5 Thgradeela

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About Our Cobb County

Reading School District

Teachers model and teach

narrative, informational, Speaking and Listening
and opinion writing to Students at this level should
students and confer with engage in collaborative conver-
them to improve on their
pieces as they progress sations (such as book groups,
through the literature circles, buddy reading),
writing process. and develop skills in listening
Writing Process Stages closely and group discussion. Parent Roadmap
They share the roles of partici-
Prewriting: Time to think
pant, leader, and observer. Stu-
To Literacy
Drafting : Time to write it dents also summarize text.
down Grade 5
Revising: Time to improve
my writing
Editing: Time to make
things correct
Publishing: Time to share
my writing
Discussion Guide:
Look at the speaker. Strategies for
Take turns. Reading, Writing,
Link ideas to the speakers Speaking and
idea. Listening
Share the floor.
Reading In Grade 5
Close Reading Text Complexity Reading, Writing, and
Students at this level should be
Speaking are grounded in
able to quote correctly from the
text to explain what the text is
Students read and comprehend evidence from the text.
about and when drawing conclu-
sions. Students must identify complex literary and
two or more main ideas and find
the most important details that
strengthen these main ideas. texts independently and
Reading Foundational
They should also be able to proficiently.
summarize the text in their own Students continue learning spe-
words. cific strategies for decoding
words in texts. They are required
to apply the specific strategies
for reading and spelling multi-
syllabic words.
Use combined knowledge of all
letter-sound correspondences,
Use questions/prompts such as: syllabication patterns, and mor-
Can you tell me the reasons why phology (e.g., roots and affixes)
you think? Show where you to read accurately unfamiliar
linked your thinking to the text. Then Now
multisyllabic words in context
Can you find at least two of the and out of context.
main ideas of this text and key Teachers read Teachers support
details that support them? books to students students own Use prompts such as:
Summarize the main points of
or tell them what attempts to read Does that sound right? Does that
the text. Can you tell me how
these ideas, people, and events look right? Does that make sense?
the books say challenging texts,
are the same? Can you tell me
when the books are and without telling
how they are different? Show me
in the text. Think about these challenging. them what the
historical events. How they are books say.

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