Monosodium Glutamate Neurotoxicity: A Sex-Specific Impairment of Blood Pressure But Not Vasopressin in Developing Rats

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Brriin Rrsrcrrd~ Bdk~in. Vol. 17, pp. .51-S& 1986. A&ho International Inc. Printed in the U.S.

A 0361-9230186
$3.00 + .OO

Monosodium Glutamate Neurotoxicity:

A Sex-Specific Impairment of
Blood Pressure but not Vasopressin
in Developing Rats

Received 23 April 1986

CLGUGH, R. W., P. F. ARAVICH AND C. D. SLADEK. M~triosodi~rtn &ttrmczlc nc~ltroloxic~it~:A .w.~-.~pul,c~?jkiwzpuir-

tncnt c?f /~lrtttd pressrtrc~ hut twt ~,~i.s~~p~~.s.sit~ mts, BRAIN RES BULL 17f 1) 5 l-58, l9~.-Neonatal
iti ~l,~~~~~~pj~?~
administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG) results in severe adenohypophyseal endocrine malfunction as a result of
hypothalamic neurotoxic lesioning. The present study examined the effects of administration of MSG on the neumhypo-
physeal vasopressinergic (AVP) system and systolic blood pressure (SBP) in adulthood. Monosodium glutamate or hyper-
tonic sodium chloride was administered to male and female rat pups on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 after birth. MSG treatment
produced several features characteristic of the MSG-toxicity syndrome. including obesity, anterior pituitary dysgenesis
and hypogonadism. However, MSG did not alter neurohypophyseal AVP profiles: AVP content of the posterior pituitary
and microdissected regions of the hypothalamus and brainstem were similar in MSG-treated and control rats. Furthermore,
MSG treatment did not alter water intake, serum AVP ConcenIration, or the ability to reduce urine output in response to
water deprivation. Thus, despite insult to adenohypophyseal function by neonatai administration of MSG, the neurohypo-
physeal AVP system remained functionally intact. In contrast, neonatal treatment with MSG altered SBP in a sex dependent
manner. Female MSG-treated rats, unlike male MSG-treated rats, exhibited consistent systolic hypotension when com-
pared with the NaCl-treated or non-treated control rats at 6. 9 and 12 weeks of age. Despite this chronic hypotension in
MSG-treated female rats. heart rate was not altered and serum AVP was not elevated. These observations suggest a
resetting of the baroreflex. attributable to neonatal administration of MSG.

Monosodium glutamate Blood pressure Vasopressin Water balance Dorsal vagal complex
Paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei Supraoptic hypothalamic nuclei Median eminence
Obesity Sex differences Rats

NEONATAL administration of monosodium glutamate of hypothalamo-adenohypophyseal endocrine function [ 19,

(MSG) produces neuronal degeneration in the hypothalamic 29, 401.
arcuate region and several other brain areas including the Associated with hypothalamic-adenohypophyseal dys-
circumventricular organs (CVO) and the inner layers of the function, MSG-treated animals exhibit a variety of sex-
retina [I& 24, 26, 32, 341. The extent of these lesions is related abnormalities including gonadal atrophy [29,40], re-
dependent upon the dosage of MSG and the age of the animal duced estrogen uptake into specific brain areas [39], di-
at exposure (days I-10 being regarded as the most critical in minished sexual behavior 1401, altered responsiveness of pi-
the rat [X,45]). Subsequent to the acute neurotoxic effects of tuitary gonadotrophs to exogenous luteinizing hormone-
MSG on the developing central nervous system (CNS), a releasing hormone [ 121 and impaired reproductive capacity
number of pathophysiological events occur. Among these in both male and female rats [35]. In addition, several of the
are skeletal stunting with pronounced obesity [8, 31, 451, effects of neonatal MSG appear to be gender related. For
hyperinsulinemia [IS], reduction in hypothalamic adreno- example, male and female rats differ with respect to the ef-
corticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and beta endorphin content fect of MSG on 2-deoxy-D-glucose-induced feeding [S], ac-
1221. diminished ~atecholamine histofluorescence in the tivity in a novel environment (291. and specific aspects of
hypothalamus [20], hypothermia [5], and severe impairment morphine-induced analgesia [4]. Furthermore, MSG-treated

Requests for reprints should be addressed to Celia D. Sladek, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Rochester Medical
Center, Rochester. NY 14642.


male mice exhibit greater thermoregulatory deficits than

female mice [ 141. Therefore. there appears to be a differen-
tial sensitivity to MSG in males and females.
Due to these diverse abnormalities, many of which repre-
sent hypothalamic regulatory functions, we hypothesized
that neonatal MSG treatment might alter hypothalamic regu-
lation of fluid and electrolyte balance and blood pressure. Control Female 4 77.0 1+_
7.4 0.60 t 0.06
Studies on the effects of MSG on these hypothalamic func- NaCl Female ) 262.6 t 5.6 0.5x -r 0.08
tions are limited and contradictory. Total hypothalamic AVP MSCiFemale x 226.1 t 10.Y 1.71 5 o.1-3y
content was reported unchanged [21] and circulating AVP
levels were reported to be either unchanged [21] or elevated Control Male 5 43x.4 2 8.1 0.64 + 0.04
[46] following neonatal MSG treatment. Neonatal MSG also NaCl Male 9 440.3 -+ 6.8 0.65 i 0.03
was reported to cause deficits in the AVP response to certain MSG Male 7 352.6 -t 8.X I .oo t 0. I:!
stimuli [25]. Additionally, MSG treatment results in de-
creased blood pressure of both spontaneously hypertensive Mean t S.E.M.
(SHR) and W~star-Kyoto (WKY) rats [46). The present study ~rt.+.O5.
was designed to evaluate in more detail the effects of
neonatal administration of MSG on blood pressure, AVP
profiles, and the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance. removed from the subjects in order to determine urine output
Under basal conditions. fluid intake was measured and the during the subsequent 48 hours of water deprivation.
AVP system was evaluated via regional analysis of AVP One week after completion of water deprivation testing,
content of several brain areas. Function of the AVP system all animals were decapitated in a counter-balanced sequence
was assessed indirectly by evaluating the urinary response to between 1000 and 1200 hours. Trunk blood was collected for
water deprivation. Systolic blood pressures and heart rates measure of plasma osmolality and hematocrit; serums were
were monitored from 6 to 12 weeks of age. Finally. to de- assayed for AVP concentration by radioimmunoassay after
termine if a sex-dependent sensitivity to MSG exists with extraction (described below). Due to the possibility that food
regard to these parameters, both male and female rats were intake may affect AVP release [2], animals were deprived of
examined. food four hours prior to sacrifice. Brains were dissected im-
mediately and the hypothalamus from each brain was di-
METHOD vided into a dorsal (DH) and a ventral (VII) region contain-
ing the paraventricular hypothalamic (PVN) and supraoptic
hypothalamic (SON) AVP cell groups, respectively. Other
Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River Labora- regions containing AVP terminals also were dissected includ-
tories, Wilmington, MA) were housed in Plexiglas containers ing the median eminence (ME) and the posterior pituitary
in a vivarium with automatic temperature controls (24-26 (PP). The hypothalamic and posterior pituitary dissection
degrees C) and lighting schedules (12-12). The day after birth procedures have been described previously (431. In addition
(day l), pups were assigned to non-treated control groups, to these regions, a block of tissue was removed from the
groups that received hypertonic sodium chloride (NaCl, 1.38 dorsomedial medulla (DM) which contained the dorsal motor
mg/g body weight, SC, to achieve equimolar sodium content nucleus of the vagus and portions of the nucleus and tractus
to that in MSG [21]) or MSG-treated groups (monosodium solitarius (collectively referred to as the dorsal vagal com-
L-glutamate, 4 mg/g body weight, SC, Sigma Chemical, St. plex, DVC). The DM tissue block also included the area
Louis, MO). Four control, nine NaCl and eight MSG female postrema and portions of the gracile, cuneate and vestibular
rats completed the experiment. Among the male groups, five complexes.
control, nine NaCI and seven MSG rats finished all testing. Following removal, tissue blocks were placed in 2 ml mi-
Monosodium glutamate or saline was administered to pups crotubes containing 1 ml of ice-cold acetic acid (0.25%)
on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 after birth according to previous homogenized for 15 seconds and centrifuged. The superna-
descriptions [12]. Rats were weighed at each injection and tants were assayed for AVP by specific radioimmunoassay
weaned at 21 days of age. After weaning, rats were housed in (below). The anterior pituitary gland, adrenal glands,
groups of 3 in Plexiglas containers throughout the study. gonads, and gonadal fat pads were removed and weighed at
All data were anaiyzed using r-tests, one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) or two-way ANOVAs. Post hoc multiple
Systolic blood pressures (SBP) and heart rate were moni- comparisons following significant ANOVAs were performed
tored at 6, 9 and 12 weeks of age in all animals by tail cuff with Newman-Keuls tests at thepc0.05 level of significance.
plethysmography (IITC, Inc., Model 20 cuff pump; Model 66 The F scores for all significant ANOVAs are reported in the
channel amplifier). Rats were acclimated to the recording text.
chambers (set at 27 degrees C) for approximately 15 minutes
before recording SBP. Approximately 10 recordings were
obtained from each rat and the mean of these measurements Serum was extracted using the acetone-ether method of
was considered representative of the SBP of the individual Robertson rt al. [38]. Extracts were frozen at -20C and
rat. assayed for vasopressin content within two weeks. The per-
At 13 weeks of age, half of the rats from each group were cent recovery from the extraction procedure was 67% for
placed into metabolic cages, were allowed to acclimate for 3 each of 2 groups of serum samples extracted; all serum vas-
days, and were monitored the following 3 days to determine opressin values were corrected for extraction loss. Dupiicate
basal ad lib water intake and urine output. Water then was 300 ~1 and single 150 ~1 aliquots of each serum extract were


Group N PP (mg) AP(mg) GON (Mg) ADR (mg)

Control Female 4 1.08 2 0.14 12.13 ? 0.95 67.80 + 4.74 35.18 f 2.77
NaCl Female 9 1.17 k 0.11 10.50 i 0.44 66.13 I 4.29 38.64 5 2.27
MSG Female 8 0.75 T 0.14 4.97 -t 0.45* 30.94 + 7.07* 22.41 2 1.33*

Control Male 5 1.38 f 0.16 9.66 c 0.31 1.86 T!T0.07 30.32 2 2.26
NaCl Male 9 1.43 r 0.18 9.32 i 0.64 I .83 i 0.11 29.76 + 2.61
MSG Male 7 0.93 f 0.17 5.55 i 0 ._59 1.42 i- o.ot3* 25.10 + 2.25

Mean k S.E.M.
c(n = 6).

assayed for AVP as previously described [42]. The antiserum control adrenal weights @>0.05). In other studies, a statisti-
was generously provided by Drs. Jacques Durr and Marshall cally significant decrease in adrenal weight is reported in
Lindheimer (University of Chicago) [IS]. The assay has a both male and female rats administered MSG as neonates
minimum sensitivity of 0.25 pglassay tube and a cross reac- [29,40].
tivity with oxytocin of 0.001%. Interassay variation was Systolic blood pressure and heart rate of male and female
15.6%~ rats at 6, 9 and 12 weeks of age were measured (Fig. I). A
Tissue homogenate AVP content was determined utilizing two-way ANOVA revealed a significant group difference in
a different RIA. The antiserum used in this assay was devel- SBP in female rats, F(3,18)=12.15, p<O.O005. Further
oped in conjunction with Arnel Laboratories (New York, analysis of this main effect indicated that these values in the
NY), and has been described previously 1421. This assay has MSG-treated female rats were significantly (p<O.OS) reduced
a minimum sensitivity of I .O pg/assay tube and a cross reac- relative to the control and NaCl-treated groups. There also
tivity with oxytocin of less than 0.02%. Hypothalamic tissue was a significant overall age effect in the female rats,
homogenates (VH-SON, DH-PVN, ME) were diluted 100 F(2,36):= 17.18, p<O.OOOS, but no group-by-age interac-
fold, PPs were diluted 10,000 fold and DM-DVC blocks were tion effect @>O.OS). Thus, while female rats had reduced
not diluted. For all samples, duplicate 100 or 200 ~1 and SBP compared with controls, all groups exhibited a progres-
single 25 or 50 ru;laliquots were assayed. Due to a microcen- sive increase in SBP with age. In contrast to the female rats,
trifuge malfunction, some of the brain homogenate samples a two-way ANOVA of SBP in male rats was not associated
were lost prior to assay. The specific number of subjects with a reliable group effect Q>O.OS), although there was an
included in the various assay treatment conditions is shown overall age effect across groups. F(2,36)=5.02, p<O.O5,
in the figures. which was similar to that seen across the female group. Male
rats also did not show a group by age interaction effect
@>0.05). Hence. unlike the female MSG-treated rats,
neonatal MSG administration failed to produce a consistent
Male and female body weight and unilateral gonadal fat reduction in SBP in male rats. Finally, no significant differ-
pad weight were measured (Table 1). The MSG-treated rats ences in heart rates were found across age or treatment
exhibited a significant degree of obesity as determined by groups in either sex @>0.05).
gonadal fat pad weight relative to body weight (female, Ad lib daily water intake was measured (Fig. 2). In abso-
F(2,18)= 16.58; male, F(2,18)=4.9, p<O.Ol). Despite the ap- lute amounts, the male MSG-treated rats consumed slightly,
pearance of obesity at sacrifice, MSG-treated animals of though significantly, less water than the control rats,
both sexes were lower in overall body weight than either of F(2,8)=7.2; p<O.Ol. However, no significant differences
the control animal groups (female, F(2,18)=8.38; male, @>0.05) were observed between MSG-treated and control
F(2,18)=40.27, pcO.01). Signi~cant divergence of body rats when basal water intake was expressed as a function of
weight by MSG-treated animals from the control levels was body weight. In addition, there were no reliabfe differences
apparent as early as day 32 after birth (data not shown). between groups in plasma osmolalities or hematocrits at the
Endocrine gland weights at sacrifice were measured in time of sacrifice (Table 3).
males and females (Table 2). The posterior pituitary gland Absolute urinary output during the 48-hour water depri-
weights, although somewhat reduced, were not affected reli- vation period also was measured (Fig. 3). A two-way
ably by MSG treatment blO.05). On the other hand, the ANOVA revealed that both female (deprivation effect,
anterior pituitary glands (female, F(2,18)=46.9; male, F(2.16)~ 107.9, p<O.OOl) and male (deprivation effect,
F(2,17)=12.9) and gonads (female, F(2,18)=3l.l; male, F(2,16)- 178.2, p<O.OOl) rats progressively reduced urine
F(2,18)=6. I) of male and female MSG-treated rats were sig- output in response to increasing hours of water deprivation.
nificantly lower in weight than the control glands @<O.Ol). Within each sex, MSG treatment failed to influence differen-
The adrenal glands of female MSG-treated rats were smaller tially the effects of water deprivation on urine output
than those of the control rats, F(2,18)=18.79, p<O.Ol. The tnonsigni~cant group and group-by-depl-ivation effects).
adrenals of male MSG-treated rats, although tending to be Likewise, no differences were found between groups when
lower in weight, were not signi~~ntly different from the urine output was expressed as a function of body weight


D ..a Control
c---+ NaCl

6 9 12

Age (weeks)

FIG. 1. Systolic blood pressure and heart rate of female and male rats at 6, 9 and t2 weeks of age. The number of animals per
group is: female controls, 4; female MSG, 8; female and male NaCl, 9; male control, 5: male MSG, 7. *There was a consistent
reduction (p<O.OS) in SBP in the female MSG rats across the various ages. Mean2S.E.M.

(data not shown). Therefore, the ability to reduce urine out- support the claim of Van Den Buuse et al. [46], that neonatal
put in response to water deprivation was not affected by MSG treatment produces higher levels of serum AVP in
MSG treatment. adult rats. Thus we conclude that, under basal conditions,
The AVP content in brain region homogenates and neither the magnocellular AVP projection system to the
serums from female and male rats were measured (Figs. 4 neurohypophysis nor the parvocellular AVP projection sys-
and 5, respectively). Statistical comparisons revealed no tem to the DM is altered by neonatal MSG treatment.
significant group differences (p>O.O5) within either sex in It is possible that the functional controf of AVP release
AVP content of the VH-SON, DH-PVN, PP, ME and the may be altered by neonatal MSG treatment, even though
DM-DVC. As with the various brain regions, serum AVP regional AVP content is unaffected under basal conditions.
levels did not differ between groups in either sex @>0.05). The circumventricular organs play an important role in the
regulation of AVP release [27, 28, 441 and are damaged by
neonatal MSG treatment 1241. Therefore, the functional
status of the vasopressinergic system was examined in the
This investigation confirms several previous findings of present experiment. Monosodium glutamate-treated rats
the MSG Obesity Syndrome [311 and provides new data demonstrated normal basal water intake and urine output,
regarding neurohypophyseal AVP and hemodynamic func- and displayed a normal capacity to decrease urine output in
tion. response to water deprivation. There was no indication of
We found that neonatal MSG-treatment resulted in obe- abnormalities in the antidiuretic response of MSG-treated
sity, judged by relative gonadal fat pad weights, hypo- rats to chronic dehydration. Plasma hematocrit and osmolality
gonadism, reduced anterior pituitary gland weights and also were found to be within normal limits at the time of sac-
reduced adrenal weights (in male rats, however, p>O.OS). rifice. These data support the conclusion that AVP release in
Thus, the animals in this experiment exhibited the classic response to dipsogenic stimuli such as hypertonic saline [25] or
features of the MSG toxicity syndrome [i, 6, 9, 19, 29, 36, water deprivation (present study) is not altered by neonatal
37, 401. MSG treatment. The selective effects of MSG on other
In contrast to MSGs effects on anterior pituitary function stimuli to AVP release [25] indicate that MSG-induced toxi-
129,401, the neurotoxin had no effect on the content of AVP city has differential effects on the varied mediators of AVP
in SON, PVN, DVC, PP, ME or serum. While this conclu- release.
sion is baaed on limited samples in some groups, the present Unlike the lack of effect of MSG on the AVP system,
regional microdissection results are consistent with previous female MSG-treated rats had significantly lower SBP com-
findings obtained from whole hypothalami and whole pitui- pared with the control and NaCI-treated groups. Although
tary homogenates [21]. The serum AVP analysis also is con- there appeared to be a transient reduction in SBP of male
sistent with the results of Knepel et ul. [21], but fails to rats at 9 weeks of age, male SBP was not statisticaHy altered


Group N mosmoVkg Hz0 % Hct

Control Female 4 296.3 c 2.7 41.25 2 1.36

NaCI Female 9 298.2 2 1.8 43.28 r 0.91
MSG Female 8 298.9 2 3.0 42.42 2 0.66
Control Male 5 301.0 + 2.37 48.28 + 0.94
NaCl Male 9 300.5 * 1.31 46.32 + 0.91
MSG Male 7 300.8 2 1.57 47.27 2 0.51

Mean 2 S.E.M.


1 15
FIG. 2. Twenty-four-hour water intake in absolute terms and rela-
tive to body weight in female and male rats. The number of animals
per group is indicated over the co~esponding column. Male MSG-
treated rats consumed less water than NaCl or NaCi-treated rats in C
absolute terms @<O.OS) however when corrected for body weight
there were no significant differences. Mean+S.E.M. Solid column:
Male o- - -a Colltrd
control; striped column: NaCI; dotted column: MSG.
O--Q NaCl

by MSG treatment. These data are in contrast with a previ-

ous report that neonatal MSG treatment lowered SBP in
male WKY and SHR rats (females were not studied) [46]. It 2 15
should be noted, however, that Sprague-Dawley rats differ in
several respects from SHR and WKY rats (e.g., [17]), and B
that there may be strain differences in the sensitivity to
neonatal MSG toxicity.. (Ser notr &deed in prcmf~) Regard- p 10

less, the failure of MSG to consistently reduce SBP in the si

male rats of the present study may reflect a gender-specific i?
difference in sensitivity to the neurotoxic effects of MSG on
x 5
SBP. As mentioned previously, other gender-specific effects
of MSG have been described 14, 5, 14, 291.
Monosodium glutamate-induced hypotension in femaies
may be related to selective damage of one or more CNS 0
area(s) involved in cardiovascular homeostasis. In the hypo- 0 24 48
thalamus, the periventricular tissue anterior to the third ven-
liours of Water Deprivatt
tricle (AV3V) [7] and the paraventricular nuclei are involved
in blood pressure regulation [41]. At least some areas of the FIG. 3. Twenty-four-hour urine output (ml) during 48 hours of acute
AV3V region are susceptible to damage by neonatal MSG water deprivation in female and male rats. The number of rats per
1241and, due to the gender-specific nature of the hypotensive group is the same as the corresponding groups depicted in Fig. 2.
effect in Sprague-Dawley rats, it is of particular interest that Mean?S.E.M.

T i










FIG. 4. AVP content of female ventral hypothalamic-supraoptic nuclei (VH-SON), dorsal hypothalamic-paraventricular
nuclei (DH-PVN), dorsal medulla-dorsal vagal complex (DM-DVC), median eminence (ME), posterior pituitary (PP)
homogenates and serum. The number of animals per group is indicated over the corresponding column. Mean2S.E.M.
Columns same as Fig. 2.


FIG. 5. AVP content of male ventral hypo~~amic-supraoptic nuclei (VH-SON), dorsal hypothalamic-p~ra~ent~cu~ar
nuclei (DH-PVN), dorsal medulla-dorsal vagai complex (DM-DVC), median eminence (ME), posterior pituitary (PP)
homogenates and serum. The numbers of animals per group is indicated over the corresponding column. Mean2S.E.M.
Colunks same as Fig. 2.

the AV3V region exhibits a variety of anatomical and neuro- been implicated in the pathogenesis of some forms of hyper-
chemical sex differences in rats [3,11]. Brainstem structures tension. Supporting this view, gonadectomy can red,uce
represent additional possible loci of the MSG effect on blood blood pressure in male hypertensive rats [lo]. Qespite the
pressure in females. There have been descriptions of MSG- fact that the male MSG-treated rats in the present study were
induced lesions in the DM [24,33], an area known to partici- hypogonadal and presumably had markedly reduced serum
pate in cardiovascular regulation [4If. While lesions of the testosterone concentrations 1301, they were not hy~ot~nsivc
AV3V, hypothalamus and DM may contribute to the ob- relative to controls. Thus, based on the available data, it
served hypotension in MSG-treated females, this effect ap- appears unlikely that the sex difference in MSG-induced
pears to be unrelated to changes in neural AVP. hypotension is a consequence of the effects of MSG on cir-
Circulating sex steroids have also been implicated in the culating gonadal steroids.
control of blood pressure in rats [lo]. However, the sex Finally, an alteration in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
steroids do not seem to have contributed to MSG-induced system (RAAS) also could contribute to the observed
hypotension in the female rats in the present study. While it hypotension in MSG-treated female rats. In the present
is clear that MSC-treated female rats exhibit severe ovarian study, overall adrenal gland weights were reduced reliably in
dysgenesis and maintain a greatly reduced serum estradiol female but not in male rats. Therefore, the RAAS may be
concentration compared to controls {30], gonadectomy in compromised in female rats. However, male adrenal gland
female hypertensive rats increases [I31 or has no effect ilOJ weights are consistently reduced in other MSG studies
on blood pressure. The androgens, on the other hand, have [29,40] and tended to be reduced in the present study. In

addition, blockade of the RAAS in salt-repleted normotensive tain blood pressure at a lower level, and that this resetting of
animals does not, in and of itself, reduce blood pressure 1231. the baroreflex mechanism occurs independent of any central
In summary, the present investigation reveals that the or peripheral vasopressin changes.
AVP content of the posterior pituitary, hypothalamus and
lower brainstem is resistant to the neurotoxic effects of
neonatal MSG in rats, and that MSG has little influence on ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
antidiuresis to chronic dehydration. In contrast, MSG exerts This work was supported by grants ROl-HL-28172 and
a sexually dimorphic hypotensive effect in female ROI-AM-19761 from the United States Public Health Service
Sprague-Dawley rats, which is not associated with a com- (C.D.S.), and by National Research Service Awards 1 F32 MH-
pensatory elevation in heart rate or circulating AVP concen- 09136 (R.W.C.) and 1 F32 MH-08872 (P.F.A.). We are grateful to
tration. These observations suggest that baroreflex mech- Ms. Carol Sterling for her laboratory assistance and to Dr. Michael
anisms have been reset in MSG-treated female rats to main- Mangiapane for his comments on the manuscript.


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Note Added in Proofi Unlike the findings of [46], it has now

been reported that, under basal conditions, neonatal MSG
treatment has no effect on the SBP of male SHR and WKY rats
(Mosqueda-Garcia, R., R. Eskay, N. Zamir, M. Palkovits and
G. Kunos. Opioid-mediated cardiovascular effects of clonidine
in spontaneously hypertensive rats: elimination by neonatal
treatment with monosodium glutamate. ~~d~~e~i~~~~g~ 118:
3814-1822, 1985). Once again, female rats were not examined.

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