Background of The Study

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Background of the Study

Computing and communication technology have brought incredible advances in

this time of digital age [1]. The Information age gives opportunities to the people who

have the skills and expertise outlook because they will transform and change their

organization into new business models. The growth of the internet has already reached

all parts of the world [2].

Today we are now living in an age of computerization. Computer technology has

become more widespread in our society. Millions and billions of people use the internet

now for several reasons [2]. Today using internet connections, it is possible to connect

and use the computer anytime and anywhere in the world. The Internet has a great

advantage for many people to receive information or data wherever it is convenient for

them, and it is a great help for a busy person.

The Internet has transformed the daily aspects of our life. These days a computer

and an internet connection are very important in our daily transactions. Online

transactions make a big contribution in terms of advertising and producing more sales.

Using modern technology, specifically web technology, this process can be made easier,

faster, and more accessible. Online transactions have three steps, first is registration,

request/order, and payment. To keep pace with the ever growing in the global market,

online transactions are very important.


Online ordering is one of the biggest trends nowadays in the internet, this is where

they can order and receive a product through online. They just visit the website and they

can choose a product. This trend has advantages both the customer and the seller

because the client can order a product without any effort.

During the pandemic, online transactions and digital payments have been keeping

the economies running [3]. Quarantine, lockdowns, and social distancing and other

measurements and limitations brought by the COVID-19, a disease that spread to the

whole world and transmit from person to person. In this time of pandemic, people are

relying to online transactions. Because of the limited face to face it is an opportunity to

implement an Online Document Request System.

In requesting a school document like Official Transcript of Records and any other

school records only the owner of the documents or records is allowed to request and

receive the documents. Requesting and processing of documents and personal

information is allowed to authorized representatives with compliance to the

requirements of the Data Privacy Act of 2012, an act that protects the personal

information of an individual [4].

The Northwestern University- Office of the Registrar aims to provide sustained

support towards progressive deregulation and grant of other benefits and other special

regulatory treatment on documentary and process requirements for student admission,

promotion and graduation. The objectives are to provide sustained support towards

progressive deregulation and grant of other benefits and other special regulatory

treatment on documentary and process requirements for student admission, promotion

and graduation.

It also aims to deliver excellent student welfare service particularly on

scholarship and tuition discount arrangement and to provide full technical support to

academic units in their work process [5]. The Admissions/ Registrar’s Office provides

academic support services in the areas of admissions, academic progression, promotion,

and graduation.

In terms of request/releasing of documents the Registrar’s Office accommodates

the students or alumni in requesting documents, and responsible in the processing of the

documents or student records. The Registrar’s Office also released the documents

requested like Official Transcript of Records (OTR), certification, diploma, Related

Learning Experience (RLE), Copy of Grades and other academic records. One of the

functions of the Registrar’s Office is to produce and release documents that are being

requested by the students or alumni. The requested documents, the Registrar’s Office is

responsible for the integrity and confidentiality of the records of a student.

The purpose of this capstone project is to implement and facilitate request

documents through online. The system helps the clients to request their documents

without personal appearance to the school. There is a convenience in processing their

request most specially those who are already outside the country.

The Official Transcript of Records, also known as academic records of the student

that specify the program, courses, grades and the units. In the Official Transcript of

Records, you can usually see the Name of the student, Address, Degree and other

information about the student.

As part of the job application, the employer may require the Official Transcript of

Records (OTR) to submit or present in the application process.

Statement of the Problem

The capstone project was designed to develop a framework that will serve as the

basis for the development and deployment of an Online Document Request System.

Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What is the level of readiness of the university in terms of:

a. ICT Infrastructure; and

b. ICT competency of the employees?

2. What are the features and functionalities of the online document request system?

3. What are the components of the implementation framework for the online

document request system?

Objectives of the Study

This capstone project aims to develop an implementation framework for an

Online Document Request System of Northwestern University.

Specifically, this capstone project seeks to:

1. Assess the level of readiness of the University in terms of:


a. ICT Infrastructure;

b. ICT competency of the employees.

2. Develop an Online Document Request System; and

3. Develop an implementation framework for the Online Document Request


Significance of the Study

The capstone project focuses on the development of an implementation

framework for an Online Document Request System. This framework will become the

basis of the development and deployment of the system. Utilizing the system would

bring about tangible and intangible benefits to the intended users.

Students. It is easier for the students to request their documents easily, faster,

and conveniently. Whenever they are, they can use the system in requesting the

document and submit their lacking credentials.

Alumni. Most of the alumni and graduates are already migrated to other

countries, so the system helps them to request their document through online. They can

easily visit and request their documents through internet.

Clients. It is easier for the client to receive the requested documents of the

student or alumni.

Registrar’s Office Staff. The system will help the registrar’s staff in tracking

the progress in processing the document requested. It is also easy for them to notify or

inform the student/clients what are the lacking documents of the student before

requesting a document. To make the process or procedure of requesting a document

much easier.

Finance Office Staff. The system helps the Assessment Office and Cashiers

office in the collection of payment for the requested documents and assessing the

accounts of the students.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The capstone project focuses on the implementation framework of an Online

Document Request System for Northwestern University. This capstone project will be

conducted at the Office of the Registrar. It includes assessment of readiness of the

university in terms of ICT infrastructure and ICT competency of employees.

ICT Infrastructure readiness is the preparation of infrastructure of the university,

if it will meet the operational requirements in the development and deployment of the

system. It will check the numbers of computing devices, type and usage like servers,

desktop PC, Laptop, Tablet PC and printers. In the development framework of the study,

the researcher uses the Rapid Application Development Methodology (RAD).

It will also assess the ICT level of competency of the employees using the ICT

Competency of Employee questionnaire in determining the level of knowledge and

skills in using the internet, client software, and computer management.

The capstone project also focuses on the development of an Online Document

Request System that enables the students or alumni to request their documents online.

In the development, it also used the ISO 9001:2015, a standard requirement that helps to

organize the processes, improve the efficiency of the process, and continually improve

the process of the organization.

Definition of Terms

Academic Documents. Refers to any document that is customarily prepared at

the Registrar’s Office signed by the Registrar as evidence for any academic activity

relative to admission, academic progression, academic honor, graduation, transfer or


Documents. Refers to the documents requested that are available in the

Registrar’s Office like Official Transcript of Records (OTR), Diploma, Summary of

Related Learning Experience (RLE) and certification.

Clients. A person carrying an authorization letter of the student or alumni.

ISO 9001:2015. Standard requirements that help to organize the processes,

improve the efficiency of the process, and continually improve the process of the


ISO 9126-1. An evaluation that checks the quality of a software.

Official Transcript of Records. An official document containing the list of all

subjects, grades and the units.

Online Document Request System. It refers to the system that will help the

students/clients to request their documents using the internet.


Related Learning Experience. These are the summary of application

of nursing theories in the skills laboratory, hospital, and community settings.




This chapter provides a critical review of related literature and studies, which

provides the framework of this capstone project.

Review of Related Literature

Implementation Framework models and theories have a great value when used

in research. This serves as a guide in designing and conducting studies. Using an

implementation framework up to the implementation process, which includes the

real-world implementation projects and implementation research [19]. The most

long-term phase is the framework development. Framework development is very

important process because during the start of a framework it is usually a zero

framework and evolve to a better framework.

The Online Document Request System is requesting a document through online.

It enables the student or clients to request their documents through the system. The

Online Document Request System allows the students to request documents without

personal appearance to the school. Some of the benefits and features of an Online

Document Request System is to remove the middle man in requesting a document, the

Office of the Registrar will directly send the documents to the owner of the documents

[22]. It is also a time saver for the school, it will eliminate the need of receiving a hard

copy of documents that have to be scanned and uploaded to the system. The student or

alumni can track the status of the requested documents in the system.

ISO 9126 Software Quality Characteristics will be used for the user’s acceptance

of the proposed system. It is the international standard used for evaluating software. The

quality of the system will be evaluated by the six main characteristics of ISO 9126. It is

evaluated in terms of the functionality of the system, the reliability if it is reliability

compliance, usability is also evaluated by the users if it is learnability or operability.

Another characteristic is efficiency, it will check the level of performance of the system,

and portability that evaluated the system in terms of adaptability and install ability.

The main difference between manual and computerized systems is speed [6].

Online ordering and requesting of documents are one of the latest phenomena to sweep

the business industry and is quickly taking over the counter. An online document

request has a lot of benefits that will give the schools in terms of efficiency of the

process. Some of the universities are now implementing an online document request

system to facilitate and cater the needs of the students in requesting their academic

records and documents.

With the daily operations of the university, it will need an information system

that will support the problem-solving and decision-making needs of the administration

and the users.

Information technology is concerned in the designing of a system, from

development to implementation of an information system [7]. Information technology

helps the users to store and retrieve their data. Today most of the universities and

companies are using information technology that will help them in their daily


One of the features of an online system is an automated payment processing and

confirmation [8]. Online websites are now automated in terms of registration, placing of

order and payment. Online systems or transactions will give more feature and include

graphic and multimedia information for registrants.

The file-based student application systems have for many years been very

effective. Nevertheless, with the grow in the number of applicants, it is a waste of time

and effort in searching the records of the applicants. It also needs a large number of

employees that will led to a higher cost of operation.

The knowledge of the leaders of the universities is very important if there are

going to improve the technology that is being use and for the improvement of their

information system. Some of the administrators or leaders are not comfortable in

providing control in technology environment.

There are also problems in implementing a good technology management, if

they will improve the quality of the system. Schools and universities believe that

technology will give the high factor in increasing the productivity of the school, and

some also believes that more effective use of information technology may improve the

educational quality of the school [9].

System development involve the designing and testing of a new software

application. It includes also the internal development and creation of the database

systems or the purchase of a third party software [10].


The protection of information system is important, so the integration of security

during the whole process of development and implementation of the software system

must be implemented.

Northwestern University is an ISO 9001:2015 certified university. This quality

management system of an organization specifies requirements in the needs to

demonstrate its ability and consistency of the products provide and the services to meet

the customer requirement, and aims to strengthen the customer satisfaction through the

effective application of the system, including the improvement of processes [5].

ISO 9001:2015 is a Quality Management System that will provide a better

monitoring area of a school or a business. In achieving the ISO 9001:2015 has a lot of

standards to meet and there is a lot of procedures to manage. The aim is to provide a

viable management system that will give benefits to an organization.

This will also improve the efficiency and increased the productivity and profit of

an organization. There are also benefits of being an ISO 9001 certification to the

customers, it minimizes mistakes and a better-quality products and service.

All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and are intended to be

applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and

services it provides [11].


Figure 1 shows the existing procedure of the Registrar’s Office of Northwestern

University in terms of requesting a document, the student will proceed to the

Assessment Office and seek an Account Clearance/Adviser’s Slip (ACAS) Form and

fill out the form. The Assessment Office will now assess the account of the student. If

the student has a back account then the student will pay first the back accounts at the

Cashier’s Office.

After paying the back accounts of the student, the student will proceed to the

Registrar’s office to submit the ACAS form for checking of lacking credentials. If the

student has lacking credentials, the student submits first the lacking credentials before

paying the requested documents. After submitting the lacking credentials, the student

will now request what are the documents to be requested by checking the box provided

at the ACAS Form. The student or the alumni will now pay the requested documents at

the Cashier’s office and after paying, the student will go back to the Registrar’s Office

and submit the ACAS Form together with the receipt of payment. The Records

Evaluator will now issue a Claim Slip to the students/client bearing a date not later than

10 days counted from the date request is filed, depending on the bulk of documents

requested. If a representative is filing the request, then an authorization letter must be

submitted by the representative.

In determining the status of the existing system in requesting a documents, the

following variables were considered:

1. Efficiency of the operation


2. Efficiency of service, which refers to the rate of processing and generation of

output, accuracy and reliability.

After determining all the data needed, the researcher developed an Online

Document Request System to give convenience to the students/clients in requesting

their documents.

Review of Related System

This part presents the system that has bearing to the proposed Online Document

Request System. These systems were examined and served as bases for the development

of the features of the system.

University of York Document Request System

Figure 2.
Screenshot of University of York Document Request


Figure 2 shows a user interface of the University of York. This system supports

the endeavors in enhancing the student experience with the university. The University of

York uses a Secure Document Portal (Gradintel) in providing transcripts and


University of York use the Gradintel platform they have control over the sharing

of the digital transcript. The transcript cab be easily shared through email and set a

criterion like expiry date for the intended recipient. [23].

University of the Philippines

Figure 3.
Screenshot of University of the Philippines Open University Document Request System


Figure 3 illustrates the user interface of the University of the Philippines; Open

University requests of documents are done through the Online Request of Document

System (ORDS). The ORDS is accessible through the Student’s Portal, login to the

student’s portal is required. The status of the request can be viewed in the Student

Portal. The Office of the University Registrar does not accept requests made through

phone calls or emails [24].

Some of the documents requested require an approved university clearance

before processing. The Transcript of Records (TOR) is released by the Office of the

Registrar upon the student’s completion of a program or discontinue the program of

study in the university. The requested documents will not be processed unless there is a

receipt of payment or with successful card payments. The processing of university

clearance takes at least 20 working days upon receipt of the request [15].

De La Salle University

Figure 4.
Screenshot of De la Salle University Document Request System


Figure 4 illustrates the La Salle University Online Request of Documents. For

their online request of documents, the assessment is done electronically. Payment of

documents is via credit card and debit card.

The students may order their official transcript online to be delivered either by

standard mail, express shipping methods, or electronically. When ordering a transcript

through this system the student may enter his/her personal information and academic

information and select what are the documents to be requested [25].

Bulacan State University Online Document Request

Figure 5.
Screenshot Bulacan State University Online Document Request


Figure 6.
Screenshot Bulacan State University Online Document Request User Interface


The Bulacan State University Online Document request verifies first the records of

the student in their system before processing.

The steps in requesting a document:

1. Verification – verifies the student records before processing

2. Contact Information

3. Select a Document

4. Review and Submit Request

Figure 7.
Screenshot of EVSU-OCC Registrar Document Request Online Transaction System



The EVSU-OCC Registrar Document Request Online Transaction System was

developed to request documents through online. The system requires the client to input

first the ID Number, Full name, Email address and Mobile number, then select the

documents to be requested. In the first page of their system, it displays the procedure on

how to request documents online [26].

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Figure 8.
Screenshot of Polytechnic University of the Philippines Online Document Request


Figure 8 shows the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Online Document

Request System. In requesting the documents, the student must register or log-in using

the email and the password. To register the student or alumni must fill out the form

provided. In the system they have a series of steps on how to request a document [27].

Related System’s Overview

Table 1.
Related System’s Overview

System Functionality Reliability Usability Efficiency Portability

University of York √ √ √ √ √
Document Request

University of the √ √ √ √ √
Philippines Open
Document Request

De La Salle √ √ √ √ √
Document Request

Bulacan State √ √ √ √ √
University Online
Document Request

EVSU-OCC √ √ x √ √
Registrar Document
Request Online
Transaction System

Polytechnic √ √ x √ √
University of the
The table above shows that the different systems have a common feature in

terms of requesting documents. All required functions are available in the systems.

Under the usability, the user interface is very important. The systems are easy to use and

learn the systems without much effort. Making things easier for your users means not

forcing them to learn new representation or toolsets for each task. [16]

Conceptual Framework

Figure 7: Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 7 shows the Conceptual Framework of the study. The conceptual

framework that guided this study is the input-process-output (IPO) model. The model

identifies unmet needs and unused opportunities and diagnoses the problems that

prevent needs from being met and opportunities from being used.

Figure 9: Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 9 shows the Conceptual Framework of the capstone project. The

Conceptual Framework that guided this capstone project is the input-process-output.

The input phase or the knowledge requirements stage consist of the ICT

infrastructure readiness of the university. The researcher conducts a survey using the

ISSP Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure Inventory. The

ICT infrastructure plays a crucial role in the development of a system, it measures and

distinguishes the availability such as software, hardware and other peripheral equipment

provided [28].

In determining the ICT competency level of the employees, the researcher used

a questionnaire in determining the ICT competency level of the employees. The

researcher also floats a questionnaire to the CICT Office using the network readiness

questionnaire in determining the readiness of the university in terms of internet


In the process phase the researcher assesses the readiness of the infrastructure of

the university. Readiness of the infrastructure is the ability to support the capacities and

capabilities required in the process.

The output will be the implementation framework for the Online Document

Request System and the final output will be the deployment of an Online Document

Request System.

Institutional Objectives

To deliver excellent student welfare service particularly on scholarships and

tuition discounts management. To seize opportunities to serve stakeholders in an

“open-door” approach in an honest, timely and highly professional custom. To conduct

researchers where statistical data and information are accessed from the unit and to

provide full technical support to academic units in their work processes [5].

The Office of the Registrar aims to become completely automated and would be

able to provide online services to clientele.

Software Release and Maintenance

This phase involves the release of the new-developed system. This process puts

the projects into production by moving the data and components from the old process

and placing them into a new process or system. The new system will be implemented to

the Office of the Registrar, and if there are any updates and to add capabilities or

additional requirements the Center of Information and Communication Technology staff

of Northwestern University will be in-charge in maintaining the system.


This chapter discusses the research design, source of data, instrumentation and

data collection and tools for data analysis used in the study.

Research Design

The researcher collects data for the development and implementation for an

Online Document Request System through a survey and questionnaire. The data to be

collected will be the basis for the development and deployment of the Online Document

Request System for Northwestern University.

Research Process

In the research process the researcher conduct a survey and float the

questionnaire in terms of:

Assessment of the Readiness of ICT Infrastructure 

The Center for Communication, Information Technology answers the survey

questionnaire regarding the readiness of the infrastructure of the university. The

researcher uses the ISSP Existing Information and Communication Technology

Infrastructure Inventory Annex A to assess the readiness of the university with regards

to infrastructure. The ICT Infrastructure Inventory helps the researcher to identify the

hardware, software, network and other ICT resources that are being used. It is an

important factor to a new IT project to an organization the network readiness [21].

Assessment of the Readiness of ICT Competency of the Employee


The researcher floats a questionnaire to the employees of the Registrar Office

and Finance Office to assess the level of ICT competencies of the Staff of Registrar’s

Office and Finance Office. The Staff Information, Communication and technology

Skills Audit Questionnaire is used in determining the ICT competency level of the

employee of Northwestern University that will use the system. The ICT Competency of

employee questionnaire will check on the levels of knowledge and confidence of the

employees in terms of computer management, computing hardware and environment,

using Microsoft Office line MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and using the

internet. A descriptive survey method is used which involves a questionnaire and

interview. Ten (10) employees serve as respondents.

Software Development Methodology

Figure 10: Rapid Application Development Methodology


Figure 10 shows the process model used in this capstone project. A Rapid

Application Development is one of the types of an Agile Software Development

approach that focuses more on ongoing software projects [20]. There are five steps or

phases of Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology under: Analysis &

Quick Design, Prototype Cycles, Testing and Deployment.

The advantages and benefits of Rapid Application are to enhance the flexibility

and adaptability of the developers during the development process and increase

customer satisfaction due to high-level collaboration and coordination between the

developers and to the clients [20].

Analysis and Design

The first step is the assessment of readiness of the university in terms of ICT

infrastructure and ICT competency of the employee.

The researcher floats a questionnaire for the assessment of the readiness of the

university in terms of the ICT infrastructure and ICT level of competency of the


Prototype Cycles

During the prototype cycle, the researcher develops the implementation

framework for an Online Document Request System. This phase where the researcher

built a model of the system. The Implementation framework is a set of methodology

concepts that guides the researcher in the development of an Online Document Request

System. This phase will help the researcher in developing the system requirements.


During this phase the system will test through beta testing where in the users of

the system will try and use the system, the goal of beta testing is to test the system after

finally released. Beta testing will last for a period of time until the issues and bugs have

been addressed.


If the system has been fully tested it is now ready for deployment. The

Deployment of an Online Request System is the last phase of Development


Data Analysis

The basis in analyzing the research data is through a survey and a questionnaire.

The researcher conducts a survey using the ISSP Annex A, ICT Infrastructure Inventory

in the assessment of the readiness of the ICT infrastructure of the university.

Based on the survey, the ICT infrastructure of the university is capable of

implementing a new online system. The hardware and other ICT equipment of the

university has 2 servers, 105 desktop computers and 12 laptops. The university has 2

in-house servers with a total capacity of 2 TB to 4 TB. The combined internet


bandwidth is 1 Gb/s. Based on the result of the survey regarding the network readiness

of the university, it has enough bandwidth for the operation of a new online system.


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