Dissipation and Compact Attractors
Dissipation and Compact Attractors
Dissipation and Compact Attractors
The purpose of these notes is to discuss an approach to the study of a
qualitative theory of dynamical systems in innite dimensions and to indi-
cate by examples that the theory is applicable in many important situ-
ations. The ultimate objective is to understand well the family of orbits
dened by the dynamical system and then determine the sensitivity of the
dynamics to perturbations of the dynamical system. The dynamical system
is stable if it does not change under perturbations and it is a bifurcation
point in the family of dynamical systems if it does change.
In nite dimensions, a precise theory began to evolve with Andronov
and Pontrjagin (1937) on the characterization of the stable planar vector
elds transversal to the boundary of a disk D. Two vector elds f and
g are equivalent if there is a homeomorphism h : D D which maps the
orbits of the ow for f onto those of g and preserves the sense of direc-
tion in time. Peixoto (1959) gave a characterization for such stable ows
1040-7294/06/0700-0485/0 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
486 Hale
If (B) is bounded and invariant, then all bounded global orbits through
elements of B must belong to A.
The set A(T ) is the maximal compact invariant set if it is compact,
invariant and maximal with respect to this property. The set A(T ) is the
compact global attractor if
(i) A(T ) is compact;
(ii) A(T ) is invariant;
(iii) A attracts bounded sets of X.
The following result is due to Nussbaum (1972) and Hale and Lopes
(i) {0} attracts compact sets and is the maximal compact invariant
(ii) + (B) is bounded if B is bounded and {0} is stable;
(iii) {0} is the compact global attractor if and only if r( (T (1))) < 1;
(iv) If re ( (T (1))) = 1, then {0} is not a compact global attractor.
t u u = 0, x (6.1)
T x = j 1 j x j ej , x = j 1 xj ej .
with initial data in the space C C([1, 0], R). A function x(t, ), t 1
is a solution of (5.2) with initial at t = 0 if x(t, ) is continuous, x(t, ) =
(t) for t [1, 0], x(t) ax(t 1) has a continuous right hand derivative
for t 0 and satises (6.2) for t 0.
t2 u + (x)t u u = 0, x , (6.3)
This is not true for general dynamical systems. In fact, Cholewa and
Hale (2000) have given a discrete dynamical system on a complete metric
496 Hale
space X which is point dissipative but not compact dissipative. More spe-
cically, they dene a map T : X X which has the property that there is
a compact invariant set J which attracts points of X, but there is a point
x0 J for which, for any > 0 and each integer 1, + (T (B(x0 , )) is
unbounded, where B(x0 , ) is the -neighborhood of x0 . The map con-
structed by Cholewa and Hale (2000) also is asymptotically smooth. A
map T : X X is asymptotically smooth if, for any bounded set B X for
which T n B B, n 0, there is a compact set J which attracts B. Using
the following important result, we conclude that the constructed map T is
not compact dissipative.
Parts (i)(iii) of the following theorem are due to Hale et al. (1972),
part (iv) to LaSalle (1976) and Massatt (1983).
Theorem 6.1 for linear systems shows that there are dynamical sys-
tems for which the hypotheses of Theorem 7.3 are satised and the
maximal compact invariant set A is not a local attractor. To obtain a
local attractor, the dynamical system T not only must be continuous, but
must satisfy some additional structural conditions. In the next section, we
describe a large class of such systems.
x = F (x)
Tf (t) = xt (, ), (11.2)
satised and the existence of the maximal compact invariant set (respectively,
compact global attractor) satisfying (2), (3) in Theorem 8.7.
We now dene an important class of NFDE introduced by Hale
and Meyer (1967) which includes RFDE. Let D: C Rn be a bounded
continuous linear operator which is atomic at zero. A NFDE is
Dxt = f (xt ). (11.3)
The NFDE is a RFDE if and only if D = (0) for C.
A function x(t, ), C, t [r, ), > 0, is a solution of (11.3) with
initial data at t = 0 if x0 (, ) = , Dxt (, ) has a continuous right hand
derivative on [0, ) and satises (11.3). If we dene TD,f (t) = xt (, ) and
all solutions are dened for t 0, then TD,f (t), t 0, is a dynamical sys-
tem However, it may not be compact for any t > 0. For example, if D =
(0) A(r), det A = 0.
Since f is a compact map from C to Rn , the condition for TD,F to be
asymptotically smooth should be determined from properties of D. This is
actually the case.
Let CD = { C : D = 0} and consider the difference equation
Dxt = 0 (11.4)
with initial value in CD . One can show that (11.4) denes a dynamical sys-
tem TD,0 (t) on CD . We say that D is exponentially stable if k > 0, > 0,
such that
DU (t)x0 = D + f (TD,f ( )) d. (11.6)
Using the fact that D is exponentially stable together with some nontriv-
ial estimates, we see that TD,f (t) has the form (11.5), (11.6) with U (t)
504 Hale
compact for t 0. The operator TD,f (t) satises (8.1a) and the conclusion
of the theorem is valid.
It is interesting to ask if the set of MorseSmale systems is dense in
the set of RFDE and NFDE. For RFDE, Oliva (1969) has shown that
there is a residual set of RFDE with f C 1 such that each equilibrium
is hyperbolic. Mallet-Paret (1977) has proved the same thing for periodic
orbits. It is not known if this is true for the transversal intersection of sta-
ble and unstable equilibria and periodic orbits. As a consequence, it is not
known if being Morse-Smale is generic in the class of RFDE for which
there exists a compact global attractor.
The same type of proof as in Oliva (1969) and Mallet-Paret (1977)
should apply to NFDE with an exponentially stable D operator.
Some examples of MorseSmale systems for FDE are contained in
Hale et al. (2002).
D(AL ) = { C : d d(0)
d C, d = L}, (12.2)
AL ( ) = d()
d , [, 0].
Dissipation and Compact Attractors 505
The point spectrum of TL (t) consists of the set of the elements et , where
is a solution of (12.3).
We note rst that, for any integer m, there is a linear operator L such
that there are exactly m eigenvalues (counting multiplicity) on the imagi-
nary axis and, therefore, m elements of the point spectrum of TL (t) with
modulus one.
If is an eigenvalue of (12.3), then e , [r, 0], is an eigenfunction
of AL . If has multiplicity p, then the generalized eigenspace of of AL
is spanned by the functions (e , e , . . . , p1 e ), [r, 0]. The gen-
eralized eigenspace of et of TL (t) is given by the span of the functions
(e(t+) , (t + )e(t+) , . . . , (t + )p1 e(t+l) ), [r, 0]. This is due to the
fact that (12.1) is a scalar equation.
Suppose that there are exactly m eigenvalues j , 1j m, on the
imaginary axis, counting multiplicity. Let = (1 , . . . , m ) be a basis for
the corresponding generalized eigenspaces of AL . The elements of span
a linear subspace P of dimension m which is invariant under the semi-
group TL (t), t 0. Also, there is an m m matrix B such that TL (t) =
exp (Bt); that is, the ow on the manifold P for (11.1) is equivalent to
the linear ordinary differential equation on Rm :
y = By. (12.4)
where f : C R is C p , p 1.
If f is sufciently small, we can apply the local theory of invariant
manifolds near the origin to determine a center manifold CM(f ) of (12.5)
given by
The fact that the ow on a center manifold satises (12.10) was rst
observed by Hale (1985a). This already yields some interesting information
about RFDE. Even though our scalar RFDE is an evolutionary equa-
tion in the innite dimensional space C, the ow on a center manifold of
dimension m is restricted to the form (12.10). In particular, if m > 1, there
are systems of ODE of dimension m which cannot be realized as the ow
on a center manifold of dimension m. For example, for m = 2, the ow on
a center manifold is given by a second order equation (12.10). Therefore,
in the (z1 , z1 )-plane, all stationary points of the ow on the center mani-
fold are on the z1 axis. There is an ODE in the plane which will not be
equivalent to the ow on the center manifold.
Knowing that the ow on a center manifold has the above restric-
tions, we arrive at another realization problem. For a given small
Dissipation and Compact Attractors 507
then there are positive constants r , r such that, for any g C r (Rm , R),
gr < r , there exists an F C r (Rm , R) with F r < r such that
In Hale (1985a), it was shown that the jet of every vector eld could
be realized (it was falsely claimed that ever vector eld could be real-
ized). Faria and Magalhaes (1995a) extended the result to n dimensions
using their theory of normal forms (1995b, c). Rybakowski (1994) used
the Nash-Moser iteration technique to realize all vector elds in C m+15
by functions f C m if m 17. Theorem 12.1 was proved by Prizzi (2000)
using some of the ideas of Polacik and Rybakowski (1995) in their work
on realization of vector elds on center manifolds for parabolic equations.
For specic applications, see the references above as well as Hale
et al. (2002).
This is a RFDE with delay . If C = C([, 0], R), then a solution x(t, )
through at zero is dened on some interval [, ), > 0. If = for
each such solution, then (13.2) denes a dynamical on C, which we denote
(Ta,g (t))( ) = x(t + , ), [, 0].
concept of attractors was introduced. We will indicate the proof below and
more details can be found in Hale et al. (2002).
To discuss the ow on the attractor in more detail, we let Gk be the
family of functions g which have 2k + 1 zeros a1 < a2 < < a2k+1 with
each being simple. We say that a2j is connected to {ap , aq } if, for each
x W u (a2j \ {a2j }, (x) = aq and (x) = ap .
If k = 0 (one zero) then the compact global attractor is a singleton.
If k = 1 (three zeros), then a2 is connected to {a1 , a3 } for every g G3 .
The ow on A(a, g) is equivalent to the ow of the ODE y = g(y) on
its compact global attractor.
If the attractor is a smooth manifold, then one would expect that of
the zeros of g on Aa,g is the same as the order of these zeros on the real
line; that is, the ow on the attractor is equivalent to the ow of the ODE
y = g(y). However, this may not be the case as the following result of Hale
and Rybakowski (1982) shows.
Theorem 13.2. Suppose that the conditions of Theorem 13.1 are satis-
ed. In the family G3 (that is, the set of g with ve zeros a1 < a2 < < a5 ,
each being simple), each of the following ows on the attractor can be real-
(i) a2 is connected to {a1 , a3 }, a4 is connected to {a3 , a5 };
(ii) a2 is connected to {a1 , a4 }, a4 is connected to {a3 , a5 };
(iii) a2 is connected to {a1 , a5 }, a4 is connected to {a3 , a5 };
(iv) a2 is connected to {a1 , a3 }, a4 is connected to {a2 , a5 };
(v) a2 is connected to {a1 , a3 }, a4 is connected to {a1 , a5 }.
Cases (i), (iii), and (v) are MorseSmale and cases (iii) and (v) do not
preserve the ordering of the zeros of g on the real line. Cases (ii) and (iv) are
not MorseSmale since the stable and unstable manifolds of a2 and a4 do
not intersect transversally. The nontransversal cases (ii) and (iv) are proved
to exist by showing that one can obtain the MorseSmale case through a
homotopy of the functions in G3 . However, it is not known if the Morse
Smale classes are generic in G3 ; that is, if the system is not MorseSmale,
can one perturb g a small amount and obtain transversality?
0 0
V () = G((0)) a ( ) [g((s))ds]2 d, (13.4)
510 Hale
V () = a () [g((s))ds]2 (13.5)
1 0
a ( ) [g((s))ds]2 d 0.
S = C : g(( ))d = 0 if a () = 0, (13.6)
0 (s) > 0 .
s g(( ))d = 0 if a
Next observe that any solution of (13.1) and (13.2) dened and bounded
on R must satisfy
x(t) + g(x(t)) = a () g((s))ds (13.7)
0 0
+ a ( ) g((s))ds d 0.
For the proof of Theorem 13.2, the reader should consult Hale and
Rybakowski (1982).
The case where a is a linear function (a (s) = 0 for all s) is, in general,
not a gradient system. In fact, using an argument similar to the above, one
can show that any periodic solution of the second order equation (13.8)
is a periodic solution of (13.1) and (13.2). On the other hand, no periodic
solution can be hyperbolic, because a small perturbation in a leads to a
gradient system. There can be no generic Hopf bifurcation. To obtain a
better geometric theory for (13.1) and (13.2), one should allow a to belong
to a class of functions which is not concave. An indication of why this
might be possible can be found in Hale et al. (2002) where the Hopf bifur-
cation is discussed.
A = E W u ().
E(T ) = {1 , 2 , . . . , k }
A = E W u ().
C(, ) = W u () W s ().
Suppose that
and, following Fusco and Rocha (1991), dene the permutation T of the
integers 1, 2, . . . , k as
The equation
t u = 2 uxx + u u3 in (0, 1) (14.4)
with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions was rst considered
from a dynamical point of view by Chafee and Infante (1974). It was an
attempt to understand the ow dened by this equation that led to the
nal solution 20 years later. The ow is easily obtained by an applica-
tion of the constructive theory of Fiedler and Rocha using the permuta-
tion. For 1 (n, (n + 1) ), there are exactly 2n + 1 equilibria u0 = 0, u j ,
j = 1, 2, . . . , n 1, un = 1, each of which is hyperbolic. Also, if i des-
ignates index, then i(uo ) = n, i(u j ) = n j , j = 1, 2. . . . , n, the compact
global attractor An has dimension n, is the closure of W u (0) and u+ j +1 is
connected to u+ j (the same with the minus). More complete information
about the dimension of the connecting orbits is known (see Henry (1985)).
t U = CU + F(U ), (16.2)
u 0 I 0
U= , C= , F(U ) = . (16.3)
v D f (u)
Let X = H01 () L2 ()) and let eCt be the semigroup on X generated
by C. A mild solution U (t0 , U0 ) of (15.3) on an interval [0, ) with initial
value U0 X at t = 0 is a solution of
U (t) = eCt U0 + eC(ts) F(U (s))ds. (16.4)
Theorem 16.1. If
(i) F: H01 () L2 () is compact
(ii) k > 0, > 0 such that
The above proof for constant is due to Hale (1985). Haraux (1985)
gave a different proof but it was necessary to use some regularity results
and thus he had to assume more smoothness on the boundary.
One can also prove Theorem 16.2 by showing that there exists an
absorbing set in X. To do this, one makes use of a skewed energy func-
tion which is the same as the one in (16.7) except with some terms involv-
ing quadratic terms . An appropriate choice of these terms will yield an
absorbing set (see, e.g., Hale (1988), Temam (1997)).
Following Hale and Raugel (1993) and the same type of argument as
for the case when is a constant, if depends upon x, then, for all t R,
any solution v(t) of (16.1) which lies in the -limit set of a solution of
(16.1) must satisfy the equations
vtt v = f (v), in \
vt = 0, in (16.10)
v = 0, in ,
Thus, f (v(t)) belongs to Cb2 (R, L2 ()), and, using again Hale and
Scheurle (1985), we conclude that (v, vt ) is in Cb2 (R, H01 () L2 ())
Cb1 (R, (H 2 () H01 ()) H01 ()). If w = vt , from (16.10), we deduce that
w is a globally dened bounded solution of the system
If the only solution of (16.12) is w = 0, then the -limit set of any solu-
tion of (16.1) belongs to the set E of equilibrium points. This leads us to
the unique continuation property (u.c.p.)
there is a time T > 0 such that if w is a weak L2 ( (0, T )) solution
of (16.13)
Ruiz (1992) has shown that the condition u.c.p. (16.13) holds if .
We, therefore, obtain the following result of Hale and Raugel (1993).
Theorem 16.4. If the support of contains the boundary of , then
there exists the compact global attractor for the system (16.1), (16.6), and
If R3 and = 2 in (16.5), then f : H01 () L2 () is a bounded
map but not compact. Therefore, the above proof of the existence of the
compact global will not work. When > 0 is a constant, Arrieta, et al.
(1992)) proved the existence of the compact global attractor under the
dissipative hypothesis (16.6).
For other results on the existence of the compact global attractor of
(16.1) (see Raugel (2002).
For Eq. (16.1) and > 0 constant, one can prove that, for any solu-
tion u(t) A(T ), t R is as smooth in t as the function f . Using this fact,
one can obtain spatial regularity of solutions on the attractor. See Hale
and Raugel (2003) for much more general results on regularity for the case
where is not constant, there is critical growth rate ((n 2) = 2), and
other equations.
520 Hale
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