Vector Elds
Vector Elds
Vector Elds
2 y 1/3 does not exist in zero, meaning that the existence and unicity theorem cannot be
applied in this context.
Actually, for any point (x, 0) of the x-axis, there are two trajectories meeting:
• in 2D,
v(x1, x2) = (v1(x1, x2), v2(x1, x2)):
0 1
@v1 @v1
@ @x1 (p) @x2 (p)
Dv(p) = @v2 @v2
@x1 (p) @x2 (p)
• in 3D,
v(x1, x2, x3) = (v1(x1, x2, x3), v2(x1, x2, x3), v3(x1, x2, x3)):
0 1
@v1 @v1 @v1
@x (p) @x2 (p) @x3 (p)
B 1 C
B @v2 @v2 @v2 C
Dv(p) = B @x (p) @x2 (p) @x3 (p) C
@ 1 A
@v3 @v3 @v3
@x1 (p) @x2 (p) @x3 (p)
< dx = y
• The linearization of the system around (0, 0) is dy
dt = x
The singularity of the linearized system is a centre.
• On the figure, we see that the singularity is not a centre but a sink.
The first field makes one counterclockwise turn along the curve, so the star has index +1.
The second one makes a clockwise turn along the curve, the saddle point has index -1.
REMARKS. • ✓ is the arctangent of ( vv2 )
• We see that it measures the number of revolutions of v along the curve .
• It can be generalized in higher dimensions: for a singularity in a 3D-vector field, for
example, we would take a sphere, instead of a closed curve, around it.
ICS Summer school Roscoff - Visualization at the interfaces 28.7-8.8, 2014 20
Integral lines, singularities, vector field topology
Example of the index
EXAMPLE 5. Planar vector fields
On the left the vector field v in the plane, on the right the normalized kv(x)k in S 1.[Mann]
Higher order singularities, hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic sectors [Scheuermann, Theisel]
If the goal is to visualize singularities of the right index, complex analysis can be used:
REMARK 2. Closed orbits can be knotted or even linked with other orbits.
v = rD + r ⇥ R + h = d + r + h.
REMARK 3. The harmonic part being at the
same time irrotational and incompressible can
be put together with the first or the second
term, giving a version of the decomposition
with only two parts.
Example of a HHD decomposition [Polthier]:
d, with scalar potential D, r with scalar po-
tential R (2D case), h, and the original vector
field v.
ICS Summer school Roscoff - Visualization at the interfaces 28.7-8.8, 2014 31
Original vector field, linearly interpolated vector field, Powell-Sabin interpolated vector field, with the corre-
sponding vector field topologies [Scheuermann]