A) Introduction

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Technology is an application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life, it

also includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life
easier and to work more productive. Almost people in the world are now using the
technology and specifically the computers. Computers are machines that perform tasks,
such as calculations or electronic communication, under the control of a set of
instructions called program.

St. Nicolas College of Business and Technology was established in March of

2004 and started its formal operation in June of the same year with only 22 students
enrolled for a two year course program in Hotel and Restaurant Management, At present,
The institution offers different Bachelor of Science courses like Computer Engineering,
Computer Science, Information Technology, Hotel and Restaurant Management,
Business Administration, Tourism, Criminology and Custom administration. The school
also offers two-year courses like Computer Programming, Computer Technician,
Consumer Electronics, Hotel and Restaurant Services and Institutional Health Care. The
school also offers Senior High School courses Up to now, more than 2,300 students are
enrolled and the institution is expected to grow even larger by the coming years.

St. Nicolas Colleges Mission is to develop and to provide high quality academic
and technical skills programs that would ensure employability and productivity of young
men and women through proper values and principles as means to achieve success with
excellence for a better quality of life. On the other hand.it vision is to be a center of
excellence in academic and technical skills programs in pursuing, and dynamic
opportunities parallel to global standards, thereby, uplifting the socio-economic growth of
the country.

Because the proponents are still studying at St. Nicolas College of Business and
Technology it actually came to their minds that their school does not have a centralized
enrolment system, they also wonder why every time they go to school to apply for
enrolment, they always fill out a registration form for their complete personal information
with family and educational background in Registrars Office ever since the first time
they enroll at St. Nicolas College. Those registration forms Should be kept at Registrars
Office forever, Now, the staff of Registrars Office has several problems because of this
forms; during enrolment, they always feel that their office is getting loaded and narrowed
in terms of workspace because of many papers which should be stocked on their filing
cabinets and the office could not provide more places for man power.



Because of the problems mentioned above, the proponents are encouraged to

propose a centralized enrolment system for St. Nicolas College Business and

After a couple of days of observation, the proponent noticed that St. Nicolas
Colleges Registrars Office, Assessment and Cashier are not operating smoothly because
of several problems. First, the registrars office handles enormous student records in their
filing cabinets, which occupy a lot of space in there office. Second, when they need to
find a certain student record, it takes a long time to find it because the student records
were thousands already. Third, because student records are continuously increasing, the
oldest records most of the time turn to be missing, gnawed by the rats and cockroaches.
Fourth, teachers submit the grades of the students at registrars office via printed copy,
the problem is that those printed copies of grades are another student record that will
occupy space or make the office of the registrar messy. The assessment personnel needs
to manually check the prerequisites of each student and decides which subjects they can
take for the upcoming semester. The cashier needs to manually compute the student
statement of account before payment.

Specifically the study is divided in Five (5) parts that seek answers to the
following questions:

i: What are the problems in using the existing manual system?

ii: What is the level of performance of the current system?
iii: What is the solution to eliminate/lessen the problem of the user?
iv: What are the requirements of the proposed system?
v: What is the level of acceptability of the proposed system?

These problems became the driving force for the proponents to analyze their
objectives. The primary objectives of the study is to create a Centralized Enrolment
System that will help the Registrars office, Assessment Personnel and Cashier to manage
the information, records, and statement of account of the students in a Database which
will also make the record searching faster and easier. The secondary objective of the
study is to lessen the stored papers at registrars office which actually makes the office
narrow and messy. The tertiary objective of the study is to secure ant to prevent the
student records from loss and damage. Lastly, the fourth objective, to lessen the time a
student need to finish the process of enrolment.



The use of the centralized enrolment system are as follows; eliminates paper work
and efficiently manage the students (academic, personal, fee) details. Since, the present
system is manual. All the work is done in papers and ink by hand. Hence, it is much
costly and difficult to use, to operate and it is also time consuming. Thus, this system is
much feasible, in cost, time, and efforts as compared to the previous system; it is
economically feasible. It will only require few personnel to operate the system. This
system is accessible by both administrator and authorized user.

The system comprises 6 main stations, namely;

a) Registrar
b) Departments
c) Cashier
d) Technical
e) Custodian
f) Guidance

Registrar Station is where the registration begins; it includes all the information
to be filled out by the user.

Departments Station, its functions are to assign subjects, automate evaluation,

restrict the number of classes, enlists subjects and release
Registration form with the assessment form itself

Cashier Station, the main purpose of this station is to process payments from the
Department/Enrolment Station which includes release of receipts.

Technical Station, this station is where the validation and releasing of IDs take

Custodian Station, the use of this station is to update the students list. This will
also be the stage for uniforms, books and id lace.

Guidance Station, the last step of the enrolment process, this can only be used by
the guidance and it only updates and checks the students list.



The proponents used the software process of Water Fall Model of the System
Development Life Cycle. The level of acceptability of the proposed system will be
measured using the following criteria: (1) Convenience, (2) Accuracy, (3) Reliability, (4)
Speed and (5) User-friendliness.

The Centralized Enrolment System is a portal type that covers the major processes
in the enrolment of new Student, old Student and transferee Student. File maintenance is
included such as listing of enrolled students in different year levels and departments.

Although the Centralized Enrolment System is powerful and has reached its aims,
it still has few unavoidable limitations. First, the system is Lan-based. The system cannot
be accessed online. Second, the system will not reflect the students grades. Third,
maintenance and updates is included as the system needs a regular maintenance for
security purposes. It also needs updates so it would not be obsolete as the technology
possessed an unstoppable improvement and development.

Today, all the work at the time of admission of the students is done manually by
ink and paper, which is very slow and consuming much efforts and time. It is required to
design of a centralized enrolment system, to speed up and make it easy for the students
to enroll. The purpose of this Centralized enrolment system supports the students
admission, registration process and maintenance of students personal academic related
data. Database maintained by this system usually contains the students personal
information and it focuses on storing and processing (insertion and/or update).


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