Coast Artillery Journal - Apr 1937

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N ew- Type Testing for Gunners'l Examinations

Harbor Defense Regiments, Coast Art1"JJery

Save time, trouble and expense. Examine an the best pedagogic practices of civilian educa-
entire battery in the time usually required to tional institutions.
ex~mine. one man, and at th~ same time insure No longer is it necessary for National Guard
umformIty, exactness and faIrness. Examining Boards to make trips to distant or-
The examination, when completed, consti- ganizations-a few minutes work at regimental
tutes a permanent record and removes all doubt headquarters and the job is done.
as to the soldier's qualifications for additIOnal For a more detailed description of this meth-
compensation. It also furnishes an index to the od of conducting examinations, please refer to
quality of instruction being imparted in any the article beginning on page 53 of the January-
organization. These examinations conform to February. 1936, issue of the JOURNAL.

1 to 100 10c each 1 to 100 7c each
101 to 500 9c each 101 to 500 6c each
Over 500 7Yzc each Over 500 5c each


The Coast Artillery Journal

J J J 5 J 7th Street, N.W. WASHINGTON, D. C.

Instructor at the Command and General Staff School (1932-36) ;
Graduate of bcole Superieure de Guerre (1932)
A frank expose of former fallacious military intelligence doctrines.
By means of numerous historical illustrations, it invites the reader's attention to the dangers of ap-
plying stereotyped tactical formulre to the solution of tactical situations in which the enemy is not
fixed, stupid or inanimate.
It shows the close and indispensable relation between Intelligence and the decisions of a commander.
The application of Intelligence principles to the operations of small units - a thing never before
attempted - is covered in two troop-leading chapters by actual historical situations.
There is a very detailed and logical exposition of the methods to be employed in the formulation of
reconnaissance missions with careful coordination of time-and-space factors.
Although written primarily for the use of small units of Infantry, this work should be
read by all officers whether on staff or command duty
124Pages HandsomeBinding 17Maps

$2.00 Postpaid

The Coast Artillery Journal

111517thStreet,N.W. Washington,D. C.
DC==================================~ THESE AilE NOT PAID ADVERTISE.ENTS
Published as the Journal of the U. S. Artillery from 1892 to 1922


Publication Date: April 1, 1937

By Ma;or K. McCatty
AND THE FLOODS CAME 107 By Staff Sergeant Cletus L. Luebbe
By Captain Paschal N. Strong
SEACOAST FORTIFICATIONS OF THE Fort Monroe News Letter-Hawaiian News Letter
FUTURE 112 -Fort Totten News Letter-Panama News Letter
By Ma;or Charles W. Bundy -Corregidor News Letter-San Francisco Notes-
Washington Chapter-Fort Barrancas Notes.
By Captain J osePb I. Greene NEWS AND COMMENT 172
Pay Increase - Sound Preparedness-Seacoast De-
AN ARTILLERY EPIC 123 fenses - Colonel Charles J. Mund - Unnecessary
By Lieutenant W. J. Verbeck Secrecy-Spanish War-Bombardment Aviation-AA
Artillery-One Hundred Per Cent Subscribers-
Winston Churchill-Mastering the Air Peril-Long
THE WILL OF THE LEADER-III 127 Range Fire Control-Bombardment Aviation-
By Ma;or Ricbard G. Tindall Transportation for AA Searchlights-Transporta-
tion of AA Fire Control Equipment-Officers' Sta-
THE DISPERSION SLIDE RULE 137 tion List-A Public Benefactor-A Sense of Humor
By Captain N. A. Burnell or Both-Scholarships-Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
tute-Searchlight Battery, Battery A, 251st CA.
FLAG OF TRUCE 139 (AA)-Hq. Battery, 7th C.A.-Battery H, 241st
By Lieutenant Sewell T. Tyng CA. (HD)-Toulmin Trophy to 535th C.A.-
212th CA. Wins Hines' Trophy-Overhead Cover
FORT HANCOCK'S GUN No.2 142 for Fixed Armament-Gunners' Instruction Pam-
TRANSPORTATION PROGRESS 143 phlet Submarine Mining No. XII.




By Captain Robert W. Cricblow, Jr.
By Colonel F. K. Fergusson BOOK REVIEWS 188

Opinions expressed and conclusions drawn in articles are solely tbose of tbe autbors and are in no sense official.
They sbould not be considered as tbose of tbe Cbief of Coast Artillery or any otber brand) of tbe War Department.

THE COASTARTILLERY JOURNALpays for original articles upon publication.

Published bi-monthly under the supervision of the United States Coast Artillery Association for the information of the Coast
Artillery personnel of the Regular Army, National Guard and Organized Reserves.
Publication Offices, 1406 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia; Editorial Offices, 1115 17th Street, N.W., Washington, D. C.
Terms: $4.00 per year. (Coast Artillery Association members, $3.00 per year.) Single copies, 75 cents.
Entered as second class matter at Richmond. Virginia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. for mailing at special rate of postage
provided for in Section 412, Act of October 3, 1917.
Copyright, 1937, by the United States Coast Artillery Association.
T'hotoll ronrtf'l'Y Army ,\fr Corp.~

nery and the tech- Initial density of fire is es- but conclusions wi II be left
l~lore or less open to discus-
nique of fire at towed
targets have developed to the
sential to success for if we sion.
The airplane is free to ma-
stage where we must look to don't get him with the first neuver in three dimensions. It
the ordnance and the me-
chanics of the materiel rather burst we will be lucky if can turn and change its direc-
tion, its altitude and also vary
than to the science of its
service for any considerable
we get near him again. its forward speed. It can do
these things one at a time or
improvement. Before we Ratter ourselves that we have simultaneously and in almost any degree. Subject only to
solved the antiaircraft gun defense problem to the limits the limitations of large tight formation Ryjng, it can initi-
of the capabilities of the materiel, it may be well that we ate any or all of these maneuvers a split second after the
stop to consider the nature of our true target and its tac- impulse is given or the decision made. There is no use in
tics, what our chances are of getting in war the results' counting on modern bombers being limited in maneuver-
t!lat we have come to expect as a result of target prac- ability because this is not the case, for while they, of
tI,ces,and further, how best to employ tactically the pre- COutse, have a wider turning radius than smaller ships, the
CISeand powerful weapons that have been entrusted to us, advance of aerodynamic engineering has given these great
If the ~rend of th?ugl?t in our Corps may be judged by ships an ever-increasing speed, speed range and ceiling. It is
the artIcles appeanng 111 the JOURNAL, not much consider- somewhat needless to point out that any maneuver which
Jtion is being given to these questions for there have been is initiated or under way at the time the shell leaves the
dozens of articles on fire adj~lstment, preparation of fire gun will upset the calculations of the best director and
Jnd the like to everyone mentioning the true functions entirely confuse the best efforts at fire adjustment. So we
of ~h.etechnical processes in the tactical employment of should give thought to when and where maneuver can
antiaircraft gun batteries against hostile airplanes. The and will be employed by the airplane in its attempt to
fo.Howing is offered with the hope that thought may be avoid ground fire.
stlmu~ated concerning the employment of antiaircraft gun The two types of combat aviation which are normal
battenes when they are shootll1g at something even more targets for antiaircraft guns are observation and bombard-
lusive than the Knox Trophy. ment planes. Pursuit and low Rying attack planes, due to
The first proposition, should be accepted without their characteristics and tactical employment, will seldom
argument, is that the tactics of the location and fire of anti- be targets for antiaircraft guns and therefore have no place
aircraft gun batteries must conform to the tactics of the in the planning of the gun defense. Our considerations
kostile aerial attack. As this attack is in turn predicated ~hould therefore be confined to observation and bombard-
n the nature of the objective ment planes and the prob-
i\\'ecan, to a large extent. able tactical evolutions of
Hetermine from our mission these two types on their
~ e correct tactical employ- normal missions.
tnt of our batteries. Facts Observation planes, by the
hich are generally accepted nature of their missions.
our service and which operate alone and are prob-
ar on this subject, and ably the onl~, type of plane
me facts which have been likelv to Rv solo over our
educed from personal ob- batt~ries. I~ will be shown
rvations will be presented later how unlikelv the solo

bombardment plane will be except as an element of a This is only an average value and vanes with the train-
force mission. In the observation plane the appointed ing of the crew and bombing conditions. It is, however,
cask is flown alone and at an altirude which will not be the time of rectilinear flight which we count on to get in
excessive, for obvious reasons. Even mapping missions our aimed fire. However, the plane must be placed on
are flown usually at altitudes not over 19,000 feet and only the line P-T by means of the bomb sight and between
under ideal conditions. The course on an observation P and A there will be some adjustment of direction to
mission will usually be fairly steady, for both visual and accomplish this. A is the point at which the direction is
photographic observation are upset by erratic flight. \Ve correct and the bomber is all set to pull the release. It is
are therefore likely to find observation planes flying more problematical how long B is before A and it may be an)'-
or less rectilinear courses at mid altitudes. Nothing is where from 0 to 45 seconds.
more important to the observation team than that they The m:lneuver between P and A will not be violent-
get b:lck with the inform:ltion they h:lve secured. \Vith merely adjustment of direction :It constant altitude. How-
the arrival of the first shell in the vicinity of the pbne we ever, the bet remains th:lt the only true rectilinear flights
may reasonably expect th:lt the pilot will immedi:ltely rbt there is any reason to count on is the flight from A
:lbandon his rectilinear flight and employ every m:lneu- to B. If our fire is adjusted on the basis of observed bursts
vcr he h:ls ever he:lrd of to :lvoid the shells he knows will on the course from P to A the :ldjustments will probably
follow. No amount of heroism will justify the observer- throw us off the course from A to B. It is on this pan
pilot letting himself be shot down if he C:ln :lvoid it. If of the course that our m:lximum effort must be concen-
we don't get him with the first burst we will be lucky trated. After dropping the bombs :It B the bomber should
if we ever get ne:lr him :lgain. \Vh:lt is required to b:lg l1:lve every re:lson to be quite sick of gunfire and there
our duck is :l trcmcndous burst of well aimcd hre right
:It thc starr, and maybe a little splattering :lround wouldn't
do :lny h:lrm. Thc obscrv:ltion pbne is :l t:lrgct of oppor-
tunity whosc probable route of :lpproach cannot be pre-
dictcd. :lnd the t:lctical cmploymcnt of :lntiaircraft guns
whcn comb:lting them revolves around the simple prob-

Doug/as B-18 Bomber-Our Latest Type Bombing Plane.

is no director known which will prediCt the future posi-

tion of :l sC:lred pilot.
Dropping a bomb is a b:lllistic problem just like shoot-
ing a gun, with some of the vari:lbles easier and some
more difficult to adjust for. The bomb sight does not take
Boeillg B-17 Bomber-"The Flying Fortress." into consideration the ballistic winds acting on the bomb
after it leaves the r:lck, but on the other hand it bases
lem of providing the densest possible volume of fire over its principal estimate on a "G" factor which is much
the defcnded area. less temperamental than our powder rressures. However,
It h:ls been stated that the solo bomber will be a rarity the pattern formed by the impacts 0 dropped bombs in-
and it will be shown later how reasonable this statement dicates a dispersion identical in principle to the dispersion
is; but in any force action of a type in which the bomb of our gunfire and subject to the same analysis into longi-
sighting operation is carried out by individual bomb sight- tudinal and lateral probable errors. The largest single
ing teams (pilot and bomber) as opposed to salvo bomb- factors in bombing probability are personnel errors. There
ing from a formation, the individual planes will be oper- is a very definite and expected probable error which v:lries
ated as if they were alone. For a bomb to hit a given wi~h. alti:nde and from time to time as equipment and
point, the plane must be headed in such a direction that trammg Improve.
the forward speed vector combined with the lateral speed Just as in gunnery, the determined bombing probable
vector of the wind in which the plane is flying results in error will dictate the expectancy of results and the num-
a directional speed vector which passes over the t:lrget as ber of shots (drops) which are required to obtain the de-
shown in Figure I. The bomb is dropped from a point sired assurance of hits. The latest tables of probability arc
which is indicated by the bomb sight and is dependent on not available but with the figures in me last year it is in-
the direction:ll speed :lnd the altitude. dicated that to obtain a 90% assurance of getting three
In its appro:lch to the target, the plane under threat of hits with 300-lb. bombs on a building 200 by 500 feet,
AA gunfire will indulge in free maneuver up to the point from an altitude of 16.000 feet, not less than 54 bomb:.
P, at which point the bombing team gets down to busi- must be dropped, or all that can be carried by a squadrou
ness. It is believed that the point P is now accepted as of nine planes. These are of course all carefully aimed
some 45 seconds of flight from B, the bomb release point. shots. The number of bombs required to hit a smaller

or larger target will \'ar)' with the well known mles. Also
the above conclusions would be affected by increased ac-
curacy of the new bomb sight. Calculations of this nature
are accepted by bombardment tacticians as arbitrarily dic-
tating the employment of large bombardment forces in
the attack of any objective which is worthy of the risk
of an expensive bombardment plane, to say nothing of its

CENTER: British lV hitely

Heavy Bomber.

BOTTO:II: British Newest Top: British Bristol Blenheim

Fairey Battle Bomber. High-Speed Bomber.

tivelv restricted dimensions and in the attack of which

the ~ighting operation must be directed at one point. Ex-
amples of this type are bridge abutments, power houses
and seacoast batteries. To be effective the bomb must fall
so that the point aimed at is within the destmctive radius
of the bomb. The nature of the target and the economical
use of bombs dictate that the bomb sirrhtinrr
t> tJ
operation be
performed by each individual bombing team. The laws of
crew. This and the extremely effective defense against probability would apply if the bombs were dropped in
pursuit aviation afforded by the mutually supporting salvo from a tight bombing formation but in the face of
machine-gun fire of a large force of bombardment planes antiaircraft gun fire this would be suicidal and need not be
tntirely eliminates the solo bomber from the present pic- considered. However, the raiding bombers must be held
rure, except under the one possible situation which will in defensive formation up to the last possible moment be-
be discussed under types of objectives and the methods fore entering the zone of antiaircraft gun fire to provide
of their attack. Much as a little rehned target practice at defense against enemy pursuit aviation attacks. Thereafter
J nice big bomber on a solo raid is desired, it is feared the bombs will be dropped from a succession of individual
that we will rarely have such a chance. attacks. These attacks will probably execute their ap-
Accepting the fact that decisive results can only be ob- proach to the bomb release point along approximately the
tained by bombardment in force, ,":e should next consider same path or within a narrow sector and the interval be-
the nature of the defended objective and its influence on tween attacks will be only great enough to permit free-
the nature of the attack. All objectives we may be called dom of maneuver to each individual bomber. The tactics
on to defend can be divided into three general types, of the attack will be to prevent deliberate hre on each
namely, the point objective, the dehnite and the indehnite individual bomber in rurn. We may be sure t~e bomhs
area objective. The tactics of the attack on and the gun will be dropped from as Iowan altitude as our defensive
defense of these three types will now be considered. measures permit. The bombing probable error increases
A point objective is, as its name implies, one of compara- rapidly with altitude, as well as with the adverse effect of



- ---------------~

hindered to his attack on the target. The tactics of the de-
fense must contemplate:
I. The destruction of the maximum number of air-
2. The prevention of precise sighting operation in the
A-B zone, by the concentration of fire on all planes enter-
ing this zone.
3. Provisions agJinst the defensive bJtteries going Out
of action through over-heating before the last element of
the attack formation is engaged.
A definite area objective is one in which its vulnerability
is more or less evenly distributed over an area of well de-
fined limits and in which the maximum results can best be
obtained by a distribution of bombs over the entire area.
Such an objective is an oil tank farm, an airdrome, a
cantonment, an ammunition dump or a factory area. To
assure coverage with bombs, the simplest and most ef-
fective method is to fly over the objective along one of its
axes, in a formation the width of which is the width of
I MIN. FLIGHT. 3 MILES. 100 SHOTS FROM ONE the area. The bombs are dropped in trail at predetermined
BATTERY intervals. on signal from the formation leader, in whose
FIGURE 2. plane the sighting operation is performed. The number of
GUN DEFENSE - EXTENSION. planes employed is determined not by the laws of proba-
Objective one mile in diameter. bility but by the area of the objective and by the bomb
Bomb Release Line 2.700 yards from the objective, based on bom- density or amount of destruction desired. A large number
bardment from 15.000 feet altitude by plane flying 180 miles of small bombs are most effective against this type of objec.
per hour.
tive and the distribution is gained by the shape of the
One Minute Flight Line 5.280 yards from the Bomb Release
Line. formation and the bombing interval. As accuracy is nor
Batteries arranged to give maximum coverage to the critical zone. essential, such an attack may be expected from the maxi-
Course A: 110 shots can be fired on incoming plane from one mum altitude and either by day or night. The necessary
battery. illumination for night operations will normally be pro-
COl1rse B: 100 shots can be fired on incoming plane from one
vided by accompanying observation.
battery, 20 shots from another; total 120 shots.
Course C: 62 shots can be fired on incoming plane from each of The vulnerability to gun fire of bombardment flying in
two batteries; total 124 shots. close formation is accepted and consequently this method
will not be employed in the attack of a well defended ob.
atmospheric conditions. New bomb sights greatly reduce jective. When bombardment aviation is forced by enemy
this probable error. Since bombing at night will present pursuit aviation and antiaircraft artillery to resort to spe-
illumination and navigation difficulties, night attacks will cial night operations against this eype of objective, it will
be made normally on point objectives only when the defen- employ a scheme of maneuver designed to confuse and
sive measures render day attacks too expensive and when confound the sound locators, the searchlights and the gun-
the objective is of real vital military importance. The ef-
fectiveness of night bombing on point objectives has not
been demonstrated.
Tactical employment of guns in defense of a point ob-
jective.calls for concentration of fire on a succession of tar-
gets, the bursts of fire to be short and of maximum in-
tensity and the time allowable for shifts to subsequent
targets a minimum. A barrage might be established if the
axes of the attack were known in advance, but with the
time factors as they are the best hope lies in aimed fire.
Certainly in this eype of action the results to be expected
from adjustment of fire in pursuing anyone target are not
encouraging because there will never be time enough if
subsequent targets are to be engaged. The doctrine of
bombardment is to accept the losses which may be neces-
sary if by so doing the mission is accomplished. A defense
will not be effective if the last bomber gets through un- Boeing PurSllits, 34th Squadron, Corona, Cal.
ners. Several such schemes have been worked oue by our
own air corps. It can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the tactician that any intelligently directed attack against
a well defended objective of definite area will have the
following general features:
I. Confinement of the attack to a comparatively nar-
row sector with the axis of attack along the line where
the antiaircraft defense is thought to be weakest with a
view of permitting the engagement of bue the minimum
number of defensive batteries. C 125 S
2. Simultaneous employment of three or more attack-
ing elements with a view of causing the antiaircraft bat-
teries to concentrate on one element of the attack while
the others proceed to the accomplishment of the mission.
3- Freedom of maneuver to the last possible moment
with a view of minimizing the chance of hits when ob-
served and fired on.
4. High coordination. It was once conceived that the
final attack would be delivered from all altitudes and SCALE
angles of approach, in order that the complete absence of
system confuse the defense. Such an attack by a large I MIN. FLIGHT. 3 MILES. 100 SHOTSfROM ONE BATTERY
force would cause danger of collision and loss, and by FIGURE 3, •
spreading over a wider sector they would come under the GUN DEFENSE - CONCENTRATION.
fire of batteries which might otherwise be forced to remain Objective one mile in diameter.
out of action. Bomb Release Line 2,700 y.ards from the objective, based on bom-
bardment from [5,000 feet altitude by plane flying [80 miles
Further consideration of the gun defense of a definite
per hour.
area can best be taken up after disposing of the remain- Batteries withdrawn to the perimeter of the objective.
ing type of objective. CO/lrse A: Incoming plane comes under fire of one battery fot
The indefinite area objective is one whose limits are im- 37 seconds, and two more batteries for 20 seconds, a total
posed more by the amount of materiel available for its of [27 shots fired.
COllrse l3: Incoming plane comes under fire of one battery for
defense than by its exact area. An example of this eype
35 seconds, one battery for 24 seconds, and a third battery
is a city where the number of gun batteries and other de-
for [6 seconds. A total of 125 shots can be fired.
fensive means available determine how much of the su- COllrse C: Incoming plane comes under fire of two batteries for
burbs can be included within the defensive cordon. The 30 seconds and a third battery for IS seconds. A total of
forward area of a field army, with certain restrictions, is [25 shots can be fired.

another example of this type of objective.

force, for the purpose of the attack is the destruction of
An attack of an objective of this eype may be expected
morale rather than anything material. The tactics of at-
by any number of planes from a single bomber to an air
tack and defense are separate special problems, the most
potent factor in the defense probably being retaliation,
both by gunfire and by repayment in kind. The bom-
bardment will consist of a number of single attacks, either
simultaneous or continuous, when it is not forced to fly
in close defensive formation due to the threat of enemy
pursuit aviation. In an operation of this nature, as there is
no need for precise sighting, maneuver will be maintained
even during the time the bomb or bombs are dropped,
and the attack may logically be expected from the maxi-
mum altitude and at night. It is a difficult gunnery prob-
lem to counter an attack of this nature and it is possible
that an entirely illogical location of the gun batteries may
gain through surprise fire the results that are denied to
careful planning.
The "Axis of Attack" has been mentioned several
times, and it may be well now to discuss the method by
which the bombardment tactician selects the axis of at-
tack or the route along which the attack enters the de-
lvfartin l3-l0 l3ombers, 9th l30mbardment Grollp. fended zone. When other factors, sllch as the shape of the

objective, do not control, and the routes are not restricted, sents a gun defense of an objecrive one mile in diameter.
the bombardment attack is led into and out of the de- The bomb release line is placed 2,700 yards from the ob-
fended zone on the line along which the smallest number jective, which is approximately correct for a ISo mile-per-
of antiaircraft shells can be delivered. The selection of hour bomber at 15,000 feet. The critical zone for one
this line or axis is a matter of simple calculation, and re- minute of Hight is 5,280 yards wide. In order to give the
quires only a scale made to conform to the scale of the maximum coverage to the critical zone, and at the same
map, with divisions of one hundred shots per minute of time afford mutual support, the batteries are placed sym-
flight (25 rounds per gun per minute). With the AA metrically 6,000 yards apart, which brings them just in-
gun batteries plotted, each with its 6,000 yard radius of side the BRL. Around each battery has been drawn a small
effective fire, the scale is applied in various positions and circle (1,000 yards diameter) representing the dead space
that axis selected along which the minimum number of at 15,000 feet and a larger circle, in broken line, repre-
shells can be delivered from all the batteries. The results senting approximately the dead space at maximum alti-
of this procedure often indicate as the weakest line of the tude.
defense an axis which from a casual examination of the A scale is prepared on the basis of 100 shots per minute
dispositions would seem to be the strongest. As will be of Hight. Applying this scale to Course A, coming in di-
shown later, an extension of the defense in the expected rectly over the bartery, it will be seen that IIO shots can
direction of attack may have an effect entirely opposite to be fired at the target before it reaches the BRL if the bat-
the one intended, when subjected to examination by this tery dead area is not considered, and 105 if it is. On this
method. Antiaircraft gun batteries are usually sited on the course only one battery can fire up to the time the plane
presumption that the bombardment attack will probably reaches the BRL, so any additional targets coming in dose
be deliver~d from a certain direction, while bombardment to Course A will not be fired on. Furthermore, the last
tactics are designed to exploit any weakness in the dispo- twenty seconds of the flight will be under conditions that
sition of the batteries, whose positions will be known or are increasingly unfavorable to accurate fire, due to the
predicted in advance. angular height. Now consider Course B about thirty de-
The gun defense will not be considered in detail. It is grees from A. On this course one battery can fire for one
not the purpose of this discussion to go into the question ot minute, or' 100 rounds and another battery about 20
how many guns there should be per director, or any other rounds, making a total of 120 rounds. On Course C the
organizational or equipment problems, but simply to ex- plane comes under fire of two batteries simultaneously.
amine into the proper tactical use of antiaircraft artillery, each being capable of firing 62 rounds before the BRL is
organized and equipped as it now is, in the light of our reached. From the above it is quite obvious that Course
knowledge of the proposed aerial attack. Take, for ex- A is the line of weakest defense and Course C is the
ample, a simple geometric defense established by a three strongest.
battery regiment in accordance with the present doctrine Cooperation of attack aviation with bombardment will
and measure its chances of success against the bombard- be discussed later at more length. It is obvious that, if such
ment attack. The only deviation from the basic data pre- cooperation can be made effective, Course A lends itself
sented in the CAFM will be that bombardment must be particularly to the success of the bombardment mission,
conceded the speed and altitude it has now unquestionably because only one battery must be neutralized to entirely
attained. Also in the interest of exactness it is necessary to eliminate the antiaircraft defense. Unquestionably it will
take into consideration the dead space existing over a be chosen as the axis of attack. Even if the enemy is un-
battery. The disc of 6,000 yard radius accepted as the field able to definitely locate the batteries, there exist three
of fire of an AA battery is in reality a ring, with a hole ap- weak lines of defense and one of these lines is vety likely
proximately 1,000 yards in diameter (at 15,000 feet alti- to be the line along which we expect to meet the enemy
tude) which is an important factor in the measuring of the by our greatest extension.
strength of an AA defense by the methods of the bom- The inherent weaknesses of the arrangement of gun
bardment tactician. batteries as shown in Figure 2 ate .as follows:
Any established gun defense of a small objective is a I. Only one battery can engage the attacking planes if
compromise between extension and concentration. Our they come in along the axis of attack which would nor-
present tactical doctrine favors extension. Quote, CAFM: mally be selected by the enemy if his intelligence service
"If batteries are available in addition to those required to is adequate.
cover a critical zone of the normal width of one minute of 2. While the extension of the batteries permits the en-
flight, this additional strength should be utilized in such a
gagement of targets for more than one minute of Hight for
way as to increase the depth of the defense-to I}Iz minutes
of flight or more--all portions of this wider zone--covered by approximately half of the perimeter, the outer third of this
the fire of at least one battery." fire will be at targets which are free to maneuver. Thus the
In the light of our knowledge of bombardment tactics, advantage of extension is lost in parr by the difficulty of
it is desired to present a comparative analysis of extension firing at a maneuvering target.
and concentration as a basic principle of defense. 3, Not more than two of the three batteries can partici-
The principle of extension will be considered first as it pate in the defense in the critical zone on any axis of ap-
is in keeping with our published doctrine. Figure 2 repre- proach.
4, Along the weak line of defense, the dead area of the cated in the first defense, it would seem that they have
most favorably located battery is entered just at the time been corrected.
the battery should be capable of delivering its most ef- I. There is no weak line of defense and consequently

fective fire, i. e., at the bomb release line. The fire of this no indicated best axis of attack. On all avenues of approach
battery cannot be utilized to prevent the target from pro- the fire of three batteries will be received before reaching
ceeding to a point from which other parts of the objective the bomb release line and three target planes can be fired
can be bombed. on simultaneously. The neutralization of all three bat-
Consider a defense in which the principle of concentra- teries by attack aviation is necessary before the gun defense
tion is predominate as shown in Figure 3, The same objec- is neutralized. On all lines of attack the defense is as
tive, one mile in diameter is defended by three gun bat- str?ng as the best defense offered by the extended bat-
teries. The bomb release line is again 2,700 yards from the tenes.
objective. Acting on the assumption that the attacking 2. While extension has been sacrificed a much greater
bomber will fly a rectilinear course for 20 seconds prior to volume of fire can be delivered in the zone in which the
the BRL, a circle indicating this zone is drawn. For 180 bomber is forced to fly in rectilinear flight.
mph bombers this zone will be one mile wide. The bat- 3, All three batteries participate in the defense against
teries are located symmetrically on the perimeter of the an attack from any direction.
objective. Analyzing this defense by the same line of 4. The dead area over a battery is not entered by any
reasoning as the former, the following is disclosed. target plane which is still an immediate threat against
I • Targets coming in on Course A can be fired on by any part of the objective. All the fire against approaching
one battery for 37 seconds, 61 shots, and by two batteries planes will be delivered at favorable angular heights.
for 20 seconds, 33 shots, each. A total of 127 shots. The It is evident that the searchlight problem in support of
20 second zone is covered by the fire of all three batteries. the concentrated defense is much simpler.
2. Targets coming in on Course B can be fired on by In the organization of the Air Force, attack aviation is
one battery for 35 seconds, 58 shots, the second battery 24 made an organic part of the Air Division for the purpose
seconds, 40 shots, and the third battery 16 seconds, 27 of facilitating the support of bombardment in the attack
shots. A total of 125 shots. The 20 second zone is covered on an objective defended by antiaircraft artillery. The
by the fire of two batteries and the last 16 seconds of it object of this support is the neutralization of the artillery
by three. either immediately prior to the arrival of the bombardment
3, Targets coming in on Course C can be fired on by or immediately after the guns disclose their positions by
two batteries for 30 seconds, 50 shots each and one battery opening fire. Neutralization is effected by blinding the bat-
for 15 seconds, 25 shots. A total of 125 shots. The 20 teries by smoke screens or by direct assault with fragmen-
second zone can be covered by the fire of two batteries tation bombs, chemical spray and machine-gun fire or the
and the last 15 seconds by three. combination of these means which offers the best chance
The above is based on the assumption that all the at- of success in the particular situation. The strength as-
tacking planes are bombing the near edge of the objective. signed to a mission is in the general proportion of one
If the attack is directed at the center of the target, an in- flight element of 3 attack planes to each battery to be
crease of fifty shots is possible on all axes of attack as the neutralized, or, in daylight actions, three flight elements
dead space of no battery will be entered until the bomber (nine airplanes) to each two batteries. The assaulting
has passed beyond the danger zone. strength which can thus be brought to bear on a gun
There is little to choose from in these three courses in battery is consequently in excess of the organic defensive
selecting the axis of attack. Along all three approximately strength of the gun battery and it would seem to follow
the same number of shells will be delivered and three that a gun battery would not offer sustained resistance to a
batteries engaged. Course A presents the greatest exten- bombardment attack effectively supported by attack avia-
sion and the fire of all the batteries completely covers the tion unless the attack aviation could itself be neutralized.
20 second zone. Along Course C the fire of two batteries is Obviously, the simplest means of accomplishing this
encountered at tlle same point well outside the 20 second would be to withdraw the gun batteries as deeply into the
zone and the third just inside. An even more effective de- machine-gun defense of the objective as possible and still
fense would result if the batteries were withdrawn 5 permit them to perform their missions. This consideration
seconds inside the perimeter of the objective in which case would favor withdrawing the gun batteries to the peri-
all parts of the twenty second zone would be covered by meter of the objective or within it even in situations in-
the fire of three batteries. It will require the neutralization volving objectives of large area where this withdrawal
of all the gun batteries to eliminate the gun defense. In would not present the advantages indicated in the second
examining this defense the bombardment tactician will defensive arrangement discussed above. This is entirely in
be forced to select his axis of attack on the basis of some accord with the conclusions drawn from the comparison
other reason than the weak line in the defense. of extension and concentration methods of siting the gun
It appears that the principle of concentration has defi- batteries.
nite advantages over the principle of extension in the de- In the endeavor to ascertain whether any tactical con-
fense. Taking in order the weaknesses which were indi- clusions could be drawn from the actual performance of
gun batteries firing under different target practice con- fired on, but if such was the case it would only support
ditions, an analysis of all the practices of the year 1934 the argument in favor of concentrating the bulk of the fire
was made. The 1934 records were the latest that were in the zone of certain rectilinear Hight. The indications of
available. The first presumption made in the analysis was these data are that, even with batteries of two guns firing
that one hit is all that is necessary to destroy or drive back under the 1934 conditions, by far the greater number of
a plane. A hit, unless it is accidental, indicates that the targets were hit well within the twenty seconds of Hight
target is in the hitting area. If it in itself is not conclusive, which is the allowed limit in the concentrated defense, and
it will be immediately followed by others. The other pre- there is a reasonable expectancy that with batteries of four
sumption was that a battery can open fire at such a time guns firing at their maximum rate, the time required to get
that the first shot can arrive at the target at the maximum the first hit would be materially reduced.
range. The first object was then to find out how much There are not enough data to draw any definite con-
time is required to get the first necessary hit, and then to clusion as to the tactical effectiveness of fire in comparison
discover any other generalities that would have a bearing to slant range. The following analysis is, however, pre-
on tactical employment. sented for what it is worth:
There is no need of tabulating all the data extracted, but r-0 Dei1'ee Courses~ r-90 Degree Coorses~
hll Hits to Cour.e. hit Hit. to
the results are interesting and a recapitulation is given to courses total shots to courses total shots

below: Average Slant Range: ~~e:c:t ~::;'t n;:c':;. r::o:;.,t

90 degree Maneuvering. 2000-4000 yards 50 7.5 50 20.0
o degree Rectlllnear dh1ng and
IncomIng Crossing quartering AI! 4000-5000 yards 71 13,5 57 9.4
Courses. Courses. Course!', Courses.
Per cent of ,courses on 5000-6000 yards 100 10.7 68 7.8
6000 yards up 42 3,9
which one or more hits
were obtained to total There is a general falling off of per cent hits to total
number of similar
shots with increase in range, but this is somewhat offset
courses fired on .... ,
73 60 5° by a general improvement in the per cent of courses hit to
Percentage of hits to total
rounds fired on similar courses fired on up to 6,000 yards. If any conclusion can
class of courses •••• 0.
10.9 7.2 4.9 be drawn from these data, it is from the negative infor-
Average time, first burst mation that there is no indicated serious decline in tactical
to first hit, for each effectiveness of fire with increase in range through the
class of course, seconds. 12.1 13.2 8.8 12.7 mid ranges.
There is no particular end to be gained by restating the
The 1934 target practices were fired by batteries of two
conclusions drawn from the anqlysis of the 1934 firings as
guns and unquestionably the target practice directive of
opposed to the 1935 bombardment tactics. It is preferable
that year was not designed to bring out these particular
to leave the question open so that the data may be sup-
data. However, it is reasonable to take the results as indi-
ported or contradicted by future studies or analysis along
cative and to expect any series of firings to follow the same
this or similar lines. It is believed that this presentation of
general distribution.
the gun defense problem is sound because it is the point
Taking the first factor, the percentage of courses on of view of our own air corps bombardment tacticians and
which hits were obtained to total number of similar courses they have somewhat more than an academic interest in
fired on, a definite indication exists that there is a greater the problem of avoiding AA gun fire. It would he inter-
certainty of obtaining hits on an incoming course than on esting to see a target practice conducted under a scoring
a crossing or maneuvering course. It would be natural to system in which the penalty time started when the target
conclude from this that a battery sited as in Figure 3 where plane came within maximum range (6,000 yards hori-
all its targets would be incoming would have a greater zontal range) and stopped when the first hit arrived. This
certainry of hitting sometime during the engagement than may be impracticable for many reasons but it is the true
one sited as in Figure 2 the greater part of whose fire will measure of the tactical effectiveness of AA gunfire. It
be at targets Hying crossing and maneuvering courses. would encourage opening fire at the maximum rate, there-
This favors withdrawing the battery as close to the objec- by gaining the initial density of fire which is believed
tive as possible, even to its center. absolutely essential to success in almost all conceivable
With the second factor, the percentage of hits to' total actions. It would discourage the deliberate fire and in-
rounds fired, the distribution is the same as with the first tentional delay that so often are noticed when there is an
factor. The difference in favor of the battery sited to fire attempt to take full advantage of fire adjustment to secure
head-on to the incoming enemy is here more marked and many hits. I have been rather discouraging as to the
a very definite indication exists in favor of the defensive availability of either the time or opportunity for fire ad-
plan of Figure 3, justment and I believe properly so.
As to the average time to the first hit, in all classes of The above discussion has been offered in the hope that
fire the variation from the year's average of 12.7 seconds it will help to crystallize thought on the role of the antiair-
was not great. It is probable that this would not have been craft gun battery in the most acute military problem of
true had there been a large number of maneuvering courses today, the defense against the aerial attack.
~IKnal CurllS PI

The waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth.-GEN. 7: 9.

HE great Ohio flood of
1937 has passed. Ri ver
The papers raised the were working without regard to
hours, food, or sleep. And as the
towns have emerged from
the debris, and although a bit
cry of red tape. flood waters rose to heights that
drowned out all previous high
punch-drunk, have taken a tuck records, the engineer units scat-
in their belts and set about rebuilding their homes and tered up and down the river becam~ nuclei of civilian
restoring their economic lives. The papers have been full relief organizations.
of the activities of the Red Cross, the WPA, disaster com- The mission of the Army Engineers during flood emer-
mittees, state organizations, and other civilian agencies gencies is twofold: First, they must protect government
whose energetic and essential activities have been duly property, which in this case represented millions of dollars'
reported to the public through the proper publicity de- worth of floating plant and lock and dam installations.
partments. Second, they may render all possible assistance to local
But what of the Army? Vas you dere, Sharlie? Or vas authorities whenever requested. The first phase of this
you too busy to tell the newspapers about it? mission is simple, well-defined, and reasonably easy to
The Army was there-very much there-with its en- execute. The second phase is complex and vague, and
gineers, its signal troops, its doughboys, its transporta- though capable of elastic interpretation it must be kept in
tion, its medical units. In one way or another, practically bounds or the engineer department would become the
every arm and service was represented. Only one thing s?le custodian of the relief problems of river communi-
did the Army forget to bring with it - a publicity de- ties.
partment. When the great flood struck, the Army Engineers from
The Army was there. Let's look back and see what it river foreman to division engineer found themselves under
did. If, in this backward glance, the Engineers seem to tremendous pressure to forget their mission and accede to
loom too large, let the reader remember that the writer the demands of certain communities that they move in
was on duty with the Army Engineer headquarters at the and take charge. Only by withstanding this pressure could
Ohio River division office, and is inclined to write what they prevent their vessels from being "frozen" to thos~
he saw rather than what someone else saw. localities that made the most noise. Only by adhering
The beginning of the flood found the engineer fleets in to their mission could they dispose their floating plant
winter guarters, undergoing annual repairs. The flood it- and personnel to lend maximum assistance to the suffer-
self found every available engineer hull, from the lowliest ing valley.
skiff to the mightiest dredge, on active duty twenty-four The Engineers have permanent offices or sub-offices
hours a day. The personnel of every engineer district along the Ohio River at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 1vfar-
ietta, Ohio; Huntington, West Virginia; Cincinnati, the Engineers could furnish the steamboats and the river
Ohio; Louisville, Kentucky; Owensboro, Kentucky; and barges needed to transport large quantities of food and sup-
Paducah, Kentucky. In addition, there are forty-nine locks plies. Hence they soon found themselves doing the bulk
and dams along the Ohio, manned with personnel and of river supply for stranded communities.
small floating plant. Some of these locks and dams were They did more than that. Their towboats stood by at
used as engineer bases. To supplement these bases, ad- sizable towns where only roof tops showed above the
ditional offices were set up at Tell City, Indiana; Evans- waters, and evacuated the stranded population to places
ville, Indiana; Golconda, Illinois; and other places. Thus that could be reached by road. Their smaller boats roamed
the river was studded with nerve-centers. among the inundated farm lands, carrying the farmers
Engineer problems during flood pivot on information, and the farmers' daughters to safety.1 Their flatboats as-
evacuation, and supply. In the lower Ohio these prob- sisted in removing live stock to high ground. In Cin-
lems were accentuated by the parti:ll or complete isola- cinnati, where a $3,000,000 fire was caused by a gasoline
tion of the river towns. NIany of these towns were built storage rank floating away and igniting, they battled with
on river bluffs higher th:ln the immediate interior. The other g:lsoline tanks to secure them or haul them to safety.
result W:lSthat highway :lnd r:lilw:lY communication were But it was :It places like Paducah where a concentration
severed first, with telegr:lph and telephone lines soon fol- of engineers and engineering facilities prevented a catas-
lowing. Consequently, these towns, confirmed in the trophic loss of life. Fortunately there was a large engineer
belief that it was contr:lry to n:lture for a flood to go higher sub-office, repair yard, and depot at Paducah. The big
than it ever had before, suddenly found themselves, first, dredges, towbo:lts, barges, survey boats, quarter-boats,
completely isolated, :lnd second, huddling in second launches, :lnd other items of plant were in for the winter.
stories and attics to keep their feet dry. The city, with about 25,000 inhabitants, was nearly
In order to keep informed of the needs of river towns, 100% flooded. Evacuation in large numbers in a mini-
the river was divided into sections which were patrolled mum time was essential. And the Army engineers, in
daily by fast boats. These p:ltrols kept in touch with charge of a vast fleet of small boats which arrived from
designated engineer bases, and the inform:ltion tlms gained hundreds of miles around, took over the job and saw it
was transmitted to the Red Cross and other interested safely through.
3gencies. Then the cry for boats beg:ln. Boats and more So far we have given a thumbnail sketch of the non-
boats. The Engineers furnished bO:lts and crews to the military activities of the Army. There remain the military
limit of their capacity. The Coast Guard shipped in hun- 3ctivities and these involved Regular troops, the National
dreds. Priv:lte bO:lt owners don:lted generously. But only Guard, Reserve units, the ROTC, and the CCc. With
the exception of the Regulat troops, all of these units could
be brought into action with a little impetus from local and
state authorities. But the participation of federal troops
in local situations is definitely restricted by law, by regu-
lation, and by'policy. Before picturing the activities of
federal troops in such critical situations as existed at Louis-
ville, a brief review of these restrictions may be in order.
The law says in part:
It is unlawful to employ any part of the Army of the
United States, as a posse comitatHs or otherwise, for the pur-
pose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under
such circumstances as such employment of said force may be
expressly authorized by the Constitution or by Act of Con-
The penalty for violation of this law is a fine not exceed-
ing $10,000, or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or
The regulations, of course, repeat these legal restrictions,
and outline a very definite procedure to follow before fed-
eral troops may enter the local scene. This procedure is
based on the provisions of the Constitution and on various
Acts of Congress. Stripped of legal hocus-pocus it boils
down to the following essentials:
( 1) The President alone may otder federal military par-
ticipation in local situations.
(2) Such participation will normally be resorted to
when illegal violence must be met by a show of force.
P1ctures. hlc.
Militarist - 1937, 1\Vonder what happened to the farmers' sons ?-ED.
(3) The request for such participation must be made
to the President by the legislature of the state involved,
or, w~en the legislature is not convened, by the state
(4) In emergencies due to public calamity which dis-
rupts the normal process of government, where it is dan-
aerous to await instructions, an officer of the Army may
~ke such action as the circumstances of the case appear
to require, and as he may reasonably expect to be able to
justify before the civil courts upon a plea of necessity.
(5) Troops cannot be directed to act under the orders
of any civil officer.
(6) The use of troops should end the moment the
necessity for them ceases.
Bearing these essentials in mind, let us now see where
the military forces of the Army were, and what they did.
The garrisons nearest to the scene of action were Fort
Thomas, Kentucky; Fort Hayes, Ohio; Fort Knox, Ken-
tucky; Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana; Fort Sheridan,
!llinois; and Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. Each of these
posts formed a reservoir of federal troops and essential sup-
plies, such as tentage, cots, bedding, and the like.
Early flood predictions gave little cause for alarm. There
was no reason to believe that a flood of catastrophic pro-
portions was just around the corner. The water on the
ground, plus the precipitation that could be foreseen, led Pictures, Inc.
only to the belief that a mildly exciting flood was on the Chow Line.
way, and that the usual lowlands would be flooded out in
the usual manner . the state executive, or the Army's hands were tied.
And then, for nearly a week, the heavens opened in . As soon as the reports of the staff officers began coming
riotous abandon, and the valley awoke to the fact that an 10, the several corps areas were able to differentiate be-
unprecedented flood was upon them. The trickle of re- tween hysteria and need, and recommendations flashed to
quests to army posts for transportation and supplies sud- Washington. Soon the Regulars were speeding to the
denly swelled to a deluge of urgent appeals. The Army, critical points-Frankfort, Louisville, Paducah, and south-
recalling the Mississippi flood of 1927' swung into action. ern Illinois. And the most critical of these was Louisville.
The National Guard, the Officers' Reserve Corps, and A very situation ~ad arisen in Louisville. A city
the CCC were already in the field, and Regular troops of a quarter-million population suddenly found itself three-
were issued warning orders. Staff officers from the corps quarters subm?rged, with all power and water gone, and
areas involved were dispatched on reconnaissances by blanketed at Olght by desolate darkness. No fire or police
motor, by rail, and by plane. The supply organization signals functioned - but for that matter little could be
of the Army found itself on a war-time basis, and the large done had the signals functioned. The threat of pestilence
depots hummed with more activity than they had experi. hung over the population, looting was prevalent, and the
enced since the war. people panicky. Pares of the city, higher than the rest,
Then, as the cities found themselves without light, were islands, their darkened streets and buildings jammed
power, or heat, panic set in. Local police protection be- with refugees. In other parts of the city upper stories
came woefully inadequate; looting commenced, and housed those die-hards who had refused to be evacuated,
some sizable communities tottered on the brink of an- and who therefore had to be furnished food and water.
archy. National Guard troops, though doing yeoman No blame can be attached to the mayor of the city when,
service, were insufficient in numbers. The Reserve Corps foreseeing this emergency, he remembered the Regular
had no troops. Inevitably came the call for the Regulars. troops at Fort Knox, thirty miles out, and sent out an
Some of the calls were based on hysteria, some on an im- 50S.
proper conception of the functions of federal troops, and Now from such records as are available, it appears that
some on a very real need. It became the duty of Corps the mayor at first wanted the Regulars to move in, take
Area to appraise these requests and to keep Washington over the city and declare martial law. When he was in-
informed. One of the most difficult things was to con- formed that such a request would have to come from the
vince various municipalities that the request of the city governor, he suggested that the troops move in and operate
fathers direct to the Army could not get the Regulars under the civilian authorities. This, under the law, was
there. The requests had to be made by the legislature or manifestly impossible.
At once the papers raised the cry of red tape and lack of was wild talk of a general jailbreak, and the heavily
cooperation on the part of the Army. This, in spite of the burdened people thought they faced an additional tribula-
fact that prior to the mayor's call the Regulars at Knox tion-hundreds of desperados loose in the city. An im-
had been busy evacuating West Point, Kosmosdale, and provised tent city for the convicts, surrounded only by
other river towns, in issuing supplies where needed, and barbed wire, was not calculated to reassure the citizenry,
in caring for thousands of rerugees at the post. Fortunately, so the Regulars were dispatched to assist the National
a proposal was soon worked out whereby the Regulars Guard and state troopers in keeping order.
moved into Louisville in a cooperative capacity. Returning to the Ohio again, we find Paducah in the
At the same time, the need for communication between state of Hood siege previously described. Long before the
the isolated parts of the city and the high ground of the crest of the Hood arrived, the city was completely inun-
interior became apparent, and a request was sent out for dated, and the city manager and the Hood committee
a regular engineer company with pontoon equipment. radioed a request to the governor, through the Engineer
Fort Belvoir, Virginia was the neatest Engineer post, and officer on the scene, for federal troops. National Guard
Company B, 5th Engineers, was immediately dispatched. troops were on hand, and the need for federal troops was
The need for medical troops was growing rapidly, and not apparent at that time. As the waters continued to
Company G of the 1st Medical Regiment was sent from rise, the request was repeated, and Companies Band C,
Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. 2d Infantry, were dispatched to Paducah from Fort Sheri-
By the time the Louisville situation reached its gravest dan. There they cooperated with local authorities, estab-
phase, the following Regular troops were in Louisville: lished a tent camp, assisted in police, and helped handle
( I ) Troop A, 1st Cavalry (Mechanized) from Fort the never-ending stream of refugees.
Knox with additional scout cars from Brigade Head- The Army made extended preparations in southern
quarters and Headquarters 68th Field Artillery. These Illinois to handle the refugees from the towns of the lower
armored cars and other vehicles assisted in evacuation, and Ohio. The burden of these preparations fell on the 6th
cooperated with local police and National Guard troops Infantry at Jefferson Barracks, which responded promptly
in patrolling such parts of the city as were out of water. and efficiently. Several CCC camps in lower Illinois were
Their radio equipment proved particularly valuable. at once made ready to care for refugees, and the Regulars
(2) Truck transportation from the 68th Field Artillery. took the field with their troops, trains, and supplies.
In addition to the usual transportation mission, these Companies A and E of the 6th Infantry were at Camp
t'rUckswere of use in handling heavy electrical equipment Anna. Company B was at Camp Marion, and detach-
which materially speeded up the return of light and ments of the 6th were at camps at Hutchins, Carbondale,
power. and other places. Overland evacuation was accomplished
(3) Maintenance detachments of Quartermaster and by the 6th from the towns of Villa Ridge, Mound City,
Ordnance personnel. Homestead, Rosiclare, and Metropolis. An emergency
(4) A composite battalion of the IIth Infantry from hospital was set up at Marion with doctors and nurses to
Fort Benjamin Harrison. These troops were used largely care for the sick among the refugees, and a Signal Corps
for police duty. detachment assisted the engineer base at Golconda in
(5) Company B, 5th Engineers, from Fort Belvoir, keeping in touch with engineer rescue work up and down
Virginia. This outfit brought heavy pontoon equipment, the river. It should be mentioned that all of this was done
transportation, and a water purification truck. The dis- in cooperation with the National Guard of Illinois, and
tances to be spanned exceeded the length of the pontoon that a National Guard Engineer company from Chicago,
bridge, and pontoon fetries were used to ferry supplies, with pontoon equipment, was of great assistance in main-
mail, and refugees. The water purification unit proved taining overbnd communication from the river base at
invaluable. This company also constructed a tent camp Golconda. The CCC personnel and facilities were also of
for refugees. prime help.
(6) Company G, 1st Medical Regiment, from Carlisle Although the presence of Federal troops was evident in
Barracks. This company was largely engaged in super- a relatively small number of cities,-the Army's contribu-
intending sanitary measures and rendering medical aid. tion of essential supplies was a major factor in alleviating
Leaving Louisville for the moment, we find Company suffering along the entire valley. Among the supplies
K of the loth Infantry en route from Fort Thomas, Ken- dispatched to the Hooded states in the Fifth Corps Area
tucky to the state capital at Frankfort. Frankfort is on the were ~,ooo blankets, 42,000 cots, 26,000 mattresses,
Kentucky River, whose Hoodwaters were rushing down to 23,000 bed sacks, and thousands of such items as pillows,
swell the Ohio. A sudden storm of cloud-burst proportions comforts, socks, raincoats, hip boots, overcoats, mess
sent a Hash crest down the already swollen river, and tents, large tents, canteens and cups, sheets, clothing,
water began rising ominously in the cells of the state peni- towels, shoes, and candles. These supplies were issued
tentiary. The prisoners had to be removed in a hurry-or from depots to the Red Cross and other relief agencies,
drown. The evacuation was handled by National Guard and do not include those that the troops carried directly in
troops, but the imperative haste made close supervision the field. The Fifth Corps Area issued similar items for
impossible and several prisoners escaped. For a time there the lower river. and the Fourth Corps Area contributed
to the Mississippi area. It is safe to say that witl10ut these labor in transporting food, supplies, boats, etc.
supplies which were promptly made available to relief Procurement of food supplies and distribution to relief
agencies, the suffering among refugees would have in- centers.
creased tremendously and the death rate would have Custody and care of government property.
soared ..
Service on relief committees of various sorts.
The story of the Army in the flood would not be com- Establishment of sub-bases along the river to furnish
plete without mention of the Officers' Reserve Corps. In liaison between engineer boats and local relief agencies.
each flooded community there was a great need of large Establishment of message centers to coordin:lte city and
numbers of responsible individuals, working in a going relief agencies.
org:mization, and trained to leadership. The Officers' Re- The CCC has a large part on the Army canvas. Every
serve Corps exactly filled that need, and responded un- camp in the long, broad zone of the Ohio River laid aside
selfishly to the demands m:lde upon them. The procedure its norm:ll functions and turned to rescue work. Supplies
adopted in Cincinn:lti W:lS typical of that in effect in were sent out, evacuation assisted, herculean labors ac-
every large community. City officials :lnd relief agencies complished in keeping roads open, and bcilities est:lb-
were contacted and the assist:lnce of the Regular officers ished to provide food :lnd shelter for thousands of the
in ch:lrge of Reserves proffered, together with such Re- homeless. ~v[otor tr:lnsportation from camps outside of the
serve officers as might volunteer. Then a letter W:lS sent zone of activity W:lSmobilized :lnd disp:ltched to the front.
by special messenger to all Reserve officers, requesting To the ch:lrge that the N:ltional GU:lrd, the CO:lst
volunteers. The response was immedi:lte. In Cincinnati, Guard, and other agencies have been neglected in this
over 500 out of 700 officers volunteered. These officers account, the writer must plead that he is dealing only
furnished a splendid example of te:lmwork by voluntarily with the narrative of the Regular Army. No one is more
pbcing themselves under the direction of responsible he:lds aware than he of the splendid part they played, no one
of relief org:lnizations. A p:lrti:lliist of the type of service more appreciative of the whole-hearted cooperation with
rendered is indic:ltive of their achievements: which they worked side by side with the Regulars during
Supervision of refugee stations which were est:lblished the emergency. Come wh:lt m:lY, the Regulars ask no
in schools, churches, and other public buildings. more than the privilege of ag:lin working side by side
Superintendence of volunteer and government relief with their g:lliant comrades of the late high water.


FOURTH Row: Corp. G. A. Leach, P.F.C. V. A. Antonelli, P.F.C. ),1. H. Chetwynd, P.F.C. ). L. Foran, Pvt. F. ). Stevens, Pvt.
). M. Wyse, Corp. E. ). Congigliando, Pvt. ). E. Harding, Pvt. B. C. Foster, Pvt. D. A. Goodwin, P.F.C. R. F. Winam,
P.F.C. F. ). Petrilli, P.F.C. ),1. Raduazzo, p\.t. ). A. Sudanowitz, P.F.C. C. V. Winam.
THIRD Row: Sgt. A. ). Rasmussen, Corp. H. ). Ball, P.F.C. H. T. Flaherty, Corp. R. G. Hudson, Pvt. ). W. O'Donnell. P.F.C.
R. E. Richmond, P.F.C. X. Ball, Pvt. C. R. Peavey, Pvt. ). A. )'Iyles, Pvt. G. F. Horner, Pvt. C. H. Sullivan, p\.t. W. Roman-
chuk, Pvt. ,E. Gisetto, Pvt. X. ). Cormier, 1st Sgt. C. P. ~Iahoney.
SECOXDRow: Sgt. I. Kloper, P.F.C. O. Yarsin, Pvt. A. G. Walley, Pvt. C. ),1. Barrett, Pvt. ). DiVito, 1st Lt. W. ),1. Bacheller.
Capt. F. E. Pereira, 2nd Lt. F. S. Grant, )r .. Pvt. W. A. Tedesco, Pvt. ). A. Sciaraffa, Pvt. D. Scenna, P.F.C. C. E. Leach.
Pvt. A. L. Drinkwater, Corp. N. ). Caputo.
FIRST Row: Sgt. V. ). Furlong, Sgt. A. C. Dorrer, Sgt. R. ). Dedham, Pvt. A. ). Lupo, Pvt. E. ). Gallalll. P.F.C. E. F. Burgess.
Pvt. L. T. )'IcVay, Pvt. D. D. Congigliando, Pvt. K. H. Harrington, Pvt. A. F. )'IcGuirk, p\.t. ). H. Boudreau. Pvt. ). F.
Seamon, Pvt. ). \V. )'IcGuirk, Corp. A. ). Gallant.
Seacoast Fortifications of the Future

EADLINES such as
"Great Britain to Refort-
Overhead Protection vided \vith major caliber long
range batteries for firing on bat-
ify Hong Kong, Singa- from Hostile Aviation tleships, and medium and minor
pore, and Home Bases"-"T ur- caliber batteries for firing on less
key to Build New Fortifications is Necessary. heavily armored ships and for the
at tbe Dardanelles"-"Ceuta- protection of mine fields.
Spanish Fort-Big Fortifications to Rival Gibraltar" are Since nearly all of their targets will be those of op-
carried nearly every day in the press. It is evident that an portunity, it is most important that seacoast batteries be
era of world wide seacoast refortification is being initiated. so emplaced as to give the utmost protection to tbe guns
Our foreign neighbors are apparently turning away from and personnel serving them, to the end that when the
being "air mad" to a state of rational preparedness. necessity arises the guns will be fit and ready for action.
NIany laymen offer positive curbstone opinions to the Seacoast targets will be exposed normally to fire for but
effect that seacoast fortifications are obsolete and that sea- short intervals. Naval commanders may be expected to
coast forts are unnecessary if we have a strong navy and take full advantage of high speed, rapid turning move-
sufficient aviation. The military man, who reasons things ments and sinuous courses, smoke screens and low visi-
out in an intelligent manner, is convinced that a navy bility in order that the time ships will be exposed to sea-
with unfortified bases is in almost as bad a fix as an air- coast artillery fire be reduced to a minimum. As compared
plane without a landing field; and that an air force frittered to heavy artillery in land warfare, the' requirements of
away to protect harbors is lo~t as an effective weapon of seacoast artillery are much more severe, for its successful
war. Airplanes are best employed as offensive weapons. operation will depend upon the rapidity with whicb ac-
The real purposes of seacoast fortifications are to deny curate fire can be delivered upon short notice. Opportuni-
the use of harbors and their facilities to the enemy, to ties for effective fire will be rare; so it follows that when
assure the use of harbors and their facilities to the friendly one presents itself it should not be lost due to neutraliza-
navy and to protect friendly ships and harbor facilities tion of the seacoast batteries.
from enemy attacks. Seacoast batteries may be neutralized from the sea by
To accomplish these purposes fortifications are pro- naval gunfire or by attack from the air. It has been demon-

Our lv/odem Long Range G,ms in Action.

Note absence of overhead protection.

(SIgnal Corp< Photo!


strated repeatedly in the past that little material damage ships at anchor ll1 restricted harbors, and similar area tar-
is to be feared from naval bombardment :md although gets. They alone have sufficient range to cover the de-
neutralization may be accomplished by this means it is bouchment of a friendly fleet.
highly improbable. Effective fire from the sea depends, Let us suppose that a friendly fleet has met a reverse at
in a large part, upon accurate spotting and it is here that sea and has retreated to a fortified base to be refitted, has
naval artillerymen are greatly handicapped. Against area left control of the sea to the enemy and that control of the
targets such as cities and ships at anchor in a restricted air has also passed to him. Let us further suppose that the
harbor, long range naval bombardment can obtain results, base is strongly fortified with medium and minor range
whereas against. relatively small targets, such as seacoast batteries but has only two modern long range batteries
batteries, the damage to be expected, will hardly justify and that the enemy is in close pursuit, realizing that if the
the required expenditure of ammunition. Consequently, friendly fleet can be further damaged and bottled up, the
in the emplacing of seacoast batteries, no great considera- temporary control of the sea can be made permanent and
tion need be given to protection against naval gun fire, the war probably won. The friendly fleet is at anchor in
other dun to concealment from observations from the sea. the harbor undergoing repairs, with ships in drydock.
The other method of neutralization or destruction of \Vhat armament prevents the enemy from completing
seacoast batteries is by attack from the air. Although an his job by long range bombardment of ships helplessly at
air attack on any type of seacoast battery is a possibility, anchor, of the repair facilities of the base, of the ships in
there seems to be little probability that minor or medium drydock? The answer is, the two long range batteries.
armament will be subjected to attack by hostile aviation. Can the enemy destroy or neutralize these batteries by
due to their comparatively short range and the small naval gun fire? Probably not. But, if these batteries are un-
target that they present. For modern long range batteries, protected from aerial attack, it is very probable that they
it is far different. Long range batteries will probably out- will be neutralized or destroyed by attack from the air. It
range considerably any armamem carried by modern seems reasonable to expect that the importance of these
battleshi ps. These batteries have sufficient range to pre- two batteries would lead to air attacks of the greatest in-
vent hostile long range naval bombardment against cities. tensity :lIld persistence, and that such attacks would be

15 em. l3tJtI/'ry at HlIi Isch'lIen Huk.

Note the tUTTets which provide over-

head protection.

(TT. !':. :"'aval Tnuftute Photo!'

pushed home with the utmost determination. The con- craft fire is greatly lessened. A simple calculation will show
clusion cannot be escaped that if such long range batteries that a 3-inch antiaircraft battery defending installations
are to accomplish their mission that their emplacement near the shoreline will have but twenty seconds to fire on
must be designed so as to furnish overhead protection a bombardment plane approaching at 200 miles per hour
from hostile aviation. at an altitude of 17,100 feet.
The present policy of our government with reference Another disadvantage peculiar to coastline antiaircraft
to seacoast emplacements is outlined in the Coast Artillery defense is the fact that it is practically impossible to estab-
Field wIanual which says: "Bombproof construction is lish an adequate aircraft warning service to the seaward
such an expensive form of protection against powerful air- even with real cooperation from the inshore and offshore
plane bombs that, at the present time, reliance for mini- naval patrols. Thus surprise attacks by day or night are
mizing the effect of enemy fire upon fixed harbor defense harder to discover and more likely to be made. A surprise
artillery must be placed chieRy upon concealment, and attack might cause irreparable damage to the seacoast
separation of guns, with bombproof construction for cer- guns. The situation is fundamentally different from that
tain of the most essential elements, such as plotting rooms encountered by heavy :millel)' in the World \Var, when
and switchboards, and upon dispersion of certain of the a brief period of neutralization was of but little moment.
other elements, such as magazines and power plants." In the case of seacoast defense, where the hostile targets
An analysis of the above is interesting. Common sense 3re capable of maneuver at such high speeds, even a brief
says that the guns are the most essential elements of a period of neutralization might prove serious to the defense.
battery. Nobody ever heard of a battleship being kept out The possibility of neutralization should be forest311ed by a
of range by a switchboard. Again, expense is only relative; proper combination of antiaircraft fire and overhead cover.
if a comparatively huge expenditure will save a nation, it is Another feature to be considered in planning antiair-
a bargain. Bombproof construction is the one sure pro- craft protection is the dearth of antiaircraft equipment in
tection against bombs and this statement is made even relation to the enormous demands which will be made for
though it is realized that there are other means of pro- protection in any war. Any remunerative air bombing
tection from air attack, namely; antiaircraft artillery, t:lrget which can be rendered unremunerative by means
camouRage, smoke, dummy emplacements, and the sub- other th3n antiaircraft fire represents a gain for the pro-
stitution of railway for fixed batteries. tection of other objectives. A really adequate antiaircraft
The most enthusiastic antiaircraft artilleryman can not defense of long range seacoast batteries would be very ex-
substantiate a claim that, under ordinary circumstances, pensive in first cost. It would needlessly deprive other im-
antiaircraft artillery can prevent all airplanes in a large portant installations of antiaircraft protection, if bomb-
scale :lttack from reaching their objectives. Antiaircraft proof protection can be given to the seacoast batteries.
artillery is a strong deterrent but not an absolute prevent- CamouRage of such huge installations as long range
ive. And the circum- batteries is so difficult
stances surroundina ::> as to W3rrant only
antiaircraft defense of small reliance on this
seacoast batteries are form of deception.
not ordinary. When Once a gun is fired a
the installation is prac- blast m3rk appears like
tically at the shoreline, a pointing finger and
antiaircraft ground de- marks the position of
fense is particularly the battery. Camou-
difficult. At the coast Rage does not offer ma-
line it is impossible to terial protection.
cover the part of the Batteries under fa-
cri tical zone ou t of vorable climatic condi-
range of the antiair- tions may be concealed
craft guns by advanc- by smoke. Smoke once
ing the guns to gain released is beyond hu-
greater depth to sea- man control. Where
ward. The effect is visibility is essential to
that the interval be- fire control the release
tween the time the of smoke may conceal
plane gets within the battel)' and also
range and the time blind it. The great
that it reaches the danger of blinding ob-
bomb release line is so servation renders the
short that the possibil- use of smoke for con-
ity of effective antiair- Note the exposed personnel. cealment in seacoast
fortifications infeasible. vent of the airplane. ~1ost of these batteries are constructed
Dummy emplacements are excellent deceptive devices. with great skill to satisfy the requirements of protection
But the expense of constructing dummy long range bat- from naval gun fire, but are vulnerable to air attack.
teries argues against such artifice. The question may be It is easy for us to exercise hindsight, saying that
raised as to why not substitute railway batteries for fixed the builders of these batteries should have envisioned the
batteries and use their great mobility to deceive the enemy development of the airplane as a weapon of war and so to
as to the location of a battery. It must be realized that a have designed these batteries for protection from the air.
railway battery always has a railway track leading to it, But, whatever our opinion, the lesson is there for us to
pointing to its p~sition an? this fact makes ~oncea~ment learn.
difficult. Also railway artillery of heavy calrbers IS not \Vhen we advance and join the rest of the world in ra-
really tactically mobile, that is, the time required for its tional preparedness and refortification, let us base the
emplacement is so considerable as to preclude rapid, short, military characteristics of new batteries not alone upon
changes of position. So, for a particular vital point long
the experience of the past, nor alone on conditions ob-
range railway artillery has no advantage over fixed artil-
taining at present, but also upon the vision of develop-
lery for seacoast tactical use, and has certain disadvantages.
ments fifty or a hundred years from now.
Seacoast batteries, once installed, last for years. Air-
planes, combat cars, small caliber weapons wear our in a A distinguished artilleryman once concluded a vigorous
few years. Opportunity to keep up to date is recurrent for letter with the words: "I sincerely hope that the normal
most military equipment. But the long life of a seacoast inertia that must always be overcome in order to make
battery makes a demand for forward vision greater than any progress will not be roo great in this instance." Let
for any other weapon or equipment. LIS hope that this normal inertia will be overcome, that we
We now have batteries in our service built since the ad- may have batteries for the future, not of the past.


/'vlembers of the IOlSt Artillery manhandling materiel across a rice paddy. Note that the per-
SOn/lei have camouflage material wrapped around their caps.
Highw-ay Traffic and Modern War-II

NPart I we studied the traffic on the primary high- lane occupied, is very limited. In passing forward along
way net and determined the maximum capacity of the column, individual vehicles must move at high speeds
typical primary roads for war-time motor movements. whenever they find the left lane open, and must fre-
We saw that this maximum How can be realized by set- quently dart into and out of the column itself, which can-
ting highways aside for exclusive military use during the not be done very often without seriously interfering with
passage of motor columns, and by using two-lane roads the column.
for one-way traffic with both lanes occupied by vehicles. The study of Dean A. N. Johnson2 referred to in Part I,
For many motor movements, however, these excellent contains the statement that "when traffic on two-lane roads
conditions may not exist. Only secondary roads may be is 80 to 100 per cent in one direction congestion does not
available; or a single feasible primary highway route may occur until vehicles are passing at a rate exceeding 1,300
make two-way traffic unavoidable. Of course, there will per hour." Thus, if 1,020 vehicles per hour are passing-in
often be no need to strain every nerve to get motor the right lane of a two-lane highway occupied by a single
columns over the road in the shortest possible time. But motor column, the left laue may have at best a working
whatever the circumstances, we cannot begin to calcu- capacity of some 280 vehicles per hour. If, however, both
late modern logistics until we take into consideration lanes are occupied by motor columns travelling in opposite
every factor that may affect the capacities of the routes we directions, the highway can be used to its full capacity of
plan to use. A Hat rate of march for motor movements, 1,020 vehicles per lane. On a two-lane road, this, of course,

varied only to allow for movement at night with and permits no other traffic in either direction, and no passing.
without lights, is far too simple to fit the facts. True, a In free-Howing civil traffic, when vehicles are moving
recent official text1 states that "liberal allowances must be in roughly the same numbers in both directions, con-
made for retarding conditions, such as ... bad roads gestion begins when 1,000 vehicles are passing per hour.
... " But we must have something more definite to go As high as 2,100 civil vehicles per hour have been counted
on than this general statement. Therefore, in this article, on a two-lane road, but only when congestion was great,
we shall consider what some of these "allowances" must with vehicles crowding up far below safe road distance and
be. moving at much slower speeds than 30 miles per hour.
'*' '*' '*' '*'
When two-way traffic is necessary, the amount of mili- '*' '*' '*' '*'
Now let us consider the matter from the viewpoint of
tary traffic that a given primary highway can carry de-
operating motor columns through existing non-military
pends on: (I) The types of military traffic; (2) The
traffic-a factor that may otten have to be considered.
amount of non-military traffic on the highway; (3) The
number of lanes; (4) The amount and types of cross It is now taught in our Schools, in view of peace-time
traffic, and the methods used to get it across the main convoy experience, that the best way to superimpose a
military column on the general traffic is to use long driv-
ing distances (100 to 250 yards) in the open country; and
From the viewpoint of motor movements, the most im-
in passing through urban districts, to close up to 20 or 25
portant type of two-way traffic is that in which a motor
yards driving distance. Thus, out in the country, faster
column, with vehicles moving at regulated driving dis-
non-military vehicles have room to drive between the
tances, travels in the right-hand lane. The left lane is pre-
vehicles of the column when they must wait for opposite
sumably left free for traffic by individual vehicles in either
traffic to pass, and the same obtains in cities to a lesser
direction. On a road closed to all but military traffic, the
extent at the slower speeds and shorter driving distances.
left-lane traffic may be typically composed of antiaircraft
Actually when such a peace-time convoy gets into heavy
and antitank units moving by bounds; and of command,
traffic, in either country or city, the civil traffic wedges in
staff, and messenger vehicles.
and all advantage of driving distance is lost. Each driver
With the road closed to cross traffic, the maximum
in the convoy must then take his opportunities like the
capacity of the motor-column lane would be as given in
driver of the delivery truck just ahead, or of the freight
Part I: 1,020 vehicles passing a given point per hour, at
van behind.
an average speed of 30 miles an hour, a maximum running
speed of 40 miles an hour, and a driving distance (includ- In considering the ratios of civil and military traffic on a
ing vehicle length) of 52 yards. In the other lane, the given highway, it should first be noted that no highway
maximum capacity would be rhe same, but only if all carries its full capacity except for brief periods usually
ttaffic in that lane moved in one direction. For two-way measured in hours. This is readily apparent from data ob-
traffic, the capacity of the left lane alone, with the right tained in various traffic surveys. In one survey covering
23,000,000 vehicle-miles of travel in I I Western States.
1ReconnOOSQII.Ce,SeclIrihl, l.farches. Halts. C. and G. S. S.• re-
vised to July 1, 1936.. 'Dept. of Engineering, University of Maryland.
the average traffic ran from 326 vehicles per day in Wyo- to 6 PM. and 8 to 9 PM. Out in the country there is one
ming to 1,862 per day in California. New Jersey and Con- peak-5 to 6 PM. Sunday traffic is about half again that
necticut roads carry about 5,000 per day.3 These figures, of of week days.
course, cover all kinds of roads from secondary township Allowance must also be made for changes in civil traffic
and country roads with from 20 to 200 vehicles per day, due to war itself. A highway that ordinarily carries a
to super-highways with 17,000 per day. But the fact thousand vehicles per day on the peaceful pursuits of their
remains that the reasonable maximum civil traffic How on owners may carry several times as much civil traffic when
any good two-lane highway of 24,000 vehicles at 35 miles battle threatens in the neighborhood. There may be refu-
an hour is seldom if ever reached. gees by tens of thousands, Heeing in their family cars. And
It is also worth pausing here to ponder brieHy on the the very presence of a friendly force may call out an army
Maryland-Pennsylvania-Virginia areas on which so many of sightseers, peddlers, and local dealers in supplies.
map wars are fought. According to the 1935 registration But if we know what civil traffic to expect, the capacity
figures, this area contains roughly ~75'000 civil ve~icles, of any highway for additional military traffic is simple to
which run more than II,ooo,ooo m1les per day. Is 1t un- find. On a two-lane road the maximum practicable free-
reasonable to suggest that such traffic can hardly be dis- flowing traffic, without congestion, is 1,000 vehicles per
regarded? Indeed, we need to know in every case what hour; for a three-lane road, 2,000 vehicles per hour; and
traffic a road already bears before we can dare to superim-
for a four-lane road, 3,000 vehicles per hour. By subtract-
pose our motor columns upon that traffic.
ing the usual civil traffic from these figures, we can find
We saw above that a motor column on the right lane of
very approximately what room is left for military traffic.~
a highway leaves room for a maximum of 280 vehicles per
This has to be done, of course, for numerous points along
hour, or 6,720 per day. But we must remember
the highway, since traffic is not uniform.
the daily civil traffic is not even. In suburbs and Cities it
moves in waves, with the busiest times from 8 to 9 AM, 5 Such detailed studies apply mainly to routes that are to
, be used for military purposes for a period of some length.
'All data is from various surveys in Public Roads, U. S. Dept. An army may first bar the roads entirely as it advances,
AI!. and then open them again for.(;ombined military and civil
traffic. All roads in rear areas, which are to bear much
military traffic, will need to be studied similarly; for ex-
ample, highways near cantonments, depots, and other
semi-permanent installations.

'*' '*' '*' '*'

The factor of cross traffic is highly important, especially
when we think of rapid movements of large columns. In
the first place, it is evident that vehicles cannot cross
through a military column that is moving at 30 or 40
miles an hour. We may assume that civil cross traffic
from small side roads can be dosed off indefinitely when
the necessity requires. But at important highway and
street intersections, unless some chance is given to cross
traffic, a hardship to necessary civil activities is bound to
result. Moreover, there is always the possibility of urgent
military cross traffic.
There are four ways in which cross traffic can be allowed
for: (I) gaps between serials; (2) lights or signals; (3)
temporary overhead viaducts; (4) traffic circles or their
Operating a motor column in serials lengthens the
FIGURE 1. Heavy lines and arrows show the traffic-circle path
column, and hence its total travel time. The amount of
of east-and-west traffic through a north-bound single motor col- cross traffic determines the sizes of the gaps between
umn. Such a circle must be at least three lanes wide, and about serials. Ordinarily, the maximum continuous cross traffic
150 yards in circumference to permit smooth intersection with at anyone point on the route would have to be the govern-
a column moving 20 miles an hour. Note that the motor column
ing factor. This might be the traffic in the center of the
travels on the middle lane of the cirele. Several hundred cars an
hour can easily pass through the column in both directions, east largest city passed through. At all other poin~ of cross
and west. If there is anomer motor column moving south at
"These figures, from Highway Capacities, hy Dean Johnson, are
the same time, cross traffic can get through it by using the left for traffic flowing very approximately the same amounts in both
half of the circle in the same manner as shown. directions.

traffic there would thus be more allowance than necessary. Traffic circles are still another practicable method of
At busy intersections in cities the rate of cross traffic often handling cross traffic. These, of course, cannot be built
rises above 2,000 vehicles an hour, Ii which is approximately in a few hours. But they already exist on many highways,
the rate of flow of a double staggered column moving at and workable equivalents of most types can be established.
an average speed of 30 miles an hour. For such cross traffic, Figure I shows a common type of traffic circle. Figures 2
the total length of gaps between serials must be equal to to 5 show how the equivalent of a traffic circle can easily
the total length of the serials themselves, thus doubling be established by using a block in a town or city, a court-
the length of the column and increasing its total time of house square, or even a wide street, provided there an:
travel by the time required for the column to move its own cross streets on which the cross traffic can enter and leave.•
closed-up length. This method permits serials to travel at The ideal method, however, of taking care of cross
steady speed, assuming of course, that each cross traffic traffic is by installing temporary or semi-permanent over-
point would be controlled by adequate police personnel, head viaducts for its passage, or for the passage of the
either military or civil. motor column itself. This eliminates conRict of traffic, and
Where the maximum cross traffic intersecting the route what may be most impottant of all, permits two military
is less than that of the column without gaps; for example, columns to cross readily.
1,000 vehicles per hour as compared to 2,000 per hour for Two types of temporary viaducts seem desirable, a light
the column, then the gaps between serials would only need and a heavy. 7 The light viaduct should be strong enough
to be in the ratio of 1,000 to 2,000. Different lengths of to carry any loaded 2 ;h-ton vehicle (a gross capacity of 8
gaps may also be used in various parts of a long column. tons) .8 The heavy viaduct should permit the passage of
In a column expected to cross other traffic at an important 2o-ton vehicles. Both light and heavy types should have a
point between 4:00 and 10:00 AM, an occasional gap one sidewalk for foot traffic.
or two minutes long might take care of the early morning Ordinarily, a single lane of 10 feet, open to continuous
traffic between 4:00 and 6:00. From 6:00 to 7:00 more 24-hour traffic, would be enough to take care of civil cross
gaps would be needed. During the morning rush, from traffic except at busy points, where two such viaducts,
7:00 to 8:30' there would need to be as much gap time one for traffic in each direction, would be desirable. AU
as column-passage time. Then from 8:30 to 10:00, the viaducts should permit the under passage of at least two
ratio of gaps could be somewhat reduced. In calculating columns of military vehicles, and if necessary, one or
this, allowance must be made, of course, for the extension more columns of other traffic.
of the column by splitting it into serials. If heavy cross
In cities where two or more viaducts are necessary,
traffic is expected at two or more points, this fact must also
traffic should be made one-way on all viaducts in accord-
be allowed for. If it occurs at several points well distributed
ance with the main Row of traffic. The direction of Row
along the route, we would then have the maximum case;
can, of course, be changed in accordance with normal
and the total gap time would have to be at least equal to
changes in Row, as in the morning and evening. Bearing
the total column-passage time.
one-way traffic, each single-lane bridge will carry 1,000
Here again the value of the double-staggered column is vehicles per hour. From this can be calculated the number
evident. Its use doubles the number of vehicles in a serial of viaducts necessary to handle the necessary civil or mili-
of given length, thus passing twice as many across a given tary, light cross traffic at any point. Heavy vehicle traffic
intersection per hour. The cross traffic itself should also be could be confined to one or two 2o-ton viaducts at suitable
one-way traffic, using every lane of the street. This of POIntS.
course, is only possible where there are parallel cross routes
Where the erection of heavy viaducts is not feasible,
close together as in cities.
light viaducts could be built to carry all except heavy
In passage through populous districts at reduced speed, traffic, and this could be allowed for by gaps in motor
each serial of a column should be closed up to the mini- columns. Traffic studies of the Bureau of Public Roads
mum safe driving distance for the lower speed of passage. show that the number of vehicles of a gross loaded weight
This should be permitted to occur automatically as the of more than eight tons varies from 6 to ~o cars per
leading vehicle of each serial enters a slow-speed zone. thousand in different States. Hence gaps 10 a motor
There should be no halting of any vehicle simply for clos- column totalling about ten per cent of those which would
ing up. It should often be possible, however, to keep up be necessary for all cross traffic would take care of the
speeds of 30 or even 40 miles an hour through many parts heavy cross traffic.
of a city where cross traffic can be closed off and diverted
Unless there are an unusual number of railroad crossings
to a few main crossings.
on the route of a motor column, interference by trains
When cross traffic is controlled by lights or other signals, should not total many minutes. A passenger train ordi-
it is best to allow for this by providing gaps in the column
beforehand. Otherwise there will be much jamming up. 3Steadflow Traffic p"rinciples, by Fritz Mal~er (Harvard .uni-
Arrangements can be made for the traffic lights to fit the versity Press), contams a thorough analYSiS of traffic Circles
and the manner in which cross traffic filters through.
gaps, thus eliminating stopping by any part of the column. 'A third type for the use of foot troops or pedestrians only may
also be of value.
'On streets three or more lanes in width. SA gross capacity of 9~ tons would support light tanks.

narily takes less than a minute to pass, and a long freight

train, about five minutes. It is just as desirable, of course,
to build temporary viaducts over railway tracks as over
intersecting highways; and this may have to be done over
busy lines. It is also possible to hold up unimportant rail
traffic for important motor moves.
We should not leave the subject of cross traffic without
considering briefly cross traffic of a military nature. Few
wars have occurred in which time was not lost by the
inability of one column to cross another. Doubtless the
idea of using overhead viaducts for such purposes is not
new. But it has not, in the past, been used to any great
extent. A modern army may have to fight in any direction
at short notice. Security has become a matter of a peri-
meter rather than simply a front. And if that is true, de-
fense and attack likewise have rounded out the circle. Ad-
vances in many columns on a wide front as now taught at
the Command and General Staff School, make it easier to
change direction through the fact that columns are shorter,
hence easier to reverse. Nevertheless, in any advance to
battle yet devised, columns still have heads and tails, and
are difficult to turn without confusion. When this must
FIGURE z. A city block or courthouse square used as a traffic
be done, many a column stands idle for hours waiting for
circle to permit east and west traffic to pass through a north-
others to pass at right angles, even when the best of logistic bound single motor column. The column keeps to the center
calculations have been applied. Temporary viaducts would lane. The square should be at least zoo feet on a side. Other
give columns a chance to cut back over their own tails or traffic must be barred.
across other columns, no matter what their lengrh. Often,
too, such viaducts may well be left in place for considerable
periods, especially in defensive areas. Those erected during
an advance may prove invaluable in an ensuing retire-
ment. They are also desirable for switching troops within
a large unit from one position to another; for example,
a corps from the right to the left of an army. The switch-
ing unit can cross over the flow of supply and evacuation
traffic in rear of other corps without interrupting it.
It may also be desirable to equip large units with port-
able viaducts--one or two to each corps, let us say. Such
simple aids to traffic in a future conflict with motors multi-
plied will indeed be necessary.
It is not proposed that these various methods of hand-
ling cross traffic can be used extensively for tactical move-
FIGURE 3. The use
ments involving small columns. But even here, it is well of a wide street for
worth noting, it may be advantageous to detour a small passing east and west
column a number of miles to an installed overhead viaduct traffic (heavy lines)
or a temporarily established traffic circle, when otherwise through a single
its movement may be delayed several hours by the passage motor column.
of a long column.
It is also true that these suggestions will require much
detailed study, and experiment and test as well, to de-
termine what their full value is.

* * * *
Weather, too, must be fully considered. It affects road
surfa~~, road visibility, hence running speeds and road
On primary highways light rainfall will not ordinarily
necessitate reduced running speeds except on slippery

FIGURE 4. The use of four city

blocks as a traffic circle to permit east
and west traffic (heavy lines) to pass
through a double staggered column
moving north. The double staggered
column splits to right and left at A
and forms again at B, between these
points travelling in the middle of the
streets, which must be at least three
lanes wide. All local traffic must be
barred .

stretches.9 On the common road surfaces speeds of 35 to main object of lights is to see the vehicle ahead, and there
45 miles an hour are safe, especially for six-wheeled ve- is no need of brilliant lighting which may easily betray
hicles with their extra traction. On slippery-surfaced roads a motor movement to hostile air observers. This suggests
a reduction of maximum running speed to 30 miles an the necessity for investigation into the practicability of
hour is probably enough. deeply hooded, faint headlights, and-to catch their light
Snow requires a similar reduction. Chains can be used -similarly hooded reflectors on the rear of vehicles.
if there is enough snow to cause skidding. Deep snow, not Movements without lights require a great reduction of
too deep to prevent traffic altogether, slows up the leading running speed, but often not so great as we are accustomed
vehicle and hence, all the vehicles of a column. This points to think necessary. Visibility varies in different weather
to small advance columns sent out to improve the road, and different moon phases. We need experiment to de-
when special equipment is not available. termine what speeds are practicable under these different
Icy roads are difficult at best. Vehicles can usually do conditions, and experiment also in the use of tail lights
better without chains. Advance columns can use chains hooded from air observation. On good roads such lights
to roughen the ice and throw dirt and sand on the worst might permit running speeds as high as 25 miles an hour
stretches. (Tables given later include estimated speeds for except on very dark nights. There is also the possibility
ice- and snow-covered highways.) of using an invisible ray to cause the tail light ahead to
:II: * :II: * Fog, dust, and smoke may reduce road visibility to zero,
Night, lack of lights, fog, smoke, dust, rain, and snow, especially smoke. Fog and dust, however, may cover
all affect road visibility in varying degrees. Studies show great stretches of road, whereas smoke is more likely to
that the average open highway driving speed of civil cover limited stretches and to dissipate far more quickly.
vehicles is 43,3 miles per hour by day, and 41.5 by night.10 In all three, speeds must be greatly reduced, and in smoke
AIlowing a reasonable safety factor, we can set 35 miles it may be impracticable to move at all. Lights are of as-
per hour as a maximum running speed for night move-
sistance in all three but may at night reflect upward
ments with lights. In one-way traffic on good roads, the
through thin layers of fog, but not through fog of any
'"The U. S. mileage of slippery types of primary highways is thickness.
considerablyless than one-tenth of the whole primary net.
'0Automotive Industries, May 16, 1935. Rain interferes only slightly with road visibility owing


-~---- --..~- .......

II FIGURE 5. North-bound traffic crossing a double staggered column on a wide street or road (at least 50 feet wide). The
double column opens out (travelling on the second and fourth lanes of a five-lane road), thus permitting cross traffic to get
through. South-bound cross traffic can pass through from left to right on another stretch of the highway or street on which
the column is travelling.

to e~cient windshield wipers. A downpour may tempo- hours longer than the same movements would take in
rarily lower maximum running speeds to 30 miles an hour. single column at 30 miles an hour, and, of course, consid-
A heavy snow may require a greater reduction. erably longer still than a double staggered column would
'*' '*' '*' '*' But even a narrow country road will carry an enormous
To complete our brief survey of the conditions under
amount of traffic if only the bridges are strong enough and
which motor movements may be made we must now con-
the road will stand up-the two main difficulties. Country
sider secondary highways. We have approximately
roads require something like 50 times as much main-
350,000 miles of primary highways, but our secondary
tenance per 1,000 miles of vehicle travel over them, as
road net has nearly eight times that amount, some 650,000
ordinary, two-lane, hard-surfaced highways; and in wet
miles of which is surfaced. In general, motor movements
weather especially, heavy traffic may soon wear them out.
on secondary roads are subject to the laws of road capacity
and speeds of movement heretofore discussed. Bridges form a similar limitation, particularly to mech-
anized columns, although it will often be possible to
Few narrow roads are actually a single track. Most roads
strengthen them beforehand for a motor movement.
narrower than two lanes (I 8-20 feet) have shoulders that
The military use of secondary roads comes, in the end,
give room for passing, at least at occasional points. On the
to one main thing-detailed advance knowledge of the
best of such roads two vehicles can pass at any point with
route. We can and must make much use of secondary
reasonable care in driving, and perhaps two-thirds of our
roads. But foolish indeed is the commander who permits
whole road net falls in this bracket. From the viewpoint
his motor columns to turn off the main highways without
of motor columns, then, such roads are one-lane, one-way
knowing what they will get into; or the commander who
roads on which a small amount of traffic can pass in the
counts optimistically on poor roads to get a large column
opposite direction. On them, motor columns can seldom over long distances with dispatch. When we have to-
travel at an average speed of 30 miles an hour; something yes; we can manhandle vehicles through swamps and over
like half that speed is more probable. rocky broken ground. But when speed is a foremost con-
Assuming 20 miles an hour as maximum running speed, sideration, it pays to remember that ten miles on pavement
with a safe-driving distance of 24.2 yards (Table II, Part are usually better than one through the mud.
I), and an average running speed of 15 miles an hour, the We may now consider more adequate rates-of-march
traffic How of the single column such roads will carry is tables for practical use than those we now have. It should
I,¥ vehicles per hour. Under these conditions it would be understood that Tables XI to XIII are largely composed
take 700 vehicles (a brigade), 10.6 hours to go 150 miles; of the writer's estimates, and are simply presented as
2,000 vehicles (a division), 11.3 hours; and 10,000 ve- samples of what we need. Experiment should determine
hicles (a corps), 19.2 hours. This is between 4 and 5 more closely the estimated speeds given in these tables.
TABLE XI ways. First and most important, he can use days and even
MAXI~m~l SUSTAINED DAYLIGHT-RUNNING SPEEDS ON hours of low air visibility to the greatest advantage, ofu:n
PRIMARY HIGHWAYS basing his plans on the weather forecast. Through this
Conditloo or Road Vblbllit3'
alternative to night movement he can use daylight speeds
T7J>e of Smon
Road Surf_ Good Ro~ Ice Wet Dry Dust Rain Boo." orFoz
from three to six times those of night speeds without
COnerete •••• 4.0 80 5-101 85 '""0 25.85 15-30 1-15a
Asphalt ••••• '""0 80 6-101 80 4.0 25.30 15.80 1-15 lights, thus covering far greater distances, or equal dis-
Gravel. ..... 40 20 201 30-40 80-40 80 25.30 15-30 1-15
&nd-clay ••• 40 20 15 15-40' 25-40 25 15.20 15-20 1-15 tances in far less time.
NOTlIfl----lWith ehains on gravel and sand-clay; with Or without on harder The second way of obtaining secrecy is the use of short
'Sand-c.ay roads lire at their best when slightly wet. dashes. Carefully planned fast movements of from two to
"It is assumed that vehicles ean aeep forward at at leaet one
mile an hour in blinding smoke. four or five hours in duration may well become important
in modern war. To prevent them the enemy would need
to have overwhelming air superiority and would have to .
keep up a continuous patrol over vast areas-a patrol of
attack and bombing planes preferably, since observation
Condition of Road Visiblllty
Typo of Smoke units by themselves would first have to discover a move-
Road Surface Good Rough Ice Wet Dry Dust Rain Snow or Fo,
Conaete .... 35 25 5.101 80 85 20-80 15-25 1-15' ment, and then report it to the fighting units, which
Asphalt ..... 85 25 5-101 25 35 20-25 15-25 1-15
Gravel. ....• 85 20 201 25.35 25-35 20 20-25 15.25 1-15
would in turn have to fly out to make their attack.
Sand -clay ... 35 20 15' 15.80" 25-35 20 15-20 15-20 1-15

NOTJl:e--As in Tahle XI.

'*' '*' '*' '*'
All in all, the study of traffic deserves our closest at-
TABLE XIII tention. Of course, we must give full value to its limita-
MAXIMUM SUSTAINED NIGHT-RUNNING SPEEDS WITHOUT tions as well as to its capabilities. There are several aspects
LIGHTS ON PRIMARY HIGHWAYS of the subject that have not been touched upon in these
Road Surfaco
Condition of Rosd Visibility two articles. For one thing, traffic distriburion is highly
Typo of Dry Ice Wet Poor Fair Excellent
Concrete . 20 5 15 1-5 12.15 20 important. The actual motor movement is only part of the
Asphalt . 20 5 15 1-5 12.15 20
Gravel . 20 10 15 1-5 12-15 20 job; and unless each unit of a force can proceed without
gand-Clay . 20 10 15 1-5 12.15 20
hitch to its final stopping place after each move, or find
'*' '*' '*' '*' without delay its own road toward battle-the hours saved
One of the greatest problems in modern warfare is that on the highway will be lost. The effect of speed variations,
of moving armies without detection by hostile air units. halts, and accidents on fast movements; the effect of in-
Up to the present, night has been considered the one creased driving distance for use with heavy vehicles; the
feasible cloak for large troop movements. But if we ex- best means of parking within bivouac and other stopping
tend our knowledge of modern traffic along the lines indi- areas; the operation of advance reconnaissance and traffic
cated in these two articles, it seems probable that high details; the elimination of stops at regulating points-
speed in moving modern forces will take its place beside these and other matters pertinent to traffic must be thor-
night movement as a chief method of obtaining secrecy. oughly investigated. There is, in fact, much more to
A speed of }O to 40 miles an hour, on primary highways learn.
used ro full capaciry, and a comparable maximum use of And finally, when we know in full whereof we speak,
secondary roads when it is necessary to use them, will en- we must apply our new knowledge to the specific prob-
able a commander to gain secrecy through, speed in two lems of strategy and tactics.

THERE IS A RANK due to the United States among nations which will be withheld, if
not absolutely lost, by the reputation of weakness. If we desire to avoid insult we
must be able to repel it; and if we desire to secure peace-one of the most powerful
instruments of our prosperity--it must be known that we are, at all times, ready for
AIl. Artillery Epic

K ONG the many stormy controversies that de-

veloped from the Battle of Gettysburg, that con-
cerning the action of General Sickles on the
second day of the fighting, was one of the most violent.
had to fall back while in active contact with the enemy,
but had to change front in the process. It was not a
simple maneuver. Humphries knew of the gap but was
unable to extend his left because Confederate brigades
This paper, however, has nothing to do with the merits appeared and charged that Rank. The gap remained and
of the III Corps commander's decision to defend a posi- shortly after 6:00 P.M. Confederate units began to move
tion in advance of the one assigned him. It deals only toward it.
with the action of a small unit of the III Corps-and Let us go back a bit-to 4:00 P.M. The 9th Massa-
that a battery of artillery. It is an account of the activities chusetts Battery, commanded by Captain John Bigelow,
of a Nfassachusetts Battery which found itself in a pre- had just gone into action near the Wheatfield Road about
cariolls situation, and was more than equal to it. 400 yards east of the Peach Orchard. This battery was
a part of the 1st Volunteer Artillery Brigade, Artillery
Reserve, Army of the Potomac, and this was its first
At 4:00 P.M. the full force of Longstreet's infantry at- action. Prior to this campaign its station had been in the
tack struck the Union salient at the Peach Orchard. The defensive works around Washington. Captain Bigelow,
attack was supported by massed Confederate artillery a veteran of the past two years' fighting had had the,bat-
which swept the two lines forming the angle with en- tery for the past four months. The men were an excep-
filade fire. The Federals stood their ground for a time tionally fine lot-well trained and well disciplined. There
but the odds against them were too great. Gradually the had been no courts-martial in the battery. Just before
lines gave way. reaching the battle position the gunners had examined
The 2d Division (III Corps) strongly attacked in front all chests and weapons. Horses had been fed and watered.
and Ranks, fell back obliquely to the right rear, while Both men and officers had been fairly well acquainted
the 1st Division was forced back to the left. This created with the situation from officers of other units and from
a gap in the center of the III Corps-a gap through the wounded who had been cared for at an earlier halt-
which Longstreet could pour his troops to roll up the ing place.
open Ranks and strike the rear. As the battery came up it was taken under fire bi the
General Sickles having been badly wounded, the com- Confederate artillery. Several men fell, but there was
mand devolved on General Birney. His first order went no faltering on the part of the others. The six 12-pounders
to Humphries, commanding the 2d Division: went into action with speed and precision. They first
The 1St Division is going to fall back and form a line engaged an enemy battery along the Emmitsburg Road
extending toward the right of the 2d Division from Round at a range of I ,400 yards. Then, as orders were being
Top Ridge. The new line will be in rear of and oblique to shouted to shift the fire to -another battery, several large
the present 2d Division line. The 2d Division will change
bodies of infantry appeared in close formation near the
front and form on that line.
Rose House. Two of the guns on the Rank were defiladed
No point of contact between the divisions was desig- from this more favorable target. These were immediate-
nated. To carry out the order the 2d Division not only ly moved by hand to the other Rank and the whole bat-

tery took we GlI"getunder fire at 600 yards, alternating They kept this up until they reached the angle of the
case with shelL The Confederate commander and his stone wall at the T roscle House. Here a fold in the
horse went down and the mass of infantry melted away ground 50 yards away hid the guns. Hoping to get them
toward the nearest woods. Later, 120 bodies were counted out before the enemy dosed in, Bigelow had just given
in front of the Rose House, and 270 lay around the barn. the order to limber up, when Colonel McGilvery reap-
Neatly every shot had been a direct hit. peared. McGilvery had noted the long gap in the Union
Scarcely had this second target been disposed of when line. The Confederates must be stopped or the main
the men at the guns saw a battle line in blue moving battle position would be broken. There was no infantry at
east from the Emmitsburg Road. Blue infantry attack- hand to throw into the breach. Therefore, Bigelow's Bat-
ing in the wrong direction! Something was wrong. But tery would have to retard the advance until the Federal
the battery had no choice: it withheld its fire. line could be reestablished. McGilvery gave his orders:
The blue line came on until it presented an almost per- Our lines are open between the Round Tops and to the
feet enfilade target, its near Hank being only 200 yards left of the II Corps. You must remain here at all costs and
from the guns. Then suddenly Confederate battle Hags check the enemy until I can form a second line in your
broke out along the line? It was Kershaw's Brigade driv- rear.
ing forward to sweep the Union artillery from the Wheat- The battery was to be sacrificed! Captain Bigelow real-
field Road. A misunderstood order had caused the in- ized this and so did his men. There were no Union troops
fantry to oblique too far to the right thereby leaving the near enough to come to their rescue, and the Confederates
9th Massachusetts Battery undisturbed on its Hank. Here in overwhelming numbers would be on them in a
was the opportunity for which the more devout of those moment.
thoroughgoing artillerymen had doubtless prayed. Cap- Colonel McGilvery rode off to collect what troops he
tain Bigelow did not overlook it. At his command the could to form the line to the rear, leaving the Massa-
gunners raked the Confederate lines with canister. It was chusetts battery to its fate. Captain Bigelow took quick
surprise fire of the most deadly sort and under it the
Southerners broke and disappeared in the woods 500 yards =. F:::
in front of the battery, leaving only rows of dead and -. C""FEDERATES

wounded to mark where the attack had passed.

But the triumph was short-lived. The brigade reformed
and advanced again. This time the Massachusetts bat-
tery was not neglected; its cannoneers began to drop.
Other batteries along the Wheatfield Road started pull-
ing out, Graham's infantry brigade had already fallen back
from the Peach Orchard position, and Thompson's Bat-
teries C and F from Pennsylvania went with it. At 5:20
P.M. the 15th New York Battery withdrew, followed by
Clark's New Jersey Battery and Randolph's Rhode Island
Battery. Meanwhile the nearby infantry was falling
back in all directions without a rallying point. At 5:30
P.M., however, Bigelow's Battery was still hotly engaged
with the advancing skirmish line.
At this moment Colonel McGilvery, who commanded
the 1st Brigade, Army Artillery, rode up. Noting the
exposed position of Bigelow's guns, he shouted on order
above the noise of battle: "Limber up and get out"-
a simple order, but hard to execute. There was a shortage
of horses and the Confederates were pressing close. Bige-
low solved the problem by the drill-ground order, "Retire
by prolonge." Slowly the battery withdrew, keeping up
the fire.
It was a difficult maneuver. At one time Barksdale's
Confederate Brigade advancing into the breach left by
the withdrawal of Graham's Brigade, got within 400
yards of the right of the battery. Bigelow replied to this
threat by having one section fire solid shot to the right
while the other four guns continued to fire to the front . .............."""'"'"_ .....""""" ........
.1c __ T.Ir.&

1The blue uniforms came from the Federal supply depot at Harp- At 4:00 P.M. the full force of Longstreet's infantry attack
er's Ferry which the Confederates had captured a few days before. struck the Peach Orchard.

while directing one of his guns to a better position. Pri-

vate Gilson, badly wounded, refused to be evacuated.
/ He met his death while coolly lighting his pipe. Gunner
/ Murphy was killed just as he was about to fire No.3
gun. Private Fen who stepped forward to replace him,
fell as he reached for the lanyard. Private Crossen, the
/ next man to try it, met the same fate. Then Private
/ Smith clambered over the bodies and fired the gun.
The nervy Bigelow, although wounded, carried on
mounted until a second bullet toppled him from his horse.
Even then, supported in a sitting position by his orderly,
he continued to direct the fight.
A short savage charge was stopped at the guns. One
of the gunners saved himself by braining an attacker with
a rammer staff. Another fought with a primer spike.
But courage and determination could not prevail against
heavy odds. With a rebel yell the Confederate line surged
over the position ..
Bugler Reed lifted the captain on the only remaining
horse, and led it at a walk to the rear. Then an amazing
thing happened. The victorious Confederates withheld
their fire and let them go!
Meanwhile McGilvery had brought his other batteries

Shortly after 6:00 P.M. Confederate units began to move

toward the gap in the Union lines.

stock of the situation. Half his men and horses had

been killed or wounded, and only a few rounds of ammu- .
nition remained. The position occupied by the battery
could accommodate only four guns. Since the right sec-
tion had no field of fire Bigelow decided to save it from
capture. Accordingly, he ordered Lieutenant Milton to
take all the horses and move the guns to the rear, leaving
the ammunition. The four remaining pieces, with their
scanty supply of ammunition stacked near the muzzles
for rapid fire, awaited the onslaught.
It was not long in coming, and there was no stopping
it. But the doomed battery gave a good account of itself
in its last minutes of action. As the Confederates ap-
peared over the knoll it greeted them with a salvo that
brought the advance to a momentary halt. Then came
a brief duel between the infantry and the artillery. At
that close range the advantage lay with the infantry. But
in spite of the murderous small arms fire that poured in
from front and flank, the gunners continued to serve
their pieces until the end.
There were many incidents of heroism. Lieutenant
Erickson, shot through the lungs and reeling in the sad- For a crucial half hour thc 9th Massachusetts Battery had held
dle, conrinued to command his secrion. He was killed thelinc.
to defend the gap. At 6:35 P.M. the men of one of these Bigelow but they came on unmindful of the fire. Still
-the 6th Maine-saw through the smoke around T ros- at a walk they passed the cheering cannoneers and con-
tle's Lane a Union soldier leading a horse with a badly tinued on to the field hospital on the Taneytown Road.
wounded officer hunched forward in the saddle. Bugler Reed well earned the Medal of Honor he received
One of the battery officers rode out. "Hurry! For God's for that day's work.
sake. hurry!" he cried. "I can't hold my fire any longer; The timely arrival of successive reinforcements brought
the enemy is about to charge." Longstreet's power drive definitely to a standstill. But one
"~, can't hurry," replied Bigelow. "Go back and open wonders what might have happened had not the 9th
fire. wIassachusetts Battery held up the Confederate advance
That was the thing to do and that is what they did. for the crucial half hour that McGilvery needed to plug
A storm of solid shot and canister swept past Captain the gap in the III Corps line.

A Battle Over a Battle

F OR many years after the events which are related
in An Artillery Epic, Major John Bigelow read that
Gettysburg was being made a national shrine. The work
one. Again he asked for consideration for the names of
General Hunt or Colonel McGilvery.
To this letter he got no reply, whereupon wfajor Bige-
of marking the places where various men and units had low unlimbered and went into action. He published
distinCTuished themselves met with his approval. Final- The Peach Orchard-An Appeal, and broadcast it to
ly, in bI909, he went to see for himself. He found many veterans. Before long the Gettysburg Commission began
markers and many streets named to get resolutions asking that something be done for the
in honor of regiments and soldiers artillery.
who had taken part in the fight. Then followed a long, and at times acrimonious, cor-
But, to his dismay, he discovered respondence. General Sickles, the commander of the
that the artillerymen had been Third Corps, stated in reply to the Commission's request
neglected. for his opinion-"The avenues embracing my position
Undoubtedly this was merely are all properly marked." Major Bigelow's rejoinder was
an oversight. Bigelow wrote a to the effect that at one stage of the proceedings the
courteous letter to the Gettysburg Third Corps might be said to have been without any
Commission pointing out the position. As faG as he knew, he said, "the Third Corps
omission and suggesting that a line at the Peach Orchard ceased to exist after 6 P.M.,
street be named in honor of Gen- July 2, 1863."
eral Hunt or Colonel McGilvery, Major Bigelow did not succeed in getting a street
both leading artillerymen of the Army of the Potomac. named for General Hunt or Colonel McGilvery, but the
He proposed that Trostle's Lane, which had been named 1916 report of the Gettysburg Commission shows mark-
United States Avenue, be dedicated to the gunners. ers not carried in the 1907 report. Among these markers
The reply from the Commission said "\Ve do not see are three honoring the artillery. One indicates the Head-
any valid reason for the change." The major's response quarters, Artillery Reserve, Army of the Potomac, com-
has a slight ironical tinge-"Your suggestion that 1 did manded by General Hunt, and two the positions of the
not suggect 'any valid reason' requires me to be a little 1st Volunteer Artillery Brigade, commanded by Colonel
more specific." He pointed out that the fight along McGilvery. Here undoubtedly we have a compromise-
Trostle's Lane had been almost exclusively an artillery all could again quit the field of Gettysburg with honor.
The Win of the Leader-III

ELDOM has a com- To sum up, French strategy
mander in chief, in the
French strategy had failed, had failed, French tactics had
early days of a war, French tactics had failed failed and there were grave
faced a bleaker situation than doubts about French leader-
that which confronted Joseph and there were grave doubts ship. At GQG7 Joffre and his
Usaire Joffre, Generalissimo
of the French Armies, on
about French leadership. collaborators knew that many
of their important subordi-
August 24, 1914, as he re- nates had failed miserably.
ceived the evening report at Vitty-Ie-Fran~ois, "The head- But they also recognized the fact that they and they
quarters of lost illusions." alone were largely responsible for what had occurred.
His plan of operations had proved faulty and he had There could no longer be any question about it-German
been strategically surprised. All his armies had been de- skill, not German numbers, had won the first round of
feated with heavy losses, his general reserve had been the World War. France could not afford to lose the
used long ago, and his left wing was being enveloped by second.
superior forces whose rush he was powerless to stem. Some two weeks later the French armies turned and
There had been numerous failures of leadership among attacked. Their strategical situation was excellent. The
his subordinate commanders. There was even a question French and British left wing overlapped and enveloped
as to whether or not the troops would continue to fight. the German right. At the decisive spot the Germans were
Confronted by defeat wherever they looked, it was only greatly outnumbered. Where the French were numerically
natural that the government's confidence in the Army inferior, skillful use of terrain and fortifications made up
should be badly shaken and that Joffre's own posirion for the weakness. French tactics had improved to the point
should swing precariously in the political balance. where they could scarcely be compared to the tactics in
To make matters worse, on the extreme left flank, at vogue two weeks before. Vacillating leaders had been
the decisive spot, stood an army that Joffre did not com- weeded outS and the spirit of team-play had been infused
mand. He could request, he could urge, but he could throughout the Army. Between British and French a
not order the British Army? Furthermore, the relations n:e~sure of cooperation was beginning to replace sus-
between this army and its nearest French neighbor, the pICiOn.
Fifth Army, 2 were badly strained and their commanders In Parts I and II of this study, OHL's contributions to
cordially despised each other. And against these disunited this remarkable reversal have been examined. It is now
forces a powerful German wing, far stronger than any proposed to do the same for Joffre9 and GQG.
French force that could be brought against it, was sweep-
ing down in the direction of Paris, the heart of France.
This German right wing had beaten the British at Mons On this day Joffre realized that he must play for time-
(Map I) and tl1.eFifth Army on the Sambre. The French time to regroup his forces and fill up his shattered ranks
ThirdS and Fourth~ Armies had suffered a like fate in with replacements. Later he could try his fortune again,
their attack in the Belgian Ardennes. The First~ and but not at once. Now, the whole of his left and c~nter
Second6 Armies had come to grief in Lorraine and in the must go back, fighting a delaying action. True, this was
Vosges. Along the entire front there was but one faint one of the things which French pre-war tacticians had pro-
ray of light: On the extreme right, where it mattered nounced impossible, but since so I?-any of their cherished
little, the situation was favorable.
'Grand Quartier General or General Headquarters.
The fundamental ideas on which French tactics were SIn the first two months of the war, two army commanders, 10
based-the uselessness of liaison between units advancing corps commanders out of 25 and 42 division commanders out of
about 80 were relieved.
to battle; insistence on a headlong and simultaneous at-
"The typical routine for Joffre was as follows. He rose at 5:00
tack along the entire front; security obtained solely A.M., ate breakfast, and went to GQG at 6 :00 A.M. The Grand Re-
through the rapidity of the attack-all these had proved port at which Joffre "took his bearings" was held in his office at
7:00 A.M. First Belin, Chief of Staff, and Berthelot, Deputy Chief
to be illusions. of Staff, read the news of the night, commenting upon this. Joffre
then made the necessary decisions. After this he received other
'Commander, Field Marshal Sir John French; two and a half staff representatives and handled matters dealing with supply,
corps. materiel and transport. Lunch at 11 :00 A.].{. was followed by aquick
.Commander, General Lanrezac; I, III, X, XVIII Corps and tour of GQG, and a walk for exercise. The afternoon he spent in
three reserve divisions. the office. Shop talk was forbidden at dinner, which was at 6 :30
P.M. At 8:00 P.M. he received the evening report. At 9:00 or 10:00
'Commander, General Ruffey; IV, V, and VI Corps.
P.M. he went to bed and only a national crisis justified awakening
'Commander, General de Langle de Cary; II, Colonial, IX, XI. him.
XII, XVIII Corps, and two reserve divisions. Joffre was capable of original ideas at times but for the most
.Commander, General Dubail; VIII, XIII, XIV, XXI Corps part he worked on suggestions and proposed solutions furnished
and some reserve divisions. him by his staff. He accepted, rejected and altered. Somewhat
.Commander, General de Castelnau; XV, XVI and XX Corps; slow, careful and thorough, he nevertheless was able to transact
18th Division and some reserve divisions. an immense amount of business.




o MI

MAP I - The French right .. must be weakened in order to strengthen the critical flank.

tactical preconceptions had proved false, this, too, could bination of infantry and artillery.
well go overboard. Every combined operation comprises a series of minor
operations which have as objectivesthe gaining of supporting
The French right, not so hard pressed as the left, must
points. Whenever it is desired to occupy a supporting point,
be weakened in order to strengthen the critical flank. This the attack must be prepared by artillery, the infantry must
was robbing Peter to pay Paul and Joffre knew it, but it be held back, and the assault must only be launched from
was a case of paying Paul or else. So an order was issued such distance as will permit the objective to be reached with
coordinating the withdrawal of the left and center armies, certainty. Whenever the infantry attack has been launched
while emergency steps were taken to ward off the German at too great a distance, and without the artillery having had
time to make itself felt, the infantry has fallen under machine-
envelopment. Joffre gave orders for railway demolitions gun fire and has suffered losses which might have been
and directed that prepared inundations be effected near avoided.....
the English Channel. The 61st and 62d Divisions, sent The practice has been to immediately throw forward nu-
to Arras from Paris, were given the mission of covering the merous units in dense formations, which are at once exposed
left flank of the British, and Cordet's Cavalry Corps, which to hostile fire and are decimated. The result is that the of-
was south of Maubeuge, was ordered to pass behind the fensive is stopped dead and the infantry is often left at the
British and gain the outside flank. Joffre likewise ordered mercy of a counter-attack.
the VII Corps withdrawn from Alsace and moved by rail The combat must be carried out by a line of skirmishers in
sufficiently extended order, continually fed from the rear
to the west. He thus starred building up a mass of ma-
and supported by attillery. The fight can thus be carried on
neuver on the extreme left. until the moment when the assault can be launched under
By this time Joffre's liaison officers had thorougly ac- the most favorable conditions.
quainted him with the tactical errors prevalent in recent
fighting. He now took steps to correct these. The note he Joffre also prescribed that cavalry divisions should al-
issued on this subject may sound elementary today, but to ways have the support of an infantry detachment, and
the French of 1914 it was revolutionary. In part it read: emphasized
The lesson to be learned from the fighting up to date is ... the absolute necessity of insuring complete co-
that attacks cannot be carried out without an intimate com- operation between infantry and artillery. The one has at-
tacked in too much of a hurry, the other is too often en- preferences, applied himself with the utmost energy to ensur-
gaged after much delay, hesitatingly and spatingly. It is to ing by every possible means the success of the new plan.
this capital error that the greater part of the losses of the
infantry are imputable. The nature of the plan, which has been called The
Genesis of thc Marnc, is indicated in the following para-
He called for better coordination and more massive em-
graphs of the insttuction:
ployment of artillery and directed that the use of airplanes
It being impossible to carty out the offensive maneuver
in conducting artillery fire be made more general. which had been projected, the object of future operations
Joffre believed in supervising subordinates. Therefore, will be to reform on our left a mass of maneuver capable of
after issuing this note, he took steps to see that its pro- resuming the offensive. This will consist of the Fourth, Fifth,
visions were being carried out. Liaison officers got special and British Armies, together with new forces, drawn from
instructions to observe and report upon the tactics of lower the eastern front, while the other armies contain the enemy
as long as necessary.
units. The next offensive must be made effective. True
During the retirement, the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Armies
enough, the French Army was retreating now, but during will conform to the movement of their neighbors, and each
that retreat it would study offensive tactics. will remain in liaison with the others. The retirement will bf'
covered by rear guards established on favorable topographical
positions so as to take advantage of every obstacle to arrest
While liaison officerswent to the armies to transmit the or at least delay the advance of the enemy by short and vi(\-
new tactical Bible, and ascertain the morale and condition lent counter-attacks, the principal elements of which will be
artillery ....
o! troops, Joffre and his collaborators estimated the situa-
A new group comprising formations transported by rail
(VII Corps, four reserve divisions, and perhaps in addition
Colonel Dupont, G-z, submitted a report showing that another active corps) will be formed between August 27 and
most of the German regular corps had been recently identi- September 2 in front of Amiens ... or behind the Somme .
fied on the French front. The question of the German . . . This group will be in readiness to assume the offensive
reserve corps, some of which had been identified, was also in the general direction of St. Pol-Arras or Arras-Bapaume.
discussed. Colonel Dupont concluded that not more than While the basic decision for the future employment of
28 reserve divisions could be employed against France. As all the French armies was being made, reports flowed in
a result of his estimate Joffre was given a definite idea of from the front. French forces near Verdun were making
the total strength of the German forces opposing him, but a successful counter-attack against the left flank of the
there was still considerable question as to their distribu- Crown Prince's army. It promised considerable results if
tion.10 the advantage were followed up. Joffre, however, sacri-
Joffre and his principal assistants then took up the ques- ficed the local success. Here was a place where he could
tion of the forthcoming French offensive, which all felt lay hands upon troops to strengthen his left. Major Bel,
was imperative. When should it be launched and what one of his liaison officers, was sent to Verdun with orders
form should it take? for the attacking troops to fall back on the defensive and
General Berthelot, the Deputy Chief of Staff, strongly give up two divisions. By 4:00 P.M. Joffre was assured
urged a central maneuver. He wanted to concentrate all tl1at the 55th and 56th Divisions were being directed to-
available forces behind the Fifth Army, and as the Brit- ward entraining points.
ish fell back, to strike at the inner wing of the German The First and Second Armies were both engaged in a
forces pursuing them. By this offensive from east to west violent battle, so Joffre felt he could not weaken these
he hoped to separate the German right from the rest of armies for the present.
the German forces. He pointed out that the plan was There remained the matter of coordination on the left
simple and could be executed rapidly. wing. Sir John French and Lanrezac were both going
Joffre's own conception was to build up a mass of ma-' their own way and operations were suffering. Of course,
neuver on his left, capable of enveloping the German en- the success of the new offensive plan depended on the
velopers. The discussion of these two plans lasted the British and the French Fifth Army delaying the enemy,
entire day. Berthelot returned to the charge again and thus giving time for the formation of the new mass of
again. In the evening, after weighing all factors, Joffre de- maneuver. In view of this, Joffre wished to discuss his
cided in favor of his own envelopment idea. Accordingly, new orders with the British and therefore arranged for an
General Instruction No. z was signed and sent out. In his interview with Sir John French and Lanrezac at St. Quen-
memoirs Joffre says: tin the next day. Perhaps the three of them could reach
My decision once made, Berthelot, putting aside his own an understanding.
Late that evening Joffre received a telegram from the
100f the active corps actually enga~ed on the Western Front, Minister of War, directing him to send three regular corps
the French at this time had not identified the III Corps (Kluck's
First Armv), any units of Hausen's Third Army, or the III to defend Paris "if victory does not crown our arms and if
Bavarian Corps (Lorraine). Moreover they were still skeptical our armies are forced to retreat." Considering as undesir-
as to whether all the reserve divisions had been grouped in corps,
for only two reserve corps had been definitely identified. Therefore,
able both governmental interference in the conduct of
to a certain extent the French still persisted in their erroneous operations and the proposed weakening of his forces, Joffre
estimate of German reserve formations, which was one of the took advantage of the wording of the telegram, and de-
principal reasons for their faulty original deployment. However.
the estimate of 28 reserve diviaions was quite accurate. cided to suspend the execution of these instructions.


Joffre and Berthelot reached St. Quentin at about 10:30 Early on the 2qth Joffre learned that the Fifth Army
A.M. where they met French and Lanrezac. The feeling was still retreating. Lanrezac had promised that he would
between these two key commanders was unmistakable. counter-attack just as soon as he reached terrain favorable
They acted like two strange bulldogs. French complained for the employment of artillery. Joffre believed that the
that Lanrezac had let him down by retreating without time for the counter-attack had now arrived. He thought
giving warning. Lanrezac's attitude indicated that he it necessary for two reasons: first, to help the hard-pressed
considered the British commander an ignorant amateur British; and second, to gain time for the execution of the
not worthy of a reply. new offensive plan. He therefore ordered the Fifth Army
After this auspicious start, Joffre got down to the prin- (now about to retreat behind the Oise east of Guise [Map
cipal purpose of his trip--'<l discussion with Sir John 2]) to execute a counter-offensive to the north, and urged
French of the part the British were to play in the new the British to slow up their retreat while this army at-
offensive. As Joffre began to explain the details of his tacked.
plan, French appeared puzzled. Suddenly the British During the afternoon Joffre learned that the British
commander exclaimed: "But I know nothing of this had evacuated St. Quentin. Upon receipt of this unwel-
orderl" come word GQG called Sir John French on the telephone
A British staff officer then stepped forward and ex- and again emphasized the undesirability of the British
plained that the instruction had been received during the uncovering the Fifth Army's Hank at the very moment
night but had not yet been studied. To learn that the that army was about to attack.
British staff had not studied such a fundamental order, or Meanwhile, Maunoury had reported at GQG for in-
even taken the trouble to notify their commander of its structions relative to the organization of the new Sixth
existence, was a bewildering blow to Joffre. He went over Army. There he was directed to dispose his forces, as they
the plan again, but obviously the conference had failed. arrived, in such a manner as to be able to act offensively
It disintegrated, rather than ended. Joffre went back to against the German right Hank. But shortly after Mau-
Vitry with the impression that the Allied left was fragile noury left Vitry with the directive for the new army, bad
in more ways than one. news came in. The German right wing was advancing so
However, he had been able to take one step toward rapidly and the Allied left was in such disorder, that Joffre
improving Franco-British relations. During the conference realized that his plan for an Amiens-Laon-Reims bat-
he had learned that part of the British forces were engaged tle was about to fall to pieces. It appeared that the Sixth
in a desperate struggle at Le Cateau, and therefore he at Army would not only be too weak but too late. One
once sent orders to Sordet's Cavalry Corps to intervene in chance remained.
the battle "with all available forces and the greatest en- G-2 reports dealing with the German units detached to
ergy." Sordet's action helped take pressure off the British. besiege the fortress of Maubeuge led Joffre to believe that
The evening of the 26th was a bad one for Joffre. The pressure from the north against the French Fifth Army
reports he found awaiting him at Vitry were anything but would be relaxed. Therefore, it seemed to him that the
encouraging. The Fourth Army was falling back behind Fifth Army, now behind the Oise, could attack toward
the Meuse; the Germans had already forced a crossing St. Quentin-northwest instead of north-and at the
near Mezieres; counter-artacks had failed. Joffre ordered same time protect its north Hank. Joffre hoped that this
the Third and Fourth Armies to at least delay the Ger- attack would strike those units pursuin~ the British,
mans from behind the Meuse. thereby helping their ally, and perhaps give the Sixth
To make matters still worse, a ministerial crisis was on Army time to concentrate and strike. Orders for this
and the Minister of War, a staunch supporter of Joffre, change were sent to the Fifth Army about TOO P.M.
had lost his position. A liaison officer soon afterward informed Joffre that
But the climax to this evil day came in the form of a Lanrezac strongly objected to the new orders.11 GQG at
telegram from Colonel Huguet, French liaison officerwith once sent Lanrezac another message insisting upon strict
the British. That telegram read: execution of the orders and Joffre, himself, decided to go
Battle lost by British Army which seems to have lost all to Lanrezac's headquatters the next day.
cohesion. !t will demand considerable protection to enable it About 10:00 P.M. Joffre learned the result of his inter~
to reorganIZe. vention with the British. They would fall back again,
For the moment Joffre could send no more ttoops to despite plans for the Fifth Army's attack. This retreat
the left Hank. However, he could organize an army out of would uncover the left of the attacking Fifth Army, as
the miscellaneous French units that were to operate on well as the right Hank of the newly formed Sixth Army.
the left Hank of the British. And this task he immediately
began. He selected General Maunoury, then at Verdun, nA dangerous and difficult operation had been thrust on Lanre-
zac. It involved a change of front of his entire army and a flank
to command this army and directed him to report to GQG march in the immediate presence of a victorious enemy. The
for instructions. Thus did the famous Sixth Army come logistics of the movement are alone sufficient to drive the average
staff officer into hysterics. In any case, a violent scene resulted be-
into being. tween the liaison officer, Lanrezac, and Lanrezac's G-3.


9 I!, 2!' 30

MAP 2 - GQG learned that there was grave danger of a penetration in the large gap between the Fourth and Fifth Armies.

A letter from Huguet, written a few hours earlier, painted All in all, though it was still touch and go on the left
the following picture of the British: flank, there remained at least three French armies capable
For the moment the British Army is beaten and incapable of driving home a successful attack. After the agonizing
of any serious effort. The right column, the 1st and 2d Di- doubts of the last few days, Joffre's faith in his troops was
visions, ... still presents some aspect of cohesion; the same
now restored.
may be said for the 4th Division, but the 3d and 5th Divi-
sions ... are nothing more than disorganized bands in-
capable of offering the slightest resistance. On the morning of the 28th, GQG learned that there
In contrast was the situation of the First and Second was grave danger of a German penetration in the large gap
Armies. These forces had been rather successful in a vig- between the Fourth and Fifth Armies. Upon receipt of
?rous counter-offensive. Joffre issued an order congratulat- this information, Joffre decided to form an army detach-
Ing them upon their courage and tenacity and directed the ment charged with the mission of linking these two armies
Fi~st Army to send a cavalry division back to entraining together. The oversized Fourth Army would furnish the
POInts. He felt that he would soon be able to draw still necessary troops. A general officer named Foeh, then in
more troops from the east to help the west. command of the XX Corps in Lorraine, would assume
Early in the morning Joffre had indicated to the Fourth command of this army detachment. General Foch would
Army his desire that it strengthen its left at the expense of report to GQG at once. He would bring with him a cer-
its right. Major Gamelin,12 liaison officer to the Fourth tain Colonel Weygand,13 whom Joffre had selected to be
Army, reported to Joffre that evening at dinner. He told chief of staff of this new command.
Joffre that a successful counter-attack had been made Having made these arrangements, Joffre left for Fifth
against German troops that had crossed the Meuse below Army headquarters at Marle to see Lanrezac. Immediate-
Sedan. The coolness of General de Langle and his chief of ly upon his arrival, Lanrezac, rired and nervous, broke
staff had particularly impressed him. He had also noted a into a torrent of complaints and objections to the pro-
marked improvement in French tactics. posed attack. Joffre suddenly interrupted. He threatened

1SPresent French Chief of Staff. "General Gamelin's predecessor as French Chief of Staff.

to depnve Lanrezac of his command. He told hIlll he blunder. _Joffre warr:e~ _this army that its VI Corps, a
w0l!ld have to obey orders without this eternal procrasti- crack umt of three dIvISIons,would be taken from it for
natIOn and apprehensiveness. He told him that the Brit- employment elsewhere.
ish grievances against the French were all his fault, that By this time the counter-offensive of the First and Sec-
he had let the British down, and now they distrusted o.lld Armies was be~ng checked. Joffre did not persist,
everything French. Slllce he was preparlllg to weaken them. He informed
Lanrezac then complained that he had not received a these armies that their mission now was merely to hold.
written order, whereupon Major Gamelin sat down, wrote
one of some thirty words, and Joffre signed it. Lanrezac AUGUST 29
professed himself satisfied. At the Grand Report Joffre learned that the Germans
A few moments later, General de Mas Latrie, com- were about to break into the detraining area of the Sixth
mander of the XVIII Corps, reported at army headquarters Army. l!0wever, he still had a faint hope that the attack
with a long string of complaints and a longer tale of woe. of the FIfth Army would reestablish the situation suf-
Lanrezac turned on him vigorously, and passed on some hciently to let him fight a decisive battle north of Paris.H
of Joffre's expressions which were fresh in his memory. At about 9:00 A.M., Joffre arrived at Lanrezac's head-
Joffre added a few new ones for good measure. The crest- quarters. To aU appearances the Fifth Army commander
fallen.Mas Latrie left in a hurry. had recovered his calmness and confidence. Therefore
T?ereafter the tensi?n lessened perceptibly. Just before Joffre did not relieve him. However, he remained at MarIe
leavlllg Joffre placed hISlarge hand on Lanrezac's shoulder throughout the morning, watching Lanrezac conduct the
and said: "It's a question of the salvation of two armies-- battle. The attack to the northwest was launched success-
cl1eBritish and the Sixth. I am counting upon you." fully but soon afterward the Fifth Army was struck from
. Nevertheless Joffre's impressions of the Fifth Army and the north by forces crossing the Oise-forces that Joffre
Its commander were so unfavorable that he decided to re- believed to be about Maubeuge.
turn to Made on the 29th, the day of the attack. He even Joffre left Lanrezac at noon. Strong intimations had
~onsidered relieving Lanrezac on the spot but after think- reached him that Sir John French was going to call off the
lllg the m~tter over he decided to wait at least until the war for a week or ten days, retire somewhere and refit.
next mornlllg. This, of course, I would have created an immense gap be-
Although previous efforts to obtain British participation tween the Fifth and Sixth Armies and would have pre-
in the St. Quentin attack had failed, Joffre made another eluded any chance of launching the Allied counter-offen-
attempt on this day. He asked Sir John French to main- sive. So Joffre went to French's headquarters at Com-
~ain liaison ~eween the Fifth and Sixth Armies, point- piegne and put up his best arguments.
lllg out that It would only be necessary for the British to He met with little success. Joffre says he saw cl1eBrit-
halt rear guards behind the Crozat Canal (west of La ish Chief of Staff, Sir Archibald Murray, twitching
Fhe). At 8:30 P.M. the British reply came through French's tunic, as if to prevent him from yielding. French
Huguet: said he would cooperate after his troops had had 48 hours
of rest.
Sir John French regrets that he cannot cooperate in the
general action to the extent requested by you. His troops are Joffre started back to Vitry in a thoroughly bad humor.
worn out and require at least one day of rest in the quarters By accident he met the one Englishman he thought might
they occupy this evening. The day after tomorrow they will help him-General Sir Henry Wilson, the Deputy Chief
be capable of holding the line of the Crozat Canal if neces- of Staff and a friend of Foch. Joffre talked to Wilson
sary. If, later on, the French Army is victorious the Field frankly and the Englishman promised to try to change Sir
Marshal will put his troops at your disposal as reserves. John French's attitude.
Thus the British Army, located one to two days' march On arrival at Vitry, Joffre learned that the French Fifth
bac~ of its ~rench neighbors, was to rest on August 29th Army had suffered a slight reverse on its left and scored a
whIle the Frfth Army attacked to help it. success on its right. Various reports indicated that this at-
Then more bad news came in-this time from the de- tack had succeeded in diverting some of the German col-
training Sixth Army. The line of the Somme had been umns that had been marching against the British and the
lost. The F?urth Army was fighting hard on the Meuse. Sixth Army. Joffre thereupon issued an order for the Fifth
De Langle lllformed Joffre that he had received instruc- Army to withdraw.16
tions from GQG which called for withdrawal behind the Joffre's last hope of executing his plan of August 25th
Aisne, but the situation was favorable and he had ventured without radical alterations was now gone. He realized
to postpone execution of the retreat. Joffre authorized a that he had underestimated the power and mobility of the
short delay for the sake of morale, but added that de German right wing and that his time and space calcula-
Langle must then resume the retreat in conformity with tions had been faulty. On the evening of August 29th all
adjacent forces.. ---"This hope was founded on an overestimation of the forces left
The Third Army's situation appeared relatively good, to besiege Maubeuge and a consequent underestimation of the
but there were reports that the army commander was los- strength of the German right wing.
ing his o-rip and that his staff had made blunder after ""Through an inexcusable error by GQG's message center, the
0-- order was not dispatched for ten hours.
that remained of his plan was the fundamental idea of With the British at least temporarily out of the war,
strenghtening his left and gaining a decision over the Ger- and the Sixth Army in disorder, there seemed little chance
man right wing. in the near future of building up a mass of maneuver on
This strengthening of his left was proving difficult. His the German right flank. GQG therefore abandoned the
subordinates kept insisting that it was not an easy thing strategic conception of August 25th and seems to have
to pluck entire divisions out of the battle front. During swung back on this day to Berthelot's idea of a central
the evening a message came in from General Ruffey, the offensive, directed against the German right wing. But
Third Army commander, protesting against giving up the this still demanded the transfer of troops from east to west
VI Corps. Ruffey said he was about to be attacked by to build up a strong left wing. These various considera-
strong forces at any minute. Ruffey was known to have tions resulted in an order to the Sixth Army to fall back in
a vivid imagination, and Joffre suspected that his appre- the direction of Paris.
hensions were groundless. But in view of the protest In the afternoon Joffre went to the Third Army. There
Joffre ordered that only the 42d Division of the VI Corps he verified the reports concerning Ruffey and his staff. He
be withdrawn to reinforce Foeh's detachment. shook up the staff, relieved Ruffey, and turned over the
However, the opposition to giving up the VI Corps Third Army to Sarrail, who at that time commanded the
again focused Joffre's attention on the fact that the Third VI Corps. He capped off his cyclonic visit by inviting the
Army command and staff were not "clicking." He de- relieved army commander to dine with him at GQG.
cided to investigate personally the next day. Ruffey accepted.
From the Third Army Joffre motored to the Fourth.
AUGUST 30 He found the contrast striking. De Langle was calm and
The 30th statted off with word that the Sixth Army, full of fight. He wanted to resume the offensive and Joffre
attacked while detraining, had fallen back behind the authorized a strong counter-blow in conjunction with the
Avre in confusion. The Fifth Army, owing to the delay Third Army.
in transmitting orders for its withdrawal, was in great The evening closed with a jolt. The Russians, who had
danger of being enveloped and cut off. This army was been counted on to take off some of the German pressure,
much farther north than its neighbors, since it had been had been badly defeated at T annenberg in East Prussia.
halted on the Oise for two days during the battles around Intercepted German radios exulted about 70,000 prisoners
Guise and St. Quentin. Its flanks were exposed and there and an annihilated army.
was considerable doubt as to whether it would be able to On every hand discouragement and despondency were
escape mtact. increasing; not even GQG was immune. But Joffre main-
Under tllese circumstances Joffre was more than grate- tained an Olympian calm. Although he did not know it,
ful to learn that Sir John French had agreed to slow up his the blow he had dealt the Germans on the Gise had, to
retreat and maintain contact with the Fifth Army by quote the British General Spears, "set the wheel of fortune
means of rear guards. He wrote immediately to thank turning in his favor."
French. He stated that he intended to withdraw all the AUGUST 31
French armies, avoiding any general engagement for the The next morning at the Grand Report things looked
present. He added that the British should keep in close better. G-2 had unmistakable evidence that the Germans
touch with the Fifth Army so as to take advantage of all were moving troops from the western front to face Russia
favorable opportunities "to give the enemy a severe lesson, in the east. Thirty-two trains had been counted in Bel-
such as that of yesterday." gium and checked again as they went through Berlin.
But Joffre was too optimistic. A shott while after the Furthermore, it was evident that the Fifth Army had
dispatch of the thank-you note, word came in that the struck a hard blow at Guise. Intercepted German radios
British had resumed their retreat. A letter from French spoke of "concealing the repulse from the troops." More-
stated that the British Army would not be fit to take its over, in spite of the delayed GQG order, the Fifth Army
place in line for another ten days and therefore could not had made a successful daylight withdrawal from the
hold the front between the Fifth and Sixth Armies. The German forces with which it had been in contact. At
British ~ommander wanted to fall back behind the lower present, its exposed left flank was the danger point.
Seine, northwest of Paris, and reorganize. He wanted to Joffre now issued an order to tlle Fifth and Sixth Armies
make the movement by marching and thought it would to fall back only if pressed. He even felt up to trying his
take four or five days. This rather remarkable proposal luck with Sir John French again. He asked that the British
seemed to ignore the fact that such a movement would cut commander
squarely across the lines of communications of the Sixth ... at least handle his rear guards in such a fashion as to
Army. prevent the enemy from getting the impression that a dis-
Joffre accepted French's propositions on the conditions tinct retreat is under way and that a gap exists between the
Fifth and Sixth Armies.
that the British first retreat to the east of Paris behind the
Marne and then go to their destination by moving south French replied that he would retire to a certain line
of Paris. In this way they would not interfere with the which he would hold as long as the Fifth and Sixth Armies
Sixth Army. -' remained in their present position. If those armies fell

Sm.>tJIoN AS _ 10 GQG ON



10 2J)

SCA1..E IN lUl.£S

MAP 3 - The fact that the whole German First Army was advancing to the sOlltheast was clearly exposed.

back, he would fall back too. The joker in this lay in the formed about the location and operations of the German
fact that the line indicated by the Britisher was about a right wing than was German OHL back in Luxemburg.
day's march behind the French front line. It was obvious Early in the morning a bold suggestion came in from
that Sir John was not even willing to fight a rear-guard ac- General Maunoury. He had been informed of the danger
tion; this in spite of reports that a German cavalry corps, threatening the flank of the Fifth Army (Map 3) and
followed by two of Kluck's corps, were moving across the proposed that his own battered and disorganized Sixth
British front to strike the Fifth Army's exposed flank. Army launch an attack to the northeast to help Lamezac.
In characteristic fashion Joffre did what he could. He Joffre had the will power to avoid the temptation and
directed that a cavalry corps made up of troops being ordered Maunoury to fall back on Paris.
railed from the east, be assembled so as to protect the At Bar-sur-Aube, where GQG was now established,
flank of the Fifth Army. Unfortunately, this cavalry Jo!fre spent most of the day in an estimate of the situation.
would not be available for one or two days. He concluded that all his forces must continue to fall back
The proposed counter-blow of the Third and Fourth until the Fifth Army had made good its escape. Until that
Armies and Foch's detachment did not materialize. De army was out of the toils, battle could not be joined under
Langle was ea~er to attack; in fact, he had even issued favorable conditions. Joffre had resolved to have the
orders to his Fourth Army. But when Joffre consulted chances on his side when he resumed the offensive. The re-
Foch about the attack, Foch stated that he thought the sult of the day's meditation was General Instructions No.
conditions were unfavorable. Joffre agreed with this view 4. This prescribed the limit of the French retirement and
and thereupon ordered the Fourth Army and the Foch foreshadowed an offensive in which all troops, including
detachment to fall back while the Third Army pivoted Maunoury's Sixth Army, would be employed. Joffre was
about Verdun.16 careful to state that the limit of the retirement need not
necessarily be reached at the time of the counter-offensive.
To comply with the ministerial order that three active
On the morning of September 1st, G-z gave Joffre the
corps garrison Paris, Joffre placed the Sixth Army under
first complete and accurate picture of the German armies.
Gallieni, the Governor of Paris. He then took steps to
Ably assisted by the British Intelligence,1'l'Colonel Dupont
have Gallieni placed under his orders. Thus he complied
was beginning to call the turn. From this point on, Joffre with the order of the Ministry without weakening his
was to be, if not perfectly informed, at least better in-
combat strength for, as shown earlier, he intended to use
'"It was this countennanded counter-attack which Moltke be- the Sixth Army in his offensive.
lieved to be a supreme French effort to gain a decision.
That evening a highly impottant document, sent post
~"The Royal Flying Corps achieved remarkable results and
seems to have been most ably handled. haste from the Fifth Army, arrived at GQG. It was a
stained and crumpled map with a few numbers and pencil Nevertheless the time for the counter-offensive was
marks on it. That was all, but it was enough to make eyes obviously approaching. Colonel POD:tand his Operations
grow big :md hearts beat faster at Fifth Army headquarters Bureau were clamoring for an attack. But on the other
and at GQG. hand, Berthelot did not think the troops were up to it yet.
The map had belonged to a German officer, apparently He preferred to retire behind the Seine and reorganize
from the Guard Cavalry Division, who had been shot before attacking. Belin, the Chief of Staff, advised avoid-
when his motor car ran into a patrol of the French III ing decisive action for a few days more. He said the thing
Corps. The numbers on the map referred to the corps of to do was to last, to hold out. The enemy would grow
the German First Army, thus verifying its order of battle. weaker. Finally, delay would allow the completion of
The marks showed the line of advance and destination of troop movements in progress to strengthen the French
each corps for the night of September Ist-2d. The fact that left and center. Joffre rallied to this idea.
the whole army was advancing to the southeast was clearly A note went out to the armies, slightly altering General
exposed. Instruction No.4-The object of the new plan was to
Joffre began to feel that the opportunity for a decisive relieve the French forces from hostile pressure by a con-
blow might come sooner than he had expected-that is, tinuation of the retirement, to fill up the ranks with re-
if the Fifth Army could only escape. Kluck now appeared placements, to reinforce the center19 by two corps taken
about to give the Allies a chance to build up a maneuver- from the right, and then pass to the offensive. In this
ing force on his flank, after his vigor and rapidity had offensive the garrison of Paris (Sixth Army) would act
prevented their first attempt to do so. The envelopment in the direction of Meaux. The note stated that the Brit-
conception again began to take form. ish would be asked to attack from the line of the Seine in
Another document of the highest significance reached conjunction with the Fifth Army.
GQG about the same time. The French Minister of War Joffre also issued an order of the day to the troops, in
enclosed a general plan of action, approved by none other which he said that the purpose of the retreat was to pre-
than Sir John French! He urged Joffre to accept it. The pare a general offensive, the order for which would be
plan envisaged a defensive action behind the Marne with given in a few days. And then he added:
strong forces on the left, available to counter-attack. The
The safety of the nation depends upon the success of this
important thing was not the nature of the plan itself, but offensive which must break the German armies.
the change in French's attitude. He was back in the war
and seemed willing to fight, provided both his flanks were The exact form the offensive would take was somewhat
well covered. difficult to determine at this time, for the movements of
The change of heart evidently had been the result of a Kluck on this day indicated that he might, after all, ad-
conference in Paris to which French had been summoned vance on Paris. The direction of his march no longer
by Kitchener, the British Secretary of State for War. The seemed to be to the southeast.
plan had been drawn up at the end of the conference.18 During the evening of this day, which, incidentally,
Joffre slept on French's proposition. Meanwhile the was the anniversary of the capitulation of Sedan, the
IV Corps had been withdrawn from the Third Army and French government decided to leave Paris for Bordeaux.
directed to Paris, and the First and Second Armies were This movement attracted world attention, for it seemed
told to designate one corps each, to be sent to another part to foreshadow a repetition of 1870' However, in Lorraine,
of the front. at the other end of the long battle front, a more significant,
SEPTEMBER 2 if less publicized movement was in progress. The XV
Joffre believed that a defensive battle on the Marne was and XXI Corps were withdrawn from the First and Sec-
no solution, and that things were not yet ripe for a counter- ond Armies to strengthen the French center,20 which had
offensive. Realizing that Sir John French's susceptibilities been weakened by its contributions to the left. These two
must not be hurt again, Joffre wrote a nice, tactful letter , corps were sent to that part of the front where, on Septem-
thanking French and eXplaining that the unfortunate
"'The wording of the note said "reinforce the right army by two
situation of the Fifth Army would not allow it to cover corps taken from the Nancy and Epinal (First and Second)
the flanks of the British adequately, so the proposition had Armies." The note had been referring to those French armies west
of Verdun, so the Third Army was meant by the expression "right
to be regretfully declined. He suggested that the Brit- army." Actually, one corps went to the Third and one corps to the
ish first hold the line of the Marne and then retire to the Fourth Army.
left bank of the Seine, which they might hold to the ""The use of these corps has been adversely criticized, notably by
Gallieni, who thought they should have been sent to the Sixth
southeast of Melun. Army. However, these corps arrived just in time to save the Third
and Fourth Armies in the Battle of the Marne. \Yithout these
:mwhen Kitchener received a series of reports from French, corps, the center would have been beaten. This defeat would have
showing his refusal to cooperate with the French Army, Kitchener forced the First and Second Armies to retire. It is useless to
became alarmed. One particularly ominous phrase spoke of the speculate whether or not this would have decided the war, but
necessity of retaining "independence of action and power to retire subsequent events certainly justified Joffre's use of these two
on my base when circumstances render it necessary." French also corps. To focus attention almost exclusively on the Allied left and
stated that he had lost confidence in the French higher leadership. German right, as is the tendency in English-speaking countries, is
Kitchener promptly rushed to Paris and ordered French to keep to see only a part of the campaign. It is quite possible that ad-
his troops in the fighting line and conform generally to the move- ditional corps could have been taken from the east to reinforce
ments of the French. the weak Sixth Army. But that is a different question.

ber 5th, Moltke would order his main effort. The parry" About 10:00 P.M. Huguet again called GQG and
thus preceded the thrust. stated that it was possible that Sir John French, who had
received numerous replacements, might move to the east
SEPTEMBER 3 to attack in the evening of September 4th, "especially if
Early reports showed that the Fifth Army had crossed the Sixth Army, which appears to have nothing in front
the Marne and probably escaped the threatened envelop- of it, should begin on the same day a similar movement to
ment of its left flank. But there was still some danger. the left of the British."
Moreover, days of battle and forced marches had left the Shortly before midnight Joffre dictated letters to Gal-
bulk of this army in sad condition. lieni, Governor of Paris. Gallieni had reported the weak-
Even so, the hour of battle was approaching and Joffre ness of the Paris defenses and his fears for the capital.
mentally passed his army commanders in review. He was Joffre referred to his previous orders and reiterated that
satisfied with all except Lanrezac--once the brilliant pro-- when the offensive was launched, it was his intention
fessor and far-sighted strategist-now the discouraged, to use the active and reserve troops of Paris to attack to-
complaining general whose authority over his own staff ward Meaux.
and troops was weakening. In a personal note to Gallieni, Joffreindicated that a pot-
Joffrefelt that he had to have a lighting man at the head tion of the Sixth Army should be pushed forward at once
of the tired and disheartened Fifth Army. In two battles so as to be in position to threaten the German right flank
this army had been struck both in front and in flank. It and support the British left: He also directed Gallieni to
had made the longest retreat of any French army. Even keep in constant touch with Marshal French.
now it was staggering back over the Marne in a disorgan- The Paris garrison had been reinforced by the 45th Di-
ized condition. And yet, when the time came for the vision, an excellent regular unit, and the IV Corps was
French offensive,the Fifth Army could again expect to be beginning to arrive. These two units brought the total
on the spot. This army, obviously, needed a strong char- striking force available in Paris to four regular divisions.
acter in command-strategist or not. five reserve divisions and three cavalry divisions.
Lanrezac might have done once, but he would not do By their own errorsthe Germans had thus allowed Joffre
now. The strain of the campaign had told upon him. He to return to his conception of August 25th-to envelop
had frequently objected to carrying out orders. On occa- the German right flanl-.. The Allied left was now favor-
sion his conduct of operations had been weak and hesitant. ably located with respect to the German right; further-
His attitude was being reflectedin his troops. Cooperation more, it was steadily growing in strength as Joffrestripped
with the British would remain a vain hope so long as his eastern armies. Meanwhile, the German right was
Lanrezac commanded the Fifth Army. Joffredecided that constantly diminishing; troops had been detached to in-
Lanrezac must go. - vest Maubeuge and others were being continually dropped
He drove to Lanrezac's headquarters and relieved him. off to guard the ever-lengthening line of communica~ions.
To Franchet d'Esperey he entrusted the Fifth Army, with The situation was definitely on the mend for the Alhes.
the warning to "get along with" the British. Whether Joffre should strike at once or wait a while
Back at GQG Joffre received Foch's answer to an in- longer was a question. The favorable strategical opporrun-
quiry as to whether or not his command was fit for im- ity might be lost through delay. But, on the other hand,
mediate battle. The answer was no; not for several days. the French center and left would be materially stronger if
The first reports that came in on this day had puzzled the blow.could be deferred a few days longer.
G-2, for they seemed to indicate that Kluck might head Joffre thought the time near but not yet at hand. He
for Paris after all. However, at 7:00 P.M. Maunoury re. believed that the Third, Fourth, Ninth,21 and Fifth
ported that the Germans opposed to the Sixth Army had Armies were not quite ready for a decisive battle. If the
moved southeast toward the Marne. A French air recon- Sixth Army struck now, it would have to strike almost
naissance saw a column ten miles long approaching the alone. Even when reinforced by the IV Corps, he did not
Marne. Then Huguet telephoned: believe that it would be able to reverse the situation on
Reliablereports,comingfrom the Britishair forceand all the western front by itself. It might gain a spectacular local
confirmingeach other,indicatethat the entireGermanFirst successbut he would have to call it off, just as he had had
Army, except the IV ReserveCorps, is moving southeast to call off the First and Second Armies in Lorraine, the
with the object of crossingthe Marne between CMteau- Verdun forces in the midst of their success against the
Thierry and La-Ferte-sous-Jouarre and attacking the left of
the Fifth Army. The headsof columnswilldoubtlessarrive Crown Prince, de Langle's counter-offensive on the
at the riverthis evening. Meuse, and Lanrezac at Guise.
Another message stated that the British air force now Joffre felt that he must play for higher stakes. There-
reporred that the Germans were marching southeast and fore, on the evening of September 3d he defer
the decisivebattle until the Allied forces as a whole were
not southward, that there were no more troops in front of
the British and that it looked as if the entire German First ready. Then, and not until then, would he strike.
Army would cross the Marne. "'TheFochdetachmenthad nowgrownintothe NinthArmy.
(To be concluded)
The Dispersion Slide Rule-Modified

HE dispersion slide rule is, as the name implies, a daily drills. It has been used extensively at the Coast Ar-
device by which gun dispersion may be simulated. tillery School and has proved to be of great value for
It is used to furnish deviations during drill so that training in adjustment of fire.
the person who adjusts fire may be trained in the operation The modification consists of a dispersion tape to be
of the fire adjustment board (or the bracketing adjust- used with a deviation scale-Scale A of the original
ment chart) and in the application of the rules for fire ad- model--on a different type of mount. This eliminates the
,ustment. use of a dispersion bag (or dice) and Scales Band C of
This device was first described in the 1934 edition of the first model, without affecting any of the functions for
Special Text No. 35, a publication of the Department of which the rule was designed.
Extension Courses, Coast Artillery School. It is based on The dispersion tape consists of a large series of "canned"
the usually accepted theory that the fall of shots is distrib- deviations or splashes grouped about their center of dis-
uted according to the law of accidental errors and that persion according to the fall of two dice of different colors,
such distribution ma)' be simulated b)' the fall of dice or as described in the original discussion in Special Text No.
the drawing of appropriately marked cubes from a bag. 35, The center of dispersion is represented by the center
\Vhen the dispersion slide rule was designed it was in- of the tape. The splashes are presented in some four
tended that a dispersion bag or a set of dice be used with it hundred and eighty "frames" or sections on each of
to determine deviations, but it soon became apparent that which are placed four vertical marks. One of these marks
its operation would have to be simplified a great deal be- bears a cross (X), another bears a circle (0), a third a
fore many persons could be induced to use it. double bar (=), and the fourth is left plain. The tape
The purpose of this article is to describe a modified is placed on rollers and is covered so that onl)' one frame
form of dispersion rule which is well suited to use during appears at a time in a window in the covering.

210 220 270 240 ::50 ::£C "70 28C 310 :20 330 340 3510 3 -., ,8e 3,,0 -c

~. ,--,-1 LL L 1 LL I

230' 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370
J) 11 1111111111111111111111111111111'111/1'1111111
PE.060~. (I lNC"h071f.)
! 111111111111111111111111111111m.tluu111111111111111111111I1II11I1 titvlATtON
' I, "I
, I "11/",,11111

.Hodified Dispersioll Device.


I he deviation scale is made on a separate piece of card- mount to mark that position, and should not ordinarily be
board and is placed in a guide next to the window. This moved until the problem is completed. This procedure is
scale is a duplicate of the one used with the fire adjust- equivalent to saying that the probable error of preparation
ment board, except for the spacing of graduations. For of fire is about the same as the gun probable error-an as-
the bracketing method of adjustment, the deviation scale sumption which is often justified.
may be marked to show "Overs," "Shorts," and "Hits." If an adjustment correction is ordered during an aCtual
The spacing of the deviation scale should be proportional practice, the application of that correction to the firing
to the probable error of the armament manned. The num- data will presumably move the center of dispersion and
ber of graduations per inch may be determined in the the succeeding splashes a like amount. If the deviation
following manner: l'he depth of the dispersion zone repre- scale is so moved that the graduation corresponding to the
sented on the tape is 6.8 inches. Hence, 6.8 inches = 8 adjustment correction with which any shots was fired is
P.E. Substitution in this equation of the value of the opposite the pin marking the initial position of the 300-
probable error will give the desired scale of graduations. graduation when the deviation of the splash is reported,
For example, if the probable error of the armament is the effect of all adjustment corrections ordered will have
0.60 % of the range, the scale of graduations should be I been correctly reproduced on the dispersion slide rule.
inch = 8 x 0.60/6.8= 0.706%. Note that the deviation scale does not have to be moved
, The operator of the device determines the deviations by as soon as an adjustment correction is ordered. In fact, it
reading from the deviation scale opposite the marks on the should not be moved until the fall of the first shot fired
tape. He reads as many deviations from a frame as are with that correction.
needed fot the salvo and moves the tape a predetermined The only reason for moving the pin that marks the
number of frames .to get the next set of deviations. An initial position of the target is to simulate a shifting
exceedingly great number of combinations of deviations center of dispersion. If such action is desired, shift both the
may be secured by changing the selection of marks to be pin .and the deviation scale in the desired amount and di-
read or the number of frames to be turned between read- rectlOn.
ings. The tape may be turned in either direction. The Proper simulation of timing is one of the most import-
only precaution necessary is to insure that the dispersion ant, and at the same time difficult, elements of successful
depends on chance and not on the whim of the operator. drill. Except for such preliminary instruction as may be
The selection of frames and marks should be made ac- necessary, all problems should be conducted with the
cording to some predetermined rule which should be fol- same timing as would be required during the firing of an
lowed until the end of the problem. For instance, it actual practice. No deviation should be reported before
might be decided to turn two frames between readings the end of the time of Hight plus five to ten seconds al-
and to read opposite the X for a single shot, or opposite the lowance for the normal functioning of the spotting sectiou.
X and the 0 for a two-gun salvo. Corrections should not be applied to the firing data sooner
Besides providing a means for simulating gun dis- than could be done normally. A divergence from correct
person the device is intended to permit relative movement timing in either of these operations might make consider-
between the center of dispersion and the target to repre- able difference in the trend of the problem and in the re-
sent (I) the result of initial adjustment or preparation of sult.
fire, (2) the application of adjustment corrections ordered, The operation of the modified dispersion device may be
and (3), when desired, a shifting center of dispersion. At summarized as follows:
the same time, it allows the determination of deviations I. Place the deviation scale in position under the

always with reference to the target. window, move the normal (300-graduation) to the de-
The target is represented by the normal (300-gradu- sired initial position, and mark this position with a pin
ation) of the deviation scale. If it is not opposite the placed in the mount.
center of dispersion when a problem is begun, the effect 2. Turn the dispersion tape until the selected frame is

is the same as though there were a systematic error as a in the window and, at the proper time, read the deviatior
result of preparation of fire. The amount of the error is from the deviation scale opposite the mark that repre-
proportional to the distance between the normal and sents the splash.
the center of dispersion. Since preparation of fire is rarely 3, If an adjustment correction is ordered, move the
perfect for an actual practice it should not be so represented deviation scale until the correction ordered is opposite
for drill. As good a way as any to select the amount of the the pin, timing the move to synchronize with the fall of
error is to do so by means of the dispersion tape, as though the shot on which the new correction is applied.
a deviation were being determined. For example, if the 4. To simulate a shifting center of dispersion, move
range officer has decided to have the tape turned two bot~ pin and deviation scale the desired amount and di-
frames between readings and to have the mark bearing the rectlOn.
X represent single splashes, the problem may be started by Copies of the deviation tape and plans for constructing
turning the tape and placing the normal of the deviation the mount may be obtained, upon request, from the Presi-
scale opposite the X. A pin should then be put on the dent of the Coast Artillery Board, Fort Monroe, Virginia.
Flag of Truce
By LIEUTENANT SEWELL T. TYNG, Military Intelligence Reserve

responding progress, and the 23d Reserve Division, on

the opening days of September, 1914, the German
armies, victorious in the hard-fought battles of the the Third Army's right Hank, occupied Heut:rfgiville.
frontiers, were pushing southward towards the Beyond a casual statement in a radio message to the
Marne on the heels of the retreating French, and the Second Army, that "the capture of Rheims is desirable,"
great cathedral city of Rheims stood squarely in their no definite orders had come from OHL. Von Moltke,
path. Though in no sense comparable to Verdun and as was his custom, apparently intended that Bulow and
the other bulwarks of France's eastern frontier, Rheims Hausen decide between them which army should take
was classified as a fortified city. Although antiquated it and when.
and demoded, its defenses might nevertheless serve as a In point of fact the French had no intention of making
center of resistance should the French attempt to make a a serious stand at Rheims. Intent upon a general strategic
stand along the heights of the Aisne. The question then, retreat and a regroupment of forces for a counter-offen-
was this: Would Rheims be defended or would Joffre sive on a grand scale, Joffre had no thought of diverting
abandon it without a struggle? To be on the safe side, any part of his strength for a secondary operation. The
von Moltke made preparations for a siege. forts of Rheims, with their out-oE-date armament and
His instrUctions for August 27th read: equipment, were in no condition to offer serious resist-
The siege equipment necessary for the capture of Rheuns ance to a well-organized attack unless reinforced by sub-
will be assembled and in due course will be placed at the stantial mobile forces. Moreover, the damage that the
disposal of the Fourth Army. city would suffer if resistance were offered, outweighed
At this time it seemed that the reduction of the city any possible military advantage. Accordingly, during the
would fall to the lot of the army commanded by Duke day of September 3d the last French units' marched out
Albrecht of Wiirttemberg, but in the succeeding days of Rheims, leaving it open and undefended.
the general direction of the German advance shifted from From the nature of the rear-guard actions fought by
southwest to south, so that on September 2d when the the French during the preceding days, von Hausen
invaders' advance guards approached the outskirts of rightly conjectured that Rheims would not be defended.
Rheims, that city no longer fell within the zone of the Then, too, he knew that the Second Army was preparing
Fourth Army. Instead, it lay between the right wing of to take the ciry, for his headquarters had intercepted a
the Third Army and the left wing of the Second Army, radio message to that effect from von BUlow to OHL
almost in the center of the German battle line. in the early hours of September 3d. However, in the
The ancient capital, where Jeanne d'Arc had placed absence of any express direction from the High Com-
the crown of France on the head of Charles VII, offered mand, he saw no necessity for giving his Prussian col-
a rich and tempting prize. Both von Bulow, commander league the right of way. Here was an occasion when
of the Second Army, and von Hausen, commander of vigorous action might be richly rewarded.
the Third Army, coveted the honor of ano.ouncing its Accordingly, late in the afternoon of September 3d
capture. There was no doubt that its fall would be and without notice either to OHL or the Second Army,
proudly announced and joyfully received in Germany. von Hausen turned his 23d Reserve Division against the
Here was an opportunity fot the successful army com- forts of Vitry-Ie-Reims and Nogent l'Abesse on the east-
mander to cast off the unwelcome cloak of anonymity ern outskirts of Rheims. Finding the French gone, Cap-
that shrouded military operations and enjoy a pleasant tain von Humbracht with a patrol of Saxon hussars2
moment of popular acclaim. Moreover, a natural rivalry boldly entered the city.
animated the two German commanders. Von Biilow The patrol made its way through the darkened and
was a Prussian of distinguished family, high in favor at deserted streets, and at n:oo P.M. drew rein before the
the Imperial Court, and an eminent example of the mili- mairie. The French mayor, M. Lenglet, who had waited
tary caste that dominated the German Army. Von at his office in anticipation of this, received the German
Hausen, a Saxon by birth and former Saxon Minister of troopers and was forthwith arrested and held as a hostage
War, bitterly resented the Prussian assumption of su- to insure the peaceful behavior of the civilian population.
periority. There was no love lost between the two; It seems fair to doubt whether the invaders' arrival and
jealousy and distrUst marked both their personal and the arrest of the mayor reassured the inhabitants of the
officialrelations. city to the extent that General von Hausen has suggested
On the night of September 2d, General van Bulow in his memoirs; but in any case no resistance was ~ffered
established his headquarters at Fismes on the Vesle. On and Rheims remained undisputedly in German hands
the left Hank of his army the 2d Division of the Guard until after the Battle of the Marne.
held the little town of Jonchery, whi~h lay south of the
'Elements of Foch's Army Detachment.
river and almost ten kilometers due west of Rheims. To
"The patrol consisted of three officers, two noncommissioned of-
the east of the city von Hausen's Saxon~ had made cor- ficers and seven troopers of the Saxon Regiment of Reserve Hussars.
A few minutes after midnight van Hausen sent a completed his statement Lanrezac merely said, "Take
jubilant radio to von Moltke: "Rheims is in the hands of them back to the lines." Puzzled and confused, the Ger-
the Third Army. almost without combat." The fol- mans were again blindfolded, loaded into their car and
lowing morning the main body of the 23d Reserve Di- driven back to the front. It may be that their perplexity
vision entered the city and its suburbs. influenced their subsequent conduct, for on crossing the
Meanwhile, von Bulow had also turned his attention to lines they lingered-or so it seemed to the French-sur-
Rheims, but with somewhat more regard to form and to veying the French positions and dispositions with an in-
the military protocoL Early in the afternoon of the 3d, terest unbecoming to their privileged character. Suspici-
a parry under a flag of truce left the headquarters of the ous of their intentions and good faith, a French patrol
Guard Corps to demand the formal surrender of the quickly pushed forward and again took them into cus-
city. The mission was composed of Captain von Arnim, tody. Once more they made the journey to Fifth Army
wearing the red tabs of the Great General Staff, and Headquarters, not blindfolded this time, but handcuffed
Captain von Kummer, personal aide to General von and as prisoners. For a while there was talk of summary
Plettenberg, commander of the Guard Corps, Captain execution for abuse of a flag of truce; but investigation
Scholvinck of the Motor Transport Corps, a noncom- of the matter indicated that their conduct did not merit
missioned officer and trumpeter. The noncom, who had such drastic action. Moreover, it was certain that any mis-
been a music-hall artist in Berlin, conceived the curious treatment of officers sent under a flag of truce would
notion of ingratiating himself with his enemies by wear- lead to German reprisals on British as well as French offi-
ing on his field-grey tunic the violet ribbon of the cers. In view of this, the British liaison officer, Lieu-
French civilian order of Palmes Academiques which had tenant E. L. Spears,4 took it upon himself to urge cau-
been awarded him before the war. tion and moderation on the French army commander.
Approaching Rheims from the west-the opposite di- The lives of the whole parry hung in the balance for
rection from that taken by the Saxons-the staff car seyeral hours. Finally the matter was referred to Joffre.
carrying the German envoys ran into a French cavalry With sound good sense, the French commander in chief
patrol at La Neuvillette, a suburb some four kilometers directed that von Bulow's representatives be detained un-
outside the city. This patrol, part of the French X Corps, til any information they might have picked up became
withheld their fire at the unexpected sight of an automo- valueless. A few days later the crestfallen party was
bile filled with Germans and proceeding under a white moved to Bordeaux. From there they were placed on
flag. Uncertain how to treat their unlooked-for visitors, board a neutral vessel bound for Germany.
the French delayed while the Germans with some diffi- In the meantime, General von Plettenberg had been
culty explained their presence. Meanwhile, angry civil- aroused to a state of high indignation by the disappear-
ians crowded around the car, eager to do violence to the ance of his mission. Though von Hausen's radio an-
enemies thus delivered into their hands. However, the nouncing the capture of Rheims had been intercepted by
French troopers succeeded in extricating von Biilow's emis- the Second Army, it was not transmitted to von Pletten-
saries from this embarrassing situation and started with berg, who was totally unaware of the presence of Saxon
them for corps headquarters. troops in the city. Therefore, convinced that his repre-
When the parry reached corps headquarters the corps sentatives had been detained in violation of the flag of
commander stated that he had no authority to deal with truce, he dispatched another group at dawn to announce
such a case, declined to receive them, and ordered them the imposition of a fine of 50,000,000 marks, with in-
taken still further to the rear to the army commander. structions to state that it would be raised to 100,000,000,
At last, in the middle of the afternoon, the German en- if the German envoys had' not safely returned within two
voys, weary and bewildered, stumbled blindfolded into hours.
the courtyard of the Chateau de Rebais, the headquarters The second parry met with better success than the
Df the French Fifth Army. first. They entered the city without mishap, and pr~
Warned in advance of their coming, General Lanrezac, sented themselves at the mairie. There they found a
the army commander,s had prepared a disconcerting wel- detachment of Saxons already in possession. The mayor
come. Seated behind a table in an upper room, with the protested that he had no knowledge of the fate of the
officers of his staff grouped about him, he acknowledged earlier envoys, but von Plettenberg's officers remained in-
the Germans' salutes with a cold inclination and waited exorable; the fine must be paid.
in silence. Captain von Arnim stated his mission halting- For some reason this second parry seemed in no great
ly and with evident embarrassment. hurry to get back to their headquarters. Perhaps they
Knowing that the French had already evacuated stayed to swap stories with their Saxon comrades whom
Rheims and suspecting that the German mission con- they had not seen since the opening of the campaign. In
cealed some ruse, Lanrezac not only made no reply to any event, as time passed and his second group of emis.-
the demand for the city surrender, but made no response saries did not return, von Plettenberg reached the end of
to any part of von Arnim's speech. When von Arnim his patience. Without further delay or inquiry he directed
General von Winckler, commanding the 2d Division of
aLater the same day Lanrezac was relieved of the command of the
French Fifth Anny and replaced by Franchet d'Esperey. 'Now Brigadier General Spears, author of Liaison, 1914.
1937 FLAG OF TRUCE 141
the Guard, to bombard Rheims. For nearly three hours negligence of various sorts, furthemlore, it had no notable
the guns of the Prussian Guard shelled the city. Then effect on the operations of the Third Army. Neverthdess, I
shall not conceal how strange it seemed to me that I did not
General von Suckow, the Saxon division commander,
receive a word of e.xplanation or excuse after the 2d Division
succeeded in getting word through that his troops were of the Guard had opened fire. despite the danger to which
holding Rheims. Saxon troops were e.xposed. \Vhat a fine row there would
Though tile Saxon forces occupying the city suffered have been if the situation had been reversed and Saxon ar-
no casualties, iliis bombardment killed or wounded some tillery had fired on Rheims while it was occupied by the Im-
perial Guard!
forty civilians and caused serious damage to the cathedral.
Naturally, the French held it up to the world as an act The capture and bombardment of Rheims had little in-
of ruthless and pointless barbarity, but actually it was the fluence on tI:e ~trategic development of the campaign.
tragic result of a series of errors and misunderstandin!!Sv' Indeed, the InCident has been all but forgotten in the
of rivalry between two commanders and of defective staff shadow of the greater events that surrounded it. Never-
work. theless, it is significant, for it provides a cardinal illus-
Later General von Hausen wrote: stration of the lack of harmony and cooperation between
the German armies. This constituted one of their most
Never the slightest word of explanation or ... of apol-
ogy in connection with this incident came to me from any conspicuous weaknesses during the early weeks of the
Prussian military authority ... I did not attach any special war. A few days later it would wreak havoc with Ger-
importance to all this episode because it reduced itself to man arms at the Rattle of the Marne.


The AA gt/1IS brought them down in tbe past-they can today-they will tomorrow.
Plenty of Historical Backy,rolmd Here.

Fort Hancock NoW"Has Rival For

Old Gun 40 at Fort Monroe
HERE are few among LIS who do not know of true genius. Due to this efficient method of casting guns,
"Gun 40" at Monroe with its ancient and romantic the American artillery at the time of the Civil War was in
history. There are some, among us, who shiver in a leading position among the heavy gun systems of the
our boots in anticipating that the old romantic piece of world. The United States at that time was successfully
artillery may talk. We have been told that "daisies never producing the most powerful weapon known, the 15"
tell." Let's hope our romantic "Gun 40" has the same Rodman gun. Anticipating the needs of the future and in
virtue of continuous silence. Even if only half the legends a progressive mood, Captain Rodman in 1861 recom-
are true and we could prevail upon our old friend to mended, to the Chief of Ordnance, that the development
"speak" what a story we would have. of a 20" gun weighing about 100,000 Ibs. be undertaken.
There is no claim that "Gun 2" at Fort Hancock, Due to the outbreak of the Civil \Var and the need for
which is the subject of this article, has hidden in its guantity production of standard models of guns, the 20"
cloistered recesses the same romance and parts of the inti- smooth bore, cast iron gun recommended by Captain
mate lives of some of us but it does have great historical Rodman was not actually cast until 1864. Two of these
interests as it represents the maximum development at- guns. ~ere manufactured. and have the following char-
tained with muzzle loading, smooth bore cannon made of acterlstlcs: .
cast iron. Simultaneously with the perfection of the de- Model of 1861 20" Smooth Bore-Cast Iron
velopment of this gun was the' beginning of the develop- Weight-I 15,100 lbs.
ment of the breech loading riRed gun, to be followed Length of entire piece-243'S"
somewhat later by the introduction of the use of steel as Length of bore-21O."
a gun material. Diameter at base line-64"
For years this mammoth piece of artillery has been Diameter at muzzle-34"
lying in the grass at Fort Hancock. Recently it was Maximum diameter-64"
mounted at the head of the road leading to "The Old Diameter of trunnions-18"
Brick House." The difficult operations of moving and Maximum powder charge-200 lbs. of Mammoth
mounting were solved by that splendid old Artilleryman, Powder
Master Sergeant Louis Razga, United States Army, re- Projectile-Shot 1,080 lbs.
tired. Projectile-Empty shell 725 Ibs.
The handsome solid brass ornament to the brass tam- Elevation-25° Range 8,000 yds.
pion shown in the muzzle was discovered by Captain W. One of these 20" Rodman guns was emplaced at the
C. McFadden, Headguarters Battery, 7th Coast Artillery Narrows in New York harbor at Fort Hamilton, N. Y.
(HD). The design as you will notice from the accom- The other gun w~s r~tained at the Sandy Hook Proving
panying photograph is a very happy blending of the in- Ground, N. J. whIch IS now Fort Hancock. Although this
signia of two closely allied branches, the Ordnance De- gun does not contain the same romantic history "Gun
partment and the Coast Artillery Corps. This gun is one 40" has and you and I can look at it with no fears of it
of the creations of Captain Rodman who, without telling the stories of our intimate life, it still is a treasure,
guestion, was one of the great leaders in the development and the Commanding Officer of the Harbor Defenses of
of modern artillery. He conceived the plan of casting guns Sandy Hook should be complimented upon putting it in
by cooling from the interior. This was the conception of such an attractive setting.

During the Civil W'ar this combination made four

Civil War: miles an hour sometimes, and the oxen suffered.

Several Answers to the Oxen's Dream

Our most modern railway gun with its engine traveling

Today: across the continent from the Pacific to the Atlantic.

Our latest eight-inch howitzer carriage, towed by a prime

Today: mover, with 3-inch AA gun mounted on it, can travel at fifty
miles per hour. Perfection.

A Device for Training Stereoscopic


VER since the introduction of stereoscopic height Falls are replaced by a pair of pictures (called a stereo-
finders into the antiaircraft fire-control system, gram) representing the reticle of a height finder. Viewed
there have been efforts to produce a satisfactot;, through the stereoscope, the pair of reticles merge into
device for training stereoscopic observers. Several more or one set of reticle symbols which appear to stand out in
less complex and expensive trainers have been designed relief. Superimposed on each reticle of the stereogram is
and manufactured by commercial concerns, but these have the figure of an airplane. The left figure is fixed. The right
not been issued to all units equipped with stereoscopic figure is placed on a piece of transparent celluloid which
height finders. can be moved laterally, thus changing the distance be-
There is a definite need for a device with which pre- tween the two airplane figures. When viewed through
liminary training can be given before the beginner at- the stereoscope, this lateral displacement of the right-hand
tempts to operate the height finder. Such a device should figure causes the observer to receive an impression of
enable the candidate observer to appreciate the fusion of movement ill depth, that is, toward or away from the
reticle symbols, what stereoscopic contact is, and how it observer.
is obtained. It should also enable the instructor to deter- To demonstrate this same principle in another way, fix
mine the candidate's accuracy in making contacts, and the gaze on a point on a wall, fifteen or twenty feet dis-
provide a means for developing and exercising the stereo- tant. Hold a pencil about fifteen inches in from of each
scopic sense when the use of the range finder is not prac- eye. The two pencils should be identical and should be
ticable. held vertically with the points at the same level. With
The contrivance described in this article does not differ the gaze still fixed on the wall, at first the observer will
<Treadyin principle from some of the trainers used in the be conscious of four pencil images instead of two. Gradu-
past. However, it has other advantages, for it can be built ally the two inner pencil images will merge into one,
in a local machine shop at a cost of approximately two which is known as the "fused image." If the pencils are
dollars. then moved closer together while concentrating on the
The trainer is essentially an old-fashioned parlor stereo- fused image, it will appear to move toward the observer
scope ill which the familiar stereoscopic views of Niagara and as they are moved apart it will appear to recede. This

FIGURE I.-Reticle Stereogram.



approximates what happens when the airplane figures in A wood block (0) is fastened to the under side of the
the trainer are moved laterally, and also when the target endless belt. The assembly view of the trainer shows how
image is moved by the measuring knob in the actual block (0) is connected to the threaded shaft of knob
range or height finder. The explanation of this effect is (K) through the brass strip (N) . Turning knob (K)
beyond the scope of this article but if the reader is curious causes a lateral movement of block (0) and the endless
he will find his phenomenon discussed in current texts belt 0) to which it is attached. Thus a lateral move-
on the subject. ment is transmitted to the right-hand airplane figure
The reticle stereogram mentioned above is shown in whenever knob (K) is turned. The knob (K) carries a
Figure I. Its position in the trainer can be seen in Figure paper scale for checking the consistency of readings when
2. The details of construction are shown in Figure 3, making a series of stereoscopic contacts.
The separate parts are lettered and their location is indi- The holder (H) is attached to the stereoscope frame
cated on the assembly views by corresponding letters. through bar (G) which is fixed to holder (H) and drilled
The reticle stereogram, Figure I, should be cut out and so as to slide on the three supporting rods (C) and (D).
glued onto the upper face of the block of wood (I) which With the clamping screw (Q), this arrangement per-
is mounted in the three-sided metal holder (H). The mits adjustment of the distance between the eye pieces
reticle stereogram is covered by a transparent celluloid and the reticle stereogram to suit the individual observer.
slide which carries the righi-hand airplane figure. This The stereoscope prisms can be procured from an optical
figure is made on the slide by placing the right-hand side supply company for approximately seventy-five cents.
of the slide over the left-hand reticle and copying onto The question may be asked "Why bother with a trainer
the celluloid the airplane figure appearing above the cen- at all when the height finder is available?"
tral diamond. The copy is made by cutting into the
The answer to this is that, in the early sta~es of train-
celluloid with a needle and then filling in with black
ing, many candidates find it difficult, if not impossible.
India ink. By gluing the ends of a strip of tough paper
to fuse the reticle symbols and to make stereoscopic con-
to the ends of the celluloid strip. an endless belt (J) is
tact when using the height finder. Some of these candi-
formed. This belt should slide freely over the block (I)
dates might become good observers if given the proper
and the reticle stereogram.
instruction and training. It is probable that good observer
In copying the airplane figure on the celluloid and in
material is sometimes cast aside because the candidates have
forming the endless belt, care should be taken to have the
not experienced the sensation of seeing stereoscopically,
airplane figure on the right, the same distance vertically
above its central diamond as the airplane figure on the through a similar instrument, before attempting the height
left. Failure to do this will cause the observer to see two finder. The trainer should help to overcome this difficulty.
airplanes when the reticle symbols are fused. Practice on the trainer is fascinating. One or more of

Leather or C~ @ __


%f"~fhl rodtl -.2 ""9U,nd


~o 0: II
I ... J-E" '1
~~~~0 C0
t.~o.;:Y==\!::.)========== ,---g:--,..; 1m
Alummum .z' :$frt~ - f/Nck
2. r49u,r,d J--Zk" --t T -.j-fl-
81'>3.... blocK fo
/Tee'''''' tJptndk@

FIGURE 3.-Details of Construction.

the instruments placed in the day room of an organi- as a trammg instrument. By far the greater part of the
zation, where all men could have access to them during observer's training should be conducted on the height
their leisure, should serve as an aid in developing pro- finder after he has reached the point where he can benefit
spective observer candidates. The fact that they could from his training on that instrument.
practice making stereoscopic contact at times when they Performance on the trainer is not necessarily an indica-
do not feel that they are being watched and judged by an tion of what the candidate will do on the height finder.
instructor is important at this stage. There are many adverse conditions encountered in the
It should be clearly understood that training devices height finder, such as poor visibility, heat waves, light
of this nature are not a cure-all for training troubles. The absorption and vibration of the instrument which are not
trainer supplements but does not replace the height finder present in the trainer.

The 62d C. A. (AA) Wins U. S. Coast

Artillery Association Trophy

High Morale was a

T ~RGET practice stands out
as the most important feature
'of artillery training; and, say
what you may, the results of a service
Controlling Factor.
Particularly fine cooperation was
attained in the tow-target missions.
The two planes assigned to the 62d
were based at an extemporized flying
practice are the real test of the capacity of a unit to de- field at Fulton, about 10 miles south of 'Oswego. Land-
liver effective fire, and hence of its combat efficiency. Fire ings after night missions had to be made at Syracuse, 35
power is indeed the essential characteristic of antiaircraft miles distant.
artillery and in the training of AA units its attainment, The excellent scores of the 62d CA(AA) were not at-
as indicated in the target practice score, is the paramount tained through accident, nor by any innovation or short-
objective. cuts, but by persistent, diligent and prolonged endeavor.
The part played by the regimental commander in pre- There is no get-rich-quick course to excellence in antiair-
paring the 62d for target practice need only to be briefly craft artillery firing, nor any painless method through
outlined. To him fell the duty of preparing the scenery which excellence can be attained in operating the highly
and setting the stage. The principal parts had to be played technical equipment of present-day antiaircraft artillery.
by the personnel doing the firing, acting under the close Skill and dependability result from long continued, pa-
supervision and direction of the battery commanders, and tient systematic, and persistent instruction, only. The
so to them fell the task of developing exceptional fire real beginnings of success in the target practice in ques-
power ~y which they were enabled to outshoot all their tion took place in the barracks during the winter of 1935-
competitors. 1936. Thoroughness was insisted upon in this training,
What the regimental commander actually did is a short the individual gunners' instruction, to the end that battery
story. Yet with the voluminous recital of what he must do, commanders would have amply trained personnel out of
must not do, may do or may not do, contained in the regu- which to form their teams.
lations, he was certainly not among the unemployed. It is
sufficient to say that he planned and supervised the prac-
tices in such manner as to make possible the fine results
attained. In accomplishing this, credit should not go to After a period of team training, the training of detach-
him entirely, for no command ever had a more faithful, ments and batteries, came the training missions with other
competent, and zealous staff, particular credit being due components, viz., 513th, 521st, 530th and 533d CA
the Executive and S-3, whose knowledge of antiaircraft (AA)-Reserves, the R.O.T.C., the C.M.T.C.,. and in the
artillery and skillful, diligent, and continuous application training of the 212th CA(AA) National Guard of New
of this knowledge to conditions as they arose, were of in- York. The firing of the ammunition allowances provided
estimable value. for these organizations gave invaluable experience to the
The preparation of a plan of training which was entirely battery officersand the gun crews of the 62d. In fact, it is
satisfactory, wherein events could be made to follow in doubted whether any single feature contributed more to
logical sequence, was not an easy task owing to numerous the immediate preparedness of the firing units for their
other training missions which interfered and which had service practice later on than this. Full advantage was
to be fitted into the plan with the least possible inter- taken of these firings, so the 62d was not a regiment of
ference with the continuity of the 62d's own training. amateurs when it began its own practice on August 18th.

SELECTION OF FIRING POINT oughly well was made available to them. The training of
the 62d for its service practice and the preparations made
But even the best trained units may not attain good re-
for the practice were not abnormal; they were not char-
sults unless conditions under which target practices are
acterized by departures from well known standard meth-
held are of the best. There are no satisfactory fiting points
ods. These methods are basically sound and sufficient;
near Fort Totten. The one locality in the Second Corps
failure to apply them zealously is more often the cause of.
Area where conditions are propitious is on the South
unsatisfactory results, than all other factors combined.
shore of Lake Ontario near Oswego, N. Y. Visibility over
Lake Ontario is generally good, and there is but little in- THE MATTER OF TRAINING HANDICAPS
terference from passing vessels at any time; moreover,
the axis of fire is to the north and good camera records are It may not be out of place to mention two handicaps en-
obtainable at all hours. I have never made a better decision countered in carrying out the training program. The first
-nor one more appreciated by the regiment-than the is unfortunately prevalent in many if not in all commands.
one to go to Oswego for the 1936 practices. The 380 mile It is the matter of shortage of battery officers.As the target
march from Fort Totten gave fine training in convoy practice season for 1936 approached, the annual walk-out
work. to schools and other duties began. These transfers are nec-
essary, of course. It is only unfortunate that so many of
them occur during the busiest part of the summer season.
A factor which can help or mar a target practice, normal The regiment undertook its target practices with only 1{)
for all commands, perhaps, but of concern, always, from regular officerspresent out of an authorized strength of 3 I .
the regimental commander's viewpoint, is the matter of One captain had trained his gun battery for over a year
equipment and accessories. Close watchfulness was exer- and in all eagerness "pointed" toward this practice as one
cised and checks made to insure that the necessary equip- that would be a real event in his career; he had full confi-
ment and only the best grade of ammunition procurable dence that the practice of his battery would be a record
were always ready, serviceable, and available to subordi-. breaking one. It was. Much against his wish, he was de-
nate commanders when and as needed. tached tor duty at the Camp Perry Rifle Matches, leaving
his battery just three days before the regiment marched
OPPORTUNITY GIVEN BATTERY COMMANDERS from its home station. Because of the greatly reduced of-
Determined effort is made in the 62d CA (AA) to give ficer personnel, there was no replacement available who
battery commanders as near 100% of their personnel for had trained with the regiment. The command of the bat-
training as is possible. The training program of the 62d tery devolved upon a lieutenant who had just arrived for
CA (AA) has for two years contained the following: duty; he took hold and worked with commendable zeal
and a fine grasp of the problems he had to solve, but the
"Every officer and enlisted man must be trained, and at- best he could do could not overcome the handicap. This
tendance at such appropriate training formations as will attain
battery established a "record"-it was the only one of the
this end is required. No officer nor enlisted man may be ex-
cused entirely. The attendance at training formations of of- regiment which was not rated "excellent."
ficers performing essential staff or administrative dury, and of
specialists such as radio operators, electricians, supply ser-
geants, mess sergeants, cook and the like, will be so arranged The last factor to be mentioned, but really the first in
as to hours that the primary duties of such personnel shall not
be seriously interfered with, but no officer nor enlisted man order of importance and without which the target practice
shall be excused continually." could never have been so successful, is MORALE. En-
thusiasm and cheerfulness characterized the performance
This regulation was conscientiously enforced; the regi- of all tasks connected with the target practices. After all is
mental commander and staff constantly drew personnel said, the incontrovertible fact stands out in bold rdief-
from other duties, from special duty, detached service and no machine is any berter than the mind and hand that con-
fatigue duty, to insure that the maximum possible num- trol it. In the accuracy and effectiveness of fire direction,
ber of men were made available to battery and detachment the man is everything. The results are due in a very large
commanders for training. Persistent and continuous fol- measure to the fine spirit of the officers and the enlisted
low-up methods were invoked to insure the desired at- men of the batteries, to their pride in themselves and in
tendance at essential training, and that this attendance their organizations, and to their determination to develop
took precedence over all other duty during that phase of a well-rounded, homogeneous team. Each officerand man
training immediately preceding target practice. in the regiment is entitled to generous praise for the part
The foregoing paragraphs may be summarized in the he played in contributing to the winning of this coveted
statement that the regimental commander and staff were trophy.
ever watchful to see that maximum opportunity was af- Battalion and battery commanders functioned with zeal
fgrded subordinate unit commanders in the way of pro- and confidence; therefore it is fitting that they should have
viding personnel, equipment, and facilities; and that the opportunity to record their observations so the stage will
amount of time for accomplishing their missions thor- now be turned over to them.
GUNS chine-gun batteries of the regiment for night training and
By Major L. D. Ftfrnsworth practices, it was impossible to complete record searchlight
practices at Fort Ontario and these practices had to be hdd
Progressive training of the batteries was conducted
later at Camp Upton. However, during the ttaining of
throughout the year. In addition to the usual preparatory
other components, advantage was taken of every oppor_
training of the gun and range sections, both batteries were
tunity to train the personnel in the operation of search-
fortunate in that numerous opportunities to fire were af-
lights, sound locators, control station, and the installation
forded in conjunction with the training of the civilian com-
and maintenance of communications.
ponents of the Army, during the period preceding target
practice. The value of this additional training is reHected Sixty-eight men were tested on the Binaural Training
in the results obtained. Instrument M- I to determine their qualifications as
The pracrices of "B" Battery were held on August 26, listeners. Each individual was tested at least ten times both
August 28, and the night of August 31, 1936. Excellent as to his ability to balance the sound, as well as to keep
results were obtained in all three practices, the scores being a continuous balance with a simulated moving sound
107.65,95'35, and 101.84, respectively. The average rates source. Of the sixty-eight tested, twenty-two were found
of fire for the practices were 21.47,28.84, and 30'99 shots to be consistent. These men were selected for continuous
per gun per minute. That of the first practice was lowered training as listeners and acoustic corrector operators. Rec-
due to malfunctioning of a fuze cutter; and, as a result, on ords were kept, showing the error of each individual. By
one course, but one gun was in action. Hits were obtained this means the personal error for each individual was de-
on all courses except two, which were gliding targets. No termined from the average of his daily errors over a con-
corrections, except those due to trial shot fire, were made siderable period of time.
during the target practices.
No special methods of training nor special devices were
employed. In order to facilitate the location of the target plane by
MACHINE GUNS other light sections, after one section had reported
By Major E. H. Taliaferro, Jr. "Listeners on Target," a defended area plan was laid out
on cross-section paper to a scale of 2,000 yards to the inch.
Throughout the training season, all personnel of the two
The positions of the forward lights, advanced listening
machine-gun batteries, who were in any manner associ-
posts, and sector boundaries were plotted. Arcs, gradu-
ated with the determination or application of firing data,
ated to the nearest 100 mils, were described about the for-
were given individual and group instruction in the esti-
ward light positions and a small horizontal range conver-
mation of target speeds and ranges, and the rapid conver-
sion chart to the same scale was laid out at the bottom of
sion of leads into "target lengths." All instructional firing
the plan. This plan was mounted on a sketching board
had as its ultimate goal, the attainment of individual pro-
and covered with celluloid. When one searchlight section
ficiency in controlling fire by means of tracers. Intensive
reported "ON TARGET," the telephone operator also
individual training during the preliminary period was
reported the angular height and azimuth (as read from the
possible, due to the fact that considerable ammunition was
control station) to the platoon c.P. By using the assumed
available. Throughout the target practice season all prac-
altitude it was possible to plot instantly, and with nothing
tices, both preliminary and record, were thoroughly
but a pencil, the approximate posirion of the target plane
analyzed with the result that much valuable information
and give to the adjacent searchlight sections i relocation of
was obtained, thereby making possible the application of
the target plane from their positions both in azimuth and
the proper corrective measures. Both batteries were fortu-
angular height. This enabled these adjacent searchlight
nate in having assigned to them, just prior to target prac-
sections to "pick up" the target plane with their sound
tice, numerous men who had recently returned from for-
locators immediately and without an undue amount of
eign service where they had served with AA machine-gun
batteries. With the benefit of additional training, these searching, and resulted in having an intersection of at least
~en were fitted into t,he team and rendered valuable serv- two light sections on the target long before it reached an
lce. angular height of 625 mils from the nearest searchlight,
Batteries "E" and "F" obtained excellent results for at which point "IN ACTION" was given. The course of
each of their practices, the average record scores being the target plane was readily plotted from intersections
228.1, and 285.1, respectively. During all record practices, from two light sections and checked from a third light sec-
the firing conditions were ideal. The results obtained may tion without difficulty prior to giving the command "IN
~e attributed largely to a high state of morale and train- ACTION:'
Due to unfavorable weather conditions, rain, fog and
mist, record exercises were not held until the latter part of
By Captain R. E. DeMeTritt October. Although the temperature was at or below the
Due to the training requirements of other components freezing point, personnel and materiel functioned per-
of the Army, and the requirements of the gun and ma- fectly.
LEFT TO RIGHT: GoueT1lor Robert
E. Quinn, of Rhode Islmid, Colonel
Earl C. Webster, Brig. Gen. Wi/-
liam H. Wilson alld Brig. Gen.
Herbert R. Dean.

243d Coast Artillery (HD), Rhode Island

National Guard, Wins Coast Artillery Asso-
ciation National Guard Trophy for 1936
HE 243d Coast Artillery (HD), Rhode Island most important of which are the results attained in target
National Guard, commanded by Colonel Earl C. practices. The total score of the regiment is 95.78%. The
Webster, has been announced as the 1936 winner regiment includes nine firing batteries, seven of which
of the Coast Artillery Association Trophy annually have been designated by the War Department as "Excel-
awarded to the most efficient Coast Artillery National lent" for the 1936 target practice season. The 243d
Guard regiment for outstanding performance during the manned and fired a variety of armament in 1936 to in-
training year. In behalf of the Association the Trophy clude:
was presented by Brigadier General William H. Wilson, 2- 12" Seacoast gun batteries DC
Chief of Staff, First Corps Area, to the officers of the 3-10" Seacoast gun batteries DC
regiment at the Annual Regimental Dinner held at the 1- 12" Seacoast mortar battery
Squantum Club, East Providence, Rhode Island, Satur- 1-3" Antiaircraft gun battery
day, Febuary 13, 1937. The dinner which was a great suc- 2-30 Caliber Antiaircraft machine gun batteries.
cess and a most enjoyable af-
The trophy was first awarded in 1932 when it was won
fair, was attended by all the
by the 243d Coast Artillery, Rhode Island National
officers of the regiment and
Guard. In 1933 the trophy was won by the 249th Coast
many guests including-His Artillery (HD), Oregon National Guard. In 1934 the
Excellency Robert E. Quinn,
trophy was won by the 198th Coast Artillery (AA),
Governor of Rhode Island,
Delaware National Guard. In 1935 it was won by the
Colonel Joseph H. Gohn, In- 251st Coast Artillery (AA) , California National Guard.
fantl)', Officer in Charge of
Hence the 243d Coast Artillery (HD), Rhode Island
National Guard Affairs, First National Guard, has the distinction not only of being
Corps Area, and Major Le- the first regiment to win the trophy when it was first
Roy Lutes, CAC, represent- awarded in 1932, but it is also the first regiment to win
ing the Chief of the National the trophy a second time.
Guard Bureau. The senior federal instructor of the regiment since July
The award of the trophy is I, 1935, has been Lieutenant Colonel Earl H. Metzger,
C%llel Ear/ C. Webster. based on several factors the c.A.c., United States Army.
ComInand Post Trailer
HE 213th C.A. (AA) Pennsylvania National illumination, fans and radio power. Automatic brakes
Guard has developed. under the direction of its assure safe driving. \Vindows are screened with fine mesh
commanding officer, Colonel C. J. Smith, the im- copper wire screening. Compartments underneath the
proved command post trailer described below. Readers of seats provide space in which to carry buckets. basins.
the JOURNALwill remember that this progressive regiment lanterns and other battle impedimenta.
also developed one of the original command post tnIcks. The trailer is designed to be used as a real command
and that it was described in the January-February 1935 post in the field and not as living quarters.
number. In the forward part a map board occupies the center
In this instance, through careful budgeting of regi- and it is Ranked by two six-foot bench~s with upholstered
mental headquarters' funds, they constructed the trailer seats and backs. Above the table are two compartments
at a cost of approximately $850.00. It is 22 feet in length, for use of the commanding officer and his executive
7 ft. 8 in. high, and weighs 3.15° Ibs. It was designed and officer. Beneath the benches arc the spaces for various
built in about three months. by regimental personnel. equipment such as buckets, etc., described above. The
namely, motor mechanic Sergeant Joseph L. Siessmayer. map board is sturdy and folds back into a space 24 x 30
Sergeants E. C. Oerr, George Horn. Corporal Laivfont inches. Underneath this space are three deep drawers. Ad-
Krause. and Private C. Occeletto. jacent to the seat is a two-drawer filing cabinet on top of
The sub-frame is of steel construction and the upper which a small field desk is placed for the use of S-3. At
the opposite side is a two-drawer file for use of S-I. In rear
of this file there is a shelf provided upon which 5-1 and
the assistant adjutant may place field desks. Under-
neath this shelf arc three compartments and the wheel
housing. [n rear is found a typewriter stand and organ-
ization field desk designed for use of each organization of
the regiment.
Opposite the S-l section is a map board for use of 5-2
and the communications officer. In back of the map
board is a box 8" x 12" X 5' in which rolled maps and
draughting instruments arc kept. Underneath the box

BELOW: Forward interior

showing map board and
operations map.
Top: Exterior-Sgt. Siess-
mayer. Designer

CE1':TER: Rear Interior

Showing S-1 Section in

frame of white oak and ponderosa pine covered with ply-

wood, insulated with felt and covered with aircraft "dope"
finish. The exterior is painted "ad" with artillery red
trim. The trailer is wired for a dual lighting system, 110
volts or 6-8 volts when there is no commercial line avail-
able. A 50-foot extension cord is used for plugging into
service lines when possible. A one-cylinder power gener-
ator is used for charging the two batteries which provide
light in the field. An abundance of service outlets in ad-
dition to the permanent lights provide for additional
.\lI~ntovm Mnrn\tlJ; Can

Jre three large compartments. In rear of the communica- raised and lowered by automobile fixtures. Green and red
aons map board is a box upon which a short wave or a running lights are placed on rear and on sides of the
standard radio set can be placed. Inside the box which is trailer. The Aoor is covered with inlaid linoleum.
ventilated through a wire screen to the outside is found There has been provided in this trailer all the necessary
the power generator driven by a gasoline moror. Auto- means to insure that the commanding officer and his
mobile-eype batteries are also carried here. staff can operate efficiently in the field and under condi-
Entrance is gained from the rear. Glass windows are tions conducive to the attainment of excellent results.

Wire-Laying Apparatus

NE of the most difficult communication problems in a framework which permits them to be moved in both
confronting us today is the rapid laying of wire a horizontal and vertical plane. In addition to the rubber-
over great distances. Units operating in the field tired rollers and their framework. there is installed in the
Jre not equipped at the present time with proper devices wire-laying truck a direct current, gasoline-electric gene-
for this purpose. Since the execution of prescribed tacti- rating set, rheostats for controlling the speed of a series
cal missions and the employment of units would be connected motor and a stand for supporting a reel of wire.
seriously interfered with unless some means were devised The mechanism operates under the theory that the
whereby wire could be laid over great distances in the wire having been pur into motion possesses kinetic en-
minimum of nme, scudy and efforts have bef'n made to ergy. and this energy throws the wire away from the
provide a suitable wire-laying apparatus. conveyance in a manncr similar to that whereby kinetic
The device described in this article was improvised energy sustains the motion of a projectile which has been
from salvage material and tested during the First Army discharged from a gun.
maneuvers and many field exercises. It has demonstrated The feasibility of using kinetic energy to throw wire
that it offers a satisfactory solution to some of the wire- from a truck to a desired distance off the road has been
laying problems before us. Communication officers who repeatedly tested. The most recent tests were held at
are called upon to put in 50 miles or more of wire in a Camp Upton, Long Island. New York, and are sum-
short time will find herein a possible solution to one of marized below:
their most troublesome problems. (a ) Terrain covered.
Everything from paved road to forest trails over
The apparatus consists of a gasoline-electric-drivcn reel
which the wire-laying truck could barely make prog.
from which the wire is led out through a guide to two ress.
rubber-tired rollers, from which it is thrown to the place (b) Road Miles 27,50
where it would normally have to be put by hand. The Wire Miles (Estimated) 3°.25
speeds of these rubber-tired rollers, or wire throwers, are At least 10% more wire passed through ma-
varied in such a manner that the wire can be drawn from chine than road miles covered due to slack put
out for emergency.
the reel and thrown through the air to great distances
:It the desired rate. The rubber-tired rollers are mounted

(A) Wire guide support.

Apparaws arranged for wire laying. (B) Wire threaded through guide.

Throwillg wire clear of road at 25 m.p.h.

Wire ill f/igbt. Rallge ]0 yards.

(c) Time wire layer operated continu-

ously I Hr. I I Min. 50 See.
4. No clutches. gears or complicated system of shift.
Time wire layer operated intermit- ing used.
tently 34 Min. ). Flexibility of speed control.
Time spent changing reels, splic-
ing, testing, repairing defects OPERATION
found in wire and in instructing
personnel 4 Hr. 45 Min. 10 Sec. I. In laying field wire it lays wire at a rate which COI1-
Total operating time 6 Hr. 31 Min. forms to the rate of travel of the truck and in ad.
(d) Wire-laying speed maintained while op-
dition it ,":ill payout the required amount of slack
erating continuously on the road ..... 21.63 M.P.H.
(e) Wire-laying speed maintained while op- or spare wire.
erating intermittently through forest 2. It will throw wire varying distances away from the
trails 2.82 lvLP.H. truck by varying either or both rhe rate and angle
(f) Average M.P.H. (Road Miles) for com- of discharge.
pleted communications 4.22 M.P.H.
3. It facilitates laying wire correctly and rapidly and
(g) Average M.P.H. (Wire Miles) for com-
pleted communications 4.64 M.P.H. eliminates the necessity for removing any wire from
the road manually.
This test showed that so long as the machine could be 4. The usual snarling, twlsr1l1g and stra1l1lng of the
supplied with wire its speed would match the speed of wire is eliminated.
the truck on which it was mounted-and that it would 5. It requires no great amount of training or special
payout slack wire at the desired distance from the truck. qualified personnel for its operation.
For one stretch of eight-tenths of a mile on excellent
road an average of 36 M.P.H. was attained. During this In operation the rollers grip the wire and as the rollers
part of the test the wire thrower threw the wire about are put in motion the wire reel is caused to revolve.
30 yards off the road while the truck was in motion. O~ce the desired speed is attained, the motor merely sup-
plies enough energy to overcome friction and to supply
The results of this test were considered most satis-
the increased energy stored in the reel. The reel con-
factory by all the officers and other observers present. It
tinues to gain increased energy. because. the desired wire
should be remembered that the device being tested was
speed having been attained, the core of wire on the reel
purely an experimental one and in no way a finished
reduces in diamerer as the wire is paid out and to keep
product. It is believed reasonable to assume that even
the speed of wire constant the r.p.m. of the reel must in-
under adverse conditions a properly constructed apparatus
crease. The rollers and motor function to change the
of this type could establish completed communications
direction of motion of the wire from a rotary motion on
of at least 15 miles per hour. This device presents the
the spool to a forward or linear motion off the spool.
following advantages:
The direction of discharge of wire from the rollers is
CONSTRUCTION controlled by moving the upper roller forward or back-
J. Simplicity of design. ward for elevation and moving the rollers and motor as a
2. Low cost of construction. unit in a horizontal plane controls the horizontal direc-
3, Light weight, sturdy, and dependable. tion of discharge.

Office of Chief of Coast Artillery

Chief of Coast Artillery

Personnel Sution Organization and Training Section
Materiel (tIld Fina!TceSection
MAJOR H. B. HOLMES, JR. Plans and Projects Section

Fort Monroe News Letter

Commanding Harbor Defenses of Chesapeake Bay and 2d C.A.
Commanding 51st C.A. Commanding 52d C.A.
By Major Oliver B. Bucher and zd Lieutenant H. Bennett Whipple

G ENERAL and Mrs. Gulick and Miss Jean Gulick

arrived on the post on January 3d, from the Philip-
pines. General Gulick succeeded General Tracy
as Post Commander, Commanding General Third c.A.
headed by him and followed by the massed battalion. The
Second practiced and paraded daily. At first the massed
formation appeared like a choppy sea spirited in from the
bay but by January 15th the outfit was functioning like
District and Commandant of the Coast Artillery School. a well-oiled machine. The long hours of marching around
On January IS, the Commanding General G.H.Q., the post hardened the men for what was to come. On
Air Force, Major General F. M. Andrews, the Chief of January 16 they were reviewed by General Sunderland,
the Second Wing, G.H.Q., Air Force, Brigadier General General Gulick and Colonel Spurgin. The troops pre-
H. G. Pratt and Colonel W. R. Weaver of Langley Field, sented a smart appearance.
came to Fort Monroe and paid their respects to General On January 19 the convoy with Capt. H. H. Newman
Gulick. They were met by an escort of honor from the as convoy officer, proceeded to Fort Belvoir, Va., just out-
2d Coast Artillery. side of Washington. An advance party under command
On the same day General and Mrs. Sunderland arrived of Capt. H. A. Brusher had gone ahead on January 17th.
to pay a visit to Major and Mrs. Eustis Poland. General The trip to Fort Belvoir, Va., where our troops were to be
Sunderland declined an official welcome. He did, how- quartered, was made in excellent order and was unevent-
ever, look over the troops who were to participate in the ful except for the difficulties encountered due to rain and
inaugural parade. mud.
The rifle battalion of the Second Coast Artillery repre- No place was available at Fort Belvoir to clean up our
sented the Coast Artillery in the inaugural parade. In- newly painted and polished antiaircraft unit. The unit
tensive training for this event started on January 11th un- was finally driven to Washington, D. C. and was quar-
der direction of Major E. M. Benitez, 52d CA., who was tered in the Post Office Building garage through the cour-
selected to command the battalion. The men, in mass tesy of Capt. F. F. Bernsdorff of the District of Columbia
formation, carrying rifles and bayonets fixed, marched and National Guard. The garage was so tremendous that it
marched under Major Benitez' tireless hand. The people was actually difficult to find our motor convoy. The ve-
of the garrison awoke mornings to the martial notes of hicles were cleaned and polished and made ready for the
the 2d C.N s band which was strutting up Ingalls Road parade.
The movement to the parade formation was made under President, the rain, which had been tumbling down for
trving conditions. All the men were well soaked bv the ten solid days, ceased. It had succeeded in ruining a poten-
rain that persisted throughout the trip. To add t~ our tial record parade. The entire command returned to Fon
discomfons we arrived in position and stood in pouring Monroe th~ next day, having had a tough trip and very
rain for well over an hour \vithout raincoats. Horstmann little fun, and with some half-dozen men left behind with
overcoats and boots by Peal had a real test on that day! influenza. Thanks and praise were showered on the Sec-
Finally the President completed his delayed luncheon and ond Coast Artillery, the sole representative of the Coast
the parade proper commenced. The Second Coast Artil- Artillery in the parade. The President, Chief of Staff, and
lerv Band under the iron hand of \Varrant Officer M. A. the Chief of Coast Artillery all extended their apprecia-
Q~into played without ceasing and helped us to forget tion. The following letter was received from General A.
our troubles with "Over There" and other \Vorld War H. Sunderland:
tunes. Just as the Coast Artillery troops passed the January 21,1937,
Subject: Troops-Inaugural Parade.
To: Commanding General, Fort Monroe, Va.
I. I wish you would express to each member of your
command, who may have participated in the Inaugural
Parade in Washington on January 20th, my appreciation
of .the fine appearance presented by the Coast Artillery
2. I feel that the work and discomfort involved were
all for a good purpose, namely perpetuating the high rec-
ord of the Coast Artillery Corps for soldierly attainments
and smart appearance.
Major General,
Chief of Coast Artillery.

Orders were received on January 28 to prepare four mine

yawls for the flood areas in the middle west. Engines were
tuned up, crews were picked, four flat cars were made
ready for the trip---but the flood subsided!
A northeaster hit Fort Monroe on the 29th and all pre-
pared for a repetition of our minor hurricanes. The post
was flooded, cellars had four or five feet of water therein,
and the post was a general mess. After the change of
the tide the storm died without doing much actual dam-
age; 4.08 inches of rain had fallen in twenty-four hours.
A few interesting miscellaneous notes of the post in-
clude, the plowing and seeding of the parade ground which
means no parades for several months; complete paint-
ing job of the T uilleries and even the old 100 building;
a new cable from Fort Monroe to Fort Wool put in by
the Cable Ship Joseph Henry, under the command of
Captain Burgo D. Gill.
On February 13th the Dutch Submarine 0- I 6 ducked
in to Norfolk, Va. to touch up a bit before putting in an
official call at Washington, D. C.
Since Christmas, Fort Monroe has lost many officers
and gained very few. At present conditions are such that
a Reserve officer on one year active duty must command a
battery. A recent study shows that a Fort Monroe Bat-
tery has an average of four commanders a year. Capt. J.
H. Rousseau and Capt. A. D. Miller, have been placed
on CCC duty. The death of Capt. A. P. Bruner, a Har-
THE 2D COAST ARTILLERY AT THE 1937 INAUGURAL PARADE bor Defense officer on detached service, brought sorrow
UPPER RIGHT: Colonel H. F. Spurgin, Regimental Commander. to the entire garrison. Captains A. M. Wilson and F. R.
UPPER LEFT: i\1ajor E. iH. Benitez, Rifle Battalion Comma,/der. Chamberlain have spent considerable time in Walter Reed
LOWER RIGHT: 2d Lieut. H. B. \Vhipple, Regimental Adjutant. General Hospital. Lieutenant J. J. Lane arrived on the

post on February 22d. His family followed on March I. In preparation for the seventh annual Third Corps Area
Recent visitors at the Coast Artillery School include Boxing fournament several boxing shows were staged.
Colonel Avery J. Cooper G.S.C (C.A.C); Majors To date, two benefit shows have been held in the central
Aaron Bradshaw, Jr., Clare H. Armstrong and S. L. NIc- garage at Fort ~vlonroe. Both cards, made up with a few
Croskey from the Office of the Chief of Coast Artillery. outside fighters were received with enthusiasm. Staff Ser-
Eleven students were graduated on January 29th with geant George E. (Speedy) Lawrence, well known in box-
the Special Clerical Course, Department of Enlisted .Spe- ing circles, handled the match-making and Corporal
cialists, and a new course opened on February 1st with a Manuel Orthys trained the squad. Roland Potter of Btry.
full complement of twenty students. "A," 51st CA.; C N. Tomalunas of the Quartermasrer
Recent lecturers at the Coast Artillery School have in- Detachment, and Alfred Forbes of Btry. "A," 51st CA.
cluded Dr. Douglas S. Freeman; Commander F. D. Wag- are the outstanding fighters with promising futures in
ner, U.S.N.; and Lieutenant Commander J. L. Holloway, army boxing. It is intended to hold two or three more
Jr., U.S.N. boxing smokers after which several of the best men will
The fall athletic season at Fort Monroe wound up with be sent to Baltimore to compete in the championship
a football smoker on January 14th, held at the Noncom- bouts.
missioned Staff Officers' Club, for the purpose of present- On February 23d at the Fort Monroe Y.M.CA. medals
ing athletic awards to members of the post team. Major were presented to the winning inter-battery teams in swim-
Oliver B. Bucher, acting as master of ceremonies, ex- ming, bowling, volley ball, and cross country. After a
pressed the appreciation of the garrison for the work done short introduction by Lieut. Cordes, the recreation of-
not only by the team and the officers connected with it ficer, Colonel E. B. Walker congratulated the various men
but also by the men behind it, particularly Tech. Sergeant and presented the medals. First and second place in volley
James BeattIe, Tech. Sergeant J. C Todd, and Sergeant ball were ta~en by Btry. "A," 51st CA. and Headquar-
E. J. Bartsch. Lieut. E. W. Thompson, an outstanding ters Battery 51st CA. respectively. Bowling was won by
player, Lieut. George W. McCoy, the medical officer for the CA. School Det. with Btry. "0," 52d C A. second.
the team, and Major J. L. Hartman, the coach, delivered Pvt. Bowen of Btry. "D," 52d CA. second and third.
short speeches. Awards were then presented by Colonel In the swimming competition the honors were rather
H. F. Spurgin. evenly divided between Headquarters Battery, 2d CA.
The post basketball team, after a slow start in which it and Battery "A," 51st CA., Btry. "F," 52d CA. and
lost to the Norfolk "Blue Devils," and the Norfolk the CA. School Detachment. Following the presentation
"Cops," and the Naval Training Station got away to a of the awards coffee and doughnuts supplied by the
fine season. The team was entered in what amounted to Y.M.CA. were served, and everyone proceeded to a box-
three leagues. The Hampton-Roads All-Service League, ing tournament held as part of the entertainment.
formed after the season was already under way, included
The garrison is now looking forward to the arrival of
the Naval Training Station, the Norfolk Marines, Lang-
the new CA. School students and is preparing for the
ley Field, and Fort Monroe. Monroe won all but two of
strenuous spring training at Fort Story, Virginia.
the games in this series, both losses being to the T raini~g
Station. Consequently the "gobs" copped first place With
Monroe second. The battle between these two teams how-
ever was not over. There still remained the "army-navy"
tilt for possession of the Allen-Reeder trophy on which
the training Section already had two legs. After a fast,
hard game on the Langley Field court, on February 13th,
before a crowd of some 600 rooters, Nionroe stalked off
with the trophy; score, 37-32.
The last series in which the Nionroe cagers took part
was the Third Corps Area Championship Series. Posses-
sion of this title was to be decided by a play-off between
the winners of the northern and southern districts, the
latter being subdivided into the Washington and Mon-
roe circuits. Fort Monroe took the first four games for
the best four out of seven from Langley Field, thus clean-
ing up the Monroe circuit. Warrant Officer A. W. Chris-
tensen then took his team to Washington to meet Fort
lvlajor General F. 11'1.Andrews, Brigadier General H. C. Pratt,
Belvoir, the winner of the Washington circuit. There, in Brigadier General/. IV. Gulick, Colone/IV. R. IVeaver, 1St Lieu-
two hard-fought games on the Haurick Court. Monroe tenant A. L. Fuller on Coast Artillery School steps at Escort of
lost, 32-45 and 42-46. Honor for visiting officers. January. 1937.
Hawaiian Separate Coast Artillery Brigade
News Letter
Com. and Engineer 0!ficer

Sixty-follrth Coast Artillery ( AA)

64th CA. (AA)
Harbor Defel1Ses of Pearl Harbor Harbor Defenses of Honollliu
15th CA. 16th CA.

By Lieutenant John J. Stark, ADC

CHANGING THE GUARD Abernethy succeeds. With the new Commanding General
came Mrs. Woodruff, to whom the Coast Artillery Corps
HE arrival of Brigadier General James A. Wood-

is nothing new. Mrs. Woodruff has a military heritage
ruff and the departure of Brigadier General Robert of her own, as her father, the late Brigadier General Henry
S Abernethy were fittingly observed in a brigade W. Hubbell, was with several coast artillery units before
review held on January 15th. Troops from Fort Shafter, he retired in 19°5,
Fort Kamehameha and Fort Ruger all joined in honoring To greet the many officers and ladies of the command.
the former and present Commanding Generals of the General and ivlrs. Woodruff held an "At Home" on
Hawaiian Separate Coast Attillery Brigade. February fourteenth. The officers and ladies called between
General v.,r oodruff comes to the brigade from the San the hours of five and seven, and enjoyed the excellent
Francisco Port of Embarkation, to which post General music of the 15th Coast Artillery Band of the Harbor



Colonel ivlitcbell. General A bernetby

,md Generlll 'Woodmff leading.

LI;FT TO RIGHT: Lieut. Col. Haines, Col. Wil-

liams, Brig. General A bernetby, Brig. General
Woodruff. Lieut. \1estal. Lieut. lVatkins.
Defenses of Pearl Harbor under the direction of Warrant ber of bachelors to lose their status. Since January 1St,
Officer Frank Frank. both Lieutenant Harrison F. Turner and Lieutenant The0-
TARGETPRACTICE ANDMANEUVERS dore F. Hoffman have gone up the aisle--the former with
Miss Tyler and the latter with Miss Linnemann. Con-
At the various posts efforts are bent toward early target
practices ~nd joint maneuvers. The maneuvers have been
moved up nearly two months this year to coincide with ATHLETICFORECAST
the arrival of the United States Fleet. Fort Kamehameha continues to lead in the basketball
The 64th Coast Artillery (AA) is due to start its an- league ~ow ~t the height of its season. They have just
nual antiaircraft target practice very soon. This year, indi- turned 111 theIr twenty-fifth straight win and if this keeps
cations are that the site will be Nana-kuli instead of the up they will be going on tour soon. Lieutenant Moorman
familiar Waimanalo Beach. It is contemplated, too, to has been very helpful toward his team's success. He is
send the gun batteries out by battalions rather than to fourth high scorer in the Sector-Navy league so far this
send the entire regiment out at once. year.
These target practice arrangements will fit in with the Boxing is at the height of the season with the 64th
small "resurrection" program in which they are engaged (AA) leading and Fort Kamehameha and Honolulu fol-
to fix up the barracks. New construction there still seems a
lowing in order. The season is proving most interesting
to be a little way off. Meanwhile, the old buildings must
one, ,:",ithma~y of last year's champions taking a licking
be kept up and that is the reason for the small "resurrec- once 111 a whIle from the new boxers who are not a bit
tion" program. backward in displacing last year's winners.
Lieutenant Gordon H. Holterman is the only new ar-
The race for boxing honors is too close to even attempt
rival at Fort Shafter.
to select the probable team winner for 1937.
At Fort Kamehameha efforts are being directed toward
an early target practice season, with the 1st Battalion 55th, Already inter-battery baseball is under way and indica-
the 41st and the 15th all planning activities. However, tions are that there will be plenty of new material to fill
all target practice seasons are subject to revision because the ranks of the depleted Sector baseball teams. Track
of the Army-Navy Maneuvers, which will come between and field athletes can be seen every day on the different
April 15th and May 15th, this year. The officer person- fields, practicing for their events in the coming compe-
nel has recently been augmented by Lieutenant Colonel titions .. With ~pring rapi~ly advancing, it will only be a
Herbert H. Acheson, Captains George M. Badger and short tIme untIl we can gIve you the results of the spring
Joseph F. Simmons, and Lieutenants Robert F. Tomlin, sports.
Robert Morris and Calvin L. Partin-quite a sizable in- There are some very good rumors in the air about build-
crease. ing up the DeRussy pavilion into something approaching
Captain Lester D. Flory has been assigned to Fort Ruger. an Army-Navy Club. This popular part of Waikiki has
At this post the 2d Battalion 55th is engaged in antiair- been flourishing ever since the paddle tennis courts, hand-
craft gun practice at Sand Island. Just as soon as the ball courts, and the new roadways were put in. Not a
heavy, and rather unusual rainy season is over, the guns favorable afternoon passes that many officers and their
~hould go into action. families do not take advantage of the fine beach that fronts
SOCIALACTIVITIES the pavilion. Now it looks as if it will become an even
The Diamond Head post continues to lead in the num- more popular social gathering place. Aloha.

Fort Totten News Letter

By Lieutenant Colonel E. E. Bennett, C.A.C.

ERHAPS it is unbecoming for an organization to served that the antiaircrafters are making plans to add
indulge in self-aggrandizement, but there are oc- additional stars to the crown.
casions when it is appropriate to let others know So many things of importance have happened since the
what is happening at places beyond their immediate hori- appearance of the previous Fort Totten news letter that it
zon. Therefore it is hoped that we will be forgiven if we is difficult to single out only those deserving of mention,
use the JOURNALto inform our hosts of friends of the do- but an attempt will be made to cover the most note-
ings at Fort T otten, and at the same time furnish a little worthy. Naturally, the winning of the U. S. Coast Artil-
food for the development of our personal ego; not that we lery Association Trophy is of the greatest importance to
need any additional publicity for truly enough honors the regiment and of paramount interest to the Corps. This
have been garnered by the "archies" to satisfy the desires coveted symbol of excellence is awarded annually by
of the most grasping. The 62d CA. (AA) will never the Association to the regiment that, during the previous
be content to rest on honors won and notice is hereby year, established the best record in target practice. The
62d came through wIth all sails set and colors Hying. Two the electric systems by placing the circuits underground;
of the four batteries, viz., Battery "F," commanded by a complete overhaul of the post telephone system; con-
Capt. John W. Dwyer and Battery "E," commanded by struction of a new sewage disposal system; construction
Capt. James L. Hogan, stood at the top of the list of ma- of new roads and the resurfacing of existing roads; the
chine-gun batteries with average scores of 285.1 and 228.1 erection of a boundary fence and the filling of the marshy
respectively. These scores we put up as targets for other land on the southwestern part of the reservation. This
organizations to "shoot at"; time alone will tell whether latter is being done with the assistance of the New York
they can be equalled or exceeded. Battery "B," com- City Department of Sanitation. This department has c0-
manded by Capt. Leon A. White, turned in an average operated by hauling ashes to the reservation. This project
score of 101.6 which placed it well up on the list of AA eventually will prove a boon and materially increase the
gun batteries. Battery "A," commanded by Capt. Robert usable area of the reservation by providing additional
E. DeMerritt, is also found in the "excellent" class with ground for tactical and recreational purposes.
an average score of 151.2. These records have passed into The Y.M.CA., under the direction of Mr. Arthur G.
history but they have not been forgotten and the memory Beck, .not to be outdone by other activities, has launched
of the outstanding performance is kept fresh by the un- an expansion project. The plans contemplate the erection
usual number of "red E's" appearing on the right sleeve of a new gymnasium with seating capacity for approxi-
of nearly all wearers of the 62d insignia. Plans are now mately 1,000 spectators; courts for basketball, indoor ten-
being considered for the presentation ceremonies, and it nis, handball, and squash. Also, an indoor swimming
is planned to mak~ this an occasion long to be remembered pool with the most modern equipment for heating and
by the regiment and its legion of friends. sterilizing water so that the pool can be used throughout
Upon completion of the target practice season, the regi- the year. To this will be added modern locker rooms and
ment assembled at its home station to indulge in other showers, bowling alleys and other gready needed facilities
less spectacular but equally important duties. The first of for the recreation and entertainment of the garrison. Two
these was small arms target practice, held at the beginning new concrete tennis courts recendy have been completed.
of the indoor season. In this more than 60 per cent of the Provision was made so that these courts could be Hooded
regiment qualified as marksman or better. Next in order to provide ice skating, but the mildest winter in the his-
was intensive concentration on gunners' instruction. This tory of N ew York outsmarted us and the garrison will
period is not yet at an end but to date more than 600 have to wait for another winter before "going on a skate."
members of the regiment have qualified as expert gun- With the cooperation of the WP A authorities, the
~er and many others are waiting to take the examina- Y.M.CA. has put on an educational and recreational pro-
tIOn. gram without equal in the Army.
The work of rehabilitating and renovating the post of The Executive Council of the American Legion, repre-
Fort Totten has been under way for many months. This senting thirty-eight Legion Posts located within a radius
is progressing according to schedule and upon its com- of fifteen miles of Fort Totten have officially approved
pletion all barracks and quarters will be in excellent con- the action of the President, Borough of Queens, in adopt-
dition. The WP A furnished all labor and material but ing the 62d Coast Artillery (AA) as "Queens Own."
the work is performed under the supervision of the Post The resolution received the unanimous approval of the
Quartermaster, Major Norman Minus. Practically all duly elected representatives of more than 10,000 World
quarters have been thoroughly overhauled and modern- War veterans comprising the membership of the Ameri-
ized. In the noncommissioned officers' quarters new elec- can Legion in Queens County. So far as is known the
tric ranges have replaced the old coal-burning stoves. An 62d is the only regiment to be officially adopted by a civic
obsolete fire command station has been converted into an group, thus further cementing the cordial relations that
apartment house accommodating four families and at a exist between the garrison and the civilian community in
later date other buildings will be converted into living which it lives.
quarters. The old brick stables have been modified into On February 8th, the 212th CA. (AA), NYNG,
a barrack for the Quartermaster and Medical Detach- tendered a review followed by a reception to Colonel Fer-
ments. Improvements have not been limited to barracks gusson, in his capacity as District Commander, 2d Coast
and quarters but include many post utilities. The unsight- Artillery District. The armory was filled to capacity.
ly fuel storage sheds, near the main entrance, have been After the review, Colonel Fergusson addressed the regi-
replaced by a new concrete coat pit while several of the ment, complimenting the entire command on their fine
buildings formerly used for the storage of submarine mine appearance, soldierly bearing, and the precision with which
property have been converted into maintenance and paint all movements were executed.
shops to facilitate the upkeep of the motor transportation. During the following week, the 244th CA. NYNG,
The renovation of the Officers' Club has been completed, under the command of Colonel Mills Miller, also honored
and Fort Totten now possesses one of the finest clubs to Colonel Fergusson with a review and reception. The ap-
be found in the Army. Other improvements under way pearance and performance of the troops was fully up to
or projected include the erection of new garages and serv- the high standard set by the 212th.
ice station for the motor equipment; the modernization of During the closing days of 1936 Fort Totten under-

went the annual scrutiny of a Corps Area Inspector. In integral part of our own community.
keeping with its history and high standard of perform- "Of course, official records may show where the terri-
ance, the 62d again came through with all colors flying. torial boundaries of the City of New York end and the
The Inspector, notwithstanding the most minute exami- military reservation begins, but human understanding and
nation into all of the administrative affairs of the regi- friendship seem not to heed these boundaries too much.
ment, found little upon which to comment adversely, and There are more than a thousand officersand men stationed
reliable information indicates that a strong commendation at Fort Totten, an outstanding unit of the United States
is forthcoming; this is in keeping with the high standard Army. The families of the married members of Qu~ns
of performance demanded in this regiment .. Own 62d Regiment also live on the post. Their children
Under the supervision of Capt. O. A. Nelson, motor attend the schools of Bayside and district. There is a pleas-
transportation officer, the 62d is btinging its 150 or so ant intermingling of the residents of Fort Totten and us
motor vehicles and trailers out of winter storage, and put- people of civilian life. The 'Men of Totten' are our next-
ting them in the superb condition expected and demanded door neighbors. We think nothing of running over there
of the regiment. to borrow a couple of eggs or a couple of batteries of the
The popularity of the 62d with the residents of Long soldier boys to give that smart military touch to our local
Island is so great that two months ago, Mr. Ernest Levy, parades. In either case, or in similar cases, the soldiers
the publisher of Times newspapers, with headquarters in never say 'No.'
Bayside, L. 1., requested permission from Colonel Fer- "Little wonder then, that we of Bayside and district lay
gusson to include as a feature section of the two local claim to Fort Totten and the 62d Coast Artillery, as may
newspapers published under his management a "Fort we say, 'local talent.' It is with pardonable pride that we
Totten Section" devoted exclusively to news of "Queens take our visiting 'country cousins' to visit the Fort. It is
Ow n." easily understood why, when we watch the big Man-
In the first issue of the Bayside Times, containing the hattan parades, we feel a quicker heartbeat as the 62d
"Fort T otten Section," there was included a full-page edi- rolls smoothly past on its sleek military motor vehicles.
torial, written by Mr. Levy. Following are a few extracts "Now is the time when, however small, one is apt to.
from this editorial: count one's blessings. When counting our blessings this
"In this manner the Times newspapers make their con- time, it might be well to remember that of all the gifts
tribution to further cement the fine, neighborly relation- we may receive, or of all the blessings we may count as
ship that exists between what we shall technically call ours, none surpasses in value the practical gift that our
the military and civilian sections of Bayside and district. Uncle Sam has given to us in the form of Queens Own
In reality, there is no separation. Through the years, 62d Artillery ... which, in the conduct of its duty,
friendships and associations have been created on both holds secure for you, and you, and you-and me-our
sidesof the Fort's gates that long ago made Fort Totten an life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!"

Panama Canal Department News Letter

Department Artillery Officer
Fort Am'ador Fort Sherman
4th CA. (AA) 1st CA.
Fort Rttndolph
By Major Harry R. Pierce, C.A.C.

HE War Department has announced the official nounced and it is not surprising to learn that they will

T classification of Batteries A, Band D of the 4th as

excellent for the year 1936. This classification was
the result of the fine work done by them during the 1936
take place in March, and commence with a phase in which
each sector will be called upon to defend its own boun-
daries followed by a combined exercise on the Atlantic
target practice year. Battery D also won the Amador Cup side. During the past two years the exercises have been
which is presented each year to the battery making the held on the Pacific side, so the change will be of interest
highest record in target practice. This beautiful silver to all concerned.
loving cup was given to the regiment by La Senora Late in 1936 the regiment received its first shipment of
Amador, wife of the late first president of Panama, whom tactical trucks consisting of three Dodge 1)/z-ton vehicles.
Fort Amador was named after. Those who have served in Panama will appreciate this
The time for the department maneuvers has been an- good news as well as the promise that the remainder of

our transportation will be pro-

vided before the end of the fis-
cal year. Eight "tactical" mules
were also received about the
middle of February and the
call for experienced" skinners"
were issued. The Service Bat-
tery has been assigned the
trucks and mules and all the
grief that goes with them in
addition to its other multi-
tudinous duties. The old scoot-
er shed is being converted into
barracks to house the animal
and truck drivers. It is being
provided with a twelve-foot
lean-to on the south side, all
complete with cement founda- A little ill formal recreation on the Fort Amador parade ground.
tions, floor, toilet facilities, tile
roof, and a porch so that the shed will be livable for the each. The .Regimental Fund contributed Post Exchange
additional twenry-five men. When completed, this struc- coupon books and movie books to the winners.
ture will be turned over to the Service Battery. One of the best volley ball teams that has appeared on •
the Isthmus was turned out by Battery "C," 4th C.A.
On January 23, 1937, the Fourth Coast Artillery was
e AA), Fort Amador, C.Z., this season. Early in the
bl.1 of. 1936 Battery "C". clinched the Post champion-
. reviewed by the Commanding Officer, Colonel E. D'A.
shIp wIthout the loss of a s1l1gle set of three games. This
Pearce who awarded to Battery F the trophy they won
Battery represented Fort Amador in the Pacific Sector
in the last quarter of 1936 in the Amador baseball league.
tournament. Very little trouble was encountered by the
Battery C w~s also presented with the runner-up trophy
team in this tournament, and looking for new fields, the
at the same time.
team promptly entered the Y.M.C.A. league for the de-
The ceremony was very impressive. The four battalions
partment. Both civilian and service teams are members
of the Fourth, with the Pacific Sector Headquarters at-
of this league. After a hard struggle with Battery "I"
tached, stretched across the parade ground in massed
formation, bayonets fixed, while one platoon of each
of the 4th C.A. e AA), Battery "C" won two sets out
of three to become Pacific Sector representatives in the
of the honored batteries was marched to the front to re-
fina~ department tournament. Battery "C" met the At-
ceive the prizes. After the presentation these platoons,
lantIC Sector M.P. detachment in a three-set series, each
which were commanded by their battery commanders,
set consisting of three games. The Pacific "champs" had
Capt. Reierson and Capt. Smith, took position in rear of
no trouble in taking the first two sets to become depart-
the reviewing stand and remained there while the rest
ment champions for 1936. The team was ably manaO"ed
of the regiment passed in review.
by Sergeant Freemire; captained by Corporal Hyla~d.
The Fort Amador baseball team has been awarded a
Sergeant Edwards starred consistently throughout the
franchise in the Isthmian baseball league, and through
season, while Corporal Williams, Private First Class Pia-
hard work and practice have made a creditable showing
cente and Private Szuleski furnished flawless support at
in the league. Although the army team under the name
all times.
of Fort Amador did not win the first half of the series of
A permanent home for the Girl Scouts has been made
games, they have played very good baseball, and had they
had the breaks of the game, they no doubt, would have in one end of the open play shed with lumber salvaged
from the old Fort Amador golf club which was recently
been on top. The army team is working out daily and
torn down. The growing Amador troop well deserves
hopes to make a far better showing during the second
such a club house. Early in January the new home was
half of the Isthmian baseball series. Major James L. Craig,
the athletic officer at Fort Amador, C.Z. is in charge of dedicated at a special ceremony and Colonel Pearce pre-
the army team, and is stressing every effort in the hopes sented it. Nrrs. Shumate, the Amador Troop leader ac-
c~pted it on behalf of the troop. Following the presenta-
of developing a winning team.
The track season started the first of February with a tion ceremony the scouts presented an appropriate im-
promptu playette for the amusement of a large number
series of local track and field meets in preparation for the
Department track meet later in the year. Battery G won of guests.
:v ith 28 points after the closest struggle we have had dur- There
may be some who read this screed who will
with <lllthe V3rious forms of athletics and O"ames
109 the past two years. It was nip-and-tuck until the end.
Batteries Band C both follow~l closely with 21 ~ points we indulge in. when we find time for soldiering. R~st as-
vate Brown's first match and much will be expected of
him next year. Both Captain T of toy and Captain Reierson
have joined the Balboa Gun Club and much keen compe-
tition is expected next year between them. Our local
Annie Oakley, Mrs. Belle Thompson, provided one of
the high lights of the match by placing fourth in the
whole list. She handles a .45 like a veteran and in 1933
won the Department match against all comers. She is not
~Iigible for awards of prizes and shoots just for the fun of

In the riRe competitions the only member of the Fourth

who played around the top was Sergeant Joseph B. Royal
of Battel)' I who managed to keep up in the money the
whole time. On the final day he came through with a 44
at 600 and 45 at 1,000 and won the match and gold medal
with a score of 450' This makes the third leg for Sergeant
Royal and makes 'him a distinguished marksman as soon
as he applies for that designation. The Fourth will con-
tinue its quarterly small bore matches started nine months
Pillal Event Port Amador Track AJeet. ago with the hope of training other medal winners for
next year.
~lIred, however, that we do find a little in our spare time. FORT SHER},.[Al':
After several years of debate the Coast Artillery in
By Lieutenant Colonel Ralph W. Wilson
Panama finally received authority co fire its annual anti-
aircraft target practices in January and February, "the Fort Sherman has been the scene of varied activities for
season when the sky is clear." There must be a jinx some- the past two months. To enumerate even the smaller pan
where for the weather wouldn't run true to form and all would take more space than is allotted. Training has been
during January and the first half of February it was cloudy the paramount objective, however, athletics, recreational
and rained nearly every day. features, new construction and reconstruction have been
It was past the middle of February before the first stressed.
organization, Battery A, Captain Chaplin commanding, During the early part of December, Major Henry F.
completed its annual practices. Battery B, Captain Grimm, Jr., commanding the 2d Battalion, and Captain
Niethamer commanding, follows Battery A on Battel)' Charles W. 1vIcGeehan, commanding Battery "C," 1St
24 and, in order CO make it easier for the transportation Coast Artillery (AA), conducted a series of 75 mm.
officer, will go into camp at Battel)' 24 on Februal)' 22nd. firings at fast moving towed targets in conjunction with
the 14th Infantry employing .30 caliber machine guns.
T owed targets represented landing boats, and the results
The Department small arms competition took place on
schedule at Fort Clayton commencing January lIth.
There were nine officers and twenty-six enlisted men in
the pistol matches and five officers and fifty-two enlisted
men in the riRe matches. There was a man entered for
every place and, in addition, Captain T of toy was entered
to represent the staff.
At the end of the first day's pistol shootincr Major
Pi:rce was in the lead with Captain T ofroy trailing one
pol!1t behind. The next five high were within ten poines.
The second day Major Pierce bettered his first day's
score and won the match and a gold medal with a total of
494. Captain T ofcoy placed fifth with 472 and won a
bronze medal and Private First Class George E. Brown
?f the Pacific Sector Headquarters Company placed sixth
In the whole match and third among the enlisted men, also

winning a bronze medal. Three out of a total of eight

medals available went to Fort Amador contestants. As a
result of this fine work Major Pierce becomes a distin- AR:'IS CO:'IPETITIO:\
guished pistol shot. Captain T a fray has acquired two legs LEFT TO RIGHT: Major H. R. Pierce, Sgt. /. B. Roya/.
toward the winning of this coveted honor. This was Pri- Capt. H. N. T oltoy.
showed that beach landings at Fort Sherman are practically fenders, when Morgan's English soldiers took this fort by
out of the question. storm.
The Department boxing bouts were held at Fort Davis A new fire house has recently been. built, and it will
on December 19, 1936, and the Atlantic Sector won five have the regulation pole for the firemen to slide down for
out of eight bo~ts. Private Walerstein, Battery "H," 1st speedy work. The fire hazards at Fort Sherman are great
Coast Artillery (AA), Fort Sherman, repeated in the and efforts to reduce these hazards are appreciated by all.
featherweight class by winning a hard fought fight. Fort Sherman is making up for its island isolation by
Battery "H," 1st Coast Artillery (AA), has been providing recreation at home. The Playshed is being
thwarted by freak December and January weather from overhauled and having an annex built to it, which will
completing its search~ight practices. January, 1937, has, provide the most modern offices,dressing rooms and other
so far, been the wettest January since 1904. The grass and conveniences; the new non-commissioned Officers' Club
other vegetation should now be dead and dry but it is is rapidly taking form; the Post Exchange is being re-
causing everyone considerable trouble to keep it under con- modeled; a fifteen thousand dollar theater is assured; a
ttol. bowling alley is in the offing; and the best bathing beach
The post is pushing energetically the project to recon- in Panama will soon be the mecca of all swimmers. Coal
struct and clear old Fort San Lorenzo. The results ac- and oil have been banished from the post, electric stoves
complished are beginning to show that the labor expended and ranges having been recently installed in all the bar-
has been for a well worth while purpose. It seldom befalls racks.
a post commander to have thrust upon him such an inter- Maneuvers will start in March, and until then every
esting and well worth while task. Fort San Lorenzo was effort is being made to complete all target practices.
built by the early Spaniards and was destroyed by Sir FORT RANDOLPH
Henry Morgan, the English Admiral, in 1671. The
jungles have slowly and relentlessly crept over its acres By First Lieutenant O. H. Gilbert
of ruins in the past 266 years. It has now developed that Relatives of General Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. Trimble
the Spaniards built better, and the destruction by the of New York, N. Y., visited Fort Randolph on Febru-
English was less, than has been generally accepted. Long ary 6, 1937. After an inspection of the Post, they were
galleries filled to a depth of several feet by the dust of entertained informally at the quarters of the Command-
centuries, crumbling walls, hidden sentry boxes, partly ing Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Charles B. Meyer. Mr.
buried cannon and scattered cannon balls have come to Trimble is the grand nephew of General Randolph for
light. Lieutenant Merle R. Thompson, 1st Coast Artillery whom Fort Randolph is named.
(AA), has been in direct charge of this work. Among Battery "E" completed a 3" AA practice in January
other things, 14,000 cannon balls have been salvaged and at present is preparing to fire a practice with 105 mm.
from the sea at the foot of the sheer cliff below the massive guns. Very few officersor men in this regiment have seen
walls. Cannons that have been buried under the sands firing by guns of this type and an unusual amount of
and water for centuries are now being dredged and dug for. interest has resulted. The entire battery has moved to the
One of the objects that has caused great speculation is the gun position and officers and men are living under field
well in the courtyard of the fort, which is 50 feet higher conditions similar to those encountered during the firing
than any land in its vicinity. All attempts to drain it in of the 3" AA practices last October. Battery HE" has
the past have been fruitless. It must be fed by some un- had plenty of "field soldiering" in the past six months.
known spring. Rumor has it that a secret underground Bartery "A" has completed all but the night practice
passage will be found in the side of this well, if it can ever with 3" AA guns and Battery "B" is waiting for the
be emptied. Where the water comes from and why it firinl?iof the 105 mm. guns before starting on their 3"
always stands at an exact height are questions as yet un- practIce.
answered. The peaceful Chagres River, as it now flows Fort Randolph got off to a bad start in' the Atlantic
past Fort San Lorenzo, gives little evidence that on Janu- Side intrapost baseball league winning only one game in
ary 8, 1671, only 30 Spaniards were left out of 350 de- the first quart~r. The Randolph team has not hit its stride.
Corregidor News Letter
COLONEL T. A. TERRY, C.A.C., Executh'e
59th COait Artiller)' 91st COait Artillery (PS)

60th COait Artillery 92d COait Artillery (PS)


By Lieutenant Colonel Oscar C. lVarner, C.A.C.

ECEMBER and January, the best momhs of the ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES
year were busy ones. Imensive training for target Due co arrive May I, 1937: Nfajors Francis S. Sweet,
practices by all regimems cominued during Jan- James T. Campbell, Benjamin Bowering, Robert Nt Cars-
uary. The Pope reported and b~gan high-speed cowing well, John H. Harrington; Captains John M. England,
missions on February Ist. Both lugh-speed and low-speed Burgo D. Gill, Harold A. Brusher; 1St Lieut. Allison R.
seacoast practices and AA gun practices will be finished Hartman; 2d Lieuts. Alvin D. Robbins, Robert E. Frith,
by April 2~ .. The period !vfarc~ 15th to 27th is reserve? Jr., George R. Wilkins.
for field tramlng cooperating with the Navy, Army Air Due to depart May 8, 1937: Colonel Paul D. Bunker,
Corps, and mobile army forces. Eight destroyers of the Lieut. Colonel Reinold Melberg, Majors Philip F. Biehl,
Asiatic Fleet have been detailed to assist in making our Lloyd W. Goeppert; Captains Chauncey A. Gillette,
defense problems more realistic. William E. Griffin, James F. Howell, Jr.; 1st Lieuts.
The swimming beach has a new shark net, two ne\v Arthur Roth, Sam C. Russell, Irving D. Roth, Robert A.
Roats, a barbecue fireplace, beer on ice, and a life guard. Turner, Charles G. Dunn, Arthur A. NfcCrary, Frank J.
The Corregidor Club is building a new open-air dance Zeller; 2d Lieuts. Charles L. Andrews, Seymour I. Gil-
Roor adjoining the south side of the club house. Royal man.
palms will continue co lend a tropical atmosphere grow- ATHLETICS
ing in the midst of the new dance Aoor. By Lieutenant E. l,V. J11oore, Ass't Recreation Officer
Captains Nicholson, Krueger and Lieut. Wilson with Athletic interest during the past two months has been
thirty enlisted men (PS) have been tentatively selected centered around boxing and track. Imra-regimental base-
to go co Fort Scotsenburg in March, 1937, co help train ball is just beginning with the promise of a good season
the New Philippine Army. ahead. Boxing in the new athletic arena proved a great
The Eucharistic Congress, February 3d co 7th in Ma- success, and large cowds turned out for all the smok-
nila was an important event to the Philippine people. The ers. In the American division the 59th CA finally won
harbor boats were crowded to the limit to accommodate over the 60th CA, 5)4 to 3)4, in the second cham-
the command and civilians living at Corregidor during pionship try-the first having ended in a thrilling 3~
the period of the Congress. Over 400,000 people crowded to 3)4 tie. The Scout troops also put on an exciting show
into Luneta Park to view the parades and ceremonies. with the 91St CA coming from behind to win the last
three scheduled bouts and the
championship from the 92d,
5 to 4, With the great demand
for boxing now being shown,
two or three professional shows
will be given in the near future
with promise of much success.
The Post Track and Field
Championships were won by
the 60th CA, 71 to S0,-in the
American division, and by the
9ISt CA, 8g to 42, in the Scout
division. Although no records
were broken, the times and dis-
tances compared favorably with
the records of previous years.
Another track meet will be
held in April with both the
59th and 92d hoping to turn
the tables on their rivals.
Basketball had a sudden and
60th Coast Artillery AA machine gun sight improvised by Capt. T. B. White. short revival during the last of

December when the 59th and 60th furnished seven play- Battery 0 by a generous margin. In the afternoon the
ers and a coach for the U. S. Army All-American team regiment, and ladies, assembled at the Cine for exercises
which hnished third in the Philippine National Cham- which included remarks by General Bishop and Colonel
pionships. The team was built around the 59th CA De- Bunker and the presentation of athletic awards. lvlassed
partment Champions and made an excellent showing behind the speakers on the stage were the scores of athletic
losing only one game b~' one point and winning four trophies won by the regiment in the past. All batteries
served special meals and other refreshments. In the eve-
The officers have been concentrating on golf during the ning the officers held one of their famous 59th family
past few weeks with great enthusiasm. The Corregidor parties, a dinner and dance at the Officers' Club whereat
Club Championships brought out a new champion, Lieut. native costumes were de rigeHr, and unprejudiced ob-
F. B. Reybold, who decisively defeated Lieut. S. F. Giffin servers reported that if Tilly Losch had been among OHr
during the play-off. At the present time handicap sweep- galaxy of youth and beauty she would have had to look
stakes tournaments every Saturday are keeping all of the ro her laurels.
golfers scrambling for the prizes when they are not dis- The regimental baseball series is now in full swing. The
cussing this and that method of handicapping. Headquarters Battery is in the lead with six games won
Tennis interest has been rather lax recently due chieRy and none lost.
to the absence from the post of a great number of officers Colonel and ~'[rs. Bunker enjoyed a trip ro Southern
:ll1d men. But now with everybody back on the "Rock," Islands and brought back many interesting souvenirs in-
tennis will soon swing into full stride with an inter-regi- cluding a live mouse deer and fawn. Several officers and
menral post tournament scheduled for February and April. enlisted men took advantage of the holidays for short trips
ro points of interest in the Islands. Captain Nlyers and
FIFTy-NINTH COAST ARTILLERY family left January 13th for leave in China and Japan
By lVJajor E. R. Barrows, AdjHtant and to return to the States.

During December, Batteries A, B, 0, F, and G concen- SIXTIETH COAST ARTILLERY

trated training on .30 caliber antiaircraft machine guns.
By Captain William L. Richardson, AdjHtant
their secondary assignment. Each battery hred twO pla-
toons at a towed sleeve target. Excellent results were ob- The 3" gun batteries of the 60th went into their target
tained, due in a large measure to a sight which was de- practice positions on the cliff on the southwestern shore
veloped by Major Nforgan. BrieRy, our :lVeragc slant of Corredigor in mid- Jantlar)' in preparation for annllal
range was 1,024 yards varying from 857 to 1,285 yards; rarget practices scheduled for February, and all concerned
the average air speed. 90 m.p.h. with a maximum of 110 ;tre now scratching heads wondering how to beat the score
m.p.h., and scores averaged
104.5. Captain Fred J. Woods'
top score of 144,4 sets an all-
time record on the "Rock."
Batteries C and E spent the
time in training on 3-inch anti-
aircraft guns. They are now
hring and other batteries are
now back on the concrete get-
ting ready for service practice
with primary assignment anna-
ment. High speed practices
will be fired by most batteries,
with the Navy furnishing de-
stroyers for towing purposes.
Our depleted personnel, both
commissioned and enlisted, is
making training a serious prob-
The regiment celebrated Or-
ganization Day, December
19th after postponement from
the usual day, September 12th, PHILIPPINE DEPART1\IE:\'T BASKETB.\LL CHA:-'IPIO:\,S - 1935 AND 1936
because of the death of the FIFTY-NI:\'TH COAST ARTILLERY, FORT MILLS, P. 1.
Secretary of War. A held meet STANDING: Lt. Peca, SoRt. Wilson, Corp. Vancio, Corp.lackson, Ptc. Hines. Pfc. Short.
in the morning, which started SEATED: Corp. Raflowski, S?,t. Dl1nlap, Ptc. Featherstone.
(NOT IN PICTURE: Corp. Fackler, Pvt. Davis, Pvt. Lieb, Pvt. Wolfe.)
the celebration. was won by

ment Tournament (Scouts), defeated its old rival, the

92d, and emerged in second place, having lost but one
game to the 14th Engineers (PS), who thereby became
the department champions.
The boxing finals were all that any fan could ask £or-
knockouts and hair-line decisions galore. With an equal
number of wins to the credit of both the 91st and 92d,
the championship depended on the outcome of the seventh
or final bout, which was won by the 91st entry after one
of the finest fights seen on the post.
The active artillery season is well under way. Batteries
A, B, and G have fired record service practices-that of
G being an advanced practice, under smoke. In this prac-
tice, the target changed course approximately seventy
degrees, necessitating an immediate change from Case II
to Case III with the least possible interruption to the con-
tinuance of fire.
In lYfarch, the regiment will lose the services, for six
months, of two captains and twenty enlisted men who are
to be detailed as instructors to Philippine Army trainees
on 155 GPF's at Fort Stotsenburg. This detail is in ad-
dition to one made on November 1st at which time thircy-
eight selected NCO's were sent to the various training
camps of the Philippine Army and who will remain on
that duty for at least another five months.
\L\NILA BOWLlI'G LEAGUE CHA~II'IONS, 1936, FIfTy-NINTH The following officers will leave the regiment on the
COAST ARTILLERY, FORT ~dILLS, P. I. March transport or on terminal leave in China and Japan
STANDING: Sgt. Glttschmidt, Sgt. Larrimer. prior to their return to the States: Major Goeppert, Capt.
Sb\TEU: Corp. Hermann, Corp. ilIa/one, Sgt. Kit/as. D. H. Smith, 1st Lieuts. Arthur Roth, D. B. Johnson,
(NOT IN PlnUllE: SKI. Schill, Sg,t. Kaktlzltk.) and 2(t Lieut. Franklin Kemble, Jr.

when the best target available can't go higher than 2,800 NINETy-SECOND COAST ARTILLERY (PS)
or faster than 80. The answer apparently being no other By Lieutenant William F. McKee, Adjutant
than hits and lots of them, the avid artillerymen are rapid-
During the month of December, 1st Lieut. Sam C. Rus-
ly transferring their faith from C.A.F.M., Vol. II and
sell and 2d Lieut. George J. Weitzel were granted five days
Special Text 26 to the rabbit's foot. There is one thing,
and four days detached service respectively for the pur-
however, that the serving formula cannot take away from
pose of visiting points of probable military interest on the
us out here-a good field of fire. Anyone who has known
Island of Luzon. Some of the points visited by these of-
the agony of trying to shoot a target practice in the
ficers were Calamba, Balite, Batangas, Lake T aal, Lucena,
crowded water areas around most of our Harbor Defenses
and the rapids of Pags:mjan. "Shooting the rapids at Pag-
cannot fail to appreciate the wide and relatively open
sanjan," says Lieutenant Weitzel, "is one of the most ex-
~paces of water around Corregidor.
citing experiences I have ever had."
Colonel Kimberly remains on the sick list with the
I st Lieutenant Daniel }.If. Wilson has becn designated
rather severely broken arm he suffered when his horse fell
to proceed to Fort Stotsenburg, P. I., early in March for
with him in early December. However, recent reports
the purpose of acting as instmctor to a 155-mm. gun bat-
indicate a complete recovery in the near future. Lieut.
tcry of the Philippine Army.
R. A. Turner has rejoined after a sojourn in Sternberg
The Regimental Commander, Lieutenant Colonel
and recuperation at Baguio. Lieut. Colonel Kemble, Cap-
Reinold ivfelberg and 1st Lieutenant Sam C. Russell ex-
tain T. B. White and Lieut. C. G. Dunn and families
pect to leave the Philippines in March for the United
also enjoyed visits to Baguio during the recent holidays.
States. Lieutenant Colonel }.Ifelberg will visit China and
France en route. Lieutenant Russell expects to visit China.
Effective Febmary 1st, Captain Russell E. Bates was trans-
By Major L. W. Goeppert, Adjutant ferred from Battery F to the U.S.A.M.P. Harrison, vice
The 91st has just wound up another successful athletic Captain Samuel Rubin relicved.
~eason, having won post championships (Scout Troops) Under the direction of the Commanding Officer, 3d
1/1 boxing and track and field. The 92d won the deciding Guard Battalion, the civil prisoners of the Corregidor
game of the three-game championship basketball series, prison stockade, during the holidays, put on their annual
but the 91sr during the course of the Philippine Depan- Christmas program much to the enjoyment of the mem-

bers of the post who attended the various events. The L. LaR. Stuart leaves for \Vashingron in June where he
program extended from Christmas Eve to New Year's will attend the Army War College.
Day, and included dramas, vaudeville, athletic events, Major C. D. Y. Ostrom was detailed on the General
special drills and competitions. A large stage was erected Staff Februarv 1st and is now Assistant Chief of Staff,
in the corner of the Stockade, where each evening were G-1, Ninth Corps Area. Major E. B. McCarthy who
held the plays and native dances. The parades by the has commanded Fort Baker and Fort Barry for more than
prisoners battalion with wooden guns, the acrobatic and a year leaves this month for Denver, Colorado, on Organ-
athletic events were held on the stockade parade ground ized Reserve duty. Captain G. M. O'Connell, Plans and
under supervision of the Guard Battalion. Considerable T raining Officer has been ordered to temporary dury at
talent was discovered among the 700 convicts now in the Headquarters Ninth Corps Area on the staff formed for
stockade. the Army Maneuvers which will be held in August at
Fort Lewis, \Vash. Captain and Mrs. R. B. Pape have
arrived from Japan where for four years Captain Pape was
Harbor Defenses of San Francisco Notes a language student. Lieutenant and Mrs. Miner left this
COLONEL H. E. CLOKE, Commanding month for the Philippines. Captain and Mrs. C. C.
Carter arrived recently from Fort lvIonroe. Captain Career
By Captain W. W. Scott
is aide to General Tracy. First Lieutenant and lv! rs. W.

I N honor of the recently arrived District Commander

and Mrs. Joseph P. Tracy, the officers and ladies of
Fort Scott gave a tea and reception January 21st at the
IvL Vestal are now living at Fort Scott. Lieutenant Vestal
is aide to General Abernathy, Commanding Port of Em-
barkation, Fort Mason.
Officers' Club. The many guests from the Presidio, Fort Training activities for lvIarch and April center around
tvfason and San Francisco included the Corps Area Com- the tactical and garrison inspections of the District and
mander and tvIrs. Simonds. General Tracy comes from Corps Area Commanders and the target practices to be
Fort lvIonroe where for four years he has been Com- hred by Battery A, Captain R. R. Hendrix, comm~nd-
mandant at the Coast Artillery School and Commanding ing, and Battery K, Captain Dean Luce, command1l1g.
General, Third Coast Artillery District. A battalion and the band of the 6th C.A., under com-
Lieutenant Colonel A. G. Campbell, Assistant Execu- mand of Major E. B. McCarthy, c.A.c., took part in
tive, Ninth C.A. District, has been ordered to Fort the Washington Birthday Parade in San Francisco. The
Sheridan to command the 61st C. A. Lieutenant Colonel regiment will parade again on Army Day and will take

Children's Playgrol/nd, Fort Scott, Cal.

Officers' Cll/b, Fort Scott, Cal.


part May 27 in the exercises celebrating the opening of Fort Barrancas Notes
the $38,000,000 Golden Gate Bridge, longest single span LIEUTENANT CoLONEL G. F. HUMBERT, Commdnding
suspension bridge in the world, which connects the parade
grounds of Fort Scott and Fort Baker. By Captain M. A. Hatch
As the result of winning several important bridge N March 1st at a regimental review Colonel Arthur
tournaments, Captain H. J. Vandersluis has been made a
Full Master.
O formally turned over command to Lieutenant Colo-
nel G. F. Humbert. Later the officers and ladies of the
The Officers' Club at Fort Scott is the center of many post gathered near post headquarters to wish Colonel
post activities, bridge, teas and dances. Under the presi- and Mrs. Arthur bon voyage to their new station in
dency of Colonel H. E. Cloke the Club has been greatly Honolulu. The 13th Coast Artillery band played as Colo-
enlarged during the past two years. nel and Mrs. Arthur drove off the post along the street
The West Point Preparatory School has Colonel Cloke lined on either side with troops. Prior to their departure,
as Commandant, Captain W. S. Lawton as Assistant a post farewell dinner for eighty was given at the Air
Commandant and Lieutenant E. A. Chapman and 2nd Station Officers' Club in their honor. It was followed by a
Lieutenants W. H. Kinard and H. P. Persons as instruc- dance at Gorgas Hall.
tors. There are 42 students in this school of whom seven- The visit of the cruiser HMS Dragon to Pensacola from
teen have already received Congressional appointments to February 12th to 23d was the occasion for many social
the Military Academy. affairs.
The post basketball team having won 17 out of 20
games has been entered in the Gold Medal tournament
in Mobile, Ala., on March 12th and 13th. Intramural
Coast Artillery Reserve Officers' Meeting competition in baseball, softball, volley ball and bowling
Washington, D. C. is in full swing under the direction of Lieutenant Yost,
athletic officer. If the new bowling alleys continue to be

B RIGADIER General John W. Gulick came up from

Fort Monroe and addressed about sixty Reserve of-
ficers in the Reserve Officers' assembly hall, in the Muni-
as popular throughout the year as in the first two months
they will pay for themselves in two years.
A few months ago tennis players spent most of their
tions Building, on February 9, 1937, He gave a most in- time watching others. The two new concrete courts, lo-
teresting talk on the political and military situation in the cated on the edge of the parade ground near the bachelor
Philippines. General Gulick has just returned from the building, have restored tennis as a sport instead of a purely
Philippines, and he presented this timely subject in both social gathering. The sections inside the lines are tinted
an interesting and instructive manner. green while the side and back C'ourtareas are of the usual
The meeting was presided over by Major Milo H. greyish concrete. Incidentally even Tilden would be satis-
Brinkley, 622d c.A. (HD), who is President of the Coast fied with the generous use of concrete to insure ample side
Artillery Club. Prior to the meeting General Gulick and and back court room.
his aide were the guests of the Field Officers of the Coast Exterior painting of buildings with a new color combin-
Artillery Reserves at dinner at the Army and Navy Club. ation of white with green trim has given the post a fresh
Some of those present at this meeting were: appearance. Everyone watches with great interest the pro-
Colonel James B. Bentley, Colonel Harry P. Newton, gress of the theatre. While waiting for the promised mo-
Colonel Earl W. Thomson, Lt. Col. Roy Atwood, Lt. Col. tion picture service funds, WP A labor has put up a tool
Robert R. Hendon, Lt. Col. Robert M. Zacharias, Lt. Col. house and staked out the theatre on the ground. Gas for
Clarence L. Nelson, Major John Caswell, Jr., Major Nor- cooking and heating was introduced into the Naval Air
man W. Whited, Major William J. Darmody, Major Station recently. Extension to include Fort Barrancas is
Arthur Adair, Major Edward L. Potter, Major Leonard practically assured because of the availability of WP A
J. Rose. labor.

would be a simple matter to ~rrange an equitable soluri~n

The United States of this problem. We entertaIll a hope that C~>llgressWIll
meet the situation and right the long standIllg wrongs.
Coast Artillery Inequalities and insufficiency of pay for the membe~s of
the military profession should not be allowed to contmue
Association any longer .
., ., .,
Sound Preparedness--Seacoast Defenses

"The purpose of the Association shall be to promote

the efficiency of the Coast Artillery Corps by maintain-
T HE daily press and popular magazines of late h~ve
carried numerous articles to the effect that extenSIve
preparedness is not necessary a.gainst f~reign inv~sion in
ing its standards and traditions, by disseminating pro-
view of our favorable geographicallocatlOn affordmg nat-
fessional knowledge, by inspiring greater eOort to-
ural protection. These thoughts are in keeping :with our
wards the improvement of materiel and methods of
national policy. It is realized that we can~ot go III a h~le
training, and by fostering mutual understanding, re-
and pull the hole in after us. We do not WIshto be unWIse
spect and cooperation among all arms, branches and
and protect ourself as does the ostrich when it hide~ its
components of the Regular Army, National Guard,
head and leaves its body exposed. However, there IS a
Organized Reserves and Reserve Officers' Training Corps."
great deal of wisdom in the contentions that we sho~lld
OFFICERS concentrate our preparedness ef~ortsin .strongl:r defen~lllg
our vital areas. The most radIcal pacIfists wtll certamly
President lend support to strong fortifications of the vital areas at
MAJOR GENERAL A. H. SUNDERLAND home and making the nation safe from enemy attacks.
Vice-President Self-preservation is the first law of nature. Money spent
, F. H. LINCOLN in accordance with our national policy to protect ourselves
against invasion is wisely spent.

Additional Members of the Executive Council

LT. CoL R. S. ATWOOD MAJOR JOHN CASWELL 1fT is with great sorrow and the profoundest regret that
JL we announce the death of Colonel Charles J. M und,
a most active and loyal member of our Executive Com-
Pay Increase mittee. At the time of his death Colonel Mund was the
Commanding Officer of the 627th c:.A..
(HD), R.A.I.
T HE earnest efforts of Senator McCarran to obtain He died at his home in Oakland, Caltforllla, February 28.
adequate pay for federal employees have been given 1937, of heart failure. His long and ho~orable service
wide publicity and may bea: fruit. Some o~ the le.aders started in Company "F," 3d Infa?try, NatIona.1 Guard ~f
in Congress are aware of the Illadequacy and Illsufficiency California, March 6, 18g3' DurIllg the Spalllsh-Amen-
of service pay but there is a strong inclination that wror:gs can War he served in the Philippine Islands with Com-
inflicted upon the military profession in t?e m~tter of Ill- pany "K," I st Regiment Infantry, California Volunteers.
adequate pay will not be corrected at thIS se:slOn of ~h~ On August 12, 1905 he was commissioned First Lieu-
Congress. The pressure which our brothers III the ~1V11 tenant National Guard of California, June 24, 1907, a
service exert through their votes cannot be exerted III a Captain, and May 14, 19II Major of C.A.C., National
similar manner by us. This is an unfortunate handicap. Guard, and promoted t~ Lieut~nant Colonel ~ugust ~,
It is believed this is the reason for the continuance of the 1917 in the Federal ServIce, whICh rank he retaIlled unnl
one-sided proposition existing in the past. Our ,case i~ a September 3, 1919' He was appointed a Lieutenant Colo-
meritorious one and should arrest the earnest consideratlOn nel in the Reserve Corps March 6, 1920, and promoted to
of every member of the Congress. ~t is hoped th~ <;O?gr~ss Colonel on January 23, 1928.
will seize the immediate Opportulllty to nght thIS IllJusnce
especially as it concerns the pay of the junior officers. It

UnnecessarySecrecy One Hundred Per Cent Subscribers

W E have been taught that "it pays to advertise." We

have also been taught that there is much to be
gained from intelligent publicity, and it seems rather ex-
T HE 243d c.A., Rhode Island National Guard lived
up to our expectation as expressed in the January-
February number and is now one of our hundred per cent
traordinary that when so much can be gained from this organizations in all respects. Each unit, each Coast Artil-
type of publicity that silence is still advocated by many. lery officer, the medical officer, the chaplain, and the war-
Ignorance is without question a ptime cause of a great deal rant officer has subscribed. Colonel Earl C. Webster and
of misunderstanding and is a deterrent to progress. When Lt. Col. Earl H. Metzger deserve our highest apprecia-
the civilian population is kept in ignorance we fail to tion-what we need is more Earls. The 243d is not alone
make the most of their cooperative powers. It is believed in joining the list of hundred per cent subscribers. Through
that the bulk of the civilian population will willingly co- the efforts of Major Elvin L. Barr, the Redding District,
operate and aid us in our advancement. A policy where the Civilian Conservation Corps, has also taken its place
n~eds of the services are kept secret is somewhat an un- among the 100% group.
wise one. The Coast Artillery contingent at the U. S. Military
The deplorable lack of suitable equipment especially Academy came through in fine style and only failed to
in our antiaircraft arm should be broadcast and the public make the perfect score by two non-subscribers. We pre-
should be made conscious of our weakness. Only when the dict that the 6th c.A., Fort Winfield Scott, will take its
public has become conscious of this critical weakness and place among the hundred percenters at no far distant
imbued with the ever pressing need for this important date. Major Willard W. Irvine of the 6th C.A. is on the
service will sufficient funds be made available to provide job and his efforts have proven fruitful. The following
th~ ?ecessary equipment for the accomplishment of our organizations and groups of the Regular Army, as listed
miSSIon. in the "Officers' Station List," lack the distinction of being
listed among the hundred per cent subscribers in each case
?y only one non-subscriber:
Coast Artillery Districts and Brigades
Spanish War-Bombardment Aviation-AA 3d Coast Artillery
Artillery 8th Coast Artillery
9th Coast Artillery
T HERE are many unofficial reports, some contained in
the press, to the effect that aetial bombardments in
Spain are not producing the results that most everyone
I I th Coast Artillery

13th Coast Artillery

14th Coast Artillery
had anticipated. It is reported that the difficulty of co-
15th Coast Artillery
ordination between the attacking forces and their own
16th Coast Artillery
planes has been a deciding factor and that attacks by the
Coast Artillery School
ground forces have not been properly timed with those of
Command and General Staff School
the bombardment and attack planes. The bombardment
R. O. T. C. Instructors
attacks are believed to be too transitory in their effects.
General Staff
They have forced the opposing ground forces to take
General Staff with Troops.
cover but have not been sufficiently effective to drive these
forces from positions held, and once the aerial attacks were We certainly hope that the non-subscribing officer in
completed the defenders have been able to meet the op- each of the above groups will give us the benefit of the
posing forces almost as if there had been no aerial attack. doubt and send in his subscription so we can publish these
Some have come tb' believe that the volume of bombard- groups in the list of the hundred per cent subscribers.
ment fire necessary to have any really appreciable effect That accomplished, I believe the record established before
is so great that it is impracticable. the Johnstown Flood (or whenever it was) will have been
broken. Let's all get together in this activity which is
There are also many reports from apparently reliable
essential to the Corps as a whole. At this time we again
sources that the antiaircraft artillery has more than lived
wish to repeat that all subscriptions are voluntary. We
up to the expectations of its most enthusiastic advocates.
shall make an earnest effort to give a proper return to
Some of the AA equipment with General Franco's army
every loyal supporter. Criticisms and suggestions are wel-
is the most modern in existence, and according to our
sources of information it has achieved real results. It has
been asserted that 80% of all planes brought down in this
present war have been brought down by the antiaircraft
Winston Churchill-Mastering the Air Peril
artillery and that only 20% have been brought down by
fighting airplanes. The efficiency of the medium caliber
antiaircraft artillery has been most impressive. These re-
sults are in keeping with the thoughts of the well informed
M R. CHURCHILL'S much discussed concern at the
rapid strides made by Germany in its air strength,
has changed to an expression of confidence in the effective-
and predict a bright future for antiaircraft artillery. ness of ground defenses, according to the United Ser-

vices Review of February 18, 1937, It is reported that feet will become an impossibility even in clear or moder-
Churchill has stated emphatically, as his matured judg- ately cloudy weather. A straightforward and logical dis-
ment, that within a few years the ground defenses will cussion of the difficulties in bombing and the necessity for
have mastered decisively the air and that airplanes will be great improvement in destructive efficiency, range and
clawed down from the skies in flaming ruins. accuracy are brought forth. This discussion is somewhat
Mr. Churchill apparently has been studying the other at vatiance with the exaggerated claims made by our over
side of the question. He now is convinced a balance will enthusiastic air corps advocates and tend to disprove many
be struck between air attack and defensive measures of their claims for perfection. It is apparently the opinion
against it. The race between aircraft developments and of both the authors of "Air Strategy" and Mr. Rousgeron
counter-defensive measures is not a one-sided affair. The that positive steps must be taken to counterbalance the
great lead claimed by air corps enthusiasts can be success- progress in AA gunnery in order that the task of raiding
fully challenged. Experience shows conclusively that in all air units may be facilitated. The necessity for an appreci-
such races, such as guns against armament and this one at able increase in the velocity and travel of the bomb is em-
hand, that balances can and will result. Confidence in the phasized. Medium-height, horizontal-course and low alti-
ability of antiaircraft defenses to ward off attacks is having tude dive-bombing are rejected on account of the im-
its effect in Great Britain as antiaircraft defense activities proved accuracy of AA guns and of small-bore automatic
of large magnitude are being initiated. weapons. The value of high performance, fighter planes
employed in cooperation with AA artillery, is discussed
in an especially fine manner.
Long Range Fire Control

I Thas been felt for a considerable time that the autogiro

may have a possible field of usefulness in seacoast ar-
tillery and other long range artillery fire control. This
Transportation for Antiaircraft Searchlights
~OME months ago three antiaircraft portable search-
means of observation is believed especially adapted to our
latest types of long range materiel and localities where
o light units were sent to Fort Totten for test purpose
and for comparison with the duplex units there. Initially
the heights of observation stations are limited. The N.A.
these units were received with a great deal of consternation
C.A. and the Air Corps in cooperation with the Infantry,
as self-contained units were thought to be the only prac-
Field and Coast Artillery have been conducting exhaustive
tical solution of our mobile searchlight problem. There are
tests to determine the practical usefulness of the autogiro,
many in our service who still believe that portable or
especially for artillery fire control. These tests have shown
portee units lack tactical mobility which is not in keeping
sufficient results to justify the purchase of six autogiros
with the facts in the case. The portable units that have
with a view to their use for reconnaissances, observation of
been assigned to mobile organizations, such as the 62d,
fire and command missions. The autogiros have a top
have given great promise and lead to the belief that they
speed of approximately 130 miles per hour and a cruising
are the true answer to the mobile searchlight problem.
speed of !OSmiles per hour. Space is provided for a pilot
The difficulties encountered with the self-contained units
and an observer in each autogiro. It has been proposed
were, in a large part, concentrated in the carrying trucks.
that the autogiro may be used also for towin~ antiaircraft
There appears no reason why commercial trucks with low
targets of minimum air resistance especially weighted
centers of gravity cannot be used to transport searchlight
vertical panels for machine guns. It has also been proposed
units and their power plants. If the present mobile search-
that these machines be made an organic part of fixed and
light unit is modified so that the duplex element is re-
mobile heavy artillery regiments. Progress in the solving
placed by a commercial truck and a portable power plant,
of some of our long range fire control and observation
maintenance problems will unquestionably be consider-
problems should result from this initial purchase.
ably simplified. All the essential elements in time of
emergency should be much easier and certain of procure-
ment. Commercial vehicles should be used wherever pos-
Bombardment Aviation sible provided they meet all technical requirements as
they apparently do in this case.
T HE January, 1937 issue of the "Royal Air Force
Quarterly" has as its feature article "Views on Air
Defense." This article is one that might be well read by
all Coast Artillerymen. It discusses in detail the book
Transportation of Antiaircraft Fire
"L' Aviation de Bombardement" by the celebrated French
Control Equipment
expert C. Rousgeron. It is maintained that Rousgeron in
summarizing the progress of present-day antiaircraft
ground defense has greatly demonstrated the defects of
post-war heavy bombers. It is stated that indeed he shows
T HERE have been many questions raised recently with
respect to transporting the new universal fire control
equipment since the instrument trailer MI provided for
that medium-altitude bombing, i.e. from 10,000 to 12,000 the old equipment is not interchangeable for transporting
this new equipment, and not adaptable without major A Public Benefactor-A Sense of Humor
modifications. or Both
We are informed by the Office, Chief of Coast Artillery
that the instrument trailer, Ml, is intended to be used
with the M2 directors only. Directors of later rypes,
O N January 25, 1937, Representative Hamilton Fish
of New York presented the following Resolution
in the House of Representatives:
TS, M 3 and M4, as wdl as the earlier type JvhAl are
to be carried in standard service vehicles. Also that there RESOLUTION
is now under construction by the Ordnance Department, WHEREASthe present social etiquette of Washington re-
an experimental shock-absorbing platform, for protection quires the wives of public officials and of Army and Navy
of the later type directors during transportation. Pending officers to personally call on those of supetior rank or with
seniority; and
test and standardization of such a device, the use of tem-
WHEREASthis practice and custom as carried out creates a
porary expedients is directed in accordance with the pro- vicious circle of leaving and returning cards to the detriment
visions of W.D. Circular No. 4, dated January 12, 1937. of the health, nerves, and disposition of the wives, and to the
Trucks with bodies, 15ft. 3 in. long are expected to be discomnture of the husbands; and
WHEREASthe tired husbands wonder and inquire why this
furnished for transportation of height finders. Pending
perpetual merry-go-round is necessary, and the only answer
availability of funds for the procurement of these trucks, given is that it is an essential social function as part of the
such temporary methods as can be devised will have to accepted diplomatic and social customs of the Capital of the
suffice. United States; and
WHEREASthe husbands of these tired wives must suffer in
silence while exhausted and irritable wives try to maintain a
social etiquette that is antiquated and an abomination of
desolation; and
Officers' Station List WHEREASthese unfortunate wives start at 3: 30 in the
afternoon, returning as many calls as humanly possible until
WTE have been in receipt of many compliments on the 6: 30, but nnd on their return home just as many cards have
W Officers' Station List which was published with the been left on them, thereby never reducing the number of
calls; and
January-February issue but we are reluctant to accept these WHEREASthis continually expanding system serves no use-
compliments until we have at least apologized for and ful purpose except to provide business pronts for printers and
corrected the errors appearing in that list. taxicabs and other forms of transport; and
Captain A. S. Baron, 52d CA. and 2d Lieutenant H. WHEREASthis extraordinary custom has grown and ex-
panded into a social frankenstein which in its very essence is
J. Harrison, 51st CA. were shown as being at Fort Mon-
undemocratic, un-American, and utterly stupid and not ac-
roe, Va. They are both at Fort Story, Va. Captain E. B. knowledged or practiced in any civilized country in the world:
Thompson's name was omitted under the heading of Therefor:: be it
"Extension Courses, Coast Artillerv School." Lieutenant Resolved, That a Committee on Social Etiquette be, and is
Colonel W. E. Duvall's name was ~isspelled and he was hereby, created, to be composed of all the gentlewomen who
are Members of the House, whose duties shall be to prescribe
shown as on duty with the Organized Reserves, 8th Corps
rules and regulations in order to curtail, limit, or otherwise
Area. He is on dury with the California National Guard, govern the gentle art of calling in the Capital City: Provided,
San Diego. The name "Ord" was left off under the head- however, That such rules and regulations shall be within the
. "M'me PIanters, etc. " It appears as "GeneraI 0 .. C ,"
mg connnes of the Constitution and our American system of
it should appear as "General O. COrd." Lieutenant government.
Colonel W. W. Hicks is shown as on duty with the His-
torical Section, Army War College. He is on temporary
dury in the Office of the Inspector General, Washington, Scholarships-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
D. C Brigadier General Rodney H. Smith (Colonel,
c.A.C), and Major William D. Hohenthal (Captain, A MONG the scholarships to be awarded by Rensselaer
C.A.C), are on duty with the U. S. Military Mission, fiPolytechnic Institute at Troy, N. Y, will be one to
c/o Ameri~an Embassy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. a son of an officerof the U. S. Army and one to a son of an
officerof the U. S. Navy or Marine Corps.
It was planned to publish another station list, which we
These special scholarships now made available for the
hoped would contain the minimum of errors, with the first time, provide full tuition for four years, or the equiva-
May-June issue but the personnel section in the Office lent of $1,600.
Chief of Coast Artillery advises against this in view of the Sons of officerseither on the active, retired or deceased
fact that there will Qe many changes just following the lists are eligible for consideration.
data of publication and therefore such a list would be According to President William Otis Hotchkiss, these
scholarships are distinctly honor scholarships. Only ex-
practically out of date almost as soon as issued. An up to
ceprional students will be considered and the successful ap-
date station list will be published with either the July- plicants will be required to maintain an average of 85
A.ugustor September-October issue and in the future it is per cent in their work at the Insritute.
planned to publish such lists at least twice a year. Winners of the scholarships will be made to choose from
the following courses which are given at Rensselaer: civil that the results attained would not have been possible with-
engineering. mechanical engineering. electrical engineer- out the wholehearted cooperation of the 63d C.A., the
ing, chemical engineering, aeronautical engineering, 514th Observation Squadron, Air Corps Reserve and the
metallurgical engineering, industrial engineering, busi- 40th Division Air Service, California National Guard.
ness administration. chemistry. physics. biology, archi- It has been wisely said that anything can be accom-
tecture. plished if you have the determinarion to do it. Battery A
apparently was not only determined to hold its practice
but also was determined to attain excellent results. It did
Searchlight Battery both and did them in an exemplary manner and it merits
Battery A, 251st C.A. (AA) Cal. N.C. the commendation received.

T HE 1936 searchlight practice of Battery A, 251st

Coast Artillery (AA), California National Guard,
was sufficiently outstanding to win the commendation of
Headquarters Battery, 7th Coast Artillery Wins
the Chief of the National Guard Bureau. General Bland-
ing, Bureau Chief, commented strongly on the fine spirit, Trophy
initiative, energy and resourcefulness of the outfit. He
also expressed his appreciation .of the generous aid ren-
dered the battery by the 63d Coast Artillery (AA) , the
T HE Headquarters Battery, 7th Coast Artillery, has
been awarded the trophy to be presented by the New
York Society, Military and Naval Officers of the World
514th Observation Squadron, Air Corps Reserve and the War, for general efficiency duting the period November
40th Division Air Service, California National Guard. I, 1935 to October 31, 1936. The battery was commanded

Battery A began its preparation for the camp period in by Captain W. C. McFadden, 7th C.A. The record of
the early spring. The listeners and lamp operators trained this otganization is most outstanding especially so because
during the armory drill periods under the street lights it was being transformed during the period of the award
of San Diego, the home station. They were very resource- from a nucleus of a small caretaking detachment to an
ful and utilized even Sunday mornings for training in active training battery. Apparently the inexperience of
tracking commercial ships entering and leaving Lind- the men was more than compensated for by their intelli-
bergh Field. They trained so continuously that at the gence and genuine enthusiasm for the vast assortment of
time they left for camp an adequate number of exp4r- duties that they were called upon to perform. The organ-
ienced listeners were available. The difficulties encoun- ization proved itself to be most versatile for during the
tered during the two weeks encampment at Ventura, period in question it successfully conducted a mine prac-
Calif., which are too numerous to elaborate upon here, tice classified as excellent; a test of the Tu Data Trans-
were readily overcome. Such things as overcoming the mission System; a test mobilization for Battery A, 7th
objections of the local utility company to the stringing of C. A. (inactive) and a record practice with AI\. machine
wire on the company's poles were of no moment. Progress guns with a score of 107.83, in addition to its daily routine
during the camp period was hampered greatly due to the duties.
fact that only one night in five was suitable for drill on Although this organization is called a Headquarters
account of fog. Much of the night training was limited Battery it is essentially an active training battery. The
to traversing and elevating drill only. As a result of these men accomplish their training missions, do full guard
interferences, the battery could not conduct its record duty and perform their maintenance work in addition
practice during the encampment period; however, shortly thereto.
after returning to its home station they completed ar- Notwithstanding the intensive training and amount of
rangements to conduct the record practice at March Field, maintenance work required of the battery, it has produced
Cal~fornia, a hundred miles from San Diego, their home winning athletic teams showing that it is a well-balanced
At March Field the 63d Coast Artillery was in training
--defending a sector. Their installations, already set up,
organization. During the 1935 baseball season, the Head-
quarters Battery team took second place. took first
place in the soccer contest and first place in the basketball
were loaned to Battery A. The battery made the trip by league, which has just closed.
motor convoy, and had the sections in their stations and On February 26 General Sunderland was pleased to
the lights in action, an hour after arrival and conducted forward a letter of commendation to the commanding
an excellent practice. officer of the Harbor Defenses of Sandy Hook, in which
This battery conducted its record target practice at a he states that he has studied the record of the battery for
time other than during its camp period. The practice was the year ending last fall and that it appears that the battery
conducted one hundred miles from the homes of the mem- is fully entitled to receive the award in question. He also
bers of the battery and during time that normally would stated "I congratulate you and, through you, the com-
be allotted to their personal pursuits. In keeping with their manding officer, officers and enlisted men of the Head-
fine spirit they achieved excellent results. The battery quarters Battery, 7th Coast Artillery, on their fine per-
commander modestly maintained in his narrative report formance in their wide variety of duties undertaken."

Battery H, 241st Coast Artillery (H.D.) Mass. 212th Coast Artillery New York National Guard
N.G. Awarded Knox Trophy Wins Hines Trophy

T HE Sons of the Revolution in the Commonwealth of

Massachusetts awards annually a trophy to the most
outstanding Coast Artillery battery of the Massachusetts
THE Colonel Frank H. Hines Attendance Trophy for
annual award to the organization of the New York
National Guard obtaining the highest per cent of attend-
National Guard. ance during the training year has been won by the ZI2th
The subjects of competition for this trophy are artillery C.A.(AA) commanded by Colonel E. E. Gauche. The
cargetpractice, gunners' qualifications, indoor and outdoor period of competition was from October I, 1935 to Sep-
riflecompetition; attendance at armory drills, at federal tember 30, 1936. The achievement of the ZIZth C.A. is
and state inspections, at annual camp and at officers' and especially noteworthy for it not only competed against all
noncommissioned officers' school; ratings at armory in- organizations of the Coast Artillery Corps but every
spections; guard duty and efficiency ratings at camp; organization of the New York National Guard. The
extension courses and finally commendations-a very competition was very active. The scores of the four lead-
comprehensivelist of subjects which includes nearly every ing contestants are listed below.
phaseof training. zIzth c.A. (AA) .. 97.z7 7Ist Inf ~.25
The Adjutant General of Massachusetts states that the Iooth F. A '~'58 I2Ist Cav ,95.95
awardof this trophy has been the means of greatly increas-
ing the interest and efficiency of the Coast Artillery and The scores listed above are an average of those attained
that the competition for it has been keen each year. It is by the various regiments for excellence in armory drill,
a very much sought after prize. field training and inspection. Colonel Gauche and his
Sixteen batteries competed this year and all made excel- superior regiment have earned well deserved commenda-
lentrecords. The three outstanding batteries are listed be- tion and the congratulations of all.
lowwith the score attained by each listed opposite their of of of

Overhead Cover for Fixed Armament
Battery H, z4Ist c.A. (HD)-7z4.43
Battery M, 24Ist C.A. (HD)-7I6.z5 HE importance of overhead cover must be realized.
Battery D, 24Ist c.A. (HD)-709.24 T From time immemorial it has been recognized as an
established fact that the best protection from an attack
Battery H, 24Ist C.A. (HD) was declared the winner
on the ground is some form of a substantial wall, breast-
and has been presented the trophy. It is commanded by
work or trench and that a strong roof is the best protection
Captain Fred E. Pereira and has as its lieutenants, 1st
from the elements and attack from the air. The lively
Lieutenant Wesley M. Bacheller and 2d Lieutenant Fred
discussion which is taking place relative to the needs for
S. Grant, Jr. overhead cover and its advantages have been given impe-
This excellent battery is to be congratulated on the re-
tus due to the action of foreign governments in providing
sultsattained especially so because this is the third time suitable overhead cover in their rearmament programs for
that it has won the trophy in succession and it now be- seacoast armament.
comestheir permanent possession. Does it not seem reasonable that we also fall in line
with air service progress and provide adequate protection
against air attack?
Toulmin Trophy to 535th C. A. of f of

T HE 535th c.A. (AA) Org. Res., Colonel Bowman

Elder commanding, was awarded the T oulmin tro-
phy for superiority for artillery in the 5th Corps Area.
Gunners Instruction Pamphlet Submarine
Mining No. XII. '
Thistrophy was presented by Major General William E.
Cole, commanding the 5th Corps Area. Colonel Elder
andhis regiment are congratulated on their splendid work
D UE to a misunderstanding, information has been
circulated that there are no Gunners' Instruction
Pamphlet No. XII available. There are plenty available
especiallyin view of the fact that this is the first time that and the JOURNALwill be very pleased to receive orders
aCoast Artillery unit has ever won this coveted trophy. for them. They can be supplied promptly.


Open Forum Enthusiast emergency will unquestionably be great. There is a strong

Sir: possibility that in event of a major emergency that we will
be caught unprepared and unable to meet even the mini-
I like the JOURNAL.The supplement was a superb idea. mum requirements for AA fire control equipment. It is
I also like the idea of a column on contributors. The open suggested that it is reasonable that we take advantage of
forum is swell stuff. There is a crying need throughout every bit of substitute equipment and put it in condition
the army for a real organ of self-expression where officers so that it could be used without delay. The R.A. cor-
can "let the chips fall where they may." Too many good rector can be used within its limitations to very good ad.
minds grow stagnant because of the limitations on the vantage and those on hand should be modernized so that
expression of personal opinions. It is the Army's worst they can be so used. Greater study should be made with a
necessary evil. It discourages growth and advancement. view to utilizing the R.A. correctors to their maximum
If this column can arouse some of the minds that have long
lain dormant, the JOURNALwill have achieved a really CAPTAIN,e.A. e.
constructive mission for the entire Army.
e.e. ., ., f
., ., ., Coast Artillery Rifle and Pistol Teams
Agnosticus Sir:
Sir: We should be concerned over the failure of the Coast
Artillery to enter teams in the National Rifle and Pistol
Agnosticus had an idea but he didn't develop it. We matches. Teams should be entered, and it would surely
are quite sure that some one will say that the criticism be good morale medicine if they were.
was not constructive. It is a natural gift to some of us to see The principal argument against entering teams seems to
weak spots without knowing how to correct them. N ever- be that we are artillerymen and are not supposed to know
theless, we are condemned for petty fault finding if we anything about small arms. We may be artillerymen, but
call attention to what we see without suggesting a remedy. at the same time, we are armed with rifles and pistols
There appears to be no place in the militaty scheme for a and have definite missions necessitating their use. We may
man who can diagnose a trouble unless he also knows the even be called upon to serve as infantry. Also machine
cure. guns are assigned to us as primary armament. While they
We who are members of the Legion of the Lost have may be different, in many respects, from the rifle, never-
difficulty in grasping the idea that a division cannot attack theless, those who know the rifle trajectory, as graduates
in the afternoon but must wait until next morning because from Camp Perry know it, cannot help but be consider-
it takes all of five hours to get out a formal field order. ably better equipped than those who can qualify only as
We keep reverting to the idea that the atrack is more im- marksmen. There is no reason why advanced marksman-
portant than the field order. ship training for the Coast Artilleryman is not just as im-
Of course, we should realize that field exercises and portant as for the Infantryman.
maneuvers are for the benefit of the high command and There are many officers and enlisted men who are
staff. Not all of us, however, have been through an ex- anxious to have their chance. In addition to those who
tended maneuver; and some who have were not sufficient- have formerly taken an interest in shooting there are many
ly dose to headquarters to observe that about the only more who would take active part in this sport if such ad-
equipment which was not simulated was the mimeograph vantages were offered.
machine. I sincerely feel that we are making a great mistake in
this matter and that we are not making the most of all of
., ., .,

our opportunities to prepare for field service.

MAJOR, e. A. C.
Lack of Essential Fire Control Equipment ., f .,

Reserve Officers' Promotion
There is ever present in the minds of antiaircraft artil-
lerymen the many limitations existing relative to our pres-
ent directors. The number of directors of this type or simi- I often wonder if the W.D.G.S. wants or expects Re-
lar modern types that are available is certainly most lim- serve Officers, R.O.T.e. graduates with no actual ex-
ited. The time required for manufacturing them in times of perience in an emergency, and who by virtue of their
1937 OPEN FORUM 179
civilian occupations find it impossible to attend the service This resulted in the selection of candidates from a class,
schoolsprovided, to advance beyond the grade of captain. a peculiarly disgrunted class.
Every regular army officer in the junior grades, whose Marx said: "The arming of the whole proletariat with
professionis arms and who has at his disposal all the texts muskets, rifles, cannon, and munitions must be carried on
and talents of his profession will admit that the A.E.C.- immediately. "
40 Series is no course that can be run thru hurriedly. Trotsky, in the History of The Russian Revolution,
Now, take the case of the civilian officer. Most of us who boasts of his success in arming the proletariat in the coup
adopted military science as an avocation and have been d'<~tatof March 25, 1917..
reasonably successful or exceptionally fortUnate in our Colonel Harvey complains that discipline was foreign
vocationsduring the past ten or twelve years since leaving to world war conscripts; proposes six months in the army
college, have arrived at a critical point in our careers- for CCC's, supposedly to subject them to discipline. But
there will be no retirement with pay for us after thirty if it will be anything like the CMTC, it will be very
yearsservice, unless we ourselves have made it; and, there lovely but not discipline. Where the idea of compulsion
is no assurance that salaries will rise in years of service, is lacking, it is not discipline. It is make believe. It will
unlessour own personal efforts and achievements make it not give Reserve officers "actual experience in the com-
possible.Therefore of necessity we must make our civilian mand of enlisted men" unless the idea of compulsion is
occupation primary, and with the necessary business and fully present. Elsewhere in the same issue Major Charles
social functions, recreation, etc., the amount of time 1. Clark extols the virtUes of drilling CMTC's but they
availableis indeed small. are not under military discipline.
A lot of us are very ambitious to become field officersin At Blacksburg, Va., where I went to school, there were
the O.R.C. but three months is a long time these days to some students who enlisted in the local unit of the Na-
askfor a "leave of absence" from business to attend a serv- tional Guard in order to meet school expenses. This 'was
iceschool. And, to sit down at night after a busy day in in addition to living in barracks, marching to mess, stand-
therealms of commerce and transport one's mind into the ing guard, and enjoying Saturday inspection of quarters
military science requires a lot of time and concentration. and review, etc.
A 40 series A.E.C. can't be picked up and thrown aside H they had been given the opportunity to draw en-
like "Readers Digest" and most of the lessons take the listed men's pay while attending classes, the whole school
averageofficers five hours to do--from start to finish. would have unanimously enlisted. Two-thirds would have
I'm not bellyakin'--or maybe I am. But it's damn little helped to provide an enlisted reserve since only one-third
a Reserve officer gets for what he puts into the Corps, if that entered ever graduated.
he's at all active-two weeks' training one summer in Such a plan would help those loyal enough to believe
three-maybe; so, if promotion above the grade of cap- in military training to receive an education, it would pro-
tain is impractical why not say so and let us get it over vide adequate means for punishing agitators, it would pro-
with.And if it's the less fortUnate group of Reserve officers vide that element of compulsion needed to insure full at-
whohave been unable to tie into a steady job during the tendance at Officer's Reserve meetings and would keep
depressionand have taken advantage of the C. C. c., and active those Reserve officerswho, having attended a school
thereunder conditions more favorable to study completed where compulsion was much in evidence, are forever more
A.E.C. courses and attended service schools for the pay disgusted with the "do it if you want to" spirit which is
involved,that the Army wants for its field officers in fu- prevalent in the Reserve Corps.
ture emergencies, then the rest of us better turn our atten- Of course there is the National Youth Administration
cion to more relaxing and lucrative diversions. to help out college students, there is one of 'em lectures in
A CAPTAIN,Coast Artillery Reserve. my home town of Youngstown; she holds forth at the
central auditorium which is where the local communists
'f 'f 'f
d~ their fist waving, international singing, and advocation
Why Not Enlist ROTC's? of mutiny ..
Sir: For many years our statesmen have told us that Ameri-
. Colonel George U. Harvey's idea of military for CCC's cans are opposed to things military and will not stand for
~not new. In fact, General Glassford, who was the super- a large army. But experience shows that the free Ameri-
II!tendentof the Washington, D. C. police, was the first can will frantically rush to join and pay money to any
oneto prescribe camps as an antidote for unemployment organization which offers titles and uniforms. And if they
and he contemplated military training and MILITARY have ever held a temporary military office or title, their
DISCIPLINE. title and uniform has to be practically scalded off of them.
However, as actually run, with the exception of veter- Maybe our statesmen have been wrong about our not
ans, mere unemployment did not qualify a young man wanting a large army. Why not enlist ROTC's at any
for CCC duty. His family had to be on relief which rate?
.8le:tntin most cases that his father was also unemployed. FIRSTLIEUTENANT, C.A.-Res .
A ny individual, whether or not he is a member of the service, is invited to submit constructive sugges-
tions relating to problems under study by the Coast Artillery Board, or to present any new problems that
properly may be considered by the Board. Communications should be addressed to the President,
Coast Artillery Board, Fort Monroe, Virginia.




REELUNIT RL-26.-T wo canvas covers for the large, gas
Projects Completed Since Last Issue of the
engine-driven Reel Unit, RL-26, were given a service test.
One cover, the BG-68, was designed to cover the reel
PROJECTNo. I~HELMETS (STRAWANDFABRIC). unit completely; the other, the BG-6g, was designed to
-The Coast Artillery Board forwarded the report on the protect only the gas engine of that unit. There was some
test of the helmets with the recommendation that the question as to whether any cover was needed for the RL-
fabric helmet be standardized for wear with the cotton 26 since that unit is intended to be used in a truck.
khaki uniform in lieu of the service (campaign) hat. The Furthermore, the RL-26 is to be replaced in the Coast
comfort to the wearer and the smart appearance of the Artillery by the Reel Unit, RL-3I. The other side of the
helmet as an article of military uniform. were both strong- argument is that there will be times when the RL-26 will
ly emphasized by both officersand men during the period not be afforded the shelter of a truck and on those occasions
of the test. a canvas cover, or some sort of protection from the weather,
will be necessary. There are already a number of RL-26
PROJECTNo. I08I-MoDIFIED KITCHENTENTS.-As reel units in service and, being of durable construction,
described briefly in the last issue of the JOURNAL,the they will probably remain in service for some time to
modified kitchen tent is shaped like a pyramidal tent ex- come. These considerations led to the opinion that a cover
cept that the floor area is smaller and anyone or all of the should be provided for the Reel Unit, RL-26, and the
side walls, which are about six and one-half feet high, can cover BG-68 (the overall cover) was chosen as the better
be raised to form awnings. Except that it is hardly large type. Subject to the correction of certain faults, the Cover.
enough to accommodate properly the wood burning field BG-68, has been recommended for adoption as standard
range, when all the walls are down, and except for several and for inclusion in the Parts List of the Reel Unit, RL-
minor defects, the modified kitchen tent was found to be 26.
generally satisfactory for its intended purpose. As a part SECTION II
of this investigation, consideration was given to the sug-
gestion submitted by the Quartermaster General that the
Projects Under Consideration
floor dimensions of the modified kitchen tent be increased PROJECTNo. 9S3-RADIO CONTROLLED HIGH-SPEED
from eleven feet by eleven feet to sixteen feet by sixteen TARGET.-The major overhaul of the engine has been
feet, but that the present height of eleven feet and the completed and the engine has been installed in the boat.
present wall height of six feet six inches be retained. The A breadboard set up of the new radio control unit has
floor dimensions of sixteen feet by sixteen feet equal those been completed and tested, and this unit is now ready for
of the pyramidal tent. This proposal raised questions be- installation. This installation will be completed in time to
lieved properly answerable only by an extended test of rene~ the tests of this target as soon as weather conditions
the materiel by the using troops. It was recommended, permtt.
therefore, that the proposed tent be constructed and sent,
along with a modified kitchen tent, to an antiaircraft ar- PROJECTNo. I038--STORAGE OF RUBBER-JACKETED
tillery regiment for a comparative test. For use as a battery SUBMARINE MINE CABLE.-This is a service test being
orderly tent, or as a headquarters tent, the MI934 pyrami- conducted in several harbor defenses. The test in each
dal tent was considered to be more suitable than the harbor defense involves the storage of four reels of jute-
modified kitchen tent because the former tent has greater covered cable and two reels of rubber-jacketed cable under
floor space and a better doorway. water and two reels of rubber-jacketed cable, dry. At the
end of each six months certain electrical tests are made visibility. With the T 10 telescope (8-power), it was easily
and the cable on a certain number of reels re-reeled. The possible to track the target until it was lost by the outer
dectrical tests are then repeated and the reels are put back ring of searchlights. The observers, when using the T 9
in storage. Sufficient data has not been received to war- telescope (6-power), usually experienced more difficulty
rant any conclusions. The test will extend over a period of than when using the T 10, but, nevertheless, were able to
live years for the purpose of determining which is better, track nearly as far as with the higher powered instrument.
dry storage or wet storage, and whether periodic re-reeling The results obtained with the M2 telescope varied with
is advisable. the visibility. On clear nights, the observers could follow
the target until it was lost by the searchlights. On hazy
PROJECTNo. 1039-"DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM,T- nights, this telescope permitted tracking to ranges of
II .-The service test of this system for transmitting firing 10,000 yards and over, though the target was lost much
data to seacoast gun carriages included one set of the sooner than with the newer types of telescopes. It is be-
equipment which was installed in the Harbor Defenses of lieved that the performance of the M2 telescopes could be
Sandy Hook. A comprehensive report of the test of this in- made nearly equal to that of the newer types of telescopes
srallation has been received and is under study by the if a more satisfactory means of reticle illumination were
Board.The report is, in general, favorable. Some difficulty provided for the former.
was experienced in securing the expected precision in the
transmission and setting ~f elevation, but the errors noted PROJECTNo. 1086-POSITION FINDINGBYAERIALOB-
were not serious either in size or frequency of occurrence. SERVATION.-Investigation by the Board is being made to
In fact, the report states that the mechanical indications develop a method of locating long range targets by aerial
of the T-II Data Transmission System were more accu- observation without utilizing radio direction finders or
rate than the range discs and azimuth circles originally angle depression indicators or altazimuth instruments.
provided with the guns. Also it was found that, with the The method should be applicable to those situations where
T-II Data Transmission System, the gun could be pointed the observer in the airplane cannot see any landmark after
more quickly and the data was more reliable than when he has passed over shore out to sea. One method, involving
telephones were used. the use of a Pelorus, is being investigated. Actual tests
have not started but it is planned to conduct the test as
PROJECTNo. I076-SWITcHBOARDS BD-71-T4 AND soon as weather and troop requirements permit.
BD-72-T 4.-The Coast Artillery Board tested these
switchboards during 1935 and recommended certain PROJECTNo. I088--ANTI-CORROSIVEPAINTFORSUB-
changes. The switchboards are six-line and twelve-line, MARINEMINE CASEs.-The standard method of painting
respectively, embodying as component parts the operator's mine cases consists in the application of a priming coat of
set, and ringing and listening keys. The switchboards are red lead followed by one or two coats of standard gray
now in production and this test is to be made to check paint. Experience has shown that the gray paint tends to
any change necessary for future procurement. This test is scour off leaving the conspicuous orange color of the red
awaiting receipt of materiel. lead primer. To a certain degree the camouflage of the
mine is thus defeated, because red lead does not lend itself
PROJECTNo. 1079-MoDIFIED FIELDJACKETs-Ten readily to pigmentation by neutral colors without lessen-
field jackets of improved designs over those tested last ing of the protective qualities. Improved priming and
year are now undergoing a test to determine their suita- finishing paints such as used on ship bottoms are being
bility for wear in the field in lieu of the service coat. Two investigated. These paints have better color characteristics,
types of field jacket have been submitted, differing and possibly better wearing qualities. Modern anti-fouling
chiefly in the following respects: One has slash pockets paint is also being tested to determine the need for, and
(similar to a pea-jacket), whereas, the other ha~ "bel- effectiveness of, this development in preventing the ac-
lows" pockets; the latter jacket is slightly longer. Other- cumulation of excessive marine growth on mine cases.
wise, the two jackets are essentially alike; each is open at The test is being conducted at a tropical station and also
the throat, is fastened by a zipper, and has two pleats at at Fort Monroe and will continue for a period of six
the back. The early indications are that the jacket will be months.
found generally satisfactory. SECTION III
PROJECT No. 1083-ELBOW TELESCOPES, T 9 ANDT 10. Miscellaneous
-Comparative tests of these telescopes and the present ANTIAIRCRAFTSEARCHLIGHTTRANSPORTATION.-
standard elbow telescope, M2, were conducted by tracking Three members of the Coast Artillery Board witnessed
~n outgoing target illuminated by a platoon of search- the recent tests of various vehicles proposed for use in
I ~lghts.The five lights were emplaced so that continuous transporting the antiaircraft searchlight and portable type
illumination of the target was provided from directly above power plant. The tests were conducted at Fort Belvoir,
the telescopes out to a distance of approximately 15,000 Virginia, by the Engineer Board. One vehicle of particular
yards. Tests were conducted under various conditions of interest was a White cab-over-engine truck onto the chassis
of which was bolted the body taken from a GMC mobile merly, these allowances were shown only on tables of
power plant. This vehicle then had all the advantages of a organization. The majority of the changes made in revision
specially designed searchlight truck. Another vehicle of were made for the purpose of eliminating obsolete articles
interest was a I ;h.-ton truck with stake body. The stakes and substituting modern equivalents.
were removed and the searchlight and its auxiliary equip-
ment were carned over rough roads with improvised hold- TRAINERFOR SOUNDLOCATORLISTENERS. - While
ing-down devices and at no time was any material shift stationed at Fort Crockett, Texas, and later while in
noted in the load. It was definitely established that, in an command of Battery D, 1st Coast Artillery, at Fort
emergency, the searchlight can be carned safely in any Randolph, Canal Zone, Captain E. G. Cowen, Coast
I ;h.-ton or larger truck with cargo body. Artillery Corps, designed and built a portable loud
The vehicles for transporting the searchlight equipment, speaker attachment for the phonograph of the binaural
recommended by the Coast Artillery Board, were two 2;h.- trainer. This loud speaker can be moved along an overhead
ton trucks with twelve by seven-foot cargo bodies having wire in simulation of a passing airplane and can be tracked
floors not more than forty inches above the ground. The in angular height and azimuth by the listeners on the
necessary loading and holding-down accessories are to be sound locators. Thus, either outdoor or indoor training can
furnished with the searchlights. These accessories are to be carned on independent of weather and availability of
be designed so that they can be shifted from one truck an actual airplane. The Coast Artillery Board has recom.
to another without tools other than those available in the mended that one of these devices be built and subjected
searchlight battery. One truck carries the searchlight, the to service test. It is hoped that such a device will accele.
other carries the portable power plant and tows the sound rate the training of listeners so that the maximum benefit
locator. It is expected that, by tlms adopting general may be derived from the limited number of hours of track.
service types of truck, the procurement problem, both for ing on actual targets. The device should be particularly
initial equipment and replacements, will be simplified. valuable for armory training.
Another advantage is that, if a searchlight or power plant
carner is disabled, any cargo truck from which the load TELEPHOTOGRAPHIC MEASUREMENT OFSPLASHDEVIA-
can be dumped can serve as a substitute. TIoNs.-Master Sergeant J. C. Palmer, Coast Artillery
Corps, has conducted a number of experiments in an effort
SERVICETEST OF MOTOR TRICYCLE.-A motor tri- to evolve an improved method of determining range and
cycle, modified to correct certain difficulties found in direction deviations in seacoast artillery target practices,
previous test, is soon to be issued to an antiaircraft and has submitted his results to the Board. He has in-
regiment for extended service test. This vehicle is in- stalled a miniature camera behind the eye lens of an azi-
tended as a replacement for the motorcycles with side- muth instrument on which is also mounted an auxiliary
cars now issued. Comments on the results of previous telescope. It is proposed that two such instruments, one at
tests by the Board were given in the September-October either end of a long base line, be used for tracking the
and November-December issues of the JOURNALfor 1936. target. The tracker at the station nearest the battery sig-
A questionnaire for the service test of the motor tricycle nals electrically to the distant station at the instant of
has been prepared by the Coast Artillery Board. splash and at the same time works the camera shutter. An
assistant turns the film for the next exposure, an operation
TABLESOF BASICALLOWANCES.-The Coast Artillery requiring only the movement of a lever. By experiment
Board has recently completed a check of the proposed it has been found that the resulting negatives show distant
revision of tables of basic allowances for the Coast objects silhouetted above the reticle of the telescope so that
Artillery Corps. The new tables will contain motor deviations in angular measure can be determined.
vehicle allowances in the Quartermaster section. For-

FORTRESSES AREEQUALLY USEFULin offensive and defensive warfare. It is true they

will not in themselves arrest an army, but they are an excellent means of retarding,
embarrasSing, weakening, and annoying a victorious army.-NAPOLEON.

(Covering the Period January 1 to February 28. 1937)

Colonel Robert Arthur, from 13th, Fort Lieutenant Colonel O. C \Varner, from Pennsyh'ania X .G., AlIentown, to student,
Barrancas, to Hawaii, sailing Kew York, the Philippines, to Org. Res., 8th Corps C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, Au-
\pril 29. Area, San Antonio. gust 25.
Colonel P. D. Bunker, from the Philip- ~Iajor T. J. Betts, from Hq. 9th Corps ~!ajor S. R. 1[ickelsen, from CA. Board,
pines, to Org. Res., 9th Corps Area, Los Area, Presidio of San Francisco, to student, Fort ~!onroe, to student, Army \Var Col-
.\ng-e!es. C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August lege, August 21.
Colonel Richard Donovan, from 69th, 25. ~!ajor D. E. 1!orrison, from Georgia
Fort Crockett, to General Staff with troops, 1!ajor P. F. Biehl, from the Philippines, School of Technology, Atlanta, to student,
Fort Sam Houston. to instructor, California X.G., San Fran- C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, Au-
Colonel Albert Gilmor, from 61st, Fort cisco. Previous orders revoked. gust 25.
Sheridan, to Org. Res., 2d Corps Area, Major Benjamin Bowering, to the Philip- ~!ajor R. E. Phillips. from Org. Res., 8th
\"ew York. pines, sailing New York. )'Iay 19. Previous Corps Area, to the Philippines, sailing San
Colonel Franc Lecocq, from Panama, to orders amended. Francisco, April 9.
Third Corps Area, Baltimore. Major O. B. Bucher, from 51st, Fort ~!ajor H. R. Pierce, from Panama, to
Colonel F. H. Lincoln, from \Var Depart- Monroe, to student, C&G.S. School, Fort University of \Vashington, Seattle.
ment General Staff, \Vashington, D. C, to Leavenworth, August 18. ~[ajor J. D. Powers, from Hawaii, to
9th C.A. District, Presidio of San Fran- ).!ajor J. T. Campbell, to the Philippines, instructor, Arkansas N.G., Hot Springs.
cisco. sailing Kew York, 1!ay 19. Previous orders ).!ajor \V. \V. Rhein, from instructor,
Colonel E. D'A. Pearce, from Panama, to amended. California KG., San Francisco, to Panama,
recruiting duty, 9th Corps Area, San Fran- Major H. \V. Cochran, from C&G.S. sailing San Francisco, February 2.
cisco. School, Fort Leavenworth, to student, Army ~[ajor G. B. Robison, from Hawaii to
Colonel George Ruhlen, to the Philip- Industrial College, August 21. instructor, C.A. School, Fort Monroe. '
pines, sailing San Francisco, June 11. Pre- Major 11. E. Conable, from instructor, ).!ajor E: C. Seaman, to Panama, sailing
"ious orders amended. \Vashington, N.G., Fort Lewis, to the New York, June 9. Previous orders amend-
Colonel S. C. Vestal, retired, April 30. Philippines, sailing San Francisco, April 9. ed.
Colonel B. H. L. Williams, from Hawaii, Major E. T. Conway, from CA. Board, Major J. C Stephens, from 7th, Fort
to 13th, Fort Barrancas. Fort 1!onroe, to student, C&G.S. School, Hancock, to 11th Fort H. G. Wright.
Colonel E. N. Woodbury, promoted Col- Fort Leavenworth. August 18. ~!ajor W. H. Steward, from the Philip-
one! January I, retired upon own applica- 1!ajor C. E. Cotter, from CA. Board, pines, to Uni\'ersity of Cincinnati, Cincin-
tion, January 31. Fort ).!onroe, to student, Army \Var Col- nati, Ohio.
Lieutenant Colonel R. D. Brown, from lege, August 21. ).!ajor F. S. Swett, to the Philippines,
62d, Fort Totten, to student, Army \Var ).!ajor J. L. Craig, from Panama, to in- sailing San Francisco, April 9. Previous
College, August 21. structor, New York N.G. orders revoked.
Lieutenant Colonel A. G. Campbell, from Major L. C Dennis, from Panama, to 1!ajor E. W. Timberlake, from 6lst, Fort
9th, CA., District, Presidio of San Fran- student, C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, Sheridan, to Havana, Cuba, as military at-
cisco, to 61st, Fort Sheridan. August 25. tache.
Lieutenant Colonel J. H. Cunningham, Major D. L. Dutton, from Universitv of Captain W. 1. Allen, from U.S.MA.,
promoted Colonel January 1. Delaware, Newark, to student, C&(;.S. West Point, to student, C&G.S. School,
Lieutenant Colonel \V. K. Dunn, from School. Fort Leavenworth, August 25. Fort Leavenworth, August 21.
13th, Fort ).!oultrie, to student, Army War Major W. H. Donaldson. Jr., from Ha- Captain H. T. Benz, from Hawaii, to
ColIege, August 21. waii, to instructor, CA. School, Fort Mon- 69th, Fort Crockett.
Lieutenant Colonel \V. E. Duvall, from roe. Captain H. A. Brusher, to the Philip-
Org. Res., EI Paso, Texas, to instructor, ).!ajor F. E. Edgecomb, from instructor, pines, sailing New York, May 19. Previous
California N.G., San Diego. CA. School, Fort Monroe, to CA. Board, orders amended.
Lieutenant Colonel Franklin Kemble, Fort Monroe. Captain J. F. Cassidy, from 6th, Fort
irom the Philippines, to University of New ).!ajor D. ),1. Griggs. from 63d. Fort Mac- Winfield Scott, to University of California,
Hampshire, Durham. Arthur, to student, C&G.S. School, Fort Berkeley.
Lieutenant Colonel C. B. Lindner, from Leavenworth, August 18. Captain G. A. Chester, from student, CA.
finance officer, Boston, to Hawaii, sailing Major M. C. Handwerk, from student, School, Fort Monroe, to 11th, Fort H. G.
New York, June 9, for assignment to Fi- C.&G.S. School. Fort Leavenworth. to in- Wright.
nance Department. structor, C.A. School. Fort Monroe. Captain J. M. England, to the Philippines,
Lieutenant Colonel Reinold 1!elberg, from Major 1. H. HarrinRton, to the Philip- sailing San Francisco, April 9. Previous
the Philippines, to instructor Pennsylvania pines, sailing San Francisco, April 9. Pre- orders amended.
KG., Allentown. vious orders amended. Captain A. G. Franklin, Jr, from 9th,
Lieutenant Colonel H. E. Small, from Major C S. Harris, from Hawaii, to 69th, Fort Banks, to Hawaii, sailing New York,
instructor, Connecticut N.G., Bridgeport, to Fort Crockett. April 29.
Panama, sailing' New York, July 8. Major H. N. Herrick. from student, Air Captain J. F. Gamber, from student, CA.
Lieutenant Colonel E. A. Stockton, Jr., Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala- School, Fort Monroe, to 63d, Fort Mac-
promoted Colonel, January 1. bama. to C.A. Board, Fort )'fon-oe. Arthur.
Lieutenant Colonel L. L. Stuart, from Major C. J. Herzer, from the Philippines, Captain B. D. Gill, to the Philippines,
6th, Fort \Vinfield Scott, to student, Army to instructor, Pennsylvania N.G., Allen- sailing San Francisco, April 9, Previous
War College, AUg'ust 21. town. orders amended.
Lieutenant Colonel E. H. Thompson, Maior D. \V. Hickey. Jr., from instruc- Captain C. A. Gillette, from the Philip-
from Org. Res., Second Corps Area, New tor. CA. School, Fort Monroe, to student, pines, to 9th, Fort Banks.
York, to 3d, Fort Stevens. C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, Au- Captain R. 1. Glasgow, from U.S.M.A.,
Lieutenant Colonel R. L. Tilton, from gust 18. \Vest Point to student, C&G.S. School,
9th, Fort Banks, to student, Army \Var M'lior P. \V. Lewis, from student, Fort Leavenworth, August 21.
College. August 21. C&G.S. School. Fort Leavenworth, to in- Captain S. J. Goodman, from University
Lieutenant Colonel R. H. VanVolken- structor, CA. School. Fort Monroe. of California, Berkeley, to student, C&G.S.
burgh, from \Var Department General Maior E. B. McCarthv. from 6th. Fort School. Fort Leavenworth, August 25.
Staff, Washington, D. C, to student, Naval Winfield Scott, to Org.' Res., 8th Corps Captain W. E. Griffin, from the Philip-
War College, Newport. Are'l. Denver. pines, to 6lst, Fort Sheridan.
Lieutenant Colonel Eugene Villaret. from Major H. A. Md!orrow, from instnlC- Captain E. R. Guild, from Boise High
The Citadel, Charleston. to Belgrade, as tor. Ark. N.G .. Hot Sprin!!'s, to the Philip- School, Boise. Idaho, to student, C. A.
militarv attache and militarv attache for. pines. sailing New Yo-k. May 27. School. Fort ).!onroe.
air. Y~goslavia, Greece, and 'Roumania. ~rajor O. D. McNeely. from instructor, Captain N. E. Hartman, from 6th, Fort
Winfield Scott, to instructor, CA. School, )'fonroe, to student, CA. School, Fort Mon- First Lieutenant Harry Julian, from 13th,
Fort Monroe. roe. Fort Barrancas, to student, c.A. &boo(
Captain W. B. Hawthorne, from 63<1, Fort First Lieutenant G. N. Adams, from 3d, Fort Monroe.
MacArthur, to U.S.A.M.P. JosePh Heury, Fort Stevens, to student, CA. School, Fort First Lieutenant R. K Kaufmann, frOll!
Fort Hancock. )'fonroe. student, CA. School, Fort Monroe, to 63d,
Captain C. \Y. Holcomb, from Hawaii, First Lieutenant D. S. Alexander, from Fort MacArthur.
to student, CA. School, Fort Monroe. 63d, Fort MacArthur, to student, CA. First Lieutenant V. M. Kimm, from 2d,
Captain J. F. Howell, Jr., from the School, Fort Monroe. Fort Monroe, to student, C.A. School, FOrt
Philippines, to 62d, Fort Totten. First Lieutenant K. M. Briggs, from Pan- 1Ionroe.
Captain L. \Y. Jefferson, from Hawaii, ama, to 61st, Fort Sheridan. First Lieutenant J. H. Kochevar, from
to student, C&G.S. School, Fort Leaven- First Lieutenant A. F. Cassevant, from 14th, Van Nuys, California, to Panama,
worth, August 25. student, CA. School, Fort Monroe, to 62d, sailing San Francisco, May 8.
Captain J. J. Johnson, from 10th, Fort Fort Totten. First Lieutenant A. A. Koscielniak; from
Rodman, to Hawaii, sailing New York, First Lieutenant E. W. Chamberlain, from student, CA. School, Fort Monroe, to 69th,
March 18, revoked. student, CA. School, Fort Monroe, to CA. Fort Crockett.
Captain W. H. Kendall, to Hawaii, sail- Board, Fort Monroe. First Lieutenant J. J. Lane, from 2d, Fort
ing San Francisco, June 12. Previous orders First Lieutenant E. A. Chapman, from Monroe, to student, CA. School, Fort Mon-
amended. 6th, Fort Winfield Scott, to student, CA. roe.
Captain D. B. Latimer, from Fort Mon- School, Fort Monroe. First Lieutenant R. C. Leslie, from 13th
roe, to Finance Department, Chicago. First Lieutenant C C. Cloud, Jr., from Fort Crockett, to student, CA. School, Fori
Captain A. L. Lavery, from instructor, student, CA. School, Fort Monroe, to 61st, Monroe.
Massachusetts N.G., Boston, to the Philip- Fort Sheridan. First Lieutenant Lafar Lipscomb, Jr.,
pines, sailing New York, May 27. First Lieutenant W. S. Coit, from 6th, from 51st, Fort Monroe, to student, CA.
Captain W. L. McPherson, from instruc- Fort Winfield Scott, to student, CA. School, School, Fort Monroe.
tor, CA. School, Fort Monroe, to student, Fort Monroe. First Lieutenant F. A. Liwski, from 62d.
C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, Au- First Lieutenant N. A. Congdon, from Fort Totten, to student, CA. School, Fort
gust 18. Panama, to student, C.A. School, Fort Mon- Monroe.
Captain D. D. Martin, from Michigan roe. First Lieutenant \V. B. Logan, from 51st,
State College, East Lansing, to student, First Lieutenant H. B. Cooper, Jr., from Fort Monroe, to student, CA. School, Fort
C.&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 11th, Fort H. G. Wright, to student, CA. Monroe.
25. School, Fort Monroe. First Lieutenant H. G. McFeely, from
Captain H. F. Meyers, from student, First Lieutenant 1. W. Cory, from Pan- 63d, Fort MacArthur, to student, CA.
C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to 69th, ama, to student, CA. School, Fort Monroe. School, Fort Monroe.
Fort Crockett. First Lieutenant F. E. Day, from USMA, First Lieutenant F. J. McMorrow, from
Captain P. B. Nelson, from Panama, to West Point, to student, CA. School, Fort 62d, Fort Totten, to Ordnance Department.
61st, Fort Sheridan. Monroe. Watertown Arsenal.
Captain R. B. Pape, from 6th, Fort Win- First Lieutenant M. K. Deichelmann, from First Lieutenant T. K. MacNair, from
field Scott, to student, C&G.S. School, Fort the Philippines, to 52d, Fort Monroe. 7th, Fort Hancock, to student, CA. School,
Leavenworth, August 18. First Lieutenant P. V. Doyle, from 69th, Fort Monroe.
Captain M. M. Read, to 62d, Fort Totten, Fort Crockett, to student, C.A. School, Fort First Lieutenant R. F. Moore, from 3d,
upon completion of foreign service. Pre- Monroe. Fort Rosecrans, to student, C.A. School.
vious orders amended. First Lieutenant C G. Dunn, from the Fort Monroe.
Captain C. E. Rothgeb, from 13th, Fort Philippines, to student, CA. School, Fort First Lieutenant R. W. Moore, from 61st,
Barrancas, to Hawaii, sailing New York, Monroe. Fort Sheridan, to student, CA. School, Fort
April 29. First Lieutenant P. W. Edwards, from Monroe.
Captain C V. R. Schuyler, from student, Hawaii, to 63d, Fort MacArthur. First Lieutenant C. G. Patterson, from
C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to C.A. First Lieutenant F. H. Fairchild, from 51st, Fort Monroe, to student, CA. School,
Board, Fort Monroe. 2d, Fort Monroe, to student, 'CA. School, Fort Monroe.
Captain C. Q. Shelton, from 6th, Fort Fort Monroe. First Lieutenant Arthur Roth, from the
Winfield Scott, to student, C&G.S. School, First Lieutenant F. T. Folk, from 11th, Philippines, to 61st, Fort Sheridan.
Fort Leavenworth, August 18. Fort H. G. Wright, to student, CA. School, First Lieutenant 1. D. Roth, from the
Captain C E. Shepherd, from student, Fort Monroe. Philippines, to student, C.A. School, Fort
CA. School, Fort Monroe, to CA. Board, First Lieutenant R. T. Frederick, from Monroe.
Fort Monroe. 1st CA. District, Boston, to student, CA. First Lieutenant W. A. Rude, from 52d,
Captain P. W. Shunk, from Panama, to School, Fort Monroe. Fort Monroe, to student, CA. School, Fort
student, CA. School, Fort Monroe. First Lieutenant A. L. Fuller, Jr., from Monroe.
Captain L. O. Shutt, from 62d, Fort 3d CA. District, Fort Monroe, to student, First Lieutenant S. C. Russell, from 52d.
Totten, to student, C&G.S. School, Fort CA. School, Fort Monroe. Fort Monroe, to student, CA. School, Fort
Leavenworth, August 18. First Lieutenant T. A. Glass, from 2d, Monroe.
Captain D. H. Smith, from the Philip.- Fort Monroe, to student, CA. School, Fort First Lieutenant J. A. Sawyer, from Ha-
pines, to Michigan State College, East Lan- Monroe. waii, to 14th, Fort Worden.
sing-. First Lieutenant C E. Green, from 69th First Lieutenant W. F. Spurgin, from
Captain V. C Snell, from 14th, Fort Wor- Fort Crockett, to student, CA. School, Fort student, CA. School, Fort Monroe, to
den, to Hawaii, sailing San Francisco, June Monroe. U.S.A.M.P. Schofield. Fort Monroe.
12. First Lieutenant P. W. Guiney, Jr., from First Lieutenant T. V. Stayton, from
Captain H. J. Vandersluis, from 6th, Fort 52d, Fort Hancock, to student, CA. School, 11th, Fort H. G. Wright, to student, c.A.
Winfield Scott, to student, C&G.S. School, Fort Monroe. School, Fort Monroe.
Fort Leavenworth, August 18. First Lieutenant W. H. Harris, from stu- First Lieutenant Preston Steele, from the
Captain W. L. Weible, from instructor, dent, CA. S~hool. Fort Monroe, to 11th, Philippines, to student, CA. School, Fort
C&G.S. School, Fort Leavenworth. to stu- Fort H. G. Wright. Monroe.
dent, Army War College, August 21. First Lieutenant A. R. Hartman, to the First Lieutenant R. A. Turner, from 51st.
Captain W. A Weddell, from Hawaii, to Philippines, sailing San Francisco, April Fort Monroe, to student, CA. School, Fort
11th. Fort H. G. Wright. 9. Previous orders amended. Monroe.
Captain T. B. White, from the Philip- First Lieutenant T. H. Harvey, from 52d, First Lieutenant J. T. Wrean. from 61st.
pines, to student, C&G.S. School, Fort Fort Hancock, to student, C.A. School, Fort Sheridan, to the Philippines, sailing
Leavenworth, Ausrust 25. Fort Monroe. New York, May 27.
Cantain L. A. Whittaker, promoted Ma- First Lieutenant W. H. Hennig, from First Lieutenant F. J. Zeller. from 52d.
jor. February 1. U.S.M.A., West Point, to student, CA. Fort Monroe, to student, CA. School, Fort
Cantain S. E. Willard, from 11th, Fort School, Fort Monroe. Monroe.
H. G. Wright, to Hawaii, sailing New First Lieutenant H. W. Hunter, from Second Lieutenant C. 1.. Andrews. from
York, April 29. 13th, Fort Barrancas, to student, CA. 2d, Fort Monroe. to student, CA. School.
Capt'lill. A. M .. Wit~ School. Fort Monroe. Fort Monroe.
Fort Monroe, to student. C&G.S. School, First Lieutenant D. B. Johnson. from 2d, Second Lieutenant 1.. K. Beazley. from
Fort Leavenworth, Ausrust 18. Fort Monroe. to student, CA. School, Fort 52d, Fort Monroe. to student, C.A. School.
Captain W. L. Wright, from 2d. Fort Monroe. Fort Monroe.

Second Lieutenant R. C. Boys, from 11th, Randolph Field, to Hawaii, sailing San Previous orders amended.
Fort H. G. Wright, to Hawaii, sailing New Francisco, March 12. Second Lieutenant W. G. Root, from 61s1,
Vork, April 29. Second Lieutenant Franklin Kemble, Jr., Fort Sheridan, to Hawaii, sailing New
Second Lieutenant C. F. Cordes, Jr., from from 51st, Fort Monroe, to student, C.A. York, April 29.
iZrl, Fort Monroe, to the Philippines, sail- School, Fort Monroe. Second Lieutenant C. E. Spann, Jr., from
iJIg New York, May 27. Second Lieutenant R. H. Kessler, from 52d, Fort Monroe. to the Philippines, sail-
Second Lieutenant S. 1. Gilman, from 52d, Fort Monroe, to U.S.A.M.P. General ing New York, May 27.
I 51st,Fort Monroe, to student, C.A. School, John M. Schofield, Fort Monroe. Second Lieutenant E. H. Walter, from
Fort Monroe. Second Lieutenant J.c. Moore, from 51st, 52d, Fort Monroe, to Hawaii, sailing New
Second Lieutenant H. J. Harrison, from Fort Monroe. to the Philippines, sailing York, April 29.
51st,Fort Monroe, to the Philippines, sail- New York, May 27. Second Lieutenant S. L. Weld, Jr., from
ing New York, May 27. Second Lieutenant J. B. Morgan, from 62d, Fort Totten, to Hawaii, sailing New
Second Lieutenant C. W. Hildebrandt, 52d, Fort Monroe. to the Philippines, sail- York, April 29.
to the Philippines, sailing New York, May ing New York, May 27. Second Lieutenant G. R. Wilkins, to the
19. Previous orders amended. Second Lieutenant W. R. Murrin, from Philipnines, sailing San Francisco, April 9.
Second Lieutenant J. N. Howell, from 7th, Fort Hancock, to Hawaii, sailing New Previous orders amended.
63<1, Fort MacArthur, to Hawaii, sailing York, April 29. Second Lieutenant P. H. Wollaston, to
San Francisco, May 22. Second Lieutenant A. D. Robbins, to the the Philippines, sailing San Francisco, April
Second Lieutenant M. M. Kallman, from Philippines, sailing San Francisco, April 9. 9. Previous orders amended.

Regular Army Batteries Classified as Excellent by the War Department for 1936
Corps Area Corps Area
or Dept. Regiment Battery Caliber Regiment Battery Caliber
or Dept.
I 11th A 12" SCM Hawaii 55th B 155 mm. (Adv.)
II 7th Hq. Mines C 155 mm.
52d C 12" Ry. M F 155mm.
E 8"Ry. G 64th F 3" AAG
62d A S.L. K 3" AAG
B 3" AA G Philippines 59th A 12" BCG
E M.G. B 12"DCG
F M.G. E 14" G (Adv.)
III 52d D 12"Ry. M. F 12" BCG
VI 61st B 3" AA G 60th B 3" AAG
VIII 69th B 3" AAG D 3" AAG
E M.G. F M.G.
IX 63d A S.L. 91st B 155 mm. &6"
Panama 4th A S.L. D 14"DCG
B 3" AAG G Mines & 6" DCG
D 155 mm. & Mines 92d A 3" SC G
Hawaii 15th B 12" BC G B 155 mm.
C 16" BCG D 155 mm.
16th A 155 mm.

National Guard Batteries Classified as Excellent by the War

Department for 1936
Battery C, 197th CA. (AA), New Hampshire National Guard
Batteries B, C, D, E, G. H. 198th CA. (AA), Delaware National Guard
Battery G, 203rd CA. (AA), Missouri National Guard
•• B, 206th CA. (AA), Arkansas National Guard
C, 212th CA. (AA), New York National Guard
Batteries A, C, E, F, G, H. 213th CA. (AA), Pennsylvania National Guard
B, C, E, G, H, 240th CA. (HD), Maine National Guard
G,M, 241st CA. (HD), Massachusetts National Guard
A, B, C, E, G. H, I, 243rd CA. (HD), Rhode Island National Guard
D,F, 244th CA. (TD), New York National Guard
D,K, 245th CA. (HD), New York National Guard
Battery A, 248th CA. (HD), Washington National Guard
Batteries B, D, 249th CA. (HD), Oregon National Guard
A, E, F, 251st CA. (AA), California National Guard
Ba~ery A, 261st CA. (HD), Delaware National Guard
C,. 265th CA. (HD), Florida National Guard

Major CHARLES BUNDY, CA.C was born in Massa- in the Artillery, has been with the Coast Artillery Corps
chusetts, April 20, I~. Graduate of the 1912 class at since it was created. He has held many important and dis-
Middlebury College, Vermont, of the Army War Col- tinguished assignments, was placed on the initial General
lege, a distinguished graduate of the Command and Gen- Staff Eligible List and served on the General Staff from:
eral Staff School, and a graduate of the Coast Artillery 1920 to 1924. Is a graduate of the U. S. Military Acade-
School, advanced class. Now on duty in the Office, Chief my. Twice graduated from the Army War College.
of Coast Artillery as officer in charge of the materiel and Graduated from the School of Submarine Defense, 1906.
finance section. Well known to many in the Coast Artil- He was awarded a distinguished service medal for war
lery Corps because of his fine work at Fort Monroe where services. Was a brigadier general during the period of the
he served as Secretary of the Coast Artillery SchooL Is war and following it. He is so well known because of
somewhat bashful about the fine article appearing under his fine achievements that there is very little that can be
his name. In fact refused to have his name appear with added to his well-known record. A leader, a man of pleas-
the article claiming that someone might think that it had ing personality and a true friend.
official sanction. We thought otherwise. Major Bundy
is a very loyal supporter of the JOURNAL,and has aided the Captain JOSEPH 1. GREENE, Infantry, concludes his
editorial staff greatly with his suggestions and other active traffic study in this issue. These two articles are not meant
help. for light reading but for professional study, and military
men should approach them from that point of view. So
Captain NATHANIEL A. BURNELL, CA.C, now on far as we know, the professional values stressed in "High-
duty as an instructor in the Coast Artillery School, was way Traffic and Modern War" have scarcely been touched
born in Maine, September 13, 1~7' Entered the Army before.
from the Military Academy on November I, 1918. Grad-
uated from the Coast Artillery School, Basic Course, 1920, Staff Sergeant CLETUS L. LUEBBE, Coast Artillery
Battery Officers' Course, 1932, and Advanced Gunnery Corps, enlisted in the Regular Army, January 13, 1926.
Course, 1933. Has been particularly active in support of After a brief hitch at the recruit barracks at Fort Thomas.
the JOURNALand Coast Artillery Association, especially Kentucky, he was assigned to the Coast Artillery at
in the services that he has given towards the preparation Fort Adams, R. 1. From there he was sent to Fort Mon-
and revising of Gunners' Instruction Pamphlets. roe in 1927 to take the course at the Enlisted Specialists'
School from which he was graduated in 1928. After
Captain R. W. CRICHLOW, JR., CA.C was born in graduation he was retained at the school as an assisrant
Tennessee, October 6, 18g7. Graduated from the Military instructor for three years. Sergeant Luebbe then had a
Academy, June 14, 1917, and is a graduate of the Coast tour of foreign service with Headquarters Battery, 59th
Artillery School, Basic Course, Battery Officers' Course Coast Artillery at Fort Mills, P. 1., returning to the
and Advanced Gunnery Course. Was on duty as an in- States in May of 1935. Since that time he has been on
structor at the Coast Artillery School during the period duty at Fort Totten, N. Y., with Headquarters Battery.
1932 to 1936. Has had great experience with stereoscopic 62d Coast Artillery (AA).
work. He conducted the training of a group of observers Shortly before he entered the service, Sergeant Luebbe
at Fort Story in the spring of 1935 and collected all the graduated from Elder High School, Cincinnati, Ohio.
data possible for study in future analysis. The resulting His main interest in life has been the solution of practical
report submitted by him has influenced to some degree electrical and mechanical problems. His article in the
the present instruction for training stereoscopic observers. current number shows that he brings to his work a keen
Also spent a period with the United States Navy studying mind and much technical ability.
their methods of training observers. Author of the official
text on the subject of "Stereoscopy and Stereoscopic
Major KENNETH McCATTY, CA.C, was born on
Rangefinding" which is now in use in the school and
July 3, 18g2, in Jamaica, British West Indies. Came to
has been distributed to the AA regiments. Now on duty
the United States in July, 1~3, and became a naturalized
as student, Command and General Staff School. Well
American citizen in 1914. Graduate of the Manual Train-
~nown to many readers of the JOURNALfor his contribu-
ing High School in Brooklyn. Entered the Army in 1916.
Claims to have mastered Spanish in three months and to
Colonel FRANK K. FERGUSSON, CA.C, born in have forgotten it almost as.soon. Joined the Cavalry and
Tennessee, February 18, 1874, has spent his whole service went overseas with the 4th Division where he served as

battalion and brigade adjutant and battalion commander. SEWELL T. TYNG was born in New York City on
After the war he found out that horses had no more ap- April 30th, 1~5' After graduating from Groton School
peal in peace time than they had in war so he transferred in 1914, he attended Williams College where the war
to the Coast Artillery Corps where he has had various interrupted his studies as he was completing his junior
tYpesof service. Graduated from the Air Corps T acrical year. Rejected both by the Army and the Navy-three
Schoolin 1936. At present is on duty as a student in the times each--on account of defective eyesight, he entered
Command and General Staff School and boasts that he the American Ambulance Service and arrived in Fmnce
hasnot yet abandoned hopes of graduating. He has three in the latter part of May, 1917. Thereafter until the
children and proudly maintains that he has had the same armistice he served at the front, principally with units of
wifesince 1922. the French Army, in the Ambulance Service, in the
American Red Cross and finally as second lieutenant in
the Corps of Interpreters. In February, 1919' during the
Captain PASCHAL N. STRONG, JR. sent us his article
Peace Conference at Paris, he was attached to the staff
"And the Floods Came" at such a late date that we had
of Mr. Herbert Hoover, then Director General of Relief,
no time to secure any biographical data. Therefore we
He returned with Mr. Hoover to the United States, as
have been constrained to turn to the Army Register
his secretary, in September, 1919.
forinspiration. There we find that our author entered the
On resuming a civilian status, Mr. T yng entered the
Military Academy in 1918 and graduated in 1922. He
Harvard Law School from which he graduated in 1923'
startedout in June of that year with the Air Corps but
Since that time he has practiced law in New York City.
something went wrong somewhere, for the Register
His principal avocation is the study of military history.
recordshis transfer to the Engineers three months later.
He is the author of several articles on military subjects
Captain Strong is a graduate of the Basic Course at The
and one book, The Campaign of the Marne, 1914
Engineer School (1923) and of the Civil Engineering
(Longmans, Green) which was published in 1935,
Courseat Cornell University (1925)' At the present time
heis on duty in the office of the Division Engineer at
First Lieutenant WILLIAM J. VERBECK has had con-
Cincinnati, Ohio. tinuous military service of some sort since 19II, when
To these bare facts we add one mild piece of hearsay. he entered Manlius School, of which his father, then
A fellow Editor states that Captain Strong played a Adjutant General of New York State, was president.
wickedgame of chess at West Point .. Since the chess habit He graduated from the U. S. Military Academy (five-
~ashard to break as an addiction to drugs, it is safe to pre- year course) in 1927' He has served at Madison Bar-
dictthat Engineer Strong still wages bitter battles on the racks, Manila, Zamboanga, Fort Benning, Camp Dix,
chessboardwhen Old Man River gives him a chance. and Fort Jay. Having acquired a diploma from The In-
fantry School in 1934, he became involved in CCC activi-
We duly celebrated Major RICHARD G. TINDALL ties for a spell. This was followed by a hitch as assistant
m this department in our January-February issue. There to the Officer in Charge of WP A, Governors Island.
~nothing new to add to that account save the plaint of Released from his alphabet associations, he took over
the postman that his burden has increased since The Company D, 16th Infantry. While on this duty the
JOURNAL began publishing the Tindall series on "The Manlius School rediscovered him and he is now with the
Willof the Leader." Our subscribers are really taken with ROTC unit of his prep school unit.
thatmagnum opus and we are delighted that they take He confesses to such weakness as a fondness for hunt-
the trouble to write in and tell us so. ing, weapons collecting, and military history.

WARFARE. By Spaulding, Nickerson, and Wright. But even here they maintain a nice balance for they
Washington, D. c.:
The Infantry Journal, Inc., 1937, do not allow the science of war to swallow the art of wa~.
601 Pages, charts and maps. $3.00. Both are interwoven in this book as they must be in
~arfare is not a new book. It was originally brought battle. Nor do they lose sight of the intimate and decid-
out in 1925 by Harcourt Brace and Company at $5.00 a ing relationships that exist between a nation and its armed
copy. Like many another standard military work, a num- forces. They are at some pains, and rightly so, to warn
ber of years had to pass before it found its proper place in the reader that these relationships must be constantly
the military world. Today that place seems assured; so considered in studying the great operations of the past.
assured, in fact, that The INFANTRYJOURNALhas pur- The student who sees only weapons, formations, and i
chased the copyright from Harcourt Brace and Company maneuver, sees no farther than the end of his nose.
and is bringing out a new edition. To the military novice this book is both cultural and
As a contribution to the military art, Warfare is unique. instructional. He will have occasion to refer to it often.
It is not. an outline; itJs not a resume; it is not strategy He will find the road we have come well charted and he
and tactIcs made clear in three easy lessons. It is none of will encounter more than one indication of the road that
these things. Therefore, if your inclinations run toward lies ahead. But paramount, perhaps, in both interest and
a get-rich-quick course in the art of war, this book is not value is the inevitable evolution of tactics wrought by the
for you. It is a serious study of the evolution of warfare evolution of weapons. Here, will the young man-at-arms
and it is designed for serious reading. In this, as in all find rich fields for speculation on the tactics of tomorrow,
other worthwhile things, the reader will get out of it ex- for our weapons are also changing and surely our tactics
actly what he is willing to put into it; no more and no less. must change too.
But what he does get out of it will be enduring bone and The older officerswill find in Warfare a splendid means
sinew for the body of his military education. of rounding out their own cultural background along
The study begins with warfare under the early Oriental military lines. In particular will they profit from the con-
monarchies and traces its developments through the epic sistent emphasis placed on the relations between the mili-
battles of the Great Frederick. The authors point out tllat tary and the state, and in the shrewd treatment accorded
the book closes with Frederick because Frederick closed the higher aspects of both the art and science of war.
an era; after him began the epoch of our modern tactical In brief, this extensive, scientific investigation is recom-
systems. What, then, is the value of a study that begins mended for anyone who would acquire with a minimum
in antiquity and ends just when warfare is about to evolve of effort the historical background which is so essential to
into our modern and still existing systems? Perhaps the an intelligent grasp of modern military problems. F.G.B.
best answer is epitomized in the first chapter of the book
itself.... "Strip any military operation of external MESOPOTAMIA: THE LAST PHASE. By Lieu-
identifying details and one will find it hard, to put a place tenant Colonel A. H. Burne, D.S.O. Aldershot: Gale &
and date on the story." In point of fact those "external Polden, Ltd., 1937, III Pages; 12 Maps; I11ustrated;
identifying detai!s" are about all that has changed and Index. $2.00.
that WIllchange in the art of war. The broad underlying
Here is a volume of tactical studies that should gladden
fundamentals were as real in warfare under the ancient
the heart of any man even faintly interested in the profes-
Oriental monarchies as they are today in the fratricidal
sion of arms. The action is fast, the situations varied and
battles of modern Spain.
dramatic, the units small enough to be comprehensible,
This searching volume presents those fundamentals of
the style simple and direct, the fold-out maps clear and
warfare as well as its superficial changes. But to under-
c?nvenient, and the discussions swift, precise and convin-
stand these things it is not enough to know the little un-
Cing. In a word-all right, twelve words then-it is every-
important and uninstructive facts that can be set forth so
thing a military book should be and so rarely is.
glibly on a schematic sketch; more must be shown. And
this the authors do. They detail the various military hier- Colonel Burne wisely devotes his slender volume to the
archies, their titles, their commands, their line and staff last phase of the Mesopotamian Campaign; that is, from
functions. They tell how armies marched, camped, crossed the fall of Baghdad in March, 1917, to the Turkish armi-
rivers, crossed mountains, guarded themselves, fought. stice on October 30, 1918. But hear the author himself:
They explain the systems of supply and tell how those The Mesopotamian campaign ... may be compared to a
Rower-a tulip for choice, of which the stalk represents the
systems worked. They picture the weapons used, their
line of our advance up the Tigris past Quma, Amara and
characteristics, their purposes, and their efficacy. Of such Kut, to Baghdad. At Baghdad the stalk blossoms and bursa
stuff are their battle pictures compounded. into Rower.... It is the Rower portion of the campaign
that will be dealt with .. the 1:lStphase of the war, when But the value of this modest volume is not restricted to
our troops were no longer glued to the line of the River
those of us whose present chore happens to be of an in-
Tigris, when not only the area of operations but the range of
possibilities blossomed and broadened out. ... Problems of
structional nature. Indeed, in the humble and widely ig-
interior and exterior lines, and problems of time and space, nored opinion of this reviewer, the Regular, the Guards-
which ... were foreign to the early part of the campaign, man, and the Reservist may all ponder with profit these
now abound ..•. I have set myself two chief aims. The first open-warfare battles that their Cousin Tommy fought in
is to present within a small compass, an accurate account of Mesopotamia and the lessons that he learned from them.
the main events of this little known campaign. The second
aim is to bring out some of the main lessons that the cam- e. T.L.
paign teaches us.
In pursuit of these two aims, Colonel Burne has pro-
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Sons, 1937. $3'50'
duceda book that should be of interest and value to mili-
tary men the world over. In this country it should be par- In 1819, to a small South Carolina settlement called
,Pllarly welcomed by instructors on duty with the civilian Cheraw there came one Peter Stuart Ney, a teacher. The
~mponents and by those harassed souls who are in charge natives were interested. Was there not a great French
ofgarrison schools. For these gentlemen, this little book soldier named Ney? Dh, yes, Marshal Ney, executed a
will solve their chronic problem ot digging out interesting few years back. The newspapers had a good deal to say
andvital instructional material for many a day. Indeed, about that execution. But there were other stories. The
thebattle studies crammed into its III pages literally cry Marshal had not been shot; the Duke of Wellington, be-
lit for group presentation and group study. All the es- ing a Mason, had arranged to have the riRes loaded with
sentialdata are present; the facts of each action are set blank ammunition. Another account stated that ball am-
forthlogically and concisely; the maps are so simple and munition was used, but the firing squad was instructed to
so clear that they can be sketched in on a blackboard in fire over the Marshal's head; that Ney carried inside his
a matter of minutes; and finally, Colonel Burne's critiques coat a bladder filled with red Ruid which sputted out at
arekeen and penetrating. Here, then, is an answer to the the crack of the riRes. Later, so the story went, a man
1D1lective prayer of these instructors and that answer is strangely resembling Ney had left the prison secretly, and
D.o., G.!., complete with handles. galloped off into the night.

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Any combination of 50c items, totalling $5.00 or tained in various War Department documents that are not,
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Peter Ney admitted that he had served in the French
Army and that he had left France for political reasons.
NEW Everything in the teacher's life centered upon news in the
foreign section of the daily papers; his pupils often saw
FEDERBUSH SINGLE ROD him stare and grow pale after reading half a column. Also,
MAGAZINE BINDERS there were letters from France that were read only behind
locked doors. One day he was so startled by something he
The single magazine binder is used extensively in read that he fell in a faint. That night he attempted sui- ~
waiting rooms and reading rooms of libraries, offices.
steamships and other public places. Besides lending
cide by stabbing himself in the throat. In a delirium he
a dignified appearance, when on the reading table or talked of battles, of Napoleon, of Josephine, of freezing
in the magazine rack, it keeps the copy clean and nights, of Cossacks and of dead men. During his con val-I
inviting. Inadvertently, people often carry off maga- lescence he spoke freely of Napoleon and the bati:les of the
zines which are lying around loose, whereas it is less Empire, but of himself guardedly. In his later years, how-
likely to happen if book is contained in a binder. The
key lock mechanism locks the rod which holds maga-
ever, he openly admitted to close friends, when in his I
zine fastened to binder. Binding is made of stiff cups, that he was Marshal Ney. When he died, his last'
boards, covered with canvas, genuine or imitation words were: "I will not die with a lie on my lips. I am
leather. Also made in Flex:ble Covers. Supplied in Marshal Ney of France."
colors, if desired, for any size magazine.
Michel Ney, the son of a soldier who retired to become
Three lines of lettering in gilt allowed withollt
charge, i.e. name of magazine. organization and loca- a barrel-cooper, was born in Saarlouis in 17~' At twenty
tion. Instead of location YOll may sllbstitllte "Do Not he enlisted in the Royal Hussars. Within five years he I
Remove From Day Room." had become a captain, and in three more a general of
brigade. For the capture of Mannhein in 1799 he was
made a general of division. Five years later Napoleon
created him a Marshal of France.
Ney's baptism of fire came at Valmy, and it was Cap-
tain Ney who led the advance guard in the great tush 1
across the Low Countries. When Bernadotte led Jourdan's

Ke,' Lock .:\Iechanism

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THE COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL PRICE: $1.50 (Lots of 10 or more,
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W'ashington, D. C.

1937 BOOK REVIE\X'S 191

vangu:trd in the sweep thro~gh Brabant to the 'Meuse, it

was Colonel Ney who rode In front.
Later, Cavalryman Ney became Inbntryman Ney. At
Montreuil he studied inbntry tactics under Jomini. He
even wrote training regulations for his inbntry command.
Two precepts he insisted on: bst marching and straight
shooting. His Sixth Corps did march bst, but it is doubt-
ful if any French soldier of those days shot very straight.
In the disastrous Russian Campaign, it was 1vhrshal
Ney who commanded the rear guard during the epic part
of the terrible retreat. On December 14, 1812, after forry-
rwo consecutive days of fighting, the last French soldier of
the Grand Army left the soil of Holy Russia, and that last
soldier was Michel Ney, Duke of Elchingen, Prince of the
Moskowa, Marshal of France. The Russian wimer had
defeated an emperor, two kings, a prince, eight marshals
and 600,000 men-but not the Saarois barrel-cooper's son.
When Napoleon heard that Ney had joined the main
army he exclaimed: "I would have given three hundred
millions from my treasury rather than have lost him."
It was Marshal Ney who informed Napoleon that the
Army would obey its generals but not their emperor. It
was he, accompanied by 1vhcdonald and Marmom, who
delivered the Act of Abdication to the Tsar. After
Napoleon's exile Ney joined the Council of War under
the returned Bourbons, and commanded the Royal Gren-
adiers. When he learned of Napoleon's return, he swore Marshal Ney: A Dual Life
to Louis that he would bring the monster back to Paris in
an iron cage. But the old loyalties would not down and at By LEGETTE BLYTHE
Waterloo we find him battling for the Emperor.
After Napoleon's second bll Ney was arrested and Dramatically written, this reconstruction of the
life of Marshal Michel Ney and Mr. P. S. Ney
charged with treason. He was tried by the Chamber of
covers the brilliant Napoleonic campaigns, affords
Peers and convicted. Next day he was shot in the Luxem- intimate glimpses of Napoleon and his staff, stresses
bourg Gardens. the political drama that led to the order for execu-
tion, and depicts the sad drama of his mysterious
Marshal Ney: A Dual Life makes a graceful bow to exile in America.
those who refuse to believe that its hero died by a firing
It is not only a distinguished biography in the
squad. But it is best in its depiction of the military ex-
always popular Napoleonic field, a study of a mili-
ploits of the cooper's son whose sole purpose in life was the tary and political career that started in a proletarian
acquisition of military glory. It is a most entertaining station and rose to the glittering heights of the Old
biography of a dashing, gallant soldier. It may birly be World, and that ended in a strange story of exile
described as a piece of popular but sound historical writing in the New World.
-a book of human as well as military interest. N. J. A.
Illustrated with many rare portraits,
facsimile reproduction of handwritings
and documents.
Schwien, Cavalry. The Infantry Journal, Inc., Wash-
ington, 1936. 125 pages, 17 sketches. $2.00. Handsomely bound in Burgundy
Cloth, stamped in gold and
"A servant is worthy of his hire." An author should be Napoleonic blue.
worthy of his subject. Major Schwien, graduate of the
Comma'3d and General Staff School, graduate of the
$3.50 Postpaid
Ecole SUpCrieure de Guerre, and instructor in Combat In-
telligence at the Command and General Staff School for
four years, is probably the besr qualified officer in our
~Army to write on his subject. The Coast Artillery Journal
The subject matter is pl'esented as follows: Part One,
l;The Intelligence Factor in its Relation to the Command-
1115 '17th Street, N.W. Washington, D. C.

Ler"; Part Two, "Collection, Interpretation. and Dissemi-


nation of Enemy Information"; and Part Three, "Appli- .This rev}ewer believes that .every .officer in our Army
cation of Intelligence to Small Units." Will matenally profit by read1l1g thiS book, and that it
Part one explodes completely and finally, it is to be should be an indispensable part of the library of every
hoped, the old school of thought that one can "divine" the commander and every intelligence officer. ,

"enemy's probable intentions." It illustrates by historical
examples how futile such a practice is and submits a rea-

sonable, logical procedure whereby the future capabilities ORDER OF BA TILE OF THE U. S. LAND FORCES
of the enemy that can interfere with the accomplishment IN THE WORLD WAR. (General Headquarters'l
of your mission are considered and a decision arrived at Armies, Army Corps, Services of Supply and Separate
that will accomplish the mission in "spite of anything the Forces.) Washington, D. c.:
Government Printing
enemy can do to interfere." Office, 1937. 412 Pages. $1.25.
Part two might well be called a manual for division in-
The War Department has just published another of
telligence officers. It covers clearly and in detail the clas-
its volumes of the Order of Battle series which deals with
sification and characteristics of collecting agencies, the
the activities of the units of the A.E.F. during the World
collection of enemy information, the handling of prison-
ers and captured documents, and the evaluation and in-
terpretation of information and its dissemination. In 1931 the first of this series appeared. This new book,
Part three is a complete exposition of the duties of the written like its predecessor in staccato, almost telegraphic
intelligence officer of the infantry battalion. language, gives an outline of the main events in the his-
The principles propounded in the book are convincingly tories of higher and special organizations-GHQ, thea
SOS, the First Army, the Second Army, the Third Army,
supported by historical examples taken from the World
War. These examples appear sufficiently convincing to the nine army corps, the three French corps which served I
disarm even the most determined opponent. under General Pershing, our forces in Siberia, North
The sketches that so completely illustrate the subject Russia, and, finally, in Germany and elsewhere after the I
matter are a joy. Instead of being in a separate folder, Armistice. Rosters of commanding officers and staffs, t()o,
which so often is inaccessible or misplaced, they are bound gether with an enumeration of their respective units duringl.
in the book so that they can be opened and referred to as important periods of activity, are also given. The book, of l
the subject matter is read. course, rests squarely upon official war-time documents.l

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