Mechanical Design of A Robot's Gripper: Degree of Industrial Technologies Final Individual Project

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Mechanical design

of a robots gripper
Degree of industrial technologies
Final individual Project

Author: lvaro Meneses Martnez

Tutor: Krzysztof Biekowski
Date of submission: June 2015
Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

First of all, I want to acknowledge the help received from my tutor
Krzysztof Biekowski and the opportunity that he gave me to introduce myself in
the world of robotics and 3D printing. I would like to thank also help with the
printing of the design and the assembly of the pieces received from Mariusz

Finally, I want to thank the support of my mother from the beginning to

the end, it has been very important during the development of the project.

It has been great to be part of this project, I really enjoyed it and I have
learned a lot about robotics and 3D printing. I would like to continue working in
this area in the future.
Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Goals 3
1.3 Resources used. 4
1.4 Selection of the gripper. 4
1.5 Preliminary description 11
1.6 Possible solution and Justification of chosen
solution. 15
1.7 Previous basics 21
1.7.1 Program used. 21
1.7.2 Servomotor 21
1.7.3 3D printer. 22 Whats 3D printing?............... 22 History of 3D printer 23 How it works?........................ 24 3D printing processes. 25 3D printing materials.. 31 3D printing applications. 32 Our 3D printer. 34
1.7.4 Material used. 37
1.8 Stages of development. 38
1.8.1 Diagram of the stages.. 40
1.9 Applications and examples of real grippers.41
1.10 Possible improvements.46
1.11 Conclusions. 47


2.1 The base. 49
2.2 Right gear.. 52
Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.3 Left gear.. 54

2.4 Link-up Gear-Servomotor.56
2.5 Grippers junction. 58
2.6 Gripper.. . 60
2.7 Top of the Wrist.... 62
2.8 Bottom of the Wrist 64
2.9 Link-up Wrist-Servomotor. 66
2.10 Earth.. 68
2.11 Assembly. 70
2.12 Servomotor 71


3.1 Kinematics.. . 73
3.1.1 Forward kinematics.. 73
3.1.2 Inverse kinematics.. 77
3.2 Calculation of the forces exerted in the
gripper. 81
3.2.1 Minimum aperture 81
3.2.2 Medium aperture 84
3.2.3 Maximum aperture 86
3.3 Final result... 88
3.3.1 Real aspect of the gripper.. 88
3.3.2 Time of printing. 92
3.3.3 Building of the robots gripper 92


5. BUDGET 98

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.1 Introduction
My Project consists in the mechanical design of a robots gripper. This
gripper is composed of two servomotors that allow the movement of the wrist
and the movement of the grippers. Due to these two movements, we would be
able to take every object we want. First, we will design the robots gripper
through the program Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012 and the tool used
for its print will be the 3D printer Velleman K8200. The servomotors were
chosen by my tutor and me with the goal of getting a cheap gripper.

Why I choose this individual project?

In my opinion, the world of the robots is the future. In the last years, the
demand of robotic products is increasing a lot. This is because with the robot,
we can reduce the time of producing objects, we can be more precise, more
efficient The use of robotics provides the following advantages:

Improves considerably the safety of the company: A robot can

perform some activities that are dangerous for the human like
handle potentially hazardous products, manipulate heavy loads
Allows the possibility of doing many different activities: A robot can
be programmed to do a lot of different kind of activities. This
increases his profitability.
Allows the realization of optimum quality jobs: The precision of a
robot is better than humans precision
The level of incidents is very small: We must only to do a basic
maintenance of the robots to keep them running smoothly.
Increases the productivity of the company.
The efficiency of the company is higher.
With the robotic, humans have been able to devote their time
improving the quality of life applying the robots to do hard works
that humans did before of this discovery.
One of the most important things of the robotic for me is that it can
be used to help disabled people ant make the life of this people
much better.

Because of all of these reasons, I am very interesting in this world and

this project allows me to start with the design of the robots. In my case, my
project is only a mechanical design but I think is a good beginning to introduce

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

me in this area. If I had the opportunity in my future I would like to design

products like in this project to improve the life of the people.

1.2 Goals
The main goal of this Project is the design, manufacturing and
construction with a 3D printer of a robots gripper.

However, this is not the only goal, this project has other secondary goals:

It could be a guide for everyone who wants to introduce in the world of

the robotic and robots design.

Another goal is to create a structure easy to insert changes and

improvements inside it.

One personal goal is to pass successfully my individual project and to

learn a lot about robots and design.

It could be great to help people with health problems to take objects that
they cant take.

We can test this gripper in a robots arm and use it like part of the robot.

This kind of robots grippers could be used in the companies and they
would have the next advantages for the companies:

o Increased productivity.
o Quality improvement.
o Increased speed: It is due to the automatic repetition of the
movements of the robot with speed optimization.
o High uptime without failure.
o Reduced maintenance.
o Substantial optimization of the employment and equipment that
runs the machine.
o Rapid return of the investment.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.3 Resources used

To carry out the project I have needed the following resources:

A computer with a Windows system operative.

The computer software Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012.
The 3D printer Velleman K8200.
The plastic material PLA (Polylactic acid).
Two servomotors Silnik DC Dagu DG02S-2M.
The tools necessaries to build the robots gripper.

1.4 Selection of my gripper

Before starting my design of the robots gripper, I was investigating about
the current types of grippers that you can see in the market. After this
investigation I discovered that there are four kinds of grippers classified
according to his way of grip:

1. Pressure gripper: This kind of gripper is used for pieces that can be
pressed by the gripper without being deformed.

2. Coupling gripper: This kind of gripper is used for pieces of big

dimensions that cant be pressed by the gripper.

3. Vacuum gripper: Vacuum grippers are used in the robots for grasping
the non ferrous objects. It uses vacuum cups as the gripping device,
which is also commonly known as suction cups. This type of grippers will
provide good handling if the objects are smooth, flat, and clean. It has
only one surface for gripping the objects. Most importantly, it is not best
suitable for handling the objects with pores.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[1] Example of a vacuum gripper

4. Electromagnetic gripper: Magnetic grippers are most commonly

used in a robot as an end effector for grasping the ferrous materials.

[2] Example of a electromagnetic gripper

Because we want to build a cheap gripper and the type of pieces which
normally we will take (pieces that we can press and non ferromagnetic), I
selected the first kind of gripper, the pressure gripper.

The next step was to select the type of movement that we want for our
gripper. I had two type of gripper according to its movement:

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1. Rotation movement: As we can see in the following picture [3], the

gripper is based on a rotation movement to take the objects.

[3] Example of gripper with rotation movement

2. Translation movement: As we can see in the following picture [4], the

gripper is based on a translation movement to take the objects.

[4] Example of gripper with translation movement

In my opinion, the best grippers choice was the translation movement,

because is easier to calculate the distance where we have to put the gripper to
take the object and I thought that it was the best way to grab strongly the

Finally, I needed to design my pressure gripper with a translation

movement and I had a lot of possibilities and designs to do, so I selected some

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

of the designs that I saw and I use as prototypes for my grippers design. These
are some of these designs:

[5] Six different gripper with translation movement.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

As you can see [5] there are a lot of types of grippers. In addition, the
translation movement grippers are classified in other groups according to the
mechanism used to move the gripper:

1. Linkage Grippers: there is no cam, screw, gear. There is movement

only because of links attached to input and output. There must be perfect
design of mechanism such that input actuators motion is transformed
into the gripping action at the output.

[6] Examples of two linkage grippers

2. Gear and Rack Grippers: movement of input due to gear motion

which makes connecting links to go in motion to make gripping action at
the output link.

[7] Gear gripper with the motion in the middle

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

3. Cam-actuated Grippers: reciprocating motion of the cam imparts

motion to the follower, thus causing fingers to produce a grabbing action.
A variety of cam profiles can be employed- constant velocity, circular
arcs, harmonic curves etc. This mechanism is similar that the linkage
gripper but in this intervene the cams.

[8] Four different examples of cam-actuated grippers

4. Screw-driven Grippers: operated by turning screw, in turn giving

motion to connecting links and thus giving griping motion to output.
Screw motion can be controlled by motor attached.

[9] Examples of screw-driven grippers

5. Rope & Pulley Grippers: motor attached to the pulley makes the
winding and unwinding motion of rope in turn it set gripper action into
motion via connecting link.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[10] Rope and pulley gripper

I selected the gear gripper because I thought that it was the cheapest
way and it was very practical and easy to build.

After all of these choices, my final design of the gripper was the next:

[11] Robots gripper design with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

I had to take another decision before finishing my design. I decided to

use only one gripper (one finger) instead of two or more fingers with the
goal of saving material and doing the robots gripper as cheap as possible.

1.5 Preliminary description

The robots gripper has two degrees of freedom and it consists in four
main pieces:

1. The wrist
2. The base
3. The grippers or fingers
4. The piece that connects the robots gripper with the arm of the robot. I
will call this piece the earth.

1. The wrist
The wrist is the piece that provides to the gripper the rotational
movement. The wrist is made by three pieces: two parts that are joined between
them through outgoing parts and holes and one piece with the function of
connecting the rotational axis of the servomotor with the wrist. This last piece is
the responsible for transmitting the movement to the entire wrist.

The wrist will be connected to the base of the gripper and to the earth.

[12] Assembly of the wrist

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

This picture [12] shows the assembly of the wrist. We can see three
outgoing parts that allow the connection of the wrist to the base.

[13] Exploded view of the wrist

And in the picture [13] we can see all the pieces that form the wrist.

2. The base
The base will be the centre of connections of every pieces of the robots
gripper. To the base will be attached two gears of which one of them will be
connected through one connection piece to the other servomotor that provides
movement to the gears. These gears will be joined to the grippers and will give
movement to them.

In addition, we will use another connection piece that will join the base
and the grippers keeping the grippers with an angle of 90 with respect to the
horizontal axis every time.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[14] Picture of the grippers base

We can see in the picture [14] the three holes to connect the wrist, the
outgoing part to insert the gear and other three holes with the function of
connect other pieces.

3. The gripper
The gripper will have the best possible shape and material with the goal
of take a lot of objects with different contours and weights. As I say before, it will
have a translation movement.

[15] View of the finger of the robots gripper

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

4. The earth
This piece is very important because it must keep the servomotor that
gives movement to the wrist fixed. If this piece doesnt fulfill that function, the
movement of the gripper will be strange. The other function of this piece is to
give the possibility of connecting the entire robots gripper to a existing robotic

[16] Perspective view of the earth.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.6 Possible solutions and

justification of chosen solution
Throughout the development of my project I have being trying with
different designs to finally obtain the most effective gripper that I have found. Im
going to show all the designs that I have done:

First design:

[17] Perspective view of the first design of the gripper

This design was discarded due to the overuse of the material and
because the movement of the gripper wasnt only translation and it had a slight

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[18] Picture to appreciate the rotations problem

We can observe in the picture [18] that the grippers are not straight. They
have rotated due to the radius of rotation of the gears was different than the
radius of rotation of the connection piece of the base with the gripper. Because I
wanted a robots gripper with translation movement, I needed to modify it
inserting one connection piece with the same radius than the gear.

Second design:

[19] Perspective view of the second design of the gripper

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Once I managed to fix the rotations problem, I designed a robots gripper

more effective and with less quantity of material used. However, due to the top
of the base was very wide, the grippers collided very early with this part and the
minimum aperture of the robots gripper was very big.

[20] View of the width of the base

As we can see, this gripper was very bad because it could take only very
big objects.

[21] Collision of the gripper and the base

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

We can check with the picture [21] the collision between the gripper and
the base. To improve it I needed to cut part of the base, this change was very
good because we could get a minimum aperture very of the gripper very small
and we could save more quantity of material.

Third design:

[22] Perspective view of the third design of the gripper

The next step was to fix the problem with the minimum aperture of the
gripper cutting the grippers base. On this way, we achieved a total closing of
the gripper without interferences with any piece.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[23] Minimum aperture of the gripper.

We can check [23] that all the problems have been fixed and the
minimum aperture is small, so this design is a good design.

After this design I started to think in some esthetic improvements and I

found my last design.

Last design:

[24] Perspective view of the last design of the gripper

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Finally, I have improved the grippers with the goal that the minimum
distance between them was much smaller and I have added rivets to join all the
pieces between them. In addition, I have rounded the gripper and the 3d
printing is easier on this way.

[25] Minimum aperture of the last design of the gripper

We can observe [25] that this design is perfect because the distance
between the grippers is very small. After four designs I have found the best
possible. The rivets are only used for the simulation because we are going to
use rods when we are ready to build the gripper.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.7 Previous basics

1.7.1 Program used

The program used for the design of the robots gripper in the computer is
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012. I couldn`t use the next versions of this
program because of the characteristics of my computer. Autodesk Inventor,
developed by U.S., based software company Autodesk, is a computer-aided
design application for creating 3D digital prototypes used in the design,
visualization and simulation of products.

Inventor includes an integrated motion simulation and assembly stress

analysis environment. Users can input driving loads, friction characteristics, and
dynamic components, then run dynamic simulation tests to see how a product
will work under real-world conditions. The simulation tools can help users
optimize strength and weight, identify high-stress areas, identify and reduce
unwanted vibrations, and size motors and actuators to reduce energy

1.7.2 Servomotor
About servomotors, we can see all the information of them and we can
buy it in this web page:

The name of the servomotor is Silnik DC Dagu DG02S-2M 48:1 3V and

the characteristics of it are the next:

Power supply: 3 V
Current consumption: 125 mA (max. 170 mA)
Transmission: 48:1
Speed: 65 10 rev / min
Torque: 0.8 kg *cm (0.078 Nm)
Connect the red wire and black
Shaft diameter: 5.4 mm
Shaft Type: Metal
The shaft is tapered on both sides
The shaft has a threaded hole adapted to the M3 screws (not

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

The engine has dual shaft, which allows the encoder assembly
Engine weight: 35 g

[26] Image of Silnik DC Dagu DG02S-2M servomotor

Here, we can observe a picture [26] of one servomotor. In the section of

planes and pieces, I will add a plane of the servomotor with all the measures of
them necessaries for the design of the robots gripper.

The price of a couple of servomotors is of 29 zloty.

1.7.3 3D printer What is 3D printing?

It is strongly believed that 3D printing is going to be a very important
technology in the future in the world. The scientists think that this technology is
going to replace the traditional manufacturing and is going to revolutionize the
form of doing new designs of products.

The most important thing of this technology is that is an additive process,

it means that the method build the pieces layer by layer, one above the others.
This fact is very important because is the first technology that acts on this way.
Before of this new technology, the other technologies use subtracting
processes, that means that the method builds pieces subtracting material of a
big block. In many of these processes the 90% of the material is wasted. In

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

contrast, in 3D printing we use the exact material that we need so we can earn
a lot of money using this technology. In addition, 3D printing offers the
advantage of a better calculation of the times for building the pieces.

Because of all this reasons, this technology is increasing hugely in the

last years. History of 3D printer

The first time the layer by layer manufacturing was used was during the
late 1980s and early 1990s, as rapid prototyping (RP). Prototypes allowed to
examine the physical design of the object and test it before you start massively
produce the product. The RP allowed to obtain prototypes much faster than
what had been used until then, usually within a range of days or even hours
after conceiving the design. The designers created the model in a CAD software
and machines that were following code to determine how to build the object. As
"printed" the different layers crossing each other, was born the concept of 3D

According to the years passed, the details of 3D printing were

sophisticated, improving printing times, the time required to complete the piece,
precision... The processes are now faster, the materials and equipment needed
is much cheaper and more and more materials are being adapted for printing.

While evolving the printing technique for layers, important advances were
also emerging in different 3D printing machines. The origin of such printers is
the RepRap project initiated by Adrian Bowyer in 2004 with the aim of
developing a self-replicating machine open source. In May 2007 the first
prototype, called Darwin was completed and later the first replication was
achieved. Since then, the RepRap community (machines reprap original
designs and derivatives) has grown exponentially with a current estimated
population of around 4,500 machines. The second generation RepRap, called
Mendel, was completed in September 2009. Some of the main advantages of
Mendel printers, that Darwin printers didnt have, are mostly print area, greater
efficiency of the axes, more simple and easy to install, cheaper and lighter and

Initially, Darwin and Mendel were not designed for the general
public, but for people with some technical knowledge. As the RepRap

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

project was acquired character OpenSource, small companies were

appearing to begin marketing these 3D printers as well as the ir
derivatives designs. The first company was MakerBot Industries,
manufacturing a first batch of Cupcake CNC in April 2009. However,
there was still a long way to give and would increase greatly the
spread of this technology. The goal was to find a balanc e between
quality and price, so any user could have their own printer at home at
an affordable price without having to resort to high investment in a
professional machine.

For this reason, our printer Velleman K8200 was created with a
price around 600 euros, which allows to be purchased by every
professional that need it in his work.

In the next sections we are going to talk about the

characteristics of this 3D printer. How it works?

The initial point for every 3D printing process is a 3D digital

model, which can be created by a lot of software programs (in my
case Autodesk Professional Inventor 2012) or scanned with a 3D
scanner. The model is read by the printer in layers and when the
material is ready to be processed the 3D printer build the piece layer
by layer according to the digital design.

The most common materials used for 3D printing now are ABS
and PLA but the use of Nylon is increasing considerably.

There are a lot of 3D processes to build the pieces using

different mechanisms and different forms of the material. However, if
the pieces are very complex, sometimes is impossible to build them
with this technology.

However, this technology is not only to press the button Print,

it requires a very good preparation and design of the pieces by
computers software and a lot of time and patience to print every

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015 3D printing processes

There are a lot of different processes. Im going to explain

briefly some of them and which is the process of our 3D printer.

I. Stereolithography

It was the first 3D printing process, its a laser -based process

that works with photopolymer resins that react with the laser and cure
forming a very accurate solid.

The process is a bit complex but Im goi ng to summarize this.

The photopolymer resin is inside of a vat with a platform in movement
inside of the vat. A laser beam cross the surface of the resin and with
the laser beam the resin becomes hard according to the 3D data
supplied to the printer. When the layer is done, the part of the resin
which the laser beam hasnt hit goes down and another layer starts to
be created by the laser beam. This process continues creating layers
and it stops when the piece is made and can be removed from the vat.

[27] Stereolithography diagram process

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

II. Digital light processing (DLP)

DLP is a similar process to stereolithography because it also

works with photopolymers. However, in this case the source for hard
the material is the light. DLP uses a conventional light source such an
arc lamp with a liquid crystal display panel or a deformable mirror
device, which is applied to the complete surface of the vat of
photopolymer resin in only a pass. This process is also very precise
and is generally faster than stereolithography. We must know that in
this process is important to uses a vat not very deep to help the

[28] Digital light processing diagram

III. Laser sintering/Laser melting

These terms are used to refer to a process that uses the laser
beam but, in this case, the material is powdered. The laser hits the
material according to the 3D data and the material is sintered forming
a solid piece. When the laser finish the layer, the powdered material
goes down and a roller smoothes the surface before the laser beam
starts again with the next layer. This last step is important for the
compaction of the piece.

This process is very good in the aspect of the building of

strange geometries that cant be bu ilt with another process. However,
because of the high temperatures of sintering the time that we have to

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

wait to have the pieces finished is significant. The pieces made by

this process are stronger that the pieces of the processes that we
have seen before.

[29] Laser sintering diagram process

IV. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

This process is probably the most common for 3D printing. The

process consists in the deposit of melting plastic filaments through a
heated extruder doing a layer. This process continues doing layers
above the previous one in function of the data supplied to the printer.
Each layer becomes hard as it is deposited on the other layers.

This process could be slow for some pieces a nd geometries and

layer-to-layer adhesion could be a problem, so we can insert these
pieces in water. But we can solve this problem using acetone.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[30] Fused deposition modeling diagram process

This is the process that we are going to use with our 3D printer
Velleman K8200.

V. Inkjet: Binder jetting

This process used a binder which is jetted and sprayed

according to the 3D model into a powder bed of the piece material to
fuse it a layer at a time until the pieces is created. Like in the laser
sintering we use a roller in this procedure to consolidate the p iece.

With this process we can use a lot of colors which can be added
to the binder.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[31] Binder jetting diagram process

VI. Inkjet: Material jetting

Material jetting is a 3D printing process that allows creating the

pieces with the material in liquid or molten state. However, the
materials tend to be liquid photopolymers that are cured with the
ultraviolet light, forming the layers.

With this process we can use a lot of different materials and the
result is very accurate.

[32] Material jetting diagram process

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

VII. Selective Deposition Lamination (SDL)

The SDL process builds pieces layer by layer using standard

copier paper. Each new layer is fixed to the other layers by an
adhesive according to the 3D model. It means that the wider adhesive
will be in the part of the piece model and the narrower will be in the
surrounding area.

A lot of pieces of paper are glued between them and then they
are cut. When all the pieces of paper are treated we will have the
piece ready.

[33] Selective deposition lamination diagram process

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015 3D printing materials

There are a lot of materials used for 3D printing nowadays. The

most important are the next:

Plastics: The most common plastics in the world of 3D printing

are nylon, polyamide, ABS, PLA Nylon and Polyamide are
normally used in powder form with the laser sintering process or
in filaments used for the fused deposition modeling (FDM)
process. ABS and PLA are also in form of filaments so the main
process used for these materials is FDM. In my project Im
going to work with PLA because is a cheap material and it offers
a lot of colors to choose. It isnt as strong and flexible as ABS
but I think is a very good choice to print my robots gripper with
this material.

Metals: These materials are used commonly for big pieces in

industries. The most famous materials for this work are
aluminium and cobalt. Other material very important in this area
is the stainless steel in powder form. For the jewellery we use
silver and gold.

Ceramics: These materials are relatively new for the 3D

printing. They are not very useful because they have to be
treated by a lot of processes to be used correctly.

Paper: As I explain before, in some 3D printing processes is

necessary the standard copier papers. This method is good for
the environment and doesnt require another treatment when the
print is finished.

Bio materials: There are a lot of investigations about these

materials because medicals think that is possible to print organs
for transplant. It will be a success for the medicine.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015 3D printing applications

The first applications of the 3D printing were the design of

industrial prototypes and this was the only application during the first

However, a lot of sectors of the industry have adopted this way

of manufacturing and nowadays in almost all major companies exist
the use of the 3D printing. Some of these sectors are the next:

Medical and dental

This sector was one of the first using 3D printing technologies

and the growth of this knowledge in the medical sector has being

This technology has a lot of applications in medical and dental

sector. As it regards the dental sector, it is used in the manufacture of
tools intended to create dental aligners or to make patterns for the
downstream metal casting of dental crowns. As it regards to medical
sector, the technologies are utilized to build, for example, hip and
knee implants and nowadays is increasing the use of these with the
skin, the organs, the bones

However, all of these applications are not in the market, they

are for exclusive use of the companies.


This sector was also one of the first using this technology
producing prototypes for the aircraft development.

Because of the critical nature of aircraft development, the R&D

is demanding and strenuous, standards are critical and indu strial
grade 3D printing systems are put through their paces. Process and
materials development have seen a number of key applications
developed for the aerospace sector.

However, the specialists in this sector are not very optimistic in

the use of these technologies in aerospace sector.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


This sector use at first time 3D printing, specifically, in the

Formula 1 where this kind of technology is used with the goal of
selling some pieces or building replacement parts.


Traditionally, the processes of design and manufacturing of

jewellery required of a lot of experience and preparation in every
different discipline to build this kind of materials.

In the first years, 3D printing hadnt got to find a good technique

to satisfy these disciplines but in the last years 3D printing has
impacted in this sector because with this technology, the specialists
can avoid some of the complicated processes to manufacture


In the art, 3D printing is being a revolution, a lot of artists are

using this technology in their techniques of art and many people are
getting fame because of using of 3D printing.


This is the closest field to my project, because in this sector the

professionals use software like CAD to design models and then they
can print these models with 3D printing.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015 Our 3D printer

The printer that I have used to print my design is the model

Velleman K8200.

[34] Image of printer Velleman K8200

It's a build it yourself 3D printer kit to print objects of maximum 20 x 20 x

20 cm using PLA or ABS filament (3 mm plastic wire). It is an extremely fast,
reliable and precise printer even when printing at higher speeds. The K8200 is
compatible with all free RepRap software and firmware. It is made out of
aluminium profiles and is easy to assemble, it leaves room to the user to freely
alter the machine and modify it to their liking. The print bed is heated.

The characteristics of the printer are the next:

Linear ball bearings: 8 and 10 mm (0.314" and 0.393")

Technology: FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) for PLA and ABS
Power supply: 15 Vdc / 6,6A max.
FTDI USB 2.0 to Serial
Dimensions of printable area: 20 x 20 x 20cm / 7.87 x 7.87 x 7.87"
Typical printing speed: 120 mm/s

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Maximum print speed: 150 to 300 mm/s (depending on the object to be

Extrusion nozzle: 0.5 mm
Extrusion thermistor: NTC 100K
Extruded aluminum profiles: 27.5 mm / 1.08" wide
Movement: 4 NEMA 17 stepper motors
o Nominal mechanical resolution:
X and Y: 0.015 mm / 590.55 in (smallest step the printing plate
can move in the X and Y direction)
Z: 0.781 m / 30.74 in(smallest step the printing plate can move
in the Z direction)
o Nominal printing resolution:
Wall thickness (X,Y): 0.5 mm / 0.019"
Layer thickness (Z): 0.20 - 0.25 mm / 0.0078 - 0.0098"
o Width: 50cm / 19.7"
o Depth: 42cm / 16.5"
o Height: 62cm / 24.4"
o Weight: 9Kg / 19.84lbs
Software: Repetier version 0.84
included: 5m PLA black simple

Our 3D printer has a standard nozzle diameter of 0.4mm which common

among all 3D printers. This means that each and every line of plastic drawn out
to create an outline is 0.4mm thick. For ultra-fine detail of surfaces, this
represents our absolute minimum feature size. Whilst we can print at layers of
0.05mm, if we were to print for example embossed lettering, the thickness of
each line that forms the individual letters must be 0.4mm for the best finish. This
is usually never an issue however for ultra-fine detail that is the limit.

With tolerances, the printer typically has an accuracy of +/- 0.2mm. This
tolerance is a factor of the plastic cooling and expanding slightly along the walls
of parts, resulting in solid sections tending towards the +0.2mm tolerance while
holes tend towards the -0.2mm tolerance. Tolerances do not build up over the

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

length of a piece. It is critical to understand that these tolerances result in

overall a +0.4mm for any interferance or tolerance fits. For a 10mm rod to fit into
a 10mm hole, they must be altered to 9.8mm for the rod and 10.2mm for the
hole in order to print with a tolerance fit.

[35] Picture about the tolerances of a standard 3D printer.

The tolerances do not build up and are all independent of each other,
prints are dimensionally stable to a large degree. Parts that expand by 0.2mm
must have 0.4mm cut off them to fit inside a hole that has contracted by 0.2mm.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.7.4 Material used

Polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA, Poly) is a biodegradable

thermoplastic aliphatic polyester derived from renewable resources,
such as corn starch (in the United States), tapioca roots, chips or
starch (mostly in Asia), or sugarcane (in the rest of the world). In
2010, PLA had the second highest consumption volume of any
bioplastic of the world.

The name "polylactic acid" does not comply with IUPAC

standard nomenclature, and is potentially ambiguous or confusing,
because PLA is not a polyacid (polyelec trolyte), but rather a


Due to the chiral nature of lactic acid, several distinct forms of polylactide
exist: poly-L-lactide (PLLA) is the product resulting from polymerization of L,L-
lactide (also known as L-lactide). PLLA has a crystallinity of around 37%,
a glass transition temperature 6065 C, a melting temperature 173178 C and
a tensile modulus 2.716 GPa. Heat-resistant PLA can withstand temperatures
of 110 C. PLA is soluble in chlorinated solvents, hot benzene, tetrahydrofuran,
and dioxane.
PLA has similar mechanical properties to PETE polymer, but has a
significantly lower maximum continuous use temperature
Polylactic acid can be processed like most thermoplastics into fiber (for
example, using conventional melt spinning processes) and film. The melting
temperature of PLLA can be increased by 4050 C and its heat deflection
temperature can be increased from approximately 60 C to up to 190 C by
physically blending the polymer with PDLA (poly-D-lactide). PDLA and PLLA
form a highly regular stereocomplex with increased crystallinity. The
temperature stability is maximised when a 1:1 blend is used, but even at lower
concentrations of 310% of PDLA, there is still a substantial improvement. In
the latter case, PDLA acts as a nucleating agent, thereby increasing the
crystallization rate. Biodegradation of PDLA is slower than for PLA due to the
higher crystallinity of PDLA.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.8 Stages of development

Once we have understood what is and how works the 3D printer
and the program Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012, I can explain
the steps that I have done during the design of my robots gripper:

1. Initial study

Before of starting the 3D model in the software, we must do an

initial study of the grippers in the market, the possibilities for the
gripper, the advantages and disadvantages

2. Design of the model in Autodesk Inventor Professional


First of all and after all the decisions that we have to take to get
the best design of the gripper, we must create our grippers 3D model
in my computer.

3. Possibilities of improvements for the gripper.

Once we have our possible final design, we must think about all
the improvements that we can introduce in our model with the goal of
getting a perfect gripper.

4. Calculate all the forces generated in the gripper.

When we have the final model we need to calculate the forces

exerted by the gripper, to know the kind of objects that we are ready
to take.

5. Save all the pieces in STL format.

For doing possible the 3D printing, we have to save in the

computer all the pieces in STL format.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

6. Send the pieces in STL format to the 3D printer.

Once we have saved the pieces in the correct format we can

send them to the printer and we can start to print them. We have to
connect the computer with the printer and select the size and the
orientation of each piece.

7. Preparation of the printer.

We have to add the plastic material or other material (in our

case PLA) to the printer.

8. Printing.

We start to print all the pieces we need. Its not a fast process
so we have to wait and be patient. The thickness of each layer is
between 0.1 and 0.2 mm.

9. Take the pieces.

When the piece is ready we can take it. Please be sure that the
machine is not hot and you have wait the necessary time.

10. Retouch of the pieces.

As I have explained before, the printer has a good accuracy but

the pieces are not perfect for the assembly of the gripper. We need to
retouch all the pieces until they are perfect (sanding, wetting).

11. Build the assembly.

Once we have all the pieces in perfect conditions, we can build

the assembly. But we must be careful if we dont want to mess up all
the work we have done.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

12. Testing the gripper.

Finally, we can check if the gripper works correctly and we have

the option of test it in a robots arm.

13. Checking of the forces.

Now we can check if the real forces are similar to the theoretical
forces. Its difficult to obtain similar forces because it depends on a lot
of parameters that affect to the gripper.

1.8.1 Diagram of the stages


Initial study
Design of the model
Improvements of the design
Construction and assembly

[36] Diagram of the most important stages to get the gripper

As we can observe in the diagram the largest processes are the

design of the model because it requires a lot of time thinking about
the shape, the thickness, the movement and the drafting because it
is, maybe, the most important part of the project. All y our work is
summarize in these pages so you must do your best.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.9 Applications and examples

of real grippers.
Nowadays, the robots and the robotic grippers have a lot of
applications, especially in the world of the industry. Im going to
explain some of the applications and to show some real examples that
we can use in these applications:

Collaborative robots: A lot of grippers are used in this kind of

robots. Collaborative robotic arms are easily integrated into
existing production environments. With six articulation points,
and a wide scope of flexibility, they are designed to mimic the
range of motion of a human arm. Robotic grippers share the same
values as collaborative robotics by being human scale, flexible and easy
to use.

[37] Image of a collaborative robot where you can insert some grippers.

We can observe in the picture one collaborative robotic arm,

and in the end of the arm we can insert a lot of kind of grippers
like the following ones:

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[38] Possible grippers to insert in the collaborative robots

Assembly robots: This kind of robots streamlines the

processes and improves its accuracy and efficiency. These
robots can perform tasks tedious and boring assembly to leave
the factory staff to other jobs, while at the same time improving
quality. Robots work 24 hours a day all year without a break.
Downtime is eliminated, reducing labor costs and provides a
high return on investment.

[39] Example of an assembly robot

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

We can insert in this robots grippers like this one that provides
the flexibility to handle various operations with a wide range of parts:

[40] Possible gripper to insert in assembly robot

Advanced manufacturing: A flexible robotic hand or gripper and a

force torque sensor create a perfect combo that can be used on your
platform for a wide range of Advanced Manufacturing and R&D projects.

[41] Example of robotic hand in Advanced Manufacturing

Machine tending: We can use a single, programmable, flexible

robot gripper to handle a wide variety of parts in your machine tending

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[42] Example of gripper used in machine tending

Robot welding: Is the use of mechanized programmable robots,

which completely automate a welding process by both performing the
weld and handling the part.

[43] Example of gripper of a robot welding

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

We can observe that the gripper is not the same design that our
gripper but is interesting to see the quantity of different grippers that
you can discover in the market.

We can find more and more applications for robots grippers but
these are the most interesting that I have found. However, I would like
to name some of the other applications:

Part location

Part identification

Bowl Feeding



Tool Changing

Force Sensing

Part Fastening or Joining

Error Proofing

Visual Inspection

Foundry Work

Application of materials

Application of sealants and adhesives




Quality control

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

1.10 Possible Improvements

I have designed a structure easy to include improvements for future project.

We can highlight the next possible improvements:

Design of the gripper: I have designed the simplest gripper

because of my budget but in future projects with a bigger budget its

possible to include a magnetic gripper, a gripper with more than one

finger There are a lot of changes and improvements that we can do in

our gripper, it only depends on the budget we have.

Design of an arm: Its possible to use this robots gripper to include it

in a robotic arm. We can design that arm according with the wrist of the

gripper that we have done.

Inclusion of more degrees of freedom: Because this project is

the design of only the gripper is difficult to include a lot of degrees of

freedom but there is the possibility if you continue designing the arm of

include more degrees of freedom that allow taking objects in a lot of

different positions.

Electrical and digital design: My goal of this project was the

mechanical design of the gripper but once we have this design, we have

the possibility to improve the design including a digital and electrical

design, controlling the gripper with a joystick, controlling the angle and

the force that we need to exert We can introduce also a system to

control the gripper with the computer. There are a lot of possibilities but it

requires a lot of time.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Adding elements: We can add a lot of elements with the goal of

improve the gripper. I have think in some things that we can add:

o A sensor to detect when an object is between the grippers.

o A small drill to provide to the gripper of other functions.

o A small laser apparatus.

o An automatic screwdriver.

1.11 Conclusions
At the beginning of this project some main goals and secondary

goals were settled. All of those goals have been fulfilled:

We have achieved the main goal that is the design and

manufacturing and construction of a robots gripper.

We have designed one robots gripper with a good structure to

insert improvements and changes and its a good chance for

other people who like this kind of projects to start a new design

with this one as base.

Personally, I have learnt a lot with this project, esp ecially, about

the robotics and printing 3D world. I have discovered that the

robotics world is going to be, probably, a very important area in

the future and it can help in a lot of industrial processes.

As final conclusion, I would like to say that all the process of the

project has been a success so Im very satisfied with this.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.1 The base

This is the most complex piece because every piece is connected to this
one. The distances of this element must be perfectly calculated to get a good
working of the entire mechanism. We have to take into account some critical
aspects when we are designing this piece:

The rotation elements: This aspect is one of the most importants

aspects to take into account because if we want to get a translation
movement avoiding the rotation of the gripper the length of the radius of
rotation of the elements must be the same. To get this goal, we must
calculate with a lot of precision where can we connect in the base all the
rotation elements and the correct distance between them.

Gears: Other important aspect is the placement of the gears. They

should be rightly located in the base to get a perfect movement of the
gripper. Its very important when we are designing the base to think that
one gear y connected to the servomotor that must be fixed to the base
and the other gear has to be hooked to the base but allowing its

Servomotor: The servomotor provides the movement to the gripper

through the connection of this with the gears. This servomotor is fixed to
the base.

In this first plane [44] we can see the perspective view of the base. We
can appreciate in the middle of the base one outgoing part and one hole. The
outgoing part is to fit the left gear and the hole is to connect the right gear to
the servomotor through a link-up. In the bottom of the base, we can observe
three holes, these holes are used to link the base with the wrist. In the top of the
base, there are two holes used to connect the link-up between the base and the

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[44] Isometric view of the base

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

In this plane [45], we can appreciate the views of the base with some of
the measures. During the project Im going to include the planes of every piece
with the goal of being a reference to other future projects. However, in some
pieces there arent all the neccesary distances because it could mess up the
planes, but the most important measures to build the pieces are marked. We
can observe the three important views to determine a piece and a sectioned
view in order to get a better view of the piece. The scale of the plane is 1:1.

[45] Plane with views and measures of the base

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.2 Right gear

This gear consists in a cogwheel but not all around but in more than a
half of its contour. It is connected to the servomotor through a link-up with cross
shape as we can see in the perspective plane [46] and it is supported on the
base. The outgoing part is used to connect the gear with the gripper. This gear
is the responsible for transmitting the rotation to the other gear, it is called drive

[46] Isometric view of the right gear

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

In this plane [47] we can see three different views: the frontal view, the
top view sectioned and a detailed view to notice with total clarity the measures
of the teeth of the gear. The scale of the plane is 2:1.

[47] Plane with views and measures of the right gear

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.3 Left Gear

This gear is a cogwheel like the other but this is connected to the base
through the big hole that we can see in the plane [48]. Its also supported on the
base. The rotation of this gear is due to the other gear, so this gear is called
driven wheel.

[48] Isometric view of the left view

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

We can observe in the plane [49] the same views like the other gear, and
I think is perfectly defined on this way. We can check that the measures of the
teeth in the right and left gears are the same so this is very important to the
working of the mechanism.

[49] Plane with views and measures of the left gear

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.4 Link-up Gear-Servomotor

This element is very important because is the responsible for the
movement of the gear and, of course, of the gripper. Its the link between the
servomotor and the gear. The shape of a cross is because is more efficient than
another shape and with this shape the movement is transmitted very well.

[50] Isometric view of the link-up Gear-Servomotor

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

The plane [51] is done with a scale of 4:1. We can see that in the bottom
of the piece there is a hole to introduce the axis of servomotor and transmit its
movement to the piece.

[51] Plane with views and measures of the link-up gear-servomotor

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.5 Grippers Junction

This piece works as the connection between the base and the gripper. It
has the same radius of rotation than the gear and it has also the same
thickness to get good aesthetics. The holes of the piece are used to connect the
element to the base and to the gripper.

[52] Isometric view of the grippers junction

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

In this plane [53] I have done a different cut K-K with the goal of
appreciating the two holes of the piece. The scale of the plane is 2:1.

[53] Plane with views and measures of the grippers junction

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.6 Gripper
The gripper is the final element, the working of every piece (servomotor,
link-up, gear) ends in the movement of this piece. The design of the gripper is
the best possible to take the thinnest objects. The holes that we can see in the
plane [54] are used to connect the gear and the junction gripper with the

[54] Isometric view of the gripper

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

We only need two views to determine the measures of the gripper. We

can observe is the plane [55] that the distance of the curve of the gripper with
respect to the vertical axis is only of 2.5 mm so is really small. The scale of the
plane is 2:1.

[55] Plane with views and measures of the gripper

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.7 Top of the wrist

This element is the part of the wrist that connects the base to the wrist.
The connection is through the three outgoing parts that we can distinguish in
the plane [56].

[56] Isometric view of the top of the wrist

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

In this plane [57] we can perceive eight holes in the bottom of the piece
that join the top of the wrist with the bottom of the wrist. I have use a cut to see
the internal aspect of the piece. The scale of the plane is 2:1.

[57] Plane with views and measures of the top of the wrist

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.8 Bottom of the Wrist

The bottom of the wrist has two important functions: the joint between the
top and the bottom of the wrist and the connection with the servomotor that
gives the movement to the wrist. The first function is satisfied with the outgoing
parts of the piece and the second function with the hole and the cross.

[58] Isometric view of the bottom of the wrist

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

In this plane [59] we can appreciate perfectly the structure of the piece
with the two parts to satisfy the functions that I mentioned before. The best way
to observe inside the piece is doing the cut M-M. The scale is 2:1.

[59] Plane with views and measures of the bottom of the wrist

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.9 Link-up Wrist-Servomotor

This element is the responsible for the movement of the wrist, and with
the wrist, the rest of the robots gripper. Its the link between the servomotor and
the wrist. Like in the other link-up the shape is a cross because is the most
efficient possible to transmit the movement.

[60] Isometric view of the link-up wrist-servomotor

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

We can see like in the other link-up the hole in the bottom of the piece to
insert the servomotor axis and transmit the movement to the wrist. The scale is

[61] Plane with views and measures of the link-up wrist-servomotor

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.10 Earth
This piece is very important because is the responsible for the supporting
of the servomotor. We will fix it to this piece with the goal of getting a perfect

[62] Isometric view of the earth

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

We can observe the piece [63] in a scale 2:1. I have made a cut to see
the inner part of the piece.

[63] Plane with views and measures of the earth

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.11 Assembly
And this is the assembly of all the pieces that i have mentioned before. I
think that the aesthetic aspect is very nice for the gripper, so Im really satisfied
with the result.

[64] Isometric view of the grippers assembly

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

2.12 Servomotor

[65] Plane with views and measures of the servomotor

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

3.1 Kinematics
In this section Im going to explain the movement of a robot in function of
the reference system fixed to the base.

We have two problems to solve in terms of robotic arm kinematics:

Forward Kinematics: determining the position and orientation of

the final end of the robot, with respect to a reference coordinate
system, known values joints.
Inverse Kinematics: determine the configuration to be taken by
the robot to a position and orientation of the end known.

[66] Diagram of the relationship between forward and inverse kinematics

3.1.1 Forward kinematics

In my project this is not very important because my robots gripper
consists only in the wrist and in the gripper but for the people, who wants to
continue with this project designing an arm for this gripper, is very important to
understand the forward kinematics.

We use the forwards kinematics to determine the position and orientation

of the end of the robotic arm with respect to a coordinate system that is the
reference once you know the values of the joints and the geometric parameters
of the elements of the robot.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Generally, a robot of n degrees of freedom has n links connected by n

joints, so each pair link-joint is a degree of freedom. We can assign a system of
reference to every link and if we used the homogeneous transformations we
can obtain the relative rotations and translations of the robot. With all the
transformations we must create a matrix that is called homogeneous
transformation matrix. The matrix that represents the relative position and
orientation between two consecutive links is denominated i-1Ai. In this way, the
matrix 0Ak is the matrix that represents the powertrain of the robot with respect
to the references system of its base. When every degree of freedom is
considered, the matrix is called T. For example, for a system of six degrees of
freedom the powertrain is represented with the next matrix:

To describe the relationship between two references systems of two links

we use the representation Denavit - Hartenberg (D-H). Denavit and Hartenberg
proposed in 1955 a matrix method to systematically establish a coordinate
system {Si} i linked to each link of an articulated chain. This representation
allows passing of one reference system to other doing four basic
transformations that depends only on the characteristics of the link.

The transformations are some translations and rotations that relate the
element I with the element i-1. The transformations are the following:

Rotation around zi-1 axis with an angle i.

Translation along zi-1 at a distance di.
Translation along xi at a distance ai.
Rotation around xi axis with an angle i.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Once we have the values of i, di, ai and i that are called D-H
parameters of the link I, the transformation matrix that relates the system i and i-
1 is:

If we develop this expression with the D-H parameters the result is the

Im going to show a example of resolution of a robot with 3 R pairs. The

first step that we have to do is to insert the reference systems D-H. We can see
in the following picture [67] the procedure:

[67] References systems in a 3 R pairs robot

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

The next step is to calculate the D-H parameters with the goal of
calculate the matrix i-1Ai.

In this case we have three joints so we need to create a table with the
four transformations for each joint:

Joint d a
1 q1 l1 0 90
2 q2 0 a2 0
3 q3 0 l3 0

The calculation of the rotation matrices is in the next way:

Finally, the transformation matrix that provides us the position and

orientation of the end part of the robot from the coordinates q1, q2 and q3 is the
product of the three previous matrices:

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

3.1.2 Inverse kinematics

The inverse kinematics problems are used to find the values to be taken
by the coordinates of the robots joints q = [q1, q2, q3qn] for the collocation of
the end of the robots arm (orientation and position) in function of a localization.
This process is not as easy as the forward kinematics because it is solved using
very complicated equations and sometimes there is more than one solution for
the same problem.

At present, there are procedures that solve this kind of problems giving
the solution of the values of the joints that place and guide the end of the arm.
However, these procedures are iterative, so they dont guarantee to have the
solution in the correct time. In this way, its better to find a close solution. It is, to
find an explicit mathematical relationship of the form:

In order to achieve this relationship it is usual to employ geometric

methods, consisting in using trigonometric relationships and the resolution of
the triangles formed by the elements and the robot joints. Most robots have
usually relatively simply kinematic chains and the three first degrees of freedom
usually have a planar structure. It helps to calculate the correct values of the
joints. In addition, the last three degrees of freedom are usually used for the
orientation of the tool, allowing the uncoupled resolution (kinematic decoupling)
of the robot end position and orientation of the tool. As an alternative to solve
the same problem you can use to directly manipulate equations for the direct
kinematic problem. That is, from the relation between the transformation matrix
and the equations based on the joint coordinates q = [q1, q2,. . . , Qn], you can
clear the variables n joint qi in terms of the components of the vectors n, o, and

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Im going to solve the inverse kinematics of a robot with geometric

method. The starting data are the coordinates (px, py, pz) related to the system
[S0] where it wants to position its end.

[68] Picture of the starting situation of the robot

The value of q1 is easy to calculate:

Considering that the links are in the same plane and using cosine

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Using this expression we can solve q3:

We can observe [69] we have two possible solutions of q3 in function of

the sign of the root, these two solutions correspond to two possible positions:

[69] Picture of the possible positions of the robot

The calculation of q2 is done through the difference between A and b,

being q2= B-A:

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

And finally:

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

3.2 Calculation of the forces

exerted in the gripper
In this section we are going to calculate the forces exerted in the robots
gripper by the torque. For this, we are going to take three situations of the
gripper: when the gripper is in the minimum aperture, when the gripper is in a
medium aperture and when the gripper is in the maximum aperture.

3.2.1 Minimum aperture

[70] Picture with the forces exerted in the gripper with the minimum aperture

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

First, we have to calculate the force exerted by the torque, this force
must be perpendicular to the radius of rotation and this force is called F. The
formula of the torque is the next:




We have the information about servomotor so we know that the torque is

equal to 0.078 Nm that is the same to 78 Nmm. Then we have to calculate the
radius of rotation but this is easy because with Autodesk Inventor Professional
2012 you can measure the distance between every points and the distance of
the radius is r = 51.742 mm. Now, we can use the formula to calculate the force:

F = = = 1.5075 N

However, this force is not in the direction of the gripper so we have to

calculate the component of this force that is in the direction of the gripper, F1.
For this, we must measure the angle with Autodesk Inventor and calculate
the component F1 using the next formula:

F1 = F cos()

Where is equal to 69.78, so:

F1 = 1.5075 cos(69.78) = 0.521 N

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Now we must solve a system with two equations and two unknowns. The
first equation is the next:

Fx = 0 - F1cos(+ ) F2cos() + Fgripper = 0

Where = 3.64 and = 86.36, so:

Fgripper = 0.521cos(73.42) +F2cos(86.36)

The second equation is:

Fy = 0 F1sin(+ ) F2sin() = 0

(+ ) .(.)
F2 = = = 0.5003 N
() (.)


Fgripper = 0.1804 N

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

3.2.2 Medium aperture

[71] Picture with the forces exerted in the gripper with a medium aperture

Now we are going to do the same process but the directions of the forces
have changed, so the values of the angles are not the same and the value of
the forces neither. However, the module of the force F is always the same
because it only depends on the value of the torque and the value of the radius
of rotation is also constant. So now we are going to start calculating the
component of F that is in direction of the gripper. For this, we must measure the

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

angle with Autodesk Inventor and calculate the component F1 using the next

F1 = F cos()

Now the value of is equal to 22.76, we can see that this value is
smaller than the previous one, so the force is going to be bigger:

F1 = 1.5075 cos(22.76) = 1.3901 N

Now we must solve a system with two equations and two unknowns. The
first equation is the next:

Fx = 0 - F1cos(+ ) F2cos() + Fgripper = 0

In this case, = 50.55 and = 39.45, so:

Fgripper = 1.3901cos(73.31) +F2cos(39.45)

The second equation is:

Fy = 0 F1sin(+ ) F2sin() = 0

(+ ) .(.)
F2 = = =2.0956 N
() (.)

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


Fgripper = 2.0174 N

3.2.3 Maximum aperture

[72] Picture with the forces exerted in the gripper with the maximum aperture

Finally, we are going to do the same process but the directions of the
forces have changed again, so the values of the angles are not the same and
the value of the forces neither. The value of F continues being the same and we

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

have a particular case here because the force F is in the direction of the gripper
so the angle is now zero and F = F1. We dont need to calculate any
component in this case and we can start with the resolution of the equations:

The first equation is the next:

Fx = 0 - F1cos() F2cos() + Fgripper = 0

In this case, = 73.28 and = 16.72, so:

Fgripper = 1.5075cos(73.28) +F2cos(16.72)

The second equation is:

Fy = 0 F1sin() F2sin() = 0

() .(.)
F2 = = =5.0184 N
() (.)


Fgripper = 5.2399 N

We can conclude that the force exerted by the gripper must be bigger
when is aperture of the gripper is big.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

3.3 Final result

In this section we are going to see the final and real result of the gripper.
Im going to add a photo of the real assembly of the gripper and one table with
the time of printing of every piece and the number of layers. With this real
gripper we are able to calculate the real forces and we can compare it with the
theoretical forces calculated in the project.

3.3.1 Real aspect of the gripper

We can observe in the image [73] the final aspect of the gripper. This is
very similar to the 3D model so we can say that the project has been very

[73] Picture of the real aspect of the gripper

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Minimum aperture:

[74] Picture of the real gripper with the minimum aperture

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Maximum aperture

[75] Picture of the real gripper with the maximum aperture

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Frontal view
We can observe that the real front view of the robots gripper is similar to
the 3D model front view, so we can conclude that the project is a success.

[76] Front view of the robots gripper.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

3.3.2 Time of printing

Here we can compare the time required for each piece and the number
of layers necessaries to print it:

Piece Printing time Number of layers

Base 3 hours 73
Right gear 40 minutes 50
Left gear 40 minutes 50
Link up Gear-Servomotor 30 minutes 67
Grippers junctions 1 hour 20 minutes 20
Grippers 2 hours 47
Top of the wrist 1 hour 30 minutes 60
Bottom of the wrist 1 hour 20 minutes 67
Link-up Wrist-Servomotor 30 minutes 67
Earth 40 minutes 60

3.3.3 Building of the robots gripper


[77] Picture of 3D printing process

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[78] Structure of the piece during 3D printing process


[79] Drilling of the base

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[80] Pictures of the pieces before the assembly

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

In this part, Im going to write some international standards of security of

the robots and some security measures which everyone have to comply when is
designing a robot.

The most important standard are the following:

International standard ISO 10218:1992

It is a standard made by the international agency Standardization [ISO-
92]. It is relatively recent, dating from 1992. Roughly contains the following
information: a section on safety analysis, the definition of risks and identifying
possible sources of hazards or accidents. It also contains a section on design
and manufacturing, which devotes a brief analysis to the design of robotic
systems, considering mechanical, ergonomic and control aspects.

American standard ANSI/RIA R15.06-1992.

It is a policy conducted by the National Institute of US Standardization
(ANSI) [ANSI-92]. Also dating from 1992, and a review of the regulations
published in 1986. It is relatively short. But it has some features that deserve
stand. For example, the inclusion in the section on the definition of risks of
some sections that deal with the probability of occurrence of an accident and
the severity of the possible physical harm to a person, dependent on operator
experience level and frequency in which it is in the danger zone.

European standard EN 775

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) approved in 1992
Standard EN 775, the intentional adaptation of ISO 10218:1992.

Most important security measures are the following:

Limit determination system: intended use, space and working times,


Identification and description of all hazards that may generate the

machine during the working phases. Should be included risks arising
from a joint effort between the machine and the Computer and risks
arising from misuse of the machine.

Defining the risk of accident. It is defined probabilistically depending

on the physical damage that may occur.

Check that the security measures are adequate.

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

The budget of this project is very low. One of the goals of the project was
to get a cheap robots gripper and we have got it. The next table shows the
prices and the quantities of the resources that we have needed to design the
robots gripper:

N Product and description Unit price Quantity Price

1 Autodesk Inventor Professional 0,00 1 0.00
Software for the design of the 3D
model. Free with student license.
2 Servomotor Silnik DC Dagu 3,47 2 6,94
Servomotor with torque = 0.8 kgcm,
mass = 35 g and input voltage = 3 V.
3 PLA plastic. 16,95 /kg 0,25 kg 4,24
Filaments of PLA with a section of 3
mm. We have used of three colors:
green, white and red.
Total price 11,18

N Product and description Unit price Quantity Price

1 Autodesk Inventor Professional 0,00 PLN 1 0.00 PLN
Software for the design of the 3D
model. Free with student license.
2 Servomotor Silnik DC Dagu 14,5 PLN 2 29 PLN
Servomotor with torque = 0.8 kgcm,
mass = 35 g and input voltage = 3 V.
3 PLA plastic. 70 PLN/kg 0.25 kg 17,5 PLN
Filaments of PLA with a section of 3
mm. We have used of three colors:
green, white and red.
Total price 46,5 PLN

The change of Euros to Zlotys have been made the day 04/06/2015

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Images references:

[1], [2], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[3], [4] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[5] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[26] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[34] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[37] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[38], [40], [41] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[39] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

[42] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

[43] Obtained from:
Last consultation: 4th of June

The rest of the images are my own drawings using Autodesk Inventor
Professional 2012, pictures taken with my mobile phone or drawing created
with Paint.

Web pages

Web pages about thesis and project related to my project:


Web pages of real robotics arms in the market

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015

Web pages about 3D printing

Mechanical design of a robots gripper 2015


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