Arrowroot-Maranta Arundinacea L.1

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ArrowrootMaranta arundinacea L.1

James M. Stephens2

Arrowroot seems to be an all-inclusive name applied to grown in Queensland, Australia, with yields of 510 tons of
several species of plants whose roots (rhizomes) are either tubers per acre.
eaten fresh or made into flour. It is open to speculation
whether the name comes from the pointed shape of the root Many species of Canna have edible tubers or starch may
or the belief that it cured arrow injuries. The term arrow- be extracted from them. These include brick canna (C.
root applies both to the flour and the plant. Arrowroot is discolor), Inca arrowroot (C. languinosa), Andean canna (C.
also called bamboo tuber, although it is not a true bamboo. paniculata), broad-leaved canna (C. latifolia), iris canna (C.
iridiflora), and Mexican canna (C. glouca).

Arrowroot-like substances are derived from a member of

the ginger family, the genus Curcuma. East Indian arrow-
root, also called Tibur starch, comes from C. angustifolia;
another source is C. leuchorrhiza. False arrowroot (C.
pierreana) is cultivated in Indochina, and the Indonesian
variety is C. xanthorrhiza. South sea arrowroot is a product
of the salep plant (Tacca pinnatifida), which is poisonous
until cooked. Finally, Hawaii arrowroot is derived from
Tacca hawaiiensis.

Many of the plants in the arrowroot group are somewhat
similar in appearance. They have underground rhizomes,
or tubers, from which arise reed-like, erect stems. Flat,
long, pointed leaves are attached in a sheath-like fashion up
and down the upright stems in typical canna or ginger-like
The main arrowroot of commerce is West Indian, reed, or
Bermuda arrowroot (M. arundinacea). There are several
varieties, distinguished as red or white, of which the red are Culture
most esteemed. The plant is of South American and West The starchy rhizomes of true arrowroot, M. arundinacea,
Indian origin. Purple arrowroot (Canna edulis) has been are long, pointed, and enclosed with bracts. It is propagated

1. This document is HS542, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date April 1994. Revised
August 2015. Visit the EDIS website at

2. James M. Stephens, professor emeritus, Horticultural Sciences Department, UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville FL 32611.

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U.S. Department of Agriculture, UF/IFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County
Commissioners Cooperating. Nick T. Place, dean for UF/IFAS Extension.
by tubers or suckers planted 6 inches deep and spaced 15
inches apart in furrows 30 inches apart. Arrowroot should
be planted at a time when it will have 10 to 11 months of
hot, moist weather to mature. Under these conditions,
yields of 46 tons per acre can be expected. Tubers are
reported to contain 12% dry arrowroot (flour) and 1.7%

Potential for Production

Although arrowroot is grown to a very limited extent in
south Florida, very little information has been gathered
concerning this crops growth responses and possibilities
here. In Gainesville, top growth was fair, but root growth
was not evaluated.

ArrowrootMaranta arundinacea L. 2

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