Activity Theory

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Joubert, M. (Ed.

) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 29(2) June 2009

Activity theory in mathematics education

Iskra Nunez
Institute of Education, University of London

Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) has been described as a

psychological and multidisciplinary theory with a naturalistic emphasis
that offers a framework for describing activity and provides a set of
perspectives on practice that interlink individual and social levels (Barab,
Evans and Beak, 2004, 199-200). In this report, I argue that CHAT
provides a set of assumptions by which to understand and explain learning
processes that occur for example in the mathematics classroom. This
argument hinders on a review of the historical development of this
framework. I close this report by bringing together some of the
assumptions that underlie my future research in mathematics education.

Keywords: Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), mathematics

education, activity system.

The historical development of activity theory

The utilisation of CHAT (hereafter, AT) to study developmental processes and forms
of human practices varies across disciplines such as work management, education,
(Engestrm, 2001) and human computer interaction (Kuutti, 1996). Thus, to
understand what AT has to offer to the field of mathematics education is crucial to
historically trace the assumptions that underpin the concepts in AT and to understand
how the mathematics educational community has operationalised AT concepts.
In Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, the word activity does not refer to the
practical immediate actions of human beings, such as reading or problem solving.
Instead, the meaning of activity in the conceptual sense is rooted in classic German
philosophy and is derived from the word ttigkeit. Schurig (1998) explicates that the
conceptual richness behind ttigkeit has an emancipatory character. The historicity of
AT is depicted in Hegels classics. Hegel is considered the first philosopher to point
out that the development of humans knowledge is not spiritually given, but
developed in history from living and working in natural environments (Engestrm and
Miettinen, 1999).
Later, the meaning of activity (ttigkeit) is conceptualised differently under
historical materialism (Marx, 1945). Here, labour becomes the basic feature of
human activity. Activity is not only performed to transform nature, but in the process
of transforming nature humans themselves are cognitively transformed (Engels,
1940). This dual transformation never occurs in isolation; instead, it is accomplished
in community with the help of others and/or with the help of instrumental means. (In
AT terms, these instrumental means are called mediators of activity and are
represented with the concepts of instruments/tools, rules, and division of labour).
Human activity is also seen as object-oriented (Kaptelinin, 2005). That is,
human activity is not random, but purposefully orientated towards the achievement of
an objective (or object of activity). From historical materialism, the concept of
activity cannot be trivialised with the common definitions of practical activities. It
signifies a revolutionary, creative and self-changing practice in which the human

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Joubert, M. (Ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 29(2) June 2009

subject produces the conditions necessary for her/his life, and at the same time, she/he
produces her/himself.
In Soviet psychology, L. Vygotsky took the ideas of Marx and Engels to
introduce a new model to explain human behaviors (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Mediated Act

[Adopted from Vygotsky (1981)]
This model is a triad of interdependent components: subject, psychological
tool, and object depicting the mediated act (Vygotsky, 1981). In contemporary
activity theory, the mediated act model is known as first generation activity theory
(Engestrm, 2001).
A. N. Leontev (1977, 1978), a student and colleague of Vygotsky,
continued to develop the theory of activity. What has furthered the development of
AT from the Vygotskian model to Leontevs conceptualisation is the inclusion of
division of labour. Division of labour helps to differentiate between what is
accomplished collectively or individually (Engestrm and Miettinen 1999).
Although Leontev did not develop a graphical model like the mediated act,
ATs theorists represent his work as a hierarchical activity structure (Figure 2). Thus,
Leontev theoretical work is referred to as second-generation activity theory
(Engestrm 2001).

Figure 2: Hierarchical Activity Structure

[Adopted from Koschmann, Kuutti and Hickman (1998)]
Third generation AT refers to the work of Engestrm (1987), who expanded
the activity system (Figure 3) from the Vygotskian mediated act, by drawing upon
concepts of mediation, collectivism, historicity, and object-oriented.

Figure 3: Activity System

[Adopted from Engestrm (1987)]
To understand how the mathematics educational community has utilised the
activity systems components, I give some examples of the operationalisation of these
components to the mathematics classroom: The subject may be a single student, a
class (Jurdak 2006, Williams, Wake and Boreham 2001, Zurita and Nussbaum 2007)
or the educator (Hardman 2005, Hardman 2007, Jaworski, 2003). The object of
activity may be described as long-term goals such as improving teaching, learning
mathematical practices (see Kanes 2001; Venkat and Adler 2008) or short term-goals,

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such as passing an exam (see Flavell 2001, Roth 2003). This depends on who the
subject is. The community may consist of the teacher and students (Jurdak 2006); it
may also include family and policy makers (Venkat, H. and Adler 2008). The
instruments may represent mathematics concepts, strategies, procedures, language,
gestures, group work, and computing technologies such as computers, calculators, or
interactive white boards (Coupland 2006, Groves and Dale 2005, FitzSimons 2005,
Lim and Hang 2003, Zevenbergen and Lerman 2007). The rules may be represented
as employing the correct language (Hardman 2005), assessments (Jaworski 2003),
curriculum protocols, algorithms (Kanes 2001), questioning (Williams, Wake, and
Boreham 2001) or whole class grouping by ability (Venkat and Adler 2008). Lastly,
division of labour may be represented as assigning tasks, interventions, collaborative
agreements, validation of solutions, or student-centred vs. teacher-centred pedagogies
(Hardman 2005).

Further research

I have argued that an understanding of activity theory requires an

understanding of the assumptions that developed from its genesis in German
philosophy, followed by the contributions of the Soviet school of psychology, to its
contemporary form in the work of Engestrm (1987). My interpretation of the
historical development of activity theory has led me to outline the following set of
Activity is viewed as a transformative process by which humans learn to
physically change their environment and hence cognitively change
themselves. (Engels 1940).
Human activity is social and collective. The transformative nature of activity
never occurs in isolation, but is accomplished with the help of others, say in a
community, and with the help of the means of their labour, say instrumental
means or instruments/tools (Marx 1845).
Historicity: Activity is the historical product of human labour and collective
societies. This implies that human activity may be seen as the result of labour
and of the social-cultural systems that builds on previous generations in
succession (Jonassen and Rohrer-Murphy 1999)
Object-oriented: Human activity is not random, but it is always driven to
achieve a desired objective, which is referred to as the object of activity
(Kaptelinin 2005).
Human activity is mediated: The assumption that humans do not interact with
their environment in a direct way; instead, this interaction is mediated with
help of instrumental means (Vygotsky 1981, Leontev 1977, 1978).
Model of human behaviour: mediated activity between dyad parts is
insufficient, resulting in the nature of human behaviour to be modelled as a
triadic. The activity system is the simplest unit of analysis to model human
behaviour capable of bridging together studies of micro and macro context
(Engestrm 1987).
Since there is no agreed methodology for the utilisation of AT, the educational
researcher is presented with many decisions as the next immediate step in the
operationalisation of the activity systems components. Seeing how the mathematics
educational community has previously operationalised these components to the
classroom may help to step forward the many decisions that the researcher needs to

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This study is possible by funds from The Centenary Scholarship.

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