Eveland Copy of 1st Newsletter

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Dear Parents and Guardians, August 25, 2017

Wow, we had a fun filled busy first few days! I am so fortunate to get the opportunity to be a
part of your childs life. Im looking forward to seeing everyone together next Thursday! Listed
below is upcoming curriculum and helpful tips.

Language Arts
During the first three weeks of school, our class will be focusing on key skills that will provide a
strong foundation for our learning this year. Next week our class will be reading stories and
talking about the different ways that each of us is special.
Here are some activities you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills well be
My Words to Know
High-Frequency Word: I
Have your child find the word I in a favorite book. Then ask your child to write the word. Think
of sentences together using the word I. Write each sentence and have children circle I.
Category Words: names
Write your name using capital and lowercase letters and read your name with your child. Point
out the capital letter at the beginning of each name. Then write the names of some other family
members and friends. Read them and have your child repeat each name.
Letter Workout
Letter Identification: Aa-Hh
Write each capital letter A-H on slips of paper and mix them up. Then write each lowercase
letter a-h on slips of paper and mix them up. Have your child select a capital letter, say its name,
and then find its matching lowercase letter.

We will be working hard to establish some calendar routines in the next few weeks. Our
Everyday Math curriculum spirals, so we will be covering a variety of topics in the next few

Color Words
Next week, we will be focusing on the color red. I encourage your child to wear red on Thursday!
Take Home Folders
Please look through your childs folder each night. Soon we will be sending home R.E.D. folders
and children will be checking out classroom books; please read and return. I strongly believe in
reading often to children each day! Research shows that children who are read to become
better readers than those who are not read to regularly.

School Arrival
Please make sure that your child is not arriving too early or too late. A good time to have your
child walk in the school doors is between 8:00 8:10. The day officially begins at 8:20. If they
are going to eat breakfast at school, please have them here by 8:00 so they have plenty of time
and are not tardy for class. I strongly recommend that your child arrive 10 min. early to
complete morning jobs and to have a chance to socialize with their friends/peers before our
school day begins..

Throughout the year we will be asking for classroom donations. We appreciate being able to do
some of the fun things that you contribute too. We are currently in need of: pretzel rods,
alphabet cereal and apples. Please let me know if you are able to provide one of these supplies.

Our specials schedule is on the front of their folders and on the back is our daily schedule.
Feel free to come eat lunch you with your child!

We will start our sharing scheduleThe week of September 11th. The first week bring your
favorite thing for show- and -tell. Your childs show-and-tell day is on the front of his/her

*If you have any questions, dont hesitate to contact me by note, phone: 673-8092 or by e-mail
[email protected]

Important Dates:
August 30: Dismiss 1 hour early (2:15)
September 4: NO SCHOOL Labor Day
September 6: Dismiss 1 hour early (2:15)
September 13: School Picture day & 2:15 Dismissal
September 20: Dismiss 1 hour early (2:15)
September 25: NO SCHOOL PD Day
September 27: Dismiss 1 hour early (2:15)

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