Solid State

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The Solid State

BASICS Section - 1

1.1 Introduction :
A matter is said to be solid when its constituent particles (atoms, molecules, or ions) are closely packed. A
solid is also defined as that form of matter which possesses rigidity and hence possesses a definite shape and
a definite volume. Unlike gases and liquids, whose fluidity is determined by the relative free motion of their
molecules, in solids, on the contrary, molecules or atoms or ions are not free to move but can oscillate
around their fixed positions due to strong inetermolecular or inter-atomic or inter-ionic forces. This confers
rigidity and long range order in solids.

1.2 Characteristics of Solids :

Some of the common properties of solids, which distinguish them from other two states of matter, are :
Solids are rigid and have definite shapes.
Solids have definite volume irrespective of the size or shape of the container in which they are placed.
Solids are almost incompressible, having compressibility, which is approximately 106 times more than
Many solids have a crystalline appearance and have definite pattern of angles and planes.
Solids diffuse very slowly as compared to liquids and gases. Constituent particles are very closely
packed in solids permitting very little space for their movement.
Solids have a much higher density (mass to volume ratio) than that of gases and liquids.
Most solids become liquids when heated. Some undergo sublimation on heating. The temperature at
which a solid change into liquid is called the melting point and the process is called as melting. Due to
the varying natures of solids their melting temperature vary considerably.

1.3 Classification of Solids :

The properties that different solids have suggest that the behavior of the solids not only depend upon the
nature of the constituents, but also on their arrangement.
On the basis of the arrangement of their atoms or ions or molecules, solids are broadly classified into two
group :

1. Crystalline Solids
The substances whose constituents are arranged in definite orderly arrangement are called crystalline
solids. Many naturally occurring solid substances occur in the crystalline form. Some common examples
of crystalline solids are sodium chloride, diamond, sugar, etc.

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2. Amorphous Solids
An amorphous solid is a substance whose constituent particles do not possess a regular orderly arrangement
e.g. glass, plastics, rubber, starch, and proteins. Though amorphous solids do not possess long range regularity,
in some cases they may possess small regions of orderly arrangement. These crystalline parts of an otherwise
amorphous solid are known as crystallites.

An amorphous solid does not posses a sharp melting point. It undergoes liquefication over abroad range of
temperature. When an amorphous solid is cut with the help of sharp edged knife, it results in a irregular cut.
Amorphous substances are also, sometimes, referred to as super cooled liquids because they possess
disorderly arrangement like liquids. In fact many amorphous solids such as glass are capable flowing. Care-
ful examination of the window panes of very old houses reveals that the panes are thicker at the bottom than
at the top because the glass has flown under constant influence of gravity

Comparative Study of crystalline and Amorphous Solids

Properties Cyrstalline solids Amorphous solids

The internal arrangement of particles is The internal arrangement of particles is
Crystal geometry
regular so they possess definite and regular ge- irregular. Thus they do not have any definite
ometry. They have long range order. geometry. They have short range order.

Melting Point They have sharp melting points. They do not have sharp melting points.

There is no regularity in the external form

There is regularity in the external form when crys- when amorphous solids are formed.
External form tals are formed. Crystalline solids give a regular Amorphous solids give irregular cut.
cut when cut with a sharp - edge knife.

Heat of Fusion They have characteristic heat of fusion. They do not have characteristic heat of

Physical state Crystalline solids are hard and rigid and their Amorphous solid are comparatively soft and
shape is not distroted by mild distorting forces. not very rigid. These can be distorted by
bending or compressing forces.

Crystalline solids are anisotropic. This implies Amorphous solids are isotropic in nature.
Anisotropic or that physical properties such as refractive index This implies that various physical properties
(e.g. Canada Balsam), conductivity, thermal ex- are same in all the directions. This is because
Isotropic nature pansion etc are different in different directions. of random arrangement of particles.
This is due to orderly arrangement of particles

Example Crystals of NaCl, CsBr, CaF2 Rubber, glass, plastic etc.

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The Solid State

Note : Some substances adopt different structural arrangements under different conditions, Such
compounds are called as polymorphs. These different structures have different properties
such as melting point, density etc.
Example : Diamond and graphite two differnt polymorphic forms of carbon.

1.4 Classificaion of Crystalline Solids :

On the basis of the nature of bonding, the crystalline solids have been classified into four main
categories viz., Covalent, Ionic, Metallic and Molecular solids.
Different Types of Solids
Type of Constituent Bonding/Attractive Examples Physical Electrical
Solid Particles Forces Nature Conductivity

Molecules Dispersion Dipole Argon, HCl

interaction Hydrogen Soft Insulator
Bonding H 2O (Icc)
Paraffin wax

Metallic Positive metal Positive io ns and Ductile

ions (kernels) electrons (delocalized Ag, Cu, Mg & Malleable
and mobile electrons)
Hard Insulator
Covalent Atoms Covalent Bonding SiO2 , SiC
(Electron sharing) Diamond
Ionic Ions Conductor
Columbic or Hard &
NaCl, MgO (in molten & in
Electrostatic Forces Brittle
KCl, BaCl2 aqueous solution)

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*2.1 X-Ray Diffraction :

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a versatile, non-destructive technique that reveals detailed information about the
chemical composition and crystallographic structure of natural and manufactured materials.
It was suggested by M. Von Laue, in 1913, that it might be possible to diffract X-rays by means of crystals.
The reason for the suggestion was that the wavelength of X-rays was of about the same order (108 cm)
as the inter-atomic a crystal. In fact, Bragg succeeded in diffracting X-ray from Sodium chloride crystals.
This observation has proved to be highly useful in determining structure and dimensions of crystals as well as
in the study of number of properties of X-rays themselves.

For example, experiments (X-ray diffraction method) show

that in a crystal of sodium chloride, the constituent Na+
and Cl- ions are present at alternate sites as shown :

Though shown in two dimensions this systematic long-range order is also found in three dimensions, with
each Na+ surrounded by six Cl- ions and vice versa. This order is due to strong coulombic forces of
attraction between Na+ and Cl- ions. Similar regular arrangements are found in other solids too.

In a crystalline solid, the constituent particles (atoms, ions or molecules) arranged in a regular order. An
interaction of a particular crystalline solid with X-rays helps in investigating its actual structure.
Crystals are found to act as diffraction grating for X-ray and this indicates that the constituent particles in the
crystals are arranged in planes at close distances in repeating patterns.

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A simple representation of the X-ray diffraction is shown as follows :

*2.2 The Braggs Equation :

W.H. Bragg pointed out that scattering of X-rays by crystals could be considered as reflection from successive
planes of atoms in the crystals.
The process was based upon the principle that a crystal may considered to be made up of a number of
parallel equidistant atomic planes, as represented by line AB, CD and EF in the adjacent figure.

Suppose two waves (Y and Z) of X-ray beams, which are in phase fall on the surface of the crystal. If the
ray Y get reflected from the first layer i.e., AB line and the ray Z is reflected from the second layer of atoms
i.e., CD line, then it is evident that as compared to the ray Y, ray Z has to travel a longer distance, equal to
QRS in order to emerge out of the crystal. If the waves Y and Z are in-phase (for intensity of the reflected
beam to be maximum) after reflection, the difference in distance travelled by the two ray must be equal to an
integral multiple of wavelength i.e., n (for constructive interference).

Distance QRS n . . . . (i)

It is obvious from the figure that QR = RS = PR sin

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Therefore QRS = 2 PR sin . . . . (ii)

If the distance between the successive atomic planes is d
Then PR = d . . . . (iii)

So, from equations (i), (ii) and (iii) we have, n 2d sin

This is the Braggs Equation.
Thus, Bragg gave a mathematical equation to establish a relationship between wave length of the incident
X-Ray, the distance between the layers and the angle of diffraction.

Here, wavelength of X-ray used.

= Angle between incident X-ray and plane of the crystal. The diffracted beam makes an angle 2.

d = Distance between planes of the constituent particles in a crystal.

n = An integer (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) which represents the serial order of diffracted beams.
For given set of lattice planes, d has a fixed value. Therefore, the possibility of getting maximum reflection
(i.e., the possibility of getting reflected waves in phase with one another) depends upon . If is increased
gradually, a number of positions will be found at which the reflections will be maximum. At these positions,
n will have values equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. Generally, in experiments on X-ray reflections, n is set equal to
1. If is known, it is possible to determine d, the distance between atomic planes in the crystal by determining
experimentally. Similarly, if interplanar distance are given, the corresponding wavelengths of the incident
beam of X-ray can be calculated.

Illustration - 1 A sample of a crystalline solid scatters a beam of X-rays of wavelength 70.93 pm at an

angle 2 of 14.66. If this is a second order reflection (n = 2), calculate the distance between the parallel
planes of atoms from which the scattered beam appears to have been reflected. Use : sin 7.33 0.1276

We knonw that : n = 2d sin

2 = 14.66 or = 7.33

= 70.93 pm = 70.93 1012 m

n 2 70.93 1012
Therefore, d= = m = 556.3 1012 = 556.3 pm
2sin 2sin 7.33

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The Solid State


Before discussing the periodic pattern of atomic arrangements in crystals, we need to look into arrangements
of points in space in periodically repeating patterns. This leads us to the concept of a space lattice. A space
lattice provides the framework with reference to which a crystal structure can be described.

3.1 Definition (Lattice) :

It is the periodic arrangement of the points such that the environment at any point is the same as at any other
point. Every point in lattice should have same surroundings.
As an example, consider a two-dimensional square array of points shown in figure. By repeated translation
of the two vector a and b on the plane of the paper, we can generate the square array. The magnitudes of a
and b are equal and can be taken to be unity. The angle between them is 90 ; a and b are called the
fundamental translation vectors that generate the square array. To ignore end effects near the boundary,
we will assume that the array can be extended infinitely. If we locate ourselves at any point in the array and
look out in a particular direction that lies on the plane of the paper, the scenery is the same, irrespective of
where we are.

Consider the immediate surroundings of a point in the array. If we look due north or due east from this point,
we see another point at a distance of 1 unit. Along northeast, we see the nearest point at a distance 2 units
and long north-northeast, the nearest point is at a distance of 5 units. As this is ture of every point in the
array, the array satisfies the definition given above and can be called a two-dimensional square lattice.

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The main features of a Lattice :

(i) Lattice should be infinite.
(ii) Each point in a lattice is called lattice point.
(iii) Lattice points are joined by straight lines to represent the geometry of Lattice.
(iv) Lattice is different from a crystal. Infact, a Lattice gives to rise to a crystal when points are replaced by
particles such as atoms, ion or molecules.

Note : We can have square lattice, hexagonal lattice but pentagonal lattice is not possible because the interior
angle of a regular pentagon is 108o Which is not an integral factor of 360o.

3.2 Space Lattice or 3 D Lattice :

An array of lattice points showing arrangement of constituent particles in different positions in three dimensional
space is known as space lattice of crystal lattice. i.e. the constituent particles of a crystalline solid are
arranged in a definite fashion in the three dimensional space. Mathematically, a three-dimensional space
lattice is generated by repeated transalation of three noncoplanar vectors a, b and c.
One such arrangement by representing the particles with points is shown below :

From the complete space lattice, it is possible to select a smallest three dimensional portion which repeats
itself in different directions to generate the complete space lattice. This is called a Unit Cell. In the above
example of the square lattice, the unit cell is the square obtained by joining four neighbouring lattice points,
as shown in figure on last page. Since every corner of this square is common to four unit cell meeting at that
corner, the effective number of lattice points in the unit cell is only one. Alternatively, the unit cell can be
visualized with one lattice point at the centre of the square and with none at the corners (see figure on
previous page)

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3.3 Unit cell

The smallest three-dimensional portion of a complete space lattice, which when repeated over and again in
different direction produces the complete space lattice.
The size and shape of a unit cell is determined by the lengths of the edges of the unit cell (a, b and c) and by
the angles , and between the edges b and c, c and a, and a and b respectively..
It we take into consideration, the symmetry of the axial distances (a, b, c) and also the axial angles between
the edges (, and ), the various crystals can be divided into seven crystal systems. These are also called
crystal habits.

3.4 Difference between Crystal and Lattice :

A space lattice is combined with basis/motif to generate a crystal structure.

Space lattice + Basis

Crystal Structure

The regular pattern of wagons below can be described by placing a lattice point at the same place in each
wagon. The arrangement of dots is the lattice, which has a given repeat distance. The motif is the wagon.
The pattern is recovered by stamping the motif on each lattice point.

The motif/basic can be single atom or groups of atoms. But in many elemental crystals, the basis is simple
and consists of one atom per lattice point. In such cases, the crystal is generated by just positioning one
atom of the element at each lattice point. For example, the crystal structure of chromium and copper are
generated as :

BCC space lattice + 1 Cr atom per lattice point

BCC crystal of Cr

FCC space lattice + 1 Cu atom per lattice point

FCC crystal of Cu

These crystals are called monoatomic crystals, to denote the fact that the basis is one atom per lattice
point. ABCC crystal means a monoatomic BCC crystal, unless otherwise stated.

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In principle, an infinite number of crystal structure can be generated by combing different bases and different
lattice parameters with the same space lattice. In figure, three different base are combined with the simple
cubic lattice. In figure (a), the crystal is monoatomic, with just one atom at each lattice point. For clarity,
neighbouring atoms are shown separately. Figure (b) illustrates a molecular crystal, with a diatomic molecule
at each lattice point. The centre of the larger atom of the molecule coincides with a lattice point, while the
smaller atom is not at a lattice point. In molecular crystals, the basis is fully defined by giving the number and
types of atoms, the internuclear distance of separation between neighbours molecule and the orientation of
the molecule in relation to the unit cell. In figure (c), the corner atoms of the cube are of one type, but the
atom at the body centre is of different type. The basis is two atoms, the larger one in this case at a lattice
point and the smaller one positioned half-way along the body diagonal, at the body centre, which is not a
lattic point. In the crystal, of course, the unit cell can be shifted such that the body centre becomes a lattice
point and the body corners are no longer lattice points. This crystal should not be confused with monoatomic
BCC crystal, where the body corner and the body centre atom are of the same type.

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Illustration - 2 Draw two dimensional Hexagonal Lattice. Try to visualize the possibility of pentagonal
two dimensional lattice.

Three regular hexagons intersect at one point. So, in this tow-dimensional lattice, this lattice point is shared
by three unit cell.

So, effective no. of lattice points per unit cell 6 1 1 3

A regular pentagon has an interior angle of 108o. As 360o is not an integral multiple of 108o, pentagons
cannot be made to meet at a point bearing a constant angle to one another. Hence, a pentagonal lattice is not
possible. On the other hand, a square or a hexagonal two-dimensional lattice is possible as their internal
angles add up to give 360o.

Note : You are advised to read this section again after Section 5 and then proceed further.

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4.1 Definition
Crystals possess a regular, repetitive internal structure. The concept of symmetry describes the repetition of
structural features. Crystals therefore possess symmetry, and crystallography is basically concerned with
describing different types of symmetry. Broadly, two general types of symmetry exist. These consist of
translational symmetry and point symmetry. Translational symmetry describes the periodic repetition of a
structural feature across a length or through an area or volume. The concept of a lattice is directly related to
the idea of a translational symmetry. Point symmetry, on the other hand describes the periodic repetition of
a structural feature around a point. Reflection, rotation, and iversion are all point symmetries.
These are explained in detail as below :

(a) Reflection/plane of symmetry :

A reflection occurs when a motif on one side of a plane passing through the center of crystal is the mirror
image of a motif which appears on the other side of the plane. The motif is said to be reflected across the
mirror plane which divides the crystal. In other terms, it is an imaginary plane which passes through the
centre of crystal and divides it into two equal portions such that one part is exactly the mirror image of the
other. A cubic crystal like NaCl possesses, in all, nine planes of symmetry: three rectangular planes of
symmetry and six diagonal planes of symmetry.

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(b) Rotational symmetry/ Axis of symmetry :

It arises when a structural element is rotated a fixed number of degrees about a central axis before it is
repeated. In other terms, it is an imaginary straight line about which, if the crystal is rotated, it will present the
same appearance more than once during the complete revolution.

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The axes of symmetry are called diad, triad, tetrad and hexad, respectively, if the original appearance is
repeated twice (after an angle of 180o), Thirce (after an angle of 120o), four times (after an angle of 90o) and
six times (after an angle of 60o) in one rotation. These axes of symmetry are also called two-fold, three-fold,
four-fold and six-fold, respectively.
In general, if the same appearance of a crystal is repeated on rotating through an angle , of around an
imaginary axis, the axis is called an n-fold axis.

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(c) Inversion symmetry/Centre of Symmetry :

If a crystal possesses inversion symmetry, then every line drawn
through the center of the crystal will connect two identical
features on opposite sides of the crystal. In other terms, it is
such an imaginary point within the crystal that any line drawn
through it intersects the surface of the crystal at equal distances
in both directions. A crystal always possesses only one centre
of symmetry.

4.2 Elements of symmetry :

The total number of planes, axes and centre of symmetry possessed by a crystal are termed as elements of
symmetry. A cubic crystal possesses a total of 23 elements of symmetry.
Planes of symmetry = (3 + 6) = 9
Axes of symmetry = (3 + 6 + 4) = 13
Centre of symmetry = 1
Total number of symmetry elements = 23


On the basis of symmetry, viz., Translational, Rotational and Reflection, in total only fourteen 3-D lattices
are possible. These are called Bravais Lattices. These are categorized under 7 crystal systems. Before
going into their detail, lets take a look at the types of unit cells.

5.1 Types of Unit Cells :

Unit cells in which the particles are present only at the corners are called Simple Unit Cells or Primitive
Unit Cells.
However it has been observed that the particles may be present not only at the corners but may also be
present at some other special positions with the unit cells. Such unit cells are called Non-primitive Unit
Cells or Centred Unit Cells.
There are different types of non - primitive unit cells as follows :

(a) Face centred unit cell

When the particles are present not only at the corner but also at the centre of each of the unit cell, is called
Face Centred Unit cell.

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(b) Body centred unit cell

When in addition to the particles at the corner of the cube, there is one present at the body Centre position
of the unit cell, then the unit cell is called Body Centred Unit cell.

(c) End centred unit cell

Another type of unit cell, called End centered unit cell, is possible for orthorhombic and monoclinic crystal
types. In an end centered unit cell, there are lattice points in the face centers of only one set of opposite
faces, in addition to the lattice points at the corners of the unit cell.
It may be noted that all the four types of unit cells are not possible for each crystal system i.e., simple, face
centered, end centered and body centered.
A three-dimensional space lattice is generated by repeated translation of three non coplanar vectors a,b and
c. It so turns out that there are only 14 distinguishable ways of arranging points in three-dimensional space
such that each arrangement conforms to the definition of a space lattice. These 14 space lattices are known
as Bravais Lattices are according to the arrangement of the points in the different unit cells involved. They
belong to seven Crystal systems.
Crystal systme and their features with some examples

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It can be determined by the simplest relation :

1. A point that lies at the corner of a unit cell is shared among eight unit cell and, therefore, only one-
eighth of each such point lies within the given unit cell.

2. A point along an edge is shared by four unit cells and only one-fourth of it lies within any one cell.

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3. A face-centred point is shared by two unit cell and only one half of it is present in a given unit cell.

4. A body-centred point lies entirely within the unit cell and contributes one complete point to the cell.
ne n n n
Total number of atoms in unit cell = + f + i + e
8 2 1 4
When nc : Number of atom at the corners of the unit cell
nf : Number of atoms at six faces of the unit cell
ni : Number of atoms completely inside the unit cell
ne : Number of atoms at the edge centres of the unit cell


7.1 Definition :
The atomic radius is defined as half the distance (centre to centre) between neighbouring atoms in a crystal.
It is expressed in terms of edge a of the unit cell of the crystal.

7.2 Detailed View :

(a) Simple Cubic (SC)
1. Crystal System : Cubic
2. Lattice Points Occupied : Only all corners of cube are occupied and each corner atom is in
contact with adjacent corner atoms.

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3. Arrangement of constituent particles in simple cubic.

Note : Neighbouring atoms are in contact with each other.

4. Top View of Unit Cell :

5. Relation between edge length of unit cell and radius of constituent particles.
Each corner atom is in contact with its adjacent corner atom such that
2R = a R =

6. Rank of the unit cell (z) : Effective number of constituent particles per unit cell.
1 1
z = nc = 8 =1
8 8
7. Number of nearest neighbours or Co-ordination number.
(i) Number of nearest neighbours (NNs) :
It is number of neighbouring constituent
particles that are in close contact with
given constitueat particles.

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(ii) Number of next nearest neighbours (NNNs)

It is neighbours at secondshortest distance (NNNs = 12)
Four in every plane

NNs is at a distance from X (NNs = 3)

NNNs is at 2 a distance from X (NNNs = 3)

NNNNs is at 3 a distance from X (NNNNs = 1)

In a simple cubic system for particle X

8. Packing Efficiency :

Packing efficiencey volume occupied by all constituent

Volume of unit cell
For cubic unit cell
4 3 4 3 4
z r 1 r 1 r3
Packing efficiency = 3 = 3 = 3 = 0.52
a3 a 3


(b) Face Centred Cubic (FCC)

1. Crystal system : Cubic
2. Lattic point occupied : Two types of lattice point
(i) All corners (ii) All face centres

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Note : FCC unit cell can be ideal FCC and pseudo FCC. In pseudo
FCC constituents at corner lattice points are different from
the face centre lattice points.

3. Arrangement of constituent particles in FCC unit cell.

4. Top view of unit cell

Note : Face centre constituent particle is in close contact with constituent particle at corners.
Face centre constituent of adjacent faces are in contact with each other.

5. Relation between radius of constituent particles and edge

length of unit cell
Closest contact is along face diagonal of cube. Each corner
of a particular face centre atom touches the face centre
atom such that :
a a
2R = R= or 2a = 4R
2 2 2

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Note : Each face centre touches other face centre atoms (at a distance of ) provided they are not the centres
of opposite faces.

6. Rank of the unit cell (z) : Effective number of constituent particles per unit cell.

1 1
Z= No. of corner + No. of face centres
8 2

1 1
= 8 6 1 3 4
8 2
7. Number of nearest (Co-ordination Number)
Consitituent particles at corners are nearest neighbours of the consitituent particle at face centre of the
FCC unit cell.

Horizontal plane showing NNs of particle under observation

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Vertical plane showing NNs of particle under observation

Vertical plane showing NNs of particle under observation.

4 3 4
Z r 4 r3
8. Packing efficiency = 3 = 3 = 0.74
3 3
a 4r


Note : In single FCC unit cell there are total 14 constituent particles present at different lattice points.

(i) No. of nearest neighbours (NNs) at a distance from particles under observation are three.
(ii) No. of next nearest neighbor (NNNs) at a distance from particle under observation are three.
(iii) No. of next to next nearest neighbours (NNNNs) at a distance from particle under observation
are three.

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Reference Atom/Constituent Particle is 1.

No of atoms at distance (NNs) are 3. [9, 10, 13]
No. of atoms at distance a (NNNs) are 3 [2, 4, 5]
No. of atoms at distance a (NNNNs) are 3 [11, 12, 14]
No. of atom at distance 2 a are 3 [3, 6, 7]

No. of atoms at distance 3 a is 1 [8]

Total No. of atoms for reference atom = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 13

(c) Body Centred Cubic (BCC)

Each corner of the unit cell touches the body centre atom such
3 3
that 2R = a R= a
2 4


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VOIDS Section - 8
In close packing of spheres, there is always some empty space left. The empty space is called hole or void
or interstitial site. There are two main types of interstitial voids in closely packed structures :
(a) Tetrahedral voids (b) Octahedral voids
Tetrahedral void : When one sphere is placed upon the three other
spheres which are touching each other, tetrahedral structure results. The
name tetrahedral void comes from the regular tetrahedron obtained by
joining the centres of four spheres. The four spheres leave a small space
between them which is smaller than the size spheres.
However, when the spheres are bigger in size, the
tetrahedral site becomes larger. In HCP and FCC, each
sphere is in contact with three spheres above and three
spheres below (see adjacent fig). Thus, there are two
tetrahedral sites associated with each sphere.

For example, in the FCC unit cell, the centres of the tetrahedral voids lie quarter - way and three - quarter
- way along the four nonparallel body diagonals of the cube (at a distance of 3a/4 form ever corner along
body diagonal). There are thus eight tetrahedral voids in the unit cell. As the effective number of atoms in the
unit cell is 4, this works out to a ratio 2 : 1 for the tetrahedral void to the atoms.

Figure show 8 Tetrahedral

voids per FCC unit cell :

Note: For HCP unit cell, refer to the Section - 10.

Octahedral void : An octahedral void is formed with three spheres on a close packed plane and three
more spheres on an adjacent close packed plane. Note that the three spheres of the adjacent plane are
positioned such that the centres of the three spheres are directly over the three triangular valleys surrounding
the central valley of the first plane, with no sphere over the central valley. The given figure is tilted view of the
octahedral arrangement, showing the square base with one sphere each on top and at the bottom.

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The name comes from the regular octahedron (a polyhedron

with six corners and eight faces, the face being equal and
equilateral triangles) formed by joining the centres of the six
spheres. There is one octahedral void per sphere in the three
dimensional array.

For example, in the FCC unit cell, the centres of the octahedral voids fall at the body centre and the middle
of the 12 cube edges. the effective number of octahedral voids per unit cell is then 1 1 12 4.
As the effective number of atoms in the unit cell is 4, this work out to a ratio 1 : 1 for the octahedral void to
the atoms.

Figure shows 1 octahedral void at the body centre (with probability 1)

and 12 octahedral sites (with probability 1/4) are at edge centres in FCC unit cell.
(Note : Only required atoms are shown in figure)

Note : For HCP unit cell, refer to the Section 10.

In general, if in a Close Packed crystal (CCP or HCP), there are N spheres (atoms or ions) in the packing,
then Numbe of Octahedral voids = N and Number Tetrahedral voids = 2N

28 Section 7 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Illustration - 3 A crystal is made of particles A and B. A forms FCC

packing and B occupies all the octahedral voids. If all the particles along
the plane as shown in figure are removed, then the formula of the crystal
would be :
(A) AB (B) A 5B 7 (C) A 7B 5 (D) None of these

1 1 5
No. of A atoms Left 4 4 2
8 2 2
atoms centerfaceatoms
1 5
No. of B atoms Left 4 2 1 1
4 2
centeredgatoms centerbodyatoms
This simplest formula of crystal is AB

Illustration - 4 In a solid AB having rock salt structure, if all the atoms touching 1 body diagonal plane
are removed plane are removed (except at body centre), then the formula for the left unit cell is :
(A) A 7B 3 (B) A 5B 3 (C) A 5B 3 (D) A7/2B 5/2


B atoms are at corners and face centres

1 1 5
No. of B atoms left 4 4 2
8 2 2
A are at edge centres and body centre
1 7
No. of A atoms left 4 2
4 2
The formula of the compound is : A7 / 2 B5/2
PQRS is the body diagonal plane

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The number of atoms in a crystal which surrounds particular atom as its nearest neighbour atoms in its
neighbourhod is called co-ordination number.

Note : (i) For diatomic atoms, co-ordination no. of a cation is the no. of surrounding anions of vice versa.
(ii) In crystals with directional bonds, co-ordination number is lower than that of crystals with non-directional
bond such as metals and ionic compounds.

The coordination no. of Monoatomic crystals is discussed below :

(A) Simple Cubic (SC)
No. of atoms surrounding the (touching) the body centre atom = 6
Hence, Co-ordination No. = 6

(B) Body Centred Cubic (BCC)

No. of atoms surrounding the (touching) the body centre atom = 8
Hence, Co-ordination No. = 8

(C) Face Centred Cubic (FCC)

No. of atoms surrounding (touching)
the face centre of any face = 12
Hence, co-ordination No. = 12.

30 Section 9 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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In the formation of crystals, the constituent particles, atoms or ions or molecules, may be different sizes and
so it may give different mode of packing of particles in the crystal. The actual mode of packing of the
particles in the crystal is determined experimentally by the X-ray diffraction method. However, in order to
understand the packing of the constituent particles in a crystal, it is assumed that these particles are hard
spheres of identical size. The packing of these spheres takes place in such a way that they occupy the
maximum available space and hence the crystal has maximum density. This type of packing is called closed
packing in crystals. The packing of spheres of equal size takes place as follows :

One Dimensional Packing :

When the spheres are placed in a horizontal row, touching each
other, an edge of the crystal is fromed.

Two dimensional Packing :

When the rows are combined touching each other, crystal plane is obtained. The rows can be combined in
two different ways :
(a) Square Packing : The particles when
placed in the adjacent row, shown a
horizontal as well as vertical alignment
and form squares. This type of packing
is called Square Close Packing.

(b) Hexagonal Packing : The particles in every next row are placed in the depression between the
particles of the first row. The particles in the third row will be vertically aligned with those in the first
row. This type of packing gives a hexagonal pattern and is called Hexagonal Close Packing (HCP).

Note :(i) The second mode of packing (i.e., HCP) is more efficient as more space is occupied by the sphere in
this arrangement.
(ii) In Square Close Packing, a central sphere is in contact with four other spheres whereas in Hexagonal
Close Packing a central sphere is in contact with six other spheres.

Three Dimensional close packing :

In three dimension packing of spheres, the two dimensional close packed layers can be stacked in
two different arrangements :

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(a) When the spheres of the second layer are placed on the spheres of the first layer and the spheres of
the third layer on the spheres of second layer and so on. In this form of packing, the spheres are
vertically aligned and the voids are also vertically overlapping. It results in an inefficient way of three
dimensional packing. This leads to simple cubic packing with a packing efficiency of 52% (It has been
discussed in section 14)
(b) When the second layer is place in such a way that its spheres find place in the a voids of the first
layer, then b voids will be left unoccupied since under this arrangement no sphere can be placed in
them. Similarly there are two types of voids in the second layer. When both layers are considered
together, we have two type of voids marked as voids c and voids d.
The voids c are ordinary voids which lies
above the spheres of the first layer whereas
voids d lie on the voids of the first layer and
hence are combination of two voids ; one of
the first layer and other of the second layer
with the vertex on one triangle upward and
the vertex of the other triangle downwards
which leads to an octahedral void.

Figure shows the type of voids when two layers are considered
Now there are two way to build up the third layer :
(i) When a third layer is placed over to second layer in such a way that the spheres cover the tetrahedral
or c voids, a three dimension closest packing is obtained where the spheres in every third of alternate
layer are vertically aligned (i.e., the third layer is directly above the first, the fourth above the second
layer and so on). Calling the first layer as layer A and second layer as layer B, the arrangement is
called ABAB..pattern or Hexagonal Closed Packing (HCP). Molybdenum, Magnesium and
Beryllium crystallise in HCP structure.

33 Section 10 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Figure shows Hexagonal Closed Packing Figure shows e is shared by sic unit cells

1 1
Effective number of atoms per HCP unit cell 12 2 1 3 6
6 2

Note : 11.51% of the total volume of the middle layer sphere extends
out of one side of the parallelepiped. Another 11.51% of
this sphere extends out of an adjacent face of the unit cell,
leaving 76.98% enclosed within the unit cell boundary. The
excluded portions are precisely matched by portions of two
other middle layer spheres extending from adjacent unit cells
into the first unit cell toward the center of the equilateral
triangle centered over the unoccupied hole in the bottom
layer [See figure (a) and (b)].

(ii) When the third layer is placed over the second layer in such a way that spheres cover the octahedral
of d voids, a layer different from layers A and B is produced. Let us call it as layer C. Continuing
further a packing is obtained where the spheres in every fourth layer will be vertically aligned. This
pattern of stacking spheres is called ABCABC..pattern or Cubic Close Packing (CCP). It is
similar to Face-Centred Cubic (FCC) packing.

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Figure show ABCABC...........packing can be represnted in FCC unit cell

Note : In both HCP and CCP the coordination number is 12 because a sphere is in contact with 6 spheres in its
own layer. It touches three spheres in the layer above and three in the layer below.

Comparison of Various Type of Views of HCP & FCC Unit Cell :

Figure showing Comparison of Top view of unit cells

34 Section 10 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Figure showing comparison of Front view of unit cells

Illustration - 5 When over a 2 dimensional square packing same layers are kept in the way so that the
centres are aligned in all 3 dimensions, coordination number of each sphere is :
(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 10
The co-ordination number is 6. (4 atoms in the plane + 1 atom above + 1 atom below the particular atom).

Illustration - 6
In an FCC crystal, which of the following shaded
planes contains the given type of arrangement of atom ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)


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Illustration - 7 In hexagonal close packing of sphere in three dimensions.

(A) In one unit cell there are 12 octahedral voids and all are completely inside the unit cell
(B) In one unit cell there are six octahedral voids and all are completely inside the unit cell
(C) In one unit cell there are six octahedral void and of which three are completely inside the unit cell and
other three are from contributions of octahedral voids which are partially inside the unit cell
(D) In one unit cell there are 12 tetrahedral voids, all are completely inside the unit cell

HCP AB AB AB pattern repeat

For calculating voids between two layers A and B.

Total tetrahedral voids = 12 (represented by ' ' and ' ' ) out
of which 8 are completely inside ' ' and ' ' are shared by
other unit cells (each shared in 3 unit cells)
Total octahedral void = 6 (represented by ' ' ). All are completely inside.

Illustration - 8
The co-ordination number of fcc structure for a metal in 12, since
(A) each atom touches 4 others in same layer, 2 in layer above and 6 in layer below
(B) each atom touches 4 others in same layer, 4 in layer above and 4 in layer below
(C) each atom touches 6 others in same layer, 5 in layer above and 1 in layer below
(D) each atom touches 8 others in same layer, 2 in layer above and 2 in layer below

36 Section 10 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Illustration - 9 Which of the following statements is correct for a two-dimensional hexagonal close-packed
layer ?
(A) Each sphere is surrounded by six spheres (B) Each sphere is surrounded by six voids
(C) Each sphere has three voids (D) Each void is surrounded by three spheres

(C) Effective number of atoms in a hexagonal unit

6 1 1 3
Effective no. of voids in a hexagonal unit cell = 6
Hence, each sphere has 2 voids
(A) Each sphere is surrounded by six spheres
(D) Each void is surrounded by 3 spheres
(B) Each sphere is surrounded by six voids

Illustration - 10 Calculate the c/a ratio for an ideally close packed HCP crystal.
TheABAtype of stacking represents the HCP structure joining the centres of the three neighbouring atoms of
the middle plane to the centres of the atoms of the top and the bottom planes results in two tetrahedral with a
common base. The top and bottom atoms are centred at two lattice points, one above the other on the two
hexagonal basal planes of the unit cell. So, the distance between them is the unit distance along the c-axis. The
distance between any two adjacent atoms of a plane is unit distance along the a-axis. Unit of c is equal to twice the
normal from the apex of a tetrahedron to its base. Unit of a is equal to the side of the tetrahedron.

c 2PT
a RS

RU = RS2 SU 2 = a 2 a 2 /4 = 3a/2
2 a
RT = RU =
3 3

PT = PR 2 RT 2 = a 2 a 2 /3 = a 2 / 3

a 2 3
= = 1.633
c 3

Note : Your are advised to learn it as a result.

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11.1 Definition
It is the sequence in which closest packing
can exist. In stacking sequence, the same
layer can not repeat just after a layer i.e. A
after A is restricted.
If carefully observed, stacking sequence
has FCC, HCP and combination of FCC
and HCP such that all are closely packed
with packing efficiency of 74% (P.E. has
been discussed in Section 14)

Illustration - 11
Tick the close packing arrangements in the following :



HCP, CCP and their combination (HCP + CCP) are the close packed arrangement with packing efficiency
= 74%


1. Sapphire is aluminium oxide. It crystallises with aluminium ions in two-thirds of octahedral holes in
a closest packed array of oxide ions. What is the formula of aluminium oxide ?


38 Section 11 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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These are discussed in detail as follows :

(i) Rock Salt (NaCl) type :
The chloride ions form a FCC lattice and sodium ions are present in octahedral voids i.e. at body centre and
edge centre of the chloride lattice.
Effective no. of Cl per NaCl unit cell = 4 [Cl being present at corners and face centres of the unit cell]
Effectie no. of Na+ per NaCl unit cell = 4 [Na+ being present in octahedral voids of the unit cell]

Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support Section 12 39

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Na Cl
4 units 4 units 4 units

No. of NaCl formula units per FCC unit cell = 4

Figure shows the concept of reversibility in case of NaCl crystal

Co-ordination no. of Na+ = 6 [Na+ is present in octahedral void formed by six Cl ions]

Co-ordination no. of Cl = 6 [Cl is present is octahedral void formed by six Na+ ions
using reversibility principle]

(ii) Celsium chloride (CsCl) type :

The chloride ions form a SC lattice and cesium ions are present in the cubic void (or body centred
Effective no. Cl of ions per CsCl unit cell = 1 [Cl being present at the corner of the unit cell]
Effective no. Cs+of ions per CsCl unit cell = 1 [Cs+ being present at the body centre of the unit

Cs Cl
1 units 1 units 1 units

No. of CsCl formula units per SC unit cell = 1

Co-ordination no. of Cs+ = 8 [Cs+ touches eight corner (Cl) atoms of the unit
cell ]
Co-ordination no. of Cl = 8 [Cl touches eight corner (Cs+ ) atoms of the
unit cell using reversibility principle]

40 Section 12 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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(iii) Zinc Blend (ZnS) type :

Lets first know about the structure of diamond. Diamond has FCC structure with four more carbon
atoms are found to be present in the alternate tetrahedral voids. So, effective no. of carbon atoms in
diamond cubic unit

1 1
8 6 1 4 8

cell 8
2 Alternate tetrahedral
FCC unit cell

The carbon atom in tetrahedral voids touches its 4 surrounding atoms (nearest neighbours), so the co-
ordination no. is 4.

Note : Carbon atoms in the FCC lattice do not touch at all (But carbon atoms which are present in the
tetrahedral voids touch the surrounding 4 atoms. So, centre to centre distance between two carbon
atoms is 2r = where a is the length of the unit cell and r is the radius of the carbon atom.

Solids which follow the structure of diamond are called Diamond cubic
Zinc blende (ZnS) is a member of diamond cubic family where sulphide (S2) ions form a FCC lattice
with zince (Zn2+) ions present in alternate tetrahedral voids i.e. 4 out of 8 tetrahedral voids are
We have two tetrahedral voids per body diagonal out of which one is filled but in alternate fashion with
other boyd diagonls.

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No. of S2 ions per ZnS unit cell = 4 [S2 being present at corners and face centres of the unit
No. of Zn2+ ions per ZnS unit cell = 4 [Zn2+ being present in 4 out of 8 tetrahedral voids of the
unit cell]

(iv) Fluorite (CaF2)

In the fluorite structure, calcium (Ca2+) ions form a FCC and Fluorite (F) ions are present in all
tetrahedral voids.
No. of Ca2+ ions per CaF2unit cell = 4 [Ca2+ being present at the corners and face
centres of the unit cell]
No. of F ions per CaF2 unit cell = 8 [F being present in all 8 tetrahedral voids of the
unit cell]

Ca 2F
4 units 4 units 8 units

No. of CaF2 formula units per FCC unit cell = 4

42 Section 12 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Co-ordination no. of F = 4 [F is present in the tetrahedral void formed by 4 Ca2+ ions]

Co-ordination no. of Ca2+ = 8 [One Ca2+ supports 8 tetrahedral voids and all are filled with]

(v) Antifluorite (Na2O) type : It is just opposite to the fluorite structure where role of cations and
anions is interchanged. So, oxide (O2) ions form a FCC unit cell and sodium (Na+) ions are present
in all the tetrahedral voids
No. of oxide (O2) ions per FCC unit cell = 4
No. of (Na+) sodium ions per FCC unit cell = 8

2Na O2
Na 2O
4 units 8 units 4 units

Co-ordination no. of Na+ = 4 Co-ordination no. of O2 = 8

Illustration - 12 a a a
Diamond has face-centred cubic lattice. There are two atoms at (0, 0, 0) and , ,
4 4 4
coordinate. The ratio of the carbon-carbon bond distance to the edge of the unit cell is :

3 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
16 4 4 2


a a a
Distance between (0, 0, 0) and , , 2r
4 4 4

3a 2r 3
2r where 2r = bond distance
4 a 16

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Illustration - 13 Which of the following statements is (are) correct for the diamond structure ?
(A) Each atom has 4 nearest neighbours and 12 next-nearest neighbours
(B) It is relatively empty
(C) The maximum proportion of the available volume which may be filled by hard spheres is only 0.34
(D) The maximum proportion of the available volume which may be filled by hard spheres is only 0.46
Atom (carbon) lying in the tetrahedral voids touches the surrounding 4 atoms at a distance of
And the face centre atom has 12 next nearest neighbours at a distance of
4 3
8 R
3 3a R 3
The packing efficiency (P.E.) where 2R
a3 4 a 8

32 3 3 3
Hence P.E. is : 0.34

3 8 64 16

Note : You will be able to understand P.E. in Section - 14.


Consider first the local packing geometry of one type of cation and one type of anion. The cation is assumed
to be the smaller ion. The number of anions surrounding a central cation is called the coordination number or
ligancy. The ligancy is function of the ion sizes and can be worked out from spaced filling geometry when the
following conditions corresponding to a stable configuration are satisfied simultaneously :
(a) An anion and a cation are assumed to be hard spheres always touching each other.
(b) Anions generally will not touch, but may be close enough to be in contact with one another in a limiting
(c) Cation should surround itself with as many anions as possible. Each ion tends to surround itself with as
many ions of opposite sign as possible to reduce the potential energy. This tendency promotes the
formation of close packed structures.
When the cation is very small compared to the anion, it is easily seen that only two anions can be neighbours
to the cation in order to satisfy all the above three conditions. Consider the configuration as shown in the
figure (i) below. Here, the three surrounding anions are touching one another and also the central cation.

44 Section 13 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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The ratio of the cation to anion radius rc / ra for this configuration is 0.155, which can be worked out from
the simple geometry (see Illustration- 14). The triangular arrangement in (i) is one of the limiting situations.
The radius ratio is said to be a critical value because for value of rc / ra smaller than 0.155, the central
cation will rattle in the hole and not touch all the three anions at the same time, as illustrated in (ii). This
violates condion (a) above and leads to instability. When the radius ratio is less than 0.155, then only way to
satisfy all three conditions is to reduce the number of anions to 2. For values of rc / ra slightly greater than
0.155, all the anions touch the central cation but do not touch one another, as shown in (iii). All three
condtions of stability are still satisfied. This situation will prevail till the radius ration increases to 0.225, the
next higher critical value corresponding to tetrahedral (four) coordination. At rc / ra 0.225, the four
surrounding anions touch one another and also the central cation. This configuration is the same as that
obtained by fitting the largest possible sphere in the tetrahedral void of a close packed structure, (See
Illustration- 15).
A ligancy of five does not satisfy all the three conditions for stable configuration because it is always possible
to have six anions as an alternative to any arrangement that contains five anions, without a change in the
radius ratio. The critical condition for octahedral (six) coordination occurs at rc / ra 0.414, which is the
same as the size of the octahedral void in a close packed structure. Ligancies of 7, 9, 10 and 11 are again
not permissible.
The radius ratio ranges in which different values of ligancy are obtained are summarized in the given table. At
the end of the table, the limiting case of rc / ra 1 is identified with configuration of close packing of equal
sized spheres.

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Illustration - 14 Find the critical radius ratio for triangular coordination.

The critical condition for triangular coordination is shown in the adjacent figure.
The three anions touch one another as well as the central
cation. From the simple geometry, we can write :
R r cos 30 r Rr R
r 2
1 0.155
R 3

Illustration - 15 Find the critical radius ratio for tetrahedral co-ordination.

The critical condition for tetrahedral co-ordination is shown in the adjacent figure. Than anions touch one
another as well as the central cation. From the simple geometry, we can write :
3 2
2 R and h Rr where h
4 3

3 2
2R R r
4 3

r 3
1 0.225
R 2

Note : The centre of tetrahedron is at distance of 3/4th of h from the apex. Also, height of regular tetrahedron is
2 / 3 times is side of the tetrahedron.

46 Section 13 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Illustration - 16 Find the critical radius ratio for octahedral co-ordination.

The critical condition for octahedral co-ordination
is shown in the adjacent figure. The anions touch
one another as well as the central. From the simple
geometry, we can write :
2r 2R cos 45 2R
2 1 0.414

Illustration - 17 Find the critical radius ratio for body-centered co-ordination.

The critical condition for cubic void shown in the
adjacent figure. The anions touch one another as well
as the central cation. From the simple geometry, we
can write :
a 2R and 3a 2R 2r
3 1 0.732

The ligancy rules outlined above are obeyed in a number of cases. for example, in the NaCl crystal, the
radio r / r 0.54, which lies between 0.414 and 0.732. As listed in the previous table, the predicated
Na Cl
ligancy is six. The octahedral geometry of six chlorine ions surrounding a central cation is experimentally
observed. In MgO, r /r 0.59 and again the octahedral coordination is observed. In CsCl,
Mg 2 O 2

r /r 0.73, it is difficult to predict whether a six fold or an eight fold coordination will occur. It
Cs Cl
so turns out that the eight coordination is observed. In this case, that is, every cesium cation is surrounded by
eight chlorine anions.
The Si O bond in silica as well as in silicates is about 50% ionic and 50% covalent. Here, the central silicon
cation is surrounded by four oxygen anions located at the corners of a regular tetrahedron. This arrangement
satisfies both the ligancy rules (as rc / ra 0.29, then tetrahedral coordination is predicted from the previous
table, as well as the orientation relationships of (sp3) bonds).

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The stability criteria listed above for predicting the ligancy may not always be valid. If directional characteristics
of bonding persist to any significant degree, the considerations based on the radius ratio alone will not lead
to the correct prediction of ligancy. In the above-discussed example of Si O coordination, the radius ratio
criterion and the bond angle requirements happen to coincide. In ZnS, where the bond is more covalent than
ionic, the ligancy predicated from r /r 0.48 is octahedral. Yet the four-fold coordination
Zn 2 S2
characteristic of (sp3) bonding is what is observed.

In the formation of ionic crystals, the ligancy rules described above determine the local packing around a
cation. The long-range arrangement of ions in the crystal is dependent on the following factors :
(i) In the crystal, the overall electrical neutrality should be maintained, whatever be the net charge on a
local group of a cation and surrounding anions. For example, in NaCl, where a cation is surround by
six anions, the net charge on (NaCl6) is five. Evidently, this has to be neutralized in the long range
(ii) The ionic bond being nondirectional, the ions are packed as closely as possible in the crystal, consistent
with the local coordination.
When the cation charge is not more than two or at best three and when the radius ratio is in the range 0.414-
0.732, the crystal structure can be described as a FCC or HCP packing of anions with the cations occupying
all or part of the octahedral voids in the structure. The fraction of octahedral voids that are filled depends on
the number of cations to anions in the chemical formula. Thus, for the rock salt (NaCl) structure, adopted by
hundreds of binary ionic compounds, r / r 0.54, and the anion packing is FCC with all octahedral
Na Cl
voids filled with sodium cations. Recall that there is one octahedral void per sphere in a close packed array.
A unit cell of NaCl crystal is shown in fig. below, with the large chlorine ions occupying the corner and
facecentred cubic positions and the sodium ions in the octahedral voids. The octahedral positions are at the
body centre and the midpoints of the cube edges. Note that, unlike in the monoatomic FCC crystal, the
chlorine ions do not touch one another along the face diagonal. This is so because the radius ratio of 0.54 is
greater than the size of the octahedral void in a close pakced structure, which is 0.414. The FCC close
packing is opened up here to the extent necessary to accommodate the sodium cations in the octahedral

48 Section 13 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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As the FCC positions and the octahedral void centre are interchangeable like the body centre and the body
corners in the BCC cell, the NaCl structure can also be described as two interpenetrating monoatomic
FCC cells, one corresponding to the anions and the other to the cations. The sum of the their radii, rc / ra
r r a / 2, where a is the lattice parameter..
Na Cl

When rc / ra is in the range 0.7312 1, the eight fold coordination is observed. CsCl with
r r 0.91 is a typical example of this structure. The cesium ions are at the body centre and the
Cs Cl
chlorine ions are at the body corners. The space lattice is simple cubic, with a basis of one cesium ion plus
one chlorine ion per lattice point.
As an example of an ionic crystal with more than two types of ions, consider the crystal structure of spinels.
Spinels are compounds with tow different cations A2+ and B3+ and oxygen as the anion, with general
formula, AB2O4. Here, the oxygen anions form the FCC packing, For every four oxygen anions, there are
four octahedral sites and eight tetrahedral sites. Out of these twelve, only three are needed to fill the cations
of the above formula. In the normal spinel structure, the A cations are in the tetrahedral voids and the B
cations are in the octahedral voids. Alternatively, half of the B cations can occupy the tetrahedral voids while
the remaining half of the B cations and all the A cations are randomly distributed in octahedral voids, resulting
in the inverse spinel structure. In both normal and inverse spinels, only half of the octahedral site and 1/8 of
the tetrahedral sites are filled.

Note : When B2O3 Fe 2O3 , we have a series of compound calls ferrites, where different cations can be present
in varying proportions. Ferrites have the inverse spinel structure.


volume occupied by atoms

Packing Fraction = volume of unit cell

volume occupied by atoms

Packing Efficiency 100
volume of unit cell

We will discuss it for monoatomic and diatomic cases separately.

(A) Monoatomic unit cells :

For monoatomic unit cells, packing efficiency is given as :

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No. of atoms per unit cell volume of one atom

Packing Efficiency 100
volume of unit cell

(i) Simple Cubic (SC) (ii) Body Centred cubic (BCC)

4 3 4 3
1 r 2 r
P.E. 3 100 P.E. 3 100
3 3
a a

Where 2r = a [a length of unit cell] Where 2r [a length of unit cell]

3 3
4 1 8 3 3
P.E. 100 100 52% P.E. 100 100 68%
3 2 6 3 4 8

(iii) Face centred Cubic (FCC) (iv) Diamond Cubic (DC)

4 3 4 3
4 r 8 r
P.E. 3 100 P.E. 3 100
3 3
a a
a 3a
where 2r [a length of unit cell] where 2r [a length of unit cell]
2 4

3 3
16 1 32 3 3
P.E. 100 100 74% 100 100 34%
3 2 2 3 2
3 8 16

(v) Hexagonal Crystal Closed Packed (HCP)

4 3
P.E. 3 100
3 2
6 a c

2 2
where c a and 2r a [a length of unit cell]

P.E. 100 74%
3 2

50 Section 14 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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(B) Diatomic unit cells :

For diatomic unit cells, packing efficiency is given as :

no. of atoms of each kind volume of atom of each kind 100

volume of unit cell

(i) Rock Salt (NaCl) type :

4 3 4
4 r 4 r3
If AB crystallizes in the same way as NaCl, then P.E. 3 A 3 B 100
such that 2rA 2rB a [a length of unit cell]

Note : If nothing is mentioned, we consider the limiting case i.e. anions-anions are also contact at the same
time when caton-anion contact is always present. So, we can always have cation-anion contact equation
but anion-anion contact equation is possible for limiting case only.

(ii) Cesium Chloride (CsCl) type :

4 3 4
1 r 1 r3
If AB crystallizes in the same way as CsCl, then P.E. 3 A 3 B 100

Such that 2rA 2rB 3a [a length of unit cell]

(iii) Zinc Blende (ZnS) type :

4 3 4
4 r 4 r3
If AB crystallizes in the same way as ZnS, then P.E. 3 A 3 B 100

Such that rA rB [a length of unit cell]

(iv) fluorite structure type :

4 3 4
4 r 8 r3
If AB2 crystallizes in the same way as CaF2 , then P.E. 3 A 3 B 100

Such that rA rB [a length of unit cell]

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Note : Here radius ratio rules will changes. Now, lies in 0.225 0.414 as anion lies in tetrahedral void.

(v) Anti-fluorite structure type :

4 3 4
8 r 4 r3
If A 2 B crystallizes in the same way as Na 2O, P.E. 3 A 3 B 100

Such that r r [a length of unit cell]
A B 4

DENSITY Section - 15

It is defined as the ratio of mass of the unit cell and volume of unit cell.
mass of atoms present in unit cell
volume of unit cell

No. of atoms Molecular weight in a.m.u. 1.67 1027 kg

[For monoatomic crystal]
volume of unit cell
In general,

No.of atoms of each kind Molecular weight of each kind in a.m.u. 1.67 1027 kg
volume of unit cell

No. of atoms units Molecular weight of compound 1.67 1027 kg

or Density
volume of unit cell

Illustration - 18 Al crystallises in cubic shape unit cell and with edge length 405pm and density 2.7g/cc.
Predict the type of crystal lattice.
No.of atoms Molecular weight 1.67 1027 kg
volume of unit cell

3 3 n 27 1.67 1027
2.7 10 kg / m n4
4.05 10

Hence, the possible crystal lattice is FCC.

52 Section 15 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Illustration - 19 CdO has NaCl structure with density 8.27 g/cc. If the ionic radius of

O 2 is 1.24 A, determine ionic radius of Cd 2 .

No.of formula units Molecular weight of compound 1.67 1027 kg

volume of unit cell

8.27 103 kg / m3
4 128.41 1.67 1027
a 4.70 A

We have, Cd
2 r 2 r
O 2 a

r 1.24 2.35 r 1.11A
Cd 2 Cd 2


According to third law of thermodynamics, it is only at 0 K that true crystals pass perfect order of arrangement
of atoms in pure crystals. But with rise in temperature, some deviations from complete order take place.
Presence of impurities also adds to disorder.
Any departure from perfectly ordered arrangement of atoms/ions in a crystal is called imperfection or
crystal defect.
These imperfections modify the properties of the crystal and also sometimes impart new properties to the
There are two types of imperfections :
Electronic imperfections Atomic or point imperfections

16.1 Electronic Imperfections

At zero K (absolute zero), electrons in covalent or ionic crystals (e.g., Si or Nacl) occupy the lowest energy
level. Above zero K in pure silicon or germanium, electrons are released thermally from the covalent bonds.
This leads to the presence of free electrons and electron deficient bonds called holes, which are responsible
for intrinsic conduction. These free electrons and the holes is solids give rise to electronic imperfections.
(a) Hole : The electron deficient bond formed by the release of an electron.
(b) Intrinsic conduction : Conduction which is cause in crystal due to heating, leading to the formation
of free electrons and holes. e.g., crystal of Si or Ge.
(c) n : Concentration of electrons (e) (d) p : Concentration of holes (h)

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16.2 Atomic or Pont imperfections

The defects which arise due to the irregularity in the arrangement of atoms or ions are called point defects.
Point defects in crystal may be classified into the following three types :
Stoichiometric defects Non-stoichiometric defects Impurity defects

16.2.1 Stoichiometric Defect

If imperfections in the crystal are such that the ratio between the anions and cations remain same as represented
by the molecular formula, the defect is called a stoichiometric defect.
There are three types of stoichiometric defects :
Schottky defect Frenkel defect Interstitial defect

(a) Schottky defect

In ionic crystals of the type A B , equal number of

anions and cations are missing from the lattice sites so that
electrical neutrality is maintained. This type of defect is called
Schottky defect

Types of compound exhibiting Schottky defect

This type of defect is shown by highly ionic compounds which have
High coordination number Cations and anions of similar size
Examples : KCl, NaCl, AgBr, KBr and CsCl.

Consequences of Schottky Defect

As the number of ions decrease, volume is the same, so density decreases.
Crystals with Schottky defect conduct electricity to a small extent. This is because if an ion
moves from it lattice site the occupy a hole, it creates a new hole. In this way, a hole moves
across the crystal which as result moves the charge in the opposite direction.
Du tot the presence of holes, the stability (or lattice energy) of the crystal decreases.

54 Section 16 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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(b) Frenkel Defect

If an ion is missing from its lattice site (causing a vacancy or a hole
there) and it occupies an interstitial site so that electrical neutrality
as well as stoichiometry of the compound are maintained. This
type of defect is called Frenkel defect. Since the size of cation is
generally smaller it is more likely that cations occupy interstitial
Types of compounds exhibiting Frenkel defect
This type of defect is present in those compound which have
Low co-ordination number Large difference in size of anion and cation e.g., AgCl, AgBr,
AgI and ZnS

Consequences of Frenkel Defect

Solids with this defect conduct electricity to a small extent The density of the solid
is unchanged
The dielectric constant of the crystal increases.
Due to the presence of holes, the stability of the cryastal decreases.

Note 1 : (i) The above two defects are intrinsic defects, or thermodynamic defects.
(ii) AgBr is a compound in which both Schottky and Frenkel defects are found because AgBr is
highly ionic but there is a great difference in the size of Ag and Br .

Note 2 : (ii) The number (n) of Schottky defects present in an ionic crystal containing N ions at temperature T
is given by : n N exp where E is the energy required to create these n Schottky
defects and

k is Boltzmann constant R / N0 1.38 1023 JK 1

(ii) Similarly, if Ni is the number of interstitial sites in an ionic crystal having N ions, the number n of
Frenkel defects is given by :

N 2 E
n exp where E is the energy required to create these n Frenkel defects.
Ni 2kT

(iii) It may be noted that number of Schottky & Frenkel defects increases exponentially with increase
in temperature.

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(iv) In NaCl, there are approximately 106 Schottky pairs per cm3 at room temperature. In 1 cm3 ,
there are about 1022 ions and therefore there is one Schottky defect per 1016 ions.

(c) Interstitial Defects

Atoms (or ions), with occupy normally vacant interstitial
positions in a crystal, are called interstitials. The important
factor in determining the formation interstitials is the size
of the atom (or ior), because they are accommodated
into the voids.

16.2.2 Non-stoichiometric Defects

If an imperfection causes the ratio of cations and anions to become different from that indicated by the
ideal chemical formula, the defect is called non-stoichiometric.
These defects result in either excess of the metal atoms or excess of the non-metal. These can occur
as follows :
Metal excess Metal deficiency Impurity defects

(a) Metal excess

This may occur in either of the following two ways
(i) By anion vacancies
A negative ion may be missing from its lattice site, leaving a hole, which is occupied by an electron
thereby maintain an electrical balance. The trapped electrons are called F centers or color
center because they are responsible for imparting color to the crystal. The defect is similar to
schottky defect and is found in crystals having schottky defects.

Example : NaCl when heated in Na vapor atmosphere,

the excess Na atoms deposit on the surface. Now Cl
diffuse to the surface where they combine with the Na
atoms, which lose the electrons. The electrons diffuse into
the vacant sites created. The electrons absorb some energy
from the white light and re-emit the yellow color to NaCl
crystal. Excess of Li in Li in LiCl give a pink color. Excess
of K in KCl make it violet.

56 Section 16 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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(i) By the presence of extra cations in the interstitial sites

Extra cations occupying interstitial sites with electrons
present in another interstitial site to maintain electric
neutrality causes metal excess. This defect is similar to
Frenkel defect and is formed in crystals having Frenkel
Example : If ZnO is heated, it loses oxygen and turns

Zn 2 1 O2 2e
The excess Zn 2 ions thus formed get trapped into the vacant interstitial sites and the electrons
in the neighboring interstitial sites. It turns yellow when hot and white when cold.

Note : Crystals with either type of metal excess defect act as semiconductors.

(b) Metal deficiency

This defect occurs when metals shown variable valency.
It occurs due to the missing of a cation whith higher charge
(e.g., +2 instead of +1) in the adjacent site.
Example : Transition elements, FeO, FeS and NiO.

16.2.3 Impurity Defects

These defects arise when foreign atoms are present at the lattice site (in place of host atoms) or at the
vacant interstitial sites. The formation of former depends upon the electronic structure of the impurity
while that of the latter on the size of the impurity.

(a) Introducing impurity defect in covalent solids

Group 13 elements such as Ga and Al and group 15 elements such as P and As can enter the crystal
structure of group 14 element Ge of Si substitutionally.
The Group 15 elements have one excess valence electrons as compared to Group 14 elements (Si or
Ge). Therefore after forming four covalent bonds, one electrons remains in excess which gives rise to
electrical conduction.
Group 13 elements have one valence electrons less compared to Group 14 elements leading to
electron deficient bond a hole. Such holes can move across the crystal giving rise to electrical
Group 14 elements doped with group 15 elements are called n-type semiconductors, where the
symbol n indicating negative charge which flows in them. Group 14 elements doped with group 13
elements are called p-type semiconductors, the symbol p indicating positive hole movement.

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(b) Introducing impurity defect in ionic solids

In case of ionic solids, the impurities are introduced by adding
impurity of ions. If the impurity ions are in a different oxidation
state from that of the host ions, vacancies are created.

Example : If molten NaCl, containing a little of SrCl2 as

impurity, is allowed to cool, in the crystals of NaCl formed, at
some lattice sites Na ions are substituted of Sr 2 ion. For
ever Sr 2 thus introduced, two Na ions are removed to
maintain electrical neutrality.

Illustration - 20 If all the atoms touching 1 face plane are removed in a solid A B having rock salt type
structure, then the formula of the left compound and defect brought by this removal respectively is :

(A) AB, Frenkel defect (B) A2B, Frenkel defect

(C) AB, Schottky defect (D) A2B, Schottky defect


1 1
Atoms at the corners and face centre are B type atoms No. of B atom left 4 4 1 3
8 2
A atoms are present at body centre with probability (share) = 1 and at edge centres with probability (share)


Hence no. of A atoms left after removal will be 4 4 3

Hence 3 A type and 3 B type atoms left. So, the formula is AB.

Note : As atoms are completely removed. Hence it is schottky type of defects.

58 Section 16 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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Illustration - 21 The addition of CaCl2 Crystal to a KCl crystal

(A) lowers the density of the KCl crystal (B) raises the density of the KCl crystal

(C) does not affect the denstiy fo the KCl crystal (D) increases the Frenckel defects of the KCl crystal
Once Ca 2 lets two K leave the crystal to maintain the electrical neutrality of the compound.

The Mass of two K is greater than the mass of C2, hence density decreases.


Properties of the solids depend mainly upon their structure and composition. Three main properties are
discussed below :

17.1 Electrical properties

Electrical conductivity varies from 108 ohm 1 cm 1 in metals to 1012 ohm 1cm 1 in insulators. Based
on their conductivity. Solids can be divided into three categories :

(a) Conductors
Solids through which electricity can flow to a large extent are called conductors. Depending upon the
type of charge carriers, the conductors are further classified as metallic and electrolytic conductors. In
metallic conductors, electrons are the charge carriers. In electrolytic conductors, ions are the charge
carries. Therefore electrolytic conductors conduct only when there are mobile ions i.e., in molten
state. However in solid stat they conduct electricity only to a small extent, which is due to the presence
of defect (hole, electrons etc). e.g. , NaCl, KCl.

(b) Insulators
The solids which almost do not allow the electricity to pass through them are called insulators. e.g.,

(c) Semiconductors
The solids whose conductivity lives between metallic conductors and insulators are called
semiconductors. The electrical conductivity of semiconductors is due to the presence of impurities
and defects. Their conductivity increases with increase in temperature as the defects increase with the
increase in temperature.
The magnitude of the electrical conductivity strongly depends on the number of electrons available to
participate in the conductor process.

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In metals, the atomic orbitals form molecular orbitals, which are so close in energy to each other as to
form a band. If conduction band is not completely full or it lies very close to a higher unoccupied band,
then electrons can flow easily under an electric field thereby showing conductivity.
In case of semiconductors, the energy gap between valence band and the conduction band is small
and hence some of the electrons may jump from valence band to conduction band and the result is
some conductivity.
In case of insulators, the difference of energy between valence band and conduction band is so
large that electron transition doesnt take place. Hence, no conductivity is shown. The in-between
region is called Forbidden zone.

17.2 Magnetic Properties of Solids

The magnetic properties of materials are a consequence of
magnetic moments associated with individual electrons. The
magnetic moment of an electron is due to its orbital motion
and also due to its spin around is own axis.
A moving electron may be considered to be a small current
loop, generating a small magnetic field, which has a magnetic
moment along the axis of rotation and the magnetic moment
due to electron spin is directed along the spin axis.

The fundamental magnetic moment is the Bohr Magneton m B , which is equal to 9.27 1024 Am 2 .
For each electron in an atom, the spin magnetic moment is B (depending on the two possibilities of the
spin). The contribution of the orbital magnetic movement is equal to mi B where mi is the magnetic
quantum number of the electron. Materials can be classified depending on their response to external magnetic
(a) Diamagnetic Materials : Substances which are weakly repelled by external magnetic fields. This
property is shown only by those substances which contain fully-filled orbitals i.e., no unpaired electrons
are present e.g, TiO 2 , NaCl.

60 Section 17 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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(b) Paramagnetic Materials : Substances which are attracted by the magnetic field but lose their
magnetism in the absence of the magnetic field. This property is shown by those substances whose
atoms, ions or molecules contain unpaired electrons eg., O 2 , Cu 2

*(c) Ferromagnetic Materials : Substance which show permeant magnetism

even when the magnetic field is removed e.g,. Fe, Ni. The spontaneous alignment
of magnetic moments due to unpaired electrons in the same direction gives
rise to ferromagnetism.
*(d) Anti-Ferromagnetic Substances : Anti-ferromagnetic substances are
expected to possess paramagnetism or ferromagnetism on the basis of unpaired
electrons present in them but actually they possess zero net magnetic moment.
This is because the alignment of dipole is in a compensatory way so as to give
a net zero dipole moment, then we get anti-ferromagnetic substances e.g.,
*(e) Ferrimagnetic Substances : Ferrimagnetic substance are expected to possess large magnetism on
the basis of the number of unpaired electrons present in them, but actually have small net magnetic
moment. This is because the moments are aligned in parallel and anti-parallel directions in unequal
number resulting in a net dipole moment. e.g., Fe3O 4

Note : Ferromagnetic, Antiferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic solids transform to the paramagnetic stat at some
temperature due to randomisation of spins. Ferrimagnetic Fe3O 4 become paramagnetic at 850 K. It is also
observed that Ferromagnetic substances have a characteristic temperature above which no ferromagnetism
is observed. This is known as Curie temperature.

*17.3 Dielectric Properties of Solids

Insulators do not conduct electricity
because the electrons present in
them are held tightly to the individual
atoms or ions and are not free to
move. However when electric field
is applied, polarization takes place
because the nucleus is attracted
towards cathode and electron cloud
towards anode.
Such polar crystals show the following electrical properties.
(a) Piezoelectricity :
When these crystals are subjected to mechanical stress, electricity is produced due to displacement of
ions. The electricity thus produced is called piezoelectricity and the crystals are called piezoelectric
crystals. But if an electric field is applied to these crystal, there will be atomic displacement causing
mechanical strain.

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(b) Pyroelectricity :
Some polar crystals when heated produce a small current or pyroelectricity.
(c) Ferroelectricity :
In some piezoelectric crystals the dipoles are permanently lined up even in the absence of an electric
field. However, on applying electric field the direction polarization changes. e.g., BaTiO3 , Sodium
potassium tartrate (Rochelle Salt).

Note : All ferroelectric solids are piezoelectric but the reverse in not true.

(d) Anti-Ferroelectricity :
If there is no net dipole moment it is said to be an antiferroelectric crystal. This is because the dipoles
are alternately arranged. e.g., Lead zirconate (PbZrO3).

(e) Superconductivity :
When the electrical resistance of materials becomes almost zero, the material becomes superconductor.
The temperature at which the material shows superconductivity is called transition temperature. e.g.,
YBa 2 Cu 3 O7 at 90K.


A number of metals have more than one crystal from. Iron, for example, is BCC at room temperature and
changes over to the FCC form at 910C. At 1410C, iron again changes over to the BCC form. In general,
at higher temperatures, the BCC crystal structure is to be expected as it allows larger vibrational amplitudes
for atoms, thereby increasing the entropy and lowering the free energy of the crystal. This is believed to be
the reason for a number of alkali metals adopting the BCC from at room temperature.
At ordinary temperature and pressures, chlorides, bromides and iodides of lithium, sodium and rubidium
and some halides of silver possess the NaCl structure with 6:6 co-ordination. On application of high pressure,
they transform to the CsCl structure with 8:8 co-ordination. On the other hand, CsCl on heating transforms
to the NaCl structure with 6:6 co-ordination.

1. Calcium crystallizes in a Face Centred Cubic unit with a = 0.556 nm. Calculate the density if
(a) it contains 0.1% Frenkel defects. (b) it contains 0.1% Schottky defects.
2. Sapphite is aluminium oxide. It crystallises with aluminium ions in two-thirds of octahedral holes in a
closest packed array of oxide ions. What is the formula of aluminium oxide ?

62 Section 18 Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support


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Example - 1 Spinel is an important class of oxides consisting of two types of metal ions with the oxide ions
arranged in CCP pattern. The normal spinel has 1/8 of the tetrahedral holes occupied by one type of metal
ion and 1/2 of the octahedral holes occupied by another type of metal ion. Such a spinel is formed by Zn 2+,
Al3+ and O2 with Zn2+ in the tetrahedral holes. If CCP arrangement of oxide ions remains undistorted in the
presence of all the cations, find the formula of spinel and fraction of the packing fraction of crystal :
No. of O2 ions = 4 r 3 r 2
Now Zn is present in one of the tetrahedral where Al 0.414 , Zn 0.225 and
r 2 r 2
voids and two Al3+ are present in two out of O O
four octahedral voids for the electrical neutrality 2a 4r
of the crystal.
[Limiting case as structure is not distorted]
So, the formula of spinel is : ZnAl2O4
Hence P.E. = 77%
4 4 4
2 r3 3 1 r 3 2 4 r 3 2
P.E. 3 Al 3 Zn 3 O

Example - 2 Assume an FCC unit cell cube (edge length a) with one of its
at the origin of cartesian coordinates. Find :
(i) the coordinates of tetrahedral and octahedral voids nearest
and farthest to the origin.
(ii) find the distance between two succesive tetrahedral voids.
(iii) the distance between two successive octahedral voids.
(i) co-ordinates of tetrahedral void nearest to co-ordinates of octahedral void nearest to origin
a a a
0, , 0 ; , 0 , 0 ; 0, 0,
a a a 2 2 2
, ,
4 4 4 co-ordinates of octahedral void farthest to origin
co-ordinates of tetrahedral void farthest a a a
, a , a ; a, , a ; a, a,
to origin 2 2 2
3a 3a 3a
, ,
4 4 4

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(ii) Distance between two successive tetrahedral (iii) Distance between two successive octahedral
voids voids = Distance between body centre and any
Distance between P a , a , a and edge centre of the FCC unit cell i.e.
4 4 4 2

3a a a a
Q , , i.e.
4 4 4 2

Example - 3 The number of Schottky defects (n) present in an ionic crystal containing N ions at tempera-
ture T is given by n = NeE/2KT, where E is the energy required to create n Schottky defects and K is Boltzmann
constant. If the mole fraction of Schottky defect in NaCl crystal at 2900 K is X (Given : H of Schottky defect
= 2 eV and K = 1.38 1023 JK1 , e = 1.608 1019 ), then calculate ln (X).
The number of schottky defects (n) is given as Mole fraction of defect is given as :
n = NeE/2KT . . . . (i) n n
N NA N e E/ 2KT
No. of moles of ions = X X
NA n N n e E/ 2KT 1
No. of moles of schottky defects = [Using (i)]
Substitute the value of E = 2 1.608 10 J
to get : nX ~ 4

Example - 4 Sulphide of cobalt metal has a cubic structure with four formula weights per unit cell. If

density is 4.269g/cc and edge length of unit cell is 6.93A, determine mass of sulphur required to produce 1.5
kg of this compound.
(Molecular weight of Co = 58.94 and S = 32 amu)

3 (4) M 1.67 1027 kg The possible compound is Co2S3

4.269 10
(6.93 1010 )3 [i.e. CoS + CoS2]

Molecular weight (M) = 212.69 2Co3 3S2 ;

Co 2S3
L et compound be Cox Sy 1mole 3moles

58.94x + 32y = 212.69 1.5 1.5

103 moles 3 103 moles
213.89 213.89
Hence mass of sulphur required = 0.673 kg

64 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
Vidyamandir Classes The Solid State

Example - 5 FeO crystallizes in NaCl type of crystal lattice. The crystals however are always non-sto-
ichiometric and deficient in iron. Some cationic sites are vacant and some contain Fe3+ ions but the combina-
tion is such that structure is electrically neutral. The formula approximates to Fe0.95O.
(i) What is the ratio of Fe2+ to Fe3+ ion in the solid ? (ii) What percentage of cation sites is vacant ?
(i) The compound is Fe0.95O Fe95O100 Fe 2 85 17
Let compound has x% of Fe2+ and Fe3 10 2
(95 x)% of Fe3+ such that
(ii) No. of Vacant sites = 100 95 = 5%
2x 3(95 x) 2 100 0 x = 85
[Structure is neutral]

Example - 6 What fraction of the Ca atoms lies on the surface of a cubic crystal that is 1.0cm in length,
if the radius of Ca atoms is 96pm and it crystallizes in Body Centered Cubic arrangement.
As Ca atoms crystallizes in body centred cubic, Surface area of one face of crystal = 104 m2
we have : Surface area of one face of unit cell = a2
4 96 No. of square faces visible at one face of crystal
3 a 4R a pm
3 104
= 2.03 1015
a = 221.7 pm 10 2
(2.217 10 )
Volume of unit cell
No. of atoms = 1 2.03 1015
3 12 3 3 30 3
= a (221.7 10 ) m 10.9 10 m
Volume of crystal = (102)3 = 106 m3
[ one atom per face of unit cell

106 1
No. of unit cells = 9.17 1022 4 1 ]
10.9 10 4

No. of atoms = 2 9.17 1022 2.03 1015

Ratio = 1.11 108
[ two atoms per unit cell] 2 9.17 10

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Example - 7 Ar crystallizes in Face Centered Cubic arrangements and density of solid and liquid Ar is
1.59g/cc and 1.42g/cc respectively. Find the percentage of empty space in liquid Ar.
Density of solid Argon = 1.59 g/cc, 74 100
density of liquid Argon = 1.42 g/cc Volume of solid argon in crystal cc
100 1.59
Let the solid argon crystal be 100 gm
Volume of liquid argon in crystal is given as :
Volume of argon crystal (solid ) cc x 100 74 100
1.59 x = 66.08 %
100 1.42 100 1.59
Empty space = 33.92 %

Note : You could also have simply solved using P.E. = constant

Example - 8 Cadmium oxide crystallizes in NaCl type of crystal lattice. The compound is however
usually non-stoichiometric with approximate formula CdO0.95. The defect arises as some cationic positions
are occupied by neutral Cd atoms instead of Cd 2+ ions and equivalent numbers of anionic sites are vacant.
(Molecular weight of Cd = 112.41 amu)
(i) What percentage of anionic sites is vacant ?
(ii) What is the density of non-stoichiometric solid : (a = 470 pm.) ?
(iii) If the edge length of the unit cell is 470 pm, what would be the density of the perfect solid ?
(i) % of anionic sites vacant = 5 %

95 4 [112.41 0.95 16] 1.67 10 27

(ii) No. of oxide ions = 4 Density kg / m3 8.21 g / cc
100 3
4.7 1010
(4) (128.41) 1.67 10 27
(iii) Density = kg / m3 8.26 g / cc
(4.7 1010 )3

66 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
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Example - 9 When heated above 916C, iron changes its crystal structure from Body Centred Cubic to
Cubic Closed Packed structure. Assuming that the metallic radius of the atom does not change, calculate the
ratio of density of the Body Centered Cubic crystal to that of the Cubic Closed Packing crystal.
2 M 1.67 1027
Density of iron in BCC kg Also, 3a 4r
Volume of unit cell

2 M 1.67 1027

Density of iron in FCC

4 (Molecular weight) 1.67 1027 4 M 1.67 1027

kg d FCC
Volume of unit cell 4r

d BCC 23 3
Also, 2a 4r 0.9185
d FCC 42 2

Note : You could also have simply solved using = constant

Example - 10 The unit cell length of NaCl is observed to be 0.5627nm by X-ray diffraction studies. The
measured density of NaCl is 2.164 g/cc. Correlate the difference of observed and calculated density and
calculate the percentage of missing Na+ and Cl ions.(Molecular weight of NaCl compound = 58.5 amu)

4 58.5 1.67 1027 d cal

d calc. dobs x
(5.627 1010 )3 4

kg / m3 2.193g / cc 2.164
4 x x 3.947
dobs < dcalc implies some of the sites are vacant 2.193
Hence, missing sites = 4 3.947 = 0.053
x 58.5 1.67 1027
d obs kg/m3 0.053
10 3 % of missing sites = 100 1.325%
(5.67 10 )

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Example - 11 In an atomic Face Centered Cubic, all the lattice positions are occupied by A and the body
centred octahedral hole is appropriately occupied by B, without disturbing the Face Centered Cubic of A.
Calculate packing fraction of this solid.
No. of A atoms = 4, No. of B atoms = 1 3 3 3
4rA 2
1 rA

4 3 4 Hence packing fraction=
4 rA 1 rB3 3 3
Packing fraction = 3 3
2 2 rA
2a 4rA and 2 rA rB a
12 2
2 1 0.75

rA rB 2 rA
2 1

Example - 12 A metallic element has simple cubic arrangement where edge length = 288 pm, density = 7.5
g cm3 . Find the number of atoms in 100g of the metal.

(Number of atoms ) (Molecular weight) 1.67 1027 kg
Volume of unit cell

3 3 (1) M 1.67 1027 kg

7.5 10 kg / cm M 107.28
(2.88 108 )3 cm3

g 100
No. of atoms = 6.023 1023 6.023 1023 5.6 1023
M 107.8

Example - 13 Find the concentration of cation vacancies in a lattice of NaCl which has been dopped with
103 mole % of SrCl2 .
103 mole % of Sr Cl2 103 moles of Sr Cl2 in Note that for Sr2+ to occupy the place of Na+
100 moles of NaCl 105 moles are present in the crystal, it has to remove two Na+ leaving
in 1 mole of NaCl Hence 105 moles of Sr2+ onehole
are present [to balance the charge].

68 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
Vidyamandir Classes The Solid State

Sr 2 2 Cl ]
[Use stoichiometry : SrCl2
1mole 1mole 2moles = 105 (6.023 1023) = 6.023 1018

No. of atoms = (No. of moles) 6.023 1023 So, no. of cation vacancies = no. of Sr2+ present.

No. of atoms in 105 Sr2+

Example - 14 The molar volume of KCl and NaCl are 37.46 mL and 27.94 mL respectively. Find the ratio
of the unit cube edges of the two crystals. (Assume both have same packing efficiency)

volume of 6.023 1023 formula units of KCl Similarly volume of unit cell of NaCl crystal
= 37.46 ml 100 27.94
4 mL
vo lume of 4 fo rmula units of x NA
KCl 4 ml
NA volume of unit cell |KCl a3 37.46
volume of unit cell |NaCl a 3NaCl 27.94
volume occupied by KCl formula units
x 1/3
volume of unit cell a KCl 37.46
100 1.113
a NaCl 27.94
volume of unit cell of KCl crystal
100 37.46
= x N 4 mL

Example - 15 Calculate the void space in closest packing of n spheres of radius 1 unit, n spheres of radius
0.414 units and 2n spheres of radius 0.225 units.

It resembles face centered cubic situation : 2a 4 1 a2 2

Also, No. of unit cells =
n 4 3 4 3 4 3
Volume of atoms = 4 (1) 4 (0.414) 4 2 (0.225) 4.58n
4 3 3 3
n 3
Volume of crystal = a 4 2n
4.58 n
Percentage of space occupied = 4 2 n 100 81 %
Hence, void space = 19 %

Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support Subjective Solved Examples 69

The Solid State Vidyamandir Classes


B 1. Al2O3

D 1. 1.554 g/cc, 1.55 g/cc


1. Two third of octahedral voids are occupied by aluminium implies aluminium proportion = 4 and no. of
oxide ions = 4.
So, the formula is Al8/3O4 Al2O3


1. (a) Frenkel defects do not change the density of the crystal.

4 40 1.67 1027 kg
Density 1.554g / cc
(5.56 1010 )3 m3
(b) Density

4 4 40 1.67 1027 kg
100 1.55g / cc
10 3
5.56 10 m

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Concepts Map

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My Chapter Notes

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Illustration - 1

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