HRM Exam With Answers

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HRM exam with answers

Human Resources Management (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

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1. There are 4 approaches to defining how work will be performed which is not one
of the approaches?

B) Attribute
C) motivational
D) biological
E) perceptual/motor

Answer: A see ppt. sheets

2. Voluntary turnover of employees is

A) not strongly related to job satisfaction.

B) a costly and disruptive phenomenon for organizations.
C) an example of a behavior change.
D) an example of psychological withdrawals.

Answer: B p.434

3 . Which of the following countries has the greatest commitment to equal employment
opportunities for women and minorities as characterized by their political/legal

A) Germany
B) Japan
C) United States
D) China

Answer: C p. 639

4. Job description includes all except the following:

A) Knowledge
B) Tasks
C) Duties
D) Responsibilities

Answer. A see ppt. sheets

5. . Explanation, consideration, and empathy are key determinants of

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A) perceptual justice.
B) interactional justice.
C) procedural justice.
D) alternative dispute resolution.

Answer: B p. 429

6. . According to recent research, managers whose job expectations and nonwork

expectations were more closely fulfilled during their expatriate assignment
generally exhibited which of the following upon their return?

A) Higher job performance and job satisfaction

B) Higher repatriate adjustment and job satisfaction
C) Higher repatriate adjustment and job performance
D) Higher job performance and turnover

Answer: C p. 655

7. . An employee who engages in absenteeism or tardiness most represents

A) behavior change.
B) psychological withdrawal.
C) physical withdrawal.
D) physiological withdrawal.

Answer: C p. 436

8. .______ emphasizes the need for the performance management system to guide
employees in contributing to the organization's success.
A) Specificity
B) Reliability
C) Validity
D) Strategic congruence

Answer: D p. 337

9. The most likely activities to be outsourced include

A) transformational activities.
B) transactional activities.
C) traditional activities.
D) training activities.

Answer: B p. 685

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10. A firm that is currently exporting goods to another country is at what level of global

A) Domestic
B) International
C) Multinational
D) Global

Answer: B p. 643

11. Which element is also important for organizations in creating a fit between,
human capital, competitive strategy, and______________.

A) Ethnic background
B) Gender
C) Organizational goals
D) Psychological contract

Answer: C see ppt.sheets

12.Job satisfaction may be best defined as

A) a pleasurable feeling that results from the perception that one's job fulfills or
allows the fulfillment of one's important values.
B) the degree to which an employee identifies with an organization and is willing
to put forth effort on its behalf.
C) the performance of one's job duties so as to satisfy the requirements of the
D) the degree to which people identify themselves with their jobs or career.

Answer: A p. 436

13. Which is not an element in analyzing inputs?

A) Money
B) Raw material
C) Human skills
D) Equipment

Answer: A see ppt. sheets

14. A performance management system that evaluates irrelevant aspects of

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performance or aspects that are not job related is

A) unreliable.
B) deficient.
C) contaminated.
D) inconsistent.

Answer: C p. 338

15.______ is an interview procedure where applicants are confronted with specific issues,
questions, or problems that are likely to arise on the job.

A) Expertise interview
B) Reference interview
C) Past-based interview
D) Situational interview

Answer: D p. 235

16..Which of the following is not an HR strategy?

A) Business-linked
B) Technology-linked
C) People-linked
D) HR-focused

Answer: B p. 673

17.. Technology has freed HR managers from what activities to focus more on which

A) From transactional activities to focus on transformational activities

B) From transformational activities to focus on traditional activities
C) From traditional activities to focus on transformational activities
D) From traditional activities to focus on transactional activities

Answer: A p. 691

18.. Providing employees with the opportunity to get away from the day-to-day stresses
their job and acquire new skills and perspectives is known as

A) a transfer.
B) an expatriate assignment.
C) a sabbatical.

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D) an externship.

Answer: C p. 401

19.. The degree to which an employee identifies with an organization and is willing to put
forth effort on its behalf is called

A) job satisfaction.
B) job involvement.
C) organizational commitment.
D) organizational satisfaction.

Answer: C p. 436

20.. In developing a job-evaluation system, compensable factors

A) are generally statistically derived.

B) are the characteristics of jobs that a firm values and chooses to pay for.
C) usually vary significantly across job-evaluation systems.
D) describe all aspects of the jobs being evaluated.

Answer: B p. 468

21. Which of the following is an advantage of relying on internal recruitment sources?

A) They are likely to promote diversity in terms of race and sex

B) They minimize the impact of political considerations in the hiring decision
C) They are generally cheaper and faster than other means
D) For entry-level positions, there will always be many recruits from which to

Answer: C p. 197

22._____ systems meet the needs of both line managers and employees by ensuring that
employees are constantly increasing their human capital and thus providing increased
value to the company.

A) Compensation and rewards

B) Training and development
C) Recruiting and selection
D) Screening and interviews

Answer: B p. 671

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23._____ is an interview procedure where applicants are confronted with specific issues,
questions, or problems that are likely to arise on the job.

A) Expertise interview
B) Reference interview
C) Past-based interview
D) Situational interview

Answer: D p. 70

24._____ capital is creativity, productivity, and service provided by employees.

A) Service
B) Empowered
C) Intellectual
D) Information

Answer: C Page: 16

25. The process that involves allocating resources, developing structures, hiring skilled
employees, and developing appropriate reward systems is known as

A) strategy formulation.
B) strategy implementation.
C) strategic planning.
D) strategic management.

Answer: B p. 59

26. Which one of the following HR activities provides basic descriptive information on
attributes and the job itself?

A) Market surveys
B) Job analysis
C) Recruitment
D) Strategic planning

Answer: B p. 468-469

27.Which of the following dimensions that have been shown to be necessary for
expatriates is most closely related to the individual's psychological well-being?

A) The culture dimension

B) The self dimension

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C) The relationship dimension

D) The perception dimension

Answer: B p.646

28. An assessment center

A) is a place where job applicants undergo rigorous psychological analysis.
B) is relatively inexpensive.
C) uses multiple selection methods to rate either applicants or job incumbents on
their managerial potential.
D) is a selection method generally used for clerical and secretarial positions.

Answer: C p. 243

29. The HR area that has increased the most in time spent by HR professionals is
A) maintaining records.
B) providing services.
C) strategic business partners.
D) payroll administration.

Answer: C p.7

30. Which of the following options for reducing an expected labor surplus has the
benefit of being a relatively fast solution, but the disadvantage of being high in
human suffering?
A) Downsizing
B) Retirement
C) Retraining
D) Work sharing

Answer: A p.182

31._____ consists of examining the organization's operating environment to identify the

strategic opportunities and threats.

A) Strategic formulation
B) Internal analysis
C) External analysis
D) Strategic choice

Answer: C

32. During an interview for a sales position, you are asked the following question:
Suppose one of your clients refuses to speak to you after you lost one of the orders; what

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would you do to regain the clients business? What type of interview question is this?

A) Worker requirement
B) Job knowledge
C) Situational experience-based
D) Situational future-oriented

Answer: D p. 235

33. The final step in the planning process is to

A) evaluate results.
B) set goals and objectives.
C) formulate strategies.
D) establish forecasting methods.

Answer: A p.192

34. Through what process are tasks grouped into particular jobs?

A) Job analysis
B) Internal analysis
C) External analysis
D) Job design

Answer: D p. 69

35. When conducting a needs assessment, which type of analysis is generally performed

A) Task analysis
B) Organizational analysis
C) Person analysis
D) High-leverage analysis

Answer: B p. 262

36. The process through which an organization gets information on how well an
employee is doing his or her job is called

A) performance appraisal.
B) performance management.

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C) performance feedback.
D) ability analysis.

Answer: A p. 330

37. Which of the following tends to have the most positive influence on job choice

A) The kind of recruiters used

B) The recruitment sources
C) The use of realistic job previews
D) Job vacancy characteristics

Answer: D p. 195

38. Strategic HR Management includes all but one of the following. Name the exception.
A) Financial planning
B) Training and development
C) Performance management
D) Recruiting talent

Answer: A p.5

39. The first step in the instructional design process is

A) creating a learning environment.

B) conducting a needs assessment.
C) selecting training methods.
D) ensuring employees' readiness for training.

Answer: B p.260
40. The first step in strategy formulation is

A) establishment of corporate goals.

B) formulation of a statement of mission.
C) completion of an external analysis.
D) strategic choice.

Answer: B p.63

41 .The extent to which the performance measure gives guidance to employees about
what is expected of them is called

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A) reliability.
B) validity.
C) specificity.
D) acceptability.

Answer: C p.339

42 .Adding challenges or new responsibilities to an employee's current job is called

A) career enhancement.
B) job enrichment.
C) job enlargement.
D) job rotation.

Answer: C p. 398

43. Recruitment activities are designed to affect all of the following except

A) the number of people who apply for vacancies.

B) the type of people who apply for vacancies.
C) the likelihood that those applying for vacancies will accept positions if
D) the evaluation of employees once hired.
Answer: D p.194

44. Which one of the following is not a benefit that a protg receives from a
mentoring relationship?
A) Coaching
B) Protection
C) Performance goals
D) Visibility

Answer: C p. 403

45. Which of the following is not true of task analysis?

A) Results in a description of work activities, including tasks performed and
skills, knowledge, and abilities required to successfully complete job tasks
B) Involves developing a preliminary list of tasks performed on the job by
interviewing and observing expert employees and their managers
C) Results in an assessment of employees' readiness for training
D) Involves the verification of tasks using task inventories and/or expert


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Answer: C p. 267

46. Which of the following theories describes the conditions under which the benefits of
higher pay outweigh the higher costs?

A) Equity theory
B) Expectancy theory
C) Agency theory
D) Efficiency wage theory

Answer: D p. 466

47. The practice of having another company (a vendor, third-party provider, consultant)
provide services traditionally associated with the administrative role of HR is known
A) e-commerce.
B) empowering.
C) outsourcing.
D) benchmarking.

Answer: C p. 9

48. Compensation management could be improved in most organizations by

A) improving the technical merit of compensation decisions.

B) developing better theoretical bases for pay decisions.
C) increasing employee participation in compensation decision making.
D) offering better justification for the selection of compensation programs.

Answer: C p. 476

49. Assume that you are visiting Mexico for a business meeting and you call your host by
his first name rather than his title. He seems offended. Your offense most likely
stemmed from a difference between the U.S. culture and Mexico's culture on which

A) Individualism/collectivism
B) Uncertainty avoidance
C) Power distance
D) Long-term/short-term orientation

Answer C pp. 632-633


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50. The approach to measure and manage performance that focuses on the extent to
which individuals possess desirable characteristics is called the

A) attribute approach.
B) behavioral approach.
C) comparative approach.
D) results approach.

Answer: A p.344


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