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Physics 115: Prof. Hall

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Physics 115 syllabus 6/4/15, 8:31 PM

Prof. Hall
[email protected]
Department of Physics


Instructor: Dr. Hall
Office: McLane Hall, McLane 173
Phone: 278-2371
e-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: MW 1:30-2:30, TTh 10:00-11:00
Required Texts:

David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Jim Baggott, The Meaning of
Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Ed. Quantum Theory

The textbook by Baggott will be made available all enrolled during the first week
of class. Please purchase the textbook by Griffiths as soon as possible and please
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Physics 115 syllabus 6/4/15, 8:31 PM

ensure that it is the Second Edition. Other r

Units: 3.0
Synopsis: Physics 115 is an introduction to the physics that describes nature at very small
scales, the domain of quantum mechanics. Nature is quite counterintuitive when
examining scales near the size of atoms, the theory of quantum mechanics is both
elegant and bizarre. The material will not take a historical approach, instead after a
brief review of classical mechanics we will follow the treatment set by Griffith's
textbook which first discusses the idea of the wave function and then formally
develops quantum mechanics from its basic postulates while introducing the
mandatory mathematical symbols and tools. Next we will examine a few famous
problems which have an exact analytical solution including the hydrogen atom.
Finally we will study various approximation schemes that are the bulk of practiced
quantum mechanics.
Topical Outline: 1. Conceptual aspects of QM: superposition
2. Review of Classical Mechanics
3. Review of Polarization
4. The Wave Function
5. Time Independent Schrodinger Equation
a. Particles in Potentials
b. The Free Particle
6. Formalism
a. Function Spaces
b. Operators and Eigenvectors
c. The Uncertainty Principle
7. Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions
a. Spherical Coordinates
b. The Hydrogen Atom
c. Angular Momentum
d. Spin and Polarization
8. Identical Systems
a. Two-Particle Systems
Additional Readings: The following additional readings will be made available in PDF format via
1) Liboff, Chapter 1
2) Mameka, Chapter 1
3) Beck, Chapters 1 and 2
4) Styner, Chapter 1-4
Further resources may also be provided
Homework: A set of problems will be assigned at somewhat irregular intervals but will always
be due before class on each due date. Policy on late homework: late homework
will not be accepted without a serious or compelling reason.
Clicker Questions: An iClicker is required and questions will be asked each class period with the
following themes: 1) Quizzing on assigned readings to encourage appropriate
preparation for each class, 2) concepts checks during lecture to assess learning
(extra credit), 3) active learning question to facilitate classroom and peer
discussion, and 4) assessment of students prior knowledge on crucial concepts
(extra credit).
Reflection Writing: Short reflection essays will be required at the end of each week and will be
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Physics 115 syllabus 6/4/15, 8:31 PM

submitted via Bb or handwritten in class. A reflection prompt will be provided each

Thursday at the end of class.
Exams and Final: There will be two exams and a comprehensive final. If an exam is missed for a
documented serious and compelling reason (e.g., signed doctor's excuse), a make-
up exam will be held at a time and place of the instructor's discretion. There will be
no make up for the final. Equation sheets will be provided during the exams. Please
bring only pencils and calculators to the exams.
Tentative Exam Schedule:
Exam 1: Last week of February
Exam 2: Second week of April
Final: Thursday May 14 05:45P-07:45P
Attendance: is strongly advised
Scholastic Honesty: Academic dishonesty of any form will not be tolerated. University policies on
cheating and plagiarism (see catalog or schedule of courses) will be strictly
Disabilities: If you have a certified disability or handicap which needs accommodation it is your
responsibility to inform me prior to the fourth class meeting so reasonable
arrangements can be made.
Grade Weighting: Clicker Questions 5%
Reflections 5%
Homework 15%
2 Exams (midterms) 40%
Final Exam 35%
Total =100%
Grade Scale: >85 A
>75 B
>60 C
>50 D

Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this course and its
administration as reasonable and necessary.

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