Civil War Research Project - 4th Grade Project

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You will have 3 weeks to complete your project. It is due by May 8th.

Civil War Research Projects

There were many significant people and topics involved in the Civil War. You will
become an expert on one of those topics. Through research, you will find out
information on a person or topic and present the information in the way of your choice.
You have to complete the “must do” items in gray and will PICK ONE of the
choice items.
Performance Task Options:
*Civil War Graveyard (Must do) *Fact or Fiction? (Must do)
Create a tombstone that shows how important your Create at least 9 statements about your chosen Civil War
chosen Civil War leader was in history. Remember to leader. Each statement will be written or typed. You
include when your leader was born, died, and the will let the reader know if the statement is a FACT or if
important events that the Civil War leader took part in. it is FICTIONAL. If it is a fictional statement, you will
You may draw this or create it digitally. rewrite the statement to make it true.

Civil War Journal (Choice #1) Civil War Song/Rap (Choice #2)
Write or type journal entries from the perspective of a Set some lyrics about a Civil War leader to music.
Civil War leader. Journal entries will include Lyrics must include significant facts about the leader, as
significant facts about your leader, as well as the well as important events the leader as part of during the
important events during the Civil War that your leader Civil War. Record a video of yourself performing the
was a part of. You must have 5 entries (at least a song/rap.
paragraph each).
Civil War Era Meal (Choice #3) Battle Diorama (Choice #4)
With the help of your parents create a Civil War era We’ve read about a lot of the battles of the Civil War,
meal for the class to sample. Your meal must be as now it’s your time to create a battlefield diorama of a
authentic as possible. Don’t just go and by crackers famous battle from this war. Make sure to write up (2-3
and call it Civil War food. You will have to do some paragraphs) why you chose this battle and why this
research to find meals that were readily available to battle was important in the Civil War.
soldiers or people living on the home front. Make sure
you write a detailed explanation (2-3 paragraphs) of
how often the soldiers or civilians ate this meal, and
how to make it.
Civil War ABC Book Project (Choice #5) A Civil War in OUR TOWN!! (Choice #6)
Each entry will have the following components: All across Atlanta you can literally find signs that
 Letter describe the history of our area and its relation to the
 Picture Civil War. With the help of your parent take a trip to
 Summary of Facts (2-3 full sentences) locate and find these Historical Markers. Take a picture
 Bibliography listing resources used (be of at least 5 of these signs. Summarize the information
specific when listing websites) on the signs you find, using the internet to research and
You may create this digitally or by hand (paper pencil). give more information. Also, describe what the location
Some online options would be Powerpoint (through looks like now. You will share your pictures and
Office365), AdobeSpark, etc. If you have a different descriptions (4-5 sentences per sign/picture) and put it
idea just ask! in a PowerPoint presentation.

 List of people/major events:

1. Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, Thomas “Stonewall”
Jackson, and William T. Sherman
2. Fort Sumter, Gettysburg, the Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and
Appomattox Court House
You will have 3 weeks to complete your project. It is due by May 8th.

 List of Research Resources to get started:

o Reading assignments given this week are to help you gather information to use for this
o Ducksters Civil War pages (many other links from this main page to use for research):
o MackinVIA home access:

If doing Choice #6: Below is an example of what you should look for to take a picture and be able to write
You will have 3 weeks to complete your project. It is due by May 8th.

Performance Task Rubric:

Student Name:
Criteria Exceeds Meets Nearly Meets Below
Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
(10 points) (8 points) (6 points) (0 points)
Interesting Includes 10 or more Includes 7-9 complete Includes 4-6 complete Includes 3 or fewer
Facts complete statements statements regarding statements regarding complete statements
regarding some interesting facts about interesting facts about regarding interesting
_____ x 2 interesting facts about the Civil War topic. the Civil War topic. facts about the Civil
the Civil War topic. War topic.
Greatest Includes many details Includes some details Includes few sentences Does not include a
Contribution describing why this describing why this describing why this statement regarding why
“topic” was significant “topic” was significant “topic” was significant this “topic” was
in history/Civil War. in history/Civil War. in history/Civil War. significant in
_____ x 1 history/Civil War.

Research Uses technological and Uses technological Uses only book Does not complete
book resources as part resources as part of the resources as part of the research on the assigned
of the research process. research process. research process. leader.
Cites sources correctly Documents sources Documents sources Copies notes word for
in a bibliography. used. used. word from resources.
____ x 1 Takes notes in his/her Takes notes mostly in Records sentences from
own words. his/her own words. sources for notes.
Appearance Writes/types very Writes legibly. Writes legibly. Writes illegibly.
and neatly. Provides some graphics. Does not provide Does not present the
Presentation Provides many graphics. Fluently presents the graphics. task to the class.
Fluently presents the task. Presents the task to the or
task to the class in a class. Is disruptive (silly, not
____ x 1 clear, loud voice. focused) during the
You will have 3 weeks to complete your project. It is due by May 8th.

Research Notes
Notes Source

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