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Pathophysiology of dyslipidaemia in the metabolic

G D Kolovou, K K Anagnostopoulou, D V Cokkinos

Postgrad Med J 2005;81:358366. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2004.025601

The insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome is characterised PREVALENCE

Using the WHO definition and data from the
by the variable coexistence of hyperinsulinaemia, obesity, national health and nutrition examination sur-
dyslipidaemia, and hypertension. The pathogenesis of the vey III (NHANES III) and the NCEP ATP III
syndrome has multiple origins, but obesity and sedentary criteria, the age adjusted prevalence of the MetS
in the USA is currently estimated at 24% and
lifestyle coupled with diet and still largely unknown genetic increases to 44% in adults who are over 60
factors clearly interact to produce the syndrome. years.911 The prevalence of two or more MetS
Dyslipidaemia, the hallmark of the metabolic syndrome, components is 43.9%, showing that a large group
is at risk for its development. Based on the data
includes increased flux of free fatty acids, raised from the 2000 US census, an estimated 47
triglycerides, apolipoprotein B, and small dense low million US residents have the MetS.11 There is a
density lipoprotein, and decreased high density lipoprotein 3.2 relative risk of acute coronary events in
subjects with characteristics of the MetS (body
cholesterol. The widely prevalent nature of the metabolic mass index >25.0 kg/m2 and waist to hip ratio
syndrome emphasises the importance of its diagnosis and >0.91).12 In the womens angiographic vitamin
treatment. This review analyses the clinical and dynamic and oestrogen trial the prevalence of the MetS
features of this syndrome in the aspect of dyslipidaemia was 60% and clinical cardiovascular events were
significantly more frequent compared with those
and its management. without MetS.13 However, going throughout the
........................................................................... studies recently published the prevalence of the
MetS varies from 7% to 84%.14 15 The criteria
involved in the MetS, especially type 2 diabetes

he insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome mellitus, as well as other parameters such as age,
(MetS) is characterised by the variable co- sex, studys populations, and ethnic differences
existence of hyperinsulinaemia, obesity, dys- may explain these differences. For example, the
lipidaemia, and hypertension.1 2 Other features prevalence of the MetS among American adults
of the syndrome include the proinflammatory seems to be the highest in Mexican American
states, microalbuminuria, and hypercoagulabi- women (33%) and the lowest in white American
lity.35 Despite abundant research and clinical women (21%).16 The prevalence of coronary heart
application of the MetS, the various cut offs for disease or cardiovascular disease also varies.
its components have varied widely. The patho- These variations suggest that some people have
genesis of the syndrome has multiple origins. a genetic predisposition that leaves them more
Obesity and sedentary lifestyle coupled with diet susceptible to the development of the metabolic
as well as still largely unknown genetic factors disturbances produced by the Western lifestyle.
clearly interact to produce the syndrome.6 In An example of this can be found in the Pima
1988, Reaven introduced the term syndrome X, Indians. The group that moved to Arizona 700
with insulin resistance as a common denomi- 1000 years ago and progressively adopted a
nator for the syndrome.7 In addition to syndrome Western diet, by the age of 35 developed obesity
X, several other synonyms have been proposed in .85% and diabetes in .50% in contrast with
such as deadly quartet, DROP syndrome (dys- the group who still lives in Mexico and is
lipidaemia, insulin resistance, obesity, and high characterised by a traditional lifestyle, where
blood pressure), multiple metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes do not seem to be an
and insulin resistance syndrome.1 2 8 To aid in the important health problem.17
research and clinical application of the MetS, the The MetS is a multifactorial complex trait that
See end of article for World Health Organisation consultations for the
authors affiliations is influenced by both environmental and genetic
....................... classification of diabetes and its complications factors. Mutations and polymorphisms in the
and the National Cholesterol Education Program genes associated with insulin resistance, adipo-
Correspondence to: (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III expert
Dr G D Kolovou, Onassis cyte abnormality, hypertension, lipid abnormal-
Cardiac Surgery Centre,
panel have published definitions.9 10 The latter is ities may underlie the aetiological basis of the
356 Sygrou Avenue 176 the most widely used. Table 1 summarises the MetS. Table 2 lists some of the genes associated
74 Athens, Greece; MetS definitions of both the WHO and NCEP with the MetS. The diagnosis of the MetS seems
[email protected] ATP III. Additionally, the NCEP ATP III guide-
lines define the MetS as a new secondary target
Submitted 15 June 2004 Abbreviations: MetS, metabolic syndrome; LDL, low
Accepted for cardiovascular risk reduction therapy, recom- density lipoprotein; HDL, high density lipoprotein; VLDL,
1 November 2004 mending both lifestyle modification and treat- very low density lipoprotein; apo, apoliprotein; TG,
....................... ment of individual risk factors. triglyceride
Dyslipidaemia in the metabolic syndrome 359

Table 1 Metabolic syndrome criteria defined by the Table 2 Genes associated with the metabolic syndrome
MetS characteristics Genes
9 10
WHO ATP III 18 18 18
Abdominal obesity Leptin, POMC, PC1, melanocortin
One of the following At least three of the following receptor 4,18 leptin receptor,18 adiponectin,19
20 20
Insulin resistance Waist circumference PPARc2, TNFa
20 20 21
HOMA-IR > 2.5 Men .102 cm Hypertriglyceridaemia UCP1, LPL, b2 and b3 adrenergic
Women .88 cm receptor.20 FATP1,20 apo CIII,22 apo AV,22
Impaired glucose tolerance Fasting triglycerides CETP
2 hour OGTT 811 mmol/l >1.7 mmol/l Low HDL cholesterol LPL,21 apo AV,24 SR-BI,25 ABCA1,26 CETP27
Type 2 diabetes mellitus HDL cholesterol Hypertension AGT,28 UCP2,29 ACE,30 a-adducin,30
Fasting glucose >7 mmol/l or Men ,1 mmol/l aldosterone synthase
2 hour OGTT >11 mmol/l Women ,1.3 mmol/l Impaired fasting Adiponectin,19 20 TNFa20
Plus at least two of the following glucose
Blood pressure Blood pressure
>140/9 mm Hg >130/85 mm Hg POMC, pro-opiomelanocortine; PC1, prohormone convertase 1;
BMI PPARc2, peroxisome proliferators activated receptor c2; TNFa, tumour
>30 kg/m2 or necrosis factor a; UCP1, uncoupling protein 1; LPL, lipoprotein lipase;
Waist to hip ratio Fasting glucose FATP1, fatty acid transport protein 1; apo, apolipoprotein; CETP,
Men .0.90 >6.1 mmol/l cholesteryl ester transfer protein; SR-BI, scavenger receptor class B type I;
Women .0.85 ABCA1, ATP binding cassette A1 transporter; AGT, angiotensinogen;
Fasting triglycerides UCP2, uncoupling protein 2; ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme.
>1.7 mmol/l and/or
Low serum HDL concentration
Men ,0.9 mmol/l effect of insulin resistance. Although the underlying mechan-
Women ,1 mmol/l
isms for this pattern are not fully understood, a cascade of
Albumin creatinine ratio
Men .2.5 mg/mmol events has been proposed for the observed phenotype, which
Women .3.5 mg/mmol ties in with all of the abnormalities present in these disorders.
HOMA, homoeostasis model assessment; OGGT, oral glucose tolerance
test; BMI, body mass index. HOMA-IR, fasting serum insulin (mU/ml) 6 Increased free fatty acids
fasting plasma glucose (mmol/l)/22.5. The primary defect is probably focused in the inability to
incorporate the free fatty acids to TGs by the adipose tissue
(inadequate esterification).31 This results in reduced fatty acid
to identify substantial additional cardiovascular risk above trapping and consequent retention by the adipose tissue. The
and beyond the individual risk factors. Therefore, the clinical insulin resistance also causes reduced retention of free fatty
diagnosis of the MetS may be a valuable tool for identifica- acids by the adipocytes. Both these abnormalities lead to
tion of the elusive high risk patients. increased flux of free fatty acids back to the liver (fig 1).
However, some studies have shown that hepatic fatty acid
DYSLIPIDAEMIA IN THE MetS metabolism is required for the development of insulin
Dyslipidaemia, the hallmark of the MetS, is summarised as resistance.8
(a) increased flux of free fatty acids, (b) raised TG values, (c) Adipose tissue, for a long time, was regarded as a
low high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol values, (d) comparatively passive side of energy storage (accumulated
increased small, dense low density lipoprotein (LDL) values, in the form of TGs). However, recent studies show that
and (e) raised apolipoprotein (apo) B values (table 3).31 adipose tissue is an endocrine organ producing various
Dyslipidaemia is widely established as an independent risk proteins (adipocytokines).36 Adipocytokines include leptin,
factor for cardiovascular disease.32 Low HDL cholesterol and angiotensinogen, tumour necrosis factor a, interleukin 6,
hypertriglyceridaemia have been found to be independently plasminogen activator-inhibitor 1, transforming growth
and significantly related to myocardial infarction/stroke in factor b, adipsin, adiponectin, resistin. These proteins are
patients with MetS.33 Additionally, a combination of high increased (with the exception of adiponectin, which
fasting glucose and low HDL cholesterol were shown to have decreases) in obesity and, at least under experimental
primary predictive ability for coronary heart disease.34 settings, possibly can induce obesity related insulin resistance
Moreover, in the study of Sacco and colleagues, the role of or diabetes.37 38 Additionally, adipose tissue is a prominent
HDL cholesterol values, as an important modifiable stroke source of cholesteryl ester transfer protein.39 Cholesteryl ester
risk factor, was further supported.35 The dyslipidaemia in transfer protein is an important determinant of lipoprotein
MetS patients may be caused by a combination of over- composition because of its capacity to mediate the transfer of
production of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) apo B-100, cholesteryl esters from cholesteryl ester rich lipoproteins to
decreased catabolism of apo B containing particles, and TG rich lipoproteins in exchange for TGs.40 In obese subjects,
increased catabolism of HDL-apo A-I particles. These cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity and mass are
abnormalities may be the consequence of a global metabolic increased.41

Table 3 Fasting abnormalities in lipid, lipoprotein, apolipoprotein values, and in

enzymes or proteins involved in the metabolic syndrome
Lipids Lipoproteins Apolipoprotein Enzymes, proteins

Increased FFA Increased VLDL Increased apo B-100 Decreased L

and apo B-48
Increased TGs Increased small dense LDL Decreased apo A Increased HL
Decreased HDL Increased CETP

FFA, free fatty acid; TG, triglyceride; VLDL, very low density lipoprotein; LDL, low density lipoprotein; HDL, high
density lipoprotein; apo, apolipoprotein; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; HL, hepatic lipase; CETP, cholesteryl ester transfer
360 Kolovou, Anagnostopoulou, Cokkinos

Biological Factors

Abdominal Hypertrophic Defect in the incorporation

fat adipocytes of FFAs into TGs

FFA trapping and retention

by adipose tissue

Insulin resistance
FFA in plasma

[Clearance (LPL, CIII)] TG (Proteolysis of apo B-100)

Catabolism of HDL

Small dense LDL

HDL levels

Figure 1 Schematic representation of dyslipidaemia of metabolic syndrome. FFA, free fatty acid; TG, triglyceride; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; CIII,
apolipoprotein CIII; apo, apolipoprotein; HDL, high density lipoprotein; CETP, cholesteryl ester transfer protein; CE, cholesteryl ester; VLDL, very low
density lipoprotein; LDL, low density lipoprotein; HL, hepatic lipase.

Increased TGs large VLDL is formed by the addition of a substantial TG core

Increased flux of free fatty acids from the periphery to the in a second quantum step. In subjects with a low circulating
liver in the insulin resistant state stimulates hepatic TG concentration of TG, the liver has insufficient TG to assemble
synthesis, which in turn promotes the assembly and secretion a VLDL2 sized particle and intermediate density lipoprotein/
of TG containing VLDL,42 as well as the apo B production in LDL are secreted. The substantial decrease in clearance rates
the liver.31 43 Under normolipidaemic conditions in humans, of both VLDL1 and VLDL2 appears as plasma TG rises leading
VLDL secretion is affected by TG and cholesterol availability to accumulation of large VLDL particles.50 This fall off of
and recent studies suggest an association between cholesterol clearance rates is likely to reflect the rates of lipolysis and
synthesis and production of smaller VLDL particles (VLDL2).44 could be attributable to a change in lipoprotein lipase activity
While insulin suppresses the formation of large VLDL (decreased in insulin resistance state) and other factors such
particles, VLDL1 does not have any impact on the production as the apoC-II content or the apoCII/CIII ratio (modulators of
of the smaller VLDL2 fraction.45 When insulin resistance lipoprotein lipase activity) in VLDL.51
occurs, the high insulin values make the liver resistant to the However, studies in animals and humans are needed in
inhibitory effects of insulin on VLDL secretion.46 which the impact of hepatic TG synthesis on VLDL TG
Visceral obesity and increased intra-abdominal fat have production is carefully assessed. It is probable that the causes
been shown to precede development of insulin resistance.47 of raised TG values in the MetS are multifactorial and not
Increasing insulin resistance is proposed to be the precursor simply a function of increased free fatty acid flux to the liver.
for two events. Firstly, in the presence of insulin resistance, Small dense LDL
the visceral adipocyte is more sensitive to the metabolic In the insulin resistant state, the LDL levels are usually
effects of the lipolytic hormones glucocorticoids and cate- within normal limits or only mildly raised; however the LDL
cholamines.48 This hormonal lipolytic activity produces an particle is often of abnormal composition (small, dense LDL).
increased release of free fatty acids into the portal system, The underlying abnormality causing small dense LDL is
which serves as hepatic substrate to assemble TGs and TG hypertriglyceridaemia. It has been found that small dense
rich VLDLs. Secondly, increasing insulin resistance leads to LDL is not seen until plasma TG levels exceed 1.5 mmol/l.52
increased production of apo B, the major protein of LDL, and Under these conditions, large TG rich VLDL (VLDL1)
as a consequence to the increased synthesis and secretion of molecules accumulate. When VLDL1 is lipolysed by lipopro-
TG containing VLDL cholesterol particles.49 Experiments in tein lipase, a population of LDL particles with changed apo B
cell cultures suggest that VLDL assembly is complex and conformation is produced. These particles fail to bind
entails a two step process.45 Firstly, a small lipoprotein efficiently to LDL receptors and so have a prolonged residence
particle containing little TG is formed in the rough time in the circulation. By the action of cholesteryl ester
endoplasmic reticulum, and secondly, the bulk of the TG transfer protein, cholesteryl esters are replaced by TG in LDL
core is added to this at the junction of the rough and smooth and HDL particles (fig 1). TG rich LDL is a good substrate for
endoplasmic reticulum. It is possible that the release of small hepatic lipase that finally generates small dense LDL, which
VLDL follows the addition of a comparatively small quantity is associated with increased cardiovascular risk.52 53 Many
of TG (or of cholesteryl ester) to the nascent particle while studies have shown that small, dense LDL particles have
Dyslipidaemia in the metabolic syndrome 361

proatherogenic properties such as: (a) reduced LDL receptor remnants by this pathway.67 Another possible explanation is
mediated clearance, (b) increased arterial wall retention, (c) that the disturbances in TG postprandially may be related to
increased susceptibility to oxidation.54 The heterogeneity of the cholesterol homoeostasis. The hepatic cholesterol synth-
LDL is based on the variable content of the cholesteryl ester esis and intestinal cholesterol absorption are responsible for
molecules in the core of LDL, while the absolute amount of the cholesterol content in the liver. The increased intestinal
apo B on the surface of LDL may remain unchanged.49 As a cholesterol absorption reduces hepatic cholesterol synthesis
result, the LDL particles are not only small and dense but also and as a consequence the secretion of VLDL decreases and
comparatively enriched in apo B molecule compared with the LDL receptors are upregulated.68 The upregulation of LDL
normal LDL. In the increased TG state, small dense LDL with receptors may increase the removal of both chylomicron and
hyperapolipoprotein B is more likely to be formed.49 In the VLDL remnants. In the postprandial state of subjects with the
Johns Hopkins coronary artery disease study, higher apo B MetS, the increased hepatic cholesterol synthesis and the
levels predicted coronary heart disease better than did LDL decreased intestinal cholesterol absorption result in a non-
cholesterol.55 Hyperapobetalipoproteinaemia was the most decrease of the catabolism of TG remnants.69 Studies have
prevalent lipoprotein phenotype in the Johns Hopkins shown that abnormal postprandial lipaemia is found in
coronary artery disease study population and was found in patients with coronary heart disease, and other conditions
about 33% of patients with premature coronary heart related to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.6971


Low HDL cholesterol in patients with the MetS is often HYPERLIPIDAEMIA, AND THE METS
considered as secondary to raised TG.1 In the presence of Type 2 diabetes
increased plasma TG levels, the cholesteryl ester transfer The pathophysiology of the development of type 2 diabetes
protein mediates TG-cholesteryl ester exchange between LDL mellitus is complex, multifactorial, and develops over a
and VLDL, as already mentioned above. Similar lipid protracted period of time. Resistance to the action of insulin
exchange is taking place between VLDL and HDL particles, arises first. It is believed that obesity leads to insulin
forming TG rich HDL (fig 1). These TG rich but cholesterol resistance and increased circulating insulin concentrations
depleted HDLs are more prone to be catabolised. They over time.47 Hyperglycaemia occurs later, as pancreatic
undergo hydrolysis of their TG component and dissociation insulin secretion eventually fails to provide sufficient insulin
of their protein component, apo A (the main protein of for the metabolic needs of the body. It seems that at some
HDL).57 There are additional mechanisms that contribute to point a loss of control of blood glucose begins to emerge,
the low HDL cholesterol levels. One possibility is that resulting in dietary glucose intolerance. This ultimately
changed lipid flux in the liver attributable to insulin results in type 2 diabetes.72 It is known that obese people
resistance may reduce the hepatic production of apo A.1 may develop different degrees of insulin resistance, and not
However, there are studies showing that the diameter of HDL all people develop glucose intolerance. The factors that make
is affected by insulin resistance (see section of familial some people more likely to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus
combined hypercholesterolaemia). Alternatively, the insulin are not well understood at the present time. A strong family
resistance may cause the destabilisation of ATP binding predisposition is known to exist. Type 2 diabetes mellitus has
cassette A1 transporter protein, a key molecule that mediates long been considered a disease of adults.73 During the past 10
the transfer of cellular phospholipids and cholesterol to apo A years, however, an increasing frequency in the occurrence of
for the formation of mature and functional HDL particles.26 type 2 diabetes mellitus has been reported in adolescents.74
Mutations in the ATP binding cassette A1 transporter are The lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities seen in type 2
associated with Tangier disease, which is characterised by diabetes are similar to those found in the MetS, but more
extremely low HDL cholesterol levels.58 In the absence of severe. The raised TG rich lipoproteins are attributable to
sufficient cholesterol efflux, apo A is rapidly cleared from the increased availability of free fatty acids in the liver. Raised
circulation by the kidneys. The consequence of that is low levels of free fatty acids produce lipotoxicity, which hampers
HDL cholesterol in plasma, whose pleiotropic (antioxidant, the glucose induced insulin secretion and worsens the insulin
anti-inflammatory, and other) effects besides the reverse resistance.75 Furthermore, the increased TG causes the
cholesterol transport, have been recently established.31 59 formation of small dense LDL particles and reduction of
Furthermore, the increase of HDL cholesterol levels with HDL cholesterol. Patients with diabetes mellitus have higher
lipid lowering drugs has been shown to be beneficial.60 61 risk for cardiovascular events compared with those without
Another possibility is that people with the MetS, even with diabetes mellitus. About 80% of deaths of patients with
normal fasting TG levels, have frequently abnormal post- diabetes mellitus are caused by cardiovascular disease.76
prandial responses to dietary fat.62 This transient increase of These data support the ATP III guidelines for treating
TGs increases cholesteryl ester transfer protein mediated lipid patients with diabetes mellitus as aggressively as patients
exchange and formation of HDL particles, as described above. without diabetes mellitus but with myocardial infarction.10

Postprandial lipaemia Familial combined hyperlipidaemia

Under conditions of insulin resistance, the antilipolytic effect The metabolic abnormalities associated with the MetS are
of insulin on adipose tissue is weak.63 This can explain the also present in patients with familial combined hyperlipidae-
raised free fatty acid levels seen postprandially. There is a mia. Familial combined hyperlipidaemia is characterised by a
progressive increase in plasma free fatty acid levels, which varied expression of hypertriglyceridaemia and hypercholes-
results in an eight hour plasma free fatty acid concentration terolaemia.77 It is a highly atherosgenic disorder affecting 1%
that remains above fasting levels.64 Additionally, insulin 2% of the Western world and is found in up to 10% of
resistance has two potential effects on chylomicron remnant patients with premature myocardial infarction. Familial
metabolism, the main lipoprotein formed postprandially. combined hyperlipidaemia was originally described in
Firstly, it downregulates LDL receptor expression, and families of myocardial infarction survivors by the presence
secondly, it increases hepatic cholesterol synthesis and of hypertriglyceridaemia, hypercholesterolaemia, or both in
VLDL secretion.65 66 These effects increase competition the affected family members as a monogenic disorder.78
between chylomicron and VLDL remnants for hepatic However, the inheritance of the familial combined hyper-
receptors, thereby impairing the uptake of chylomicron lipidaemia associated phenotype has been shown to be
362 Kolovou, Anagnostopoulou, Cokkinos

complex. The three major lipoprotein abnormalities observed hepatic cholesterol synthesis seen during selective inhibition
in the MetS (increased fasting and postprandial TG rich of cholesterol absorption.84 Furthermore, inhibition of both
lipoproteins, decreased HDL, and a shift to small, dense LDL these pathways by combination of cholesterol synthesis
particles, proved to contribute to the pathogenesis of inhibitors (3-hydroxy-3 methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reduc-
atherosclerosis) are probably the same in familial combined tase inhibitors (statins), and the recently available cholesterol
hyperlipidaemia. Insulin resistance is often seen in patients absorption blocker (ezetimibe), has proved synergistic in
with familial combined hyperlipidaemia and is associated reducing LDL cholesterol levels.84 Only a limited number of
with impaired suppression of lipolysis by hormone sensitive studies have evaluated a possible link between cholesterol
lipase in adipocytes, producing an increased flux of free fatty absorption and insulin resistance in human.85 During weight
acids to the hepatocyte, culminating in increased synthesis of reduction, cholesterol absorption increased in parallel with
VLDL. Insulin resistance, which also diminishes lipoprotein improvements in glucose metabolism parameters, suggesting
lipase activity, as mentioned before, would amplify the extent that low cholesterol absorption could be an additional feature
of hypertriglyceridaemia. Obesity is seen in patients with of the MetS.85 Recently, a relation between cholesterol
familial combined hyperlipidaemia, independently of insulin absorption and body weight in patients with type 2 diabetes
resistance, which would further contribute to hyperlipidae- was reported but also in non-diabetic subjects, obesity was
mia. Increased insulin concentrations are associated with the associated with reduced dietary cholesterol absorption,
phenotype of smaller diameter HDL particles, but not with possibly because of an increased biliary cholesterol secretion.
concentrations of apo A-I or apo A-II (main proteins of HDL Furthermore, patients with the MetS had a low campesterol/
particle). This suggests the existence of genes, which cholesterol ratio, indicative of reduced cholesterol absorp-
pleiotropically influence variation in both HDL and insulin tion.86 This ratio was inversely correlated with plasma levels
levels, contributing to the clustering of proatherogenic traits of TG, remnant cholesterol, and apo B48.
in insulin resistance states.79 In 2001, the third workshop on Another useful tool in reduction of serum TG levels is v-3
familial combined hyperlipidaemia redefined this syn- fatty acids. High dose v-3 fatty acids (6 to 12 g/day) provide
drome.80 Hypertriglyceridaemia and small dense LDL were 40% to 80% reductions in serum TG levels. The mechanism is
characterised as the underlying metabolic defects. The unknown. Although dietary intake of 9 to 12 oz salmon per
hypertriglyceridaemia in familial combined hyperlipidaemia day can provide this benefit, it is more easily achieved by
can be attributed to multiple factors. Many patients present a concentrated fish oil supplements.
significant reduction of lipoprotein lipase, responsible for
hydrolysis of TG in chylomicrons and VLDL and others an Lipid changing drugs
overproduction of apo B. This overproduction of apo B cannot Therapeutic improvements in lipid and lipoprotein profiles in
be explained only by the MetS phenotype but probably MetS can be achieved by several mechanisms of action,
specific genes are involved.81 Additionally, patients with including decreased secretion and increased catabolism of
familial combined hyperlipidaemia also manifest increased apo B, as well as increased secretion and decreased
plasma free fatty acids that accompany the delayed removal catabolism of apo A-I.
of postprandial lipoproteins. There is evidence supporting the use of three major groups
of lipid changing drugs, namely nicotinic acid (niacin), fibric
MANAGEMENT OF DYSLIPIDAEMIA OF THE METS acid derivatives (fibrates), and statins for the treatment of
There are several non-pharmacological as well as pharmaco- MetS (table 4).
logical interventions that may increase sensitivity of insulin Niacin effectively treats each of the common lipid
and therefore improve lipoprotein abnormalities. abnormalities found in the MetS, and much progress has
recently been made in understanding its mechanisms of
Lifestyle changes action. It is known to lower plasma cholesterol and TG levels,
Weight reduction, increased physical activity, and moderate reducing VLDL and LDL cholesterol levels. Niacin is also
alcohol intake are first line treatments to improve lipid effective in raising HDL cholesterol. Until recently, the
abnormalities (effectively reduce plasma TG and LDL mechanism of its action has not been fully elucidated.
cholesterol, and raise HDL cholesterol) in the MetS. In However, it was speculated that niacin reduces the produc-
visceral obesity, weight loss reduces VLDL-apoB secretion and tion of free fatty acids by inhibition of lipolysis in adipose
reciprocally upregulates LDL-apoB catabolism, probably tissue, which results in a reduced availability of substrate for
because of reduced visceral fat mass, increased insulin VLDL synthesis in the liver.95 Lately, this speculation was
sensitivity, and decreased hepatic lipogenesis.82 Although, confirmed by the identification of a G-protein coupled
even a 10% reduction of body weight can improve insulin receptor that is highly expressed in adipose tissue and to
sensitivity, it is generally desirable to reduce weight to the which niacin is a high affinity ligand. The binding of niacin to
ideal level, achieving body mass index ,25 kg/m2. According its receptor activates a G-protein signal, which reduces cAMP
to the amount of exercise, even the low levels of exercise concentrations and thus inhibits lipolysis. However, a
(walking for 3045 minutes three or more times a week) are rebound increase in free fatty acids has been described.96
useful in improving insulin sensitivity. The foundation for Karpe and Frayn suggest that the effect of niacin is on the
treatment of dyslipidaemia is dietary modification such as down regulation of the activity of hormone sensitive lipase.96
reduction of saturated fat, cholesterol, and overall caloric The lowering of free fatty acid concentration results to a TG
intake. Despite the general interest in the MetS, compara- reduction, which in turn leads to increased HDL-cholesterol.96
tively few studies have focused on the influence of insulin Another potential mechanism by which niacin raises HDL-
resistance on lipid and lipoprotein response to dietary cholesterol levels is through the stimulation of the ATP
intervention. Knopp et al found a decreased LDL cholesterol binding cassette A1-mediated transfer of cholesterol.97 It has
response to a low fat diet in subjects with markers of insulin also been suggested that niacin directly inhibits the synthesis
resistance.83 However, underlying mechanisms are still not of apo B containing lipoproteins in the liver.95
very clear. The cholesterol absorption and synthesis repre- Fibrates are a class of hypolipidaemic drugs used to treat
sents two important, interrelated regulatory mechanisms in hypertriglyceridaemia and mixed hyperlipidaemia. Fibrates
cholesterol homoeostasis, and both are affected by overall effectively lower plasma TG and increase HDL cholesterol
diet. Changes in one of the pathways may result in levels. These drugs also reduce LDL cholesterol, particularly
compensatory changes in the other, such as an increase in small dense LDL, which is associated with increased risk of
Dyslipidaemia in the metabolic syndrome 363

Table 4 Drug interventions in studies treating dyslipidaemia in the metabolic syndrome

Number of patients
Study (reference) with MetS* or T2DM Drug Major CHD` or CVD1 event (%)

AFCAPS/TexCaps87 155 lovastatin 44` reduction

LIPID 1077 pravastatin 19`, 21%1 reduction
CARE 586 pravastatin 25` reduction
4S90 483 simvastatin 42` reduction
458* 19` reduction
HPS91 5963 simvastatin 27` reduction
WOSCOPS92 1691* pravastatin 261 reduction
VA-HIT 627 Gemfibrozil (fibrate) 241 reduction
CDP94 563* niacin 24` reduction

T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; CHD, coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; AFCAPS/TexCAPS,
air force/Texas coronary atherosclerosis prevention study; LIPID, long term intervention with pravastatin in
ischaemic disease; CARE, cholesterol and recurrent events; 4S, Scandinavian simvastatin survival study; HPS, heart
prevention study; WOSCOPS, West of Scotland coronary prevention study; DAIS, diabetes atherosclerosis
intervention study; VA-HIT, Veterans Affairs high-density lipoprotein cholesterol intervention trial; CDP, coronary
drug project. *Corresponds to patients with MetS; corresponds to patients with T2DM; `corresponds to patients
with CHD; 1corresponds to patients with CVD.

atherosclerosis. The TG lowering activity of fibrates has been Chinetti et al have shown that peroxisome proliferators
attributed to both inhibition of hepatic fatty acid synthesis activated receptor activation increased scavenger receptor
and increased catabolism of TG rich lipoproteins. This class B type I protein levels in cultured human monocytes as
increase in VLDL catabolism results from up-regulation of well as in fully differentiated macrophages.101 In addition,
lipoprotein lipase expression and increased lipoprotein lipase fenofibrate treatment increased scavenger receptor class B
activity because of a reduction in serum apo C-III levels. The type I protein content in macrophages of atherosclerotic
increase in HDL cholesterol seen with fibrates correlates with lesions in apo E knockout mice.101 These findings suggest that
increased expression of apo A-I and apo A-II.98 Several fibrates might modulate HDL metabolism by increasing
studies in animal models and cultured cells have established scavenger receptor class B type I expression in peripheral
that the normolipidaemic effects of fibrates occur mainly tissues.
through transcriptional modulation of target genes involved Fibrates seem to be particularly effective in patients for
in fatty acid, TG, and cholesterol metabolism and also in whom a disturbance of the TG-HDL axis is the primary lipid
lipoprotein formation and remodelling.99 This fibrate disorder. Fibrates also seem to influence a number of
mediated transcriptional regulation is caused by binding emerging risk factors, including haemostatic and inflamma-
and activation of a specific nuclear receptor termed peroxi- tory markers and indicators of improved vascular wall
some proliferators activated receptor a.99 Peroxisome prolif- biology, which may contribute to their cardioprotective
erators activated receptor a is principally expressed in tissues effects.
exhibiting high rates of b oxidation such as liver, kidney, Statins are commonly used to control blood lipid disorder.
heart, and muscle.100 Whereas, the role of fibrates in the After its ingestion, the inactive lactone is hydrolysed in b-
regulation of plasma HDL cholesterol levels through changes hydroxyl acid and inhibits the 3-hydroxy-3 methyl glutaryl
in expression of plasma apo A-I, apo A-II, phospholipid coenzyme A reductase. The role of the regulatory enzyme 3-
transfer protein, lipoprotein lipase, and macrophage ATP hydroxy-3 methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase essentially
binding cassette transporter A1 transporter has been studied limits the mevalonate pathway through which cells synthe-
extensively, much less is known about fibrate dependent sise cholesterol. Although the pharmacokinetics and the
regulation of scavenger receptor class B type I. Recently, metabolic pathway of statins are complex, they basically
reduce the synthesis of LDL cholesterol by the liver and other
cells and increase its catabolism. Currently, the effect of
Key references statins on the HDL metabolism is being studied. HDL and apo
AI promote the removal and transfer of cholesterol from
artery walls back to the liver.102 Statins have been shown to
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51. Two additional potent drugs are peroxisome proliferators
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364 Kolovou, Anagnostopoulou, Cokkinos

such as JTT-705 and torcetrapid have been shown to increase (A) Increased serum triglyceride levels
plasma HDL levels in experimental animals, as well as in (B) Low serum HDL cholesterol level
humans.103 104 In addition, torcetrapid has been shown to (C) Small dense LDL cholesterol
reduce slightly LDL levels both when given as monotherapy
or in combination with a statin.103 (D) Raised cholesterol
(E) Raised free fatty acids
Combination treatment
Combination therapy for dyslipidaemia may have advantages 2. Adipose tissue produce adipocytokines such as:
over single drug therapy improving lipoprotein risk factors
when monotherapy fails. Such combination therapy includes (A) Leptin
statin/fibrate, statin/niacin, and statin/fish oils. Although the (B) CETP
treatment with statin/fibrate, statin/niacin have been (C) Hepatic lipase
reported to increase the risk of drug induced myopathy and (D) Adiponectin
rhabdomyolysis, such combination therapies are considered
(E) TNFa
safe.105 106 Low or intermediate doses of statins (1040 mg/
day) with fenofibrate (200 mg/day) or bezafibrate (400 mg/ 3. Small dense LDL have atherogenic properties such as:
day) are considered effective and safe for the treatment of
atherogenic dyslipidaemia.107 108 It seems that the compara- (A) Increased LDL oxidation
tive safety of combined therapy may depend upon using low (B) Increased arterial wall retention
or moderate statin doses. In general, risk factors that
(C) Increased LDL receptor clearance
predispose patients to myopathy caused by the above
combinations include increased age, female sex, renal or (D) Prolonged resistance time in plasma
liver disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, debilitated status, (E) Promotes endothelial dysfunction
surgery, trauma, excessive alcohol intake, heavy exercise,
uncontrolled dose of niacin or fibrate and use of additional 4. Drugs changing lipids in MetS are:
medications (cyclosporine, protease inhibitors, or drugs
metabolised through cytochrome P450).109 110 Patient educa- (A) Statins
tion about warning signs of myopathy is of great importance. (B) Fibrates
Newer treatments, such as cholesterol absorption inhibi- (C) Nicotinic acid
tors, cholesteryl ester transfer protein antagonists, could also (D) Cholestyramine
be used alone or in combination with other agents to
(E) v-3 fatty acids
optimise treatment.
Is treatment of MetS associated with reduced cardiovas- 5. The definition of MetS is based on existence of:
cular disease risk?
Because the MetS was defined relatively recently, part of (A) Insulin resistance/hypertriglyceridaemia/low HDL
the evidence that lipid changing drugs can reduce coronary (B) Insulin resistance/hypertriglyceridaemia/hypertension
vascular disease risk in the MetS comes from data of patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus, where the MetS is very (C) Obesity/hypertriglyceridaemia/low HDL
common.15 Subgroup analyses of patients with diabetes in (D) Blood glucose >6.1 mmol/l/low HDL/obesity
primary and secondary prevention trials show that treatment (E) Insulin resistance/hypertriglyceridaemia/high HDL
with lipid changing drugs can reduce the coronary vascular
disease risk (table 4).
Authors affiliations
CONCLUSIONS G D Kolovou, K K Anagnostopoulou, D V Cokkinos, 1st Cardiology
The constellation of characteristics called the MetS is an Department, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre, Athens, Greece
important risk factor for premature cardiovascular disease.
Funding: none.
Dyslipidaemia, the major constituent of the MetS, is
characterised as an increased free fatty acid, TG, small, dense Conflicts of interest: none declared
LDL and apo B levels, and low HDL cholesterol levels. The
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