Learning Centered Teaching: Foundation and Characteristics

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the foundations and characteristics of learner-centered teaching, including the need to shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered approaches and the varied roles of teachers in facilitating learning.

The objectives of Module 1 are to differentiate learner-centered teaching from other approaches, discuss the need to shift from teacher-centered teaching, and discuss the varied roles of the teacher in learner-centered teaching and learning.

The roles of the teacher in learner-centered teaching include facilitating learning, guiding students' construction of understanding, and having a balance of power where academic and social learning are made as easy as possible for learners.




Title: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching Time Allotted: 3 hrs/week


FACILITATING Learner-Centered Teaching is designed to explore and equip would-be-

teachers with the fundamental principles, processes and practices anchored on learner’s
centeredness. Teachers may be helped in their task as facilitators of learning.

In Module 1, you get to understand and apply your learnings from the start to the end. The
knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that we want our students to learn are the focus of
instruction and focus of assessment.


At the end of Module 1, you are expected to:

 Differentiate learner-centered teaching from other teaching (e.g. teacher-centered
approach) as applied in various teaching areas.
 Discuss the need to shift from teacher-centered teaching based on philosophical
foundations, teaching principles and current research; and
 Discuss the varied roles of the teacher in learner-centered teaching and learning.

 Equality
 Humane
 Social relationship

Let’s begin and have a good start!

 Accomplish thePretest for you to become eligible to take the next steps
 There are twenty (20) items for you to answer. If you get fifteen (15) to fourteen (14)
points, you are given the discretion to retake or not.
 However, if your score is in nine (9) below, you need to REVIEW and RETAKE it.


Direction: Read the statements. Encircle the letter of your chosen answer.

1. Who is the focus of the learning process?

a. Teacher
b. Parents
c. Administrators
d. Learners
2. Who guides student’s construction of understanding?
a. Guardian
b. Principals
c. Parents
d. Teachers
3. What is balance of power?
a. Equality power
b. Separate power
c. Unequal power
d. Equal power
4. A Learner-centered philosophy-wherein learners construct their own meaning.
a. Essentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Humanism
d. Constructivism
5. The world of instruction revolves on whom?
a. Community
b. Parents
c. Teachers
d. Learners
6. It is referred as knowledge, skills and values that learners acquire from instruction.
a. Performance
b. Attitudes
c. Skills
d. Competencies.
7. What is mutuality in learning?
a. Students learn from one another
b. Teachers learn from one another
c. Teacher learn from learner
d. Student learn from teacher
8. An indispensable part of the teaching-learning process.
a. Motivation
b. Enrichment
c. Assignment
d. Assessment
9. Which of the these is a teacher-centered philosophy?
a. Humanism
b. Linguistic
c. Progressivism
d. Essentialism
10. What is facilitating learning?
a. Authoritative learning
b. Making teaching very easy
c. Difficult learning
d. Making academic and social learning as easy as possible.

TEST II. Definition of Terms (2 points each)

Direction: Give your own definition of these terms.

11. Learner – centered teaching –

12. Progressivism philosophy –
13. Facilitator of learning –
14. Teacher – centered learning –Multiple Intelligences
LESSON 1. Learner-centered teaching.

Instruction: Briefly explain your answer in 3 to 5 sentences. Do this on a short bond paper.

SITUATION: Teacher A is a traditional teacher. Teacher B is a present-day teacher.

Question: For you, which do you prefer, a TRADITIONAL teacher or a present-day teacher?

Instruction: Cut out a picture of a traditional teacher and a present-day teacher, in an actual
classroom situation. Write below, the pictures their differences. Do this on a short bond paper.

READING: Learner-centered teaching
Definition: Learner-centered teaching is a teaching – learning process, wherein the focus are
“learners”. Teachers serve only as facilitator.

Instruction: Illustrate how learner-centered teaching focus on the learners, with the teacher as a
facilitator of learning. Draw/make cartoons to show this. Add color to make your drawing more
impressive and meaningful.

ACTIVITY D. Elaborate
READING: 2. Description/Characteristics
Learner-centered teaching has three (3) characteristics:
1. Learners are at the center of the learning process – The criticisms of direct instructions
have led educators to put more emphasis on the role of the student in the learning
process. Many opted for a more-learner centered environment as opposed to the
traditional teacher-centered set-up. Learners are given more choices. Learning activities
are designed with the needs, interests and developmental levels of learners in foremost
2. Teacher guides students construction of understanding – Teachers in learner-centered
classroom provide a lot of opportunity for the learners to actively think, figure out things
and learn on their own. The teacher serves more as a facilitator, a “guide on the side”
rather than a “sage on stage”.
3. Teacher teach for understanding – Learners are placed at the center of the learning
process. The teachers help them to take responsibility for their learning. As a result
learners, through their own active search and experimentation, experience or movement
from confusion to searching for answers to discovery and finally to understanding.
Instruction: Fill out the KWLH chart. Answer the column with these questions. Copy and answer
on a short bond paper.

1. What we know?
2. What we want to find out?
3. What we learned?
4. How can we learn more?



ACTIVITY E. Evaluate.


Instruction: Write your answers on the blank space provided.
1. Learners are the _______ of a learner centered teaching.
2. Teachers serve only as ______________.
3. Teachers help learners to take _____________ for their learning.
4. Teachers ___________ for understanding.
5. Learners are given _____________ choices.
TEST II. Q and A
Directions: (5 points each)
6. What is the role of a teacher in a learner centered teaching? Briefly explain your answer.
7. Choose one among the three characteristics of learner centered teaching, and describe its
essential features.
8. Which do you prefer, “a learner-centered teaching”, or a teacher-centered teaching?
Explain briefly your stand.

Instruction: Answer this question on a short bond paper.
Question: As a teacher, are you in favor of change especially in relation to teaching-learning
process? If yes or no is your answer defend your stand in an essay form in not more than one-
hundred words (100).

LESSON 2: Paradigm shift: From teacher-centered to learner-centered teaching.

Question: When you were on your elementary and high school days, what did you noticed and
observed about the teaching learning style of your teachers?

Instructions: Write at least (10) words, how do you describe his/her teaching-learning style. Do
this on a short bond paper.

ACTIVITY B. Explore.
You are now in college is there a difference between the style of your teachers now than your
teachers before?
Instructions: Make a Venn Diagram showing the difference on the way/style of teaching of your
teacher before and now. Do this on a short bond paper. Make it clear and impressive.

1. Philosophical Perspectives
- Teacher – Centered philosophies
- Essentialism

This philosophy contends that teachers teach for learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills and
values. Teachers teach “not to radically reshape society but rather to transact the traditional
moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens.”

Essentialists are academically rigorous. The emphasis is on academic content for students to
learn the basic skills or the fundamental 3 r’s – reading, ‘riting, ’rithmetic, right conduct – as
these are essential to the acquisition of higher or more complex skills needed in preparation for
adult life. Essentialists teachers emphasize mastery of subject matter. To gain mastery of basic
skills, teachers have to observe care requirements, longer school day, a longer academic year.

With mastery of academic content as primary focus, teachers rely heavily on the use of
prescribed textbooks, the drill method and other methods that will enable them to cover as much
academic content as possible like the lecture method. This is a heavy stress on memorization and

We are all rational animals. Schools should therefore, develop the students’ rational and moral
powers. According to Aristotle if we neglect the student7s’ reasoning skills, we deprive them of
the ability to use their higher faculties to control their passions and appetites. There is less
emphasis on vocational and technical education. What the perennialists teachers teach are lifted
from the great books. The perennialist classrooms are “centered around teachers”. The teacher do
not allow the students interests or experiences to substantially dictate what they teach. Learners
engaged in Socratic dialogues, or mutual inquiry sessions to develop an understanding of
history’s most timeless concepts.


Instruction: In a tabular form, differentiate Essentialism from Perennialism, which are teacher-
centered philosophies. Write their essential features.

ACTIVITY D. Elaborate
 Learner-centered philosophies
Progressivists teachers teach to develop learners into becoming enlightened and
intelligent citizens of a democratic society. Teachers teaches learners so they may live
fully NOW not to prepare them for adult life. The progressivists are identified with
need-based and relevant curriculum. This is a curriculum that “responds to students”
needs and that relates to student’s personal lives and experiences. The Progressivists
accept the impermanence of life and the inevitability of change. For then, everything
else changes. Change is the only thing that deeds not change. They are more
concerned with teaching the learners the skills to cope with change. they rather focus
their teaching on the teaching of skills or processes in gathering and evaluating
information and in problem solving. Progressivists teaches employ experimental
methods. They believe that one learns by doing.
A philosophical view that emphasizes the value of human beings, individually and
collectively. A perspective that affirms same notion of human freedom and progress.
It views humans as solely responsible for the promotion and development of
individuals and emphasizes a concern to humans in relation to the world.
It develops intrinsically motivated and independent learner adequately equipped with
learning skills for them to be able to construct knowledge and make meaning of them.
The learners are taught how to learn. They are taught learning processes and skills
such as: searching, critiquing and evaluating information, drawing insights, posing
questions, researching and constructing new knowledge.
The teacher provides learners with data or experiences that allow them to
hypothesize, predict, manipulate objects, research, investigate, imagine and invent.
The classroom is interactive. The teacher role is to facilitate this process. Knowledge
is constructed by learners through an active, mental process of development, learners
are the builders and creators of meaning and knowledge. Their minds are full of ideas
waiting to be “modified” by the teacher with his skillful facility skills.


Instruction: There are three(3) Learner-centered philosophies, illustrate through any kind of
diagram you want to, showing their philosophical perspectives. Make it clear and concrete.

- It means that there is a need to study this phenomenon in our times. We need as
teachers to learn by theory and practice the reality of this shift.
- With the help of these findings, we shall have a conclusion which shall be helpful in
living out our calling at this changing times.


- A teacher does not want to accept the reality of change in the field of
teaching-learning process, thus his/her or his/her method of teaching does not
anymore become effective.
- A teacher must be open enough and equipped to be able to adopt in the reality
of fast-phased changing academic environment.

Instruction: Read the questions. Explain in not less than one-hundred (100) words through an
essay form. Do this on a short bond paper.

1. Why is there a need to have a supporting research on this paradigm shift?
2. How can a teacher resist to change and manage the shift?


Directions: Read the questions. Who is being referred to?

____1. A teacher-centered philosophy that emphasize mastery of subject matter.
____2. A child-centered philosophy that believe in change
____3. A child-centered philosophy that emphasizes the value of human freedom
____4. A philosophy that emphasize the basic skills such as the 3’rs.
____5. He/she should manage the shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered teaching

Research on the dimensions of learner-centered teaching. Get a copy and study each content.
Include this in your clear green book.

LESSON 3. Dimensions of learner-centered teaching.

Instruction: Illustrate the role of instructor in a learner-centered teaching. You may present it in
your own style. Be creative and original in your output.

Instruction: For this activity, you may cut out pictures and make a COLLAGE about the
responsibility of learners in a learner-centered teaching process. Label it and present your task

1. The function of content
2. The role of the instructors
3. The responsibility for learning


The function of content is the relevance of subject matter of the study. The focus is the learner as
the center of the entire teaching-learning process.
The teacher serves as the facilitator of learning. An effective facilitator of learning has a good
working knowledge of the learner’s development. The teacher is tasked to consider the
individual differences among the learners, for effective instruction.
A facilitative teacher should be aware of the multiple intelligences of the learner. He/ she allows
and encourages learners to learn in different ways about different topics depending on their own
needs/interest and learning styles. Flexibility is the most important ingredient for a teacher’s
success as manager of a learning environment.
Freedom and independent decision shall be introduced gradually. Involve the children to develop
rules for the classroom day to day. Choose children’s work because it matters to them managers
provides rich and wide variety of activities available to teach concept and skills that are age-
appropriate that meet children’s needs and caters to their interests. Teachers who are keen and
careful observers are able to anticipate the need of the children and achieve a more complete
understanding of the development of the whole child. Teachers as facilitator of learning make
academic and social learning as easy as possible for learners. Learners has also the responsibility
for learning. Each learner is obliged to give his/her due obligation to learn.
Instruction: Make an infographic, about teachers varied roles in a learner centered teaching
process. Do this on a short size bond paper.

ACTIVITY D. Elaborate
Reading: 1. The purposes and processes of assessment
2.The balance of power.

The use of providing an evaluation/assessment is an integrated part of the teaching-learning

process. The knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that we want our learners to learn are the
focus of instruction, hence we give assessment to test their cognitive and knowledge dimensions.
The cognitive dimensions include e the hierarchical or ordered levels of thinking. The thinking
levels move from the simplest to the most complex. The levels are rembering, understanding,
apply analyze, evaluate and create.

The knowledge dimensions includes four (4) knowledge categories: factual, cocnceptual,
procedural, metacognitive. The knowledge that teachers aim to teach and learners aim to learn
can be about facts, concepts, procedures and metacognitive knowledge.

The Balance of Power – is that the teacher is not so much strict or authoritative, in dealing with
the learners, especially when it covers the classroom matter. Academic skill and social learning,
must be as possible as easy for learners. The teachers, in one way or the other must add flavor,
light and life in the classroom.


Instruction: Read the question below. Explain briefly in three (3) to five (5) sentences.

Question: 1. Why do teachers give assessment before , midway and after the lesson?

ACTIVITY D. Evaluate

Direction: Read the important words/phrases in readings. Use it in a sentence in relation to lesson


 Dimensions  Flexibility
 Function of content  Independent decision
 Assessment  Authoritative
 Hierarchy  Integral part
 Facilitator  Focus of instruction

Research on the Learner – centered Psychological Principles. Get a copy, read and have an
advance study. Clip it on a short bond paper and include it in your file.



Direction: read the statements/ questions. Encircle the letter of your chosen answer.

1. What do you call the knowledge, skills and values that learners acquire from instruction?
a. Competencies
b. Attitudes
c. Performance
d. Skills
2. The focus of learner-centered teaching.
a. Learners
b. Teachers
c. Parents
d. School heads
3. An indispensable part of the teaching learning process.
a. Assessment
b. Assignment
c. Attitude
d. Motivation
4. Which of these is a teacher-centered philosophy?
a. Essentialism
b. Progressivism
c. Humanism
d. Linguistic
5. The world of instruction revolves around whom?
a. Learners
b. Teacher
c. Parents
d. Community
6. What is balance of power?
a. Equal power
b. Unequal power
c. Separate power
d. Equality power
7. Who facilitates learning in the classroom?
a. Teacher
b. Principals
c. Parents
d. Co-teachers
8. A philosophy wherein learners construct their own meaning?
a. Constructivism
b. Humanism
c. Essentialism
d. Perennialism
9. From teacher-centered, there is a shift to what kind of learning-teaching process?
a. Learner-centered teaching
b. Facilitative learning
c. Teacher styles of teaching
d. Holistic teaching
10. What philosophy accept the importance of life?
a. Progressivism
b. Humanism
c. Essentialism
d. Constructivism

TEST II. Essay.

Directions: Read the questions. Briefly explain each.

1. What is facilitating learning?

2. Why is learners “the focus of teaching”?

3. What do you mean by “balance of power”?

4. How do you understand Dimensions of learners-centered teaching?

5. Why is constructivism a philosophy of learner-centered teaching?


Module 1, focuses on the Learner-centered teaching foundation and characteristics. The

paradigm shift is from teacher-centered to learning-centered teaching. Philosophical perspectives
on teacher-centered and learner-centered teaching were also studied. Supporting research and
resistance to change is part of the paradigm shift.

Dimensions of learner-centered teaching were explained and given emphasis such as the function
of content, the role of the instructor, the responsibility for learning, the purposes and processes of
assessment and balance of power. Activities and exercises were designed to enhance learner’s
knowledge and understanding.


 Lucas, Maria Rita D., PhD. And Corpuz, Brenda B.,Ph D., Facilitating Learning: A
Metacognitive Process, 4th edition, OBE and K to 12; Copyright, 2014 by Lorimar
Publishing, Inc.
(MODULE 2), Learner Centered Psychological Principle

TEST I. Q and A (2 points each)

Directions: Read the questions. Answer briefly

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