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On 1st April 2014, Alpha Ltd. paid Rs.110000 for 90% of the issued share capital of

Beta Ltd. the Assets and liabilities of the 2 companies as on 31st March 2015 were as


Assets Alpha Beta

Goodwill 20,000 6,000
Fixed Assets 94,000 96,000
Current Assets 30,000 18,000
Investment at cost 1,56,000
3,00,000 1,20,000
Issued Share Capital Re.1 each fully paid up 1,80,000 60,000
General Reserves as on 1st April 2003 45,000 20,000
P&L 36,000 20,500
Current Liabilities 39,000 9,500
6% Debentures held by Alpha Ltd. 10,000
3,00,000 1,20,000
a. On 1st April 2014 the opening credit balance of Alpha Ltd. P&L account was

Rs.26000. out of this balance, a 10% dividend was paid subsequently

b. P&L of Beta Ltd. showed following

Particulars Amount Amount

Balance As on 1st April 2013 22,000
Net profit for the year 31st March 2014 12,000 34,000
Less: Dividend Paid
Final for the year ended 31st March 2013 9,000
Interim for the half year ended September 4,500 13,500
Balance c/f. on 31st March 2014 20,500

c. Included in the SIT of Beta Ltd. at Balance Sheet date were goods purchased from

Alpha Ltd. for Rs.6000 on which there was a profit of 50% on cost of Alpha Ltd.

d. All dividends received by Alpha Ltd. have been correctly recorded in the books

Prepare CFS as on 31st March 2015 and show workings

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Prepare the following format

Page 1: Balance sheet as on 31.3.2015 Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Amount
Equity and Liabilities Particulars Pre- Revenue Revenue
1. Shareholders fund acquisition Reserve Profits
a. Share Capital profits
b. R&S
c. Minority Interest
2. Noncurrent liabilities
3. Current Liabilities
Assets MI
4. Non-Current Assets Alpha
a. Tangible
b. Intangible
c. Investments
5. Current Assets

Page 3: WN2: Minority Interest and WN3: Cost on Control

Minority Interest Amount

Cost of Control Amount

Goodwill/ CR

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General P&L


Grand Total

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Particulars Fixed Assets Current Assets Current Liabilities


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Question first line

On 1st April 2014, Alpha Ltd. paid Rs.110000
for 90% of the issued share capital of Beta Ltd.

Page 3: WN2: Minority Interest and WN3: Cost on Control

Cost of Control Amount

Share Capital 54,000
90% of 60000 (60,000 is share Capital of Beta)

Amount Invested 110000

Minority Interest (MI) Amount

Share Capital 6000
(60000 54000)

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Question point a
On 1st April 2014, the opening credit balance of Alpha Ltd. P&L account was Rs.26000.
out of this balance, a 10% dividend was paid subsequently

No use as details relate to Holding company

Question Point b: P&L of Beta Ltd. showed following

Particulars Amount Amount
Balance As on 1st April 2013 22,000
Net profit for the year 31st March 2014 12,000 34,000
Less: Dividend Paid
Final for the year ended 31st March 2013 9,000
Interim for the half year ended September 4,500 13,500
Balance c/f. on 31st March 2014 20,500

Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre-acquisition Revenue Revenue

profits Reserve Profits
Opening Balance 22,000
Less: Dividend paid (9,000)
CY profits 12,000
Less: Interim dividend (4,500)

MI (10%)
Alpha (90%)

Page 3: WN3: Cost on Control

Cost of Control Amount

Share Capital 54,000
90% of 60000 (60,000 is share Capital of Beta)

Amount Invested 110000
Less: Pre-acquisition dividend (90% of 9000) (8100)

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Question point c
Included in the SIT of Beta Ltd. at Balance Sheet date
were goods purchased from Alpha Ltd. for Rs.6000
on which there was a profit of 50% on cost of Alpha

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Current Assets Current Assets

- Alpha 30,000
- Beta From Bal. Sht. 18,000
Less: Unrealized profit on stock not sold (6000 * 50/150) (2,000)

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General Reserves P&L

Less: unrealized profit on stock

(Downstream sale) (2,000)
Grand Total

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Since all points are used, Start with Balance Sheet

Asset side
Assets Alpha Beta
Goodwill 20,000 6,000
Fixed Assets 94,000 96,000
Current Assets 30,000 18,000
Investment at cost 1,56,000

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Particulars Fixed Assets Current Intangible

Liabilities Assets
- Alpha 94,000 20,000
From Bal. Sht.
- Beta 96,000 6,000

WN7: Investments

Investment in Beta: 110,000

Less: Dividend Recd. Against such investments: (8,100)

Investment in debentures of Beta held by Alpha Ltd.

assumed to be at cost: 10,000

Net: 1,11,900

Investment as per BS 1,56,000

Other Investments 44,100

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Continue with Balance Sheet Liabilities side

Alpha Beta
Issued Share Capital Re.1 each fully 1,80,000 60,000
paid up

Page 1: Balance sheet as on 31.3.2015

Particulars Amount
Equity and Liabilities
6. Shareholders fund
a. Share Capital 180,000
b. R&S
c. Minority Interest
7. Current Liabilities
8. Non-Current Assets
a. Tangible
b. Intangible
c. Investments
9. Current Assets

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Continue with Balance Sheet Liabilities side

Alpha Beta
General Reserves as on 1st April 45,000 20,000
P&L 36,000 20,500

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General Reserves P&L

Balance of Alpha 45,000 36,000
Less: unrealized profit on stock
(Downstream sale) (2,000)

Grand Total

Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre-acquisition Revenue Revenue

profits Reserve Profits
Opening Balance 22,000
Less: Dividend paid (9,000)
CY profits 12,000
Less: Interim dividend (4,500)
Reserves 20,000
MI (10%)
Alpha (90%)

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Continue with Balance Sheet Liabilities side

Alpha Beta
Current Liabilities 39,000 9,500
6% Debentures held by Alpha Ltd. 10,000

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Particulars Fixed Assets Current Intangible

Liabilities Assets
- Alpha 94,000 39,000 20,000
From Bal. Sht.
- Beta 96,000 9,500 6,000


WN8: Debentures are held by Alpha Ltd. in their investments, hence shall be deleted being

inter company owning.

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Complete the Apportionment of profits of Beta Ltd.

Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre-acquisition Revenue Revenue

profits Reserve Profits
Opening Balance 22,000
Less: Dividend paid (9,000)
CY profits 12,000
Less: Interim dividend (4,500)
General Reserves 20,000
TOTAL 33,000 - 7,500
Alpha (90%)
33000 * 90% 29,700
7500 * 90% 6,750
MI (10%)
33000 29700 3,300
7500 - 750 750

Complete with Minority Interest

Page 3: WN2: Minority Interest

Minority Interest (MI) Amount

Share Capital 6000
(60000 54000)
Pre-acquisition profits 3300
Post-acquisition profit 750


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Complete with Cost of control

Page 3: WN3: Cost on Control

Cost of Control Amount

Share Capital 54,000
90% of 60000 (60,000 is share Capital of Beta)
Pre-acquisition profits (from WN1) 29,700
Total 83,700
Amount Invested 110000
Less: Pre-acquisition dividend (90% of 9000) (8100)
Total 1,01,900

Goodwill (Bal. fig) (101900 83700) 18,200

Complete with consolidated Reserve

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General Reserves P&L

Balance of Alpha 45,000 36,000
Less: unrealized profit on stock
(Downstream sale) (2,000)
Share from Beta (from WN1) 6750
TOTAL 45,000 40,750
Grand Total (45000 + 40750) 85,750

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Sum up the intercompany transaction and transfer to Consolidated Balance Sheet

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Particulars Fixed Assets Current Intangible

Liabilities Assets
- Alpha 94,000 39,000 20,000
- Beta 96,000 9,500 6,000

Goodwill as per Cost of

Control (WN3) 18,200
TOTAL 190,000 48,500 44,200

Page 1: Balance sheet as on 31.3.2015

Particulars Amount
Equity and Liabilities
10. Shareholders fund
a. Share Capital 180,000
b. R&S (WN5) 85,750
c. Minority Interest (WN2) 10,050
11. Current Liabilities (WN6) 48,500
TOTAL 324,300
12. Non-Current Assets
a. Tangible (WN6) 190,000
b. Intangible (WN6) 44,200
c. Investments (WN7) 44,100
13. Current Assets (WN6) 46,000
TOTAL 324,300

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Question 2.
The summarized balance sheet of Kush Ltd. and Shuk Ltd. as on 31st March 2015 are as


Figure in lakhs

Liabilities Kush Shuk Assets Kush Shuk

Share Capital 216 108 Plant 86.4 72.9
Shares of Rs.10 each
Share Premium 32.4 Furniture 23.4 7.2
Capital reserves as on 7.2 Stock 18 13.5
General Reserve as on 13.5 9 Debtors 73.8 47.6
P&L 70.2 21.6 Trade Investment 2.7
Goodwill 45 13.6
Creditors 29.7 19.7 8.64 lakh shares of Shuk 97.2
Ltd. at cost
Balance at Bank 18 8
361.8 165.5 361.8 165.5

Additional Information:

a. On 1st April 2014, Kush Ltd. acquired from the shareholders of Shuk Ltd. 8.64 lakh

shares of Rs.10 each in Shuk Ltd. and allotted in consideration thereof 6.48 lakhs of its

own shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.5 per share

b. The consideration for the shares of Shuk Ltd. was arrived at inter alia by valuing certain

assets of Shuk Ltd. on 1st April 2014 as under

a. Plant: Rs.90 lakhs

b. Furniture: Rs.8 lakhs

c. Investment and Goodwill: NIL

d. No adjustments were made in the books of Shuk Ltd. in respect of above valuation.

e. During 2009-10 there was no purchase or sale of these Assets. It is desired that such

adjustments should however be made in the Consolidated Accounts

c. The figures for Plant and Furniture at 31.3.2015 shown in the Balance Sheet are after

providing depreciation for 2014-15 at the rates of 10% p.a. and 20% p.a. respectively

on book value as on 1.4.14

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d. The P&L account of Shuk Ltd. showed credit balance of Rs.27 lakhs on 1.4.14. A dividend

of 10% was paid in January 2015 for the year 2013-14. This dividend was credited

to P&L of Kush Ltd.

e. Following points were not considered in making out the accounts in the year at Rs.4500

per month were incurred by Kush Ltd. on behalf of Shuk Ltd. It was by mistake debited

to P&L A/c. of Kush Ltd. and nothing has been done in the accounts of Shuk Ltd.

f. The Stock of Shuk Ltd. included Rs.4.5 lakhs of goods received from Kush Ltd. invoiced

at cost plus 25%

g. Debtor of Shuk Ltd. include Rs.3.5 lakhs due from Kush Ltd. Whereas Creditors of Kush

Ltd. include Rs.3.1 lakhs due to Shuk Ltd., the difference being represented by cheque in


You are required to Consolidate accounts of the 2 companies and prepare CFS of Kush Ltd.

as on 31.3.2015

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Prepare the following format

Page 1: Balance sheet as on 31.3.2015 Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Amount
Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders fund Particulars Pre- Revenue Revenue
a. Share Capital acquisition Reserve Profits
b. R&S profits
c. Minority Interest
2. Current Liabilities
3. Non-Current Assets
a. Tangible MI
b. Intangible Kush
c. Investments
4. Current Assets

Page 3: WN2: Minority Interest and WN3: Cost on Control

Minority Interest Amount

Cost of Control Amount

Goodwill/ CR

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General P&L


Grand Total

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Particulars Fixed Assets Current Assets Current Liabilities


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Question point a
On 1st April 2014, Kush Ltd. acquired from the shareholders
of Shuk Ltd. 8.64 lakh shares of Rs.10 each in Shuk Ltd. and
allotted in consideration thereof 6.48 lakhs of its own shares
of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.5 per share

Page 3: WN2: Minority Interest and WN3: Cost on Control

Cost on Control Amount in lakhs

Shares Capital (8.64 lakhs * Rs.10) 86.40

Amount invested [6.48 lakhs * Rs.(10+5)] 97.2


Minority Interest Amount in lakhs

Share Capital (108 86.4) 21.6
Rs.108 lakhs is the Share Capital of Shuk

Share Holding

Kush = 86.4/108 = 80%

MI = 20%

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Question Point b
The consideration for the shares of Shuk Ltd. was arrived at inter alia by valuing
certain assets of Shuk Ltd. on 1st April 2014 as under
a. Plant: Rs.90 lakhs

b. Furniture: Rs.8 lakhs

c. Investment and Goodwill: NIL

d. No adjustments were made in the books of Shuk Ltd. in respect of above


e. During 2009-10 there was no purchase or sale of these Assets. It is desired

that such adjustments should however be made in the Consolidated Accounts

Question point c
The figures for Plant and Furniture at 31.3.2015 shown in the Balance Sheet are
after providing depreciation for 2014-15 at the rates of 10% p.a. and 20% p.a.
respectively on book value as on 1.4.14

WN7: Revaluation and devaluation of P&M and Furniture of Shuk

Particulars P&M Furniture

Book Value post depreciation 72,90,000 7,20,000
Rate of Depreciation 10% 20%
Thus, above book value is 90% 80%
Pre-depreciation amount
7290000 / 90% 81,00,000
720000 / 80% 9,00,000
Revised value 90,00,000 8,00,000
Revaluation surplus 9,00,000
Transfer to P&L 1,00,000
Additional depreciation on revaluation
900000 * 10% 90,000
Excess depreciation to be adjusted back to P&L 20,000
100000 * 20%
Adjusted figure
(72,90,000 + 9,00,000 90,000) 81,00,000
(7,20,000 1,00,000 + 20,000) 6,40,000
Total 87,40,000

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Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre- Post- Post-

acquisition acquisition acquisition
profits reserves profits

Revaluation surplus (WN7) 9

Devaluation (WN7) (1)
Additional depreciation (WN7) (0.9)
Excess depreciation (WN7) 0.2

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Particulars Fixed Assets

Book Value
86.4 + 23.4 109.8
Shuk 87.40 (WN7)


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The consideration for the shares of Shuk Ltd. was arrived at

inter alia by valuing certain assets of Shuk Ltd. on 1st April
2014 as under
a. Investment and Goodwill: NIL

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Particulars Intangible Trade

assets Investment
Book Value
Kush 45 -
Shuk 13.6 2.7
Less: transfer to Pre-profits (13.6) (2.7)

Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre- Post- Post-

acquisition acquisition acquisition
profits reserves profits

Revaluation surplus (WN7) 9

Devaluation (WN7) (1)
Additional depreciation (WN7) (0.9)
Excess depreciation (WN7) 0.2
Write-off goodwill (WN6) (13.6)
Write-off investment (WN6) (2.7)

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Question Point d
The P&L account of Shuk Ltd. showed credit balance of Rs.27
lakhs on 1.4.15. A dividend of 10% was paid in January 2015
for the year 2013-14. This dividend was credited to P&L of
Kush Ltd.

Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre- Post- Post-

acquisition acquisition acquisition
profits reserves profits
Opening balance P&L 27
Less: Dividend paid (108 * 10%) (10.8)
Current year profits [21.6 (27-10.8)] 5.4
Revaluation surplus (WN7) 9
Devaluation (WN7) (1)
Additional depreciation (WN7) (0.9)
Excess depreciation (WN7) 0.2
Write-off goodwill (WN6) (13.6)
Write-off investment (WN6) (2.7)

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General P&L Share

reserve Premium

Less: pre-acquisition dividend to be transferred to Cost of (8.64)

Control (10.8 * 80%)

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Cost on Control Amount in lakhs

Shares Capital (8.64 lakhs * Rs.10) 86.40

Amount invested [6.48 lakhs * Rs.(10+5)] 97.2
Less: Pre-acquisition dividend (8.64)


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Question Point e
Following points were not considered in making out the
accounts in the year at Rs.4500 per month were incurred by
Kush Ltd. on behalf of Shuk Ltd. It was by mistake debited to
P&L A/c. of Kush Ltd. and nothing has been done in the
accounts of Shuk Ltd

Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre- Post- Post-

acquisition acquisition acquisition
profits reserves profits
Opening balance P&L 27
Less: Dividend paid (108 * 10%) (10.8)
Current year profits [21.6 (27-10.8)] 5.4
Revaluation surplus (WN7) 9
Devaluation (WN7) (1)
Additional depreciation (WN7) (0.9)
Excess depreciation (WN7) 0.2
Write-off goodwill (WN6) (13.6)
Write-off investment (WN6) (2.7)
Expense incurred by Kush (4500 * 12) (0.54)

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General P&L Share

reserve Premium

Less: pre-acquisition dividend to be transferred to Cost of (8.64)

Control (10.8 * 80%)
Expense incurred for Shuk (4500*12) 0.54

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Question Point f
The Stock of Shuk Ltd. included Rs.4.5 lakhs of goods received from
Kush Ltd. invoiced at cost plus 25%

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Current Assets Stock Debtors Bank

Kush 18
Shuk 13.5
Less: Unrealized profit on intercompany sale
4.5 * 25/125 (0.9)


Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General P&L Share

reserve Premium

Less: pre-acquisition dividend to be transferred to Cost of (8.64)

Control (10.8 * 80%)
Expense incurred for Shuk (4500*12) 0.54
Less: unrealized profit in stock (downstream sale) (0.9)

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Question Point g
Debtor of Shuk Ltd. include Rs.3.5 lakhs due from Kush Ltd.
Whereas Creditors of Kush Ltd. include Rs.3.1 lakhs due to
Shuk Ltd., the difference being represented by cheque in

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Current Assets Stock Debtors Bank

Kush 18 73.8 18
Shuk 13.5 47.6 8
Less: Unrealized profit on intercompany sale
4.5 * 25/125 (0.9)
Less: Inter company owning (3.5)
Cash in transit (3.5-3.1) 0.4

Current Liabilities Creditors

Kush 29.7
Shuk 19.7
Less: Inter company owning (3.1)


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Continue with BS asset side

Page 5: WN6: Intercompany transactions and adjustments

Current Assets Stock Debtors Bank

Kush 18 73.8 18
Shuk 13.5 47.6 8
Less: Unrealized profit on intercompany sale
4.5 * 25/125 (0.9)
Less: Inter company owning (3.5)
Cash in transit (3.5-3.1) 0.4
Total 30.6 117.9 26.4

Current Liabilities Creditors

Kush 29.7
Shuk 19.7
Less: Inter company owning (3.1)

Total 46.3

Particulars Fixed Assets

Book Value
86.4 + 23.4 109.8
Shuk 87.40 (WN7)

Total 197.2

Particulars Intangible Trade

assets Investment
Book Value
Kush 45 -
Shuk 13.6 2.7
Less: transfer to Pre-profits (13.6) (2.7)
Total 45 -

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Page 1: Balance sheet as on 31.3.2015

Particulars Amount in lakhs

Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders fund
a. Share Capital
b. R&S
c. Minority Interest
2. Current Liabilities 46.3
3. Non-Current Assets
a. Tangible 197.2
b. Intangible 45
c. Investments -
4. Current Assets 174.9

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Continue with Balance sheet liability side

Liabilities Kush Shuk
Share Capital 216 108
Shares of Rs.10 each

Page 1: Balance sheet as on 31.3.2015

Particulars Amount in lakhs

Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders fund
a. Share Capital 216
b. R&S
c. Minority Interest
5. Current Liabilities 46.3
2. Non-Current Assets
a. Tangible 197.2
b. Intangible 45
c. Investments -
3. Current Assets 174.9

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Liabilities Kush Shuk

Share Premium 32.4
Capital reserves as on 1.4.14 7.2
General Reserve as on 1.4.14 13.5 9
P&L 70.2 21.6

Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre- Post- Post-

acquisition acquisition acquisition
profits reserves profits
Opening balance P&L 27
Less: Dividend paid (108 * 10%) (10.8)
Current year profits [21.6 (27-10.8)] 5.4
Revaluation surplus (WN7) 9
Devaluation (WN7) (1)
Additional depreciation (WN7) (0.9)
Excess depreciation (WN7) 0.2
Write-off goodwill (WN6) (13.6)
Write-off investment (WN6) (2.7)
Expense incurred by Kush (4500 * 12) (0.54)
Capital Reserve 7.2
From BS
General Reserve 9

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General P&L Share

reserve Premium
Balance of Kush 13.5 70.2 32.4
From BS

Less: pre-acquisition dividend to be transferred to Cost of (8.64)

Control (10.8 * 80%)
Expense incurred for Shuk (4500*12) 0.54
Less: unrealized profit in stock (downstream sale) (0.9)

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Complete the apportionment of profits

Page 2: WN1: Apportionment of Profit

Particulars Pre- Post- Post-

acquisition acquisition acquisition
profits reserves profits
Opening balance P&L 27
Less: Dividend paid (108 * 10%) (10.8)
Current year profits [21.6 (27-10.8)] 5.4
Revaluation surplus (WN7) 9
Devaluation (WN7) (1)
Additional depreciation (WN7) (0.9)
Excess depreciation (WN7) 0.2
Write-off goodwill (WN6) (13.6)
Write-off investment (WN6) (2.7)
Expense incurred by Kush (4500 * 12) (0.54)
Capital Reserve 7.2
General Reserve 9
Total 24.1 - 4.16
Kush (80%) 19.28 3.328
MI(20%) 4.82 0.832

Complete Minority Interest and Cost of Control

Page 3: WN2: Minority Interest

Minority Interest Amount in lakhs

Share Capital (108 86.4) 21.6
Rs.108 lakhs is the Share Capital of Shuk
Capital Profits 4.82
Revenue Profits 0.832
Total 27.252

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WN3: Cost on Control

Cost on Control Amount in lakhs

Shares Capital (8.64 lakhs * Rs.10) 86.40
Pre-acquisition profits 19.28
Total 105.68
Amount invested [6.48 lakhs * Rs.(10+5)] 97.2
Less: Pre-acquisition dividend (8.64)
Total 88.56
Capital reserve 17.12


Complete Consolidated Reserve

Page 4: WN5: Consolidated Reserves

Particulars General P&L Share

reserve Premium
Balance of Kush 13.5 70.2 32.4
Share from Shuk (WN1) 3.328

Less: pre-acquisition dividend to be transferred to Cost of (8.64)

Control (10.8 * 80%)
Expense incurred for Shuk (4500*12) 0.54
Less: unrealized profit in stock (downstream sale) (0.9)
Total 13.5 64.528 32.4
Add: Capital reserve (WN3) 17.12
Total 127.548

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Complete the Balance Sheet

Page 1: Balance sheet as on 31.3.2015

Particulars Amount in lakhs

Equity and Liabilities
6. Shareholders fund
a. Share Capital 216
b. R&S (WN5) 127.548
c. Minority Interest (WN2) 27.252
7. Current Liabilities 46.3
TOTAL 417.1
4. Non-Current Assets
a. Tangible 197.2
b. Intangible 45
c. Investments -
5. Current Assets 174.9

Complete notes on amazon - CA. Sumit L. Sarda CFS 1.31

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