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Bosch-Norm N33 9.4

Acceptable limits for light alloy

DEV4OFO 2016-04-19 NormMaster

Series: N33 Design and manufacturing rules

Technical responsibility: STR2OFO VHIT/EAD

Standardization organization: C/CET2 (497) Replaces edition:

Our reference: nbu1si C/CET2 (497)
Document language: en
Original language: en
Changes: First edition

Change information: AEN 4497R26530 (internal document of the Bosch Group)

Translation Responsibility
Release date Source language Target language Translated by Unit code BWN

In case of doubt the original language edition of this Bosch-Norm applies.

The comma is used as the decimal marker.

Printed versions and copies of NormMaster documents are not subject to

the NormMaster update service. Up-to-dateness is not guaranteed.

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Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of
application for industrial property rights.
Bosch-Norm | 4497040687 | N33 9.4 | 2015-04-15 |2

Area of validity, binding force, freedom to disclose

Valid for Bosch Group
Binding for No central agreement
Binding due to No central agreement
Recommended for Bosch Group
Disclosure Restricted in accordance with Guideline RB/GF 108

This Bosch-Norm is binding for suppliers if it is part of the order.

1 Scope
This test specification defines the conditions for acceptable limits for light alloy casting.
DEV4OFO 2016-04-19 NormMaster

2 Purpose
To define the defect levels permitted for raw and machined casting surfaces
To define the method of measuring defects (non-destructive)
To define a base for leak test requirements
To define the way this specification has to be placed on a drawing
Once this specification is referenced on a drawing, the concepts defined below become part of the

3 Range of application
Light alloy components, both raw and machined, produced with different casting processes (i.e sand
casting, permanent casting, LPDC, HPDC, etc.)
All drawings, both raw and machined, have to include the following note:

XXX Acceptable limits for the casting: refer to Bosch N33 9.4

4 Definitions
For the whole document the word defect will be used for the following types:
Gas porosity
Shrinkage porosity
Cold shuts
Inclusions of foreign material
Other local damages or discontinuities

5 Procedure
Specifications for casting components are divided into four sections:
Internal defects in raw parts (section 5.1)
External visual defects (section 5.2)
Machined surfaces (section 5.3)
Leak test (section 5.4)

Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
Bosch-Norm | 4497040687 | N33 9.4 | 2015-04-15 |3

5.1 Raw casting defects internal

5.1.1 Scope
This method applies to light alloy casting for evaluating internal material discontinuities which can lead to
decreased tightness or structural flaws.
5.1.2 Means
Raw casting internal defects or discontinuities have to be evaluated with an X-ray equipment with the
following specification:
Capable of detecting a single defect, its dimension 4% of local thickness, with a minimum detectable
defect of 0,7mm
Possibility to move the casting while analyzing the part in real-time screen. Static film radiography is
not allowed
Possibility to overlay a calibrated grid to the x-ray picture so as to quickly and reliably evaluate the
dimension of a defect
5.1.3 Method
DEV4OFO 2016-04-19 NormMaster

Figure 1: Dimensioning of defects

Referring to figure 1, the dimension of a single defect has to be taken as its maximum extension (M1 or
M2). In case of multiple defects (typical in massive areas), the distance between defects has to be
considered as well.
M1 = max extension of the smaller defect
M2 = max extension of the larger defect
A = min distance between the two defects
The overall size of the defect has to be calculated as follows:
A M1 Size of defect in the area = M2
A < M1 Size of defect in the area = M
The same concept can be also applied for multiple defects by considering them in pairs (see the following

Defects smaller than 0,7mm are not included in the calculation.

In the next page, some examples of defect calculation are provided.

Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
Bosch-Norm | 4497040687 | N33 9.4 | 2015-04-15 |4

Figure 2
The distance between defects is larger than the smaller defect.
The two defects have to be considered separately.
DEV4OFO 2016-04-19 NormMaster

Size of defect in the area = 4 mm

Figure 3
The distance between defects is shorter than the smaller defect.
The two defects have to be considered together.
Size of defect in the area = 6,5 mm

Figure 4
The distance between defects is shorter than the smaller defect if considered in pairs.
Defect F1 is not considered because its smaller than 0,7mm
Defect F2 is not considered because its distance from the chain of defects is larger than its size

Size of defect in the area = 8,5 mm

Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
Bosch-Norm | 4497040687 | N33 9.4 | 2015-04-15 |5

5.1.4 Specification
Based on the means and method defined above, the base specification for light alloy casting is as follows:
Maximum permitted dimension of an internal defect = 2,5 mm
As an exemption from the standard above, particular areas (i.e massive areas) can be allowed for
different levels by including the following indication in the drawing views:
x = maximum permitted dimension of defect (in mm, measured as seen above)
Those areas have to be well indicated in the final drawing after formal agreement with the supplier, ideally
just after off-tool samples. Improving mould design and casting process has to be considered for the
revision of the drawing and possible updating of IDx areas.
Standard ID2,5 is applied in case of no further indication.
Should customer specifications be applied instead (i.e VW50093), an explicit reference to the specification
will replace or integrate Bosch N33 9.4.
Hard inclusions and foreign materials are not allowed.
5.2 Raw casting defects external
DEV4OFO 2016-04-19 NormMaster

5.2.1 Scope
This method applies to all of the cast surfaces which remain unmachined.
5.2.2 Method
Raw external casting defects have to be evaluated with the naked eye in a suitable and well-lit quality
control area.
5.2.3 Specification
Unless otherwise agreed, the following surface defects are not allowed:
Defects or deformation leading to out-tolerance or out-roughness
Short fill/incomplete casting
Cold shuts
Untrimmed flash extending for more than 0,5 mm from the nominal parting line
Cold flakes
Shot lube stains
Drag marks/scratches deeper than 0,5 mm in non-functional surfaces
Drag marks/scratches in functional surfaces
Hot tearing/cracking
Surface sinks/holes
Obstructed/untrimmed holes or channels (if they remain unmachined)
Plastic deformation
Break-out in the gating area deeper than 0,5 mm (lack of material). In case of added gating rib (in
addition to original part), a break-out up to 1,5 mm can be accepted, but it must not extend in the
original part. No local cracking is allowed.
Burrs detachable by hand
Sharp burrs or edges which are dangerous for a safe handling
Concerning surface bumps (added casting material due to die damage/cracks/wear) exceeding general
shape tolerance, the standard requirement is as follows:
Maximum permitted height of bumps = 1 mm
As an exemption from the standard above, particular areas can be allowed for different levels by including
the following note in the drawing:
x = maximum allowed height of a bump (in mm)
i.e. For zones with tight clearance: ED0,5

Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
Bosch-Norm | 4497040687 | N33 9.4 | 2015-04-15 |6

5.3 Machined surface defects

5.3.1 Scope
This method applies to all of the machined cast surfaces.
5.3.2 Method
Exposed defects on machined surfaces have to be evaluated with the naked eye in a suitable and well-lit
quality control area.
5.3.3 Specification
Allowable exposed defects depend on the particular function or requirement, and are divided in different
Max. extension of Min. distance Max. accumulation Max. number
Class of defect
single defect between two defects of defects of defects
MD0 0,2 mm 3 mm 3 defects/cm -
MD1 0,5 mm 3 mm 3 defects/cm -
MD2 0,7 mm 20 mm - 5
DEV4OFO 2016-04-19 NormMaster

MD3 1 mm 10 mm 1 defect/cm -
MD4 1,5 mm 5 mm 3 defects/cm -
Standard 2 mm 5 mm 3 defects/cm -
MDS a b c d
Defects smaller than 0,2 mm are not considered.
Defects at a distance lower than the minimum allowed will be considered a single accumulated defect.
For each machined surface with functional requirements, the drawing has to indicate the class of
allowable defect as the following:
x = class of defect
i.e. for O-Ring machined grooves: MD1.
For any machined surface with no MDx indication, class Standard will be applied.
As an exception to MDx classes, for particular situations MDS special class can be applied as follows:
a = Max. extension of single defect [mm]
b = Min. distance between two defects [mm]
c = Max. accumulation of defects [defects/cm]
d = Max. number of defects
i.e. MDS 0,8/2/3/5, or MDS 1,2/15/1/-
If a customer specification is applied, it has to be well indicated in the drawing with reference to the
machined area (i.e. customer interface).
Table 1 shows an indication regarding functional surfaces and consequent MDx classes for assisting with
the proper selection. This is not mandatory.
Table 1: Functional surfaces and MDx classes
Class of defect Functional surface
MD0 Critical sealing scenarios, steel balls plugs areas
Static or dynamic sealing between polymers/metal or metal/metal. Chamfers for
sealing mount.
MD2 Static sealing with LEM gasket
MD3 Functional surfaces in contact with moving parts
MD4 Functional surfaces in contact with fixed parts
MDS Machined areas with special requirements
Standard Machined surfaces with no particular function

Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.
Bosch-Norm | 4497040687 | N33 9.4 | 2015-04-15 |7

Threads / Self-forming screw holes

The following specification applies to rolled/cut threads and to self-forming screw holes:
Defects larger than 0,2mm are not allowed in the first 3 threads
For the remaining threads: max extension of single defect = 1,5mm
Minimal distance between two defects = 4mm
Max. 3 defects/hole
The holes for self-forming screws have to be clearly specified in the drawing

Uncompleted machining due to raw part damage, deformation, machining offset or lack of material
allowance is not allowed.
5.4 Leak test
5.4.1 Scope
This method applies to machined casting components with a tightness requirement, no matter what the
detected defects at sections 5.1 / 5.2 / 5.3: a casting which meets the specification but fails the leak test is
considered scrap.
DEV4OFO 2016-04-19 NormMaster

5.4.2 Method
The leak test has to be carried out with suitable equipment using air at room temperature. The technical
department at Bosch is responsible for finding the proper correlation between pressurized air testing and
the real condition in operation (i.e. pressurized oil at temperature).
The leak test is divided into three phases:
Pressure application filling the cavity
Settling Air volume has to be stable enough before measurement
Pressure drop over time calculation of air loss [cc/min]
5.4.3 Specification
Every component has to withstand different conditions in operation, and the right requirement for leakage
has to pay attention to pressure, surface dimension, assembly layout, etc.
Unless otherwise agreed, a base specification is as follows:
Test pressure = 1,5 bar
Max. leakage = 4,5 cc/min
Settling and filling times will be adjusted during the set-up of the leakage test equipment in order to
guarantee a reliable and repeatable measurement.
In case of a different requirement for particular areas or channels, the drawing has to indicate the
parameters as follows:
a = test pressure [bar]
b = max allowed leakage [cc/min]
i.e. For high pressure oil gate: LTS 2/3
In case of components failing the leak test, a single impregnation process can be used, but the test has to
be repeated afterwards. Allowed rate of impregnation, leakage limit before impregnation and further
details have to be agreed separately for each project.

Robert Bosch GmbH. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of application
for industrial property rights.

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