Macrhill
5. Analog Communication system by J.B.Gupta Published by S.K. Katriya and
Syllabus for Semester Vth, Diploma (Electronics and Communication
Course Outcomes:
Unit I:
Thyristor ratings and gate rating. Turn on methods DC gate, AC Gate, Pulse Gate Triggering
and R-C trigger circuits. Turn off methods Nature and Forced turn off methods.
Unit II:
Internal power dissipation and need for heat sinks in thyristors. Definition of following terms
and their relationship with the power dissipation of the device( no derivation).
Principle of operation and working of the following switching circuits, using SCRs and Triacs.
Automatic Battery Charger,Voltage regulator,Emergency light,Alarm circuit,Time delay relay
circuit,Circuits for over voltage and over current.
Unit IV:
Explanation of the working of a 3 phase half wave and full wave bridge rectifier with the help
of waveforms. Explanation of working of following controlled rectifier using SCRS and resistive
and inductive loads with the help of wave forms and appropriate mathematical expression (No
Unit V:
Principle of working of AC phase control circuit using triac and its applications.
i. Illumination Control
ii. Fan speed control
iii. Temperature Control
iv. Speed control of DC and small AC motors.
Unit VI:
Principles of operation of basic inverter circuits. Basic series & parallel commutated inverters.
Unit VII:
Unit VIII:
Introduction to instrumentations:
Basic measurement system, functions of its elements namely the transducer, signal
conditioner, display or read-out and power supply.
Unit IX:
Distinction between active and passive transducers with examples. Basic requirements of a
transducer.Principle of operation of the following transducers and their applications in
measuring the physical quantities listed against each one of them. Transducer Physical
Quantities, Variable Resistance Type, Variable capacitance Type, Variable Inductance Type &
Other Types.Transducer Physical Quantities : Variable Resistance Type
Hand held metal detector and door frame,Analog and IP CCTV including DVR &
NVR with video analysis. Access control system (biometric).Attendance recording
Unit XI:
Graphic Recorder
X-Y Recorder.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes
1. Object orientation is a new approach to understand the complexities of the real world.
2. This is model programming language c++ that shall helped the students to implement
the various concepts of object orientation practically.
3. Design, implement, test, debug, and document programs in C and C++
4. Program with pointers and arrays, perform pointer arithmetic, and use the preprocessor.
5. Program low-level input and output routines in C and streaming input and output
operators in C++.
6. Program low-level input and output routines in C and streaming input and output
operators in C++
7. Understand how to write and use functions, how the stack is used to implement
function call, and parameter passing options.
8. Use classes, constructors, destructors, inheritance, and operator overloading and
the standard Template library in C++.
9. Map an object-oriented program design into the more primitive data structures and
program organization of C.
Unit 1 Introduction
Comparison of class and C-structure, Create objects, Arrays with Class, Arrays of Objects,
Objects as Function Arguments.
Units 7- Inheritance
Pointers to objects, this pointers, pointer to provide classes, Virtual Functions, Pure virtual
functions, Concepts of late & early binding.
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes
19. Student will able to understand about basics of electromagnetic theory.
20. Students will be familiar with basic of waveguides and cavity resonators to
apply the knowledge further.
21. Students will to understand about various microwave components such as E-
plane, H-Plane, Magic Tees, Hybrid ring , Waveguide joints, bends, corners, transition
and twists, Waveguide irises, posts and tuning screws
22. Students will be able to understand about S-parameters and its representation for
microwave devices
23. Students will find understanding of various microwave devices
24. Student will get various concept of microwave antenna and system
25. Students will be able to understand about RADAR system
26. Student will be able to understand about full working system of microwave
27. Gaining ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice.
Unit 1: Introduction to microwaves and its applications, frequency bands as per IEEE,
advantages of microwave (2Hr)
Coulombs law, Electric field intensity, Electric flux and Gausss law, Amperes
law, Faradays law, magnetic flux density, Maxwells equations. Simple
numerical problems on Electric and magnetic fields.Concept of plane waves,
uniform plane waves, wave equations,Boundary conditions, free space
impedance, skin effect, pointing vector (no derivations)
Unit 3: Wave Guides (4 Hr)
Two cavity klystron amplifier,Reffex klystron,Multi cavity magnetron, phased focusing effect,
electronic tuning, strapping, frequency pulling and pushing,Travelling wave Tube (TWT),Gunn
diode,IMPATT diode,Concept of parametric amplifiers.
Unit 8: Microwave Antennas (3Hr)
Parabolic reflector / dish antenna, gain, beam width, feeding methods, typical
applications,Horn antenna, sectoral, pyramidal and circular, flase angle of horn antenna,
typical applications. Basic idea of slot antenna.
Introduction to RADAR and its various applications,Radar range equation and its
applicationsBlock diagram and operating principles of Pulse, CW, FMCW and MTI
Radar systems and their applications,Radar displays : A-scope, B-scope, E-scope, F-
scope and Plan position Indicator (PPI)
Reference Books:
Syllabus for Semester vth , Diploma (Electronic and Communication Engineering)
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi
Course Code :- EC 574 Course:- T.S.M.E
Designation :- Required Course Coordinator:- Mr Vinay
L: 4Hrs Per week Total Marks: 150 marks
Coures Outcome
1.To understand concepts of maintenance and its policy their various types and basic
procedures of service and maintenance.
4. To understand the trouble shooting procedures using digitals tools like logic clip,
logic probe, logic pulser etc
Introduction, Modern electronic equipment, Mean time between failures (MTBF), Mean time
to repair (MTR), Maintenance policy, potential problems,preventive maintenance, corrective
Fault location
- Service manuals
- Measurement techniques
Test procedures for checking passive components, resistors, capacitors, inductors, chokes and
Dicoes rectifier and zener diodes <W> transistors. Field effecr transistors JFET and FET
Thyirstors. unijuction transistors, Photo cells, Transistor equivalents. Data Books on
Typical faults in digital circuits. Use of Logic clip, logic probe, logic pulser,IC tester.
- Oscilloscope
- Power supplies
- Digital multimeters
- Signal generator
- PA system
- Stereo amplifier
Text Books:
Course outcomes :
1 Make an Idea about the frequency response of load speaker & microphone.
2 Also one can observe the tape transport mechanism.
3 To understand various characteristics of super heterodyne Radio Receiver (AM)
i.e. selectivity, sensitivity & fidelity.
4 He can make an Idea of Fiber optic comm.. system in which also different types of
losses i.e. light attenuation, propagation loss & bending losses.
5 Concept of radiation pattern of directional experiment BASED on following topic:
(i) Fiber optic communication.
(ii) Characteristics of Radio receiver (Superhetrodyne type)
(iii) Different types of fiber optic components
(iv) Tape recorder.
(v) Loud speaker & microphone
(vi) Antenna
List of Practicals
Course Outcomes:
1. Learn the principles of operation of ac-dc rectifiers using different triggering techniques.
2. Learn the principles of operation of different power devices.
3. Learn the principles of operation of various transducers.
4. Learn the principles of operation of security & survelliance devices.
Course Outcomes
1. Student will be able to write and learn clear elementary C++ programmes.
2. Understanding algorithmic thinking and apply it to programming.
3. Understanding problem solving techniques.
4. Code with C++ arithmetic, increment, decrement assignment, relational, equality and
logical operators.
5. Code C++ control structure (if, if-else, switch, while, do-while, for) and use built in
data types.
6. Use standard Library functions.
7. Learn about user defined function definitions.
8. Understand and manipulate array.
9. Pass array to functions and pointers.
1. WAP to read elements of given two matrices of order n*n and perform matrix
multiplication. Use a separate function for multiplication.
2. WAP to read a set of lines from the keywords, store it in a two dimensional array and
determine the number of characters in the lines. Functions to read line.
3. WAP to read two string and concatenate them and display it.
4. WAP to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on complex
numbers. Create a class complex and the above operations must be made as public
functions of the class.
5. WAP to find the distance between two points using the pointers to class objects.
6. WAP to generate a series of Fibonacci numbers using a copy constructor.
7. WAP to calculate the sum of private data of a class with private data of another class
through the common friend functions.
8. WAP to displays the objects address using this pointer. Also access member data with
this pointer and display them.
9. Using function overloading find the square of integer data, floating point data and
double precision data.
10. WAP to create a class of object say obj 1 and obj 2 and assign the contents of obj 1 to
obj 2 using operator overloading.
11. Develop a program to read the following information from the keyword in which the
class consist of employee name, code and designation and the desired class
containing the data members like years of Experience and age. Employee Name,
Department, Experience, age, create a virtual base for the item employee name and
write code for the same.
12. WAP base class for item employee name and write code for the same can be read
Name of Student, roll No. ,Subject Code, Subject Name, Internal Marks, External
Marks, Construct the data base with suitable member functions for initialing and
destroying the data using construction and destructors.
Syllabus for Semester vth , Diploma (Electronics and Communication
Course Outcomes
4.. waveguides, E,H, Magic Tees, directional coupler, isolator, circulator, variable
attenuator, VSWR meter, frequency meter, and Microwave bench, Reflex klystron tube,
slotted section, Detector mount
List of Practical
1. To study various microwave components and devices such as waveguides, E,H, Magic
Tees, directional coupler, isolator, circulator, variable attenuator, VSWR meter,
frequency meter, and Microwave bench, Reflex klystron tube, slotted section,
Detector mount
2. To study the characteristics of the reflex klystron tube and to determine electronic
and mechanical tuning range
3. To measure the frequency and wavelength in a rectangular waveguide in TE10 mode
4. To measure VSWR and reflection coefficient of a given load
5. To measure directivity and coupling factor of a directional coupler
6. To verify the properties of magic tee
7. To measure radiation (polar) pattern and the gain of a waveguide Horn antenna
8. To study the I-V characteristics of Gunn diode
9. To study the Radar system trainer
10. To study the Microwave oven
Syllabus for Semester vth , Diploma (Electronic and Communication
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi
Course Code :- EC584 Course:- T.S.M.E (Lab)
Designation :- Required Total Marks: 100 marks
P:3Hrs Per week Course Coordinator :- Mr Vinay
Course outcomes:
1. Student will be understood about various tools that are used to troubleshoot electronics
devices and circuits.
List of Practicals
1. Selection, demonstration and correct use of tools and accessories, tools pliers,wire cutter,
wire stripper, tweezers, soldering iron, desoldering tools, neontester, screw driver.
Accessories insulating tapes, solders, solder tips, flux, desoldering, wick , solder cleaning fluids
, sleeves , tags , identifiers
7. Trouble, shooting at least two of the following equipments: Oscilloscope , Power supplies,
electronic multimeter , signal generator, PAsystem, Tape recorder and Stereo amplifier
Course Outcomes
Industrial training report presentation means for solving live problems faced
electronics industries by applying the knowledge and skills obtained through the diploma
course in electronics. The institute offering the course will identify live problems pertaining to
Electronics industries. The activity of problem identification should begin well in advance (say
in the beginning of fourth semester). Students should be allotted a problem of interest to
him/her. The students will execute the work under the guidance of teachers. Each teacher
would not have more than six students for guiding and supervise.
The students shall go for industrial training for a period of 4 to 6 weeks in the summer
vacation after the examination of IV semester. The students will submit a comprehensive
training report (in a presentable manner, preferably typed and bound) for evaluation by the
teacher guide, an expert from the industry and an external examiner.
1 Systems 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250
2 Engineering 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250
Management &
ELECTIVE: Entrepreneurship
3 Development 4 - - 50 - 100 3 - - 150
Digital System
4 Design 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250
- - 4
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will get the information about didgital communication and its coding
Unit-1:Introductionof Basic block diagram of digital and data communication systems. Their comparison
analog communication system. Review of sampling theorm and PCM
(4 Hr)
Unit-2:Coding (8 Hr)
(i) Introduction to various some loads like, Lempel, Shannon faro, ha ziv code etc.
(ii) Code error detection and correction techniques Redundancy, parity, block check character (BC
Vertical Redundancy check (VRC), Longitudinal Redundancy, Check (LRC), Cyclic Redund
check (CRC), Hamming code, Cycle codes, Linean block codes.
Unit-6:Modems: (4 Hr)
Need and function of modems, Mode of modems operation (low speed, medium speed and high sp
modems). Modem interconnection, Modem data transmission speed, Modem modulation method, Mo
interfacing (RS 232 Interface, other interfaces).
Unit-8:Telemetry: radio-telemetry, and its application. Block diagram of DTM and FDM telemetry sy
(2 Hr)
Unit-9:Electronic Exchange: Typical telephone network. Various switching offices (Regional Centre, Dis
Centre, Toll Centre, Local Office) and their hierarchy. (6 Hr)
Principles of space division switches. Basic block diagram of a digital exchange and its working. Combined s
and time switching: Working principle of STS and TST switches.Functions of the control system of an autom
exchange. Stored programme Control (SPC) processor and its application in electronic exchange and
telephone exchange.Introduction to PBX, PABX and EPABX. Function of PBX. PABX relation with ce
office. Modern PABX capabilities.
Unit-10:Operation of CELLULAR mobile telephone system. Concept of cells and frequency reuse. Sp
features of cellular mobile telephone. Introduction of GSM CDMA, their advantages & disadvantages. Basic ide
spread spectrum, 2g & 3G Technology. (2 Hr)
Text Books:1.
6. Principle of communication Engineering byAnokh Singh and A.K.Chhabra
published by S.Chand.
7. Communication system By A.K.Gautam Published by S.K. Katariya.
Reference Books:
6. Analog Communication system by SimenHeykins Published by Tata Macrhill
Syllabus for Semester I, Diploma (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi
Course code: Course Title: Microwave
L: 4 Hrs. T: 1 hrs Per Week Total Marks: 150
Prerequisite: Nil Coordinator: Mr. P.K.Patel
Course Outcomes
(ii) System adopted in India channel bandwidth and transmitted RF spectrum. (8 Hr)
(a) Concepts of positive and negative modulation, VSB transmission, trap
frequencies and aspect ratio.
(b) Typical circuits of scanning and EHT stages of TV receiver and explanation of
their working principles, function of keyed AGC.
(c) Function and location of brightness, contrast, V-hold, H- hold and centering
(d) Identification of faulty stage by analyzing the symptoms and basic idea of a
few important faults and their remedies.
Introduction, CD structure, VCD encoding, block diagram of a VCD player and its
Unit 5. Latest Trends in TV Technology (3 Hr)
Concepts of Plasma TV, LCD, LED TV, Comparison between Plasma and LCD and
introduction to DTH and basic principle of transmission & reception of DTH (Set
Top Box). Concepts of High Definition TV (HDTV).
(I) To be capable of understanding the various types of memory & RAM cell.
(iii) They will also learn the basic concept of Logic gates.
(IV) They are capable of implementing using K-Map.(5 variable) tabular method
(v) They will also learn the basic concept & types of combinational & sequential circuits
1. Memories
(i) Basic RAM Cell ,NXM bit RAM,Expansion of word length capacity,static and dynamic
(i) General Principles of A/D and D/A conversion and brief idea of their applications.
3. Conbinational Circuits
(ii) Combinational circuit design
(c) Design procedures and implementation using gates(SSI approach )e.g. half
4. Sequental circuits
Text Book:
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course students will be able to have:
1. Understand the evolution of the microprocessors.
2. Program a 16 bit microprocessor.
3. Compare different microcomputer buses.
4. Realize the existing microprocessor based system technology
Unit I
16 bit microprocessors:
Introduction to 16 bit microprocessors
8086 microprocessors: Internal Architecture, Internal Registers, logical address, physical
address generation, maximum and minimum modes, clock generator (8284), design of
minimum system, comparison between 8086 & 8088.
Unit 1I
Programming 8086:
Addressing modes, instruction format, Instruction template and hand assembly, instruction set,
data transfer, arithmetic bit manipulation, string instruction, program transfer & processor
control instructions.
Unit III
Assembler and Assembler directive, programming exercises based on the instruction set and
use of assemblers.
Unit IV
Memory and I/O interface:
Memory interface block diagram, I/O interface (direct and indirect).
Unit V
Interrupt interface of 8086:
Types of interrupt masking, software interrupts.
Unit VI
Introduction to microcontroller:
Main features detailed architecture and applications of 8051 family of micro-controllers.
Unit VII
Advanced processor features:
Cache memory
Vector processing
Case Study:
Pentium IV processor block diagram, register organisation, address generation, memory and
I/O interfacing.
Text Books:
1. Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware, Douglas V. Hall.
2. Microprocessors and Interfacing , Vaneet Singh, Satya prakashan.
3. 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems, M.A. Mazidi , Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course students will be able to have:
5. Understand the evolution of the microprocessors.
6. Program a 16 bit microprocessor.
7. Compare different microcomputer buses.
8. Realize the existing microprocessor based system technology
Unit I
16 bit microprocessors:
Introduction to 16 bit microprocessors
8086 microprocessors: Internal Architecture, Internal Registers, logical address, physical
address generation, maximum and minimum modes, clock generator (8284), design of
minimum system, comparison between 8086 & 8088.
Unit 1I
Programming 8086:
Addressing modes, instruction format, Instruction template and hand assembly, instruction set,
data transfer, arithmetic bit manipulation, string instruction, program transfer & processor
control instructions.
Unit III
Assembler and Assembler directive, programming exercises based on the instruction set and
use of assemblers.
Unit IV
Memory and I/O interface:
Memory interface block diagram, I/O interface (direct and indirect).
Unit V
Interrupt interface of 8086:
Types of interrupt masking, software interrupts.
Unit VI
Introduction to microcontroller:
Main features detailed architecture and applications of 8051 family of micro-controllers.
Unit VII
Advanced processor features:
Cache memory
Vector processing
Case Study:
Pentium IV processor block diagram, register organisation, address generation, memory and
I/O interfacing.
Text Books:
4. Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware, Douglas V. Hall.
5. Microprocessors and Interfacing , Vaneet Singh, Satya prakashan.
6. 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems, M.A. Mazidi , Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course students will be able to have:
1. Analyse, organise, manage and assuming the risk of the business.
2. Know the function as an entrepreneur.
3. Able to assist organisation in developing new business opportunities.
Unit I:
pattern of economics i.e. socialistic economy, capitalistic economy and mixed economy.
Industrial growth in India.
Unit II:
Business Organisation:
Salient features of sale proprietary, partnership private and public limited companies,
cooperative societies and public sector. Role of public & private sectors in growth of economy
and their social obligations towards society; monopoly and price restriction.
Unit III:
Entrepreneurial qualities, selection of products, estimation of capital expenditure resources of
capital financial agencies, procedural formalities for registrations of firm. Exposure to sales tax
registration import export procedures and project report preparation.
Unit IV:
Financial Management:
Brief idea of money banking, international trade, foreign exchange, various taxes such as
property, wealth company income, excise duty, sales tax, finance forecasting. Types of
accounts and accounts books, trail balance, final accounts and statements.
Unit V:
Personnel Management:
Duties and responsibilities of personnel department, manpower planning, sources of
employment, recruitment selection, various methods of testing, training and development of
workers and supervisors. Promotions, retirement, retrenchment. Industrial relations, discipline,
industrial fatigue, leadership, attitudes and human behaviour, moral maintenance, motivation
systems, payment of wages, personnel records.
Unit VI:
Role of engineer and technician in the industry and in society: duties and responsibilities of a
technician (foreman) towards management, workers and work.
Unit VII:
Industrial Safety and House Keeping:
Magnitude and cost of accidents, causes of accidents, job safety analysis, safety planning and
its implementation safety education instructions and visual aids, obligatory provision, first aid,
investigation of accidents, fire fighting, BIS standards, security watch and ward.
Unit VIII:
Importance of marketing, theory of demand and supply forecasting demand and supply, product
pricing, branding and packaging, sales promotions, advertising and publicity, warranty, after
sales service, product improvement and development, salesmanship, tenders and contracts,
installations and commissioning, feedback invoicing and trade documents.
Unit IX:
Industrial Legislation:
Important provisions of the following acts: Factory Act, ESI, ESI, GPF, Bonus, Trade Union,
Industrial Dispute, Shop, Minimum Wages, Compensation, Apprenticeship, Payment of wages
act and Commercial Establishment Act.
Text Books:
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will practice on Hamming code transmission in serial link
Course Outcom
1. To identify all types of receiver components mounted on the chasis of B/W & colour
TV receiver.
2. To understand the concept of transmit ion & reception of TV signals.
3. Manually operated controls on front panel & also he can observe the effect of
adjustment of various controls i.e. Brightness control, contrast control, fine tunning
vertical hold, horizontal hold, colour channel selector.
4. Students can observe various types of wave shapes on various stages & also can
measure DC voltages.
5. Concept of using pattern generator.
6. Also locating various types of faults occurring in TV receiver.
1. To identify the receiver components, and locate different stages on the chassis of a
Black & White TV receiver.
2. To identify the receiver components, and locate different stages on the chassis of a
PAL colour TV receiver.
3. To operate various controls and adjustments on a B/W TV receiver, and observe their
effect (Contrast Brightness, volume, tone, fine tune, hold, height, width, H and V
linearity, AGC, raster centering corner and pin-cushion correction etc.).
4. To operate various controls and adjustment on a PAL TV receiver and observe their
effect (colour control, AFT, ACC, grey scale tracking).
5. To note DC voltages and the wave forms at various points in a B/W TV receiver.
6. To note DC voltages and the wave forms at various points in a PAL colour TV receiver.
7. (i) To observe the effect of brightness control on the grid-to-cathode bias of the
B/W picture tube and note the cut off bias for a typical picture tube.
(ii) To observe the effect of contrast control on the luminance signal at the
cathode of the B/W picture tube.
8. To use a colour pattern generator and subjectively evaluate the raster reproduction.
9. To install and study satellite TV receiver system including dish antenna and the
10. To study typical faults in different sections of a B/W TV receiver.
11. To study typical faults in different sections of a PAL TV receiver.
Syllabus for Semester VIth , Diploma (Electronics and Communication
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi
Course code:EC682 Course: DSD Lab
. P: 3 hrs., Per Week Total Marks: 100
Prerequisite: EC381 Coordinator:Mrs Poonam Dalal
Course Outcom
1. Design and implement a code converter for Binary to Grey code conversion using
2. Design and implement full adder and full subtractor using multiplexer.
3. Program an EPROM using EPROM Programmer.
4. Using PROM / PLA design and implement a combinational circuit.
5. Design and implement a Modulo 5 synchronous counter using JK flip-flops.
6. From a given problem statement, design and test a typical sequential circuit.
7. Design a 4 bit sequence generator using JK Flip Flops.
8. To Construct & test 4/8 bit D/A converter using IC.
9. To Construct & test 4/8 bit A/D converter using IC.
10. Design a BCD adder and implement using combinational logic.
11. Design 4 bit up/down counter using T-Flip Flops.
Syllabus for Semester VIth, Diploma (Electronics and Communication
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi
List of Practicals:
1. Write a program to perform multi-byte addition.
2. Write a program to add 10 sixteen bit integers & store the result.
3. Write a program to multiply 2 sixteen bit signed integers and store the result.
4. Write a program to divide a sixteen bit signed number by another sixteen bit
signed number and store the result (use sign extension to convert 16 bit data to
32 bit data).
5. Write a program to sort data in ascending/descending order (use bubble sort
6. Write a modular program to compute the following expression:
a. Y=ax3+bx2+cx
b. The main program should call one subroutine that compute x 2 and
another subroutine that compute x3. Choose appropriate values for a, b
& c.
7. Write a program that transfer a string from one memory area to another memory
area. Use ASCII code to represent string character. Assume string end with
NULL character.
8. Write a program that convert GREY code to BINARY code (use XLAT
9. Write a program to determine the no. of 1s in a sixteen bit data stored in a
particular memory location.
10. Write a program to convert a string of 20 characters from lowercase to
Syllabus for Semester VIth, Diploma (Electronics and Communication
CRRIT Kanjhawala Delhi
Course code:EC684 Course: Major Project
P: 4 hrs., Per Week Total Marks: 200
Prerequisite:nil Coordinator: P.K.Patel
Course Outcomes
The students will assemble and test a major electronic working useful project; model in the
lab classes under the supervision of concerned teacher/lecturer. For example projects related
to the following may be taken up:
Assessment method:
Evaluation will be based on the presentation of project developed including Viva. The
marks are 100 each internal and external examinations.