Gamma Creatures

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Movement: 15
Hit Dice: 8
The intelligent dog man stands just short of 3 meters tall and always walks on its well-developed hind legs. It
has a mental strength and radiation resistance of 10. Ark shamans typically have the following magics: telekinesis,
weather manipulation, and life leech. Arks fear large winged creatures and carry wicker shields and large clubs
as weapons. Some tribes consider human hands to be a great delicacy.
Movement: 12
Hit Dice:6
This highly intelligent mutated badgeroid species inhabits cool temperate zones. They are approximately 1.5
meters tall. The badders are organized into a society approximately equal to that of
the medieval period in human history. They are basically of evil disposition and will destroy other Intelligent
life forms if given the chance. Badders live in earth burrow complexes, although they will sometimes be found
inhabiting a ruined town of the Ancients. They have manipulative forepaws and walk erect. Badders are
exceptionally quick of movement in combat (18 dexterity), and they commonly employ simple armor, shields, and
all sorts of weapons (each is only 10% likely to have an Artifact weapon). They can also deliver a vicious bite
for 1 die (d6) of damage. Badders communicate in their own form of snarling/growling language but can
approximate some limited trade speech. They are hard of hearing, but have a keen sense of smell. Badders have
a mental strength of 16 and possess empathy. If a burrow is discovered, there will be females equal in number to
the males, and young equal to 50% of the females. The burrow will be ruled by a very large male and 1.4
Desert People
No. Appearing: 1-10
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 12 (water)/3 (land)/8 (flying)
Hit Dice: 10
The fen is an intelligent, man-sized fish, which walks about on 2 stubby fins when on land. It has both lungs
and gills and may remain out of water for up to 24 hours. Its translucent skin makes the fen invisible when
under water. Fens collect and use all manner of weapons and may also use their tail as a club which does 6 dice
(d6) of damage if it hits. They are completely resistant to radiation, have a poison resistance of 18, reflect heat
and light (laser) attacks for 5 melee rounds before taking damage, and can shapechange Into a large bird and fly
away if the going gets rough.
No. Appearing: 1-6
Armor Class: 4
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 20
Grens appear to be completely normal Pure Strain Humans . . except for their deep green skin! They are
intelligent and live secluded lives in harmony with nature. They inhabit only deep forests, where they cannot be
seen or sensed by any creature until they reveal themselves. They will not use ancient technology and stubbornly
refuse to learn any of the knowledge of the Ancients. Most tribes shun outsiders, although in some instances
(30%), grens may cooperate with Pure Strain Humans if approached in a non-hostile manner.
No. Appearing: 1-10
Armor Class: 3
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 18
This 3-meter long half-man-half-snake inhabits the more arid regions of GAMMA WORLD, often settling near an
oasis or well. All hissers are telepathic, with a mental strength of 12 and mass mind, sonic attack ability, and one
other (random) mental mutation. Their scaly skin is completely resistant to laser and sonic attacks. Their society is
matriarchal, one female leading a group of 70 or so males and young. She, like a queen bee, lays all the eggs
for each settlement, and all of them hatch as males. When a community grows to about 70 individuals, the
matriarch will hatch another female. In a few years, the colony will divide and the new matriarch will lead an
assortment of male hissers off to find a new place to live. Although intelligent, hissers do not have any written or
spoken language, as all information is exchanged telepathically. They utilize selected items of Ancient
technology which they uncover in search expeditions among the ruins of the Ancients.
No. Appearing: 1-20
Armor Class: 9
Movement: 18
Hit Dice: 15
Hoops are actually 2.6 meters tall, mutated rabbitoid creatures that stand erect on their hind legs, and are able
to leap over objects as high as 8 meters. They are intelligent (mental strength 3-18), telepathic, and have mass
mind. A mutation peculiar to the hoops is their ability to transmute metal objects into rubber. The hoop must
touch the metal object to be transmuted. All metal within 1 meter of that point turns into rubber (must all be in
contact). Hoops have manipulative forepaws. They appreciate the power of Ancient weapons, and seek to obtain
and use them. The referee must determine what effect the change to rubber will have on various metal objects,
such as armor, pistols, robots, etc.
No. Appearing: 1.4
Armor Class: 6
Movement: 6
Hit Dice: 7
The menarl is an impressive 10 meter long intelligent water snake. It has 10 very usable arms equipped with
human-shaped hands. It has heightened strength (17) and a mental strength of 12. Its favorite food is birds, and
it goes into a mad frenzy when any are near. The menarl is relatively friendly towards humanoids and, if shown
how, will use ancient devices and weapons.
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 15
Hit Dice: 15
These two-headed, 2.5 meter tall, humanoid mutants have four arms ... each 2 under the control of a separate
brain. They are all telepathic, with telekinesis, and will force available in both brains. Some 25% of them also
have 2 random mutations (one on each side), which usually include poison claws (random intensity) on two
hands, and a mental mutation, de-evolution, on the other side. Orlens will barter peacefully to obtain
technological devices, and have made many of their own - specially adapted for use with four arms.
Ratlings / Ratkin:
No. Appearing: 1-4
Armor Class: 6
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 10
Serfs are mutated humanoids with heightened strength, a partial carapace, and poison claws (intensity 8) instead
of fingernails. They are very intelligent (mental strength 15) and possess the following mental mutations: light
wave manipulation, density-control (others), life leech, death field generation, mental blast, and telepathy. Serfs
are semi-nomadic and organize themselves into quasi-military brigades, dressing in old military or police
uniforms recovered from the Tombs of the Ancients. The general of each brigade holds his power by means of
an ancient weapon, although serfs prefer to fight only with their mental mutations, and any given one is 90%
likely to do so.
No. Appearing: 1-10
Armor Class: 5
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 18
The sleeth is a 3 meter tall mutated lizard. It is very intelligent (intelligence and mental strength 17) with the
following mental mutations: telepathy, precognition, and the special ability to negate any force field within 30
meters. They are completely resistant to illusions and have a poison resistance of 18. In any given group of 10,
one will have an additional good mutation (choose randomly). Sleeths are a quiet, peaceful race, living in small
communities or villages. They befriend all manner of mutants and delight in discussions of philosophy and
religion. They can use all kinds of weapons.
Squatch / Squatchi:

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