AE4131 ABAQUS Lecture 3

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ABAQUS Lecture
Part III
Patrick Roberts
[email protected]
Weber 201
You can start ABAQUS CAE from the start
menu or with a command line by typing
abaqus cae

TIP: You should start ABAQUS CAE via

command line from the directory you want
your results files to end up.
3D problem
• To continue learning about ABAQUS CAE we
will work through building a 3D cantilevered
beam that is subjected to a pressure load on the
top of the beam of 0.5 MPa.
• We want to view the stresses inside the beam
near the root and we want to observe the motion
of a point on the free end of the beam during
• The length of the beam is 200 mm, height is 20
mm, and width is 25 mm.
Part Module
• Create a new part as
– 3-D
– Type : Deformable
– Basic feature: solid
– Approximate size: 300
– Extrude: 25
Your 3D part geometry
Property Module
• We will add the material of Steel and give
it values of 209 × 103 MPa and Poisson's
ratio of 0.3.
• We will create a section called
BeamSection and give it a category of
solid, type Homogeneous.
• We then assign this material to this
Assembly Module
• We will create one instance of this beam.
Step Module
• We will add a step after the system
created Initial step called Load Step.
• The procedure type is General and the
type is Static.
• For the output we want stresses, strains,
displacements, forces/reaction.
• We also want to select a point at the free
end of the beam to observe the motion
during loading.
Step Module (cont.)
To create a node set and monitor a particular
degree of freedom:

1. Select Tools Set Create

2. Name the node set Monitor, and click Continue
3. Select a corner point at the free end of the
Step Module (cont.)
4. From the main menu bar, select Output DOF Monitor.
5. Toggle on Monitor a degree of freedom throughout the
analysis (The node set Monitor that you just created is
selected in the Point region text field. )
6. Type 1 in the Degree of freedom text field, and click OK.

Note the following key points:

• Sets can be defined throughout the modeling process.
• The progress of a job can be monitored through a
particular degree of freedom.
Step Module (cont.)
• Go to: Output > History Output Requests >
Manager > Edit
• Domain: Set name: Monitor
• Put a check by Displacement/Velocity/
Acceleration, Click OK.
Load Module
• We want to fully constrain (encastre) the left end
of the beam. Fixed boundary conditions must be
placed in the system created Initial step. We will
call this boundary condition Fixed.
• The pressure load must be added in the step we
created earlier called Load Step. Call this load
Pressure and it has a value of 0.5 and is applied
to the top of the beam.
Beam with BC’s and loading
Mesh Module
• First we need to decide on the Mesh controls. In
this case we will use quadrilateral.
• Next we choose element type. Under Family
you will see 3D Stress highlighted. If we choose
linear with reduced integration we will be using
the following element.
• C3D8R: An 8-node linear brick, reduced
integration, hourglass control.
Mesh Module (cont.)
• We need to define how course/fine the
mesh will be by the use of seeds.
• The system will suggest a seed value. To
make the mesh finer enter a smaller
number. Larger numbers will make the
mesh more course.
• The system suggested 20 so we’ll choose
Mesh Module (cont.)
Job Module
• We will create a job called 3DBeam
• Once this has been created just submit the
• The analysis should only take a couple of
Visualization Module
• Once your analysis is complete we want to
see the results.
• If we look at Von Mises stress distribution
we see
Stress distribution
Additional Results
To see additional results choose Field
Output and you can choose the type of
output you would like to see. It will only
show you what you initially choose in the
Step Module.
All of the results files are in the directory you
started CAE in. For any errors, warning or
other system data on how the analysis ran
look at those files.
Viewing stresses in a cross section
One of the biggest benefits to finite element
methods is the ability to see what is going
on inside a structure when loaded. In our
case we would like to see what the
stresses are like in the elements closest to
the root.
Picking the elements for viewing
In order to view the interior of a structure
you must either
1. Pick the elements by element number in
the Visualization module
2. Partition off a section of the structure
during assembly and place the elements
in that section into an element set.
Picking the elements for viewing
In our case we will pick the actual elements.
In the Visualization module choose Plot
Undeformed Shape.
In this dialog turn on Element numbering
and make it a color you can easily see.
Picking the elements for viewing
To pick the elements at the root we need to
rotate the structure.
Picking the elements for viewing
In this example we want elements 150
through 120. We call this a display group.
In the menu bar click on Tools, Display
Group, Create. A pop up dialog will be
You can enter the name of the display group
and the elements you want to see.
Picking the elements for viewing
In this dialog choose
• Item : Elements
• Selected Method: Element Labels
• Labels Field: Enter the element numbers
• Click on the Replace button at the bottom
Picking the elements for viewing
Picking the elements for viewing
Now you can reorient this section of the
beam and pick the type of stresses you
would like to see.
Shear Stress (   ) at the root
Observing the Displacements at the
monitored node
• Click on Result, History Output…
• Click the Variables tab
• Choose which degree of freedom you like.
We will choose U1, then click the Plot
Displacement in the transverse
Exporting to external file
You may want to export data to an external file to
be used in another application like MATLAB.
Here’s how..
1. You must plot the data like you’ve just seen.
2. In CAE click on Report, XY…
3. In the File section of the dialog enter the path
and file name and click OK.
4. You now have an ASCII file of this plotted
Online tutorials
ABAQUS CAE has three very good tutorials:

1. Simple 3D cantilever beam

2. Two hinges/ rigid pin assembly
3. Viewing and working with your output

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