1 1.1 Problem Overview 1.2 Environment 2 Purpose & Scope 2.1 Purpose 2.2 Scope 3 Functional Specification 3.1

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1 Introduction

1.1 Problem Overview

1.2 Environment

2 Purpose & Scope

2.1 Purpose

2.2 Scope

3 Functional Specification

3.1 Overview
1 Introduction

1.2 Problem Overview

The employees are required to pay employees for their service rendered; through the payroll system,
the processing of this payment is possible. There are several other reasons why a payroll system is
necessary for employers and employees.

Payroll processing is a time consuming & detailed task. Most companies pay on a daily, semimonthly,
monthly pay cycle. Before the checks are printed, hourly wages must be entered in to the system and
benefits or deduction must be calculated. Whether clerk using a manual, computerized or external
payroll system, it should be design the reduce the amount of time spent calculating these amounts. For
an example. With the help of payroll software the clerk can rely on the software to compute most of his
calculations. This saves a employers lot of manual work, allowing him to devote more time to other

The payroll system allows for a more structured payroll environment. There are several payroll
documents (Payroll registers & check information) that need to be filled upon each pay date processing.
A payroll system allows for an organized filling system, Paper files should be stored in cabinets that are
designed solely for payroll purposes. Computer files are stored in a system ,eliminating unnecessary
paper work & filling .Additionally the payroll software will store employee personal information, such as
social security number, address and birth date.

Many employees will choose to participate in their companies’ health or other benefits plans. The
payroll system is design to employees can receive these benefits at their respective costs. Payroll
software will keep track of these benefits; once the employer enters the amounts to be deducted per
pay period, the system automatically deducts them each pay cycle. The employer only needs to revisits
that record only if there is a change in the employee’s benefits, in which case, he would manually enter
the change.

Also a payroll system includes the actual check printing process. Most companies use payroll software,
which prints the check based on what the employer has entered for each employee. In this case manual
system checks are typed on a type writer or are hand written. Also Authority offer direct deposit, which
transmits employees pay directly to into their bank account.

1.2 Environment

The system retrieves all employees who should be paid on the current date. The system calculate the
pay using entered time cards, employee information (Eg: Salary, Benefits etc..) & all legal deductions. If
the payment t delivery method is mail, the system creates a bank transaction & send in to the bank
system foe processing & mailing .If the payment t delivery method is direct post, the system creates a
bank transaction & send in to the bank system for processing.
The payroll administrator request that the system creates administrative report .Also payroll
administrator allows maintaining employee information.

System must run on the excising computer hardware install in the administrator.

2 Purpose & Scope

2.1 Purpose

The purpose offered by a payroll processing system requirement document is the refinement of the
initial statement of requirement provided by Hadabima Authority. It is intended to be used by the
authority as a basis for development of and eventual agreement with the prosper upon, a fully detailed
requirements specifications, which will form the basis of any eventual contract.

2.2 Scope

This document describes the overall requirements of the Authority. It outline the main function of the
proposed payroll system, and the constrains under which it will be developed. It does not specify the
precise details of each function, nor the detailed format of the data be used.

3 Functional Specification

3.1 Overview

Payroll system will maintain files of records of emploeers,salary,benefits,deduction,time card

etc….Employer will be identify by the uniquely by a “employee number “ automatically assign when the
new employer enter the authority. Employee number will not reuse if an employer recorded deleted.

Basic Salary will be categorized as four main groups, including employer service period. Each employee
has one salary scheme & basic salary categorization have several employees.

When maintain a timecard employee to update and submit timecard information, Houerly and salaried
employees must submit weekly timecard s recording all hours worked that week and which projects the
hours are billed to .An employee can only make changes to the time card for the current pay period and
before the timecard has been submitted.

3.2 Main functions

1. Create Administrative Report

Flow of Events
Basic Flow
The system begins when the Payroll Administrator requests that the system create an administrative report.
1. The system requests that the Payroll Administrator specify the following report criteria:
- Report Type (either total hours worked or pay year-to-date),
- Begin and end dates for the report,
- Employee name(s)
2. Once the Payroll Administrator provides the requested information, the system provides the Payroll
Administrator with a report satisfying the report criteria.
3. The Payroll Administrator may then request that the system save the report. At which time, the system requests
the Payroll Administrator to provide the name and location for saving the report.
4. Once the Payroll Administrator provides the requested information and confirms the decision to save the report,
the system saves the report to the specified name and location.
5. If the Payroll Administrator did not elect to save the report, the report is discarded.
Alternative Flows
Requested Information Unavailable
If in the Basic Flow, the requested information is unavailable, the system will display an error message.
The Payroll Administrator can choose to either return to the beginning of the Basic Flow, or cancel the
operation, at which point the use case ends.
Invalid Format or Insufficient Information
If, in the Basic Flow, the Payroll Administrator has not specified sufficient information to create the
selected report, the system will prompt the actor for the missing information. The Payroll Administrator can
either enter the missing information or choose to cancel the operation, at which point the ends.

Create Employee Report

Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This starts when the Employee wishes to create a “Total Hours Worked,” “Total Hours Worked for a
Project”, “Vacation/Sick Leave,” or “Total Pay Year-to-Date” report.
1. The system requests that the Employee specify the following report criteria:
- Report Type (either “Total Hours Worked,” “Total Hours Worked for a Project”,
“Vacation/Sick Leave,” or “Total Pay Year-to-Date”)
- Begin and end dates for the report
2. If the Employee selected the “Total Hours Worked for a Project” report, the system retrieves and
displays a list of the available charge numbers from the Project Management Database. The system
then requests that the Employee select a charge number.
3. Once the Employee provides the requested information, the system provides the Employee with a
report satisfying the report criteria.
4. The Employee may then request that the system save the report. At which time, the system requests
the Employee to provide the name and location for saving the report.
5. Once the Employee provides the requested information and confirms the decision to save the report,
the system saves the report to the specified name and location.
6. If the Employee did not elect to save the report, the report is discarded.
Alternative Flows
Requested Information Unavailable
If, in the Basic Flow, the requested information is unavailable, the system will display an error message.
The Employee can choose to either return to the beginning of the Basic Flow, or cancel the operation, at
which point the ends.
Invalid Format or Insufficient Information
If, in the Basic Flow, the Employee has not specified sufficient information to create the selected report,
the system will prompt the actor for the missing information. The Employee can either enter the missing
information or choose to cancel the operation, at which point the ends.

Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This starts when the actor wishes to Login to the Payroll System.
1. The system requests that the actor enter his/her name and password
2. The actor enters his/her name and password.
3. The system validates the entered name and password and logs the actor into the system.
Alternative Flows
Invalid Name/Password
If, in the Basic Flow, the actor enters an invalid name and/or password, the system displays an error
message. The actor can choose to either return to the beginning of the Basic Flow or cancel the login, at
which point the ends

Maintain Employee Information

Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This starts when the Payroll Administrator wishes to add, change, and/or delete employee information from
the system.
1. The system requests that the Payroll Administrator specify the function he/she would like to perform
(either Add an Employee, Update an Employee, or Delete an Employee)
2. Once the Payroll Administrator provides the requested information, one of the sub flows is executed.
If the Payroll Administrator selected “Add an Employee“, the Add an Employee subflow is executed.
If the Payroll Administrator selected “Update an Employee“, the Update an Employee subflow is
If the Payroll Administrator selected “Delete an Employee“, the Delete an Employee subflow is
Add an Employee
1. The system requests that the Payroll Administrator enter the employee information. This includes:
- name
- employee type (hour, salaried, commissioned)
- mailing address
- social security number
- other deductions (medical,loan)
- phone number
- hourly rate (for hourly employees)
- salary (for salaried and commissioned employees)
- hour limit (some employees may not be able to work overtime)
2. Once the Payroll Administrator provides the requested information, the system generates and assigns a unique
employee id number to the employee and sets the paycheck delivery method to default of “pickup”. The
employee is added to the system.
3. The system provides the Payroll Administrator with the new employee id.
Update an Employee
1. The system requests that the Payroll Administrator enter the employee id.
2. The Payroll Administrator enters the employee id. The system retrieves and displays the employee information.
3. The Payroll Administrator makes the desired changes to the employee information. This includes any of the
information specified in the Add an Employee sub-flow.
4. Once the Payroll Administrator updates the necessary information, the system updates the employee record with
the updated information.
Delete an Employee
1. The system requests that the Payroll Administrator specify the employee id.
2. The Payroll Administrator enters the employee id. The system retrieves and displays the employee information.
3. The system prompts the Payroll Administrator to confirm the deletion of the employee.
4. The Payroll Administrator verifies the deletion.
5. The system marks the employee record for deletion. The next time the payroll is run, the system will generate a
final paycheck for the deleted employee and remove the employee from the system.
Alternative Flows
Employee Not Found
If in the Update an Employee or Delete an Employee sub-flows, an employee with the specified id
number does not exist, the system displays an error message. The Payroll Administrator can then enter a
different id number or cancel the operation, at which point the ends.
Delete Cancelled
If in the Delete An Employee sub-flow, the Payroll Administrator decides not to delete the employee, the
delete is cancelled and the Basic Flow is re-started at the beginning.
Maintain Timecard
Brief Description
This allows the Employee to update and submit timecard information. Hourly and salaried employees must
submit weekly timecards recording all hours worked that week and which projects the hours are billed to.
An Employee can only make changes to the timecard for the current pay period and before the timecard has
been submitted.
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This starts when the Employee wishes to enter hours worked into his current timecard.
1. The system retrieves and displays the current timecard for the Employee. If a timecard does not exist
for the Employee for the current pay period, the system creates a new one. The start and end dates of
the timecard are set by the system and cannot be changed by the Employee.
2. The system retrieves and displays the list of available charge numbers from the Project Management
3. The Employee selects the appropriate charge numbers and enters the hours worked for any desired date
(within the date range of the timecard).
4. Once the Employee has entered the information, the system saves the timecard.
Submit Timecard
1. At any time, the Employee may request that the system submit the timecard.
2. At that time, the system assigns the current date to the timecard as the submitted date and changes the
status of the timecard to “submitted.” No changes are permitted to the timecard once it has been
3. The system validates the timecard by checking the number of hours worked against each charge
number. The total number of hours worked against all charge numbers must not exceed any limit
established for the Employee (for example, the Employee may not be allowed to work overtime).
4. The system retains the number of hours worked for each charge number in the timecard.
5. The system saves the timecard.
6. The system makes the timecard read-only, and no further changes are allowed once the timecard is
Alternative Flows
Invalid Number of Hours
If, in the Basic Flow, an invalid number of hours is entered for a single day (>24), or the number entered
exceeds the maximum allowable for the Employee, the system will display an error message and prompt
for a valid number of hours. The Employee must enter a valid number, or cancel the operation, in which
case the ends.
Timecard Already Submitted
If, in the Basic Flow, the Employee’s current timecard has already been submitted, the system displays a
read-only copy of the timecard and informs the Employee that the timecard has already been submitted, so
no changes can be made to it. The Employee acknowledges the message and the ends.
Project Management Service Not Available
If, in the Basic Flow, the Project Management Service is not available, the system will display an error
message stating that the list of available charge numbers is not available. The Employee acknowledges the
error and may either choose to continue (without selectable charge numbers), or to cancel (any timecard
changes are discarded and the ends).
Note: Without selectable charge numbers, the Employee may change hours for a charge number already
listed on the timecard, but he/she may not add hours for a charge number that is not already listed.
Run Payroll
Brief Description
This describes how the payroll is run every Friday and the last working day of the month.
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
The use case begins when it’s time to run the payroll. The payroll is run automatically every Friday and the
last working day of the month.
1. The system retrieves all employees who should be paid on the current date.
2. The system calculates the pay using entered timecards, purchase orders, employee information (e.g.,
salary, benefits, etc.) and all legal deductions.
3. If the payment delivery method is mail, the system creates a bank transaction and sends it to the Bank
System for processing and mailing.
4. If the payment delivery method is direct deposit, the system creates a bank transaction and sends it to
the Bank System for processing.
5. The ends when all employees receiving pay for the desired date have been processed.
Alternative Flows
Bank System Unavailable
If the Bank System is down, the system will attempt to send the bank transaction again after a specified
period. The system will continue to attempt to re-transmit until the Bank System becomes available.
Deleted Employees
After the payroll for an Employee has been processed, if the employee has been marked for deletion
(see the Maintain Employee use case), then the system will delete the employee

Select Payment Method

Brief Description
This allows an Employee to select a payment method. The payment method controls how the Employee
will be paid. The Employee may choose to either: pick up his check directly, receive it in the mail, or have
it deposited directly into a specified bank account.
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This use case starts when the Employee wishes to select a payment method.
1. The system requests that the Employee specify the payment method he would like (either: “mail”, or
“direct deposit”).
2. The Employee selects the desired payment method.
3. If the Employee selects the “mail” payment method, the system requests that the Employee specify the
address that the paycheck will be mailed to.
If the Employee selects the “direct deposit” method, the system requests that the Employee specify the
bank name and account number.
4. Once the Employee provides the requested information, the system updates the Employee information to
reflect the chosen payment method.
Alternative Flows
Employee Not Found
If, in the Basic Flow, information for the employee could not be located, the system displays an error
message, and the ends.
4 Non functional requirements

4.1 Quality attribute requirements

Performance- The system shall support up to 2000 simultaneous users against the central database at any
given time, and up to 500 simultaneous users against the local servers at any one time.
Reliability-Payroll must not “crash “ due to software faualt more than once per yearof prime shift use of
average.It must not fail in such a way as to corrupt the current working files more than onece in 10 years of
such use. The main system must be running 98% of the time. It is imperative that the system be up and
running during the times the payroll is run (every Friday and the last working day of the month).
Usability-Payroll will have a user inreface design to allow new administrator to learn to use in it at most
one week,with only “on-the job “Training from the existing staff.
Security- The system should prevent employees from changing any timecards other than their own.
Additionally, for security reasons, only the Payroll Administrator is allowed to change any employee
information with the exception of the payment delivery method.

4.2 Desgin & Implementation directives

The system shall provide a Windows-based desktop interface.

The total disk occupancy for a software libries will not exceed 10 MB.

The system shall integrate with an existing legacy system, the Project Management Database

The system shall interface with existing bank systems via an electronic transaction interface

4.3 Project constrained

The total cost of development will not exeed

The dilivary date wiil be

5 Validation Plan

A prototype will be supplied early to allow the customer to try out the proposed user
interfase.The detailed design will be amendedin the light of experience gained.

The final system will be subject to a trail using a subset of the customer’s existing records and a set of
dummy transactions choosen to represent a authorities worst case workload.

6 Referense

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