English Language Teaching: 2 Post-Graduate Course
English Language Teaching: 2 Post-Graduate Course
English Language Teaching: 2 Post-Graduate Course
Paper-IV : Language Teaching and Testing Discuss how oral skills can be developed in
Techniques and Resources the classroom by integrating the two
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) d) Discuss in detail the characteristics of a
good test.
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance in the
answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect spelling, untidy OR
work and illegible handwriting. The weightage for each
"Reading skill in many ways is similar to
question has been indicated in the margin.
listening skill." Discuss.
language skills." Do you agree with this a) What do you understand by Schema ?
view as a teacher ? Explain with reference Discuss the impact of Schema theory on
to what goes into clear and efficient
communication. b) What are the different stages of a writing
lesson plan ? With reference to each stage
b) What are the basic types of processing that discuss the following in general :
take place in a listening context ? List some Teacher's activity in each stage
exercises that could be used for teaching
The aims and objectives of each stage.
listening skills.
PG-ARTS-403-P [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-403-P
3 PGELT-4(PT/4/IV) PGELT-4(PT/4/IV) 4
"There are basically two ways to give a b) How many stages would you like to have for
formal grade to a piece of writing." Describe your plan ? State the specific objectives for
in detail any one of these two ways. each stage.
c) Assess the importance of an English
c) Which areas of syntax, vocabulary and
dictionary in Pronunciation for a language
language functions would be highlighted in
your plan ?
d) Write a critical note on 'thinking' as a skill.
How can this be developed in the d) At which stage of your plan you would
classroom ? integrate other Language skills ? How ?
e) "Reading involves a variety of sub-skills." e) What are the problems both you and your
Discuss the statement with reference to students are likely to face while executing
John Munby's list of reading sub-skills the plan ?
along with the types of exercises that can
f) Explain how you would manage pair/group
be used to develop these sub-skills.
work for this task.
g) What supporting materials would you like
3. You want to develop Writing skill OR Speaking
to use if given a scope ? How would you like
skill through the task below :
to use them ?
Describe in a short paragraph /speech your
experience of visiting a garden of flowers. Where
was it ? What did you see ? What effect did it
have on your mind ? Do you still remember the
sight ?
PG-ARTS-403-P [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-403-P