GEA Niro Pharma SD

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Niro Pharmaceutical Spray Dryers

Niro Technologies

GEA Pharma Systems

GEA Pharma Systems is world leader in providing

advanced processing solutions for solid dosage forms

to the pharmaceutical industry. Based on a dedication

to research and durable quality, GEA Pharma Systems

offers a wide range of solutions, from individual pieces

of equipment to complete integrated plants, by uniting

the state-of-the-art technologies of Aeromatic, Buck,

Collette, Courtoy, Fielder, Lyophil, Nica and Niro.

Process Expertise

For 75 years, Niro has supplied drying plants for powders and particulates
to the pharmaceutical industry. This includes small capacity dryers designed
for R & D as well as industrial size plants for continuous production of
pharmaceutical compounds under cGMP conditions.

Our plant and process expertise is based on Delivering the Right Solutions
experience and R & D. With plants installed around Every Niro plant begins with the customers desire
the world and literally thousands of tests performed, to develop a product that will succeed in the market.
we have established a solid base of expertise In Niro, the customer finds a partner who will assist
related to the needs of the pharmaceutical and him to meet that goal. Our expertise includes primary
biopharmaceutical manufacturing industries. as well as secondary pharmaceuticals, including
technologies for processing Active Pharmaceutical
Ingredients (API) using spray drying, agglomeration,
encapsulation, and spray congealing.

Niro Pharmaceutical Spray Dryers

A Partnership in Every Perspective

Working with Niro means entering a solid
partnership every step of the way, from process
development and design to installation,
commissioning and qualification of the new plant.


1. Spray dryer chamber

1 2. Swirl cone

3. Gas/air disperser

5 4. Cyclone

5. Bag filter

6. Filter bag cages

Customised for Success
Every pharmaceutical plant and system from Niro is
a unique union of proven technology and individual
solutions. Based on standard components, we
supply plants for cGMP production configured to
meet the customers specific requirements. cGMP
requirements to equipment used for spray drying
of API may in some situations be less than those for
final drugs.

Primary Pharmaceuticals

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) as well as control of the moisture or residual solvent content
excipients are typically produced by extraction or in the powder, but also enables the creation of
chemical syntheses. In most cases, the material is powders with a tailor-made particle size distribution,
subsequently crystallised, mechanically separated, morphology, and nature.
and dried. These steps can often be replaced by
spray drying. Spray drying does not only offer

0m 20m 40m 0mm 1mm 2mm 0mm 0,5mm 1mm

Increased Bioavailability Modified Release

Many modern molecules have One way to achieve a therapeutic As an alternative to classic
a poor solubility in water or drug concentration in blood spray drying, it is for some
body fluids. It takes an extremely plasma is to encapsulate the API products possible to melt the
long time for the API crystals in a biodegradable excipient. API together with a meltable
to dissolve and for the drug Controlled by slowly dissolution excipient encapsulate. As an
concentration to reach the of the spray dried particles, the alternative only the excipient
required level. If the drug is drug is released at a constant is molten and the API is added
given orally, the dissolution rate rate over a prolonged period of just before atomization. The
may be increased effectively by time. To prepare such particles mix is then sprayed into cold
keeping the spray dried API in by spray drying, excipients are process gas. Spray drying as well
amorphous form supported by brought into solution, mixed as spray cooling can be used to
an excipient polymer. with API and subsequently modify the release pattern eg.
spray dried. Alternatively, spray taste masking.
congealing techniques can be

Secondary Pharmaceuticals

Final drug forms have traditionally been

manufactured by routes other than spray drying,
but in the last decades many leading companies
enjoy the advantages that spray drying technology
offers, including unique possibilities of powder
engineering and process optimisation.

SDMicro mounted in glove box.

Spray dryer for drying very small quantities
of feeds containing organic solvents

0mm 1mm 2mm 0m 5m 10m 0mm 1mm 2mm

Aseptic Production Powders for Inhalation Directly Compressible

Production of dry sterile dosage Spray drying has become the Until now, a separate granulation
forms often involves mixing of the method of choice for the step has often been required in
API with one or more excipients. preparation of fine particles the production of solid dosage
To achieve a homogeneous for inhalation. The spray dryer forms. The granulate is needed to
mixture, the particle size must be equipped with a avoid segregation and to assure
distribution of the excipient(s) dedicated atomisation device to good flow properties so the dies
must match that of the API. In a produce the very fine droplets of a high-speed tablet press can
one-step-operation, spray drying and a system for collection of be filled accurately. With the
can turn a sterile solution into the resulting fine particles. Fluidized Spray Dryer - FSD or
sterile particles of the required IFD - concept the granulation
size with no risk of introducing step can be an integrated part of
impurities a well-known the continuous drying process.
problem if milling is used. The FSDtechnology can also
be used to achieve a low residual
volatiles content in the final spray
dried powder.

Standardised Customisation

Todays increased demands for customised design, Atomization and Powder Discharge
special materials of construction, special surface One of the most important choices in a plant
treatment, advanced control systems, GMP configuration is choosing the right atomization
production, and process validation have resulted in and powder discharge method. We offer a wide
continuous improvement in spray dryer design for range of solutions as illustrated.
the pharmaceutical industry.

Nozzle Options

Rotary atomizer Pressure or two-fluid nozzle, Pressure or two-fluid nozzle,

co-current mode fountain mode

Single Point Discharge Nozzle Options


HEPA Heater Fan Pre-filter

Inlet air

Drying Cyclone Bag filter HEPA

Outlet air

Main Fines

Spray Drying Concepts

Two Point Discharge Nozzle Options

HEPA Heater Fan Pre-filter

Inlet air

Drying Cyclone Bag filter HEPA

Outlet air


Powder Fines


Closed Cycle Design Nozzle Options


Drying gas Cyclone Bag filter HEPA

Chamber Condenser



N2 out
N2 in

Meeting Every Requirement

To meet the high requirements from the pharmaceutical industry,

Niro has developed a series of spray dryers, the PharmaSD (PSD).

Tailor-Made Solutions Spray Drying Organic Solvents

The philosophy behind the design is that a The use of solvents when preparing pharmaceutical
combination of standardised modules are built ingredients poses a challenge in the drying process
together in order to meet the requirement for a and has resulted in the use of nitrogen as a drying
specific duty. Therefore, dryers of equal gas. Our spray dryers are configured for drying of
capacity may be completely different with respect compounds that are based on acetone, methylene
to design, configuration and physical size. chloride, ethanol, and other organic solvents.
The drying parameters and capacity vary greatly,
depending on the solvent used, as shown in the
tables on page 12-13.

From Niro Pharma Test Station in Copenhagen: GMP facility including a

PSD-4 spray dryer operating in closed cycle mode


From Niro Pharma Test Station in Copenhagen: GMP suite with a PSD-1 spray dryer in closed cycle mode

SDMicro R&Dand laboratory

spray dryer. Nominal drying gas
rate: 30 kg/h

The PharmaSD Series

PSD-1 co-current atomization

Nominal drying gas rate:80 kg/h
Methylene Chloride Evaporation
Rate at Outlet Gas Temp 40C

Acetone Evaporation Rate at Outlet
Evaporation (kg/h)

Gas Temp 50C

Ethanol Evaporation Rate at Outlet
Gas Temp 70C 10

Water Evaporation Rate at Outlet 5

Gas Temp 90C
Inlet Temperature (C)

50 100 150 200


PSD-4 co-current atomization PSD-5 co-current atomization

Nominal drying gas rate:1250 kg/h Nominal drying gas rate:2000 kg/h
450 700
400 600
Evaporation (kg/h)
Evaporation (kg/h)

250 400

200 300
0 0
Inlet Temperature (C) Inlet Temperature (C)

50 100 150 200 250

250 50 100 150 200


PSD-2 co-current atomization PSD-3 co-current atomization

Nominal drying gas rate:360 kg/h Nominal drying gas rate:630 kg/h
120 250250
Evaporation (kg/h)

Evaporation (kg/h)


20 50

0 0
Inlet Temperature (C) Inlet Temperature (C)

50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250


PSD-6 co-current atomization PSD-7 co-current atomization

Nominal drying gas rate:3150 kg/h Nominal drying gas rate:4000 kg/h

1200 1400

1000 1200

Evaporation (kg/h)

Evaporation (kg/h)


0 0
Inlet Temperature (C) Inlet Temperature (C)

50 100 150 200

250 50 100 150 200 250

Plant Components

Single-unit manufacturing combined with the Each module, indeed each system component,
use of standard modules has replaced serial plant must meet the strictest requirements and regulatory
production within the pharmaceutical industry, standards around the world.
enabling truly customised solutions based on
proven systems.

PharmaSD design
options include:

Equipment for closed-cycle operation

Facilities for hot gas sanitisation
Sanitary duct connections
Certified construction materials
HEPA filters for gas streams
Special process gas disperser design
Swirl cone for chamber access
CIP equipment
Mirror polished surface
Explosion protection systems

Double HEPA filter housing for safe change

of filter inserts using the Bag-in / Bag-out
principle. For PSD-5 spray dryer

Manufactoring of drying
chamber and cyclone under
strict quality control

The Complete Partnership

Working with You Every Step of the Way

Entering a partnership with Niro means entering Based on years of experience, equipment
a partnership that does not end until you are qualification will be carried out according to an
completely satisfied. From the moment you have agreed plan using documents prepared by Niro.
specified your user requirements and until the plant
has been put into service and has been qualified, Our engineers will contribute to a successful
our trained staff stays with you at every step of the qualification of the equipment in close co-operation
process, working in close co-operation with your with your validation staff.
own staff creating the components and systems that
will result in a qualified plant.

responsibility User Requirements Performance Qualification

Joint tasks Process Test & Design

Functional Specification
and Impact Assessment Operational Qualification

Software Design Hardware Design Mechanical Design Installation Qualification

Design Qualification Design Qualification Design Qualification SAT

Niro Equipment Build FAT

Hardware Build Integrated Testing

Software Software Testing


Two-fluid nozzle dedicated

for large scale GMP
production of very fine
particles (Patent pending)

Rotary atomizer F1.5 X

designed to meet
(Patent pending)


Central Know-How on a Global Scale

Based on a strong commitment to

research and development, pharmaceutical
technology centres in Belgium, Denmark,
Switzerland, the UK, Singapore, and USA
provide global technical support and
know-how to the pharmaceutical industry.
These centres of excellence give customers
access to a range of test facilities and expert teams with technical and
process know-how. Our teams work closely with our customers to optimise
processes and evaluate their products, enabling them to achieve their
process and production goals.

Contracting Profitable Experience

A world leader in supplying

pharmaceutical equipment, GEA Pharma
Systems offers manufacturers all over the
world the opportunity to enter into a
profitable partnership for development
and contract. GPS combine advanced
in-house technology with a thorough
understanding of the pharmaceutical industry to help customers maximize
their development results.
BNA835 GB-04/08. Blue Business A/S

Niro A/S
Gladsaxevej 305
PO Box 45 DK-2860 Soeborg Denmark
Tel: +45 39 54 54 54 Fax: +45 39 54 58 00
GEA Pharma Systems [email protected]

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