Opticam - Quick Start

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For these exercises please make sure that you have installed the Quick Start Training option

from the
DVD Installer. This will copy all the needed files and Videos on to your Hard Drive. You will also have to
remember where you had these copied to so its suggested that My Documents be used.

After you have installed Opticam you will have a Opticam icon on your Desktop that will contain the
shortcut for the Wire Module.

Open the Desktop Icon and choose the Wire EDM folder. From here you will choose the post that you
wish to use.

Please go to the next page to Start Exercise 1.

Setting up your system.

For these exercises we will be using the Makino Profile.

When you first start the software it will be in Metric mode. To change this you will go to the Machining
Menu and select Programming Units. For these exercises we will be working in Imperial (INCH)

As a note if you Uncheck the Show this dialog when starting a new program box the system will then
be defaulted to use the selection you chose. This can be changed later if need.
Now you should have a blank screen in front of you will a set of Cross-Hairs. We will now go through
setting up some of the system defaults. Please go to the Modify Menu and select System Settings from
the list.

This will bring up the System Settings Dialog.

The first listing on the Left is the Drawing Settings. In this dialog you can set your Finite/Construction
geometry colors, Finite/Construction Geometry Line Style, Snap Grid size, Datum, Rulers, and Ruler
Units. You can either leave these to the default or set them to what you like. It is recommended that
you set your Snap Grid to 0 so that picking items on the screen is easier.
The Next one in the list is the Dimensioning dialog.

By default all dimensions are to 2 decimal places. You might want to change that to a value that is more
accurate for your type of work. Also all dimensions are automatically put on a Layer called DIMS so that
you can just turn them on and off.

The Plotting, Lights, Entity Attributes and More Entity Attributes can all be left at the default settings so
we will not go through those. If more info is required please give us a call.
The View dialog sets up how items are viewed in the system.

The System Colors Dialog is to change the background Color.

You can uncheck the box for Graduated Background Color to only have 1 color and then select on the
color to select a new one.
The Auto Snap Dialog sets up what Snap to Functions are used with the Auto Snap button.

End of Snap Use this to Pick the End of a Line/Arc or a Point

Intersection Snap Use this to Pick the Intersection of 2 Items

Mid Point Snap Use this to Snap to the Mid Point of a Line/Arc

Center Of Snap Use this to Pick the Center of an Arc/Circle

Normal to Snap Use this to pick a point perpendicular to the last point picked

Quadrant Snap Use this to Pick a Quadrant of an Arc/Circle

Auto Snap Use this to Pick something using the settings in the dialog above

Coordinate Snap Use this to just randomly pick any point on the screen
The Geometry Options dialog is for more advanced functionality. If you have questions please give us
call and we will advise you on how to use it. For most all programming the defaults set can be used.

The General Dialog is where you setup your Limit UNDO commands, if you want a warning when you are
going to save on a file overwrite. Also the time between Security File saves.

Once you get all the settings the way you want them use the Save as Default button to save them for
future uses. If asked for a password it will be ketmac.
Exercise 1 Basic Standard Profile

The system works by either importing CAD files or drawing geometry to be cut. Once either of these are
done you create figures from the geometry.

Figure A set of Lines/Arcs that have a Start Point and Lead on Position.

For this exercise we will be using a Saved file. Use either the or the Open command from the
File Menu. You will have to browse to where you saved the files that were on the Install DVD. Once you
find them open Exercise 1.vdm

This is what you should have on your Screen Now.

The Next thing we will do is Create a Figure for the machining. You can use the icon or select it
from the Preparations Menu. You will now get the Create Figure Dialog.

Next we will select the Start Hole (Threading Position) of the Figure. Press the button the Exit

the dialog and use the snap to icon and select the edge of the RED circle. The system records
the point and enters it in the Dialog. Next we will use the Select Lines/Arcs that make up the figure

using the button at the bottom. Now we want to

select 1 line then use the Chain Icon and select the line either to the right or left of the 1st

selected line to link the rest of the geometry. You can now press enter or End Command Icon
to finish the command. This will bring the Create Figure dialog back up but if you notice the Name is
now Fig_001. The software does not know how many figures you need to create so you can keep going
until you are done at which time you will press the DONE button on the bottom.
With your mouse over the shape it will say Insert 2 Figure_000

Next we will create the machining for this part. You will want to go to the Machining Menu and Select
Standard Profile.
Next you might get the programming Units Dialog. We just want to make sure that this set ot Imperial.

Now we will get the Workpiece Dialog.

The first tab you set your Part Number and Part Description. And we will create a billet for simulation.
So press the NEW button under Billets and you get the next dialog.
We will give this Billet the name STOCK. Then for the XY Minimum press the button and then use

the Snap Icon and select a point to the Upper Right hand side of the Figure. Now repeat for the
XY Maximum and select a point in the Lower Left hand side of the figure. Make sure both points are
beyond the figure its self. These points represent the corners of the Rectangular Billet that we created.

Now enter in a Thickness of 1.0 leave the Height(B) 0.0 and check the box Set Sequence Heights under
the Picture. Click OK and now go to the Output File Tab.

This Tab is where we enter in our NC Filename, the NC Directory, From Position and Reference Position.
If your machine supports them you can opt to use the Datum options. Also we enter in our Secondary
Plane and Reference Plane for doing taper. Since this is a Straight cut we will leave these to the
defaulted values. Now enter in 1.0 for an Upper Nozzle height.
Now go to the Technology tab so we can select our Material and Wire type. We will be using St (Steel)
and BS 0.01 Wire. We wont select Technology here but do that in the machining Dialog.

Next go to the Strategy Tab. This teb dictates how the job is going to get cut. For our part we will use
the Use Operation Options. I brief description of the different Strategies is below.
Attended Day Run (DIE) Waste removed on first cut. Stop Before waste is free. Each aperture is then
completely finished(Trims) before moving onto the next.

Attended Punches All cuts are preformed on first punch in forward and reverse directions, leaving a
tag. Machine Stops. Punch is fixed by operator and tag area is finished. Move to next punch and

Attended Punches (tag area to be ground to size) - All cuts are preformed on first punch in forward and
reverse directions, leaving a tag. Machine Stops. Punch is fixed by operator and tag area cut with a
single cut. Move to next punch and repeat.

Unattended Day Run (DIE) First cut is preformed on each aperture, leaving a tag. Machine Stops. Tags
are then cut and waste is removed. Each aperture is then completely finished (trims) before moving
onto the next.

Unattended Punches All cuts are preformed in forward and reverse directions, leaving a tag. Machine
Stops. All punches are fixed by operator and tag area is finished in both forward and reverse directions.
This is not a single cut for the tag area.

Unattended Night Run (DIE) All cuts are preformed on each aperture in forward and reverse
directions, leaving a tag. Machine Stops. Waste is removed and tag area is finished in both forward and
reverse directions.

Stress Relief Cutting First cut is performed on each aperture, leaving a tag. Machine Stops. Tags are
cut and waste is removed from each aperture. Finish cuts are then preformed on each aperture in

Use Operation Options Strategy is defined by setting the required options within the machining

The Options Tab is used only if you want to give this Operation a specific name. So we can just press
Standard Profile Dialog.

Use the Button to exit the dialog and select the figure to be machined. Then either press Enter or

to come back to the dialog. Now we will use the Select Technology button to select our
technology. The next dialogs might be different depending on machine used. But the object is the
Most machines will have a Box you have to check to Agree with the terms of the license agreement.
This is to let you know that you are using a 3rd party data that has been supplied to Camtek for use in
their software.

This dialog is for a Makino so if that is what you have then you would select your Nozzle Characteristics
and then Machining Process. Once you have the technology selected that want to use Press the Load
Technology button at the bottom.

For Agievision Users Only: You will be using the Quality/Parameter Button to set the Quality Target to
be used at the machine. Or you can enter in a User Tech name to be used at the machine. You will also
have options to control Clearance and Corners along with Variocut in the dialog.

After you selected your Technology you will back to the Standard Profile dialog. If we were adding taper
or doing anything else we would do them now. But since we are cutting this profile straight we will
press the Setup button to continue. Pressing the setup button brings up the Cut Setup Dialog. This
dialog has tabs to deal with offset values, tagging, lead on/off, and direction of cut.
Offset Geometry

Tick/Enable for offsetting to be handled by the software system rather than the Machine Control. It will
therefore require accurate Offset values to be entered against each cut.

Modify Internal Corners

Tick/Enable and internal corners of a profile will be modified so that they are always greater than the
offset value by 5 micron. This option aimed at Machine Controls that have a problem with offsetting
sharp internal corners.

Additional Clearance

This is used to specify the additional clearance necessary to cut a Die Aperture when using the geometry
for the Punch.

Apply Taper

Used in Standard Profile Operations to specify on which cuts the programmed Standard or Variable
Tapers are to be applied. . (Not applicable to Ruled Surface Operations)

Apply Relief

Used in Standard Profile Operations to specify on which cuts a programmed Corner Relief is to be
applied. (Not applicable to Ruled Surface Operations)

Normally only used to provide a Graphical Offset during Standard Simulation.

Set Tech

This is used to set the Global Technology for each cut of the Operation.

Extra Tech

Used to specify on which cuts any programmed Extra Technology Change Points are to be applied.

Extra Misc

Used to specify on which cuts any programmed Extra M-Codes, Comments are to be applied.

Reverse Cutting

Tick/Enable so that Reverse Cutting will be used thus eliminating the need to cut and re-thread the wire
on a multi-cut operation where a Tag is to be cut at the end of the operation.

Cut Colors

This is used to specify the displayed color of each cut during both Standard and Solid Simulation. Clicking
the Cut Colors button displays the Set Toolpath Cut Colors dialog.

Cuts 1-10 and Cuts 11-20

This is used to Toggle between displaying the Settings for Cuts 1-10 and Cuts 11-20.
End Stop Point (Tag)

Tick/Check Distance for Tag and specify the length of the Tag required. The alternative, but only when
cutting a single Profile, is to enter the co-ordinates for the required Tag position.

Specifying a Lead Off distance will reduce the cutting time; without it the lead off will be the same
distance as the lead on, which is dictated by the start position for the profile.

Tag Removal ONLY

Tick/Check the Tag Removal ONLY Option to limit the operation as indicated. Using this option in a
separate profiling operation would deal with the requirement to cut the Tag with a different Strategy to
that already used for the main part of the Profile with the No Tag Removal this Operation option active.

Extra Tags

Tick/Check the Extra Tags option to use any additional Tag positions that have been defined.

Single Cut

Tick/Check The Use Single Cut for Tag option to only use the Cut 1 Strategy to cut the Tag, this option
only applies to certain Tag Removal Methods.

Additional Stop Point for TAG Cutting

Tick/Check and specify the distance from final breakthrough point on the Tag cut that another stop code
is to be ouput.
Tag Removal Method

Used to specify when the Tag(s) are to be cut in the overall NC Program Sequence.

NOTE If you chose a different strategy in the Workpiece dialog other that Use Operation Options
there will be NO TAG Removal Methods Available because it will use the Strategy you selected.

The Lead Tab determines the type of Lead-On/Off to be used. We will be using the Lead On/Off with a
The Offset Tag deals with the Direction of the Cut. If you are using a Closed Profile you can use the Auto
Direction Option and then just choose the direction of the cut from the Icons. If you are using an Open
Profile then you must choose to offset either Left or Right of the Geometry.

If you just want the center of the wire to run on the Geometry then you can select None.

Now we will hit OK on this dialog and then Hit OK on the Standard Profile Dialog and you should have
something like Below.
Now we will Simulate the Part to make sure are settings are correct. We will Solid Simulate this part.

You can use the Icon from the bottom set of icons in the Right Hand toolbar or Select Solid
Simulation from the Machining Menu. You should get the Image below.

If you have your Upper Tool Bar visible you can Right-Click on it and UNCHECK all the toolbars. When we
exit simulation they will return but this gives you best picture of what is going on.

The Display Menu, seen below, tells us what is being shown on the screen. You can uncheck items to
see, choose to view some items with transparency, and a few other options. For now we will uncheck
the Nozzles box so that we can view the part better.
The Next Dialog deals with how the simulation is played. You can choose where to stop on the part by
using the drop down menu and selecting when to stop. You can change the speed of the simulation by

moving the speed slider now or during the simulation. To start the simulation press the or you can

single block through the part by using the button. When the Simulation is finished you will press
the DONE button to exit.

There are other items that can be used in the dialog and for more info please contact us.

The information dialog tells us what is happening during simulation. It shows the position moves, the
processes that are being done, and collisions, and a log file. You can choose what to show by pressing
on their respective button at the bottom or choose ALL to see them as shown below. You will also see
here the Angle movement and the MAX UV and Angle amount used in the program.

After we press the simulation will run until either it stops where we told it to OR it becomes
separated into 2 parts. (A slug is created) When it becomes separated you will get this below.
The dialog tells you that the billet has become 2 parts. You now have to choose if the highlighted solid is

the one you want to remove. If not use the arrows to select which solid to remove. Once you
have the correct one highlighted you can either hit the remove button then press done. You then have

to press the button to start the simulation again. You can also hit the remove Highlighted Solid and
Continue button at which time the Solid will be removed and simulation will continue on without the

need to hit the button.

Once you have finished simulation you can rotate the part around to view it and then once you are done
you would hit the DONE button. You will then be taken back to the standard window where you can
edit your operations by Clicking on the ones you want to edit the Right-Click and choose the Edit option.

If everything looks good you then can post process the job using the button. Once the job is
posted you will get this dialog.

To view the NC code press the button. To save it to a Disk or Location Press the button. To
set the location where the file is to be saved press the Options Button and you will get this dialog.
Its easiest to just press the YES button and then when you get the next dialog press OK. This will stop
this message from coming up in the future. The actual use of a DNC application from PEPS is not
supported anymore. You will need to have your own stand alone program if that is how you are
transferring files to your machine.

In the next dialog the A:\ drive is the default.

To change that press the Browse Button to find the folder you want to use on your PC or Network. (If
using a network folder make sure you have FULL Read/Write access to it or this will not work) Once you
have highlighted the folder to use press OK.

Now you will be back to the Edit NC Data Options dialog to press DONE to exit. Now that you are back

to the Original Dialog you can press the button to save your file to the location you determined.

This concludes Exercise 1. All further exercises will be built off using the information learned in this
exercise. When you feel ready please continue onto Exercise 2 Adding Taper to a Part.
Exercise 2 Adding Taper to a part

This exercise will draw off the information you have already learned from Exercise 1. We will only be
showing dialogs that are new and only older dialogs that are important. If you get stuck please refer
back to Exercise 1 for help. The same basic steps to complete the job are done.

Please open Exercise 2.vdm it will be in the same folder that exercise 1 was in.

In this exercise we will be cutting taper on all 3 shapes. To start please create figures out of all the
shapes. The RED circle will be the start hole.

*Remember that the Create Figure dialog is to be used for 1 figure at a time but will keep coming up
until you have all 3 made. At that time you can press DONE to close the dialog.
Now that you all 3 figures made we will use the Standard Profile option to create the machining. You
will have to fill out the Workpiece Dialog and create a billet. The XY Min and Max values can now be the
corners of the block drawn. Use 1.0 for a thickness and dont forget to check the Set Sequence Heights
box before hitting OK. Now enter in the NC Filename you want to use then Select the Material and Wire
Type for this machining. Click OK and now you will be at the Standard Profile. Go ahead and select just
the Circle for this machining and then select your technology you want to use.

Now we want to Look at the Taper Control Tab. There are 3 options in PEPS to cut taper.

Die Face Down where the opening is smaller at the bottom and larger at the top.

Die Face Up where the opening is smaller at the top and larger at the bottom.

Constant Taper where the wire is tilted in either X or Y or Both but the shape is the
same at the top and bottom.
For this machining we will use the Icon. For an angle we will enter in 5 degrees. The
next thing we need to enter in the Reference Plane (Measure Z for Agievision Users) of the Profile.

Reference Plane The actual Z level in the part where the drawn geometry will be to size. This is a
measurement from the Table. So if you are mounting this above the table this MUST be taken into

Agievision users only you will notice your icons have the Z coming from the Top.

Measure Point The actual Z level in the part where the drawn geometry will be to size. This measure is
from the TOP of the part down. So this will ALWAYS be a Negative value.

For this example we will leave the Figure on the bottom of the block so the reference plane will be 0.
For Agievision users the Measure Z will be -1.0

The Corner Mode deals with how a corner is dealt with. Each Machine is different so the best way to
explain this is to view the changing Icon. The figure you select is the INSIDE shape where the outside
shape is the other end of the taper. Take a few minutes to view the options for your machine.

Next you can press the Setup button and setup your tagging options, lead on/off options, cut direction
and so on. Once you have all this set you will press OK and then OK again on the Standard Profile dialog
to finish this Machining.
Now we will repeat the process for the Square only this time we will use the Icon. I will
leave the Angle amount and Reference Plane/Measure Z up to what you want to use. When you finish
you should have something that looks like this.

One thing to make a note of when doing multiple Standard Profiles is that the setting from the last
Standard Profile you did will become defaulted for the next one. This goes for technology, tags, lead
on/off, cut direction and so forth.

The next machining we will do will be the Triangle. For this figure we only want to tilt the wire 5 degrees
in the X axis. So open another Standard Profile and select the Triangle. Select your technology if you

want to change it. Then go to the taper tab and select the button.
In this dialog of the tab we have 2 different options for cutting the taper. You need to set the Reference
Plane/Measure Z amount. Then we can either use an XY Displacement amount or XY Component
Angles. You can use both X and Y value if you choose to create a compound angle. We will be using the
X Angle Component of 15 degrees.

For some machines there is an option at the Bottom to Thread at Angle. What this does it moves the
Upper and Lower heads into position and then Stops. You then manually thread the wire and start the
machine again.

Now you can Press the Setup Button and do what you need in there and then press OK and OK again.
Now you should have something like this.
Now you can run through simulation if you want and if everything looks good you can post process the

Go ahead and review this exercise until you feel comfortable enough to move on.
Exercise 3 Collar Cutting

This Exercise will demonstrate how use our Collar Cutting dialog of the software. Open Exercise 3.vdm
and start making figures from the geometry. You might notice that Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 are using
the same shapes. Once you have all the figures created go to the Collar option from the Machining
Menu. This brings up this dialog.

Again we have 3 options for cutting collars.

Collar Down Land at the bottom with taper at the top of the part.

Collar Up Land at the top with taper at the bottom of the part.

Collar Middle The land is in the middle with taper at the top and bottom of the part.
For the Circle we will use the icon and enter in an Angle (Alpha) of 5 and then a
Height(Z1) of .250. This Height refers to the Taper-Land break point from the table.

Agievision Users Again just like the taper only this is referenced from the Top of the block and will
always be a negative value. You can also skip down to the Technology Tab section of this exercise.

Now we will select the Options Tab at the top. This tab deals with how the machinings are output.

Under the Machining Options sections we have Options for how to cut the part along with some tagging

Taper before Parallel By default PEPS will output the Straight (land area) Cut first. It then will output
the taper cut. If you want to cut the taper 1st then check this box.

Finish each aperture before moving to next if you are cutting more than 1 opening in this machining by
checking this box it will cut all the taper and land passes before it moves to the next opening.

Tag Stop on 2nd Op. If you want a tag on the 2nd operation check this box

Tag Stop on 3rd Op. If you want to tag on the 3rd operation check this box

Once you have checked the boxes you want to use then go to the Technology Tab.
Now you have to enter in the Material Thickness to cut for the Taper and Land values. These values will
be used for the technology database in PEPS and at the Machine for Agievision Users. Once you have
those set select the technology you want to use, Agievision users select the quality target or user tech
you are using.

Next press the setup button for both the taper and land. The Setup button for the land is what controls
the tagging, lead on/off, and cut direction for both the taper and land.

Once you are done press OK and then OK again on the Collar dialog. You should have this below.
Now we will repeat this for the Square and Triangle using the 2 other options in the Collar dialog. You
can use whatever angles and Z values you want. When you finish you should have something like this

You can now simulate the part and if all looks fine you can post it.

Please review this exercise until you are comfortable to move onto the next.
Exercise 4 No Core Cutting

Please open Exercise 4.vdm. You can start by making the shape a figure and then select Standard Profile
from the Machining Menu. Enter in the needed info on the Workpiece Dialog and press OK. Once you
are at the Standard Profile Dialog you can select the figure, select your technology and then go to the
No-core & Start Hole Tab on the Right hand side. (For Agievision Users please see the end of this
exercise for important information on the Quality/Parameter Dialog)

We have 3 different methods to No Core this pocket.

Use Round Start Hole We give PEPS a diameter to start the No Core from.

Use Irregular Start Hole The start hole is actually a previous figure.

Finishing Allowance We tell PEPS how much stock is left on the part to be machined off.

We will use the Round Start Hole method and you can either tell PEPS the start hole size if known or you

can select the size if the hole is drawn by using the button. We can use the button and
select the round hole.

As a note of caution most machines will rapid out to the Radius of the start hole selected and then start
the machining. This could cause a short circuit at the machine. It is suggested that we decrease that
actual diameter by .015 so that the No Core machining starts a little before the edge of the circle. This
will take care of holes that might be out of position by a little bit or holes that might be on a small angle
through the part due to drilling.
Next we will check the Box No Core (Pocket) First Cut. This is what actually enables the No Coring
process. Now you must enter in your step over value that you want to use. By default PEPS will enter
half the wire diameter. Just know that by going over 50% of the wire diameter you might drop small
slivers at the machine that could cause damage to your machine. Remember we are not liable for any
damage caused at the machine.

Next you can should how to Pocket Round holes, either concentric or spiral. All other shapes will be
done Concentric. Next we will go into the Setup and view the Cut Control Tab.

For Machines that Technology is available in PEPS you can use the value given. For those that offsets are
not given you will have come up with a value that works. A suggestion would be to use the normal
roughing value from the technology that you would use to cut this without a no core. The actual
mathematical equation is Wire Radius + Spark Gap + Finishing Allowance per side.

Now just select the lead on/off and direction of cut to be use and press OK and then OK again to exit the
Standard Profile.
Now you should have this below. You can now simulate the part and post if finished.

Note for Agievision Users there are 3 ways to select a quality for the machining.

You need to fill out the No Core & Start Hole tab before selecting any Quality/Parameters.

In the Quality/Parameter page you will now have a Pocket Quality and an Additional Quality tab. If you
are using the AGIE Technology in the machine then you only need to use the Pocket Quality Tab. Select
the Quality Target for the Pocket to finish to, give it name and the machine will take care of the rest.

If you want to use a Single USER tech of Pocket and Finish the cut you can just use the Pocket Quality
Tab. Select USER tech and enter in the name of the technology to be used. BUT you will have to change
a setting on the machine that allows the machine to modify the USER technology for a No Core. You can
contact AGIE directly for that information.

If you have a USER tech that you use to rough out a No Core and a different one to finish the figure to
size, you then select the User technology and enter in the name to be used on the Pocket Quality Tab.
Then on the Additional Qualities Tab select USER tech again and enter in the name and make sure to
check the box Additional Quality.
Exercise 5 Open Contour

Please open Exercise 5.vdm from your saved folder. In this exercise we will demonstrate how to cut an
open figure. For the open figure we will be selecting the Start Hole Point and the point to Lead On to
the Profile, then a Lead Off to and a point on the profile to lead off from. See Dialog below.

After select your lines and chain the figure together you will get a message.

Because we are cutting an open profile we will press yes to continue. This will create the profile and
bring the Create Figure dialog back up. Now just press Done.
You should have this on your screen. Note that the BLUE points are the Start Points and the RED points
are the End Points.

Now just start a Standard Profile. Go through all the steps like we have on the other exercises. The
biggest difference from a Closed Contour to an Open Contour is on the Offset Tab. You must select if
you are cutting on the Left or Right side of the figure. This part is to the Left.

Now you can simulate the part. Doing this for an Open Profile will show you if your cutting on the
correct side of the line or not. If you are not just edit the operation by Right Clicking on it and selecting
Edit from the list. If all is good then you can post the job.
Exercise 6 4 Axis (Ruled Surface)

The next exercise will deal with doing a 4 axis part. Please open Exercise 6.vdm

When doing a 4 axis part in PEPS the figures DO NOT need to reside on the actual Z planes that they
represent. We can manually tell the software where they are at.

Notice in the picture above there is a Point in the center for the Start Hole and then 2 points at the
bottom. Those points at the bottom represent the Lead Points for each figure.

Next create the 2 figures. As a note it is recommended that you actually name both these figures. You
can use Upper or Lower but NOT Top or Bottom. Another thing you could do if you want is create them
in different colors. This will help in telling them apart. On this part the inside shape is the upper and
outside shape is the lower.
After you make your figures you should have something like above if you made them different colors.

Next we will select the Ruled Surface option from the Machining Menu. Create a billet with a thickness
of 2.0 for the part. On the Output File tab we need to fill out the Secondary and Reference Planes.

Secondary Plane = Height of Upper Shape from the Table.

Reference Plane = Height of Lower Shape from the Table.

For this exercise the Lower Shape is at 0.0 and the Upper is at 2.0. Below is what you should have.
Next you will have the Ruled Surface Dialog.

Upper Figure and Lower Figure Names

These areas show the names of the two Profile Figures used in the Ruled Surface Operation.

Use to select the profiles, either as pre-defined figures or interactively from finite geometry.

Specifies the Reference Height of the Lower Profile

Specifies the distance between the Lower and Upper Shape

Operation Description

The default operation description that is displayed in the workspace can be changed by ticking the
custom tick box and entering a description of the users own choice.

Auto Wire Control

Tick/Enable for System to automatically output NC codes for Machine Stop and where applicable Thread
or Cut the Wire. Disable the Option and add Machine Stop, Wire Thread and Cut Operations Manually.
Cut Between Profiles

Tick/Enable for the System to output the NC code to cut from each Profile to the next.

Disable the Option and the NC code to stop, cut the wire, rapid traverse to the next start hole and
thread wire will be output.

Equalise sections with equal span count

Tick/Enable for the two Profiles will be linked using proportional linear equalisation if not enabled the
corresponding span ends of the two will be linked.

Use Constraints

Tick/Enable for Constraint Lines that have been drawn to become effective.

Show all Instances

Tick/Enable and all instances of the Ruled Surface will be displayed being cut.

Disable the Option and only the first instance of the Ruled Surface will be displayed being cut, thus
speeding up the display.

Machine ALL Instances

Tick/Enable to machine Multiple Instances of the same Ruled Surface. Each of the other features being
represented in position and orientation by copies of the Lower Profile Figure.

Thread At Angle

Tick/Enable to output the NC Code for threading the wire at an angle; this will only apply to a machine
Control that supports this.

Vectorisation Tolerance

Some controls under specific circumstances cannot use arc moves and have to use vectors instead. The
vector tolerance or cusp value specifies the allowable deviation from the true shape when calculating
the vector lengths.

Section Heights

This is used to define the position and number of Wire Frame Sections displayed on the graphics.

Next select your technology and Cutting Method under the Setup button.
You should have something that resembles the above. Now you can use the simulation and post the job
if all looks correct.
Exercise 7 Solid Extraction Wizard

For this Exercise we will be using the Solid.x_t file that is located in the same folder as the exercises. To
start select the Data Exchange>Import option from the File Menu.

Next you will be asked to locate the file. Once you have found it select it and press open.
Now you should have this file on the screen.

Next we will use the Solid Extraction Wizard under the Preparation menu to extract the data from the
solid so that we can machine it.
Now you will have this dialog appear.

We will press the Next button and select the solid that we want to work with. Once you have it selected

press or Enter.

Now you should have something that looks like this.

The Bright Green faces represent the profiles that can be projected. Now you have to select which ones
you want to project. As you select them from the list you will see them get outlined in RED on the solid.

We will use the Button to select all the Profiles. Then press to enter in the
projecting heights.

Now we choose if we want either an upper and lower projection or just one. If you are not cutting taper
or 4 axis you only need 1 projection. If you are cutting taper or a 4 axis part then you would want both
the upper and lower projections. For this one we will enter in 1 for the Upper Projection Height. You

can if you want to use the button to select the actual Z Plane were you want the projection to be.

Once you have the value entered in press the button and then you can press

Now you can right-click on the solid and choose the Solid_001>Hide body option to hide the solid.

Now you should see both Upper and Lower Planes on the screen.

Next we would create figures from these lines/arcs and then program the part accordingly.

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