Chromium (VI) : Uses in The Supply Chain

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Chemical Information Document

Version 2.0 August 2019

Chromium (VI)

Other Names Hexavalent Chromium, Cr(VI) Cr(VI) is the chromium element in its 6+
oxidation state. Hexavalent Chromium can occur
naturally in the environment from the erosion of
CAS Number Substance
natural chromium deposits or produced during
Chromium VI (the element Cr in the 6+ industrial processes. Chromium VI can naturally
oxidation state)
occur from the transformation of Cr(III) under the
right conditions such as exposure to UV light,
May Be Found In ▪ Tanned natural leather
high temperatures, low humidity, low pH-Values,
▪ Pigments and dyes (especially those
used in wool) or oxidizing agents. Chromium, in this oxidation
state, can be extremely stable and persistent in
the aquatic environment.
Uses in the Supply Chain
Within the apparel and footwear supply chain, chromium
may be in use in the following applications:

Leather tanning: Leather tanning is often performed using

trivalent chromium (Cr(III)). Under certain conditions such as
exposure to UV light, high temperatures, and/or low
humidity, Cr(III) may transform into Cr(VI).

Pigments and Dyes: Cr(VI) may be used as a mordant after

dyeing, especially for wool, or in lead-chromate pigments,
inks, plastics, and surface coatings.

Why Cr(VI) is Restricted

■ Exposure to hexavalent chromium has been linked to many health problems in humans. Acute and long-term
exposure to Cr(VI) has been linked to allergic skin reactions, gastrointestinal and respiratory issues, and
damage to the male reproductive system. Cr(VI) is considered a carcinogen by the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC). 1
■ Cr(VI) is regulated in textiles and leather products in multiple regions globally, including Egypt, Europe, South
Korea, Taiwan and China.2,3

Sourcing Compliant Materials from Your Suppliers

Contact your suppliers and explain that you require materials with extractable Cr(VI) values that do not exceed the
AFIRM RSL listed limits.
In chromium tanned leather where Cr(III) is added to the hides, Cr(VI) may occur under certain circumstances. To help
mitigate the risk of Cr(VI) generation, see the following guidance:
■ Use of chromium-based colorants and/or chromium-based after-treatments may cause these materials to fail
the AFIRM limits. Compliance of chromium-based colorants available on the market has to be checked with the
suppliers as described in the sections below.
■ Share this guidance sheet with your material suppliers and instruct them to work with their chemical suppliers
to source Cr(VI) compliant chemical formulations using the “Sourcing Chromium VI-Compliant Chemical
Chemical Information Document
Version 2.0 August 2019
Formulations” guidance section below.
■ Have your suppliers verify that their manufactured materials meet the above Cr(VI) limits with a certification or,
if necessary, by providing a test report from a third-party laboratory that is experienced in analyzing the specific
■ Perform risk-based checks of your suppliers’ materials by submitting samples to a third-party laboratory for
testing to ensure the Cr(VI) limits are not exceeded.
■ As the Cr(VI) limit is a equal to the method quantification limit (3 mg/kg), every fail with values falling into 3-5
mg/kg range, should be confirmed by a different third party qualified laboratory. Note: There is also a new EU
regulation that places an upper limit of 1 mg/kg for Chromium VI in textile articles. Please ensure your testing
protocol addresses this and that your suppliers are aware of this limit.4
■ Consider applying the ageing test to leather samples. This additional sample processing step will artificially age
the leather in conditions that will drive Cr(VI) generation, giving an indication if changes in the leather over time
might result in Cr(VI) generation. This will give some indication of how your leather goods will fare under
oxidative conditions.

Preventing Cr (VI) Formation through Leather Tanning

■ Roughly 80% of global leather production is chrome tanned. Alternatives are generally more expensive and
produce different leather characteristics. Viable alternatives include:
o Metal salts of aluminum, zirconium or titanium.
o Synthetic organic compounds such as glutaraldehyde, tetrakis hydroxymethyl phosphonium sulfate
(THPS), polymeric syntans or poly(carbamoyl)sulfonate (PCS).
■ When tanning with Cr(III), the formation of Cr(VI) can be reduced by following these steps:

o Utilize Cr(VI) free tanning products, tested for Cr(VI) and procured from a reputable supplier.
o Avoid use of highly unsaturated fats:
▪ If the raw material has a high level of natural grease, degrease thoroughly.
▪ Avoid fat liquors or finishing oils with natural fats (e.g., fish, animal or vegetable).
o Maintain pH below 6.5 and avoid use of ammonia, sodium bicarbonate and bleach during and after the
tanning step.
o Avoid the accumulation of free chromium on leather surface by washing after neutralization step, after
any wet-end waterproofing treatment and at the end of wet processing
o Add antioxidant chemicals in re-tanning process (e.g., vegetable tannins).
o Finish the wet end processing at low pH conditions (3.5 - 4)
▪ The transformation of the residual Cr(III) into Cr(VI) should be prevented also for the finished goods. For this
reason, it is recommended to:
o Avoid storage and transport of leathers in air polluted heavily with oxidizing gases like ozone, nitrogen
oxides, sulfur oxides.
o During transport, manufacture and use of leather items, avoid the prolonged exposure to low humidity,
high temperatures and direct sunlight.
o Avoid heating chrome-tanned leather to apply prints or set adhesives.

Sourcing Compliant Formulations from Your Chemical Suppliers

■ Contact your chemical suppliers and explain that you require chemical formulations with no intentionally-added
Cr(VI). The concentration of Cr(VI) should be <10 ppm (0.001%) in accordance with the ZDHC’s MRSL limits. 5
o Pay special attention to suppliers of wool after-dyeing mordants, metal-complex dyes and pigments
and chromium leather-tanning powders.
■ Have your chemical suppliers verify that their chemical formulations meet the <10 ppm Cr(VI) formulation limit
with a certification or, if necessary, by providing a test report from a third party testing laboratory.
■ Check the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) of all chemical formulations to ensure that Cr(VI) and chromate salts,
Chemical Information Document
Version 2.0 August 2019
including dyes and pigments, are not listed as ingredients.
■ Perform risk-based checks of your chemical suppliers’ formulations by submitting samples to a third party
laboratory for testing to ensure the Cr(VI) <10 ppm limit is not exceeded.
■ Discuss with your chemical supplier whether the below safer alternatives are suitable substitutes for your
production needs.

Safer Alternatives
■ As mentioned previously, there are alternatives to the chrome tanning process, but these may result in leather
with distinctly different performance properties.
■ There are many alternatives to chromate pigments and dyes. Most major chemical suppliers have discontinued
production of these dyestuffs.
■ There are many after-dyeing mordant alternatives to chromate, including potassium aluminium sulfate,
aluminium acetate and ferrous sulfate. Work with your chemical and dye suppliers to confirm that any chosen
alternative is ZDHC MRSL compliant.

Additional Information/ References

1. World Health Organization, International Agency for the Research on Cancer. “IARC Monographs on the
Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Chromium, Nickel and Welding.” Volume 49 (1990).

2. Hohenstein Institute & Textile Exchange. Chemical Snapshots – Heavy Metals. 03/17/2017, Revision 0.2.

3. Substances restricted under REACH.

/dislist/details/0b0236e1807e2bc1, Retrieved April 2019

4. Official Journal of the European Union - COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2018/1513. https://eur-, Retrieved April 2019

5. Online ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC e-MRSL) Version 1.1. (Retrieved April 2019)

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