Computer-Operator-Practical Model Question Papers PDF

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Public Service Commission

Computer Operator Examination

Practical Examination
Sample Set - 01
F.M.: 30
Time: 30 Minutes

Attempt all of the following questions:

Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all of your files inside that folder.

A. Perform following tasks in MS Word [10 marks]

1. Enter following text in MS Word document and save it as Word_YourSymbolNumber in your folder. [2]

The most basic technology in a computer has changed radically in just the last 50 years, with whole new industries
being born as a result.
Digitally signed
st by Suresh Khanal
The 1 generation of computers in the 1930's and 40's use vacuum tubes. Transistors ran the 2 DN: generation
computers, starting in 1958. Microchips came along in 1964, just 6 years later, to found the 3 generation of
Khanal, o=ICT
computers. In 1970 the 4th generation had many more circuits per chip and the chips were programmable.
Computers are still based on microchips but who can count the generations now? email=shkhanal@, c=US
Computer software shows the same breathless rush to reinvent itself. Early computers had to haveDate:
written just for that computer. In 1980 (just the other day!) Bill Gates developed MS-DOS to operate IBM's+05'45'
personal computer. Ten years later in 1990 Windows 3.0 with its graphical interface was released, and become an
instant success., 2011

2. Create drop cap for first paragraph. Drop it 2 lines down with Algerian font and there should be 0.4 space
between dropped character and paragraph. [1]

3. Present second paragraph in three columns with a line between each columns. The first and third columns will
be 1 wide and the second column is 4 [2]

4. Apply gray color background and double line boarder around third paragraph. Border line should be of blue
color and 1 thick. [2]

5. Justify third paragraph and apply 2 indent from left and right. [1]

6. Enter History of Computer Technology as header and Enter following footnote for the underlined word of
third paragraph: [2]

Early programming languages were machine dependent.

B. Perform following tasks in Excel. [10 marks]

1. Enter following data in your worksheet and save it as Excel_YourSymbolNumber in your folder in desktop. [2]

Loan Amount 135000

Loan Duration in Years 7

2. Enter formula for the rate so that it will be 14% if Loan Duration is less than 5 years and Loan Amount is more
than one lacks, otherwise it should be 8% [2]

3. Calculate Interest = Loan Amount x Loan Duration x Rate / 100 [1]

4. Change the value of Loan Duration as necessary to get 80000 in Interest. [2]

5. Apply thick line boarder around the table and single thin line for the inner lines. [1]

6. Enter Interest Calculation as header and set page number at the bottom center of page. [2]

C. Perform following database tasks [4 marks]

1. Create a new database and name it Database_YourSymbolNumber. Create following tables with given field
names and appropriate field types: [2]

Students: StudID, StudName, StudAddress, StudFather

Fees: FeesID, StudID, FeesMonth, FeesAmt, FeesDate

2. Set StudID field of Fees table so that it will display drop down box with Students Name when entering data. [1]

3. Create a query to display FeesDate, StudName, FeesMonth and FeesAmt [1]

D. Perform following tasks in PowerPoint [3]

1. Create a slide with following text and save it as PowerPoint_YourSymbolNumber: [2]

Computer Generations

First Generation
Second Generation
Third Generation
Fourth Generation
Fifth Generation

2. Apply custom animation so that those five generations will appear flying in. [1]

E. Write HTML code in notepad to create following web page. Save the file as HTML_YourSymbolNumber in
your folder: [3 marks]

1. Create a scrolling text ICT Trends Computer Operator Exam Preparation at the top of web page. [1]

2. Display any image in 400 x 300 pixel below the scrolling text. [1]
3. Display following text below the image [1]

Computer Generations


-------------------------- Best of Luck --------------------------

ICT Trends is for Computer Science students and candidates of Computer Operator Examination. Register ICT
Trends and gain access to exclusive downloads and lessons.

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We offer online quiz so that you can instantly test yourself and know which topic you are good and where to
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Public Service Commission

Computer Operator Examination

Practical Examination
Sample Set - 02
F.M.: 30
Time: 30 Minutes

Attempt all of the following questions:

Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all of your files inside that folder.

A. Perform tasks as instructed below [10 marks]

1. Create a document students with following table structure and insert 5 recoreds: [2]

SNO Title Name Father Address Course startedDate endDate Issue

1 Mr Bikal Bibekananda Paknajol Advance 10 13 15
K.C. K.C. 15 Diploma in February February February
Kathmandu Web 2009 2010 2010

2. Design following certificate in a new document certificate and create certificates for all the students of
student as a new file allCertificates. [4+4]

Kalanki, Kathmandu

This is to certify that <<title>> <<Name>> S/o <<Father>> permanent resident of

<<address>> has successfully completed the course <<course>>

Duration of course: <<startedDate>> to <<endDate>>

________________ ________________
Instructor CEO
Issue Date: <<Issue>>
B. Perform following spreadsheet tasks [10 marks]
1. Create a bar chart with following data in Sheet 1: [5]
Chart Title: Crop Production on 2005 2010
X Axis: Year
Y Axis: Production
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Rice 3476 3485 3488 3490 3499 3500
Wheat 3000 3200 3500 3700 3900 4300
Maize 2854 2967 3087 3154 3223 3410
Barley 4000 3800 4200 4500 4800 4000

2. Calculate commission for following data in Sheet 2: [3 + 2]

SNO Product Cost Price Selling Commission Commission

Price Percentage Amount
1 Makita $3,000.00 $4,200.00
Drill 3420
2 Philips $300.00 $385.00
3 Soni $1,200.00 $1,800.00

Commission is 7% for all (Selling Price Cost Price) is more than $500, otherwise it is 4%.
Commission Amount is calculated as Commission Percentage of Cost Price.

C. Create a table marks in database exam with following fields. Add at least 3 records in
table. [2]

MarksID, English, Nepali, Maths, Science,

Create a query to display MarksID, Total, Percentage [2]

D. Create a presentation file with 5 slides. Apply transaction effect and slide advances in
every two seconds automatically. [3 marks]

E. Create following table writing HTML code [3 marks]

Male Female
Bhokumbas 34000 3600
Prolipitus 43000 4000
St.Florence 64500 6400
Public Service Commission

Computer Operator Examination

Practical Examination
Sample Set - 03
F.M.: 30
Time: 30 Minutes

Attempt all of the following questions:

Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all of your files inside that folder.

A. Perform following tasks in MS Word [10 marks]

1. Design following identity card and save the file as QA1. [5]

Kalanki, Kathmandu

Post: _________________________________
Dept: ___________ Desig:_______________
Citizenship No ________________

____________ __________________
Employees Signature Authorized Signature
Issue Date: October 3, 2011

2. Create a new document with 5 pages. The first two pages should be A4 sized in Portrait orientation. The third
and fourth pages are 6 x 4 inch in landscape orientation. The fifth page should be A4 sized in portrait orientation.
Save the file as QA2. [2]

3. Create a new document named QA3 and save it with following text: [3]

B. Perform following tasks in Excel. [10 marks]

1. Enter following data in your worksheet and calculate values for empty cells. Save the file as QB1. [5]
qmd ;+Vof Gffd y/ ;+s]t g+a/ cf=a= @)^%^^ cf=a= @)^^^& cf=a= @)^&^* s"n cf};t
! kbdk|;fb sf]O/fnf !#&(@ 98.22 99 98.89
@ sdn/fh bfxfn #$!# 100 99.2 100
# /fdafa' e/fO{ @$!#% 93.6 97 99
2. On the worksheet of No 1, Configure the settings so that the marks in third, fourth and fifth column will be
automatically displayed in red color when they are less than 99. [2]

3. Create a line chart to show the increasing or decreasing trend in share market in Sheet 2 of QB1 file. [3]

Organization First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week

Bank of 235 255 312 200
Everest Bank 110 150 180 212
Sanima Bank 300 235 200 220
Create lines for each bank in different color and show the index to indicate which color is for which bank.

C. Perform following database tasks [4 marks]

1. Create marks table in QC1 database with following fields: [1]

Marks: MarksID, StudentName, Class, Eng, Nep,Mat, Sci

2. Create a form to enter marks in marks table. It should be displaying Total, Percentage, Result and Division at
the bottom that updates when you enter marks for different subjects. [2]

3. Create a query to display StudentName, Total Marks and Division [1]

D. Perform following tasks in PowerPoint [3]

1. Create a presentation with gradient blue color filled in slide background. The content of slides will be as follows: [3]
Enter the title Production in 2010 and place a 2D bar chart below the title based on following data:

Bearing Crone Chasis

First Qtr 4.3 2.4 2
Second Qtr 2.5 4.4 2
Third Qtr 3.5 1.8 3
Fourth Qtr 4.5 2.8 5
E. Write HTML code in notepad to create following web page. Save the file as QE1 in your folder: [3 marks]

ICT Trends
Insert any Online Quizes
image in this Class Notes
position MCQ Banks
Old Question
Tips and Guidelines
An Aid to Prepare Computer Operator Exam

ICT Trends on the first row must be Heading 1. The text on the last row must be scrolling. The image must hold a
hyperlink to go to when clicked.

------------------------------ Best of Luck ------------------------------

Public Service Commission

Computer Operator Examination

Practical Examination
Sample Set - 04
F.M.: 30
Time: 30 Minutes

Attempt all of the following questions:

Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all of your files inside that folder.

1. Enter following text and solve the following questions, then save the file as QA1. [10]

Types of Computers

There are different types of computer systems nowadays for different purpose according to the user needs.
However we can classify them into different groups based on different aspects:

Based on Size

We can find four different type of computers based on size.

Super Computers

These are large computers that are most powerful. They can complete tasks very soon and are optimized to
complete given tasks quickly.

Mainframe Computers

These are the largest computers and can support hundreds of users simultaneously. These are powerful computers
and optimized to run maximum number of applications at one time.

Mini Computers

These are medium sized computers smaller than mainframe but much larger than personal computers. They can
be the best solution for medium scale organizations.

Micro Computers

Micro computers are the smallest when size is concerned. They range from Desktop, Laptop up to the palm top
and even smaller ones. Because micro computers are developed to support single person, they are often called
personal computers (PCs).

a. Insert a table of contents at the beginning of document.

b. Insert following text as footnote for the phrase Based on Size
Computers can be classified with respect to the different aspects such as Brand, Application, Model etc.
Size is one aspect.
c. Insert Fundamentals of Computers and current date as header. Supply footer with page number and
total number of pages.
d. Apply thin single line as bottom border for all headings.

2. Perform following tasks in Excel. [10 marks]

Create a suitable pie chart to convey the following message: [3]

There are 28 students in a class. 10 are freshmen, 8 sophomores, 4 juniors, and 1 senior. 5 people did not answer
the question.

Create the following table and calculate Final Grade as the average of four exams. Award Letter Grade A, B, C
or D based on Final Grade is above 90, 70, 60 or below 60 respectively. Alphabetize the list. Plot a bar chart of
Final Grade. [7]

Name Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Final Final Grade Letter Grade

Washington, Adam 80 88 87 94

Stewart, Olive 99 92 96 100

Danforth, Elsie 85 99 82 95

Elton, Roger 56 76 74 70

Banks, Michael 45 35 56 60

Chau, Lisa 100 90 95 100

McDonald, Wendy 75 88 97 89

Renfrew, William 90 90 85 89

3. Create following table in QC database with given fields. Enter at least 3 records: [2]

Items: itmID, itmDesc, itmPrice

Purchase: purID, purDate, purQty, itmID

Create Inventory Details report to list Purchase Date, Item Description, Purchase Quantity and Item Price. [2]

4. Create a presentation with 10 slides. Edit master slide to display your symbol number at the top right corner
of every slide. Write ICT Trends Preparation for PSC Exam as notes for second slide. Apply random transaction
to all the slides. [3]

5. Write HTML code in notepad to perform following tasks:

Create two html files. On the first file make the text ICT Trends Computer Operator Preparation scroll.
Create link on that scrolling text so that it will take you to the second file if clicked. Display a picture on
second file and it should go to the first file if the picture is clicked. [3 marks]

------------------------------ Best of Luck ------------------------------

Public Service Commission

Computer Operator Examination

Practical Examination
Sample Set - 05
F.M.: 30
Time: 30 Minutes

Attempt all of the following questions:

Create a folder on desktop and name it your symbol number. Save all of your files inside that folder.

1. Make a list of your 10 best friends and use mail merge to send invitation card to all of them. The design of
invitation card should be as follow:. [10]

Note: The size of paper is 6 x 4 inches in landscape orientation with 0.5 margin all around.
2. Prepare following salary sheet. Apply formula to calculate the blank cells. [2 + 6 + 2 = 10 marks]

Emp No Name Designation Department Bsal TA DA HRA PF IT CIF Gsal Tded Npay
1001 Bikash Pancholi MNGR ADMIN 18000 3600 3600 1800 1800 3510 1800 27000 7110 19890
1002 Aman Adhikari ACCT ACCONT
1003 Kapil Kafley TYPS ADMIN
1004 Madan Maskey TYPS ADMIN
1005 Jeeven Ji Shah ACCT ACCONT

Note: Calculate as following criteria

Basic 18000 for MNGR, 15000 for ACCT and 1400 for TYPS
TA and DA 20% of BASIC
HRA 10% of Bsal for MNGR
PF 10% of Bsal
IT 13% of Gsal if it Gsal is more than 20000
CIF 10% of Bsal
Gsal Sum of Bsal, TA, DA, HRA
Tded Sum of PF, IT, CIF
Npay Difference of Gsal and Tded

Insert following Notes on the cell where Madan Maskey is entered:

Appointed on 03 October 2011 as per Contract CCE301.

3. Create following tables in ictPrac database with given fields. Establish suitable relationship between the two tables. [2]

Items: itmID, itmDesc, itmPrice

Purchase: purID, purDate, purQty, itmID

Write a query to list Purchase Date, Item Description, Item Price and Purchase Quantity. [2]

4. Create a presentation with 3 slides to give introduction to where you live. Set the auto timing to show for 1
second, 3 seconds and 1 second for first, second and third slide respectively. Show the slide numbers at the
bottom right of each slide. [3]

5. Write HTML code in notepad to perform following tasks:

Create a table 3 x 2 with no border. Insert an image in first cell and link the image to open when clicked. Write your symbol number in second cell and PSC in third cell.
Merge all the 3 cells of second row and display scrolling text Computer Operator Examination in that
merged cell. [3 marks]

------------------------------ Best of Luck ------------------------------

ICT Trends is for Computer Science students and candidates of Computer Operator Examination. Register ICT
Trends and gain access to exclusive downloads and lessons.

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You need to click verification link in your email to complete registration. Once you successfully register ICT
Trends, you can log on into Members Area to download and access exclusive contents.

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