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Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542

DOI 10.1007/s00424-010-0809-1


Glutamate receptors, neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration

Anthony Lau & Michael Tymianski

Received: 4 January 2010 / Revised: 16 February 2010 / Accepted: 18 February 2010 / Published online: 14 March 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Glutamate excitotoxicity is a hypothesis that Overview

states excessive glutamate causes neuronal dysfunction
and degeneration. As glutamate is a major excitatory Glutamate excitotoxicity is a hypothesis that states exces-
neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS), the sive glutamate causes neuronal dysfunction and degenera-
implications of glutamate excitotoxicity are many and far- tion. As glutamate is a major excitatory neurotransmitter in
reaching. Acute CNS insults such as ischaemia and the central nervous system (CNS), the implications of
traumatic brain injury have traditionally been the focus of glutamate excitotoxicity are many and far-reaching. Acute
excitotoxicity research. However, glutamate excitotoxicity CNS insults such as ischaemia and traumatic brain injury
has also been linked to chronic neurodegenerative disorders have traditionally been the focus of excitotoxicity research.
such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, However, glutamate excitotoxicity has also been linked to
Parkinsons disease and others. Despite the continued chronic neurodegenerative disorders including amyotrophic
research into the mechanisms of excitotoxicity, there are lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons
currently no pharmacological interventions capable of disease, and others. The focus of this review, however, will
providing significant neuroprotection in the clinical setting be the mechanisms of excitotoxicity, the role of excitotox-
of brain ischaemia or injury. This review addresses the icity in acute CNS insults and developing areas of
current state of excitotoxic research, focusing on the excitotoxic research.
structure and physiology of glutamate receptors; molecular The mechanisms underlying glutamate excitotoxicity are
mechanisms underlying excitotoxic cell death pathways and complex. However, especially in the acute pathologies,
their interactions with each other; the evidence for glutamate excitotoxicity is not thought to be the result of a
glutamate excitotoxicity in acute neurologic diseases; genetic mutation or structural deficit in the channel. Unlike
laboratory and clinical attempts at modulating excitotox- most of the other topics in this chapter, glutamate
icity; and emerging targets for excitotoxicity research. excitotoxicity is not considered a channelopathy. Instead,
glutamate excitotoxicity can be thought of as a normal
Keywords Excitotoxicity . Glutamate . Neuronal cell physiological response to a CNS insult.
death . Calcium . Free radical . Neuroprotective drugs .
NMDA receptor . TRP channel . Gap junction .
Sodiumcalcium exchange Historical context

The toxic effects of glutamate was first observed by Lucas

and Newhouse [123] who described degeneration of the
A. Lau : M. Tymianski (*) inner layers of the retina following subcutaneous injections
Division of Applied and Interventional Research, of glutamate in infant mice. Olney [153] later coined the
Toronto Western Research Institute,
term glutamate excitotoxicity in a landmark paper
399 Bathurst Street,
Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 2S8 describing intracranial brain lesions in response to subcu-
e-mail: [email protected] taneous injections of glutamate in infant and adult mice.
526 Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542

Olney and Sharpe [154] were able to repeat these findings NMDAR-expressing neuron is necessary to electrostatically
in a primate model shortly thereafter, albeit requiring higher remove a magnesium ion normally blocking current entry at
doses of glutamate. In these studies, it was also noted that the level of the ion channel pore. Zinc can alternatively
the hypothalamus and periventricular areas of the brain inhibit the NMDAR-mediated currents elicited by gluta-
were particularly sensitive to systemic glutamate. A similar mate [130]. Physiologically, magnesium is removed by
neuroanatomical pattern of degeneration was observed the activation of other ionotropic glutamate channels
following cerebral anoxia [100], which led some to believe (AMPA and kainate, to be discussed later). Glycine was
that glutamate excitotoxicity may play a role in ischaemic shown by Johnson and Ascher [99] as a mandatory
neuronal death. Supporting evidence was provided by cofactor with glutamate necessary for NMDAR channel
Rothman [172] who demonstrated reduced susceptibility opening. The role of polyamines in NMDAR modulation
to anoxic insult in hippocampal cell cultures using gamma- is less clear and may participate in both cell growth and
D-glutamyglycine, a non-specific postsynaptic excitatory cell death. Spermine, a polyamine, can potentiate
amino acid (EAA) inhibitor. Glutamate excitotoxicity has NMDAR currents at low concentrations, but also reduce
since been inextricably linked to ischaemic CNS injury and currents in a voltage-dependent manner at higher concen-
other CNS pathologies thought to have similar mechanisms, trations [171]. Spermine has also been shown to increase
such as secondary injury following traumatic brain injury. the frequency of channel opening and glycine affinity
Chronic over-excitation of neurons elicited by glutamate is whilst acting as a voltage-gated NMDAR channel blocker
newer concept, but has linked glutamate excitoxicity to when applied extracellularly [15]. To add to the complex-
neurodegenerative processes in ALS, Huntingtons disease, ity of the polyamine/NMDAR interaction, many of these
Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers dementia. Chronic effects are dependent on the subunit constituents of the
excitotoxicity is beyond the scope of this review, which will NMDAR channel [221]. As such, the physiological
focus primarily on the mechanisms underlying acute significance of these interactions is still under investiga-
excitotoxicity. tion. Protons inhibit NMDAR current via a direct
interaction with the NR1 subunit on a single lysine residue
[208] which may be alleviated by spermidine and other
Glutamate receptors polyamines [168]. Physiologically, alterations in pH
common after acute neurological insults (such as stroke
NMDA receptor and traumatic brain injuries) can modulate NMDAR
function, but also other acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs,
Of the glutamate receptor types currently known, none have to be discussed later).
received more attention than the N-methyl-D-aspartate NR2 subunits have more of a regulatory and refining
receptor (NMDAR). Named for its affinity for N-methyl- role in NMDAR function. Currently, four NR2 subtypes
D-aspartate, the NMDAR has been implicated in various exist (NR2AD), with NR2A widely distributed in the
processes across the neurosciences, from learning and brain, NR2B expressed primarily in the forebrain, NR2C
memory to neurodegeneration. The NMDAR channel is found predominantly in the cerebellum and NR2D
made up of a combination of three different subunits, NR1 localised to the thalamus [29]. Within the NMDAR
3. When activated, the NMDAR allows the influx of complex, NR2 subunits modulate the characteristics of
cations, though most notably calcium. Excessive intracel- the NR1 ion channel pore mentioned above, though
lular calcium concentrations cause the activation of intra- recently, NR2 subunits have been ascribed another role in
cellular pathways leading to both physiological (i.e. postsynaptic architecture. Specifically, NR2B subunits
learning and memory) and pathological processes (i.e. have been shown to bind and link postsynaptic proteins,
excitotoxic injury). The NMDAR exhibits a complex gating creating specialised postsynaptic microenvironments
mechanism, requiring not only binding of various ligands [177]. This close association is accomplished by postsyn-
but also cellular depolarisation. aptic densities comprising scaffolding proteins which
The traditional NMDAR is heterotetramer composed of allow the spatial approximation of intracellular enzymes
two NR1 subunits and two NR2 subunits. The NR1 subunit (e.g. neuronal nitric oxide synthase) with ionic second
is made up of 938 amino acids and has eight splice messengers (e.g. Ca2+ influx from NMDARs). The
variants. Together, two NR1 subunits form the ion channel physiological effect of this spatial relation can be dramatic
proper and exhibit all the classical properties attributed to and has been shown in animal studies to reduce histolog-
NMDARs, including glutamate activation, magnesium ical damage as well as neurological dysfunction after
block, zinc inactivation, glycine activation, interactions with stroke [2].
polyamines and pH sensitivity. In addition to glutamate Recent studies have shown a third subunit associated
binding, Mayer et al. [131] showed that depolarisation of the with the NMDA receptor gene family [33]. The NR3
Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542 527

subunit is expressed in two isoforms: NR3A, which is production and subsequent intracellular calcium mobilisa-
expressed throughout the CNS, and NR3B, which is tion [3, 9]. This group of mGluRs also modulates excitatory
expressed primarily in motor neurons. Preliminary evidence postsynaptic potentials at hippocampal synapses via tyro-
suggests that NR1/NR3A and NR1/NR3B complexes are sine kinases in a G-protein-independent fashion [85]. Group
not activated by NMDA or glutamate, but rather elicit an II mGluRs include mGluR2s and mGluR3s. These mGluRs
excitatory Ca2+-impermeant response via glycine. cause a decrease in adenylyl cyclase signalling, resulting in
downstream inhibition of voltage-dependent calcium chan-
AMPA/kainate receptors nels [34, 202]. These receptors are found at both the pre-
synapse and the post-synapse [152]. Since presynaptic
The AMPA and kainate classes of glutamate receptors calcium is integral to neurotransmission, group II mGluRs
belong to the same superfamily as the NMDARs and share modulate neurotransmission via their action on voltage-
approximately 25% homology. AMPA receptors (AMPARs) gated calcium channels. Group III mGluRs include
are made up of a combination of four subunits (GluR14) mGluR4s, mGluR6s, mGluR7s and mGluR8s. These
and require only glutamate application for activation. The mGluRs have similar properties to the group II mGluRs
specificity of cation influx of AMPARs is variable, however, and are also associated with a decrease in adenylyl cyclase
and is governed primarily by subunit composition. GluR1, signalling, resulting in downstream inhibition of voltage-
GluR3 and GluR4 all display strong inwardly rectifying dependent calcium channels [202]. These mGluRs are also
currentvoltage and calcium permeability, whereas the found in both the presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals
GluR2 subunit removes calcium permeability [30, 73, 88]. [22], and similar to group II receptors, these mGluRs
Physiologically, AMPARs are thought to regulate the fast modulate neurotransmission by functioning as autorecep-
excitation required to remove the magnesium block of tors and modulating calcium channel influxes.
nearby NMDARs. With respect to excitotoxicity, the group I family of
Kainate receptors are made up of subunits from GluR5 mGluRs is associated with the post-synapse and appear to
7 (also known as GluK57) and KA12 (also known as potentiate NMDAR-mediated Ca2+ influx [26]. The remain-
GluK12). The properties of kainate channels are similar to ing metabotropic glutamate receptor heterodimers compris-
AMPARs in that they allow ion flux directly following ing mGluR2,3 and mGluR4,6,7,8 subunits are linked to the
glutamate application, though they are mostly impermeant inhibition of cAMP formation. These receptors are primar-
to calcium ions. Although AMPARs are localised mostly in ily found in the pre-synapse and reduce Ca2+ influx via
the postsynaptic membrane, studies have shown that NMDARs [25].
kainate receptors may be localised in both the pre- The above evidence shows that alterations in the amino
synapse [36] and post-synapse [32, 213]. Some studies acid sequences of glutamate receptor subunits could alter
have shown that the application of kainate can stimulate calcium permeability or other properties which could lead
glutamate release [179], whereas others have shown that to worsening excitotoxicity. However, whilst there are
kainate application inhibits presynaptic glutamate release currently no known channelopathies attributable to gluta-
[68]. Postsynaptically, kainate channels serve a similar mate receptor mutations directly, some recent evidence has
purpose as AMPARs in alleviating magnesium block in suggested that mutations in postsynaptic proteins bound to
NMDARs. AMPARs may exert a channelopathy-like effect in epilepsy
[69]. Improved knowledge of the pharmacology and
Metabotropic glutamate receptors distribution of glutamate receptors may also lead to the
development of improved receptor antagonists for the
Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are single- treatment of neurologic disease. Finally, the linkage of
peptide seven-transmembrane spanning proteins linked to ionotropic receptors to intracellular enzymes may provide
intracellular G-proteins. It was originally believed that all alternative targets for pharmacological neuroprotection
metabotropic glutamate receptors used G-proteins as a following excitotoxic insults.
transduction molecule, though recent evidence suggests
that G-protein-independent signalling can occur [85]. Mechanisms of excitotoxicity
Currently, eight different mGluRs (mGluR18) are known
and are classified into three groups (groups I, II and III) Despite intense research into the mechanisms of excitotox-
based on sequence homology and their intracellular effects. icity, the actual intracellular mechanisms responsible for
Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors include neuronal death are still being elucidated. One major
mGluR1s and mGluR5s. Activation of group I mGluRs obstacle is in the heterogeneity of neurodegeneration
are linked via G-proteins to the activation of phospholipase following glutamate application. In neuronal cultures, both
C whose downstream effects include inositol triphosphate apoptosis-like and necrosis-like cell death is seen depend-
528 Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542

ing on the severity of NMDA insult [20]. In vivo, the phase of increased intracellular calcium lasting 510 min, a
morphology of cell death may be dependent on the receptor 2-h latent phase with normal calcium concentrations and
subunit composition of neurons [163]. This heterogenous finally a gradual sustained rise in intracellular calcium
population of cell death is also apparent in whole animal associated with cell death. Taken together, increased
models of stroke [192] and traumatic brain injury [191]. intracellular calcium causing cell death may involve several
At one end of the spectrum, neurons displaying necrotic mechanisms including activation of nitric oxide synthase,
morphology are seen following intense glutamatergic insult calcium-sensitive proteases and mitochondrial damage.
[20]. The mechanisms underlying neuronal necrosis are
similar to those governing other cell types and include Nitric oxide: intricately linked to NMDAR-mediated
loss of cellular homeostasis with acute mitochondrial calcium influx
dysfunction leading to massive energy failure. Milder
glutamatergic insults, however, have been shown to cause One of the hallmarks of excitotoxic neurodegeneration is
cell death ascribed to various cell death pathways. Though the production of nitric oxide. Early work by Dawson et al.
these cell death pathways include a gamut of molecular [48] supported the role of NO in glutamate-mediated
players including cysteine proteases, mitochondrial endo- neurodegeneration by preventing cell death in vitro with
nucleases, peroxynitrite, PARP-1 and GAPDH in excito- nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors. In nNOS knockout
toxic neurodegeneration, no single pathway has emerged mice studies, NMDA-mediated excitotoxicity was marked-
dominant. ly reduced, demonstrating that nNOS is the NOS isoform
primarily responsible for excitotoxic neurodegeneration
Calcium: a key to excitotoxicity [49]. NMDARs and nNOS were eventually connected by
a study by Sattler et al. [177] who determined that the
Calcium influx was shown to be essential to glutamate postsynaptic density protein of 95 kDa (PSD-95) provided
excitotoxicity in a paper by Choi [37]. In this study, a structural link between nNOS and NMDARs. In these
glutamate excitotoxicity in neuronal cultures was potentiat- experiments, it was shown that NMDARs are bound to
ed in a calcium-rich extracellular solution, whereas a nNOS via a postsynaptic density protein of molecular
calcium-free extracellular solution markedly reduced neuro- weight 95 kDa (PSD-95). PSD-95 binds to the C-terminus
degeneration. Subsequent studies by Choi [38] proposed of the NR2B subunit via a PDZ1 domain and the N-
that NMDARs may be primarily responsible for this terminus of nNOS via a PDZ2 domain. In this model, a
calcium entry, but it was Tymianski et al. [210] who microenvironment is formed in the post-synapse whereby
demonstrated that the path of calcium influx, and not the Ca2+ entering the neuron preferentially activates nNOS via
calcium load, was important in the NMDAR-mediated calmodulin.
neurodegenerative process. Sattler et al. [176] later demon- Once formed, NO has a number of intracellular targets
strated higher lethality with lower calcium influxes via [193]. However, nitric oxide can also interact with the free
NMDARs compared to higher calcium influxes via other radical superoxide to form peroxynitrite, a potent oxidant
calcium-permeant channels. Subsequent work by the same that can cause protein nitration, protein oxidation, lipid
group showed that NMDARs are spatially linked to peroxidation and direct DNA damage [164, 165] leading to
neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) which can produce cell death. More recently, NO has been shown to be directly
toxic levels of nitric oxide (NO) [177]. neurotoxic through an interaction with GAPDH [83].
Other lines of evidence suggest that the majority of
intracellular calcium is sequestered into mitochondria in Free radicals: a mitochondrial contribution to excitotoxicity
glutamate excitotoxicity [205, 218]. In these studies, it was
demonstrated that the calcium-buffering capacity of neu- The first indirect evidence for the role of free radicals in
rons was dramatically reduced using a mitochondrial glutamate excitotoxicity was provided by Dykens [56] who
protonophore or removal of sodium from the extracellular showed that cerebellar neurons cultured in mannitol- or
solution. These studies also suggested a low affinity, high superoxide dismutase-rich medium were resistant to
capacity sodium/calcium exchanger buffering calcium into kainate-induced excitotoxicity. Subsequently, cultured cor-
mitochondrial stores. In this scenario, calcium sequestration tical neurons overexpressing superoxide dismutase were
can lead to metabolic acidosis and free radical generation shown to be resistant to glutamate and ischaemia-induced
via mitochondrial toxicity. neurotoxicity [76]. Various groups other have shown
The timing of calcium entry following glutamate neuroprotection against glutamate excitotoxicity in cultures
application was elucidated by Randall and Thayer [167] using various antioxidant compounds including nitrone-based
who showed three phases of intracellular calcium concen- scavengers, free radical spin traps and 21-aminosteroids/
tration changes in cultured hippocampal neurons: an initial lazaroids (to be discussed later).
Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542 529

Direct detection of free radical production following which zinc causes neurodegeneration occurs remains
excitotoxicity was demonstrated in cerebellar granule cells elusive. Direct evidence for zinc neurotoxicity was provid-
[110] and cortical cultures [54, 170]. Using paramagnetic ed by extracellular exposure of cortical cultures to zinc
resonance imaging, Lafon-Cazal et al. [110] demonstrated a which led to concentration- and time-dependent modes of
dose-dependent increase in superoxide production following apoptotic or necrotic neuronal death [39, 228]. Based on the
increasing concentration of NMDA application. Reynolds histological changes observed in vivo, it was initially
and Hastings [170] further provided cell culture evidence thought that the majority of the postsynaptic neurotoxic
that free radicals were generated in mitochondria by zinc was derived from the presynaptic terminals [107].
attenuating free radical production with mitochondrial However, later studies demonstrated zinc accumulation in
uncouplers. the postsynaptic soma following insults even without
The mechanism of free radical production was linked to presynaptic zinc stores [118]. Currently, the evidence
calcium in by Dykens [55], demonstrating that isolated supports multiple mechanisms of postsynaptic zinc
mitochondria exposed to increasing calcium and sodium accumulation including presynaptic zinc translocation, extra-
concentrations result in a feed-forward system of increasing cellular zinc influx, mobilisation of zinc from the protein-
free radical production. In cortical cultures, Dugan et al. bound pool (especially from metallothioneins) via oxidative
[54] showed that the removal of extracellular calcium mechanisms [4] and release from mitochondrial pools [186].
attenuated free radical production following NMDA appli- Zinc entry into neurons has been linked to voltage-gated
cation, but was unaffected by nitric oxide synthase calcium channels, sodium exchangers, NMDARs and
inhibitors. Reynolds and Hastings [170] demonstrated a AMPA/kainate receptors [185], but most recently, TRMP7
similar reliance on calcium entry. channels have been implicated as a novel route of zinc entry
Taken together, the evidence supports free radical [95].
generation in mitochondria secondary to calcium influx Increasing intracellular zinc levels have been associated
via NMDARs. Cytoplasmic free radicals, especially super- with a number of deleterious effects. Firstly, direct
oxide, can interact with other radicals, such as nitric oxide, glycolytic dysfunction as a result GAPDH inhibition has
to form powerful oxidants [90]. been described, resulting in energy failure in mouse cortical
neurons [189]. Within mitochondria, zinc has long been
Zinc: another divalent ion in glutamate excitotoxicity known to interfere with the electron transport chain in
isolated mitochondria [146] and more recently has been
Within neurons, Frederickson [66] proposed dividing zinc shown to directly inhibit the citric acid cycle [24].
into three distinct pools: protein-associated zinc, vesicle- Increasing levels of reactive oxygen species are also a
associated zinc and free intracellular zinc. Normally, the result of increasing zinc levels which can occur through
majority (80%) of zinc is protein-bound, with very low mitochondrial dysfunction directly [187] or overactivation
levels of free intracellular zinc [155]. Vesicle-associated of superoxide-generating enzymes such as NADPH oxidase
zinc is largely associated with glutamatergic neurons [148] or LOX-12 [235]. Increasing levels of zinc also cause
[128], which can contain up to 300 M concentrations signalling changes intracellularly, including p38 phosphor-
of zinc [228]. ylation or ERK 1/2 activation. p38 MAPK phosphorylation
Initial in vivo evidence for zinc involvement in CNS leads to increased potassium influx and caspase-mediated
neurodegeneration was demonstrated in kainate-treated cell death [134], whereas ERK 1/2-mediated cell death is
rodents [67] where depletion of zinc at presynaptic caspase-independent [52].
terminals with simultaneous zinc accumulation at cell soma The relationship of zinc to the NMDA/nitric oxide
of degenerating neurons was observed. Following cerebral excitotoxic cascade was demonstrated by Bossy-Wetzel et
ischaemia in rats, Tonder et al. [207] reported dentate hilar al. [21] who showed zinc accumulation downstream of NO
degeneration in the hippocampus with a similar depletion of or NMDA application, requiring reactive nitrogen species
presynaptic terminal zinc in mossy fibres coupled with the such as peroxynitrite to release intracellular zinc stores.
accumulation in postsynaptic neurons. In addition, zinc Under physiological conditions, zinc inhibits neuronal
accumulation in degenerating neuronal soma was noted in a nitric oxide synthase [159], but can increase nNOS activity
forebrain ischaemia rodent model where neuroprotection under pathological conditions [104], possibly potentiating
was observed with zinc chelators [107]. Similar histological neuronal damage. More recent studies have shown that zinc
evidence was provided in rodent models of traumatic brain accumulation following glutamate application is almost
injury, which also demonstrated neuroprotection with pre- completely dependent on calcium entry and subsequent
injury zinc chelation [196]. ROS generation [51].
Although the evidence for zinc involvement in acute Taken together, the evidence strongly supports the role
excitotoxic pathologies is strong, the exact mechanism by of zinc in excitotoxic injury in animal and cell culture
530 Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542

models. However, the significance of modulating zinc complex I and complex II [166]. Moreover, peroxynitrite
pathways to human diseases remains to be seen. can inhibit the normal function of cytochrome c in the
electron transport chain [145] as well as manganese and
iron superoxide dismutase in scavenging superoxide [96]
Caspases: a classical cell apoptotic pathway
via protein nitration [227]. This interaction can potentiate
caspase-mediated cell death and an eventual apoptotic cell
Caspases, a set of cysteine proteases implicated in classical
death. Peroxynitrite-mediated DNA damage can cause
apoptotic death, were initially shown to play a role in
overactivation of poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase (PARP-1),
delayed excitotoxic injury in cerebrocortical [203] and
a nuclear repairing enzyme requiring NAD [237], leading to
cerebellar cultures [53]. In these studies, the pre-application
energy failure and necrotic cell death. Peroxynitrite can also
of various caspase inhibitors provided neuroprotection from
interact with proteases in other cell death pathways [115, 137]
NMDA-mediated neurodegeneration. These studies also
(to be discussed later).
suggested that caspase activation occurs downstream of
Similar to NMDA application, the intensity of perox-
calcium influx and mitochondrial dysfunction as caspase
ynitrite insult dictates the observed neurodegenerative
inhibitors did not affect these events. Subsequent studies by
morphology [20]. Thus, peroxynitrite is an intriguing
Tenneti and Lipton [204] further elucidated on the down-
candidate to simply and eloquently explain the heterogene-
stream effects of caspases by demonstrating cytosolic
ity of neurodegeneration observed in excitotoxicity.
activation of caspases at 20 min post-NMDA application
with caspase activity in the nucleus at 1824 h post-insult.
Nuclear caspase activity is indicative of cleaved ICAD, a
Calpains/PARP-1/AIF: still under investigation
protein inhibiting the activity of caspase-3-activated DNase
(CAD) and results in DNA fragmentation and cell death [57].
As described above, evidence suggests that calcium is
sequestered relatively quickly following glutamate applica-
Peroxynitrite: simple, but powerful tion. However, transient increases in cytoplasmic calcium
do occur, and as such, calpains, cytoplasmic calcium-
Nitric oxide can interact with a huge number of proteins sensitive cysteine proteases have been implicated in the
[194], but is also capable of forming highly oxidative pathogenesis of excitotoxicity. Brorson et al. [23] demon-
molecules when combined with superoxide. Superoxide, an strated modest neuroprotection in hippocampal cell cultures
oxygen molecule with a free electron, is produced physi- from NMDA insults with calpain inhibitors even when
ologically during normal cellular respiration, which is then treated as late as 1 h post-insult. However, unlike the
catalysed by superoxide dismutase into oxygen and caspase family of proteases, the role of calpains remains
hydrogen peroxide. In glutamate excitotoxicity, this buffer- less clear and may actually play a reparative role in axons
ing system is overwhelmed (see above), and superoxide with low, sublethal doses of NMDA [60].
spills into the cytoplasm possibly via a number of anion Recently, mu-calpain proteolytic activity has been shown
channels including the voltage-dependent anion channel in to be necessary in the cleavage and release of apoptosis-
the mitochondria [81]. The reaction between NO and inducing factor (AIF) from mitochondria in a cell-free
superoxide is essentially diffusion-limited [90] and, like system [162]. Further support for the calpain/AIF pathway
nitric oxide, can cause protein nitrosylation via direct [211] in excitotoxicity comes from studies in neuronal cultures
and indirect [180] mechanisms. However, peroxynitrite is subjected to oxygenglucose deprivation which showed
also a powerful oxidative molecule additionally capable of that calpain inhibition prevented AIF translocation and
causing lipid peroxidation, direct DNA damage and protein subsequent neuronal death [31]. AIF release from the
dysfunction. Specific interactions of peroxynitrite with mitochondria and translocation into the nucleus causes
proteins include protein oxidation [164] and protein chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation and cell death
nitration of tyrosine residues [14, 96], though protein [199]. An alternative excitotoxic mechanism proposes that
oxidation occurs at higher rates than nitrosylation [8]. the activation of PARP-1, a nuclear DNA repair enzyme,
Peroxynitrite has also been demonstrated to directly oxidise causes the release of AIF in excitotoxicity. In these studies,
and damage genetic material in plasmids [175] and in cells cortical cultures derived from PARP-1 knockout mice
[174], leading to either to modified bases or DNA strand demonstrated markedly reduced AIF translocation and
cleavage. Finally, peroxynitrite can induce lipid peroxida- neurodegeneration after NMDA treatment [230]. Moreover,
tion [165], directly damaging the plasma membrane or the PAR polymer generated by overactivation of PARP-1 is
causing the production of damaging aldehydes. required to release AIF [229]. PARP-1 itself appears to
Physiologically, peroxynitrite has been reported to require NO formation to become overactivated [233],
inhibit the mitochondrial electron transport chain at perhaps through an intermediate like peroxynitrite. Recent-
Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542 531

ly, a potential link between the calpain/AIF and PARP-1/ Excitotoxicity in neurologic disease
AIF pathways has been proposed. In these studies, it was
shown that PARP-1 activation is essential for calpain Various lines of evidence have supported the role of
activation in cells treated with a DNA alkylating agent NMDARs and excitotoxicity in ischaemia Initial evidence
[141], but the mechanism by which calpains are activated supporting the role of excitotoxicity in ischaemia comes
remains unclear. However, more recent studies have from Jorgensen and Diemer [100] who recognised a similar
suggested that calpains cause the release of an inactive pattern of neuroanatomical degeneration compared to rats
form of AIF and may not be required at all PAR-mediated treated systemically with monosodium glutamate [153].
cell death [219]. These studies showed that the inhibition of Subsequent studies demonstrated increased extracellular
calpains does not prevent AIF translocation following glutamate concentrations in response to ischaemia as
NMDA application. measured by microdialysis [74], whereas still other studies
Taken together, these studies suggest a model in which demonstrated an association in regional sensitivity to
glutamate excitotoxicity causes calcium-mediated NO ischaemic damage with NMDAR distribution in developing
production and mitochondrial failure. The superoxide rats [91]. The increase in glutamate concentrations were
produced by mitochondrial dysfunction interacts with NO observed in the striatum, hippocampus, cortex and thala-
to produce peroxynitrite, a highly oxidant molecule capable mus, though interestingly, only the hippocampus was
of directly damaging DNA. DNA damage causes the significantly damaged by the 10-min global ischaemia
overactivation of PARP-1 which releases PAR polymers [75]. Focal ischaemic models demonstrated similar patterns
into the cytoplasm. The PAR polymers activate calpains by of elevated extracellular glutamate [87].
some unclear mechanism, leading to AIF release from Perhaps the most clinically significant evidence comes
mitochondria and subsequent cell death. Although the from studies showing neuroprotection from ischaemic
PARP-1/AIF/calpain is a tantalising model, more research injury by antagonising glutamate receptors. Both compet-
is needed to clarify the role of calpains in AIF-mediated cell itive and non-competitive NMDA antagonists are effective
death. in focal models of ischaemia, but show little effect in
global models of ischaemia where non-NMDA antago-
GAPDH/Siah1 pathway: a novel apoptotic pathway nists appear more effective. Metabotropic glutamate
receptors have also been implicated in the pathogenesis
The GAPDH/Siah1 pathway is a novel pathway linking of global ischaemia; group I antagonists and group II
nitric oxide to a form of apoptotic-like death [83]. GAPDH agonists have been shown to be neuroprotective in
is a ubiquitous housekeeping enzyme that, under normal gerbils subjected to transient global ischaemia [105]. A
conditions, participates in glycolysis. However, with in- different line of evidence was provided by Aarts et al. [2]
creasing intracellular concentrations, NO can nitrosylate who showed direct evidence of excitotoxic involvement in
GAPDH and bind Siah1, an ubiquitin ligase. The newly ischaemic injury with disruption of the NMDAR-PSD-95-
formed heterodimer translocates to the nucleus by virtue of nNOS complex. Rats subjected ischaemic stroke were
the Siah1 nuclear translocation domain and enhances p300/ treated with a polypeptide designed to disrupt the
CBP-associated acetylation of nuclear proteins within NMDAR-nNOS interaction, and marked neuroprotection
[184]. The downstream activation of nuclear proteins such was observed. Other indirect evidence comes from the
as p53 leads to pyknotic nuclei and morphological neuroprotection observed using various effectors of gluta-
characteristics indicative of apoptosis. To complicate mate excitotoxicity in ischaemia, including caspase inhibi-
matters, a novel cytosolic protein named GOSPEL has tion [58], calpain inhibition [89], free radical scavengers
recently been shown to provide neuroprotection by com- and others.
peting with Siah1 binding to GAPDH. However, the The role of excitotoxicity in traumatic brain injuries has
GAPDH-GOSPEL binding is also mediated by NO [183]. also received considerable experimental support. Concus-
Currently, it is unclear whether NO is capable of (and how sive brain injury results in marked increases in extracellular
if it is) selectively targeting GAPDH or GOSPEL. glutamate concentrations in animals [61, 147] and in
Finally, it is interesting to note that the interaction of humans [11, 108], directly demonstrating excessive gluta-
GAPDH with nitric oxide also causes a functional loss mate levels in vivo. Glutamate receptor inhibition studies
[212]. As GAPDH is an active participant in glycolysis, it is have also demonstrated neuroprotection from traumatic
possible that this same mechanism can result in necrotic injuries, further supporting the role of excitotoxicity in
morphology via energy failure. Like peroxynitrite, the traumatic brain injuries. MK-801, a NMDAR channel
GAPDH-Siah1 cascade remains an interesting candidate to blocker, reduced edema following fluid percussion brain
explain some degree of the heterogeneity observed in injury in rats [133], whereas Riluzole, a sodium channel
glutamate excitotoxicity. blocker and glutamate release inhibitor, also provided
532 Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542

histological benefits [232]. Treatments aimed at down- eventually resulted in the discontinuation of clinical
stream mechanisms of excitotoxicity were also shown to be development. Similarly, an initial small trial using dextro-
beneficial in animals. Kynurenate and indole-2-carboxylic rphan demonstrated a variety of symptoms in patients
acid reduce cerebral edema and improve cognitive and including nystagmus, nausea, vomiting, somnolence, hallu-
motor dysfunction induced by trauma whilst protecting cinations and agitation. High rates of infusion loading in the
against hippocampal cell loss induced by fluid percussion 200-mg/h range resulted in severe hypotension, and high
injury [86]. Other indirect lines of evidence include the rates of maintenance infusion caused apnea and stupor in 3
detection of caspases and their characteristic proteolytic of 22 subjects [5]. The clinical development of dextrorphan
fragments [82, 225], calpain activation and their fragments has since been abandoned. More recently, the efficacy of
[101], AIF translocation into the nucleus [31, 234], protein Cerestat (CNS 1102) was tested in a multicentre trial
nitration [78] and other effectors implicated in excitotox- involving 628 patients with low-dose, high-dose, and
icity. These studies demonstrating the neuroprotective placebo treatments. No neurological benefits were observed
efficacy of glutamate receptor antagonists directly, and at 90 days post-treatment, but was stopped because of a
effector inhibition indirectly, support the role of excitotox- lack of effect as well as a potential imbalance in mortality
icity in traumatic brain injury. with high-dose Cerestat compared to placebo [7]. Mem-
antine, a low-affinity drug, has shown a much better side
effect profile in humans [10], but has yet to be clinically
Modulating excitotoxicity developed for stroke and is currently approved for use only
in moderate to severe Alzheimers disease [169].
NMDAR antagonists Competitive NMDA antagonists include Selfotel (CGS
19755) and D-CPP-ene. Both compounds have been shown
Since the association of glutamate excitotoxicity with to reduce hippocampal damage in gerbil models of
stroke and trauma, various attempts have been made to ischaemia, though CGS 19755 exhibited more neuropro-
attenuate neuronal damage by glutamate receptor function. tection even with longer delays in administration [19].
The NMDAR in particular has a number of sites to exploit Although promising at first, two phase III trials were
pharmacologically, including the ion channel pore, the abandoned after showing increased rates of mortality in
glutamate-binding site, the glycine-binding site and the patients with severe stroke [44]. Clinical trials in severe
polyamine interaction site as described above. head injury were similarly abandoned when no difference
MK-801 (dizolcipine), Memantine, Cerestat, dextrome- in mortality between treatment arms was observed [140].
thorphan and its metabolite dextrorphan are all drugs that Other non-competitive NMDAR blockers fared no
block the NMDAR at the level of the channel pore, thereby better. Clinical development on ACEA 1021, a compound
reducing calcium entry. Each of these drugs has been aimed at inhibiting glycine binding to the NMDAR, was
shown in animal models to provide histological and halted on phase I in 1997, citing crystals of ACEA 1021 in
behavioural neuroprotection following focal ischaemia the urine of some subjects despite an otherwise well-
[18, 156, 182, 195]. Many other studies exist expounding tolerated drug [6]. Another glycine antagonist, Gavestinel,
upon the effect of these drugs on cell death pathways in followed through to phase III clinical trials, only to
various animal models, but it would be cumbersome to demonstrate no difference in morbidity or mortality rates
outline all the evidence to supporting their use in stroke. In following treatment [119]. Ifenprodil and eliprodel, drugs
the end, most of the clinical development was abandoned aimed at the NMDAR polyamine site, were abandoned
for safety concerns, except Memantine. Dizocilpine pro- after phase III clinical trials in 1997 for similar reasons
vided marked reductions in infarct volumes in cat models of [92].
ischaemia [156], but subsequent work in rats showed that Taken together, the clinical experience with glutamate
subcutaneous injections of >5 mg/kg showed retrosplenial receptor manipulation has been poor. Toxicity remains a
cortical vacuolisation and necrosis [64]. Koek et al. [106] large obstacle with the ion channel and competitive
showed in three different animal species (pigeons, rats and antagonists, though low-affinity ion channel blockers (i.e.
rhesus monkeys) that MK-801 induced PCP-like effects, Memantine) appear more tolerable. The same applies to the
including cataplexy, locomotor disturbances and reduced non-competitive inhibitors as they are generally tolerated
spatial learning. Moreover, they estimated the potency of well. Unfortunately, even though animal models demon-
MK-801 at about two to ten times stronger than PCP. strate dramatic histological and behavioural neuroprotec-
Transient hypotension [157] and decreased level of con- tion, no pharmacological intervention has yet been shown
sciousness [27] were also concerns with Dizocilpine, which to provide benefit in humans [142].
Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542 533

AMPAR and kainate receptor antagonists (also known of lazaroids) and glutathione peroxidase
mimics. Unfortunately, like the compounds described
Other research has focused on the non-NMDA glutamate above, despite promising animal studies, these drugs have
receptors. In contrast to NMDAR antagonists, AMPA recep- not yet been proven efficacious in humans.
tor antagonists, such as NBQX, initially appeared more Alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl-nitrone (PBN) and N-tert-bu-
effective in preventing neuronal loss in animal models of tyl-alpha-(2-sulfophenyl)-nitrone) (S-PBN) are related spin
global ischaemia [188]. Specific for AMPARs, NBQX was trap scavengers, with S-PBN being less permeable through
later to shown to be effective in reducing histological dam- the bloodbrain barrier. PBN was shown early on to be
age in focal ischaemia models as well by approximately effective in preventing hippocampal damage following
30% [28]. YM872, another AMPAR antagonist, demon- global ischaemia [41, 231]. Moreover, studies in traumatic
strated similar neuroprotective effects in animal models of brain injury demonstrated histological and behavioural
focal ischaemia [200] and traumatic brain injury models neuroprotection with the cortical contusion model, though
[70]. However, tolerability trials in humans showed interestingly, no difference in effect was seen between S-
sedation and euphoria in the elderly, with phase III trials PBN and PBN, suggesting that its effect may be extracere-
in ischaemic stroke abandoned due to a lack of efficacy in bral [126]. Subsequent studies in the weight-drop model
2006. [71] and fluid percussion injury models [125] demonstrated
similar neuroprotective effects. PBN treatment also appears
Glutamate release blockers to have a wider therapeutic window than glutamate
antagonists, with efficacy in cell cultures even 6 h post-
After the failure of several NMDAR antagonists, com- insult [181]. Of the nitrone-based antioxidants, none of the
pounds aimed at inhibiting presynaptic release of glutamate bloodbrain barrier-permeant scavengers were tested in
were developed. Lamotrigine is a sodium channel blocker stroke. However, there has been considerable research
currently approved for use in bipolar disorder and epilepsy. around NXY-059 (also known as Cerovive), a nitrone-
Its proposed mechanism of action suggests inhibiting based antioxidant that does not permeate the bloodbrain
presynaptic voltage-dependent sodium channels, reducing barrier. Although this property suggests that NXY-059 does
overall excitability and neurotransmitter release [117]. This not act directly on intracellular neuronal oxidants, animal
study also demonstrated reduced glutamate, GABA, and studies have shown neuroprotective efficacy in trauma [40]
acetylcholine release in cortical slices with lamotrigine, and stroke [109]. In clinical trials, the SAINT1 trial
though glutamate release inhibition was two and five times examining the efficacy of NXY-059 in clinical stroke was
more potent, respectively. In animal models, lamotrigine promising [120], but a subsequent SAINT2 trial showed no
failed to provide neuroprotection in focal ischaemia [209], clinical benefit with treatment [190].
but showed a reduction of CA1 hippocampal loss of 50% Another group of compounds which held promise as a
following global ischaemia [42]. BW619C89, a derivative free radical scavenger are the 21-aminosteroids or lazaroids.
of lamotrigine, underwent phase II trials that showed Although these compounds demonstrated cell culture [63]
various neuropsychiatric effects (reduced consciousness, and animal [80, 132] neuroprotection in traumatic brain
agitation, confusion, visual perceptual disturbance or frank injury models, human clinical trials with Tirilazad in head
hallucinations) in 16 of 21 stroke patients [143]. Clinical injury resulted in decreased mortality only in males with
development was halted in 2001. Riluzole is another drug severe head injury patients and subarachnoid haemorrhages
in the same class that has been shown to reduce infarct [127]. Subsequent trials with Tirilazad in the treatment of
volumes and improve behavioural outcomes in ischaemic subarachnoid haemorrhages [113, 114] showed a reduction
injury [124, 216] and traumatic brain injury [217, 232]. in mortality only with the highest grades on arrival. Recent
Riluzole is currently indicated for use in ALS [136], but no meta-analysis of Tirilazad in the treatment of subarachnoid
clinical trials for stroke or traumatic brain injury are aneurysmal haemorrhage demonstrated no clinical outcome
currently underway. differences, but reduced symptomatic vasospasm [97]. A
similar story exists with ischaemic strokes and Tirilazad.
Free radical scavengers and antioxidants Despite efficacy in many animal models [79, 224], a
Cochrane Review demonstrated increased death or disability
Other approaches to neuroprotection moved intracellularly in stroke victims treated with Tirilazad compared to placebo
to the generation of free radicals. There are three major in a review of six clinical trials without any statistically
classes of free radical scavengers under development: free significant difference in overall mortality [13]. Studies in
radical spin traps (nitrone-based), the 21-aminosteroids ischaemic stroke using Tirilazad have since been abandoned.
534 Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542

A final class of antioxidants is derived from a family of successful in related disorders. This failure has been
enzymes called glutathione peroxidase which rely on a recently suggested to be a result of an overly simplistic
selenocysteine moiety to reduce hydrogen peroxide into NMDA-AMPA model of excitotoxicity [16]. As such,
water. Ebselen is a glutathione peroxidase mimic also capable alternative targets for attenuating excitotoxic injury have
of interacting with peroxynitrite and inhibiting enzymes recently been the focus of considerable attention.
involved in inflammation [178]. In animal studies, Ebselen
has been shown to reduce cortical infarct size in a number of Sodiumcalcium exchangers
rodent models of focal ischaemia [47, 93, 201]. However,
clinical trials in Japan demonstrated no significant differ- The sodiumcalcium exchanger (NCX) is a transmembrane
ences in 3-month clinical outcome in patients with complete protein that exchanges one calcium ion per three sodium ions.
middle cerebral artery occlusion [226] and no significant The direction of ion flux is dependent on a number of factors
improvement in clinical outcome despite a reduction in including pH, sodium concentrations, Ca2+ concentrations
infarct size [150]. Phase III clinical trials in Japan focused on and ATP levels. Under physiological conditions, the major
patients with cortical infarctions are currently underway. driving force of these exchangers is the Na+ gradient created
by the Na+/K+ ATPase. However, the direction of ion flux is
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors reversible, and high intracellular Na+ levels can cause Ca2+
influx with Na+ extrusion. Increasing intracellular Ca2+ can
Initial studies examining general NOS inhibitors in animal lead to cell death through mechanisms described above. In
models were complicated by the opposing effects of the cells, the NCX is found in the plasma membrane, mitochon-
different isoforms of NOS. These studies showed that dria and the endoplasmic reticulum. Various isoforms of
general NOS inhibition using L-NAME at high doses of NCX exist, including NCX1, NCX2, NCX3 and NCX4.
30 mg/kg resulted in no reduction in cortical infarcts These isoforms present with different expression profiles in
following focal ischaemia [46], but later reported histolog- neurons, with forebrain neurons expressing NCX1 and
ical neuroprotection with 3 mg/kg L-NAME [45]. Other cerebellar neurons expressing NCX3 [103].
groups showed that the intravenous application of L- In excitotoxic insults, NMDAR-mediated Na+ influx
arginine, a nitric oxide precursor, was neuroprotective may be sufficient to reverse NCX function, causing calcium
following focal ischaemia [138], which was later explained accumulation in neurons. However, this phenomenon
by its effect on the eNOS isoform [139]. Attempts to occurs only in the presence of Na+/K+ ATPase dysfunction
localise NOS inhibition led to the development of nNOS- [43]. These results suggest that the NCX plays a dual role
specific inhibitors such as 7-nitroindazole (7-NI). Animal in ischaemia. In severe insults, where the Na+/K+ ATPase is
studies with 7-NI has shown neuroprotection in global dysfunctional, inhibition of the NCX may prevent Ca2+
[149] and focal ischaemia [59]. 7-NI has also been shown entry into the cell as a result of excessive depolarisation.
to reduce neurological deficits in animals following However, in milder insults, the NCX may be necessary to
traumatic brain injuries [215], though currently, there are maintain calcium homeostasis so long as the Na+/K+
no attempts at clinical development. ATPase continues to maintain the Na+ gradient. Accord-
A novel class of drugs named membrane-associated ingly, animal studies employing NCX inhibitors have
guanylate kinase (MAGUK) inhibitors has recently been shown both neuroprotection [129] and worsening of the
proposed in the treatment of excitotoxicity. These peptides infarct area after stroke [161]. Whether dissociating the
are competitive antagonists designed to bind postsynaptic neuroprotective and neurodegenerative effects of NCX are
scaffolding proteins. Specifically, the MAGUK inhibitor possible remains to be determined.
NA1, aimed at dissociating the spatial relationship between
nNOS and NMDARs, has demonstrated neuroprotection in Hemichannels and gap junctions
various animal models of stroke [2, 197]. In theory, NA-1
can reduce NO production from nNOS specifically without Gap junctions are ubiquitously expressed in neurons and
otherwise affecting NMDAR or nNOS function which may glia and are formed by the binding of hemichannels to one
avoid much of the toxicity observed previously. NA1 is another. Hemichannels themselves are made up of connex-
currently undergoing phase II clinical trials. ins. Gap junctions also appear to have a dual role in both
neuroprotection and neurodegeneration following excito-
toxic insults [62]. In the neuroprotective model (or the
Future directions of excitotoxicity Good Samaritan effect), opening of gap junctions allows
astrocytes to remove toxic extracellular substances. In the
Despite the intensive research into excitotoxic mechanisms, neurodegenerative model (or the bystander effect), opening
very few pharmacologic treatments have been shown to be of gap junctions causes the dissipation of ionic accumula-
Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542 535

tion and/or cytotoxic substances from compromised cells Both TRPM7 and TRPM2 knockdown have been shown
into otherwise unaffected cells, leading to neurodegenera- to be neuroprotective in cell cultures. TRPM7 knockdown
tive spreading [122]. using siRNAs in cortical cultures provides neuroprotection
Although gap junctions have been shown to open in following oxygenglucose deprivation [1], whereas
response to ischaemia [206], their overall role in excitotoxic TRPM2 siRNA knockdown demonstrated neuroprotection
injury remains controversial. Animal models of focal and in cortical cell cultures treated with hydrogen peroxide
global ischaemia have shown neuroprotection with con- [102]. Conversely, TRPC channels have been shown to be
nexin knockdown animals [65] and gap junction inhibitors neuroprotective in cerebellar granule cell cultures possibly
[50]. However, consistent with its proposed dual role, via BDNF and CREB [98]. Most recently, virally mediated
connexin 43 knockout mice demonstrated increased focal TRPM7 knockdown in adult animals subjected to global
and global ischaemia damage [151]. Similar to the NCX, ischaemia was shown to provide both hippocampal and
the net effect of gap junction inhibition is still unclear and behavioural neuroprotection [198]. However, the role of
requires further investigation. TRP channels in clinical stroke remains to be determined.

Cross talk cell death mechanisms

Acid-sensing ion channels
Certain groups have demonstrated conflicting data with
ASICs are found in the plasma membrane of neurons and
respect to which cell death pathway takes precedence in cell
open in response to low pH, mechanical stretch, lactate,
cultures and in vivo. Despite the readily available evidence
arachidonic acid and decreased extracellular calcium [16].
for the importance of various effectors in excitotoxicity, it is
ASIC3, a calcium-impermeant isoform, binds Ca2+ at an
becoming increasingly evident that cell death pathways do
extracellular site which can be removed by H+ binding or
not exist independently of each other. Cell death pathway
lactate-induced decreases in extracellular calcium [94].
interactions may be either synergistic or competitive, and
Although most isoforms are sodium channels, some iso-
these interactions may play a large role not only in
forms (i.e. ASIC1a) are also Ca2+-permeant [223].
determining the efficacy of neuroprotective drugs but also
NMDAR activation has been shown to increase Ca2+
in the development of successful drug therapeutics to
influx via ASIC1a channels [72]. This Ca2+ influx and
attenuate damage mediated by excitotoxins.
subsequent cell death in hippocampal cultures was pre-
Calpains cause an inhibition of caspase-3 activation via
vented with NMDAR antagonists and CaMKII inhibitors.
the proteolytic cleavage of procaspase-9, rendering it
Animal models of stroke have shown that inhibiting ASICs
inactive [214]. Similar evidence exists using a Huntingtons
can provide significant neuroprotection for up to 7 days
disease model of neurodegeneration in rats [17]. In this
post-middle cerebral artery occlusion [160]. Inhibition of
model using 3-nitroproprionic acid, it was determined that
ASICs also increased the therapeutic window for NMDA
mu-calpains could proteolytically cleave and inactivate
inhibition in rodent models of stroke. These results suggest
caspase-9 and caspase-3. Calpains can also convert cells
that ASIC inhibition may be beneficial in neuroprotection
otherwise committed to classical apoptosis to a caspase-
following stroke or as an adjunct to other pharmacological
independent form of cell death [112]. NO-mediated nitro-
sylation of caspases [137] and calpains [135] cause their
inhibition, though peroxynitrite appears to be a more potent
Transient receptor potential channels inhibitor. Li et al. [121] expanded these initial findings into
six other members of the caspase family. However, the
Transient receptor potential (TRP) family of channels is overall effect of oxidative inhibition of caspases in neurons
ubiquitously expressed in a variety of tissues. TRP channels still results in neuronal death [236]. Caspases can inhibit
are generally permeant to sodium, calcium and magnesium. PARP-1 [116] and inactivate its DNA repairing ability and
Of particular importance in excitotoxicity are the TRPM thus its role in PARP-1/AIF-mediated cell death. Calpain-
(melastatin) and TRPC (canonical) subfamilies. TRPM7 [1] mediated cleavage and inactivation of nNOS [111] and
and TRPM2 [35] have both been implicated in the third NMDARs [77] can also occur. Cleavage of NMDARs by
phase of excitotoxic calcium influx observed by Randall calpains causes reduced NMDAR-mediated currents [222].
and Thayer [167]. TRPM7 currents are increased by free Calpain activation may thus reduce NO and peroxynitrite
radicals, PIP2 hydrolysis [173] and MgATP levels [144] levels. Some of the novel targets of neuroprotection have
intracellularly, whereas TRPM2 currents are enhanced by also been shown to interact with the effectors of excitotox-
reactive oxygen [220] and nitrogen species [84]. Recently, icity outlined above. TRPM channels have been shown to be
TRPM7 has also been implicated in zinc-mediated neuro- sensitive to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, and
toxicity [95]. TRPM2 can be activated by ADP-ribose, a substrate of
536 Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2010) 460:525542

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