How To Identify - Determine The Maximum JVM Heap Size - My Notes

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7/6/2017 How to identify/determine the maximum JVM Heap Size for OC4j components in R12 / 10gAS | OraclePitStop - Lets

2 / 10gAS | OraclePitStop - Lets share some knowledge

How To Identify/Determine The Maximum JVM Heap Size For OC4j Components In R12
/ 10gAS
Posted on September 11, 2008. Filed under: Apps Technology Stack, Configuration, Operating System, R12, TroubleShooting | Tags: 10gAS, heap, jvm, memory, oacore, oc4j, R12 |

Below command will help you to identify the maximum memory heap size than can be allocated to a JVM

java -mx[value]m -version

Start with a higher value like 4G or higher and slowly cut down to the maximum allowed value.


$ java -mx4096m -version

Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4096m

The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size.
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

As you can see my system cant support 4Gig for a JVM.

Now lets reduce to a lesser value, viz., 3Gig

$ java -mx3072m -version

java version
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build jinteg:07.27.06-16:18 IA64, mixed mode)

Now its clear that the maximum allowed value is 3gig.

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7/6/2017 How to identify/determine the maximum JVM Heap Size for OC4j components in R12 / 10gAS | OraclePitStop - Lets share some knowledge


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3 Responses to How to identify/determine the maximum JVM Heap Size for OC4j components in R12 / 10gAS
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[] First, you need to identify how much is the maximum heap size that you can set. Click here. [] 2/3
7/6/2017 How to identify/determine the maximum JVM Heap Size for OC4j components in R12 / 10gAS | OraclePitStop - Lets share some knowledge

How to change Java

heap size in R12 to
Java heap space
OraclePitStop - Lets
share some
September 11, 2008

Thnax for ur way to find out max JVM heap size.

March 17, 2009

Its a good start, but you can fine tune better if you want; for example, your next run should be java -mx3584m -version to see if you can run 3.5
gb. There comes a point where it is academic, but I think another .5gb might be useful if its available.

Billy Bennett
May 7, 2009

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