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8/21/2017 Solder - Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solder (/ so ldr/, [1]

/ s
or in North America / s
) is a fusible metal alloy used to create a

permanent bond between metal workpieces. The word solder comes from the Middle English word soudur, via Old
French solduree and soulder, from the Latin solidare, meaning "to make solid". In fact, solder must be melted in

order to adhere to and connect the pieces together, so a suitable alloy for use as solder will have a lower melting

point than the pieces it is intended to join. Whenever possible, the solder should also be resistant to oxidative and

corrosive effects that would degrade the joint over time. Solder that is intended for use in making electrical

connections between electronic components also usually has favorable electrical characteristics.

Soft solder typically has a melting point range of 90 to 450C (190 to 840F; 360 to 720K), and is commonly

used in electronics, plumbing, and sheet metal work. Manual soldering uses a soldering iron or soldering gun. Alloys
A soldered joint used to attach a
that melt between 180 and 190C (360 and 370F; 450 and 460K) are the most commonly used. Soldering
wire to the pin of a component on
performed using alloys with a melting point above 450C (840F; 720K) is called "hard soldering", "silver
the rear of a printed circuit board
soldering", or brazing.

In specic proportions, some alloys can become eutectic that is, their melting point is the same as their freezing

point. Non-eutectic alloys have markedly different solidus and liquidus temperatures, and within that range they

exist as a paste of solid particles in a melt of the lower-melting phase. In electrical work, if the joint is disturbed in

the pasty state before it has solidied totally, a poor electrical connection may result; use of eutectic solder reduces

this problem. The pasty state of a non-eutectic solder can be exploited in plumbing, as it allows molding of the

solder during cooling, e.g. for ensuring watertight joint of pipes, resulting in a so-called "wiped joint".

For electrical and electronics work, solder wire is available in a range of thicknesses for hand-soldering, and with
Spool of solder, 1.6 mm diameter
cores containing ux. It is also available as a paste or as a preformed foil shaped to match the workpiece, more

suitable for mechanized mass-production. Alloys of lead and tin were commonly used in the past and are still

available; they are particularly convenient for hand-soldering. Lead-free solders have been increasing in use due to

regulatory requirements plus the health and environmental benets of avoiding lead-based electronic components. They are almost exclusively used
today in consumer electronics.

Plumbers often use bars of solder, much thicker than the wire used for electrical applications. Jewelers often use solder in thin sheets, which they cut

into snippets.


1 Lead-free solder

2 Lead solder

3 Flux-core solder

4 Hard solder 1/57
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5 Solder alloys

5.1 Notes on the above table

5.2 Properties

5.3 Solidifying

5.4 Alloying element roles

5.5 Impurities in solders

6 Intermetallics in solders

7 Glass solder

8 Preform

9 See also

10 References

11 Bibliography

12 External links

Lead-free solder

On July 1, 2006 the European Union Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) and Restriction of

Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) came into effect prohibiting the inclusion of signicant quantities of lead in

most consumer electronics produced in the EU. In the US, manufacturers may receive tax benets by reducing the

use of lead-based solder. Lead-free solders in commercial use may contain tin, copper, silver, bismuth, indium, zinc,

antimony, and traces of other metals. Most lead-free replacements for conventional 60/40 and 63/37Sn-Pb solder
have melting points from 5 to 20C higher, though there are also solders with much lower melting points.

It may be desirable to use minor modication of the solder pots (e.g. titanium liners or impellers) used in wave-

soldering, to reduce maintenance cost due to increased tin-scavenging of high-tin solder.

Pure tin solder wire

Lead-free solder may be less desirable for critical applications, such as aerospace and medical projects, because its

properties are less thoroughly known.

Tin-Silver-Copper (Sn-Ag-Cu, or "SAC") solders are used by two-thirds of Japanese manufacturers for reow and

wave soldering, and by about 75% of companies for hand soldering. The widespread use of this popular lead-free

solder alloy family is based on the reduced melting point of the Sn-Ag-Cu ternary eutectic behavior (217C), which

is below the 22/78Sn-Ag (wt.%) eutectic of 221C and the 59/41Sn-Cu eutectic of 227C (recently revised by P.

Snugovsky to 53/47Sn-Cu). The ternary eutectic behavior of Sn-Ag-Cu and its application for electronics assembly

was discovered (and patented) by a team of researchers from Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, and from

Sandia National Laboratories-Albuquerque.

Soldering copper pipes using a

Much recent research has focused on selection of 4th element additions to Sn-Ag-Cu to provide compatibility for propane torch and lead-free solder

the reduced cooling rate of solder sphere reow for assembly of ball grid arrays, e.g., 18/64/14/4Tin-Silver-Copper-

Zinc (Sn-Ag-Cu-Zn) (melting range of 217220C) and 18/64/16/2Tin-Silver-Copper-Manganese (Sn-Ag-Cu-Mn)

(melting range of 211215C). 2/57
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Tin-based solders readily dissolve gold, forming brittle intermetallics; for Sn-Pb alloys the critical concentration of gold to embrittle the joint is about

4%. Indium-rich solders (usually indium-lead) are more suitable for soldering thicker gold layer as the dissolution rate of gold in indium is much slower.

Tin-rich solders also readily dissolve silver; for soldering silver metallization or surfaces, alloys with addition of silvers are suitable; tin-free alloys are

also a choice, though their wettability is poorer. If the soldering time is long enough to form the intermetallics, the tin surface of a joint soldered to gold
is very dull.

Lead solder

Tin-lead (Sn-Pb) solders, also called soft solders, are commercially available with tin concentrations between 5%

and 70% by weight. The greater the tin concentration, the greater the solders tensile and shear strengths.

Historically, lead has been widely believed to mitigate the formation of tin whiskers, though the precise mechanism
for this is unknown. Today, many techniques are used to mitigate the problem, including changes to the annealing

process (heating and cooling), addition of elements like copper and nickel, and the inclusion of conformal
[9] [10]
coatings. Alloys commonly used for electrical soldering are 60/40Sn-Pb, which melts at 188C (370F), and

63/37Sn-Pb used principally in electrical/electronic work. 63/37 is a eutectic alloy of these metals, which:

1. has the lowest melting point (183C or 361F) of all the tin-lead alloys; and

2. the melting point is truly a point not a range.

In the United States, lead is prohibited in solder and ux in plumbing applications for drinking water use, per the
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Historically, a higher proportion of lead was used, commonly 50/50. This had
Sn60Pb40 solder

the advantage of making the alloy solidify more slowly. With the pipes being physically tted together before

soldering, the solder could be wiped over the joint to ensure water tightness. Although lead water pipes were

displaced by copper when the signicance of lead poisoning began to be fully appreciated, lead solder was still used until the 1980s because it was

thought that the amount of lead that could leach into water from the solder was negligible from a properly soldered joint. The electrochemical couple of

copper and lead promotes corrosion of the lead and tin. Tin, however, is protected by insoluble oxide. Since even small amounts of lead have been found
detrimental to health, lead in plumbing solder was replaced by silver (food-grade applications) or antimony, with copper often added, and the

proportion of tin was increased (see Lead-free solder.)

The addition of tinmore expensive than leadimproves wetting properties of the alloy; lead itself has poor wetting characteristics. High-tin tin-lead
alloys have limited use as the workability range can be provided by a cheaper high-lead alloy.
Karl J. Puttlitz; Kathleen A. Stalter (2004). Handbook

of lead-free solder technology for microelectronic

In electronics, components on printed circuit boards (PCBs) are connected to the printed circuit, and
assemblies hence
. CRC to other
Press. p.541. components, by soldered joints. For

miniaturized PCB joints with surface mount components, solder paste has largely replaced solid solder.

Lead-tin solders readily dissolve gold plating and form brittle intermetallics. 60/40Sn-Pb solder oxidizes on the surface, forming a complex 4-layer

structure: tin(IV) oxide on the surface, below it a layer of tin(II) oxide with nely dispersed lead, followed by a layer of tin(II) oxide with nely dispersed
tin and lead, and the solder alloy itself underneath.

Lead, and to some degree tin, as used in solder contains small but signicant amounts of radioisotope impurities. Radioisotopes undergoing alpha decay

are a concern due to their tendency to cause soft errors. Polonium-210 is especially problematic; lead-210 beta decays to bismuth-210 which then beta
decays to polonium-210, an intense emitter of alpha particles. Uranium-238 and thorium-232 are other signicant contaminants of alloys of lead. 3/57
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Flux-core solder

Flux is a reducing agent designed to help reduce (return oxidized metals to their metallic state) metal oxides at the

points of contact to improve the electrical connection and mechanical strength. The two principal types of ux are

acid ux (sometimes called "active ux"), used for metal mending and plumbing, and rosin ux (sometimes called

"passive ux"), used in electronics, where the corrosiveness of the vapors released when acid ux is heated would

risk damaging delicate circuitry.

Due to concerns over atmospheric pollution and hazardous waste disposal, the electronics industry has been

gradually shifting from rosin ux to water-soluble ux, which can be removed with deionized water and detergent,

instead of hydrocarbon solvents.

Electrical solder with an integrated

rosin core, visible as a dark spot in

In contrast to using traditional bars or coiled wires of all-metal solder and manually applying ux to the parts being
the cut end of the solder wire.
joined, much hand soldering since the mid-20th century has used ux-core solder. This is manufactured as a coiled

wire of solder, with one or more continuous bodies of non-acid ux embedded lengthwise inside it. As the solder

melts onto the joint, it frees the ux and releases that on it as well.

Hard solder

Hard solders are used for brazing, and melt at higher temperatures. Alloys of copper with either zinc or silver are the most common.

In silversmithing or jewelry making, special hard solders are used that will pass assay. They contain a high proportion of the metal being soldered and

lead is not used in these alloys. These solders vary in hardness, designated as "enameling", "hard", "medium" and "easy". Enameling solder has a high

melting point, close to that of the material itself, to prevent the joint desoldering during ring in the enameling process. The remaining solder types are

used in decreasing order of hardness during the process of making an item, to prevent a previously soldered seam or joint desoldering while additional

sites are soldered. Easy solder is also often used for repair work for the same reason. Flux or rouge is also used to prevent joints from desoldering.

Silver solder is also used in manufacturing to join metal parts that cannot be welded. The alloys used for these purposes contain a high proportion of

silver (up to 40%), and may also contain cadmium.

Solder alloys 4/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Galvanite Lead-free

galvanizing solder

formulation designed

specically for high

quality repairs to

galvanized steel

surfaces. Simple,
Sn50Zn49Cu1 200/300 no effective and easy to 50 1 49

use, in both

manufacturing and

eld applications.

Metallurgically bonds

to the steel, for a

seamless protective

KappFree provides

good joint strength,

vibration resistance,

and thermal cycle

fatigue resistance in

both piping and

electrical products as
Sn95.5Cu4Ag0.5 226/260 no 95.5 .5 4
opposed to tin-lead

solders. Higher

working temperature.

Wets well to brass,

copper, and stainless

steel. Good electrical

conductivity. 5/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Kapp Eco-Babbitt

Commonly used in


manufacturing as

protective coating to

shield against

electromotive force

(EMF) and


interference (EMI)

with the specied

performance of the
Sn90Zn7Cu3 200/222 no capacitor, to prevent 90 3 7

current and charge

leakage out of and

within the layers of the

capacitor, and to

prevent the

development of

electron ows within

the coating material

itself, that would

diminish capacitor

performance, coating,
and capacitor life. 6/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sn10, UNS L54520,

ASTM10B. Balls for

CBGA components,

replaced by

Low cost and good

bonding properties.

Rapidly dissolves gold

and silver, not

recommended for
those. Used for
268/302 fabrication of car
Pb90Sn10 Pb no 10 90
275/302 radiators and fuel

tanks, for coating and

bonding of metals for

moderate service

temperatures. Body
solder. Has low

thermal EMF, can be

used as an alternative

to Cd70 where


thermocouple voltage
has to be avoided.

Used for fabrication of

car radiators and fuel

tanks, for coating and

Pb88Sn12 254/296 Pb no bonding of metals for 12 88

moderate service

temperatures. Body


Used for coating tubes

and sheets and
Pb85Sn15 227/288 Pb no 15 85
fabrication of car

radiators. Body solder.

Sn20, UNS L54711.

Used for coating
Pb80Sn20 183/280 Pb no 20 80
radiator tubes for
joining ns. 7/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Crude solder for

construction plumbing

works, ame-melted.

Used for soldering car

engine radiators. Used
Pb75Sn25 183/266 Pb no 25 75
for machine, dip and

hand soldering of

plumbing xtures and

ttings. Superior body


Sn30, UNS L54280,

crude solder for

construction plumbing

works, ame-melted,

good for machine and

torch soldering.
Pb70Sn30 Pb no Used for soldering car 30 70
engine radiators. Used

for machine, dip and

hand soldering of

plumbing xtures and

ttings. Superior body


"Plumber solder", for

Pb68Sn32 253 Pb no construction plumbing 32 68


Pb68Sn30Sb2 185/243 Pb no Pb68 30 68 2

Kapp GalvRepair

Economical solder for

repairing & joining

most metals including

Sn30Pb50Zn20 177/288 Pb no Aluminum and cast 30 50 20

Iron. Have been used

for cast Iron and

galvanized surface
repair. 8/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Economical solder for

repairing & joining

most metals including

Aluminum and cast
Sn33Pb40Zn28 230/275 Pb no 33 40 28
Iron. Have been used

for cast Iron and

galvanized surface

PM 33, crude solder

for construction

plumbing works,
Pb67Sn33 187230 Pb no 33 67

temperature depends

on additives

Sn35. Used as a

cheaper alternative of

Pb65Sn35 183/250 Pb no Sn60Pb40 for wiping 35 65

and sweating

Sn40, UNS L54915.

For soldering of brass

and car radiators.

For bulk soldering, and

where wider melting
Pb60Sn40 Pb no point range is desired. 40 60
For joining cables. For

wiping and joining lead

pipes. For repairs of

radiators and
electrical systems.

For soldering radiator

Pb55Sn45 183/227 Pb no cores, roof seams, and 45 55

for decorative joints. 9/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sn50, UNS L55030.

"Ordinary solder", for

soldering of brass,

electricity meters, gas

meters, formerly also

tin cans. General

purpose, for standard

tinning and

sheetmetal work.
183/216 Becomes brittle below
Sn50Pb50 Pb no 50 50
[21] [7][26]
183212 150C. Low

cost and good bonding

properties. Rapidly

dissolves gold and

silver, not

recommended for
those. For wiping

and assembling

plumbing joints for

non-potable water.

Savbit, Savbit 1, Sav1.

Minimizes dissolution

of copper. Originally

designed to reduce

erosion of the

soldering iron tips.

About 100 times
Sn50Pb48.5Cu1.5 183/215 Pb no 50 48.5 1.5
slower erosion of

copper than ordinary

tin/lead alloys.

Suitable for soldering

thin copper platings

and very thin copper

wires. 10/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sn60, ASTM60A,

ASTM60B. Common in

electronics, most

popular leaded alloy

for dipping. Low cost

and good bonding

properties. Used in

both SMT and


electronics. Rapidly

dissolves gold and

[20] silver, not

Sn60Pb40 Pb near 60 40
[21] recommended for
those. Slightly

cheaper than

Sn63Pb37, often used

instead for cost

reasons as the melting

point difference is

insignicant in

practice. On slow

cooling gives slightly

duller joints than


Cu2. Copper content

increases hardness of

the alloy and inhibits

Sn60Pb38Cu2 183/190 Pb dissolution of 60 38 2

soldering iron tips and

part leads in molten


Sn60Pb39Cu1 Pb no 60 39 1

"Tinman's solder",

Sn62Pb38 183 Pb near used for tinplate 62 38

fabrication work. 11/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sn63, ASTM63A,

ASTM63B. Common in


exceptional tinning

and wetting

properties, also good

for stainless steel. One

of the most common

solders. Low cost and

good bonding

properties. Used in

both SMT and


electronics. Rapidly
Sn63Pb37 183 Pb yes 63 37
dissolves gold and

silver, not

recommended for
those. Sn60Pb40 is

slightly cheaper and is

often used instead for

cost reasons, as the

melting point

difference is

insignicant in

practice. On slow

cooling gives slightly

brighter joints than


Sn63PbP. A special

alloy for HASL

machines. Addition of

phosphorus reduces
Sn63Pb37P0.00150.04 183 Pb yes 63 37 P
oxidation. Unsuitable

for wave soldering as

it may form metal

foam. 12/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Similar to Sn63Pb37.

Copper content

increases hardness of

[30] the alloy and inhibits

Sn62Pb37Cu1 183 Pb yes 62 37 1
dissolution of

soldering iron tips and

part leads in molten


Sn70Pb30 183/193 Pb no Sn70 70 30

formerly used for
Sn90Pb10 183/213 Pb no 90 10
joints in food industry

Sn95Pb5 238 Pb no plumbing and heating 95 5

For higher-
Pb92Sn5.5Ag2.5 286/301 Pb no temperature 5.5 92 2.5


Used for soldering iron

Pb80Sn12Sb8 Pb no 12 80 8
and steel

Used for soldering iron
Pb80Sn18Ag2 252/260 Pb no 18 80 2
and steel

Pb79Sn20Sb1 184/270 Pb no Sb1 20 79 1

General purpose

solder. Antimony

content improves

mechanical properties
Pb55Sn43.5Sb1.5 Pb no 43.5 55 1.5
but causes brittleness

when soldering

cadmium, zinc, or
galvanized metals.

Bi14. Good fatigue

resistance combined

with low melting point.

Sn43Pb43Bi14 144/163 Pb no Contains phases of tin 43 43 14
and lead-bismuth.

Useful for step

soldering. 13/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sn46Pb46Bi8 120/167 Pb no Bi8 46 46 8

Bi52. Good fatigue

resistance combined

with low melting point.

Reasonable shear

strength and fatigue

Bi52Pb32Sn16 96 Pb yes? properties. 16 32 52

Combination with

lead-tin solder may

dramatically lower

melting point and lead

to joint failure.

Bi46Sn34Pb20 100/105 Pb no Bi46 34 20 46

Sn62. Common in

electronics. The

strongest tin-lead

solder. Appearance

identical to Sn60Pb40

or Sn63Pb37. Crystals

of Ag3Sn may be seen

growing from the

solder. Extended heat

treatment leads to

formation of crystals

[20] of binary alloys. Silver

Sn62Pb36Ag2 179 Pb yes 62 36 2
content decreases

solubility of silver,

making the alloy

suitable for soldering


surfaces, e.g. SMD

capacitors and other


Not recommended for

gold. General-


Sn62.5Pb36Ag2.5 179 Pb yes 62.5 36 2.5 14/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sn10, Pb88. Silver

content reduces

solubility of silver

coatings in the solder.

268/290 Not recommended for
Pb88Sn10Ag2 Pb no 10 88 2
[34] [22]
267/299 gold. Forms a

eutectic phase, not

recommended for

operation above


Pb90Sn5Ag5 292 Pb yes 5 90 5

Pb92.5Sn5Ag2.5 Pb no Pb93. 5 92.5 2.5

Pb94, HMP alloy,

HMP. Service

temperatures up to

255C. Useful for step

soldering. Also can be

used for extremely low

temperatures as it
Pb93.5Sn5Ag1.5 Pb no remains ductile down 5 93.5 1.5
to 200C, while

solders with more

than 20% tin become

brittle below 70C.

Higher strength and

better wetting than


Pb95.5Sn2Ag2.5 299/304 Pb no 2 95.5 2.5

Wettability and low-


malleability of indium,

strength improved by

addition of silver.
In97Ag3 143 yes 3 97
Particularly good for


applications. Used for

packaging of photonic

devices. 15/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Nearly as wettable and


malleable as indium.
In90Ag10 143/237 no 10 90
Large plastic range.

Can solder silver, red

glass and ceramics.

Less gold dissolution

and more ductile than

lead-tin alloys. Used

for die attachment,
In75Pb25 156/165 Pb no 25 75
general circuit

assembly and


In70. Suitable for gold,

160/174 low gold-leaching.
In70Pb30 Pb no 30 70
165/175 Good thermal fatigue


In60. Low gold-

174/185 leaching. Good
In60Pb40 Pb no 40 60
173/181 thermal fatigue

properties. 16/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

In50. Only one phase.

Resoldering with lead-

tin solder forms

indium-tin and indium-

lead phases and leads

to formation of cracks

between the phases,

joint weakening and

failure. On gold

surfaces gold-indium
In50Pb50 Pb no intermetallics tend to 50 50
be formed, and the

joint then fails in the

gold-depleted zone

and the gold-rich

intermetallic. Less

gold dissolution and

more ductile than

lead-tin alloys.

Good thermal fatigue


Cerroseal 35. Fairly

well wets glass, quartz

and many ceramics.

Malleable, can

compensate some
In50Sn50 118/125 no thermal expansion 50 50

differences. Low vapor

pressure. Used in low

temperature physics

as a glass-wetting

In70Sn15Pb9.6Cd5.4 125 Pb,Cd 15 9.6 70 5.4 17/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

In25. Low gold-

leaching. Good

thermal fatigue

properties. Used for

die attachment of e.g.

[22] [38]
250/264 GaAs dies. Used
Pb75In25 Pb no 75 25
240/260 also for general circuit

assembly and

packaging closures.

Less dissolution of

gold and more ductile

than tin-lead alloy.

162 General purpose. Good
Sn70Pb18In12 Pb yes 70 18 12
154/167 physical properties.

Good wettability. Not

Sn37.5Pb37.5In25 134/181 Pb no recommended for 37.5 37.5 25

Pb90In5Ag5 290/310 Pb no 90 5 5

UNS L51510. Minimal

leaching of gold, good

thermal fatigue
Pb92.5In5Ag2.5 300/310 Pb no 92.5 2.5 5
properties. Reducing


frequently used..

Pb92.5In5Au2.5 300/310 Pb no In5 92.5 5 2.5

Pb94.5Ag5.5 Pb no Ag5.5, UNS L50180 94.5 5.5

Pb95Ag5 305/364 Pb no 95 5 18/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Ag2.5, UNS L50132.

Used during World War

II to conserve tin. Poor

corrosion resistance;

joints suffered
corrosion in both
Pb97.5Ag2.5 304 Pb yes no 97.5 2.5
atmospheric and

conditions, all had to

be replaced with Sn-

Pb alloy joints.

Torch solder.

Important for hybrid

Sn97.5Pb1Ag1.5 305 Pb yes 97.5 1 1.5
circuits assembly.

Ag1.5, ASTM1.5S. High

melting point, used for


armatures, and initial

solder joints where

remelting when

working on nearby

joints is
undesirable. Silver

content reduces

solubility of silver

coatings in molten

solder. Not
Pb97.5Ag1.5Sn1 309 Pb yes 1 97.5 1.5
recommended for
gold. Standard

PbAgSn eutectic

solder, wide use in


assembly. Reducing

protective atmosphere

(e.g. 12% hydrogen)

often used. High creep

resistance, for use at

both elevated and


temperatures. 19/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

exceptional strength,

silver gives it a bright

Pb54Sn45Ag1 177210 Pb long-lasting nish; 45 54 1

ideal for stainless


Pb96Ag4 305 Pb 96 4

Pb96Sn2Ag2 252/295 Pb Pb96 2 96 2

Sn61Pb36Ag3 Pb 61 36 3

Sn56Pb39Ag5 Pb 56 39 5

Sn98Ag2 98 2

Very high tensile

strength. For die

Sn65Ag25Sb10 233 yes attachment. Very 65 25 10

brittle. Old Motorola

die attach solder. 20/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

SAC305. It is the

JEITA recommended

alloy for wave and

reow soldering, with

alternatives SnCu for

wave and SnAg and

SnZnBi for reow

soldering. Usable also

for selective soldering

and dip soldering. At

high temperatures

tends to dissolve

copper; copper

217/220 buildup in the bath has

Sn96.5Ag3.0Cu0.5 near 96.5 3 0.5
217/218 detrimental effect (e.g.

increased bridging).

Copper content must

be maintained

between 0.40.85%,

e.g. by relling the

bath with Sn97Ag3

alloy. Nitrogen

atmosphere can be

used to reduce losses

by dross formation.

Dull, surface shows

formation of dendritic

tin crystals. 21/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

SN96C-Ag3.5 A

commonly used alloy.

Used for wave

soldering. Usable also

for selective soldering

and dip soldering. At

high temperatures

tends to dissolve

copper; copper

buildup in the bath has

detrimental effect (e.g.

increased bridging).

Sn95.8Ag3.5Cu0.7 217218 near Copper content must 95.8 3.5 0.7

be maintained

between 0.40.85%,

e.g. by relling the

bath with Sn96.5Ag3.5

alloy (designated e.g.

SN96Ce). Nitrogen

atmosphere can be

used to reduce losses

by dross formation.

Dull, surface shows

formation of dendritic

tin crystals.

Determined by NIST to
Sn95.6Ag3.5Cu0.9 217 yes 95.6 3.5 0.9
be truly eutectic. 22/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

SN96C. Preferred by

the European IDEALS

consortium for reow

soldering. Usable also

for selective soldering

and dip soldering. At

high temperatures

tends to dissolve

copper; copper

buildup in the bath has

detrimental effect (e.g.

increased bridging).

Sn95.5Ag3.8Cu0.7 217 almost Copper content must 95.5 3.8 0.7

be maintained

between 0.40.85%,

e.g. by relling the

bath with Sn96.2Ag3.8

alloy (designated e.g.

SN96Ce). Nitrogen

atmosphere can be

used to reduce losses

by dross formation.

Dull, surface shows

formation of dendritic

tin crystals.

Preferred by the

European IDEALS
Sn95.25Ag3.8Cu0.7Sb0.25 95.25 3.8 0.7 0.25
consortium for wave


Recommended by the

US NEMI consortium

for reow soldering.

Used as balls for


components, a
Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6 217 yes 95.5 3.9 0.6
replacement for

Sn10Pb90. Solder

paste for rework of

BGA boards. Alloy

of choice for general

SMT assembly. 23/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

SAC405. Lead-Free,

Cadmium Free

formulation designed

specically to replace

Lead solders in
Sn95.5Ag4Cu0.5 217 yes 95.5 4 0.5
Copper and Stainless

Steel plumbing, and in

electrical and


Sn96.5Ag3.5 221 yes Sn96, Sn96.5, 96S. 96.5 3.5

Fine lamellar structure

of densely distributed

Ag3Sn. Annealing at

125C coarsens the

structure and softens

the solder. Creeps

via dislocation climb

as a result of lattice
diffusion. Used as

wire for hand

soldering rework;

compatible with

SnCu0.7, SnAg3Cu0.5,

SnAg3.9Cu0.6, and

similar alloys. Used as

solder spheres for


components. Used for

step soldering and die

attachment in high

power devices.

Established history in
the industry. Widely

used. Strong lead-free

joints. Silver content

minimizes solubility of

silver coatings. Not

recommended for
gold. Marginal

wetting. Good for step

soldering. Used for 24/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

soldering stainless

steel as it wets

stainless steel better

than other soft

solders. Silver content

does not suppress

dissolution of silver

High tin content

allows absorbing

signicant amount of

gold without

ASTM96TS. "Silver-

bearing solder". Food

service equipment,

refrigeration, heating,

air conditioning,
plumbing. Widely
Sn96Ag4 221229 no 96 4
used. Strong lead-free

joints. Silver content

minimizes solubility of

silver coatings. Not

recommended for

Widely used. Strong

lead-free joints. Silver

content minimizes

solubility of silver

coatings. Not

recommended for

gold. Produces strong

Sn95Ag5 221/254 no and ductile joints on 95 5

Copper and Stainless

Steel. The resulting

joints have high

tolerance to vibration

and stress, with tensile

strengths to 30,000
psi on Stainless. 25/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Produces strong and

ductile joints on

Copper and Stainless

Steel. The resulting

Sn94Ag6 221/279 no joints have high 94 6

tolerance to vibration

and stress, with tensile

strengths to 30,000
psi on Stainless.

Produces strong and

ductile joints on

Copper and Stainless

Steel. The resulting

joints have high

tolerance to vibration

and stress, with tensile

strengths to 31,000
psi on Stainless.
Sn93Ag7 221/302 no Audio industry 93 7

standard for vehicle

and home theater

speaker installations.

Its 7% Silver content

requires a higher

temperature range,

but yields superior

strength and vibration


Sn95Ag4Cu1 95 4 1

Sn99. Good strength,

non-dulling. Use in

food processing

equipment, wire
Sn 232 pure 99.99
tinning, and

Susceptible to tin

pest. 26/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sn99Cu1. Also

designated as

Sn99Cu1. Cheap

alternative for wave


recommended by the

US NEMI consortium.

Coarse microstructure

with ductile fractures.

Sparsely distributed
Cu6Sn5. Forms

large dendritic -tin

crystals in a network

of eutectic

microstructure with
Sn99.3Cu0.7 227 yes 99.3 0.7 (Ni)
nely dispersed

Cu6Sn5. High melting

point unfavorable for

SMT use. Low

strength, high

ductility. Susceptible
to tin pest. Addition

of small amount of

nickel increases its

uidity; the highest

increase occurs at

0.06% Ni. Such alloys

are known as nickel

modied or nickel
stabilized. 27/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

SCA, SAC, or SnAgCu.


alloy. Relatively low-

cost lead-free alloy for

simple applications.

Can be used for wave,

selective and dip

soldering. At high

temperatures tends to

dissolve copper;

copper buildup in the

bath has detrimental

effect (e.g. increased

Sn99Cu0.7Ag0.3 217/228 no bridging). Copper 99 0.3 0.7

content must be

maintained between

0.40.85%, e.g. by

relling the bath with

Sn96.2Ag3.8 alloy

(designated e.g.

SN96Ce). Nitrogen

atmosphere can be

used to reduce losses

by dross formation.

Dull, surface shows

formation of dendritic

tin crystals.

For high-temperature

uses. Allows removing

insulation from an

enameled wire and

227/250 applying solder
Sn97Cu3 97 3
232/332 coating in a single

operation. For radiator

repairs, stained glass

windows, and potable

water plumbing. 28/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

High hardness, creep-

resistant. For

radiators, stained

glass windows, and

potable water
Sn97Cu2.75Ag0.25 228/314 97 0.25 2.75
plumbing. Excellent

high-strength solder

for radiator repairs.

Wide range of patina

and colors.

For soldering

aluminium. Good

wettability of
Zn100 419 pure 100
aluminium, relatively

good corrosion

Used as a non-


solder in low-

temperature physics.
Bi100 271 pure 100
Does not wet metals

well, forms a

mechanically weak
joint. 29/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

KappAloy9 Designed

specically for


Aluminum and


soldering. It has good

corrosion resistance

and tensile strength.

Lies between soft

solder and silver

Sn91Zn9 199 yes brazing alloys, thereby 91 9

avoiding damage to

critical electronics and

substrate deformation

and segregation. Best

solder for Aluminum

wire to Copper busses

or Copper wire to

Aluminum busses or
contacts. UNS#:

L91090 30/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

KappAloy15 Designed

specically for


Aluminum and


soldering. It has good

corrosion resistance

and tensile strength.

Lies between soft

solder and silver

brazing alloys, thereby
Sn85Zn15 199/260 no 85 15
avoiding damage to

critical electronics and

substrate deformation

and segregation. Has a

wide plastic range this

makes it ideal for hand

soldering Aluminum

plates and parts,

allowing manipulation

of the parts as the

solder cools.

For soldering

Zn95Al5 382 yes aluminium. Good 95 Al5


Do not use on lead-


metallizations. U.S.
Sn91.8Bi4.8Ag3.4 211/213 no 91.8 3.4 4.8
Patent 5,439,639 (ICA

Licensed Sandia

Patent). 31/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

KappAloy30 For

soldering of

aluminium. Good

wetting. Used

extensively in spray

wire form for

Sn70Zn30 199/316 no capacitors and other 70 30

electronic parts.

Higher temperature

and higher tensile

strength compared to

85Sn/15Zn and

KappAloy20 For

soldering of

aluminium. Good

wetting. Used

extensively in spray

wire form for

Sn80Zn20 199/288 no capacitors and other 80 20

electronic parts.

Higher temperature

and higher tensile

strength compared to

85Sn/15Zn and

KappAloy40 For

soldering of

aluminium. Good

wetting. Used

extensively in spray

wire form for

Sn60Zn40 199/343 no capacitors and other 60 40

electronic parts.

Higher temperature

and higher tensile

strength compared to

85Sn/15Zn and

Pb63Sn35Sb2 185/243 Pb no Sb2 35 63 2 32/57
8/21/2017 Solder - Wikipedia

M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Poor wetting of

Pb63Sn34Zn3 170/256 Pb no aluminium. Poor 34 63 3

corrosion rating.

For soldering

Pb92Cd8 310? Pb,Cd ? aluminium. US patent 92 8


For low-temperature

soldering of heat-

sensitive parts, and for

soldering in the
Sn48Bi32Pb20 140/160 Pb no 48 20 32
vicinity of already

soldered joints

without their


Prone to corrosion and

oxidation due to its

zinc content. On

copper surfaces forms

a brittle Cu-Zn

Sn89Zn8Bi3 191198 intermetallic layer, 89 3 8

reducing the fatigue

resistance of the joint;

nickel plating of

copper inhibits

High dross due to zinc.

Sn83.6Zn7.6In8.8 181/187 no Covered by U.S. 83.6 8.8 7.6

Patent #5,242,658.

Lead-free. Corrosion

concerns and high
Sn86.5Zn5.5In4.5Bi3.5 174/186 no 86.5 3.5 4.5 5.5
drossing due to zinc


Potential use in ip-

chip assembly, no
Sn86.9In10Ag3.1 204/205 86.9 3.1 10
issues with tin-indium

eutectic phase.

Sn95Ag3.5Zn1Cu0.5 221L no 95 3.5 0.5 1 33/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sb5, ASTM95TA. The

US plumbing industry

standard. It displays

good resistance to

thermal fatigue and

good shear strength.

Forms coarse

dendrites of tin-rich

solid solution with

SbSn intermetallic

dispersed between.

Very high room-

temperature ductility.

Creeps via viscous

glide of dislocations

by pipe diffusion. More

creep-resistant than

SnAg3.5. Antimony can

be toxic. Used for

sealing chip
235/240 packagings, attaching
Sn95Sb5 no 95 5
232/240 I/O pins to ceramic

substrates, and die

attachment; a possible


replacement of
AuSn. High

strength and bright

nish. Use in air


refrigeration, some

food containers, and

applications. Good

wettability, good long-

term shear strength at

100C. Suitable for

potable water

systems. Used for

stained glass,

plumbing, and radiator

repairs. 34/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Sn97Sb3 232/238 no 97 3

Sn99Sb1 232/235 no 99 1

Sn99Ag0.3Cu0.7 99 0.3 0.7

217225 Ag03A. Patented by

Sn96.2Ag2.5Cu0.8Sb0.5 96.2 2.5 0.8 0.5
217 AIM alliance.

Patented by
Sn88In8.0Ag3.5Bi0.5 197208 88 3.5 0.5 8

Addition of silver

improves mechanical

strength. Established
Bi57Sn42Ag1 history of use. Good 42 1 57
thermal fatigue


Patented by Motorola.

Bi58Sn42 138 yes Bi58. Reasonable 42 58

shear strength and

fatigue properties.

Combination with

lead-tin solder may

dramatically lower

melting point and lead

to joint failure.


eutectic solder with

high strength.

Particularly strong,
very brittle. Used

extensively in


technology assemblies

in IBM mainframe

computers where low

soldering temperature

was required. Can be

used as a coating of

copper particles to

facilitate their bonding

under pressure/heat 35/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

and creating a

metallurgical joint.

Sensitive to shear

rate. Good for

electronics. Used in


applications. Good

thermal fatigue

Established history of

use. Expands slightly

on casting, then

undergoes very low

further shrinkage or

expansion, unlike

many other low-

temperature alloys

which continue

changing dimensions

for some hours after


Bi58Pb42 124/126 Pb 42 58

In80. Compatible with

gold, minimum gold-

142/149 leaching. Resistant to
In80Pb15Ag5 Pb no 15 5 80
149/154 thermal fatigue. Can

be used in step


In40. Low gold-

leaching. Good
Pb60In40 195/225 Pb no 60 40
thermal fatigue


Pb70In30 245/260 Pb no In30 70 30

Sn37.5Pb37.5In26 134/181 Pb no In26 37.5 37.5 26

Sn54Pb26In20 Pb no In20 54 26 20
140/152 36/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

In19. Low gold-

270/280 leaching. Good
Pb81In19 Pb no 81 19
260/275 thermal fatigue


In52. Suitable for the

cases where low-

temperature soldering

is needed. Can be used

for glass sealing.

Sharp melting point.

Good wettability of

In52Sn48 118 yes glass, quartz, and 48 52

many ceramics. Good


malleability, can

compensate for

different thermal

expansion coefcients

of joined materials.

very low tensile
Sn52In48 118/131 no 52 48

Sn58In42 118/145 no 58 42


Maintains creep
Sn51.2Pb30.6Cd18.2 145 Pb,Cd yes 51.2 30.6 18.2
strength well.

Unsuitable for gold.

Similar mechanical

properties with


Sn62Pb36Ag2 and

[77] Sn60Pb40, suitable

Sn77.2In20Ag2.8 175/187 no 77.2 2.8 20

lead-free replacement.

Contains eutectic Sn-

In phase with melting

point at 118C, avoid

use above 100C.

In74Cd26 123 Cd yes 74 26 37/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

In61.7Bi30.8Cd7.5 62 Cd yes 30.8 61.7 7.5

Bi47.5Pb25.4Sn12.6Cd9.5In5 57/65 Pb,Cd no 12.6 25.4 47.5 5 9.5

Bi48Pb25.4Sn12.8Cd9.6In4 61/65 Pb,Cd no 12.8 25.4 48 9.6

Bi49Pb18Sn15In18 58/69 Pb no 15 18 49 18

Cerrolow 136. Slightly

expands on cooling,

later shows slight

shrinkage in couple

hours afterwards.
Bi49Pb18Sn12In21 58 Pb yes 12 18 49 21
Used as a solder in

physics. Also the

ChipQuik desoldering

Bi50.5Pb27.8Sn12.4Cd9.3 70/73 Pb,Cd no 12.4 27.8 50.5 9.3

Cerrobend. Used in

Bi50Pb26.7Sn13.3Cd10 70 Pb,Cd yes low-temperature 13.3 26.7 50 10

physics as a solder.

Cerrolow 117. Used as

a solder in low-
Bi44.7Pb22.6In19.1Cd5.3Sn8.3 47 Cd,Pb yes 8.3 22.6 44.7 19.1 5.3

In60Sn40 113/122 no 40 60

In51.0Bi32.5Sn16.5 60.5 yes Field's metal 16.5 32.5 51

Bi49.5Pb27.3Sn13.1Cd10.1 70.9 Pb,Cd yes Lipowitz Metal 13.1 27.3 49.5 10.1

Wood's metal, mostly

Bi50.0Pb25.0Sn12.5Cd12.5 71 Pb,Cd yes 12.5 25 50 12.5
used for casting.

Bi50.0Pb31.2Sn18.8 97 Pb no Newton's metal 18.8 31.2 50 38/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Rose's metal. It was

used to secure cast

iron railings and

Bi50Pb28Sn22 109 Pb no balusters in pockets in 22 28 50

stone bases and steps.

Does not contract on


ChipQuik desoldering
Bi56Sn30In14 79/91 no 30 56 14
alloy, lead-free

KappTec General

purpose solder that

will join all solderable

metals except

Aluminum. High

temperature, high

strength solder. It is
Cd95Ag5 338/393 Cd no used in applications 5 95

where alloys melting

higher than soft

solders are required,

but the cost and

strength of Silver-

brazing alloys is not


Medium temperature

alloy that provide

strong, corrosion-

resistant joints on
most metals. Also

for soldering

aluminium and die-

cast zinc alloys.
Cd82.5Zn17.5 265 Cd yes Used in cryogenic 17.5 82.5

physics for ataching

electrical potential

leads to specimens of

metals, as this alloy

does not become

superconductive at

liquid helium
temperatures. 39/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Medium temperature

alloy that provide

strong, corrosion-

resistant joints on

most metals. Works

especially well on


Aluminum and

Cd70Zn30 265/300 Cd no 30 70
joints, with excellent

corrosion resistance

and superior strength

in high vibration and

high stress

applications in

electronics, lighting

and electrical

Medium temperature

alloy that provide

strong, corrosion-

resistant joints on

most metals. Works

especially well on


Aluminum and

Cd60Zn40 265/316 Cd no 40 60
joints, with excellent

corrosion resistance

and superior strength

in high vibration and

high stress

applications in

electronics, lighting

and electrical
products. 40/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

KappTecZ High

temperature, high

strength solder that

may be used on most

metals, but works

extremely well on

Aluminum, Copper and

Stainless Steel. It has

Cd78Zn17Ag5 249/316 Cd no a high tolerance to 5 17 78

vibration and stress,

and good elongation

for use on dissimilar

metals. Above its

liquidus of 600F, this

solder is extremely

uid and will penetrate

the closest joints.


Developed specically

to join and repair

Aluminum and

Sn40Zn27Cd33 176/260 Cd no 40 27 33
radiators and heat

exchangers. A lower

melting point makes

delicate repair work


For soldering

Zn90Cd10 265/399 Cd aluminium. Good 90 10


For soldering

Zn60Cd40 265/335 Cd aluminium. Very good 60 40

wetting. 41/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Cd70, thermal-free

solder. Produces low

thermal EMF joints in

copper, does not form
Cd70Sn30 140/160 Cd no 29.56 70.44

thermocouples. Used

in low-temperature

Sn50Pb32Cd18 145 Cd,Pb Cd18 50 32 18

Low melting

temperature allows
Sn40Pb42Cd18 145 Cd,Pb repairing pewter and 40 42 18

zinc objects, including

die-cast toys.

For soldering

aluminium. Excellent
Zn70Sn30 199/376 no 30 70
wetting. Good


For soldering

Zn60Sn40 199/341 no aluminium. Good 40 60


For soldering

Zn95Sn5 382 yes? aluminium. Excellent 5 95


Sn90Au10 217 yes 90 10

Au80Sn20 280 yes Au80. Good wetting, 20 80

high strength, low

creep, high corrosion

resistance, high

thermal conductivity,

high surface tension,

zero wetting angle.

Suitable for step

soldering. The original

ux-less alloy, does

not need ux. Used for

die attachment and

attachment of metal 42/57
8/21/2017 Solder - Wikipedia

M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

lids to semiconductor

packages, e.g. kovar

lids to ceramic chip

carriers. Coefcient of

expansion matching

many common

materials. Due to zero

wetting angle requires

pressure to form a

void-free joint. Alloy of

choice for joining

gold-plated and gold-

alloy plated surfaces.

As some gold

dissolves from the

surfaces during

soldering and moves

the composition to

non-eutectic state (1%

increase of Au content

can increase melting

point by 30C),


desoldering requires


Forms a mixture of

two brittle

intermetallic phases,
AuSn and Au5Sn.

Brittle. Proper wetting

achieved usually by

using nickel surfaces

with gold layer on top

on both sides of the



tested through

military standard


conditioning. Good

long-term electrical

performance, history 43/57
8/21/2017 Solder - Wikipedia

M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

of reliability. One

of the best materials

for soldering in

optoelectronic devices

and components
packaging. Low

vapor pressure,

suitable for vacuum

work. Generally used

in applications that

require a melting

temperature over
150C. Good

ductility. Also

classied as a braze.

Au98. A non-eutectic

alloy used for die

attachment of silicon

dies. Ultrasonic
Au98Si2 370/800 assistance is needed 98 Si2

to scrub the chip

surface so a eutectic

(3.1% Si) is reached at


Au97. AuSi3.2 is a

eutectic with melting

point of 363C. AuSi

forms a meniscus at

the edge of the chip,

unlike AuSn, as AuSi

370 reacts with the chip
Au96.8Si3.2 yes 96.8 Si3.2
363 surface. Forms a

composite material

structure of submicron

silicon plates in soft

gold matrix. Tough,

slow crack
propagation. 44/57
8/21/2017 Solder - Wikipedia

M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

Au88. Used for die

attachment of some
chips. The high
Au87.5Ge12.5 361 356 yes temperature may be 87.5 Ge12.5

detrimental to the

chips and limits


Au82. High-

Au82In18 451/485 no 18 82
extremely hard, very

stiff. 45/57
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M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

In99. Used for die

attachment of some

chips. More suitable

for soldering gold,

dissolution rate of

gold is 17 times slower

than in tin-based

solders and up to 20%

of gold can be

tolerated without


embrittlement. Good

performance at


In100 157 pure Wets many surfaces 99.99

incl. quartz, glass, and

many ceramics.

Deforms indenitely

under load. Does not

become brittle even at

low temperatures.

Used as a solder in


physics, will bond to

aluminium. Can be

used for soldering to

thin metal lms or

glass with an

ultrasonic soldering
iron. 46/57
8/21/2017 Solder - Wikipedia

M.P. C
Composition Toxic Eutectic Comments Sn Pb Ag Cu Sb Bi In Zn Cd Au oth.

C-Solder. Lead-free,


soldering alloy for

joining of various

carbon materials

including carbon bres

and carbon nanotube

bres in both carbon-

carbon and carbon-

metal arrangements.

Sn90.7Ag3.6Cu0.7Cr5 217/1050 no 90.7 3.6 0.7 Cr5
mechanically strong

and electrically

conductive bonds.

Provides wetting of
carbon and other

materials generally

considered as difcult

to solder, including

aluminium, stainless

steel, titanium, glass,


Notes on the above table

Temperature ranges for solidus and liquidus (the boundaries of the mushy state) are listed as solidus/liquidus.

In the Sn-Pb alloys, tensile strength increases with increasing tin content. Indium-tin alloys with high indium content have very low tensile strength.

For soldering semiconductor materials, e.g. die attachment of silicon, germanium and gallium arsenide, it is important that the solder contains no

impurities that could cause doping in the wrong direction. For soldering n-type semiconductors, solder may be doped with antimony; indium may be
added for soldering p-type semiconductors. Pure tin and pure gold can be used.

Various fusible alloys can be used as solders with very low melting points; examples include Field's metal, Lipowitz's alloy, Wood's metal, and Rose's



3 [101][102]
The thermal conductivity of common solders ranges from 32 to 94 W/(mK), and the density from 9.25 to 15.00g/cm . 47/57
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[102] [102]
Thermal conductivity Melting point
[W/(mK)] [C]

Sn-37Pb (eutectic) 50.9 183

Sn-2.8Ag-20.0In 53.5 175186

Sn-2.5Ag-0.8Cu-0.5Sb 57.26 215217

Pb-5Sn 63 310

Lead (Pb) 35.0 327.3

Tin (Sn) 73.0 231.9

Aluminum (Al) 240 660.1

Copper (Cu) 393401 1083

FR-4 1.7


The solidifying behavior depends on the alloy composition. Pure metals solidify at a certain temperature, forming crystals of one phase. Eutectic alloys

also solidify at a single temperature, all components precipitating simultaneously in so-called coupled growth. Non-eutectic compositions on cooling

start to rst precipitate the non-eutectic phase; dendrites when it is a metal, large crystals when it is an intermetallic compound. Such a mixture of solid

particles in a molten eutectic is referred to as a mushy state. Even a relatively small proportion of solids in the liquid can dramatically lower its

The temperature of total solidication is the solidus of the alloy, the temperature at which all components are molten is the liquidus.

The mushy state is desired where a degree of plasticity is benecial for creating the joint, allowing lling larger gaps or being wiped over the joint (e.g.

when soldering pipes). In hand soldering of electronics it may be detrimental as the joint may appear solidied while it is not yet. Premature handling of

such joint then disrupts its internal structure and leads to compromised mechanical integrity.

Alloying element roles

Different elements serve different roles in the solder alloy:

Antimony is added to increase strength without affecting wettability. Prevents tin pest. Should be avoided on zinc, cadmium, or galvanized metals
as the resulting joint is brittle.

Bismuth signicantly lowers the melting point and improves wettability. In presence of sufcient lead and tin, bismuth forms crystals of

Sn Pb Bi with melting point of only 95C, which diffuses along the grain boundaries and may cause a joint failure at relatively low
16 32 52

temperatures. A high-power part pre-tinned with an alloy of lead can therefore desolder under load when soldered with a bismuth-containing

solder. Such joints are also prone to cracking. Alloys with more than 47% Bi expand upon cooling, which may be used to offset thermal expansion

mismatch stresses. Retards growth of tin whiskers. Relatively expensive, limited availability. 48/57
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Copper lowers the melting point, improves resistance to thermal cycle fatigue, and improves wetting properties of the molten solder. It also slows

down the rate of dissolution of copper from the board and part leads in the liquid solder. Forms intermetallic compounds. May promote growth of

tin whiskers. Supersaturated (by about 1%) solution of copper in tin may be employed to inhibit dissolution of thin-lm under-bump metallization
of BGA chips, e.g. as Sn Ag Cu .
94 3 3

Nickel can be added to the solder alloy to form a supersaturated solution to inhibit dissolution of thin-lm under-bump metallization.

Indium lowers the melting point and improves ductility. In presence of lead it forms a ternary compound that undergoes phase change at 114C.

Very high cost (several times of silver), low availability. Easily oxidizes, which causes problems for repairs and reworks, especially when oxide-

removing ux cannot be used, e.g. during GaAs die attachment. Indium alloys are used for cryogenic applications, and for soldering gold as gold

dissolves in indium much less than in tin. Indium can also solder many nonmetals (e.g. glass, mica, alumina, magnesia, titania, zirconia, porcelain,

brick, concrete, and marble). Prone to diffusion into semiconductors and cause undesired doping. At elevated temperatures easily diffuses

through metals. Low vapor pressure, suitable for use in vacuum systems. Forms brittle intermetallics with gold; indium-rich solders on thick gold
are unreliable. Indium-based solders are prone to corrosion, especially in presence of chloride ions.

Lead is inexpensive and has suitable properties. Worse wetting than tin. Toxic, being phased out. Retards growth of tin whiskers, inhibits tin pest.

Lowers solubility of copper and other metals in tin.

Silver provides mechanical strength, but has worse ductility than lead. In absence of lead, it improves resistance to fatigue from thermal cycles.

Using SnAg solders with HASL-SnPb-coated leads forms SnPb Ag phase with melting point at 179C, which moves to the board-solder
36 2

interface, solidies last, and separates from the board. Addition of silver to tin signicantly lowers solubility of silver coatings in the tin phase. In

eutectic tin-silver (3.5% Ag) alloy it tends to form platelets of Ag Sn, which, if formed near a high-stress spot, may serve as initiating sites for

cracks; silver content needs to be kept below 3% to inhibit such problems.

Tin is the usual main structural metal of the alloy. It has good strength and wetting. On its own it is prone to tin pest, tin cry, and growth of tin

whiskers. Readily dissolves silver, gold and to less but still signicant extent many other metals, e.g. copper; this is a particular concern for tin-rich

alloys with higher melting points and reow temperatures.

Zinc lowers the melting point and is low-cost. However it is highly susceptible to corrosion and oxidation in air, therefore zinc-containing alloys

are unsuitable for some purposes, e.g. wave soldering, and zinc-containing solder pastes have shorter shelf life than zinc-free. Can form brittle Cu-

Zn intermetallic layers in contact with copper. Readily oxidizes which impairs wetting, requires a suitable ux.

Germanium in tin-based lead-free solders inuences formation of oxides; at below 0.002% it increases formation of oxides. Optimal concentration
for suppressing oxidation is at 0.005%.

Impurities in solders

Impurities usually enter the solder reservoir by dissolving the metals present in the assemblies being soldered. Dissolving of process equipment is not
common as the materials are usually chosen to be insoluble in solder.

Aluminium little solubility, causes sluggishness of solder and dull gritty appearance due to formation of oxides. Addition of antimony to solders

forms Al-Sb intermetallics that are segregated into dross.

Antimony added intentionally, up to 0.3% improves wetting, larger amounts slowly degrade wetting

Arsenic forms thin intermetallics with adverse effects on mechanical properties, causes dewetting of brass surfaces

Cadmium causes sluggishness of solder, forms oxides and tarnishes

Copper most common contaminant, forms needle-shaped intermetallics, causes sluggishness of solders, grittiness of alloys, decreased wetting 49/57
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Gold easily dissolves, forms brittle intermetallics, contamination above 0.5% causes sluggishness and decreases wetting. Lowers melting point
of tin-based solders. Higher-tin alloys can absorb more gold without embrittlement.
Iron forms intermetallics, causes grittiness, but rate of dissolution is very low; readily dissolves in lead-tin above 427C.

Nickel causes grittiness, very little solubility in Sn-Pb

Phosphorus forms tin and lead phosphides, causes grittiness and dewetting, present in electroless nickel plating

Silver often added intentionally, in high amounts forms intermetallics that cause grittiness and formation of pimples on the solder surface

Sulfur forms lead and tin suldes, causes dewetting

Zinc in melt forms excessive dross, in solidied joints rapidly oxidizes on the surface; zinc oxide is insoluble in uxes, impairing repairability;

copper and nickel barrier layers may be needed when soldering brass to prevent zinc migration to the surface

Intermetallics in solders

Many different intermetallic compounds are formed during solidifying of solders and during their reactions with the soldered surfaces.

The intermetallics form distinct phases, usually as inclusions in a ductile solid solution matrix, but also can form the matrix itself with metal inclusions or

form crystalline matter with different intermetallics. Intermetallics are often hard and brittle. Finely distributed intermetallics in a ductile matrix yield a

hard alloy while coarse structure gives a softer alloy. A range of intermetallics often forms between the metal and the solder, with increasing proportion

of the metal; e.g. forming a structure of Cu-Cu Sn-Cu Sn -Sn.

3 6 5

Layers of intermetallics can form between the solder and the soldered material. These layers may cause mechanical reliability weakening and

brittleness, increased electrical resistance, or electromigration and formation of voids. The gold-tin intermetallics layer is responsible for poor

mechanical reliability of tin-soldered gold-plated surfaces where the gold plating did not completely dissolve in the solder.

Gold and palladium readily dissolve in solders. Copper and nickel tend to form intermetallic layers during normal soldering proles. Indium forms

intermetallics as well.

Indium-gold intermetallics are brittle and occupy about 4 times more volume than the original gold. Bonding wires are especially susceptible to indium
attack. Such intermetallic growth, together with thermal cycling, can lead to failure of the bonding wires.

Copper plated with nickel and gold is often used. The thin gold layer facilitates good solderability of nickel as it protects the nickel from oxidation; the
layer has to be thin enough to rapidly and completely dissolve so bare nickel is exposed to the solder.

Lead-tin solder layers on copper leads can form copper-tin intermetallic layers; the solder alloy is then locally depleted of tin and form a lead-rich layer.
The Sn-Cu intermetallics then can get exposed to oxidation, resulting in impaired solderability.

Two processes play a role in a solder joint formation: interaction between the substrate and molten solder, and solid-state growth of intermetallic

compounds. The base metal dissolves in the molten solder in an amount depending on its solubility in the solder. The active constituent of the solder

reacts with the base metal with a rate dependent on the solubility of the active constituents in the base metal. The solid-state reactions are more

complex the formation of intermetallics can be inhibited by changing the composition of the base metal or the solder alloy, or by using a suitable
barrier layer to inhibit diffusion of the metals. 50/57
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Tin Lead Indium

Copper Cu4Sn, Cu6Sn5, Cu3Sn, Cu3Sn8 Cu3In, Cu9In4

Nickel Ni3Sn, Ni3Sn2, Ni3Sn4 NiSn3 Ni3In, NiIn Ni2In3, Ni3In7

Iron FeSn, FeSn2

Indium In3Sn, InSn4 In3Pb

Antimony SbSn

Bismuth BiPb3

Silver Ag6Sn, Ag3Sn Ag3In, AgIn2

Gold Au5Sn, AuSn AuSn2, AuSn4 Au2Pb, AuPb2 AuIn, AuIn2

Palladium Pd3Sn, Pd2Sn, Pd3Sn2, PdSn, PdSn2, PdSn4 Pd3In, Pd2In, PdIn Pd2In3

Platinum Pt3Sn, Pt2Sn, PtSn, Pt2Sn3, PtSn2, PtSn4 Pt3Pb, PtPb PtPb4 Pt2In3, PtIn2, Pt3In7

Cu Sn common on solder-copper interface, forms preferentially when excess of tin is available; in presence of nickel (Cu,Ni) Sn compound can
6 5 6 5

be formed

Cu Sn common on solder-copper interface, forms preferentially when excess of copper is available, more thermally stable than Cu Sn , often
3 6 5

present when higher-temperature soldering occurred

Ni Sn common on solder-nickel interface

3 4

FeSn very slow formation


Ag Sn- at higher concentration of silver (over 3%) in tin forms platelets that can serve as crack initiation sites.

-phase brittle, forms at excess of tin. Detrimental to properties of tin-based solders to gold-plated layers.
AuIn forms on the boundary between gold and indium-lead solder, acts as a barrier against further dissolution of gold

Glass solder

Glass solders are used to join glasses to other glasses, ceramics, metals, semiconductors, mica, and other materials, in a process called glass frit

bonding. The glass solder has to ow and wet the soldered surfaces well below the temperature where deformation or degradation of either of the

joined materials or nearby structures (e.g., metallization layers on chips or ceramic substrates) occurs. The usual temperature of achieving owing and

wetting is between 450 and 550C.

Two types of glass solders are used: vitreous, and devitrifying. Vitreous solders retain their amorphous structure during remelting, can be reworked

repeatedly, and are relatively transparent. Devitrifying solders undergo partial crystallization during solidifying, forming a glass-ceramic, a composite of

glassy and crystalline phases. Devitrifying solders usually create a stronger mechanical bond, but are more temperature-sensitive and the seal is more
likely to be leaky; due to their polycrystalline structure they tend to be translucent or opaque. Devitrifying solders are frequently "thermosetting", 51/57
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as their melting temperature after recrystallization becomes signicantly higher; this allows soldering the parts together at lower temperature than the

subsequent bake-out without remelting the joint afterwards. Devitrifying solders frequently contain up to 25% zinc oxide. In production of cathode ray

tubes, devitrifying solders based on PbO-B O -ZnO are used.

2 3

Very low temperature melting glasses, uid at 200400C, were developed for sealing applications for electronics. They can consist of binary or
ternary mixtures of thallium, arsenic and sulfur. Zinc-silicoborate glasses can also be used for passivation of electronics; their coefcient of thermal

expansion must match silicon (or the other semiconductors used) and they must not contain alkaline metals as those would migrate to the
semiconductor and cause failures.

The bonding between the glass or ceramics and the glass solder can be either covalent, or, more often, van der Waals. The seal can be leak-tight;

glass soldering is frequently used in vacuum technology. Glass solders can be also used as sealants; a vitreous enamel coating on iron lowered its
permeability to hydrogen 10 times. Glass solders are frequently used for glass-to-metal seals and glass-ceramic-to-metal seals.

Glass solders are available as frit powder with grain size below 60 micrometers. They can be mixed with water or alcohol to form a paste for easy
application, or with dissolved nitrocellulose or other suitable binder for adhering to the surfaces until being melted. The eventual binder has to be

burned off before melting proceeds, requiring careful ring regime. The solder glass can be also applied from molten state to the area of the future joint

during manufacture of the part. Due to their low viscosity in molten state, lead glasses with high PbO content (often 7085%) are frequently used. The

most common compositions are based on lead borates (leaded borate glass or borosilicate glass). Smaller amount of zinc oxide or aluminium oxide can

be added for increasing chemical stability. Phosphate glasses can be also employed. Zinc oxide, bismuth trioxide, and copper(II) oxide can be added for

inuencing the thermal expansion; unlike the alkali oxides, these lower the softening point without increasing of thermal expansion.

Glass solders are frequently used in electronic packaging. CERDIP packagings are an example. Outgassing of water from the glass solder during

encapsulation was a cause of high failure rates of early CERDIP integrated circuits. Removal of glass-soldered ceramic covers, e.g., for gaining access to
the chip for failure analysis or reverse engineering, is best done by shearing; if this is too risky, the cover is polished away instead.

As the seals can be performed at much lower temperature than with direct joining of glass parts and without use of ame (using a temperature-

controlled kiln or oven), glass solders are useful in applications like subminiature vacuum tubes or for joining mica windows to vacuum tubes and

instruments (e.g., Geiger tube). Thermal expansion coefcient has to be matched to the materials being joined and often is chosen in between the

coefcients of expansion of the materials. In case of having to compromise, subjecting the joint to compression stresses is more desirable than to

tensile stresses. The expansion matching is not critical in applications where thin layers are used on small areas, e.g., reable inks, or where the joint will
be subjected to a permanent compression (e.g., by an external steel shell) offsetting the thermally introduced tensile stresses.

Glass solder can be used as an intermediate layer when joining materials (glasses, ceramics) with signicantly different coefcient of thermal
[117] [118]
expansion; such materials cannot be directly joined by diffusion welding. Evacuated glazing windows are made of glass panels soldered together.

A glass solder is used, e.g., for joining together parts of cathode ray tubes and plasma display panels. Newer compositions lowered the usage

temperature from 450 to 390C by reducing the lead(II) oxide content down from 70%, increasing the zinc oxide content, adding titanium dioxide and

bismuth(III) oxide and some other components. The high thermal expansion of such glass can be reduced by a suitable ceramic ller. Lead-free solder

glasses with soldering temperature of 450C were also developed.

Phosphate glasses with low melting temperature were developed. One of such compositions is phosphorus pentoxide, lead(II) oxide, and zinc oxide, with
addition of lithium and some other oxides.

Conductive glass solders can be also prepared. 52/57
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A preform is a pre-made shape of solder specially designed for the application where it is to be used. Many methods are used to manufacture the

solder preform, stamping being the most common. The solder preform may include the solder ux needed for the soldering process. This can be an
internal ux, inside the solder preform, or external, with the solder preform coated.

See also

Body solder



Solder mask


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External links

Phase diagrams of different types of solder alloys (

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