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Course Title Signals and Stochastic Process
Academic Year 2018-19
Course Code EC304ES
Regulation R16
Year & Sem II Year & I Sem
Course structure Lectures Tutorial Practicals Credits
3 1 0 3
Course Faculty Mrs. ASIYA SULTHANA


Signals and Systems encounter extensively in our day-to-day lives, from making a phone call,
listening to a song, editing photos, manipulating audio files, using speech recognition software’s
like Siri and Google now, to taking EEGs, ECGs and X-Ray images. Each of these involves
gathering, storing, transmitting and processing information from the physical world. This course
will equip to deal with these tasks efficiently by learning the basic mathematical framework of
signals and systems. Here we will explore the various properties of signals and systems,
characterization of Linear Time Invariant Systems/ Time variant systems, convolution and
Fourier Series and Transform, and also deal with the Sampling theorem, Z-Transform,
Correlation and Laplace transform. Ideas introduced in this course will be useful in
understanding further Electronic/Electrical Engineering courses which deal with control
systems, communication systems, digital signal processing, statistical signal analysis and digital
message transmission. Further concepts such as signal sampling and aliasing are introduced.
The theory is exemplified with processing of signals in MATLAB.

The course addresses the concepts, principles and techniques of sets and probability and random
variable and random process. The course teaches the fundamentals of probability applying the
concepts of mean and variance and development techniques. This course forms the basis for the
study of advanced subjects like signals and systems. Students will learn probability concepts
and difference between random variable and random process and estimation of power spectral


Engineering Mathematics, Basics of Vector theory,Mathematics I,Mathematics II


For theory subjects, during a semester, there shall be two mid-term examinations. Each mid-
term examination consists of one objective paper, one descriptive paper and one assignment.
The objective paper and the descriptive paper shall be for 10 marks each with a total duration of 1
hour 20 minutes (20 minutes for objective and 60 minutes for descriptive paper). The objective
paper is set with 20 bits of multiple choice, fill-in the blanks and matching type of questions for a
total of 10 marks. The descriptive paper shall contain 4 full questions out of which, the student has
to answer 2 questions, each carrying 5 marks. While the first mid-term examination shall be
conducted on 50% of the syllabus, the second mid-term examination shall be conducted on the
remaining 50% of the syllabus. Five marks are allocated for assignments (as specified by the
subject teacher concerned). The first assignment should be submitted before the conduct of the first
mid examination, and the second assignment should be submitted before the conduct of the second
mid-examination. The total marks secured by the student in each mid-term examination are
evaluated for 25 marks, and the average of the two mid-term examinations shall be taken as the
final marks secured by each student in internals/sectionals. If any student is absent from any subject
of a mid-term examination, an on-line test will be conducted for him by the university. The details
of the question paper pattern are as follows.

The end semester examinations will be conducted for 75 marks consisting of two parts viz. i) Part-
A for 25 marks, ii) Part - B for 50 marks.

Part-A is compulsory question which consists of ten sub-questions. The first five sub-questions are
from each unit and carry 2 marks each. The next five subquestions are one from each unit and carry
3 marks each.

Part-B consists of five questions (numbered from 2 to 6) carrying 10 marks each. Each of these
questions is from one unit and may contain sub-questions. For each question there will be an
“either” “or” choice, which means that there will be two questions from each unit and the student
should answer either of the two questions.


1 Mid –I Theory One Hour 10
Examination Quiz 20 Minutes 10
Assignment - 1 -- 05
2 Mid –II Theory One Hour 10
Examination Quiz 20 Minutes 10
Assignment - 2 -- 05
3 Semester End -- 3 Hours 75


• This gives the basics of Signals and Systems required for all Electrical Engineering
related courses.
• This gives concepts of Signals and Systems and its analysis using different transform
• This gives basic understanding of random process which is essential for random
signals and systems encountered in Communications and Signal Processing areas.


By the end of this course, Students should be able to:

1. Analyze Construct arbitrary signal in terms of complete sets of orthogonal functions.

2. Determine the response of an LTI system to arbitrary input signals.

3. Analyze various signals and systems, its operations in time domain and frequency
domain and Interpret Sample and Reconstruction of Signals.

4. Evaluate the statistical parameters of Random Processes and LTI system in temporal

5. Estimate various spectral characteristics of random processes and LTI system.


PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of H Lectures,
mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an Assignments,
engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research H Assignments,
literature, and analyze complex engineering problems Hands on
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for N -
complex engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use H Lab Sessions,
research-based knowledge and research methods Hands on
including design of experiments, analysis and
interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate N -
techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT
tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the
PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by N -
the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,
safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact N -
of the professional engineering solutions in societal and
environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge
of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to N -
professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an N -
individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams,
and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex N -
engineering activities with the engineering community
and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate N -
knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own
work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the H Exercises
preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-
long learning in the broadest context of technological



PSO1 Students shall have knowledge on specific problems in N -
Industrial and Domestic automation and ability to
provide prototype solutions Using (i) Advanced Micro
Controllers/Processors & DSP processor, (ii) Software
PSO2 Developing student’s ability to Design and Simulate N -
Architectures in VLSI domain using Xilinx and FPGA,
thereby, evaluating and analyzing the performance of
them by EDA Tools.

N- None S- Supportive H- Highly Related


EC304ES: Signals and Stochastic Process

B.Tech. II Year I Sem. LT PC
3 1 03

Signal Analysis: Analogy between Vectors and Signals, Orthogonal Signal Space, Signala
pproximation using Orthogonal functions, Mean Square Error, Closed or complete set
ofOrthogonal functions, Orthogonality in Complex functions, Exponential and
Sinusoidalsignals, Concepts of Impulse function, Unit Step function, Signum function.
Signal Transmission through Linear Systems: Linear System, Impulse response,
Responseof a Linear System, Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System, Linear Time Variant
(LTV) System,Transfer function of a LTI system, Filter characteristics of Linear Systems,
Distortion lesstransmission through a system, Signal bandwidth, System bandwidth, Ideal
LPF, HPF and BPF characteristics, Causality and Paley-Wiener criterion for physical
realization,Relationship between Bandwidth and Rise time. Concept of convolution in Time
domain and Frequency domain, Graphical representation of Convolution, Convolution
property of Fourier Transforms

Fourier series, Transforms, and Sampling: Fourier series: Representation of Fourier
series, Continuous time periodic signals, Properties of Fourier Series, Dirichlet’s
conditions,Trigonometric Fourier Series and Exponential Fourier Series, Complex Fourier
Fourier Transforms: Deriving Fourier Transform from Fourier series, Fourier Transform of
arbitrary signal, Fourier Transform of standard signals, Fourier Transform of Periodic
Signals, Properties of Fourier Transform, Fourier Transforms involving Impulse function and
Signum function.
Sampling: Sampling theorem – Graphical and analytical proof for Band Limited Signals,
Reconstruction of signal from its samples, Effect of under sampling – Aliasing.

Laplace Transforms and Z–Transforms: Laplace Transforms: Review of Laplace
Transforms (L.T), Partial fraction expansion, Inverse Laplace Transform, Concept of Region
of Convergence (ROC) for Laplace Transforms, Constraints on ROC for various classes of
signals, Properties of L.T, Relation between L.T and F.T of a signal, Laplace Transform of
certain signals using waveform synthesis.
Z–Transforms: Fundamental difference between Continuous and Discrete time signals,
Discrete time signal representation using Complex exponential and Sinusoidal components,
Periodicity of Discrete time signal using complex exponential signal, Concept of Z
Transform of a Discrete Sequence, Distinction between Laplace, Fourier and Z Transforms,
Region of Convergence in Z-Transform, Constraints on ROC for various classes of signals,
Inverse Z-transform, Properties of Z-transforms.

Random Processes – Temporal Characteristics: The Random Process Concept,
Classification of Processes, Deterministic and Nondeterministic Processes, Distribution an
Density Functions, concept of Stationarity and Statistical Independence. First-Order
Stationary Processes, Second- Order and Wide-Sense Stationarity, (N-Order) and Strict-
Sense Stationarity, Time Averages and Ergodicity, Autocorrelation Function and
ItsProperties, Cross-Correlation Function and Its Properties, Covariance Functions,
GaussianRandom Processes, Poisson Random Process. Random Signal, Mean and Mean-
squaredValue of System Response, autocorrelation Function of Response, Cross-
CorrelationFunctions of Input and Output.

Random Processes – Spectral Characteristics: The Power Spectrum: Properties,
Relationship between Power Spectrum and Autocorrelation Function, The Cross-Power
Density Spectrum, Properties, Relationship between Cross-Power Spectrum and Cross-
Correlation Function. Spectral Characteristics of System Response: Power Density
Spectrumof Response, Cross-Power Density Spectrums of Input and Output.

Lecture Name of the Unit / Topic Topic

1 UNIT - I :Signal Analysis

1.1 Analogy between Vectors and Signals

2 1.2 Orthogonal Signal Space
3 1.3Signal approximation using Orthogonal functions
4 1.4 Mean Square Error
5 1.5Closed or complete set of Orthogonal functions
6 1.6 Orthogonality in Complex functions
7 1.7 Exponential and Sinusoidal signals, Concepts of Impulse function
8 1.8Unit Step function
9 1.9 Signum function
1.10 Signal Transmission through Linear Systems: Linear System,
10 1.11 Impulse response
11 1.12 Response of a Linear System
12 1.13Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System
13 1.14 Linear Time Variant (LTV) System
14 1.15 Transfer function of a LTI system
15 1.16 Filter characteristics of Linear Systems,
16 1.17 Distortion less transmission through a system
17 1.18 Signal bandwidth
18 1.19 System bandwidth
19 1.20.Ideal LPF, HPF and BPF characteristics
20 1.21 Causality and Paley-Wiener criterion for physical realization
21 1.22 Relationship between Bandwidth and Rise time
22 1.23 Concept of convolution in Time domain and Frequency domain
23 1.24 Graphical representation of Convolution, Convolution property of
Fourier Transforms
UNIT - II : Fourier series, Transforms, and Sampling: Fourier

series: 2.1Representation of Fourier series,

24 2.2 Continuous time periodic signals
25 2.3Properties of Fourier Series, Dirichlet’s conditions,
26 2.4 Trigonometric Fourier Series and Exponential Fourier Series
27 2.5 Complex Fourier spectrum.
28 2.6 Fourier Transforms: Deriving Fourier Transform from Fourier
29 2.7 Fourier Transform of arbitrary signal
30 2.8 Fourier Transform of standard signals,
31 2.9 Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals
32 2.10 Properties of Fourier Transform
33 2.11 Fourier Transforms involving Impulse function and

Signum function.
34 2.12 Sampling: Sampling theorem
35 2.13 Graphical and analytical proof for Band Limited Signals
36 2.14 Reconstruction of signal from its samples
37 2.15 Effect of under sampling – Aliasing
UNIT - III : Laplace Transforms and Z–Transforms

3.1Review of Laplace Transforms (L.T),

38 3.2 Partial fraction expansion, Inverse Laplace Transform
39 3.3Concept of Region of Convergence (ROC) for Laplace Transforms
40 3.4 Constraints on ROC for various classes of

signals, Properties of L.T, Relation between L.T and F.T of a signal,

41 3.5 Laplace Transform of certain signals using waveform synthesis
42 3.6 Z–Transforms: Fundamental difference between Continuous and

Discrete time signals,

43 3.7 Discrete time signal representation using Complex exponential and

Sinusoidal components
44 3.8 Periodicity of Discrete time signal using complex exponential
45 3.9 Concept of Ztransform of a Discrete Sequence
46 3.10 Distinction between Laplace, Fourier and Z Transforms,
47 3.11 Region of Convergence in Z-Transform
48 3.12 Constraints on ROC for various classes of signals
49 3.13Inverse Z-transform, Properties of Z-transforms
UNIT - IV :Random Processes – Temporal Characteristics

4.1The Random Process Concept, Classification of Processes

50 4.2 Deterministic and Nondeterministic Processes
51 4.3 Distribution and Density Functions,
52 4.4 concept of Stationarity and Statistical Independence.
53 4.5 First-Order

Stationary Processes, Second- Order and Wide-Sense Stationarity

54 4.6 (N-Order) and Strict-Sense Stationarity
55 4.7 Time Averages and Ergodicity,
56 4.8 Autocorrelation Function and Its

Properties, Cross-Correlation Function and Its Properties, Covariance

57 4.9 Gaussian Random Processes, Poisson Random Process. Random

58 4.10 Mean and Mean-squared Value of System Response,
59 4.11 autocorrelation Function of Response
60 4.12 Cross-Correlation Functions of Input and Output
61 Topics beyond syllabus

62 PROBABILITY : Probability introduced through Sets and Relative

63 Experiments and Sample Spaces, Discrete and Continuous Sample
Spaces, Events, Probability Definitions and Axioms,
64 THE RANDOM VARIABLE : Introduction, Random Variable
Concept, Distribution Function, Density Function, Properties, The
Gaussian Random Variable

65 MULTIPLE RANDOM VARIABLES : Multiple Random Variables :

Vector Random Variables, Joint Distribution and density functions,
Properties, Marginal Distribution Functions ,Conditional Distribution
and Density, Statistical Independence, Distribution and density of a
sum of random variables, Central Limit Theorem

66 Noise Analysis :Noise classification: uncorrelated noise (external

nose :atmospheric noise, extra terrestrial noise, manmade noise.
internal noise: shot noise, transit-time nose, thermal noise)


Course Program Outcomes(POs) Program

Outcome Specific
CO1 3 2 - - - - - - - - - - - -
CO2 3 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - -
CO3 2 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - -
CO4 2 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - - -
CO5 3 2 - 2 - - - - - - - 2 - -
Avg. 2.6 2.4 - 2.25 - - - - - - - 2 - -

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