Metab Syndrom
Metab Syndrom
Metab Syndrom
Immun., Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem., 2018, 18, 1-17 1
V.A. Voinov*
Keywords: Metabolic syndrome, diabetes, diabetic foot, diabetic nephropaty, retinopathy, plasma-
and to the forefront apheresis therapy mainly It is remarkable that the disorders of vascular
plasmapheresis [4]. reactivity and appearance of biochemical markers
of endothelial cell activation (endothelin-1, von
With the development of obesity there are a Willebrand factor, soluble cell adhesion molecules
number of interdependent processes. Thus, adipo- and endothelial cell-cell adhesion) occur very
cytes contribute to the fatty acids output from early in individuals at risk of developing diabetes
chylomicrons, which, in turn, increases the yield type II, even at the stage of normal glucose
of triglycerides of adipocytes. Chylomicrons affect tolerance and absence of insulin resistance [16].
endothelial cells and their triglycerides are rapidly
hydrolyzed into lipoprotein lipase. Developing In those with the "central" type of obesity, high
dislipoproteinemia with accumulation of low de- levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and very
nsity lipoprotein, apo-B, triglycerides, non-esteri- low density lipoproteins, high blood pressure the
fied fatty acids contributes to the development of risk of vascular lesions arises even in the phase of
insulin resistance, and that closes the vicious "pre-diabetic" (less than 6.1 mmol/l) glucose level
circle. At the same time, it must be kept in mind [17]. At the same time, as in pre-diabetic phase
that abdominal obesity is associated with insulin and when diabetes is being diagnosed, it is often
resistance with high risk of metabolic syndrome possible to identify the presence of coronary heart
more, then general obesity [5]. disease already [8]. The study of 5522 diabetic
patients, aged 55 years old and older, revealed a
In this case, on the first stage, while main- clear correlation between the metabolic syndrome
taining -cells, overproduction of insulin is also and thromboembolism of the deep veins as well as
possible to compensate insulin resistance [6]. of the lung vessels with a frequency of 0.30-0.40
There are evidences showing that hyperinsuli- for the 5-year observation period [18].
nemia, associated with impaired lipid metabolism,
In metabolic syndrome the risk and frequency
in turn, also contributes both to high triglyceride
of ischemic strokes increases. At the same time, in
levels (over 2.5 mmol/liter) and high density such cases there are about 60% of patients with
lipoproteins decrease with increasing tendency to metabolic syndrome, while there are about 20% of
arterial hypertension. Hyperinsulinemia is also such patients among the other neurologic patients.
associated with the increased thickness of the Women, suffering from a metabolic syndrome, are
arterial wall [7, 8]. Higher levels of cholesterol especially subjected to ischemic strokes [19, 20].
and triglycerides also create favorable conditions The same can be told about risk of coronary heart
for the development of cholelithiasis [9]. disease, especially in the senior age group which
Obesity also contributes to the accumulation of increases twofold in men and fivefold in women,
suffering from metabolic syndrome [21].
"nonfat" tissues lipids, leading to its degeneration.
This refers to the development of fatty liver and On the other hand, in metabolic syndrome men
even of liver cirrhosis [10-13]. Free fatty acids tend more often to develop hypogonadism with
along with triglycerides, accumulate in the paren- sexual and erectile dysfunctions [22-25].
chymal cells of various organs, including cardio-
myocytes, hepatocytes, -cells of the pancreas, Microcirculatory disorders in diabetes are
aggravated by higher blood viscosity due to an
that results in chronic dysfunction of [14].
increase in fibrinogen, fibronectin, von Willebrand
In patients with cardiovascular diseases, factor and C-reactive protein [26].
coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction Nowadays, the prevalence of metabolic syn-
there is an increased level of "1 plasminogen drome takes on the character of an epidemics,
activator inhibitor" (PAI-1). In syndrome of in- especially when it starts in childhood, which
sulin resistance associated with obesity this level further leads to the earlier development of athero-
also increases because PAI-1 is formed and sec- sclerosis [6, 12]. S.W. Ryder (2007) [27] also
reted from adipocytes, - mostly by visceral rather reports that in the United States 1/3 of adults suffer
than subcutaneous ones. Level of PAI-1 is also from obesity, and for the last 20-30 years there is a
increased in patients with Cushing's syndrome and 2-3 fold increase in the number of children who
receiving glucocorticosteroids [15]. are overweight. The higher risk of cardiovascular
Therapeutic Apheresis in Metabolic Syndrome Immun., Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem., 2018, Vol. 18, No. 1 3
disease in diabetes mellitus type II is associated turn, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease,
with the accumulation of low-density lipoprotein retinopathy and microalbuminuria in diabetes
and triglycerides due to lower high-density lipo- mellitus type II [36].
proteins, which is the anti-atherogenic factor [28].
It is interesting to note that 53-80% of patients
One of the causes of VLDL hyperproduction is with hemochromatosis develop diabetes type II.
both insulin resistance and reduction of lipoprotein Iron is capable of catalyzing free radical stress
lipase activity against the raised glucose [29]. while free radicals and lipid peroxidation plays a
After coronary bypass operations in patients with certain role in the etiology of this form of diabetes.
hyperglycemia and insulin resistance more intense Special studies have confirmed the role of iron in
progression of atherosclerotic lesions of the the delay the development of diabetes type II [37].
coronary vessels is observed [30]. Studies have Patients with cystic fibrosis are also predisposed to
shown a direct correlation of the insulin-depen- the development of both diabetes type I and type
dence level with the increase of peripheral II. The glucose production by the liver is more
vascular resistance, blood pressure and decrease of intense, as well as in diabetes type II [38].
blood flow of the peripheral vessels [31]. A signi-
ficant relationship between the impaired glucose There is a definite relationship of insulin and
tolerance and vascular dementia has also been triglyceride levels. In patients with diabetes melli-
found [32]. Diabetes mellitus type II at age of 55 tus who are treated without insulin, blood trigly-
reduces the expected individual life span for about ceride concentration increases. Insulin helps re-
5 years [33]. duce triglyceride levels. Most insulin dependent
diabetic patients are insulin resistant and may have
However, diabetic patients can develop severe a compensatory chronic hyperinsulinemia, which
cardiomyopathy associated mostly with disorders increases the production of triglyceride-containing
of microcirculation in the myocardium than with lipoproteins.
atheromatous narrowing of the coronary arteries. It
has a non-specific functional and morphological These changes may reflect the balance of many
changes including: cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, activities – from the increasing number of non-
interstitial fibrosis, arteriolar thickening, capillary esterified fatty acids (NEFA) prior to the initiation
microaneurysms associated with their network of the intrahepatic processes of very low density
decrease, disturbances of left ventricular diastolic lipoproteins (VLDL) production. Removal of the
and then systolic function. latter is performed by lipoprotein lipase, which
activity also increases blood levels of insulin.
The development of such diabetic cardiomyo- However, the degradation triglycerides products
pathy appears multifactorial. Pathogenetic mecha- are atherogenic, so the growth of such degradation
nisms include greater density and stiffness with intensity in diabetic patients increases the risk of
loss of elasticity due to ventricular myocardial atherosclerosis. Under these conditions, lipemia
fibrosis, microvascular damages, disorders of after a fatty meal increases the activity both of
energy metabolism in the myocardium, structural hepatic lipase and cholesterol esters. These factors
abnormalities of collagen, contractile proteins and also contribute to the formation of small LDL
cardiac muscle sarcolemma [34]. At the same time particles – the major atherogenic agents [39, 40].
the prevalence of left ventricular diastolic
dysfunction can reach 85% [35]. In recent years it has been shown that TNF-
also affects the metabolism of lipids and glucose.
In this syndrome there are more pronounced Adipose tissue is an important source of endo-
rises in blood pressure and vascular resistance genous TNF- out-turn and the expression of such
during stress than in the control group. This cytokine increases with obesity, which in turn
hyperreactivity is a marker for future hypertension contributes to the development of insulin resis-
in normotensive yet, but hyperinsulinemic obese tance in diabetes type II [41]. Elevated levels of
patients. Diabetes mellitus type II and hyper- ketone bodies promote greater intensity of lipid
tension are often linked. At the age of 45 years, peroxidation and hydroxyl radicals in the vascular
about 40% of these patients have hypertension, endothelium and in erythrocytes in diabetes type I,
and in 75 years – already 60%. Hypertension, in which contributes to the development of vascular
4 Immun., Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem., 2018, Vol. 18, No. 1 V.A. Voinov
complications. Obesity is associated with groups of proteins. One of the consequences of its
metabolic lesions in different tissues. In particular, effects is the suppression of phagocytic activity,
the maintenance of the endotoxin (lipopoly- predisposing to infectious complications, also
saccharide) allocated in intestines, that triggers a characteristic to diabetes [49].
number of pro-inflammatory and oxidative
processes, some kind of – "a metabolic endoto- Recent studies show that diabetes develops
xemia" accrues [42]. There is a communication of "oxidative stress." Due to the reduction of antio-
a metabolic syndrome with gout at which the xidant status production of free radicals increases,
increased level of uric acid promotes also other enzymatic disorders that largely determine the
metabolic disorders with higher mortality [43]. secondary organ complications from diabetes [50].
There is a distinct correlation between the Even with a normal level of low density lipo-
metabolic syndrome and psoriasis [44, 45]. protein (LDL) there may be detectable markers of
oxidation, such as antibodies to oxidized LDL and
Thus, the presence of both immune and LDL-containing immune complexes, which seems
metabolic changes in this form of diabetes makes a predisposing factor for the development of
it reasonable to use apheresis therapy at all stages coronary artery lesions [51].
of the disease. Attempts to use drugs against
hypercholesterolemia can lead to a number of Observed in the clinic faster progression of
adverse complications. So, clofibrate effectively coronary artery disease in diabetic patients is
reduced content of atherogenic lipids, but in largely determined by the higher oxidative modi-
patients with diabetes it increased mortality from fication of lipoproteins on the background of the
non-cardiac diseases. In particular, there was a intensification of lipid peroxidation. However,
68% mortality increased from tumor diseases [46]. attempts to improve the condition of vessels using
Moreover, during the statins treatment of patients long-term administration of antioxidants (vitamin
with type II diabetes the content of antiatherogenic E) did not lead to the desired result [52].
HDL has decreased more significantly and In diabetes, superoxide production by mono-
triglycerides concentration increased to compare cytes increases, which is probably due to hyper-
with the patients without diabetes [47]. triglyceridemia. Susceptible to oxidative modifi-
The fact that the diet, drug therapy, insulin cation lipoproteins become immunogenic, resul-
allow to keep blood sugar levels, but it does not ting in the formation of circulating immune comp-
prevent its oscillation, which leads to a variety of lexes lipoproteins promoting the progression of
secondary metabolic disorders, mainly vascular. atherosclerosis as a result of formation of "foam
At the same time, one of the reasons of the cell" – macrophages engulfing these immune
angiopathy in diabetes is the increase of platelet complexes, and catalytic atherogenic immune
aggregation, which depends not only on the mechanisms in the walls of the arteries. In
magnitude of the concentration of sugar in the addition, there is a relationship of diabetes with
blood, but from some other pathological products, increasing tendency to thrombosis in the field of
affecting platelet membrane [48]. atheromatous lesions. In diabetes, adhesiveness
and aggregation of platelets increase, as well as
Prolonged hyperglycemia leads to glycation of different levels of coagulation factors and tissue
proteins. Glycation of collagen can provoke plasminogen inhibitors anticoagulant, which does
atherogenesis by receipt of lipoproteins into the potentially contribute procoagulant state [53].
extracellular matrix, making it more susceptible to
oxidative modification. The end products of the Occlusive vascular diseases with disorders of
process of proteins glycation promote migration of both central and peripheral circulations are almost
monocytes and macrophages expression, which is constant and rather severe satellites of diabetes.
an important mechanism for development of the According to the U.S. National Commission for
early stages of atherogenesis. Nonenzymatic gly- diabetes, these patients is 25 times more likely to
cation end products are one of the toxic factors go blind, 17 times more likely to suffer from
that determine the development of vascular comp- kidney disease, 5 times more often affected limb
lications in diabetes. Among them is pyraline, gangrene, 2 times more likely – heart disease, and
arising from the interaction of glucose with amino life expectancy is 30% shorter.
Therapeutic Apheresis in Metabolic Syndrome Immun., Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem., 2018, Vol. 18, No. 1 5
Diabetic foot syndrome is the most frequent hypoxia with functional and structural changes in
problem at patients with type 2 diabetes. The the nerve trunks. There are also conditions for
syndrome of "diabetic foot" occurs at 15% from segmental demyelination of the nerve fibers asso-
200 million patients with diabetes around the ciated with slowing-down of the neural excitation
world. In the countries of the West more than 60% speed.
of not traumatic amputations are higher - or below
a knee is carried out at patients with diabetes [54]. The formed trophic ulcers, as a rule, don't tend
Rather big spread of diabetes is available in the to healing, progress and inevitably lead to ampu-
Arab countries where the number of such patients tation not only feet, but also shins, and is frequent
reaches 20,5 million, and the frequency of also hips. At the same time more than a half of
development of diabetic foot up to 25-31% [55]. such patients within the next 5 years have a need
At the same time amputation below a knee has of amputation and a contralateral extremity.
been carried out in 72% and above a knee – at Accession of an infection and gangrene is often
27% of patients with diabetes [56]. In North resulted at the same time in need of amputation
America frequency of diabetic foot reaches 13.0% [61-64]. Septic complications at the same time are
(USA) and 14,8% (Canada), and in Belgium – also a frequent cause of death after operations
16.6% [57]. According to data of the International [65].
Working Group on Diabetic foot 72,8% have a
small risk of development of diabetic foot, but the In the presence of diabetic ulcers of the lower
high risk at the same time is 17,5% [58]. extremities the risk of mortality within 5 years
fluctuates from 43% to 55% and reaches 74% for
In the USA where about 16 million people have the patients, who have already undergone ampu-
diabetes, 50-60 thousand amputations of extre- tations. Cardiovascular diseases at the same time
mities are annually produced. And such tendency are the main reasons for death [66]. And, in the
accrues. So, if in 2005 in the USA there were 1.6 next 10 months mortality in the patients who have
million amputated, then by 2050 their doubling up already undergone high amputations is much
to 3.6 ml of people is expected [59]. In the cohort higher, than after the sparing amputations [67].
research performed in Turku (Finland) during
1998-2002 the rate of amputations both above- and Repeated amputation was required in 34% of
below the knee, in case of the occlusion diseases the amputated patients. Annual mortality in this
of arteries of the lower extremities is 24,1 on 100 group (210 patients) was 52%, and the general
000 population for 1 year. In the same research mortality for this period was 80% [68]. The need
covering France, need of amputations of the lower of repeated amputation arose from 23% to 60.7%
extremities arose at 15,353 people among whom of patients in the next 3 years. And, reamputation
7,955 had diabetes. In the latter case the rate of of a counterlateral extremity was carried out more
amputations was 378 on 100.000 of population. At often than the ipsilateral one [69]. From 3565
the same time need of amputations was 12 times patients within a year repeated amputation was
higher in patients with diabetes, than in other required in 26%, and more than 30% of them have
cases. And, in 40% of cases amputation was per- died. The general costs of treatment of such
formed in patients, previously having no signs of patients in the USA have made 4.3 billion dollars
arterial blood circulation disorders of the lower [70]. In total in the USA for 2007 17.5 million
extremities; so, the main reason for the amputation patients with diabetes have been registered, and
was diabetes and polyneuropathy [60]. the general costs of their treatment have made 174
billion dollars [71].
Often there is the development of "diabetic"
gangrene of the distal segments of the lower Necrotic processes of the lower extremities in
extremities. There are subjective complaints of patients with diabetes can be limited to hypo-
body aches and muscle pain. In the pathogenesis dermic cellulose, development of the deeper
of these disorders the deposition of sorbitol in the tissues and even muscular necrosis. In such cases
peripheral nerves plays a key role along with the the need of high amputation arises from 7.3% to
activation of the so-called graft polyol that reduces 20.9% and even 53.2%, respectively [72]. High
intraneural blood flow and leads to chronic amputations were necessary even after the sparing
6 Immun., Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem., 2018, Vol. 18, No. 1 V.A. Voinov
amputations of foot in cases of activation of soft retinopathy [83]. In these patients, significantly
tissues inflammation or osteomyelitis [73]. more than in the control groups autoantibodies to
phosphatidyl-ethanolamine were detected [84].
Operations for revascularization (peripheral Besides, in these cases the content vascular
angioplasty or artificial vascular prosthesis) allow endothelial growth factor (VEGF) increases in the
to postpone amputations in the syndrome of intraocular liquid, which in addition to stimulating
diabetic foot, however, when it is impossible or angiogenesis promotes the increased vascular
isn't effective, indications for amputation arise permeability for plasma proteins output and extra-
much more often [74]. In such cases high vasal organization of the fibrin gel. The role of
amputations were necessary in 13.4% of patients, VEGF is considered to be the key in the
and later in 86.2% of cases they have been carried pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy [85].
out after peripheral angioplasty, to 21.1% - after
vascular shunting and to 59.2% - in group of Such patients are advised to take systematic
patients who hadn’t undergone operations for courses of plasmapheresis 2 times a year, which
revascularization. At the same time, restenosis will delay the progression of diabetic retinopathy.
have developed in 16.7% of patients, thromboses Plasmapheresis allows 40.5% of patients to reduce
of shunts – in 6.4% and a recurrence of ulcers – in the number of retinal hemorrhages, 85% of
12.6% of patients. Critical ischemia of the patients improve visual acuity with the disap-
counterlateral extremity has developed in 39.9% of pearance of "fog" and "flies" before the eyes, in
patients and high amputation was required in 6.7% 14% of patients on 5-70 expand the field of view
of them. For the four-year period of observations on the background of improving microcirculation
49.82% of these patients have died, mainly of bulbar conjunctiva with the disappearance of
because of coronary insufficiency [75]. It should "sludge" syndrome, increase of blood flow and
be noted that operations of revascularization are restore its continuity, reduce perivascular edema, a
more effective in non-diabetic occlusion vessels significant reduction in levels of cholesterol,
damages of the lower extremities [76]. triglycerides, fibrinogen.
The risk of coronary lesions in diabetes is 10-20 Proximal diabetic neuropathy, accompanied by
times higher and lethal outcome after myocardial severe pain due to inflammatory lesions of the
infarction in these patients is 2 times higher than nerves in patients with insulin dependent diabetes
those without diabetes [77, 78]. Coronary balloon mellitus type II at age over 50. Severe pain is not
angioplasty in patients with diabetes carries a always amenable to steroid and cytostatic therapy
greater risk of restenosis and mortality [79]. The [86]. This symmetrical sensory neuropathy asso-
increased risk of shunts occlusion increases the ciated with a range of structural changes in the
need for reoperation of the coronary vessels [80]. peripheral nerves, including axonal degeneration,
Diabetic patients also can have cerebral circulatory demyelination para-nodal with loss of myelinated
disorders, progressing as the disease develops. fibers. The latter is possible due to the withering
away of the distal axons as a result of phosphory-
Diabetic retinopathy results in irreversible loss lation of proteins [87].
of vision. Diabetes generally is the leading cause
of blindness among working-age population. In the Upcoming polyneuropathy is accompanied by
United States the number of newly blinded disturbances of both motor and sensory nerve
patients with diabetic retinopathy increased by fibers, as well as elements of the autonomic
8,000 people, and in Germany as a result of system. Motor neuropathy is a cause of muscle
diabetic retinopathy blindness rate reaches 2.01 weakness, atrophy and paresis. Sensory neuro-
per 100,000 of population [81]. The changes of the pathy leads to weaken of the "watchdog" sensi-
retina at different time from the onset of diabetes tivity to pain, compression and of thermal damage.
are found in 98.8% (!) of cases [82]. Therefore minor injuries remain unnoticed. The
patient does not respond to prolonged com-
At the same time there is also proliferation of pression, even footwear that breaks the power of
vessels according to the chorio-vitreous type of the individual sections of the lower limb. Autonomic
vitreous body neovascularization discovered as dysfunction is accompanied by a condition similar
one of the manifestations of proliferative diabetic to sympathectomy with functional disorders of
Therapeutic Apheresis in Metabolic Syndrome Immun., Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem., 2018, Vol. 18, No. 1 7
microcirculation. All the above mentioned greatly long atherosclerotic vascular changes occur before
increases the risk of trophic ulcers and gangrene of the first symptoms of their involvement.
the foot sections [88]. There is an evidence of a
positive effect of plasmapheresis in trophic ulcers Vascular endothelium in diabetes has a smaller
of the shins that developed due to the varicose capacity for the vasodilators synthesis and pro-
veins dilatation or necrotizing vasculitis. duces more vasoconstrictors and procoagulants.
These features exacerbate vascular disorders in
Diabetic microangiopathy is characterized by diabetes – retinopathy, neuropathy and ischemia.
impaired capillary basement membrane structure, In particular, the vascular endothelium in type II
deposition of LDL in the vascular wall and diabetes is less potent of NO synthesis, which
proliferation of smooth muscle cells there. Related promotes local vasoconstriction [91]. Circulatory
neuropathy contributes to narrowing of arterioles disorders due to the vascular lumen narrowing are
and precapillaries with increasing blood flow aggravated by the increase of the thrombosis
through the artery-venous shunts, which further predisposition. The leading role in this process in
depletes nutrition and gas exchange of peripheral case of diabetes belongs to the platelet activation
tissues. This is accompanied by increased blood along with the release of microparticles and
circulation in the skin with its increased surface procoagulants. This mechanism plays an important
temperature. Therefore, along with the reduction role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy
in sensitivity due to neuropathy there may be a [92].
feeling of the heat and burning of the skin and feet,
night pain. There is a certain correlation of metabolic syn-
drome with psoriasis [44, 45].
There is quite a clear relationship of diabetes
and atherosclerosis. When this occurs it causes the Thus, apheresis therapy is pathogenetically
formation of autoantibodies (anti-endothelial and justified to treat these secondary vascular disorders
"sclerotic") and circulating immune complexes, in diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
accumulation of complement and its C3 fraction. Due to plasmapheresis the aggregation blood
If diabetes is accompanied by hypertension the cells inducers are removed (fibronectin, von
described immunological disorders develop more Willebrand factor, fibrinogen, thrombospondin)
rapidly and promote atherosclerotic lesions of both [93]. A.O.Gavrilov et al. [94] described the reco-
peripheral and coronary vessels. At the same time, very of microcirculatory disorders after courses of
these immunological changes precede the clinical plasmapheresis with increasing pain-free walking
vascular manifestations [89]. distance, healing of venous ulcers or amputations
It should be taken into account that one of the suspended with gangrene of the toes. Treatment of
pathogenic mechanisms of atherosclerosis develo- nonhealing venous ulcers of "diabetic foot" proved
pment is considered to be low density lipoprotein effective also using cascade plasmapheresis (reo-
oxidation, transforming them into a form that is apheresis) [95, 96].
available for capture by macrophages followed by It is also supported by our own experience [97,
the last generation of cytokines and other 98]. There were 130 subjects observed having oc-
biologically active molecules which attract T-cells clusal atherosclerotic conditions of the lower limbs
to increase their adhesion to the endothelium. arteries of various geneses and stage of manifesta-
Hyperglycemia, increasing the prooxidant status, tion. Plasmapheresis therapy course (4 sessions of
thus, activates atherogenesis with an increased risk membrane plasmapheresis with laser radiation of
of vascular lesions. According to the pathological the blood) was performed in 34 subjects who had
studies, coronary atherosclerosis in diabetic no indications or ability to provide operative re-
patients is found 1.7 times more frequently in men vascularization of the lower limbs due to different
and 2.7 times more common in women, cerebral reasons. In 14 subjects with decompensation of the
vascular lesions in 2.7 and 3.8 times more likely, lower limbs blood circulation, being unable to un-
and vascular pathology of the lower limbs are in 4 dergo reconstructive surgeries, plasmapheresis al-
and 6.4 times more, respectively [90]. Diabetics lowed avoiding amputations in 6 of them (43%); 4
are 2-5 times more likely to die from athero- (28.5%) of them had to undergo minor amputa-
sclerosis than nondiabetics. However, extremely tions and the other 4 subjects had to undergo high
8 Immun., Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem., 2018, Vol. 18, No. 1 V.A. Voinov
plasmapheresis, in treatment of this severe vascu- of their broader application in clinical practice.
lar pathology diabetic patients. It is especially important, considering the in-
creasing incidence of metabolic syndrome and
Results of treatment of patients with "diabetic foot»
diabetes in population.
Operations Plasmapheresis Plasmapheresis
N = 96 N = 34
Without amputations 23.0% 76.4% Not applicable.
Small amputations 11.5% 11.8%
High level amputations 65.5% 11.8%
No Animals/Humans were used for studies that
are the basis of this research.
The provided findings show real dangers and CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
serious complications of metabolic syndrome, Not applicable.
which not always can be prevented by drug ther-
apy. The accumulating large molecular secondary CONFLICT OF INTEREST
metabolites aren't removed by kidneys and damage
the vessels endothelium, defining the further de- The author declares no conflict of interest, fi-
velopment of microcirculation disorders with nancial or otherwise.
ischemia of various tissues and organs. Only
timely removal of them by means of plasmaphere- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
sis is capable to prevent irreversible damages of Declared none.
the latter.
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