Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Learning

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Advantages and Disadvantages of E-learning

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What is E-Learning?
The word e in e-learning speci es electronic. This means that e-learning is electronic device or learning with the use of electronic devices
or technology. It includes learning by the means of computer or laptop, mobile phones etc. now a days, the use of mobile phones is not
included as a part of e-learning. It is given a different and new term that is m-learning. E-learning uses information and communication
technology for the purpose of learning.

Types of E-Learning

E-learning is of three types: synchronous e-learning, asynchronous e-learning and the blended method.

Asynchronous E-learning: The word asynchronous means not at the same time. In this type of e-learning, there is no need of a live
interaction in between the instructor and the students. Some methods of Asynchronous e-learning are:

Embedded learning: In embedded learning, the students have the access to the information which they require all the time. The
information is posted to their house address or is emailed to them or by any other means is provided to them.

Courses: the students or the users of the services can get training for any task at any time. The advantage of this is that they can
continue their course at a pace which suits them unlike the practical classrooms in which the students have to learn at a prede ned
pace of the instructor.

Discussion groups: It is a group in which discussion occurs over time. Usually group is formed by the students and instructors which
have the same interests and discussion rough messages can be accomplished here. This also useful when a lot of students have the
same query and the same answer is to be sent to all students.

Synchronous e-learning: The word synchronous means at the same time. In synchronous e-learning, the student and the instructor have
to interact at the same time using the facility of internet. They have to be connected in real time. Some methods of synchronous e-learning

Virtual classroom: It is very similar to the physical or the real classroom. The difference is that the classroom is ctitious. It is over
the net. In a virtual classroom, the students and the instructor enter into conversation using the internet. They may enter into
conversation via chatting, messaging, calling, video conferencing or anything else.

Blended method: In blended method, features of both the types that is synchronous and asynchronous, are included.

Features of E-learning
Students can learn on their own speed. There is no need to match with the speed of the other students.
Students can learn as per their needs or interest. They do not have to worry about what other students want to study.
The geographical barriers of learning are eliminated.
The resources are available at all times. Students can access them whenever they require it.
It enhances the computer and internet skills of the student
Advantages of E- learning
E-learning has a lot of advantages over the regular learning we on the schools or classrooms. Some of them are:

Flexible: In regular kind of learning, the student may have a xed routine in which they have to sit together and learn from the
instructor. The duration of the class is xed. The topics to be discussed in the class are also xed. But this is not the case in e-learning.
The routine of e-learning is very exible. The students can learn when they want and wherever they want. It is up to them what they
want to study and for how much time they have to study.

Anytime access to the resources: Students need access to different kinds of resources. These resources can be notes, theories,
diagrams etc. In e-learning the resources are made available to the students at all the times of the day. So the students can use them
anytime and anywhere they want.

Immediate result or feedback: In the case of regular learning, the tests are taken by paper and pen. These papers are then checked
by the teachers. And then the results are declared. This takes a lot of time and hard work. The students have to wait a lot for the
results which becomes very stressful for them. It is not easy for the teacher also to check these papers. E-learning gives an
advantage here. The tests are taken through online quizzes or some pre designed software which rst conduct the test and then
check them. This reduces the work of the teacher. Also, the result is obtained in a short while, in some cases, it is obtained just after
the test nishes.

More retention: In the case of regular learning. Learning is done by means of conversation between the instructor and the students.
The use of smart technology is very less in regular teaching method. But in case of e-learning, there is a generous use of digital
resources included presentations, multimedia that includes images and videos etc. With the use of such resources, the students get
to learn more. They understand better the things which they see rather than read. So it increases the understanding and retention
ability of the students.

Cost effective: When a student is engaged in regular learning, they have to go the institute regularly. They need a transportation
cost. The teachers teaching the student get salary from the institutes. This adds it to the cost. The maintenance cost of the institute
also adds up. Classroom rent or institutional rent I also involved. On the other hand, in the case of e-learning there is no rent
involved. The students can have access to resources from anywhere they are so there is no transportation cost also. Many such
factors which increase the cost are chopped off in e-learning. Therefore, e-learning is more cost effective.

Greener approach: The regular learning method uses pen and paper. Even the tests are conducted on a pen paper medium. These
papers are made by chopping down trees. Moreover, the pencils are also made of wood. Also the use of transportation by the
students and teachers causes pollutions. But in e-learning, everything is digital. There is no need for papers and pens. Everything is
noted using electronic devices. The students do not have go to the schools so there is no need of transportation. This shows that e-
learning follows a greener approach.

Fast learning: In regular learning, the speed of learning depends on the number of staff available and the number of classrooms
available and the limited time period of a class. But in the case of e-learning, the speed depends on as per the needs of the students.

Easy collaboration: When a number of students work together on the same topic, they face problems while they study together
using the regular learning methods. E-learning gives them a good opportunity. They connect to each other at anytime and anywhere.
They can share resources, discuss and learn. Therefore, e-learning is very bene cial for all the students who wish to study in groups.

Easy updating: In regular learning methods notes have to be regularly updated by the students. This takes a lot of time. But in e-
learning, notes are simply sent to the students. So they are automatically updated.
Disadvantages of E-learning
Every which is advantageous for us will de nitely have some drawbacks associated with it. Similarly, e-learning also has some drawbacks
associated with it. Some of them are:

No control: In the case of regular learning, the learning controlled by the teacher. The teacher motivates the students to study. Also,
the teacher makes a regular routine for the student. This makes learning necessary for them. But in the case of e-learning it is just
the opposite. The control is in the hands of the student. It is the student who decides what to study and when to study. In this case,
the students become careless. The may neglect the fact that they have to study. There is no motivation for the. No regularity exists
in e-learning. This is the major drawback of e-learning.

Learning approach: In the regular learning technique, the students interact with each other face to face. This interaction becomes
enjoyable for them. If these students practice the case of e-learning, they feel that this approach is very dull. They nd it very boring
to study alone. So this is a drawback of e-learning that it does not provide a regular interaction between the students. Moreover, if
there is no discussion between the students, they will think only in one direction. They will not get to know what other people feel at
the same topic and they will not be able to compare their views.

Technology dependent: E-learning depends solely on technology. Computers are the basic necessity of e-learning. Internet becomes
the second necessity. When someone wants to join e-learning, he needs to process a computer or a laptop, an internet connection
with a go speed, some speci c software which are required to run special kinds of multimedia or e-resources. This becomes the
investment for e-learning. But theses gadgets may experience some faults. In the case of fault e-learning could not be continue for a
short while. These devices have to be recti ed rst and then the process of e-learning could start. Moreover, these devices require

No practical work: In regular method of teaching, regular practice session are organized for the students. Therefore, the students
get to know how they can use the theoretical knowledge, which they are learning in the class, in the practical world. But in the case
of e-learning, there is no practical session for the students. The students may be provided with videos in which the practical use of
their knowledge is show but that is not enough. The practical cannot be fully explained until they it by themselves. This is a great
Useless for disabled: In e-learning there is no or very limited provision for the students with the is not so useful for the
students with disabilities. For example, e-learning is useless for the students who are blind. The deaf and dumb students also do not
have much advantage of e-learning. But in regular methods, there are proper provisions for the students with disabilities. For
example, the blind students are taught with the help of braille.

Resource incompatibility: Every students computer has different speci cations. The resources which are sent to the students are
the same that is they have the same formats. So a resource which is working properly on one computer may be incompatible with
the other one.


E-learning uses technology. This is an advantage also and a disadvantage also. The technology used in e-learning improves the
understanding of the student. They are able to retain more knowledge. And it makes studying exible for them. But it becomes a
disadvantage when the students take it for granted. They become lazier for studying. They neglect the need to learn. In this case, there is
no motivation from the instructor also which motivates them to learn or study. They do not follow any routine and may not study for a few
days or weeks. Also the use of technology is prone to faults and errors. This requires maintenance. Before choosing e-learning for yourself,
know what your learning style is. If it suits you, only then go for it. You know better what suits you.

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