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Hexavalent Chromium

OSHA 3373-10 2009

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
To assure safe and healthful working conditions
for working men and women; by authorizing
enforcement of the standards developed under
the Act; by assisting and encouraging the States in
their efforts to assure safe and healthful working
conditions; by providing for research, information,
education, and training in the field of occupational
safety and health.

This publication provides a general overview of a

particular standards-related topic. This publication
does not alter or determine compliance responsibilities
which are set forth in OSHA standards, and the
Occupational Safety and Health Act. Moreover,
because interpretations and enforcement policy
may change over time, for additional guidance on
OSHA compliance requirements, the reader should
consult current administrative interpretations and
decisions by the Occupational Safety and Health
Review Commission and the courts.

Material contained in this publication is in the public

domain and may be reproduced, fully or partially,
without permission. Source credit is requested
but not required.

This information will be made available to sensory

impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone:
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U.S. Department of Labor

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSHA 3373-10
Introduction . . . 3

Worker Exposure and Health Consequences . . . 5

OSHAs Hexavalent Chromium Standards . . . 5

Exposure Limits . . . 6

Exposure Monitoring and Determinations . . . 6

Scheduled Monitoring Option . . . 7

Regulated Areas . . . 10

Control Measures . . . 10

Requirements for Protective Work

Clothing and Equipment . . . 12

Hygiene Areas and Practices . . . 14

Housekeeping . . . 15

Medical Surveillance . . . 16

Worker Training and Communication . . . 19

Recordkeeping . . . 20

Effective Dates . . . 22

Additional Information . . . 22

References . . . 23

OSHA Assistance . . . 24

OSHA Regional Offices . . . 28


This document is intended to supplement OSHAs Small Entity

Compliance Guide for the Hexavalent Chromium Standards
published in 2006 (see Additional Information section for web link
to this document) and to give readers an overview of the provisions
and requirements of the Hexavalent Chromium standards for
general industry (29 CFR 1910.1026), shipyards (29 CFR 1915.1026),
and construction (29 CFR 1926.1126).
Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is a toxic form of the element
chromium. Hexavalent chromium is rarely found in nature and is
generally man-made. Cr(VI) is widely used in pigments, metal
finishing (electroplating), wood preservatives and fungicides, and
in chemical synthesis as an ingredient and catalyst. Table 1 on
the next page lists some selected Cr(VI) compounds with their
synonyms and common uses.
Hexavalent chromium may also be present in fumes generated
during the production or welding of chrome alloys. Chromium
metal is often alloyed with other metals or plated on metal and
plastic substrates to improve corrosion resistance and provide
protective coatings. The steel industry is a major consumer of
chromium metal in the production of stainless steel.

This booklet is intended to provide information about

the Hexavalent Chromium standards for general industry
(29 CFR 1910.1026), shipyards (29 CFR 1915.1026), and
construction (29 CFR 1926.1126). The Occupational
Safety and Health Act requires employers to comply
with safety and health standards promulgated by OSHA
or by a state with an OSHA-approved state plan. How-
ever, this booklet is not itself a standard or regulation,
and it creates no new legal obligations.

Since 2000, there has been a decline in the use of chromates in
pigments for paints and coatings; printing inks; ceramic, glass and
construction materials; roofing and plastics. Employers are substi-
tuting less toxic inorganic and organic pigments where possible
(SRI Consulting, 2008).

Table 1. Selected Cr(VI) Compounds and Their Uses

Chemical Name Synonyms Uses

Chromium Trioxide Chromic acid, Most common uses:

chromia, chromic chromium plating,
(VI) acid, chromic aluminum anodizing, and
trioxide, chromium chemical intermediate for
oxide, chromium chromated copper arsenate
(VI) oxide wood preservatives.

Other uses: ceramic glazes,

colored glass, metal
cleaning, inks, and paints
(inorganic pigments).

Lead Chromate C.I. pigment Yellow Decorating china, pigment

34, crocoite, lead in industrial paints, rubber
chromium oxide, and plastics, pigment in oil
plumbous chromate paints and watercolors, and
printing fabrics.

Sodium Dichromate Disodium salt, Inks, oxidizing agent in the

chromium sodium manufacture of dyes and
oxide, dichromic many other synthetic
acid, disodium organic chemicals, electric
dichromate, sodium batteries, manufacture of
bichromate, sodium chromic acid, other
dichromate chromates and chrome
pigments, corrosion
inhibiting paints, compo-
nent of wood preservatives,
and colorant for glass.

Zinc Chromate Zinc salt, chromium Priming paints for metals,

zinc oxide, zinc varnishes and pigments in
chromium oxide, aerospace paints.
zinc tetraoxychro-
Adapted from: Meridian Research, 1994.

Worker Exposure and Health Consequences
Workplace exposure to Cr(VI) may cause the following health
lung cancer in workers who breathe airborne Cr(VI);
irritation or damage to the nose, throat and lungs (respiratory
tract) if Cr(VI) is inhaled; and
irritation or damage to the eyes and skin if Cr(VI) contacts these
Workers can inhale airborne Cr(VI) as a dust, fume or mist
while, among other things, producing chromate pigments, dyes
and powders (such as chromic acid and chromium catalysts);
working near chrome electroplating; performing hot work and
welding on stainless steel, high chrome alloys and chrome-coated
metal; and applying and removing chromate-containing paints and
other surface coatings. Skin exposure can occur while handling
solutions, coatings and cements containing Cr(VI).

OSHAS Hexavalent Chromium Standards

OSHA has separate standards for Cr(VI) exposures in general

industry, shipyards and construction. Most of the requirements are
the same for all sectors, with the exception of provisions for
regulated areas, hygiene areas and practices, and housekeeping.
Where there are differences, they will be explained in this booklet.
The standards generally apply to occupational exposures to Cr(VI)
in all forms and compounds in general industry, shipyards and
construction, with specific exceptions outlined in the box below.
States that administer their own OSHA-approved occupational
safety and health plans may have different requirements. See the
Additional Information section for a list of State plans and their
contact information.

The Cr(VI) standards do not apply in three situations:
exposures that occur in the application of pesticides;
exposures to Portland cement; and
where the employer has objective data demonstrating that a
material containing Cr(VI) or a specific process, operation, or
activity involving Cr(VI) cannot release dusts, fumes or mists
of Cr(VI) in concentrations at or above 0.5 micrograms per
cubic meter (g/m3) of air as an 8-hour time-weighted
average (TWA) under any expected conditions of use.

Exposure Limits
The final Cr(VI) rule establishes an 8-hour TWA permissible
exposure limit (PEL) of 5 g/m3 measured as Cr(VI). This means
that over the course of any 8-hour work shift, the average exposure
to Cr(VI) cannot exceed 5 g/m3.
The Action Level is set at 2.5 g/m3 of Cr(VI) calculated as an 8-
hour TWA.
Exposures above the Action Level trigger specific require-
ments, and exposures above the PEL trigger additional require-
ments. The substantive provisions of the Cr(VI) standard are
described below.

Exposure Monitoring and Determinations

Each employer who has a workplace or work operation covered
by the Cr(VI) standards must determine the 8-hour TWA exposure
for each worker exposed to Cr(VI). To comply with this provision,
employers can choose between two options for performing exposure
a scheduled monitoring option; or
a performance-oriented option.
When monitoring for Cr(VI), employers must use a method of
monitoring and analysis that provides values within plus or minus

25 percent of the true value at least 95 percent of the time for
airborne concentrations at or above the Action Level. Examples of
methods that meet these criteria are OSHA method ID215 (version
2) and NIOSH methods 7600, 7604, 7605 and 7703.

Scheduled Monitoring Option

The Initial Monitoring
Employers who select the scheduled monitoring option must
conduct initial exposure monitoring to determine exposure to
Cr(VI) for each worker. This involves taking a sufficient number of
personal breathing zone air samples to accurately characterize full
shift exposure on each shift, for each job classification, in each
work area. Monitoring results must indicate the workers time-
weighted average exposure to airborne Cr(VI) over a typical 8-
hour workday.
In some cases the employer will need to monitor all exposed
workers, while in other cases it will be sufficient to monitor
representative personnel. Representative exposure sampling is
permitted when a number of workers perform essentially the same
job under the same conditions. For example, an employer may
choose one welder to sample as a representative of several welders
who work in a welding shop for determining exposure as long as all
of the welders represented by the monitoring perform the same job
under the same conditions. Representative personal sampling for
workers engaged in similar work involving similar Cr(VI) exposures
is achieved by monitoring the worker(s) reasonably expected to
have the highest Cr(VI) exposures. For example, this may involve
monitoring the Cr(VI) exposure of the worker closest to an exposure
source. This exposure result may then be used to represent the
exposure of other workers in the group. The employer must take at
least one sample characteristic of the entire work shift or con-
secutive representative samples taken over the length of the shift.

Periodic Monitoring
Periodic monitoring is required if the initial monitoring shows
that the workers exposure is at or above the Action Level (See

Table 2, below, for monitoring frequency.)

Table 2. Monitoring Frequency

Exposure Scenario Required Monitoring Activity

Below the Action Level (< 2.5 No periodic monitoring required

g/m3) for workers represented by the
initial monitoring.

At or above the Action Level but Monitor every six months.

at or below the PEL (2.5 g/m3 to
5 g/m3)

Above the PEL (> 5 g/m3) Monitor every three months.

If initial monitoring shows exposures above the PEL, but sub-

sequent periodic measurements indicate that exposures have
fallen to levels at or below the PEL, but still above the Action Level,
the employer may reduce the frequency of periodic monitoring to
every six months. In addition, an employer may discontinue
periodic monitoring for workers represented by monitoring results
indicating that exposures have fallen below the Action Level if
those results are confirmed by a second measurement taken at
least seven days later.

Additional Monitoring
Additional monitoring is necessary when a workplace change may
result in new or additional exposures to Cr(VI) or the employer
has any reason to believe that new or additional exposures have
occurred. These changes may include alterations in the production
process, raw materials, equipment, personnel, work practices, or
control methods used in the workplace.

Examples of Situations Requiring Additional Monitoring

Example 1: If an employer has conducted monitoring for an elec-
troplating operation while using fume suppressants, and the use
of fume suppressants is discontinued, then additional monitoring

would be necessary to determine worker exposures under the
modified conditions.

Example 2: A welder may move from an open, outdoor location

to an enclosed or confined space. Even though the task per-
formed and materials used may remain constant, the changed
environment could reasonably be expected to result in higher
exposures to Cr(VI).

Performance-Oriented Option
The performance-oriented option allows the employer to determine
the 8-hour TWA exposure for each worker on the basis of any
combination of air monitoring data, historical monitoring data, or
objective data sufficient to accurately determine current worker
exposure to Cr(VI). This option is intended to allow employers
flexibility in assessing the Cr(VI) exposures of their personnel.
Where the employer elects to use this option, the exposure deter-
mination must be performed prior to the time that the work
operation commences and must provide the same degree of
assurance that worker exposures have been correctly characterized
as is provided for under the scheduled monitoring option. Like
under the scheduled monitoring option, the employer is expected
to reevaluate worker exposures when there is any change in the
production process, raw materials, equipment, personnel, work
practices, or control methods that may result in new or additional
exposures to Cr(VI). However, the employer using the performance-
oriented option does not have to follow any particular fixed
schedule for performing reevaluations.

Objective Data
The Objective data means information that demonstrates the
expected worker exposure to Cr(VI) associated with a particular
product or material or a specific process, operation, or activity.
Information that can serve as objective data includes, but is not

limited to, air monitoring data from an industry-wide survey;
data collected by a trade association from its members; or cal-
culations based on the composition or chemical and physical
properties of a material. The data must reflect workplace con-
ditions closely resembling the processes, types of material,
control methods, work practices and environmental conditions
in the employers current operations.

Regulated Areas
The Cr(VI) standard for general industry includes requirements for
regulated areas wherever a workers exposure to airborne concen-
trations of Cr(VI) is or is reasonably expected to be above the PEL.
However, OSHA has not included this requirement in the construc-
tion and shipyard standards due to the expected practical difficul-
ties of establishing regulated areas for operations in these sectors.
Employers are required to distinguish the regulated area from
the rest of the workplace in a manner that adequately establishes
and alerts workers to the boundaries of the regulated area. The
standard does not specify how employers are to indicate the
regulated areas. Warning signs, gates, ropes, barricades, lines,
textured flooring, or other methods may be appropriate. Whatever
methods are chosen must effectively warn workers not to enter
the area unless they are authorized. Authorized personnel are
those persons required by their job duties to be present in the
area and may include maintenance/repair personnel, managers
and quality control engineers. Also, designated worker representa-
tives may enter the regulated area to observe exposure monitoring.
All persons who enter the regulated area must use proper pro-
tective equipment, including respirators when appropriate.

Control Measures
To protect workers from Cr(VI) hazards, whenever exposures
exceed the PEL employers must use engineering and work
practice controls to reduce and maintain Cr(VI) exposures to or

below the PEL. These are the most effective controls. Whenever
feasible engineering and work practice controls are not sufficient
to reduce exposures to or below the PEL, the employer must use
such controls to reduce exposures to the lowest levels achievable
and supplement them by the use of respiratory protection.
Engineering controls include substitution (using a less toxic
material or process that results in lower exposures), isolation
(such as enclosing the source of exposure), and ventilation (such
as using a local exhaust system that captures airborne Cr(VI) near
its source).
Work practice controls involve adjustments in the way a task is
performed. Workers must know the proper way to perform a task
in order to minimize their exposure and to maximize the effective-
ness of the control. For example, a welder should be properly
trained to correctly position himself and the local exhaust ven-
tilation to minimize exposure to the welding fume. In many cases,
work practice controls complement engineering controls in
providing worker protection.
Employers are not permitted to rotate workers to different
jobs as a means of achieving compliance with the PEL.

Exceptions to the general requirement for primary use of

feasible engineering and work practice controls to reduce
worker exposures to within permissible limits:
In the aerospace industry, when workers are painting aircraft
or large aircraft parts (e.g., the interior or exterior of whole
aircraft, aircraft wings or tail sections, or comparably sized
aircraft parts), the employer must use feasible engineering

to levels at or below 25 g/m3. The employer must sup-

and work practice controls to reduce worker Cr(VI) exposures

plement its engineering and work practice controls with

respiratory protection to achieve the PEL.
If the employer can demonstrate that a particular process or
task does not result in worker exposures to Cr(VI) exceeding
the PEL for 30 or more days during any 12 consecutive
months, the employer is allowed to use any combination of

controls, including respirators alone, to achieve the PEL.
Historical data, objective data, or exposure monitoring data
may be used for this purpose.

Respiratory Protection
Employers are required to provide workers with respirators when
feasible engineering and work practice controls are unable to
reduce worker exposure to Cr(VI) to levels at or below the PEL.
Respirators are required during:
Work operations such as maintenance and repair activities for
which engineering and work practice controls are not feasible;
Emergencies (i.e., any occurrence that results or is likely to result
in an uncontrolled release of Cr(VI) that is not an incidental
release that can be controlled by workers in the immediate area
or by maintenance personnel);
Where workers are exposed above the PEL for fewer than 30
days per year and the employer has opted not to implement
engineering/work practice controls to achieve the PEL;
Periods necessary to install or implement feasible engineering
and work practice controls; or
Operations where all feasible engineering and work practice
controls have been implemented but are not sufficient to reduce
exposures to or below the PEL.
Where respirator use is required, the employer must establish
a respiratory protection program in accordance with OSHAs
Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134). The respiratory
protection program addresses procedures for properly selecting,
using and maintaining respirators in the workplace. OSHA has
prepared the document, a Small Entity Compliance Guide for the
Revised Respiratory Protection Standard (see the Additional
Information section at page 22).

Requirements for Protective Work Clothing

and Equipment
Employers are required to provide and ensure the proper use of

appropriate protective clothing and equipment whenever a hazard
evaluation of the workplace has identified that skin or eye contact
with Cr(VI) presents or is likely to present a hazard to workers.
Where such a hazard is identified, the employer must select the
clothing and equipment needed to protect workers from Cr(VI)
hazards. Some examples of protective clothing and equipment
that may be necessary include, but are not limited to, gloves,
aprons, coveralls, foot coverings and goggles. Normal street
clothing and uniforms or other accessories that do not protect
workers from Cr(VI) hazards are not considered protective clothing
or equipment under the standard. Employers must provide and
maintain the clothing and equipment at no cost to the worker.
The following precautions must be taken to protect workers
and others who handle protective clothing and equipment:
The employer must ensure that workers remove protective
clothing and equipment that has become contaminated with
Cr(VI) either at the end of their work shift or when they complete
their tasks involving Cr(VI) exposure, whichever comes first.
The employer must not allow any worker to remove contaminat-
ed protective clothing or equipment from the workplace, except
for those workers whose job it is to launder, clean, maintain, or
dispose of the clothing or equipment.
When contaminated protective clothing or equipment is
removed for laundering, cleaning, maintenance or disposal, the
employer must ensure that it is stored and transported in sealed,
impermeable bags or other closed, impermeable containers.
Bags or containers of contaminated protective clothing or
equipment that are removed from change rooms for laundering,
cleaning, maintenance or disposal must be labeled in accordance
with OSHAs Hazard Communication standard at 29 CFR
The employer must clean, launder, repair and replace protective
clothing and equipment as necessary to ensure that the effec-
tiveness of the clothing and equipment is maintained.
The employer must inform any person who launders or cleans
protective clothing or equipment contaminated with Cr(VI) of the
potentially harmful effects of Cr(VI) exposure, and that the
clothing and equipment should be laundered or cleaned in a
manner that minimizes skin or eye contact with Cr(VI) and
prevents exposure to Cr(VI) in excess of the PEL. Removal of
Cr(VI) from protective clothing and equipment by blowing,
shaking, or any other means that disperses Cr(VI) into the air or
onto a worker's body is prohibited.

Hygiene Areas and Practices

The Cr(VI) standards include requirements for change rooms, wash-
ing facilities, and eating and drinking areas to minimize exposure to
Cr(VI). They are:
Change rooms are only required when workers must change
out of their street clothes to use protective clothing and equipment.
The change rooms must conform to 29 CFR 1910.141 (for general
industry and shipyards) and 29 CFR 1926.51 (for construction),
prevent Cr(VI) contamination of street clothes, and be equipped
with separate storage facilities for protective clothing and
equipment and for street clothes. This provision is intended to
limit exposures after the work shift ends and avoid the contami-
nation of workers cars and homes.
Washing facilities must be provided and must be readily
accessible and capable of removing Cr(VI) from the skin.
Washing facilities must comply with OSHAs sanitation require-
ments at 29 CFR 1910.141 (for general industry), 29 CFR 1926.51
(for construction), and 29 CFR 1915.97 (for shipyards). The em-
ployer must ensure that affected workers use these facilities when
necessary. This includes making sure that workers who have
skin contact with Cr(VI) wash their hands and faces at the end of
the work shift and prior to eating, drinking, smoking, chewing
tobacco or gum, applying cosmetics, or using the toilet.
Eating and drinking areas and surfaces must conform with 29
CFR 1910.141 (for general industry), 29 CFR 1926.51 (for construc-
tion), and 29 CFR 1915.97 (for shipyards) and be maintained as
free as practicable of Cr(VI) whenever employers allow workers to
consume food or beverages at a worksite where Cr(VI) is present.
Employers are also required to ensure that workers do not enter
eating and drinking areas wearing protective clothing or equip-

ment, unless the protective clothing or equipment is properly
cleaned beforehand. Employers may use any method for removing
surface Cr(VI) from clothing and equipment that does not disperse
the dust into the air or onto the workers body. For example, if a
worker is wearing coveralls for protection against Cr(VI), thorough
HEPA vacuuming of the coveralls could be performed prior to
entry into a lunchroom. Do NOT blow dust off protective clothing
and equipment.
The employer must ensure that workers do not eat, drink,
smoke, chew tobacco or gum, or apply cosmetics or carry or
store products associated with these activities in regulated areas
or in areas where skin or eye contact with Cr(VI) occurs.

The Cr(VI) standard for general industry includes housekeeping
measures. OSHA did not include these requirements in the con-
struction and shipyard standards due to the expected practical
difficulties of complying with such requirements in those sectors.
Proper housekeeping requirements are important because they
target sources of exposure to Cr(VI) that engineering controls are
generally not designed to address (such as skin exposures).
Employers must ensure that all surfaces are maintained as free as
practicable of accumulations of Cr(VI). Spills and releases of
Cr(VI)-containing material must be cleaned up promptly. The
requirement to maintain surfaces as free as practicable is
performance-oriented. The standard does not specify what an
allowable surface loading of Cr(VI) contamination in work areas
would be. Instead, the requirement for as free as practicable is
met when the employer is vigilant in efforts to ensure that surfaces
are kept free of accumulation of Cr(VI) dust. OSHA will consider
the employers housekeeping schedule, the possibility of exposure
from the surfaces in question, and the characteristics of the
workplace. (OSHA, Jan. 13, 2003, Letter of Interpretation.)

Cleaning Methods
Surfaces contaminated with Cr(VI) must be cleaned by HEPA-
filtered vacuuming or other methods that minimize exposure to

Cr(VI), including wet methods such as wet sweeping or wet
scrubbing. Dry methods (e.g., dry shoveling, dry sweeping and
dry brushing) are only allowed in cases where HEPA-filtered
vacuuming or other methods that minimize the likelihood of
exposure to Cr(VI) have been tried and found not to be effective.
The use of compressed air for cleaning surfaces is only allowed
when used in conjunction with a ventilation system designed to
capture the dust cloud or when no alternative method is feasible.
Employers should use caution whenever compressed air is used
as a cleaning method, since the air will spread the contamination
further unless the dust is appropriately collected. Compressed air
should never be directed at workers and should not be used to
clean protective clothing or equipment.
Employers must ensure that waste, scrap, debris and any other
materials contaminated with Cr(VI) are collected and disposed of
in sealed, impermeable bags or other closed, impermeable con-
tainers. Additionally, bags or containers of waste, scrap, debris
and any other materials contaminated with Cr(VI) must be labeled
in accordance with the requirements of the Hazard Communication
standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.

Medical Surveillance
The purpose of medical surveillance is to determine if an individual
can be exposed to Cr(VI) at his or her workplace without experi-
encing adverse health effects; to identify Cr(VI)-related adverse
health effects when they do occur so that appropriate intervention
measures can be taken; and to determine a workers fitness to use
personal protective equipment such as respirators.
All medical examinations and procedures required by the
standards must be performed by or under the supervision of a
physician or other licensed healthcare professional (PLHCP).
When medical surveillance is required it must be provided at no
cost to workers and at a reasonable time and place. If participation
requires travel away from the worksite, the employer must bear
the cost. Workers must be paid for time spent taking medical
examinations, including travel time.

Employers must provide medical surveillance
to workers who are:
Exposed or may be exposed to Cr(VI) at concentrations at or
above the Action Level (as an 8-hour TWA) for 30 or more
days per year;
Experiencing signs and symptoms of adverse health effects
associated with Cr(VI) exposures (e.g., blistering lesions,
redness or itchiness of exposed skin, shortness of breath
or wheezing that worsens at work, nosebleeds, a whistling
sound while inhaling or exhaling); or
Exposed in an emergency situation (i.e., any occurrence that
results or is likely to result in an uncontrolled release of
Cr(VI) that is not an incidental release that can be controlled
by workers in the immediate area or by maintenance per-

Frequency of Medical Examination

Medical examinations must be given:
Within 30 days after initial assignment to a job involving Cr(VI)
exposure, unless the worker has received an examination that
meets the requirements of the standard within the last 12
Within 30 days after a PLHCP's written medical opinion
recommends an additional examination;
Whenever a worker shows signs or symptoms of the adverse
health effects associated with Cr(VI) exposure;
Within 30 days after exposure during an emergency which
results in an uncontrolled release of Cr(VI); or
At the termination of employment, unless the last examination
provided was less than six months prior to the date of termi-

Contents of the Medical Exams
A medical and work history which focuses on: the workers
past, present and anticipated future exposure to Cr(VI); any
history of respiratory system dysfunction; any history of
asthma, dermatitis, skin ulceration or nasal septum
perforation; and smoking status and history.
A physical examination of the skin and respiratory tract.
Any additional tests that the examining PLHCP considers
appropriate for that worker.
Note: The standards do not specify tests or procedures that
must be provided to all workers. Rather, the information
obtained from the medical and work history along with the
physical examination of the skin and respiratory tract (the main
targets of Cr(VI) toxicity) allow the PLHCPs to use their medical
judgment to determine what tests, if any, are warranted.

Information Provided to the PLHCP

The employer must ensure that the PLHCP has a copy of the Cr(VI)
standard, and must provide the PLHCP with:
A description of the affected workers former, current and
anticipated duties as they relate to Cr(VI) exposure;
Information on the workers former, current and anticipated
Cr(VI) exposure levels;
A description of any personal protective equipment used or to
be used by the worker, including when and for how long the
worker has used that equipment; and
Information from records of employment-related medical exami-
nations previously provided to the affected worker, currently
within the control of the employer.

The Written Medical Opinion

The employer must obtain a written medical opinion from the
PLHCP for each medical examination performed. The written
medical opinion must be obtained within 30 days of the exam-
ination, and must contain:
The PLHCP's opinion as to whether the worker has any detected
medical condition(s) that would place the worker at increased
risk of material impairment to health from further exposure to
Any recommended limitations on the workers exposure to
Cr(VI) or on the use of personal protective equipment such as
respirators; and
A statement that the PLHCP has explained to the worker the
results of the medical examination, including any medical
conditions related to Cr(VI) exposure that require further
evaluation or treatment, and any special provisions for the use
of protective clothing or equipment.
The PLHCP must not reveal to the employer any specific findings
or diagnoses that are not related to workplace Cr(VI) exposure. The
employer is required to provide a copy of the written medical
opinion to the examined worker within two weeks after receiving it.

Worker Training and Communication

It is critically important that workers recognize the hazards
associated with exposure to Cr(VI) and understand the measures
they can take to protect themselves. OSHAs Hazard Communication
standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) establishes requirements for
employers to provide workers with information on hazardous
chemicals such as Cr(VI) through comprehensive chemical hazard
communication programs that include material safety data sheets
(MSDSs), labels and worker training. Employers must follow the
requirements of the Hazard Communication standard with regard to
workers exposed to Cr(VI). These requirements include, but are not
limited to, informing workers of any operations in their work area
where Cr(VI) is present and training workers on the hazards of Cr(VI)
and measures theys can take to protect themselves from these
hazards (e.g., appropriate work practices, emergency procedures
and protective equipment to be used).
In addition, the Cr(VI) standards require the employer to provide
information and training sufficient to ensure that workers can
demonstrate knowledge of:
The requirements of the Cr(VI) standard; and
The medical surveillance program required by the standard,
including recognition of the signs and symptoms of adverse
health effects that may result from Cr(VI) exposure.
The employer must also make a copy of the Cr(VI) standard
available without cost to affected workers.

Accurate records can demonstrate employer compliance with the
standard and can assist in diagnosing and identifying workplace-
related illnesses. Therefore, employers are required to maintain
records of worker Cr(VI) exposures (including air monitoring data,
historical monitoring data and objective data) and medical surveil-
lance records.

Air Monitoring Data

Employers must keep an accurate record of all air monitoring
performed to comply with the standard. The record must indicate:
The date of the measurement for each sample taken;
The operation involving exposure to Cr(VI) that was monitored;
Sampling and analytical methods used and evidence of their
The number, duration and results of samples taken;
The type of personal protective equipment used (e.g., type of
respirators worn); and
The name, social security number and job classification of all
workers represented by the monitoring, specifying which
workers were actually monitored.

Historical Monitoring Data

When an employer relies on historical monitoring data to determine
worker exposures to Cr(VI), an accurate record of the historical
monitoring data must be maintained. The record must show:

That the data was collected using methods that meet the
accuracy requirements of the standard;
That the processes and work practices, characteristics of the
Cr(VI)-containing material, and environmental conditions at the
time the data was obtained are essentially the same as those of
the job for which current exposure is being determined; and
Any other relevant data regarding operations, materials, processes,
or worker exposures.

Objective Data
When an employer relies on objective data to comply with the
Cr(VI) standard, an accurate record of the objective data must be
maintained. The record must indicate:
The Cr(VI)-containing material in question;
The source of the objective data;
The testing protocol and results of testing, or analysis of the
material for the release of Cr(VI);
A description of the process, operation, or activity and how the
data support the determination; and
Any other relevant data regarding the processes, operations,
activities, materials, or worker exposures.

Medical Surveillance
The employer must maintain an accurate record for each worker
provided medical surveillance under the standard. The record
must include the following information about the worker:
Name and social security number;
A copy of the PLHCPs written opinions; and
A copy of the information that the employer was required to
provide to the PLHCP (i.e., a description of the workers duties
as they relate to occupational Cr(VI) exposure; the workers
Cr(VI) exposure levels; a description of the personal protective
equipment used by the worker; and information from previous
employment-related medical examinations).

Exposure and medical records must be maintained and made
available to workers and their representatives in accordance with
29 CFR 1910.1020, Access to Employee Exposure and Medical
Records. In general, exposure records must be kept for at least 30
years, and medical records must be kept for the duration of em-
ployment plus 30 years. It is necessary to keep these records for
extended periods because cancer often cannot be detected until
20 or more years after exposure, and exposure and medical
records can assist in diagnosing and identifying the cause of

Effective Dates
All provisions of the standard are currently in effect, except that
employers have until May 31, 2010 to implement required
engineering controls.

Additional Information
Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Hexavalent Chromium
Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Revised Respiratory
Protection Standard:
OSHA Fact Sheet: Health Effects of Hexavalent Chromium:
Hexavalent Chromium General Industry standard:
Hexavalent Chromium Shipyard standard:

Hexavalent Chromium Construction standard:
For a list of State plans and contact information:

Meridian Research, Inc. 1994. Final Report: Selected Chapters of
an Economic Impact Analysis for a Revised OSHA Standard for
Chromium VI: Introduction, Industry Profiles, Exposure Profiles,
Technological Feasibility (for 6 industries) and Environmental
Impacts. Prepared for: Office of Regulatory Analysis, OSHA,
Prepared by: Meridian Research, Inc., Prepared under Contract
Number: J-9-F-4-0012, Task Order No. 1, Base Year, December 18,
1994, pages I-2 through I-7, Document ID Number OSHA-H054A-
2006-0064-0720 (formerly Exhibit Number 26).

OSHA. 2003. Clarification of as free as practicable and lead con-

tamination under 29 CFR 1926.62. OSHAs Letter of Interpretation
response to Mr. Frank White of Organization Resources
Counselors, Inc. January 13, 2003.

OSHA. 2006. Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium.

Final Rule. 71 FR 10099-10385. 2/28/2006.

OSHA Instruction. 2008. Inspection Procedures for the Chromium

(VI) Standards. Directive Number: CPL 02-02-074. Effective Date:
January 24, 2008.

SRI Consulting. 2008. Chemical Economics Handbook. Inorganic

Color Pigments. CEH Marketing Research Report. January 2008,
pages 575.3002A through 575.3002J.

OSHA Assistance

OSHA can provide extensive help through a variety of programs,

including technical assistance about effective safety and health
programs, state plans, workplace consultations, and training and

Safety and Health Management System Guidelines

Effective management of worker safety and health protection is a
decisive factor in reducing the extent and severity of work-related
injuries and illnesses and their related costs. In fact, an effective
safety and health management system forms the basis of good
worker protection, can save time and money, increase productivity
and reduce employee injuries, illnesses and related workers com-
pensation costs.
To assist employers and workers in developing effective safety
and health management systems, OSHA published recommended
Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines (54 Federal
Register (16): 3904-3916, January 26, 1989). These voluntary
guidelines can be applied to all places of employment covered by
The guidelines identify four general elements critical to the
development of a successful safety and health management
Management leadership and worker involvement,
Worksite analysis,
Hazard prevention and control, and
Safety and health training.
The guidelines recommend specific actions, under each of
these general elements, to achieve an effective safety and health
management system. The Federal Register notice is available online
at www.osha.gov.

State Programs
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act)
encourages states to develop and operate their own job safety
and health plans. Twenty-four states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin

Islands currently operate approved state plans: 22 cover both
private and public (state and local government) employment;
Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and the Virgin Islands cover
the public sector only. States and territories with their own
OSHA-approved occupational safety and health plans must adopt
standards identical to, or at least as effective as, the Federal OSHA

Consultation Services
Consultation assistance is available on request to employers who
want help in establishing and maintaining a safe and healthful
workplace. Largely funded by OSHA, the service is provided at no
cost to the employer. Primarily developed for smaller employers
with more hazardous operations, the consultation service is
delivered by state governments employing professional safety and
health consultants. Comprehensive assistance includes an appraisal
of all mechanical systems, work practices and occupational safety
and health hazards of the workplace and all aspects of the employers
present job safety and health program. In addition, the service
offers assistance to employers in developing and implementing an
effective safety and health program. No penalties are proposed or
citations issued for hazards identified by the consultant. OSHA
provides consultation assistance to the employer with the assurance
that his or her name and firm and any information about the
workplace will not be routinely reported to OSHA enforcement staff.
For more information concerning consultation assistance, see
OSHAs website at www.osha.gov.

Strategic Partnership Program

OSHAs Strategic Partnership Program helps encourage, assist and
recognize the efforts of partners to eliminate serious workplace
hazards and achieve a high level of worker safety and health. Most
strategic partnerships seek to have a broad impact by building
cooperative relationships with groups of employers and workers.
These partnerships are voluntary relationships between OSHA,
employers, worker representatives, and others (e.g., trade unions,
trade and professional associations, universities, and other
government agencies).

For more information on this and other agency programs,
contact your nearest OSHA office, or visit OSHAs website at

OSHA Training and Education

OSHA area offices offer a variety of information services, such as
technical advice, publications, audiovisual aids and speakers for
special engagements. OSHAs Training Institute in Arlington
Heights, IL, provides basic and advanced courses in safety and
health for Federal and state compliance officers, state consultants,
Federal agency personnel, and private sector employers, workers
and their representatives.
The OSHA Training Institute also has established OSHA Training
Institute Education Centers to address the increased demand for its
courses from the private sector and from other federal agencies.
These centers are colleges, universities and nonprofit organizations
that have been selected after a competition for participation in the
OSHA also provides funds to nonprofit organizations, through
grants, to conduct workplace training and education in subjects
where OSHA believes there is a lack of workplace training. Grants
are awarded annually.
For more information on grants, training and education, contact
the OSHA Training Institute, Directorate of Training and Education,
2020 South Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005,
(847) 297-4810, or see Training on OSHAs website at
www.osha.gov. For further information on any OSHA program,
contact your nearest OSHA regional office listed at the end of this

Information Available Electronically

OSHA has a variety of materials and tools available on its website
at www.osha.gov. These include electronic tools, such as Safety
and HealthTopics, eTools, Expert Advisors; regulations, directives
and publications; videos and other information for employers and
workers. OSHAs software programs and eTools walk you through
challenging safety and health issues and common problems to find
the best solutions for your workplace.

OSHA Publications
OSHA has an extensive publications program. For a listing of free
items, visit OSHAs website at www.osha.gov or contact the OSHA
Publications Office, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue, NW, N-3101, Washington, DC 20210; telephone (202) 693-
1888 or fax to (202) 693-2498.

Contacting OSHA
To report an emergency, file a complaint, or seek OSHA advice,
assistance, or products, call (800) 321-OSHA or contact your nearest
OSHA Regional or Area office listed at the end of this publication.
The teletypewriter (TTY) number is (877) 889-5627.
Written correspondence can be mailed to the nearest OSHA
Regional or Area Office listed at the end of this publication or to
OSHAs national office at: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20210.
By visiting OSHAs website at www.osha.gov, you can also:
File a complaint online,
Submit general inquiries about workplace safety and health elec-
tronically, and
Find more information about OSHA and occupational safety and

OSHA Regional Offices

Region I Region VI
(CT*, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT*) (AR, LA, NM*, OK, TX)
JFK Federal Building, Room E340 525 Griffin Street, Room 602
Boston, MA 02203 Dallas, TX 75202
(617) 565-9860 (972) 850-4145

Region II Region VII

(NJ*, NY*, PR*, VI*) (IA*, KS, MO, NE)
201 Varick Street, Room 670 Two Pershing Square
New York, NY 10014 2300 Main Street, Suite 1010
(212) 337-2378 Kansas City, MO 64108-2416
(816) 283-8745
Region III
(DE, DC, MD*, PA, VA*, WV) Region VIII
The Curtis Center (CO, MT, NO, SO, UT*, WY*)
170 S. Independence Mall West 1999 Broadway, Suite 1690
Suite 740 West PO Box 46550
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3309 Denver, CO 80202-5716
(215) 861-4900 (720) 264-6550

Region IV Region IX
(AL, FL, GA, KY*, MS, NC*, SC*, TN*) (AZ*, CA*, HI*, NV,* and American
61 Forsyth Street, SW, Room 6T50 Samoa, Guam and the Northern
Atlanta, GA 30303 Mariana Islands)
(404) 562-2300 90 7th Street, Suite 18-100
San Francisco, CA 94103
Region V (415) 625-2547
(lL*, IN*, MI*, MN*, OH, WI)
230 South Dearborn Street Region X
Room 3244 (AK*, ID, OR*, WA*)
Chicago, IL 60604 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 715
(312) 353-2220 Seattle, WA 98101-3212
(206) 553-5930

* These states and territories operate their own OSHA-approved job safety
and health programs and cover state and local government employees as
well as private sector employees. The Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey,
New York and Virgin Islands plans cover public employees only. States with
approved programs must have standards that are identical to, or at least as
effective as, the Federal OSHA standards.
Note: To get contact information for OSHA Area Offices, OSHA-approved
State Plans and OSHA Consultation Projects, please visit us online at
www.osha.gov or call us at 1-800-321-0SHA.


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