Sidhir Rajan Bhadury

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Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhaduri

Shri Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhaduri
Translator: Shani Evenstain

Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhaduri

Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhaduri (Sudhir Babu) was born in 1889, as a
prince to the royal family in the Nadya district in west Bengal. This
district was well-known for spiritual giants who grew out of it, like
Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Shri Shri Shiyama Charan Lahiri
Since childhood, Sudhir Babu had been searching for God and had a
deep thirst for spiritual knowledge. His prayers were answered, as
from the earliest days of his youth he was guided by wise people
and was exposed to rare scriptures and books. He was so fascinated
by the knowledge revealed to him, that he could spend days and
nights diving deeper and deeper into his books.
As he grew up, his parents had hoped to see him settled down, and
so arranged him to be married. Only his wife left him after only eight
days, as she could not bare the fact that he was spending most of
his time with his books. Shortly after his wife left, Sudhir Babu
decided to give up the royal life he was born into, and left his family.

Packing his books in a bag, Sudhir Babu traveled to Varanasi, the

city where every spiritual journey begins, hoping to find a master to
guide him. Not finding one, he settled down in the Golden Temple
(Kashi Vishwanath) and decided he would fast and pray until he
finds a Master. After three days of fasting, saint Bhrigu was revealed
to him and gave him initiation. Sudhir Babu went into a trance, in
which the sage gave him the knowledge of Astrology and Brahma
Chinta. During his initiation, he promised sage Bhrigu he would
spread the knowledge for the benefit of humanity and not keep it
only to himself.
Coming out of the trance, Sudhir Babu remembered everything
vividly. Saint Bhrigu told him he was chosen to exposethe knowledge
that was hidden in Tibetans monasteries during the 13th century.
The knowledge was called Bhrigu-Chinta or Brahma Chinta Pranalli,
and included five branches Astrology, Tantra, Ayurveda, Raja Yoga
and Mundane. That day, Sudhir Babus most meaningful studies
commenced. He then dedicated twenty years of his life gathering
the ancient scriptures, which were spread in various parts of India
and Tibet. He succeeded in collecting 108 parts of the Bhrigu Chinta.

The West has learned about the Brahma Chinta knowledge from the
meetings between Dr. Paul Brunton and Sudhir Babu. Dr. Brunton
had well described this meeting [which took place circa 1920], in his
exemplary book "A Search in Secret India." This book describes
Bruntons search for the real Masters of Yoga in India.

Practicing Brahma Chinta Pranalli brought Sudhir Babu to a state of

self-realization. However, it is customary in India that a man must
have a physical teacher at least once in his life. Sudhir Babu
therefore kept looking for a great living master to initiate him. He
finally encountered Lahiri Mahasaya, with whom he studied Raja
Yoga, Karma Yoga and Kriya Yoga, and exchanged knowledge of

With the aid of sage Bhrigu, Sudhir Babu learned he was yet to fulfill
his karmatic duties. He was to get married again and have a family
in order to fulfill his earthly duties. He got an exact description of his
wife to be, her name and where she lived. When the time was right,
he asked her fathers permission to marry her, and then for the
second time he became a family man. Sudhir Babu and his wife
gave birth to five children, but only two survived Shri Brahma
Gopal Bhaduri and Shri Km. Durga Rani Bhaduri, Bhavani.

Shri Sudhir Babu left his body in 1956, when his son was eleven
years old and his daughter 13 years old. Durga Rani Bhaduri,
Bhavani, left her body in 1998.
Shri Shri Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury & Kalyani Devi
Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury ( Sudhi Babu) was a great yogi. Born in 1880 to the royal
Bengali Brahmin family ( in Nabadvip), Nadia district in west Bengal. He was the second
child among three children. Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury had been searching for God
and had a deep thirst for spiritual knowledge from an early age. His prayers were
answered, as from the earliest days of his youth he was guided by wise people and was
exposed to rare scriptures and books. At some point, after schooling, Shri Sudhir
Ranjan Bhadury decided to give up the royal life he was born into and left his family,
heading to Varanasi, hoping to find a master to guide him. His selfless world-view was a
part of his motivation to discarding the pleasures of royalty and move to Varanasi, and
not retreat in far forest or in the Himalayas as that would have been work only for his
own inner self.

After days of Tapasya [austerity], as per the guidance of his Guru, Shri Shri Shyama
Charan Lahiri Ji Mahashay, Saint Bhrigu was revealed to him. Shri Shri Sudhir Ranjan
Bahdury was initiated and was given the knowledge of Jyotish (Astrology), Tantra
(Kularnav and Maa Bhadrikali knowledge ) and Brahma Chinta Pranali, which had been
hidden in Tibetans monasteries from the 13th century. During his initiation he promised
sage Bhrigu he would spread the knowledge for the benefit of humanity and not keep it
only to himself.

He has dedicated his whole life to gathering ancient scriptures, which were spread in
various parts of India and Tibet. He succeeded in collecting parts of the Bhrigu Sutras.
These scriptures are now part of the unique and rare books and scriptures collection,
which is in the Bhadury's family home in Varanasi, India. The Bhadury's library contains
at least 40,000 manuscripts in various subjects, and languages. His rarest books
collection and ancient secretive knowledge attracted many scholars and spiritual
seekers to his house over the year.

People who met him were struck by his graceful charismatic personality, his simplicity
and magnetism. His sharing of thoughts and unrevealed teachings were reserved for his
closed disciples who came to his house daily in the evening hours (Satsang) and had
the privilege of learning and practicing the secretive Bhrigu Yoga Kriyas.

The west has learned about the Brahma Chinta Pranali from the meetings between
Paul Brunton and Shri Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury, which took place in 1920. Brunton had
well described these meetings in his exemplary book A Search in Secret India". This
book describes Bruntons search for the real Masters of Yoga in India. In chapter 12
titled "Written in the Stars", he retells the story of how he came to meet Shri Shri Sudhi
Ranjan Bhadury and describes their meetings, where he was exposed to Shri Shri
Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury's astrological work and was given a unique yoga practice.
Many peculiar happenings were described by people who were blesses and privileged
enough to meet Sudhi babu in person. One of these people was a famous and wealthy
merchant who came to meet Sudhi Babu at his house. The merchant was extremely
worried as the key to his safe was lost somewhere on his journey from Kolkata back to
Varanasi. He rushed to Sudhi Babau and begged for his help. Sudhi Babu gave an
accurate description of where the key was left (on the left back side of a railway track)
and so it was joyfully found.

Shri Sudhui Ranjan Bhadury was married to Kalyani Devi on 1934. Regardless of her
relatively young age she was a true form of love and affection and was blessed with a
divine grace to give birth to these souls and be a wife to a Siddha Mahatma. She gave
birth to five children, but only two survived Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury and his sister
Kumari Durga Rani Bhadury, Bhavani. As a householder Sudhir Babu worked as a
teacher, as of 1948, at the Bengali Tola School in Varanasi.
Even the life of sages can be subject to envy and evil forces; thus his son's life was
threatened in one situation, when he was five years old, Shri Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury
nearly lost him. His son actually died but the Yogi used Mrit Sanjeevani Vidya - a system
of giving life to a dead person by again infusing soul in him- and preformed a Kriya of
three days which eventually brought Shri Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury back to life.

Sage Bhadury preformed a special Tantric Kriya (Pooja) in his home to transform it into
a Panch Mundi Aasan, a highly charged place. In the late years of his life disciples
found him to be in Bhava-Samadhi.

Shri Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury had a constant vision of Maa Bhadhrikali, of God, and
before submerging himself as a part of infinite, Para Brahman, the Yogi was blessed
with the Siddhi of Maa Bhadhrikali. Shri Sudhui Ranjan Bhadury left his body in 1956
when his son was 13 years old and daughter 15 years old. Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury
currently lives in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, with his family, in the same house
where his father had lived before.
Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury and Kalayani Devi

Shri Shri Brahma Gopal Bhaduri (born

Shri Shri Brahma Gopal Bhaduri
Shri Brahma Gopal Bhaduri was known for his wisdom from an early
age, and was called Sruti-Dhar - he who is able to contain
knowledge and remember it after hearing it only once. Even as a
child, many Yogis and spiritual figures came to consult him and
asked for advice; among them was Gopinath Kaviraj [the senior
disciple of Swami Vishuddhananda Saraswati and the one who
helped Sir John Woodruff studying the Tantric scriptures], who used
to consult Shri Brahma Gopal Bhaduri when he was only 13 years
Dr. Bhaduri has three Doctorates [in Sitar, Philosophy and Poetry],
and fourteen degrees of Post Gratitude in various fields. Today, Dr.
Bhaduri is known as a Sage and as a Yogi who controls the secrets of
Tantra, Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic Astrology). He is considered a
great Tantric Caulachari. He has dedicated his life to helping the
poor and needy, and cares for people from all casts and origins,
using Ayurveda, Tantra and Jyotish.
Shri Brahma Gopal Bhaduri has decided that the time has come to
spread the knowledge concealed in the Bhrigu-Chinta, a knowledge
that had been secretly passed on from Master to disciple over the
centuries. The scriptures were recovered from various parts of India
and Tibet by his father, Sudhir Babu, and himself. Dr. Bhaduri has,
then, recruited his disciples for the task of translating the hidden
knowledge in the 75,000 parchment scriptures available, the oldest
which is 1000 years old.
Shri Brahma Gopal Bhaduri is perfect example for a Yogi who is also
a householder. His life manifests how the purpose of Yoga can be
achieved, while carrying out worldly duties, such as being a
husband, a father and a grandfather. Guruji portrays the purpose of
Yoga quite vividly practicing Yoga in order to strengthen our inner
forces and develop our capacity to give, so that eventually we would
be able to help others. In order to spread this knowledge in the
West, Dr. Bhaduri was looking for just the right people; he has
chosen two of his disciples, Shivshankar Tripathi [Shibuji] and his
wife, Dr. Ratna Chowdhury [Ratnaji], who have been working since
on the unique task of bridging East and West.

The waiting room for Gurujis office

The following sentences by Guruji, conveyed in the opening of one
of the workshops in Varanasi, express his attitude of unity
"If I feel, or we shall feel difference because of religion, place,
atmosphere or languages, we shall have no brotherhood at all. Let
us try feeling we are all one. That is because of the supreme force
that had created us and we are part of. It does not matter if we
believe in God or if we call it a supreme force or any other name, we
are still all equals. Suppose a person is called a sage or enlightened,
it is only because the knowledge and the soul have been awakened
in him. That is why from today on we have to treat everybody the
same. There is no difference between one another. We shall talk,
move and feel as equals, and in this way brotherhood will be
developed. After we receive the spiritual knowledge, it is our duty to
help others, to teach others, and we must do something
humanitarian for humanity. That is the way of expressing
brotherhood. You are coming from Israel and I am supposed to be an
Indian. But remember that Israel and India are parts of the same
world. Only if you feel limitations, you are supposed to be called
people of different country. Feel you are people of the wide world
as this feeling is very important for Yoga practice. The meaning of
the word Yoga is to unify, to converge. And when spirituality and
worldliness are combined in the right way, Yoga occurs" (Varanasi,
September 1999).

Shri Shri Dr. Brahma Gopal Bhadury & Shri Mati

Dr. Rita Bhadury
The great Guru Shri Dr. Brahma Gopal Bhadury Mahasaya, is known as a sage and a
Yogi that controls the secrets of Jyotish, Tantra, Ayurved, Yoga and Philosophy. He is
considered a great Tantric Kaulachari [a rare stream of knowledge that makes use of
the beneficial powers of Tantra, of hidden forces, that enables the Tantric to help others
by curing diseases and bringing prosperity and happiness into their lives] Shri Dr.
Brahma Gopal Bhadury was known for his wisdom from an early age. Even as a child,
he was known as "Shruti Dhar"[ one who collects and retain the knowledge after
hearing it once only] and many yogis and spiritual seekers came to consult him and ask
for advice.

Shri Dr. Brahma Gopal Bhadury was born on May 18th 1942 on the holy day of Ganga
Dussehra, in Varanasi, India as the fourth child among five. His elder sister and he were
the only two children to survive. He lost his mother at an early age of one year and was
brought up in his father's house by his maternal aunts, who were teenagers
themselves. As a child he studied at the Bengali Tola School.

As his inborn qualities gleam by the time he chose in his adult life the path of studying
and research in different fields simultaneously and in a very rare manner. Some of his
certificates are presented here; this presentation may indicate of his unusual capacities
and incomparable talent.
1. Diploma in Typewriting (1968)
2. University of Allahabad: Diploma in Sitar (1972)
3. Diploma in Music Instrumental; Banaras Hindu University (1973)
4. Shastri ; Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi (1976)
5. Be.d ; Sampurnanand Sanskrit University Varanasi (1980)
6. Dr. for Ayurvedic Medical Science; Bhartiya Sevaashram (1982)
7. Achary; Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi (1986)
8. PhD; Magadh University Bodhgaya (1990)
9. M.ed; Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi (1992)
10. PhD Kayachikitsa; Banaras Hindu University (1997)
Dr. Brahma Gopal Bhadury was awarded together with his wife, Shri Mati Dr. Rita
Bhadury with the Kashi Rattan Award in 2003 for their ongoing charity and investment in
the society. Dr. Bhadury is also a member of India International Center, IIC, New-Delhi
and a member of the Human Rights Association in Varanasi, India.

As many people declare and believe he has great authority over the psychic powers but
he seldom displays it; he lives life like an ordinary man though he possess the powers
to appear simultaneously in two different places regardless of its distance, he has a
unique way of curing physical ailments where he can take the Karmic Bhog[ results of
one's action] on himself leaving the affected totally free form it. His knowledge is deep
like an ocean, understanding is vast and his kindness is endless. The world is his home
meeting devotees world-wide he treats everyone as part of a global family of almighty
without discrimination of name, age, race, languages and so forth. His disciples often
feel he connects with them all on an inner domain.

It was in 1994 when Dr. Arun Kumar Rai's, a disciple of Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury
from Varanasi, was visiting his sister, Neelam B. Rai, in Pune. His nephew, just a new
born baby was in a critical health condition as he was vomiting blood. Dr. Rai, who was
out of his sister's house at that time was informed of the situation and immediately made
a phone call to Shri Dr. Bhadury in Varanasi and asked for his help and advice. The
following morning Dr. Rai was amazed at the happenings described to him by his sister;
she reported that during the night Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury appeared in front of the
baby in his Yogic form and did some healing Kriya, touching his forehead. The distance
between Varanasi and Pune is over 1600 km. The baby was out of danger the following

Anandamay Maa, the great spiritual soul, visited Maa Durga Rani and Shri Brahma
Gopal Bhadury at their house in Ramapura, Varanasi. In 1969 the great philosopher,
Tantric & Jyotishi, Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj ji, Shri Anandamay Maa's great devotee was
also fond of the Bhadury Ji's and attended their home in Varanasi.

Nowadays mostly lost in trance through which he exhibits the Yogic stages of Amavasya
(new moon night, total darkness), a state in which the dissolution of all senses occurs
due to continuous fixation of the eyes; and Purnima (full moon light, total illumination)
caused by abandoning also the use of the third eye so that even the half vision provided
by the third eye is let go of.

Shri Mati Dr. Rita Bhadury, wife of Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury, was born in the
summer of 1947, in Varanasi to a Brahmin family originally from Punjab, Jalandhar. She
is the sixth child among nine brothers and sisters. She was brought up in a family who
led a religious live style and followed great Indian morals standards. Shri Mati Dr. Rita
Bhadury's grandfather was a great Astrologer of his time.

As music was a significant part of the family life Shri Mati Dr. Rita Bhadury was playing
Sitar since a very young age. Being raised in this artistic environment Shri Mati Dr. Rita
Bhadury chose Indian Classical Music as a her main subject in her adult academic life;
her choice reflected not only her appreciation for music and education but also a choice
of a divine path as it is considered a great blessing of Goddess Maa Saraswati, (the
mother of divine knowledge and Music), to be involved in these fields of knowledge in
one's life.
In 1976 Shri Mati Dr. Bhadury was appointed as a music teacher at Central Hindu Girls
School Kamaccha, Varanasi (CHGS which was founded by Anne Besant). Being a
teacher she served wholeheartedly and made every possible effort to pass forward all
her knowledge in order to educate students with good knowledge, creating better
society and hence good citizens for her nation. In 1996 she was honored by the king
of Varanasi, Raja Benaras, Shri Vibhuti Narayan, for an extraordinary special work
she initiated for her students in CHGS.

Shri Mati Dr. Bhadury apart from taking care of her own family and disciples is always
involved in charity and initiating great projects for the benefits of the mass. For such
activities performed by her together with academic excellence she was rewarded in
2003 together with her husband Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury with Kashi Rattan Award.
Shri Mati Dr. Rita Bhadury has a B.ed from Banaras Hindu University (BHU) holds
Master Degree in two subjects Education and Music; M.ed and M.Mus.

Shri Dr. B.G. Bhadury and his wife, Shri Mati Dr. Rita Bhadury, were united in 1970. Her
entering the house made it a home for all; her presence was itself a blessing that
changed the form of the house into a vivid pleasant home. Her loyalty, dedication and
devotion to her husband and family can never be expressed in words; since that day till
date one can witness and feel first-hand the essence and intensity of affection only by
observing her care and action. She served her sister-in-law in an unparalleled devotion
and ever since takes the family's mission to new heights.

It was the beginning of 1973 when Shri Mati Rita Bhadury was pregnant with her twin
sons. During one night she had experienced a peculiar phenomenon; a light was
reaching her, getting closer and finally entering her womb and emerging in the bodies of
both babies. It was June 3rd 1973 when the twin sons saw their first light and as it is
believed - blessed their parents with joy and good fortune. These two divine souls were
born to carry forward the inherited knowledge of their grandfather, Shri Sudhir Ranjan
Bhadury. It is believed that the essence of the holy grandfather is in the twin sons so
that one is meant to carry out the message and knowledge of Bhrigu Yoga and the
second is meant to serve and help the mass by means of Jyotish, Vedic Astrology.

Shri Dr. B. G. Bhadury and his wife, Shri Mati Dr. Rita Bhadury, have dedicated their
lives to helping the poor and needy, taking care of people from all casts and origins,
using knowledge of the Bhrigu Yoga-Brahma Chinta Pranali dynast. Their door is
literally always open to anyone seeking advice, help and spiritual knowledge. Their
lifestyle is a perfect example of yogis who are also householders and their lives
manifest how the purpose of yoga can be achieved, while carrying out worldly duties.
Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury portrays the purpose of Yoga quite vividly practicing yoga
in order to strengthen the inner forces and develop the capacity to give, in order to
eventually use the fruits of their spiritual achievements to help others.


Dr. Jayant K. Bhadury & Vatsala Bhadury

Acharya Hemant K. Bhadury & Mithlesh Kishori
Dr. Jayant Kumar Bhadury is a scholar of Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra. He was born in
1973 to a famous royal yoga dynasty grandson of the great Shri Sudhir Ranjan
Bhadury, and son of Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury. He is the author of "Sermon about
Yoga" which was published in India in 2001. He holds a B.A.M.S degree [an Ayurvedic
Doctor] from Gaya Medical Collage [thelocation where prince Siddhartha got Bodh the
supreme knowledge and was enlightened] and is a member of the Theosophical Society
Varanasi, India. Dr. Bhadury has many Yoga disciples in various countries worldwide,
mainly India, Poland & Israel. Many of his disciples have been teaching Bhrigu Yoga
locally for years under his wings and guidance.

Dr. Jayant K. Bhadury married Vatsala Bhadury in 1999, she is originally from
Kurukshetra Haryana, India. Vatsala Bhadury gave birth to one son. Her complete and
total dedication to her family and to spreading furthermore the knowledge of Bhrigu
Yoga - Brahma Chinta Pranali is admirable. She is doing so together with the intensive
ongoing highly demanding households of the Bhadury residence. She is always
attentive and warmly welcoming with open arms the people seeking true knowledge,
help and any kind of support. Following the footsteps of her remarkable Mother-in-law
her kind heart is always open to everyone whether Indian or foreigner and she is always
ready to share whatever she possess both spiritually and materially. Her soft nature
combined with great communication skills and ceaseless willingness to serve others
makes her family's devotee's divine path easier.

Dr. J.K. Bhadury has a twin brother, Acharya Hemant Kumar Bhadury, who is a Jyotish
Master- Vedic astrologer and a lawyer. He is a master of Astrology and as such makes
this complicated genre appear easier to the needy. He comes across as a friend who
offers valuable advice as well as cautions the seeker against possible hurdles of the
future and usually suggests solutions which are simple to follow. His unique smile is
infectious and humility unmatched.

He is also a member of the Theosophical Society. Both Dr. Jayant and Acharya Hemant
Bhadury work closely together and follow their father's footsteps and teachings. They
attend the many people who arrive at their family home in Varanasi to seek advice -
they give astrological consultations and help those in need using other means of
Jyotish, Tantra, Ayurveda, Yoga and Darshan Shastra. Dr. Jayant and Acharya Hemant
Bhadury have established an Ayurvedic Medicine Factory based on formulas prescribed
by their sage grandfather, Shri Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury. Using this ancient
knowledge, the Bhadury family has created Ayurvedic medicine that has brought relief
and cure to different diseases.

Acharya Hemant Kumar Bhadury is married to Mithlesh Kishori Bhadury and together
they raise their two daughters. Mithlesh Kishori Bhadury was born and raised in
Varanasi, India. She is a great supporter of her family and husband. She is a main
power center of spirituality and at the same time an inspirational exemplar of hard
working young women serving her family and humanity with great honor, endless
devotion and true humbleness. She has totally dedicated her life to helping the poor and
needy and follows wholeheartedly her mother-in-law and forefathers' teachings.

Both daughters inlaw, Vatsala and Mithlesh Kishori Bhadury, were chosen by Shri Shri
Dr. Brahma Gopal Bhadury to join the family by marriage in order to serve at the
unconventional house by spreading the knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

In 1975 both Bhadury brothers were fortunate to be visited by Hari Aom Baba, a sage
which is believed to be 700 years old, at their home in Varanasi. The sage blessed the
twin Bhadury brothers in an exceptional way also by offering them a special drink
prepared by him.
Anandamay Maa

Copyright 2012. Bhrigu Yoga Brahma Chinta Pranali Trust

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