Wing Box Design

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Wing box design

During the wing design process, eighteen parameters must be determined. They are as follows:
1. Wing reference (or planform) area (S)
2. Number of the wings
3. Vertical position relative to the fuselage (high, mid, or low wing)
4. Horizontal position relative to the fuselage
5. Cross section (or airfoil)
6. Aspect ratio (AR)
7. Taper ratio
8. Tip chord (Ct)
9. Root chord (Cr)
10. Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC or C)
11. Span (b)
12. Twist angle (or washout)
13. Sweep angle
14. Dihedral angle
15. Incidence (or setting angle)
16. High lifting devices such as flap
17. Aileron
18. Other wing accessories

Thus, the wing design begins with one known variable (S), and considering all design
requirements, the other 17 wing parameters are obtained. The wing must produce sufficient lift
while generate minimum drag, and minimum pitching moment. These design goals must be
collectively satisfied throughout all flight operations and missions.

The wing design is an iterative process and the selections/calculations are usually repeated several
times. For instance, 76 various wings were designed for Boeing 767 in 1986 until the best wing
was finalized. However, only 11 wings were designed for Boeing 787 in 2008. A reduction in the
number of iterations is evident which is partially due to the advances in software/hardware in
recent years, and partly due to the years of experience of Boeing designers.

1. Number of Wings
One of the decisions a designer must make is to select the number of wings. The options are:
1. Monoplane (i.e. one wing)
2. Two wings (i.e. biplane)
3. Three wings
The number of wings higher than three is not practical. Nowadays, modern aircraft almost all have
monoplane. Currently, there are a few aircraft that employ biplane, but no modern aircraft is found
to have three wings. In the past, the major reason to select more than one wing was the
manufacturing technology limitations. A single wing usually has a longer wing span compared
with two wings (with the same total area). Old manufacturing technology was not able to
structurally support a long wing to stay level and rigid. With the advance in the manufacturing
technology and also new aerospace strong materials; such as advanced light aluminum, and
composite materials; this reason is not valid anymore. Another reason was the limitations on the
aircraft wing span. Hence a way to reduce the wing span is to increase the number of wings.

Thus, a single wing (that includes both left and right sections) is almost the only practical option
in conventional modern aircraft. However, a few other design considerations may still force the
modern wing designer to lean toward more than one wing. The most significant one is the aircraft
controllability requirements. An aircraft with a shorter wing span delivers higher roll control, since
it has a smaller mass moment of inertia about x axis. Therefore, if one is looking to roll faster; one
option is to have more than one wing that leads to a shorter wing span. Several maneuverable
aircraft in 1940s and 1950s had biplane and even three wings. On the other hand, the disadvantages
of an option other than monoplane include higher weight, lower lift, and pilot visibility limits. The
recommendation is to begin with a monoplane, and if the design requirements were not satisfied,
resort to higher number of wings.

2. Wing Vertical Location

One of the wing parameters that could be determined at the early stages of wing design process is
the wing vertical location relative to the fuselage centerline. This wing parameter will directly
influence the design of other aircraft components including aircraft tail design, landing gear design,
and center of gravity. In principle, there are four options for the vertical location of the wing. They
1. High wing
2. Mid wing
3. Low wing 4. Parasol wing
1. High Wing
The high wing configuration has several advantages and disadvantages that make it suitable for
some flight operations, but unsuitable for other flight missions.

a. Advantages
1. Eases and facilitates the loading and unloading of loads and cargo into and out of cargo
aircraft. For instance, truck and other load lifter vehicles can easily move around aircraft
and under the wing without anxiety of the hitting and breaking the wing.
2. Facilitates the installation of engine on the wing, since the engine (and propeller) clearance
is higher (and safer), compared with low wing configuration.
3. Facilitates the installation of strut. This is based on the fact that a strut (rod or tube) can
handle higher tensile stress compared with the compression stress. In a high wing, the strut
has to withstand tensile stress, while the strut in a low wing must bear the compression
4. The aircraft structure is lighter when struts are employed (as item 4 implies).
5. Facilitates the taking off and landing from sea. In a sea-based or an amphibian aircraft,
during a take-off operation, water will splash around and will high the aircraft. An engine
installed on a high wing will receive less water compared with a low wing. Thus, the
possibility of engine shut-off is much less.
6. Facilitates the aircraft control for a hang glider pilot, since the aircraft center of gravity is
lower than the wing.
7. Increases the dihedral effect. It makes the aircraft laterally more stable. The reason lies in
the higher contribution of the fuselage to the wing dihedral effect.
8. The wing will produce more lift compared with mid and low wing, since two parts of the
wing are attached at least on the top part.
9. For the same reason as in item 9, the aircraft will have lower stall speed, since C Lmax will
be higher.
10. The pilot has better view in lower-than-horizon. A fighter pilot has a full view under the
11. For an engine that is installed under the wing, there is less possibility of sand and debris to
enter engine and damage the blades and propellers.
12. There is a lower possibility of human accident to hit the propeller and be pulled to the
engine inlet. In few rare accidents, several careless people has died (hit the rotating
propeller or pulled into the jet engine inlet).
13. The aerodynamic shape of the fuselage lower section can be smoother.
14. There is more space inside fuselage for cargo, luggage or passenger.
b. Disadvantages
1. The aircraft tend to have more frontal area (compared with mid wing). This will increase aircraft
2. The ground effect is lower, compared with low wing. During takeoff and landing operations,
the ground will influence the wing pressure distribution. The wing lift will be slightly lower than
low wing configuration. This will increase the takeoff run slightly.
3. Landing gear is longer if connected to the wing. This makes the landing gear heavier and
requires more space inside the wing for retraction system. This will further make the wing structure
4. The pilot has less higher-than-horizon view. The wing above the pilot will obscure part of the
sky for a fighter pilot.
5. If landing gear is connected to fuselage and there is not sufficient space for retraction system,
an extra space must be provided to house landing gear after retraction. This will increase fuselage
frontal area and thus will increase aircraft drag.

6. The wing is producing more induced drag (Di), due to higher lift coefficient.
7. The horizontal tail area of an aircraft with a high wing is about 20% larger than the horizontal
tail area with a low wing. This is due to more downwash of a high wing on the tail.
8. A high wing is structurally about 20% heavier than a low wing.
9. The retraction of the landing gear inside the wing is not usually an option, due to the required
high length of landing gear.
10. The aircraft lateral control is weaker compared with mid wing and low wing, since the aircraft
has more laterally dynamic stability.

Although the high wing has more advantages than disadvantages, all items do not have the same
weighing factor. It depends on what design objective is more significant than other objectives in
the eyes of the customer. The systems engineering approach delivers an approach to determine the
best option for a specific aircraft, using a comparison table.

2. Low Wing

a. Advantages
1. The aircraft take off performance is better; compared with a high wing configuration; due to
the ground effect.
2. The pilot has a better higher-than-horizon view, since he/she is above the wing.
3. The retraction system inside the wing is an option along with inside the fuselage.
4. Landing gear is shorter if connected to the wing. This makes the landing gear lighter and
requires less space inside the wing for retraction system. This will further make the wing
structure lighter.
5. In a light GA aircraft, the pilot can walk on the wing in order to get into the cockpit.
6. The aircraft is lighter compared with a high wing structure.
7. Aircraft frontal area is less.
8. The application of wing strut is usually no longer an option for the wing structure.
9. Item 8 implies that the aircraft structure is lighter since no strut is utilized.
10. Due to item 8, the aircraft drag is lower.
11. The wing has less induced drag.
12. It is more attractive to the eyes of a regular viewer.
13. The aircraft has higher lateral control compared with a high wing configuration, since the
aircraft has less lateral static stability, due to the fuselage contribution to the wing dihedral effect.
14. The wing has less downwash on the tail, so the tail is more effective.
15. The tail is lighter; compared with a high wing configuration.

b. Disadvantages
1. The wing generates less lift; compared with a high wing configuration; since the wing has two
separate sections.
2. With the same token to item 1, the aircraft will have higher stall speed; compared with a high
wing configuration; due to a lower CLmax.
3. Due to item 2, the take-off run is longer.
4. The aircraft has lower airworthiness due to a higher stall speed.
5. Due to item 1, wing is producing less induced drag.
6. The wing has less contribution to the aircraft dihedral effect, thus the aircraft is laterally
dynamically less stable.
7. Due to item 6, the aircraft is laterally more controllable, and thus more maneuverable.
8. The aircraft has a lower landing performance, since it needs more landing run.
9. The pilot has a lower lower-than-horizon view. The wing below the pilot will obscure part of
the sky for a fighter pilot.
Although the low wing has more advantages than disadvantages, all items do not have the same
weighing factors. It depends on what design objective is more significant than other objectives in
the eyes of the customer. The systems engineering approach delivers an approach to determine the
best option for a specific aircraft.

3. Mid Wing
In general, features of the mid-wing configuration stand somewhat between features of high-wing
configuration and features of low-wing configuration. The major difference lies in the necessity to
cut the wing spar in two half in order to save the space inside the fuselage. However, another
alternative is not to cut the wing spar and letting it to pass through the fuselage; which leads to an
occupied space of the fuselage. Both alternatives carry a few disadvantages. Other than those
features that can be easily derived from two previous sections, some new features of a mid-wing
configuration are as follows:
1. The aircraft structure is heavier, due to the necessity of reinforcing wing root at the intersection
with the fuselage.
2. The mid wing is more expensive compared with high and low-wing configurations.
3. The mid wing is more attractive compared with two other configurations.
4. The mid wing is aerodynamically streamliner compared with two other configurations.
5. The strut is usually not used to reinforce the wing structure.
6. The pilot can get into the cockpit using the wing as a step in a small GA aircraft.
7. The mid-wing has less interference drag than low-wing and high-wing.

4. Parasol Wing
This wing configuration is usually employed in hang gliders plus amphibian aircraft. In several
areas, the features are similar to a high wing configuration. Since the wing is utilizing longer struts,
it is heavier and has more drag, compared with a high wing configuration.

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