Newsletter 2007.11

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Volume 1, Issue 3

November 2007 The Campaign

Cru is for Everyone.

The idea began as a requires us to drop the con- held in the highest regard,
simple poster expressing cepts of "right & wrong" and yet that individual did not
God’s love for all of his chil- "truth" for the sake of feel condemned or judged?
dren and what we hope to "tolerance" and Is this even possible?
express as an organization "inclusiveness." The result in
representing Christ. This past We believe it is and
the end is the conviction of
month a couple of student trust that CRU lives this out.
having no conviction at all.
leaders on the Outreach Team Regardless of who you are—
felt strongly enough about What if being for ethnicity, socioeconomic
this poster that they wanted to everyone was different? status, sexual orientation,
share it with the entire cam- What if instead of blindly physical well-being, emo-
pus. accepting people in the name tional well-being—we want
A huge 6’ X 8’ tarp of you to
(shown above) was hung in "tolerance" “what if being for everyone know that
the busiest spot on campus and saying as Jesus
for three days. During those meant that we could provide
that every- loved, we
three days students handed thing was people with hope in a world as His
out 8,000 flyers that bore the that is otherwise hopeless
okay, we people
same message: Cru is for
actually through a solid foundation of seek to
were for love and truth? “ love as He
So, what does “for
everyone” mean? Voiced in everyone in has. Al-
conversations and posted on the sense of meeting people though we do not stray from
the front page of our website where they are at in their our convictions, we believe
we answer this: Today our daily lives? And if we took it that because of Jesus we are
culture teaches that being a step further, what if being not hindered from loving
for everyone requires an for everyone meant that we others and meeting you
individual to be inclusive, could provide people with where you are at in your
accepting of all people with hope in a world that is other- life; instead we welcome you
various backgrounds, pref- wise hopeless through a with open arms and are able
erences, beliefs, emotional solid foundation of love and to love you the way God has
states, etc. Our culture tells truth? What if we could wel- always intended. In this re-
us that being for everyone come people into an environ- ality we truly believe that
ment where convictions were CRU is for everyone.
Community Group Outreach
Community groups are more that we were lacking in other areas. nity to sit down and engage in conversa-
than just Bible studies. It is more like a With a small push from the tions. The Soularium was set up on the
mini-crusade; an atmosphere that fosters leaders and God’s blessings we were able pool tables and a number of our guests
fellowship and challenges students to to set up an outreach event in one week. went through the questions and one guy,
reach out to their friends, family and We rented the clubhouse at the largest the first to come and the last to leave, is
classmates and being bold in sharing their apartment complex in Gainesville where planning on coming to our weekly meet-
faith. more than 300 students live, put flyers up ing!
The majority of our time has on every door and baked cookies and Praise the Lord that we could
been spent studying the Bible, specifi- lasagna for the residents. At least 20 serve the community, meet students and
cally the attributes of God, which has people came out to eat. that everything came together so nicely in
been great but a recent evaluation of our I was so proud of our commu- such a short time.
mission and vision for the group showed nity group girls, they all had the opportu-

Prayer Requests
♦ Continued wisdom in discipleship and
for Allison who, since my last update,
♦ Garret a student I met doing the
has become one of my disciples.
Soularium. He’s struggling with
♦ Lyndsey a freshmen who has had a
♦ Unveiled ‘07: Our winter conference his faith right now and showed
hard time making friends and finding
that takes place Dec. 29th-Jan 2nd. We some interest in Crusade but we
didn’t have the chance to talk a community of believers.
are praying for 150 UF students to at-
tend! Please be in prayer for students as more. Pray that I would encounter
they make plans for winter break and him again.
that God would use the conference to
challenge and encourage students.

Mindy Sue Colvin ~ Campus Crusade for Christ ~ University of Florida

1326 NW 11th Rd ~ Gainesville, FL ~ 32605

269.908.0611 ~ [email protected] ~

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