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Lesson Plan 3 Template

Candidate: Matt Mayeske Course: U.S. History Date: 4/1317

School/Classroom: Pioneer Ridge Middle School Subject: Nationalism, Sectionalism and The Grade level: 8
Spread of Tensions between North and

Standards: Societies experience continuity and change over time; are shaped by beliefs, ideas, and diversity
Concepts: Movement, Pride, Systems, Consequences, Relationships, Expansion
Learning Goal: Students will understand that inventions continued to change American society and make it grow faster
(Big Idea, title, Students will understand that inventions made it possible for Americans to move items around faster
enduring Students will understand that inventions caused both cooperation and conflict between the North and South
Critical Content: Erie Canal and Canal systems, National Critical Skills: Students will listen and take notes on lesson that
Know Road System, Do teacher gives
Students will be able to use a website link to
locate two different primary source picture
documents and discuss them in relation to
inventions and change
Students will be able to collaborate with each
other with a map practice
Essential Question: In what ways did railroads, canal systems, and the national road help America grow?
How did new transportation systems help people who needed to move items from one area of the country to
How did these transportation inventions both help and hinder cooperation between the North and South?

Objectives/Target/I can statement: Assessment Plan

Sentence Stem:
Identify the verb, is it
measurable? Formative/Summative/Performance: Students will... Teacher will... Ex: Formative:
The condition (if any) under Students use white boards to display answer. Teacher observes answers and notes students
which it will occur that miss one or more problems for small group time during independent practice.
The criterion of acceptable
Students will be able to sit and listen to Informal: Success or failure of this objective will be based on the informal assessments of
a short lecture over roads, canals and listening, watching and observing. If students can, in a ten minute lecture over transportation
trains, while taking notes, with 80% inventions, only interrupt or act out twice, then they will have passed the objective.
Students will be able to use a website Formal: Success or failure of this objective will be based on whether the students can
link to correctly pick out and analyze properly locate items online and discuss them within a written document
primary source pictures and answer
questions with 70% accuracy
Students will be able to collaborate Informal: Students will be observed to see if they can successfully communicate and
with one another on an activity which collaborate with each other to figure out how to best connect cities with the usage of canals
requires them to use transportation and roads.
systems to connect cities with 80%

Integration of Reading: Students will read out of the textbook, from Key Roads, Language Objectives: n/a
Literacy: online documents vocabulary: Canals, Includes either the
(Reading, Writing: Students will write down notes that the Erie Canal, academic language you
Writing, teacher gives them; will write down answer to primary National will be teaching or the
Listening, source questions Road, language processes you
Speaking, Listening: Students will listen to teacher and peers Steam- will expect the students
Viewing, Speaking: Students will speak when asked questions powered to use during the
Visual and will speak amongst one another when the activity Boats, lesson. Ex: Ask and
Representation) is going on State answer questions.
Viewing: Students will view teacher teaching, the boundaries, Orally defend a
textbook, online documents, and each other to play the business, position.
activity cotton,
Visual Representation: representation of historical textiles
artifacts shown in pictures online; representation of
1800s map shown in class during activity

Technology Standards Accomodation- Students will use primary source documents and pictures online to answer
(ISTE) analytical and evaluative questions
Innovative Materials & Google: Google will be used to access webites online that will help with primary source analysis
Technology Tools: (Accomodation)
(Tool: Label SAMR Website: HYPERLINK
Level, Describe) ""&

Responsive Differentiation: Based on student interest, process of the lesson will be changed. If students seem very
Teaching/Differentiation: interested in looking up primary source pictures online and analyzing them, then I will change the
What will I do if required number of analyzed pictures from two to three. In this way, student interest will stay peaked.
they dont get it?
How will you Differentiation: Based on student ability, product of the lesson will be changed. If students understand the
remediate? activity that I assign to them, I will make it more challenging by creating extra exceptions, rules, etc. For
What will I do if instance, if students are able to connect cities with ease, I will have them redo it, but create rules that they
they get it? How need to abide by, s/a that they cannot go through certain states, have certain moneys, etc.
will you extend?
How will you Differentiation: Based on student readiness, process of the lesson will be changed. If students know and
include all understand the transportation system and it is apparent while I am teaching the lesson, I will have them
learners? explain to me everything that they know. In this way, I will know whether I need to teach more or less.
Introduction: Hey guys! This is my last day of teaching you, and we are going to continue talking about how
(Includes: Hook the learner inventions changed America. On Tuesday we discussed how certain inventions changed
increase interest, activate prior transportation, communication and production. On Wednesday, we discussed how the Cotton
knowledge, review, preview Gin affected slavery and enslaved people within the South. Today, we will join the two areas
content and vocabulary, essential together and discuss how inventions made it possible for cooperation and conflict to happen.
questions posed, and relevance

Lesson Procedure (The following three categories occur simultaneously)

Instruction Modeling Checking for
(Specific & (Specific & Scripted) Understandin
Scripted) g
blooms level,
How does
___ apply to
1. Begin by 1.Model for students the questions that I want them to answer: 1. What are
reviewing What are the five inventions that we have discussed thus far? the five
with students How did they affect American growth and society? inventions
Were all of the beneficial? that we have
the 2.Model for students how I want them to discuss with me the topics of increased transportation and discussed thus
inventions its implications far?
that we have 3. Model by reading out loud the text that I want them to follow. How did they
gone over the Model by showing them the map and prompting them to interact with it in an academic manner affect
days prior: growth and
the mill society?
factory, Were all of
telegraph, 4. Model to students where to go and what to look at: beneficial?
steamboat, Go to HYPERLINK
steel plow, ""&
and cotton HYPERLINK 2.Do you
gin. Discuss ""Eras know what
=4 HYPERLINK these
with students ""& inventions
both what HYPERLINK are?
they are and ""x=3 Can you
the 4 HYPERLINK guess how
implications ""& they helped
that they had ""y=1 3.How would
on American 0 these
growth - here you will find a list of pictures that are directly related to transportation in the 19th century. transportation
- each picture will have a description with the title, date, and other information systems have
- your goal is to find two pictures from the list. They must be about three things only: canals, roads helped the
and railways. You can find plenty of examples. American
2. Introduce -find a picture and answer questions about it people move
new 5. Model to students how I want them to tell the class about their item: items and
inventions What it is, where it was, what date, etc. people easier?
that would 6. Model to students how the activity will go: Which route
revolutionize You are a businessman in 1840s America. You have recently engaged in the cotton/textile making is the longest?
business and need to buy/sell cotton to make money. You are either a businessman in the North Would these
America: (textile owner) or in the South (cotton plantation owner). You must collaborate with your counterpart routes have
Canal, in the North or South to figure out the most efficient road/rail/canal ways to move the product. Goes helped cities
national from New Orleans to Buffalo, New York. grow?
road, and Model how students will use the map
railways. 4. - What is
Prompt them 7. Model to students how I want them to reflect on the issues weve discussed. the title of
into a this picture?
discussion - What does
where they this picture
tell me about show?
these items - What year
and what was this
they do picture taken?
3. Read out - How does
of the book, this picture
chapter 11 and the
section 3, items/people
Roads and within it
Canals Link connect to our
Cities: have discussion on
students read invention and
along and growth?
then have
them look at
map at the
Questions to
ask: After 5. What did
reading, what you find
do you think about your
about roads item?
and canals Is it important
and to growth?
railways? 6. How will
Look at the you get the
map below. cotton from
New Orleans
Do you to Buffalo?
believe these
n systems
would have
people move
items? Etc.
4. After
reading out
of the book,
have students 7. How did
go to inventions
designated impact
website. interactions
between the
They will North and
then look South?
through the
list of
pictures and
pick out 2.
Pictures must
be about
either: the
systems, or
will go along
with the
analysis, and
will go as
- What is the
title of this
- What does
this picture
- What year
was this
- How does
this picture
and the
within it
connect to
discussion on
and growth?

5. Students
will share
what theyve
found to the
class. Will
questions out
6. Students
will move on
from this and
engage in a
map activity.
With a map
of America,
labeled from
the 1830s,
students will
pretend to be
business (one
from the
North and
one from the
South). They
will attempt
to figure out
how to get
cotton from
one place to
Orleans to
Buffalo, New
York) by
using only
and canals.
Will be fun!

7. Once
Exit Slip
What did you
learn out of
this lesson
that you did
not know
before? How
between the
North and

Guided Practice: Students will be guided on how to complete map assignment

Students will be guided on the ideals and principles of the transportations of the early 1800s
Independent Practice: Students will be left alone to complete assignment on their own
Students will independently research and analyze tranportations
Closure: Review by wrapping up what we have learned. Inventions help people grow in these ways and the
(Review Objective, examples of the show it. Review the different inventions we have learned (cotton gin, train, canal,
Student Reflection, steamboat, etc.)
Relevance) How did inventions impact America at this time?
Self Reflection: What will I change?
What went well? Dylan and Justin are very smart! I'll need to continue challenging them with new material and new ways for
What will I change? them to learn/think about it. I need to cut out lecturing and just jump straight into one-on-one interactions
with the boys and the text.
What went well?
They enjoyed researching historical primary source pictures online. We had a good time going through the
different photos and discussing how exotic and different the times were. The map activity was fun, too!
Students were able to connect real-life interactions to the activity we were completing: connecting city-ports
with river systems. I could actually see the wheels turning in their heads about how these connections would
have made American life easier.
What did the students specifically enjoy?
Making connections on their own. Once they began connecting the dots on where our activities were going
and why we were discussing them. I loved that!
What did they not enjoy?
Lecture. They got figgity and were visibily not interested in what I was saying.

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