Eligibility Applicant Guidance UKFP 2018
Eligibility Applicant Guidance UKFP 2018
Eligibility Applicant Guidance UKFP 2018
(UKFP 2018)
May 2017
Glossary 3
Introduction - What is an eligibility application? 4
Summary of process flow chart 5
Eligibility criteria for UKFP 2018 6
How do I submit an eligibility application? 7
How do I submit an eligibility application? 7
Step 1: Completing an online eligibility application form 7
Step 2: Uploading supporting documents onto Oriel 8
Step 3: Sending supporting documents to the UKFPO 9
Detailed guidance notes 10
Applicant communications 14
Eligibility application outcomes 14
What happens next? 15
Timelines/ deadlines for eligibility applicants 16
Useful information & links 17
1 - Eligibility checklist template 18
2 - Person Specification 20
3 - Deans statement 22
4 Clinical assessment information 25
5 - Right to work in the UK Factsheet 27
6 SJT and EPM 29
GMC The General Medical Council is the UKs independent regulatory organisation and sets
the standards for doctors professional practice in the UK.
Nomination The process by which applicants who have qualified from a UK medical school less than
two years prior to the start of the Foundation Programme can be directly proposed by
their medical school to apply for the Foundation Programme. Nominated applicants are
not required to apply for eligibility.
Oriel The national on-line application system for medical training vacancies. All foundation
applications must be completed on Oriel.
PLAB Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board is the assessment set by the GMC for
International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to demonstrate that they have the necessary
skills and knowledge to practise medicine in the UK.
SJT The Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is a test for employment and not a medical school
exam. It is used as part of the selection process for entry to the Foundation Programme
and Academic Foundation Programme to test the attributes needed to work as a
foundation doctor.
UKFP United Kingdom Foundation Programme. It both the Foundation Programme (FP) and the
Academic Foundation Programme (AFP).
UoA A Unit of Application is the is the organisational grouping of one or more Foundation
Schools for the purpose of organising recruitment to academic or other foundation
Introduction - What is an eligibility application?
This document is for applicants to the national UK Foundation Programme 2018 (UKFP 2018) who:
1. are studying at or have graduated from non-UK medical schools or
2. have graduated from a UK medical school on or prior to 01 August 2016
3. are a non-UK or non-EEA national studying for a UK medical degree at a campus outside the
Applicants in any of these three groups need to submit an eligibility application BEFORE the main
recruitment round opening in order to have their eligibility to apply for UKFP 2018 confirmed.
An eligibility application consists of an online application form and supporting documentation. The
eligibility application form is completed on Oriel, which is the national on-line application system for
UKFP 2018. Some supporting evidence can be uploaded as part of the on-line application. The
remaining supporting documentation needs to be posted to the UK Foundation Programme Office
(UKFPO). Applicants can complete an eligibility application form between 26 June 2017 09 August
2017 and supporting documentation needs to be received by the UK Foundation Programme Office
(UKFPO) by 12:00 (GMT) on 09 August 2017.
This guide focuses on making an eligibility application. Applicants to the UK Foundation Programme
also need to read the UKFP Applicants Handbook 2018 for further information about applying to the
foundation programme.
Summary of process flow chart
You are a student or graduate from a non-UK You are a UK medical student expecting to graduate in
medical school. 2018.
You graduated from a UK medical school on or prior You graduated from a UK medical school after 01
to 01 August 2016. August 2016.
You are a non-UK or non-EEA national studying for You are a UK or EEA national studying for a UK
a UK medical degree at a campus outside the UK. medical degree at a campus outside the UK.
You DO need to submit an eligibility application. You DO NOT need to submit an eligibility application.
You must complete an online eligibility application Your affiliated UK medical school will arrange for you to
form, upload the required documentation on Oriel be nominated to apply for the UK Foundation
and submit additional information by post to the UK Programme 2018. If you are not currently studying at a
Foundation Programme Office within the application UK based campus, we would advise you to contact your
window 26 June 09 August 2017 medical school to ensure that you will be nominated.
You can apply for the UKFP 2018. To do so, you need to submit a separate
application between 02 13 October 2017 and sit the national Situational
Judgement Test (SJT) in the UK on either 01 December 2017 or 08 January
Eligibility criteria for UKFP 2018
Eligible applicants must:
1. Have a valid medical degree recognised by the General Medical Council (GMC) by the start of the
UK Foundation Programme 2018.
2. Expect to obtain provisional registration with a licence to practise with the GMC by the start of
the UK Foundation Programme 2018*.
3. Obtain provisional registration with a licence to practise with the GMC by the start of the UK
Foundation Programme 2018*.
4. Be a UK/ EEA national OR be a final year medical student in the UK OR have the right to work as
a doctor in training in the UK which remains valid until the start of the UK Foundation Programme
2018. Applicants who are unable to submit a valid right to work will only be considered if there are
insufficient eligible applicants who have the right to work in the UK.
5. Have the written approval of their medical school Dean (or the Deans nominated representative or
the equivalent official to the Dean) to apply for a UK Foundation Programme.
6. Be in a position to start their UK Foundation Programme placement by August 2018 (exact date to
be determined by the employer).
7. Be of good standing and fit to practise medicine safely in accordance with the GMCs Good
Medical Practice (2013)1.
8. Have demonstrable skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking in English language that
enable effective communication in clinical practice with patients and colleagues, as set out in the
GMCs Good Medical Practice (2013) 1 **.
9. Have qualified from medical school within two years of the start of the UK Foundation Programme
2018 OR successfully complete the UK Foundation Programme Offices national clinical
* You are not eligible to apply for the UK Foundation Programme if you obtain, or expect to obtain, full registration
by the start of the UK Foundation Programme.
** This can be demonstrated by providing a valid academic IELTS certificate with a minimum score of 7.5 in each
domain (speaking, listening, reading and writing), or proof that your primary medical qualification has been
undertaken solely in English, that all examinations undertaken were solely in English and that your primary medical
qualification has included at least 75% of contact with patients in English. The General Medical Council (GMC)
maintains a list of institutions from which they will not accept evidence of English Language proficiency.
Confirmation of English language proficiency on a medical school Deans statement will only be considered if the
medical school is not on this list.
1 Please note that whenever General Medical Council documents are referenced, it is possible that revised
versions will be produced after the UKFPO's information has been published. Therefore, applicants should always
refer to the most up-to-date version of these publications.
How do I submit an eligibility application?
There are three steps to submitting an eligibility application:
IMPORTANT: You must complete all three steps between 26 June 2017 and 09 August 2017. If
you do not complete ALL THREE steps your eligibility application will be incomplete and you
will not be eligible to apply for UKFP 2018.
The UKFPO will not contact you if the information you have provided is incomplete. Please
ensure you check your application and supporting documents thoroughly before you submit
your application. You will not be able to upload additional documents once your application
has been submitted. It is your responsibility to check the information you are submitting as
part of your application and to ensure it meets the requirements specified.
The Oriel applicant portal is compatible with Internet Explorer 7+, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Applicants
are advised to use one of these browsers when using the website and preferably the most up to date
version of that browser.
Contact the technical helpdesk on support@hicom.co.uk if you have any technical difficulties making
your application
If you do not already have an Oriel account, you will need to set up a new account.
If you already have an Oriel account which is associated with the UK Foundation Programme staff
group, you can use your existing login details. If you are experiencing problems with your previous
login details, please register with a new email address
If you already have an Oriel account which is associated with the Medical and Dental specialties
staff group, you need to go in to your applicant profile settings in that account and associate yourself
with the UK Foundation Programme staff group.
Further information about accessing Oriel is available in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section
on the Foundation Programme website. There will also a webinar on the Foundation Programme website
about how to make an eligibility application on Oriel during the eligibility period.
When you first log in to Oriel, please complete the registration form before completing the eligibility
application. Once the registration form has been completed, your personal details will automatically
appear in any future application forms.
The online eligibility application form asks for your personal details and information about what you have
been doing since you completed your medical degree, for example, your clinical experience and
employment history. You will also be asked about your English Language skills and primary medical
1. Colour copy of the page(s) of your passport or EEA identity card containing your personal details;
including nationality, photograph, date of birth, signature and date of expiry and front page of your
2. Medical school degree certificate or, if you have already qualified and dont have your certificate,
an official letter from your Dean confirming your qualification (Please refer to UKFP 2018
Applicants Handbook appendix 1 for information about this letter). If you have a future
qualification, you will be required to upload a copy of your Deans statement (original must be
posted to the UK Foundation Programme Office)
3. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) certificate for the academic version of the
test (if required)
4. Evidence of any name change (if applicable)
5. Evidence that you will comply with the General Medical Councils (GMC) requirements for
provisional registration
6. Evidence of your right to work in the UK
Step 3: Sending supporting documents to the UKFPO
You must send the supporting documentation listed below by post to the UKFPO:
The Deans statement and one passport sized photo must be sent to:
The original Deans statement and one passport sized photo (supporting documentation) must be
received by post at the UK Foundation Programme Office by 12:00 noon (GMT) on 09 August 2017.
Supporting documentation received after the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances.
Each year, some eligibility applicants are deemed ineligible due to small errors and
omissions on their application forms. Reading the guidance below will ensure that you
understand fully what information you need to provide.
The UKFPO will not contact you if there is any information missing.
Detailed guidance notes
Instructions on uploading / posting eligibility documentation
1. Your name. You must complete all documentation and online applications using the same name, in
the same format each time it is shown. For example, if your name is written as John Smith on the
eligibility application form, then it must appear that way in all future documentation and
correspondence, not as Jonathan Smith, John A Smith, JA Smith, Smith John, etc. The name you
record on your online eligibility application form must match the name on your passport.
2. Passport (upload evidence onto Oriel). All applicants must provide clear scanned copies of the
page(s) of their passport containing their personal details; including nationality, photograph, date of
birth, signature and date of expiry. EEA or Switzerland identity cards would also be considered valid
(please note that national identity cards from non-EEA countries are not valid). Please ensure that
you scan both the information page on your passport and the opposite page and also the front page
of the passport.
3. Colour copy of passport sized photo (this must be posted to the UKFPO with your original Deans
This photo must have been taken within the last 12 months and will be used to identify you when
you sit the Situational Judgement Test (SJT)
Your face must not be obscured in the photo (for example, you should not be wearing sunglasses
or any facial covering). Guidance about suitable photographs is available at www.gov.uk/photos-
4. UKFP 2018 Dean's Statement (this must be posted to the UKFPO with the passport sized photo).
The original completed Deans Statement must be sent by post; a photocopy of this document will
not be accepted.
Your medical school Dean (or their nominated representative) must complete and sign the
Deans Statement. If there are any amendments to your Deans statement, this must be counter
signed by the Dean (or their nominated representative)
It is your responsibility to ensure your Dean has completed the Deans Statement correctly
The Deans Statement and guidance on completing it is available on the UKFPO website:
5. Medical degree certificate or official letter from your Dean confirming your qualification
(Upload evidence onto Oriel).
If you have not yet qualified from a medical school:
You will need to upload a copy of your Deans statement (please note, you are required to post
your original Deans statement to the UK Foundation Programme Office. If you do not post your
original Deans statement, your application will be deemed ineligible for FP2018)
6. IELTS certificate for the academic version of the test (Upload evidence onto Oriel).
A copy of a valid pass certificate from the academic version of the International English Language
Testing System (IELTS) is required showing that your scores are 7.5 or above in each of the
domains: speaking, listening, reading and writing and have been obtained in one sitting
An IELTS certificate is not usually required if your Dean confirms in the Dean's Statement that
your primary medical qualification (including the language of instruction, examinations and at
least 75% of clinical contact with patients) has been undertaken solely in English
The UKFPO will not accept English language evidence issued by institutions listed here
http://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/registration_applications/23567.asp. If your medical school is one
of those listed, you will be required to submit a valid IELTS certificate with your application even if
your Deans Statement confirms that your primary medical qualification has been undertaken
solely in English
The IELTS certificate must be dated no earlier than 9 August 2015
Please note the requirements for satisfactory IELTS are set at a higher level than the
requirements for the GMC
Applicants with GMC registration will still be required to meet the UKFPO English Language
Applicants must submit their IELTS by the deadline and it is the responsibility of the applicants to
ensure that the IELTS certificate is provided by the deadline. The UKFPO would recommend that
applicants take their IELTS test as soon as possible and by 8th June 2017 to allow enough time to
be able to submit the IELTS evidence during the eligibility window.
8. Evidence that you can comply with the General Medical Councils (GMC) requirements for
provisional registration (if you already have provisional registration, please upload your certificate
onto Oriel).
Before you can start work as a foundation doctor, you must have provisional registration with a
licence to practise from the GMC.
In order to obtain provisional registration, many applicants qualifying outside the UK are required to
pass the Professional Language Assessment Board (PLAB) examinations; PLAB 1 and PLAB 2.
Please visit the GMC website for more information on the requirements for gaining provisional
Important dates for the PLAB examination in relation to your eligibility application:
In order to take PLAB 1, you must have qualified from medical school.
The latest PLAB 1 examination date that would allow sufficient time to take PLAB 2 and get GMC
provisional registration by the start of the Foundation Programme is 15 March 2018; UK bookings
must be made by 8 March 2018 (subject to availability). Please note: overseas bookings for March
must be made by 15th February 2018 (subject to availability).
Applicants should take PLAB1 as soon as possible in order to have the best opportunity to complete
PLAB 2 before the start of the programme. While it is possible to complete PLAB 2 if you pass PLAB
1 in March, there is no guarantee that there will be sufficient places available at planned PLAB 2
If you need to undertake PLAB 1 and PLAB 2, your date of qualification from medical school must
be no later than 8 March 2018.
You must either provide evidence that you are not required to take the PLAB examinations, or a
valid Deans Statement showing that you will qualify from medical school by 8 March 2018.
You would not be required to submit upload any further evidence on Oriel.
You must upload evidence related to your GMC registration status by uploading ONE of the following
documents on Oriel:
A copy of the letter from the GMC confirming that you already have provisional registration with a
licence to practise
Evidence that you are not required to take the PLAB examinations
A copy of the email/ letter from the GMC showing that you have successfully passed either PLAB 1
or PLAB 2
A copy of the confirmation email/letter from the GMC showing that you have booked a place to take
the PLAB 1 examination no later than 15 March 2018
If you are not able to provide one of the above documents when you submit your supporting
documentation to the UKFPO, you have until 11 January 2018 to provide this information
IMPORTANT: You should not assume that there will be places available on the PLAB
examination dates; we would advise you to book PLAB as soon as possible. If you have
already booked / passed PLAB, please upload the evidence (confirmation emails) onto Oriel.
If you are not required to undertake the PLAB examinations to gain provisional registration with the
You must upload proof of this on Oriel. You will be required to provide proof of your nationality
(passport) and proof of your country of study (medical degree certificate). No additional document
is required.
Refer to the GMC website www.gmc-uk.org for guidance regarding who needs to undertake the
PLAB examinations.
provide your right to work evidence. Failure to provide this information will result in your FP
application being withdrawn.
If you have dual nationality/ multi citizenship, please ensure that you complete the online
Oriel application with information on the most relevant nationality and upload the relevant
passport/ID card.
If you need more information about how to obtain the right to work in the UK, please see the UK
Border Agency website at www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/
If you are unable to provide your right to work evidence at the time of application, you will be
required to provide your right to work evidence by the deadlines that have been set by the UKFPO.
For the UK Foundation Programme starting in August 2018, we expect there will be more fully
eligible applicants than there are vacancies. If this is the case, applications from individuals who
are not able to provide evidence of their right to work in the UK by 11 January 2018 (AFP
applicants) or 01 March 2018 (FP applicants) will not be considered.
If you cannot provide evidence of your right to work in the UK by 11 January 2018 (AFP applicants)
or 01 March 2018 (FP applicants), you may still submit your eligibility documentation. If you are
assessed as eligible to apply for FP 2018 subject to providing evidence of your right to work, you
may go on to submit an FP 2018 application when applications open on 02 October 2017.
However, you should bear in mind that you will be required to sit a Situational Judgement Test
(SJT) in the UK on 01 December 2017 or 08 January 2018 and it is very likely your application will
not be considered under the Home Office resident labour market test. The resident labour market
test dictates that applicants with the right to work must be considered first, and it is anticipated there
will be sufficient fully eligible applicants to fill all available vacancies.
10. Eligibility checklist (this is for applicants to use as a guide to ensure that the correct documentation
has been uploaded/posted).
The eligibility checklist can be downloaded from the Foundation Programme website and will be
available on Oriel.
Clinical assessment
Applicants who qualified from medical school on or before 01 August 2016 must also undertake an
assessment of their clinical skills in the UK prior to being granted full eligibility.
The primary purpose of this assessment is to determine fitness to start the foundation programme. The
assessments will be undertaken by University Hospital of South Manchester. Candidates will sit a set of
16-station Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) in approximately four hours.
Please refer to the Clinical Assessment information in Appendix 5 further information on the national
clinical assessment and details of the cost.
For further information regarding PLAB, Right to Work, UKFPO Clinical Assessment and
other eligibility matters, please visit the FAQ section of our website where you will find
detailed information: http://www.foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/pages/fp-afp/faqs/eligibility.
Applicants with refugee status
Please contact helpdesk@foundationprogramme.nhs.uk if further guidance is required. You may also find
it useful to refer to the eligibility FAQs on the Foundation Programme website.
Please note: the UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO) cannot provide individual advice to
applicants regarding their eligibility application.
The UKFPO reserves the right to remove any applicant from the national application process if new
information becomes available which affects their eligibility status. Information supplied by an applicant
on the eligibility application form and their resulting eligibility status may be shared with other
organisations involved in the application process.
Applicant communications
Applicants are advised to check their e-mail and Oriel accounts regularly throughout the application
process. Applicants will be prompted via e-mail to check their account for information at relevant times
throughout the process. E-mails sent via Oriel are also stored in Oriel accounts. Applicants can amend /
change their email address through Update Contact Details.
Please note: we strongly advise that applicants DO NOT USE HOTMAIL email accounts as they regularly
block emails from NHS servers. This means that applicants may not receive important messages about
their application. Applicants are advised to regularly check junk mail folders in case any emails are
incorrectly filtered as junk / spam.
This means that you are eligible to apply for the Foundation Programme (FP) / Academic Foundation
Programme (AFP). The application window for FP/ AFP will open on Oriel on 02 October 2017; further
information regarding the process is in the UKFP 2018 Applicants Handbook.
Applicants who are ineligible cannot apply for FP/AFP as they have not met the conditions required. The
Oriel applicant dashboard will display the reason for ineligibility. Applicants who have the condition
ineligible can apply for UKFP in the future provided that they then meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants will be required to sit the Situational Judgemental Test (SJT) in December 2017 or January
2018. Eligibility applicants will be able to book their SJT online on Oriel. The deadline to book online for
the SJT is 12:00 GMT on 04 September 2017. If applicable, applicants can apply for reasonable
adjustments for the SJT.
Further information regarding the SJT and reasonable adjustments is available in appendix 7 and on the
Foundation Programme website.
Special Circumstances
Applicants who have Special Circumstances can apply to be pre-allocated to a specific Foundation
School if they meet the criteria. Requests for Special Circumstances and supporting evidence must be
submitted to the UKFPO by post by 12:00 (GMT) 13 October 2017. Information regarding Special
Circumstances is available in the UKFP 2018 Applicant Handbook and the UKFP 2018 Presentation.
Important: you must rank your requested Unit of Application (UoA) as first choice on Oriel otherwise
your Special Circumstances application will not be considered. You must also ensure that you choose
the correct location for Special Circumstances. Please refer to the UKFP 2018 Applicants Handbook for
a map of the UK which shows where the Foundation schools are located. If you require any specific
advice on the locations, please contact the UKFPO helpdesk@foundationprogramme.nhs.uk. The
Special Circumstances guidance is available on the Foundation Programme website.
If after reading the FAQs on the Foundation Programme website, you have any queries relating to
the eligibility application process, please contact the UKFPO at:
Timelines/ deadlines for eligibility applicants
May 2017 Eligibility guidance documents and Deans statement
available on the Foundation Programme website
26 June 2017 (09:00 GMT) 09 Eligibility application window open on Oriel.
August 2017 (12:00 GMT)
09 August 2017 (12:00 GMT) Deadline for Eligibility applicants supporting documentation
to be received at the UK Foundation Programme Office
21 August 2017 Eligibility status confirmed to applicants.
The appeals application forms will be available on the Foundation Programme website during the
appeals windows. If you wish to appeal, please ensure that you complete the correct application form. If
you have any queries regarding appeals, please email appeals@foundationprogramme.nhs.uk.
The UKFP Applicants Handbook 2018 and the UKFP 2018 presentation will be available on the
Foundation Programme website. The applicant handbook and the presentation have information
regarding the UKFP application process.
Right to Work
Information about national salary scales can be found on the NHS Employers website.
Appendix 1 - Eligibility checklist template (this form will be available to download from Oriel or the
Foundation Programme website during the eligibility application window).
FP 2018 Deans Statement. This must be the original signed, dated and stamped
document, written/typed in English. Photocopies are not accepted. This must be
posted to the UKFPO office.
Medical degree certificate or, if you have already qualified but not received your
certificate, an official letter from your Dean. (A photocopy of the original degree
certificate is required. If it is not in English, the English translation must also be
provided). This must be uploaded onto Oriel.
If you have qualified and your degree certificate has not yet been issued, you must
submit an official letter on headed paper from your Dean telling us the date and year
your degree will be issued. This must be uploaded onto Oriel.
If you have not yet qualified, you must upload a copy of the Deans statement onto
Oriel.(PLEASE NOTE: you must post your original Deans statement to the
Academic IELTS pass certificate (if your medical degree was not or will not be
accepted as being undertaken solely in English). This must be uploaded onto Oriel.
Evidence of any name change (if applicable).This must be uploaded onto Oriel.
Evidence that you will comply with the GMC requirements for provisional
I have not yet qualified from medical school, and have provided ONE of the
A valid Deans Statement (posted to the UKFPO office) showing that I will
qualify from medical school by 8 March 2018
A photocopy of passport (uploaded onto Oriel under passport) & Deans
Statement (posted to the UKFPO office) to evidence that I am not required to Tick here if
take PLAB. documentation
is to follow by 11
January 2018. If
I have qualified from medical school and have provided ONE of the following: documentation
A photocopy of the letter from the GMC confirming that I have provisional is not supplied
registration with a licence to practise (uploaded onto Oriel) by this date, you
will be deemed
A photocopy of the email/letter from the GMC showing that I have ineligible
successfully completed either PLAB 1 or PLAB 2 (uploaded onto Oriel)
A photocopy of the confirmation email/letter showing that I have booked a
place to take PLAB 1 examination no later than 15 March 2018 (uploaded
onto Oriel)
A photocopy of passport (uploaded onto Oriel under passport) & original
Deans Statement (sent to the UKFPO office) to evidence that I am not
required to take PLAB.
Non-EEA Citizens (excluding Swiss nationals) who have the right to work in the
I am a citizen of a country outside the EEA and have provided ONE of the
A copy of a passport page that indicates my visa status
A copy of both sides (front and back) of the Biometric card issued by UK
Border Agency showing that I have the right to work
A copy of Home Office/UK Border Agency documents indicating that I have
the right to work in the UK.
You can download this document from Oriel or the Foundation Programme website.
Appendix 2 - Person Specification
UK Foundation Programme Commencing August 2018 (UKFP 2018)
Person Specification
Eligibility Applicants must meet the requirements set out in the UK Eligibility checking
Foundation Programme 2018 Eligibility Criteria.
Qualifications The applicant must have achieved, or expect to achieve, a Eligibility checking
primary medical qualification as recognised by the General
Medical Council (GMC) by the start of the UK Foundation
Programme 2018.
Clinical Knowledge The applicant must be familiar with and be able to Application2/ pre-
& Skills demonstrate an understanding of the major principles of the employment screening
GMCs Good Medical Practice (2013)1 including:
Clinical assessment
Knowledge, skills and performance (where appropriate)
Safety and quality
Communication, partnership and teamwork
Maintaining trust
Language & The applicant must demonstrate skills in listening, reading, Application2/ pre-
Communication writing and speaking in English language that enable employment screening
Skills effective communication about medical topics with patients
and colleagues, as set out in the GMCs Good Medical Clinical assessment
Practice (2013)1. (where appropriate)
Probity The applicant must demonstrate appropriate professional Application2/pre-
behaviour, i.e. integrity, honesty, confidentiality as set out employment screening
in the GMCs Good Medical Practice (2013)1.
1 Please note that whenever General Medical Council documents are referenced, it is possible that revised versions
will be produced after the UKFPO's information has been published. Therefore, applicants should always refer to the
most up-to-date version of these publications.
2 Please note that the Application includes the Situational Judgement Test (SJT)
Appendix 3- UK Foundation Programme Commencing August 2018 (UKFP 2018)
Deans Statement
Guidance for Applicants (please do not submit this document, it is for information only
Please complete the Deans statement on the UKFPO website:
If you are applying through the UKFPOs Eligibility Office for the UK Foundation Programme 2018 (UKFP 2018),
which includes the Academic Foundation Programme (AFP 2018), you must submit a completed Deans Statement
together with the rest of your eligibility documentation. This statement forms an essential part of your eligibility
The Deans Statement must be completed by the Dean of your medical school, an equivalent official to the Dean or
the Deans nominated representative. You must request that the Dean completes the form and returns it to you to
include with your eligibility documentation. Your medical school cannot send it to the UKFPO separately as it will not
be accepted.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the Deans Statement is completed correctly before submitting it to the
UKFPO as errors identified later cannot be rectified. If your Deans Statement is not completed correctly, then your
application will be deemed ineligible and you will not be able to apply for the UK Foundation Programme.
The Deans Statement is to be used for applicants to all UK Foundation Programmes beginning in August 2018 including
Academic Foundation Programmes.
Please use the following checklist to help you confirm that you have adhered to all of the following as failure to do so
will invalidate your application.
You must use the current Deans Statement form for FP 2018. Old versions of this form from
previous application rounds will not be accepted.
You must supply the original completed Deans Statement form with your Deans signature and
medical school seal / stamp. Photocopies or any other reproductions will not be accepted.
Please ensure that your Dean provides your date of qualification i.e. the date on which the
University Board agrees the results, issues a pass list and notifies students of the result, rather
than your date of graduation.
Please ensure that your Dean provides the date of qualification in the following format
dd/month/yyyy (e.g. 20/May/2009). If your Dean does not provide the full date in this format, then
your Deans Statement is invalid.
Your full name must be clearly displayed in the relevant sections on both pages of the Deans
Statement or the form will be considered invalid.
If the information provided in the decile ranking boxes is amended, missing or inconsistent, then the
applicant will receive the lowest decile ranking/score.
The use of correction fluid is not allowed anywhere on the form and will result in the applicant receiving the
lowest decile ranking/score.
UK Foundation Programme Commencing August 2018 (UKFP 2018)
Deans Statement
Instructions for the Medical School Dean
This form has been sent to you by a medical student or graduate who wishes to apply for a two-year
UK Foundation Programme beginning in August 2018. This form must be completed by the Dean of
the applicant's medical school (or the equivalent official to the Dean or the Dean's nominated
representative) and returned to the applicant. Please ensure that all sections of this form are
completed, including the applicant's full name on both pages.
If the applicant does not return this form as part of their Eligibility Application to the UKFPO by the 9
August 2017, they will not be eligible to apply.
I give permission for the applicant named above to apply to the two-year UK Foundation Programme
starting in August 2018.
Yes No
I confirm that the applicant is/was of good standing at this medical school and is considered fit to
practise medicine in accordance with UK General Medical Councils (GMC) Fitness to Practise
requirements as described in the GMCs Good Medical Practice (2013)1.
Yes No
I confirm that the entire primary medical qualification undertaken by the student named above is being
taught/was taught solely in English.
Yes No
I confirm that all examinations undertaken by the applicant during his/her primary medical qualification
will be/were solely in English.
Yes No
I confirm that the applicants primary medical qualification will include/included at least 75% of contact
with patients in English.
Yes No
1 Please note that whenever General Medical Council documents are referenced, it is possible that revised
versions will be produced after the UKFPO's information has been published. Therefore, applicants should always
refer to the most up-to-date version of these publications.
The GMC maintains a list of institutions from which it will not accept evidence of English language proficiency.
Confirmation of English language proficiency on a Deans statement will only be considered if the associated
medical school is not on this list.
UK Foundation Programme Commencing August 2018 (UKFP 2018)
Deans Statement
SECTION 3 Decile Ranking
The applicants decile ranking must be calculated in the following way:
1. Compile the overall academic results for all students within the applicants year group.
2. Divide the year group into ten equal groups based on their academic performance (i.e. total
number of students divided by 10).
3. Assign the applicant a decile ranking based on their position in the group. For example if
there are 150 students in the year then each decile is made up of 15 students (150/10 = 15
students). Students ranked 1 to 15 will be in the 1st decile, students ranked 16 30 will be
in the 2nd decile and so on. Where necessary, please round decile boundaries to the higher
whole number e.g. 134 students entails a decile boundary of 13.4, so the 1st decile should
be rounded up to include students ranked 1-14; the 2nd decile 2 boundary is 26.8 and
should be rounded up to include students ranked 15-27 and so on.
Please choose one of the following:
I am unable to provide a verifiable decile ranking for this applicant as outlined above
(Please note: if this selection is ticked, this applicant will be allocated the lowest decile
ranking), OR
I have provided a verifiable decile ranking for this applicant in the table below.
Total number of students in the applicants year group at medical school (e.g. 150)
The applicants position in his/her year group, based on his/her performance during the medical degree (e.g.
The applicants decile ranking within his/her year group i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4
(e.g. 20th of 150 = decile 2; 21st of 201 = decile 1)
Please note: If the information provided in the above boxes is missing or inconsistent, then
the lowest decile ranking will be allocated for this applicant.
SECTION 4 Declaration
Failure to complete all fields below will invalidate this form and the applicant will be
ineligible to apply.
With reference to (insert applicants name)
I hereby declare that the information I provided in this statement is true and I understand that I may be
contacted by the UKFPO to verify it.
Signature: Date:
Appendix 4 Clinical assessment information 24- 26 October 2017
Based on trends over the last few years, we expect there will be more fully eligible applicants
for UKFP 2018 than there are vacancies. The final number of applications will not be known
until the close of the application period on 13 October 2017. If, at that time, there are more
fully eligible applicants than vacancies, we will not consider applications from people who
are not able to provide proof of their right to work and remain in the UK by the 11 January
2018 (AFP applicants) or 01 March 2018 (FP applicants only). Individuals in this category
will be withdrawn from the national application process and their applications will not
Applicants who are required to undertake a clinical assessment will be required to pay the
full cost of 850 by 7 September 2017 and this is non-refundable.
If you are required to attend a clinical assessment but you will not be able to provide
evidence of your right to work and remain in the UK by 11 January 2018 (AFP applicants) or
01 March 2018 (FP applicants only), you should consider carefully whether or not you wish
to incur the 850 cost as it is very likely your application will not be considered. However,
you may wish to proceed with the clinical assessment since passing this assessment may be
viewed favourably by local employing organisations if you are eligible to apply for other
medical posts in the UK.
All candidates will sit a 16-station OSCE. Each station is 10 minutes long, including 1 minute
of preparation time.
All candidates will sit this assessment in one session (approximately four hours). Instructions
will be posted outside each station, giving clear guidance about the task to be performed at
that station. In line with our current practice, care will be taken to ensure accessibility and to
avoid discrimination against candidates with disabilities or those whose first language is not
The assessments take place at Wythenshawe Hospital, part of the University Hospital of
South Manchester. The hospital has excellent facilities for running an OSCE of this size and
has many years of experience in this field.
Maintaining Test Security
The examinations will differ from day to day, but will be based on a similar blueprint.
Candidates sitting the examination in the morning or afternoon will be quarantined to
ensure they cannot come into contact with each other. Candidates would be unable to use
their mobile phones during this period.
Simulated Patients
These will be selected from the University Hospital of South Manchesters pool of highly
experienced simulated patients. All have undergone training in standardisation for OSCEs
and will be trained specifically for the roles within these assessments.
Educational Impact
Candidates will be given a written report, analysing their performance on a station-by-station
basis. As the stations are explicitly linked to many of the Foundation Programme Curriculum
competencies of the F1 year, this will provide useful information for candidates on their
strengths and weaknesses as they enter the Foundation Programme. The University
Hospital of South Manchester is working closely with their colleagues in the North Western
Deanery to ensure that the questions authentically represent the current NHS working
The cost of this assessment will be 850 per candidate.
Information about the appeals procedure will be available on the UKFPO website before the
start date of the assessments. Appeals will only be accepted about the process and not
about academic judgement.
Appendix 5 - Right to work in the UK Factsheet
Applicants must provide evidence of their right to work in the UK by 11 January 2018 (those
wishing to be considered for AFP) or 01 March 2018 (FP only applicants). The evidence
must remain valid until the start of the programme (01 August 2018).
If you already have your right to work evidence we would recommend that you upload this
onto Oriel before submitting your eligibility application.
The tables below set out the main categories of limited leave to remain and eligibility to take up a
Foundation Programme. Other categories not stated below will be considered on an individual
basis, depending on the visa status:
Partner / civil partner or spouse of a UK national Applicant will be given an initial grant of 5 years
on a probationary period then can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain if
the relationship is considered genuine by UK
Visas and Immigration.
EEA nationals 3 (excluding Croatian nationals) Can apply to a training programme and be
Partner / civil partner or spouse of an EEA Can apply to a training programme and be
national resident in the UK considered
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
UK/ EEA applicants
UK/ EEA applicants are required to provide a copy of their date stamped passport or
biometric residence card as proof of their right to work. This evidence must be uploaded on
Oriel when completing an eligibility application.
Please note: Applicants with dual nationality should upload the most appropriate nationality
passport relevant to the right to work in the UK. For example, an applicant with a passport
for Poland and United States should upload a copy of their Polish passport as this is proof of
their right to work in the UK.
Not all EEA Nationals can work in the UK without restrictions, we would advise you
to check here.
Tier 4
The UKFPO will sponsor applicants for Tier 4 visas only if they are UK Medical School
Graduates. For further information on tier 4 visas please refer to the Foundation Programme
PLEASE NOTE: This factsheet is guidance only, we would recommend that you contact
the Home Office for the most up to date information:
Appendix 6 Situational Judgemental Test (SJT) and Educational Performance
Measures (EPM)
SJTs are:
a test of aptitude
used extensively as part of selection process to other professions including GP
designed to assess the professional attributes expected of a Foundation doctor
based on a detailed job analysis of an FY1 doctor
a selection tool designed to identify those not appointable
The SJT is taken in exam conditions, and consists of 70 questions in 2 hours 20 minutes. It
contains two question formats: rank five possible responses in order and select the three
most appropriate responses. A maximum of 50 points is available.
There is a practice paper and answer sheet available on the UKFPO website to help
applicants to familiarise themselves with the format of the test, the type of questions you will
encounter and the look and feel of the question paper and accompanying answer sheet. The
practice paper is available both as an online test, and a PDF which applicants can print off
and complete manually.
Although the practice paper mimics the SJT in terms of style and timings, the difficulty of
these items may differ from those in the actual test.
There are many commercial courses and books available which offer to prepare you for the
SJT; however, the UKFPO does not endorse any of these resources. The UKFPO practice
paper is the only official resource that will prepare you to take the test. The practise SJT
paper is available on the Foundation Programme website.
The EPM is a measure of clinical and non-clinical skills, knowledge and performance up to
the point of application. The EPM comprises three elements; medical school performance to
date in deciles (replacing previous quartiles), for which 34-43 points are available; additional
degrees, which are worth up to 5 points; and publications, for which up to 2 points are
available. A maximum of 50 points is available.
Further information regarding EPM is available in the UKFP 2018 Applicants Handbook and
the Foundation Programme website.