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CHAPTER Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use PERFORMANCE
1-3 People 1 Introduce self, family Listen to a taped Read a folk tale Grammar B1 B1 DL1 B1DL1E1 B1 DL1 E1
2/1-18/1 and others message on nuclear about family Simple Present Know fundamental Introducing oneself Able to introduce Introduce oneself
Family Talk about self and and extended Read a poem tense for: skills in listening, oneself using orally in class
Circle family families. Act out sections Habitual actions speaking, reading and suggested sentence
Write description Note important of a text Adjectives writing patterns
about self and family details Read an exerpt Punctuation:
members. from a story. Capital letters B3 B3 DB1 B3 DB1 E1 B3 DB1 E1
Commas Use knowledge Reading and Able to identify main Read a text and
2 Write simple rules Identify main ideas Give sequence Full stops acquired through identifying information ideas in a linear/non- answer the questions
Write a simple of events. Question marks listening, speaking, in a linear/non- linear text by
account of Talk about Exclamation marks reading and writing linear text answering compre
experience values in the text. hension questions
Talk about a checking true/false
character in a statements
B6 B6 DL1 B6 DL1 E1 B6 DL1 E1
Apreciate literary Listening and Able to retell the text Listen to a poem and
3 Recount what Draw conclusions Compose simple Sound System: works and present responding to in one's own words retell the text in one's
happens during a dialogues. s/s/ and sh/ ideas critically in an literary works by using correct own words
festival. Dictation exemplary manner giving one's opinion grammar and
Write a simple letter Introduction to of the text and vocabulary
describing a family poem. relating it to life
member *The River Vocabulary:
Family relationships
Compose simple Dictionary skills
poems Building a work bank
4 -- 6 People 1 Talk about self and Listen to a book Read a story on Grammar: B2 B2 DL1 B2 DL1 E1 B2 DL1 E1
21/1-8/2 classmates review. hospitality Questions words: Understand meanings Talking about self, Able to ask simple Ask and answer
Find out about your Note important Read a poem on what, whom at word, phrase and family, friends and questions to get questions
classmates details friendship Adjectives sentence level interests information and
Welcome and invite Read an exerpt of Personal Pronouns: respond appropriately
friends to a function a story I, we. You, she, he, to questions on any
and to one's house Act out a section it they one of the following:
Circle of Accept and decline of a text Sound system: self
Friends invitations b / b/ and p /p/ family
Apologize for friends
mistakes Vocabulary: interests
Complement others Words to describe a
2 Find more details in Tell how events person's qualities B3 B3 DL1 B3 DL1 E1 B3 DL1 E1
simple text and values in the Building word bank Use knowledge Inviting someone to Able to invite and Present a dialogue
text are similar to on describing words acquired through a function through accept or decline in pair
one's life. Prefixes: un-, dis-, listening, speaking, a conversation invitations
Make simple im-, in- reading and writing
3 Send an electronic predictions
card B3 DT1 B3 DT1 E1 B3 DT1 E1
Make a greeting card Writing a short Able to write a short Write a description
Introduction to description description using of a best friend
Write a letter short story: adjectives/adverbs
describing a friend Flipping Fantastic in a paragraph

B1 B1 DL2 B1 DL2 E1 B1 DL2 E1

Know fundamental skills Able to identify initial Able to identify initial Listen to words &
in L, S, R and W and final consonants & final consonants, circle them
long and short vowels long & short vowels,
plural forms&contractions plural forms & contractions
7 -- 9 Health 1 Talk about lifestyles of Listen to a talk on Read a story on Grammar: B4 B4 DT1 B4 DT1 E1 B4 DT1 E1
11/2-1/3 teenagers healthy living sharing and caring Modals : must, Apply knowledge Writing an informal Able to write an Write a letter to a
Respond to Tell what the text is Talk about where should not, must not acquired in a variety of letter informal letter using pen-pal in Brunei
questions politely by about Note the story took Yes / No questions situations using some the correct format
giving information important details place appropriate language and with appropriate
Scan for details Give sequence of conventions grammar
Talk about values
2 Ask and respond to Prepare a menu Change text to d /d/ and t /t/ B6 B6 DL1 B6 DL1 E2 B6 DL1 E2
Live questions Read and pictures Appreciate literary Listening and Able to state what Listen to a poem
Smart understand food Understand Vocabulary: works and present responding to one thinks about the answer the questions
label figurative language Food categories ideas critically in an literary works by text and how it
Write a paragraph on Building a word bank exemplary manner giving one's opinion affects him/her using
food habits on food and exercise of the text and correct grammar and
relating it to life vocabulary
hobby teenagers' lifestyle
10--12 Social 1 Ask and respond Listen to a talk on Read a story of an Grammar: B4 B4 DB1 B4 DB1 E1 B4 DB1 E1
4/3-22/3 Issues politely to question road safety accident victim Question word: Apply knowledge Reading and Able to identify cause Read a passage and
on accidents Follow sequence of what acquired in a variety of processing informa and effect relation- answer questions.
Give advice to drivers ideas Simple Past Tense: situations using some tion in a linear/non- ships in a factual/ Match the effects to
and passengers Read news report Regular verbs appropriate language linear text narrative text by: the causes
Better Scan for details Spelling rules conventions extracting specific
Safe Listen to details Time and place information
than expressions answering compre-
Sorry Modals: must, should hension questions in
2 Ask and respond to Read a pie chart Match main ideas complete sentences
questions for Write a paragraph on with paragraphs Sound system: using appropriate
clarification road safety and Talk about the f /f/ and w /w/ conjunctions
preventing accidents setting in a story
Vocabulary: B5 B5 DL1 B5 DL1 E1 B5 DL1 E1
3 Recount an accident Draw conclusions Introduction to Words related to Demonstrate the ability Describing an event/ Able to listen and Orally describe what
Identify cause and poem: road traffic to use language in a incident and narra- relay information happens in the
effects Mr. Nobody Words webs on the variety of situations ting it about an event/ pictures
road safety using largely appropriate incident aptly
language conventions
B5 DT1 B5 DT1 E1 B5 DT1 E1
Writing a narrative Able to write an Write a letter about
account of an incident/ one's visit to the
event using correct children's home
grammar and
mechanics of writing
with guidance
13--15 Social 1 Talk about school Listen to a talk about schooRead an excerpt Grammar: B1 B1 DB1 B1 DB1 E1 B1 DB1 E1
1/4 -19/4 Issues and class activities about school thirty from a story on Prepositions of time: at, beKnow fundamental Presenting informa Able to read aloud Read aloud a short
Ask questions to get years ago school of the future by, after, on skills in L, S, R & W tion by reading aloud with proper pronun- text
information on extra- Note important Read a poem about Adverbs of manner written texts clearly ciation & intonation
curricular activities details school. and fluently
Act out sections Sound system:
of the text k /k/ and g /g/

2 Identify main points Identify main ideas Understand how a Vocabulary:

Write an poet describes a Words related to
School anouncement scene. school
days Tell how events in Suffixes: -er,
the text are similar -or , -ess
to one;s life
3 Write a letter about Write paragraphs Understand
school with main ideas and figurative language Building a word bank
Write rules for games supporting details on school life
and clubs Set up an exhibition
Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use CONTENT DESCRIPTOR EVIDENCE INSTRUMENT
16--18 Values 1 Talk about Listen to a talk on Read an excerpt Grammar: B3 B3 DT2 B3 DT2 E1 B3 DT2 E1
22/4 -10/5 advertisement advertising. from a story about Countable nouns Use knowledge Spelling and dictation Able to spell and take Read and take
Ask for the price of Note important brand-conciousness Spelling rules acquired through dictation of seen dictation of a passage
products details Uncountable nouns listening, speaking, texts
Articles reading and writing
2 Make enquiries about Tell what the text is Talk about values Questions words: B4 B4 DL3 B4 DL3 E1 B4 DL3 E1
products Scan for certain in the text what, when, why, Apply knowledge Enquiring about Able to use 'wh' Answer 'wh' questions
Making Recount a shopping details. Change text to where, who. acquired in a variety of products or services questions to obtain based on a picture
Choices experience Identify supporting dialogue Sound system: situations using some and requesting them information about
Fill in an order form details. Describe a character s /s/ , z /z/ and es / iz/ appropriate language products or services
Dictation conventions and respond
3 Write a letter about a Draw conclusions appropriately
present Understand Vocabulary:
advertisements Words related to
Short story: things
Flipping Fantastic Building a word bank
on the things that
people use.

TERM 2 (16 JUNE - 15NOV)

19--22 Values 1 Talk about Malaysian Listen to a story Read a poem Grammar B2 B2 DB1 B2 DB1 E2 B2 DB1 E2
20/5 -21/6 life. about a good citizen. about a soldier's Article for the unique Understand meanings Reading and Able to find the Match words to
Respond Follow sequence of death. things. at word, phrase and locating information meaning of unfamiliar the meanings
Proud to appropriately to ideas. Comparatives sentence level words from a variety
be questions. Read a text on royal and superlatives of sources for example
Malaysian symbols Prepositions of dictionary, thesaurus,
2 Deal with unfamiliar Literature: place and direction. etc
words. Flipping Fantastic Simple future tense:
Talk about will be going to B6 B6 DT1 B6 DT1 E1 B6 DT1 E1
Malaysian flag Appreciate literary Writing a composition Able to write a Write traits of one's
Sound system works and present expressing one's composition expres- favourite character
3 Write a letter about Draw conclusions m/m/,n/n/ and ng ideas critically in an opinion sing one's opinion in a short story
plans for a visit. l/l/,ee/l:/.e/e/ exemplary manner with reasons using
Write a diary entry Vocabulary correct grammar
about a holiday home Words related to and vocabulary
Write a postcard places.
Collective nouns B4 B4 DL1 B4 DL1 E1 B4 DL1 E1
Building a word bank Apply knowledge Making plans and Able to listen to & Talk about plans to
on collective nouns acquired in a variety of arrangements make plans: go to places of
situations using some to go somewhere interest (dialogue)
appropriate language to do something
1 Talk about ways of Listen to a telephone Read two poems Grammar Talk about various Thinking skills
27-29 Science
23--26 Science & communication conversation. on inventions Possessive B4 B4 DL2 B4 DL2 E1 B4 DL2 E1
24/6 -19/7 Technology Give the required Note important pronouns: Apply knowledge Giving and following Able to: Give directions orally
information details. Talk about mine,yours,his,hers, acquired in a variety of directions give directions to a friend's house
Listen and follow characters in the ours situations using some draw the route on a
directions poem. The and zero article appropriate language given map as directions
Read encyclopedia Tell how events Punctuation conventions are being given
It’s a extracts in the poem are apostrophes
Small Scan for details similar to one's life Prefix:tele B5 B5 DB1 B5 DB1 E1 B5 DB1 E1
World 2 Identify supporting Demonstrate the Reading and Able to extract Write a summary on
After All details Understand ability to use lang in a summarising texts relevant points & the benefit of television
Understand note- figurative language Dictation variety of situations reorganize them into
taking in the poem using largely appro- a paragraph using
3 Write an email Identify cause and Vocabulary priate language suitable connectors
message giving effect Introduction to Abstract nouns conventions
directions to one's Write a paragraph graphic novel: Words related to
home on television Black Beauty ideas or qualities
Write a description Building a word bank
on the role of on ways of
gadgets in daily life communication
CHAPTER Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use CONTENT PERFORMANCE

27--30 Environment 1 Talk about recreation Listen to an account courage and Negative verbs B2 B2 DT1 B2 DT1 E1 B2 DT1 E1
22/7 -23/8 parks of a nature holiday compassion Conditional clauses: Understand meanings Writing short Able to write simple Complete an
Keep It, Give a simple Note important If at word, phrase and messages instructions and invitation card using
Green, account of details Make a simple Simple past tense sentence level invitations the words given
Keep It, preferences Read announcement prediction Irregular verbs
Clean Follow directions Scan for details Talk about values Punctuation
2 Write and present in the text Sound system
plans Change text to th,
Identify supporting picture Dictation
3 Discuss ways to details Vocabulary
solve air pollution Read a diagram on Act out how to Smaller word in big
Make a simple acid rain save a dugong words
predictions Write anouncement Words related to
Write instructions on for a competition environment
saving the Draw conclusions Homophones
environment Predict outcome Black Beauty Building a word bank
Recount an incident
Talk about Read a story on Grammar B3 B3 DB1 B3 DB1 E2 B3 DB1 E2
31--34 Values Ask and respond to raising funds love and Some,each,will Use knowledge Reading and Able to find the
26/8 -20/9 My questions Listen to a talk on compassion *to show request acquired through identifying information meaning of unfamiliar
Brother's becoming a volunteer *to affirm listening, speaking, in a linear/non-linear words by using
Keeper Follow sequence reading and writing text contextual clues
of ideas
Read a news report Sound system
Understand the ch.j
meaning of words
using contextual Talk about Vocabulary
clues characters Talk Homographs
Scan for details about values in the Building a word bank
Read a chart text Talk about the on words that show
writer's message quantity
2 Discuss how to raise Rearrange sentence
money to form a paragraph
Seek clarification Write anouncement *Black Beauty

3 Write a story about

caring families
CHAPTER Interpersonal Use Informational Use Aesthetic Use CONTENT PERFORMANCE
35--38 Values Talk about setting Listen to a talk by Read a poem Grammar B6 B6 DB1 B6 DB1 E1 B6 DB1 E1
23/9 - 18/10 records an achiever about confidence Demostrative Appreciate literary Reading and Able to predict Read a poem and
Talk about Note important Recite lines to pronouns: this,these works and present processing outcomes and draw answer the questions
achievements details notice rhyme that,those ideas critically in an information at a conclusions using
Read an introduction Retell the story Phrasal verbs exemplary manner higher order grammatically correct
about Lat of the poem Present Continuous structures
We Did Scan for details Act out scenes Tense
It Follow sequence in the poem Possessive adjective
of ideas my,your,his,her,our
Find meanings of
unfamiliar words Sound system

Discuss what Identify main ideas Dictation

records Form 1 and details
students set Write a paragraph Vocabulary
on a national symbol Words related to
Write an account people
of a national event Words related to
Write a story on building
39--42 Science 1 Talk about changing Listen to a radio Read a poem Grammar B6 B6 DL1 B6 DL1 E3 B6 DL1 E3
21/10-15/11 & world broadcast about change Irregular plurals Appreciate literary Listening and Able to explain the Read a poem and
Technology Follow sequence Find out the WHQ works and present responding to message/theme/ explain the message,
of ideas meaning of words Conjunctions: ideas critically in an literary works by values the writer is theme and value
Read extracts and,but,or exemplary manner giving one's opinion trying to convey
from an interview Tenses and time of the text and using correct grammar
Our Scan for details expressions relating it to life and vocabulary
Changing Write instructions
World on how to use an Sound system
ATM h/h/ and y/j/
2 Understand the Tell how values
meaning of words in the poem are Vocabulary
using contextual similar to one's Building big words
clues life from small words
Identify main ideas Similes
Complete a chart Building a word
bank on similes
3 Discuss what you Write the ending of Compose simple
would do if you were a story lines
in charge of the Write a recipe of Convey the poet's
country happiness message in
own words


Prepared by: _____________________ Checked by: Verified by:

Hidayati Ahmad Hayati binti Zakaria
Head of Language Unit

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