T26 Current Ratings General

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Current ratings (general) for flexible cables,

for non-existing cable types in the previous tables

The indicated values stated in the following table considered as guiding values in an abbreviate form, extracted from DIN VDE 0298
part 4 and DIN VDE 0100 part 430. In critical situation the DIN VDE recommendations should be considered.
For industrial machines the DIN VDE 0113, part 1 (EN 60 204 part 1/IEC 204-1) is valid; for telephone and information systems
DIN VDE 0891 part 1; for telephone aerial cables DIN VDE 0891 part 8 and for flat cables DIN VDE 0891 part 10. General terms and
recommendated values are contained in DIN VDE 0298 part 2 and part 4.
Power rating values for 1,5 120 mm2 (group 3 up to 35 mm2) according to DIN VDE 0100 part 430 at an
ambient temperature up to 308C

Nominal group 1 group 2 group 3

section power rating protective fuse power rating protective fuse power rating protective fuse
mm2 A A A A A A
0,05 1 1 2
0,14 2 2 3,5
0,25 4 4,5 6
0,34 6 6 9
0,5 9 9 12
0,75 12 12 10 15 10
1 15 10 15 10 19 16
1,5 18 16 18 16 24 20
2,5 26 25 26 25 32 25
4 34 25 34 25 42 35
6 44 35 44 35 54 50
10 61 50 61 50 73 63
16 82 80 82 63 98 80
25 108 100 108 80 129 100
35 135 125 135 100 158 125
50 168 160 168 125 198 160
70 207 200 207 160 245 200
95 250 250 250 200 292 250
120 292 250 292 250 344 315
150 335 315 335 315 391 355
185 382 355 382 355 448 400
240 453 425 528 500
300 523 500 608 600
400 726 630

group 1 One or more single core cables and insulated wires laid in duct i. e. PVC- group 3 Single core cables, laid open in air with a spacing at least equal to cable
sheathed single cores H 03V. ./H 05V. ./H 07V. . according to VDE 0281. diameter, such as single core wirings for switch- and distribution cabinets
and rail line distributors.
group 2 Multi core cables, i. e. light PVC-sheathed cables, flexible cables, metal-clad
wiring cables in open or ventilated conduits.
Conversion factors*) for deviating ambient temperatures:
Ambient temperature over 308C Ambient temperature over 508C (heat-resistance)
Conversion factors, applied to Conversion factors, applied to
the above current ratings table the above current ratings table
Rubber insulation PVC insulation Permissible operating temperature Permissible operating temperature
Ambient Permissible operating Permissible operating at conductor at conductor
temperature temp. at conductor temp. at conductor Conversion factors up to 908C Conversion factors up to 1108C
Conversion factors Conversion factors over 50 to 55 0,94 over 50 to 55 1,00
8C up to 608C up to 708C
over 55 to 60 0,87 over 55 to 60 1,00
over 30 to 35 0,91 0,94
over 60 to 65 0,79 over 60 to 65 1,00
over 35 to 40 0,82 0,87
over 65 to 70 0,71 over 65 to 70 1,00
over 40 to 45 0,71 0,79
over 70 to 75 0,61 over 70 to 75 1,00
over 45 to 50 0,58 0,71
over 75 to 80 0,50 over 75 to 80 1,00
over 50 to 55 0,41 0,61
over 80 to 85 0,35 over 80 to 85 0,91
over 55 to 60 0,50
over 85 to 90 over 85 to 90 0,82
over 60 to 65 0,35
over 90 to 95 0,71
over 95 to 100 0,58
over 100 to 105 0,41
over 105 to 110
* Further informations see page T 32.

T 26

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