WK 7 - Oct 10th

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B-3 News

Mrs. Bowen
October 10, 2016
Thank you to the families who have sent in thin cardboard such as cereal
boxes, cracker boxes, etc. Keep sending in cardboard as we will use it for
the Cardboard Challenge on October 24th. We are also in need of packing
tape for this event.
The Dance-a-thon is this Friday, Oct. 14th. The second graders will be
dancing in the MPR at 8:30-9:00. Please make sure your child is wearing P.E.
type shoes for this event (No sandals or boots). I will be sending home the
Dance-a-thon shirts sometime this week for all the students to wear on
Friday. Parents are encouraged to come support us as we dance to raise
money for our school. I would greatly appreciate it if our parents would take
pictures of the kids during the Dance-a-thon. (Thanks!) Dont forget to sign
in and get a sticker in the office.
Last week the students brought home books to read for our Home Reading
Program. The students are to read these books for a minimum of 15-20
minutes a night/ 4 nights a week. Please fill out the reading log that is kept
in the baggie. The books need to be returned to class every Thursday so
that new books can be checked out to them. If your child is reading a book
from home please include it on the reading log. If your child is reading
books on Raz-kids, it also needs to be logged onto the reading log. The big
goal is for students to be reading!
I need to make some corrections concerning the fluency/comprehension
assignments. Heres what the students/parents should do:
Read the passage 4 times in the week (one time each night, Monday
through Thursday). Parents are to time how long it takes for your
child to read the passage each night.
Record the amount of time it took to read the passage in the box
where it says Words per Minute.
Next to the days question, write the words the students didnt read
correctly each day.
The goal is to see if your childs reading time improves by Thursday and if fewer
words were read incorrectly by Thursday. The comprehension portion on the
back side of the fluency assignment is optional at this time.


Math- This week the students are bringing home Module 1 for math
homework. The students will be finding sums and differences to 100. Please
make sure the module is brought back to school every day because the
students classroom assignments are included in the modules.
Monday- Lesson 1 Sprint A and B. Time your child for each sprint.
Stop timing after 5 minutes. Write their time and amount correct
on top of each Sprint.
Tuesday- Lesson 2 Sprint A and B. Time your child for each sprint.
Stop timing after 5 minutes. Write their time and amount correct
on top of each Sprint.
Wednesday- Lesson 3 Homework
Thursday- Lesson 4 Homework
Language Arts Fluency/comprehension homework (due Friday)
Home Reading for 15-20 minutes/ 4 nights a week. Since
the students keep the books for a week they may choose to read
on the weekend as part of their 4 nights per week of reading.
Home Reading books are due back to class in the baggie on
Things to Remember:
This week is Red Ribbon Week
Monday 10/10- wear PJs for Follow your dreams, dont do drugs.
Tuesday 10/11- wear crazy socks for Sock out drugs.
Wednesday 10/12-wear red for Red-y to be drug free.
Thursday 10/13- wear your favorite sports team attire for Team up
against drugs.
The yellow Impact Aid Section 7003 Federal Funds form is due back to
school by this Wednesday, Oct. 12th.
Wear your Dance-a-thon shirt this Friday.

Upcoming Events:
October 17th-20th: Parent Conferences (noon dismissal all week)
October 28th- No School- Staff Development Day
October 31st- Halloween Costume Parade

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